hm PEOPLES .. wrong Good Values I have the plenum to in!!! Mt P nblic I have scented Mt. J. A. (nu-tonnage in: when. ' AI he in m Inge We in t he sun!- in U. as. and one! a. you ee- mir and" the in at in - ideas high-d " amuse.†can - Very “more: new war -"'""" Au. may MADE up" Amial Lin. hf ttr Call all see Mr on, I one. to 1 ht Emma» â€"575 Engagement DIAMOND HALL FLARHW January is stock-taking month and the month you look for to secure reel money-swing bargains. Come to the People" Store and take advan- tage of the low gprices Ming throughout thdStore. All Winter t1oodsllMust do Souvenirs Wedding. Generally Rings Birthday Watehmaker. ROBERT BURNETT. BUSINESS NOTICE All farm produce wanted. Highest prices paid. Gifts No old stock allowed. Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Flannelletteo, Ties, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Gro. ceries, Furs, &e.-all cut in price tn reduce our large stock. Many Odds and Ends accumulated after holiday season, will be sacrificed to clear. COME NOW. STOGK - TAKING BLEARANGE SALE is: " â€WEBSTER 'short tirte'j)ontter to . get Itevymu.JtoiriWeeithr Globe and-Canadian Farmer for $1.00 - A“ Jewdler MilllWllill SALE WINTER GOODS For the next few weeks winter will still be with us an]: we intend to rash off the haltnce at our stock at taking prices: 01-0738. 31mm Lino " 0mm! Mo. to $1.00 Corriset Designs Diamonds Silverware Watches Jewelry OF Excel and Optician Me. J. W. Unwind went sum-day In Holstein. Mr Geo. numb visited Hand. In Wallet-ton Inst week. II. MI. Gibson total-nod 110m Owen Sound last week. Rave McFadden ot Glenda psid a clip to Bamilmn thin week. III-- B. J, chinnon returned Mon. dly after a lengthy visit in It Porest and vicinity. Mr A. th Mound, Owen Sound. was in town " the beginning of Int Mn Kelly and Mrs liunmon of neu- Stnttord m visiting their couch: Mm Arthur Whitman " present. Mice Annie Watt, Toronto, accom- ponted by her niece Mary Bodburn ot Fergus arrived home Satan-dry afternoon for a. lengthy whit. with parent- and other friends. l In. Kate McDonnell. “computed ‘by her deter. Mrs. Fiddie, of Owen Bound, left Monday morning for St: at. ford when she undergoes an opera! ion in the hospital there. Mr. Joseph Home. Normunby, gun his old tench" nplusanc call " the Review once on Monday: Me lun- on iiiiiainor Wilton._N. Y., to via“ his brother a. Thou. and J ohm and will then return to Winnipeg. Mr. end In. Neil Campbell. ot etl erdeen, were celleu on friend. in town lat week. They lave this week for Port Elgin, the home of Mrs. Co, and thence to Weethope. their permanent home. where Mr. c. ha: spent severe! yen: end is one of the enterprising runners. Fora nice up . a suit, buy n Pro- gra- Brand at B. MOI-locks. ' MaetarltttsN an Tablet: act quick- y and Bure1r--tgr them. Apprentices In! any. Apply " Ottt Many of our new up: a goods are opened up. Early buye " the first choice. A Car of Windwi rind at We still have a Iago assortment of trimmed hats we are offering at greatly reduced prices. In green, red, old rose and the wine color. Some very nice grey velvet hats trimmed with white plumes. Two dozen black hat: in black silk velvet with plumes. A large assortment of black felt and silk huts suitable for mourning went. A large stock of Ribbons, Laces, Veilinp, Fancy Bloom , Drao Skirts, Incline. Neekwear lik Belts. 9*}: Accordion plaited chieott in white at black. We will sell any article in stock at e big reduction as we want to clear out the m smock. ' MILLINERY Ladle' call and see how quickly and transform your appearance by oneor nylon. Beauty. grace and young" a obtained and the health improved. iiitirmit 'w " w. £33m; amen“; “$32.3 Mar." Tua; and and will not conned. Over T6,000 In it. nousununox ma can “In? The Dorenmcl Co., of Toronto. Ltd. PROF DORENWEND “as LT-Tr, ld' mar-d mg; mï¬ï¬nï¬fï¬amï¬iz».mflz ‘elvet Hats MIMI“ H. 'N'"'""""' I'; ttttit just " Mrs Betttts to loam milli- OMING Knapp House, Durham, Ladies' Wigs. nonfat-mulch» The follow. hem. Inching as by ttuianuurritDe Juno-on a. P. P. and!» "th Monday, March 4th. With his celebrated much an iiiti%GT Show» it being mania-ted in thin most. important question of education. l an - you - of the most radical chalice In the Bill will be very much modified the melon end el- chough we any not be able to meet ell your wieheu 1 hope the Government will no a in la that dlrecuon no they on: comment. with the but. interests ot the educetionel requiremente of children in the publlc echoolu of the province. One thing I hope they may be eble to do and the“: to cut. the prices ot " school hook in half. and if thin is done it should reconcile to some other little chooses. Mr. Arch, W3. T Pneuille. Dear Sir l I beg to "enonriedtN your report t meeting and "sohsttoes' re new MAM. and an planed toknow Wishing you all the compliments of the won and with kindest regard. to yous-u“ and “wily I am, u-..__ m-..|.. Have you you! “Les Miserable.†by Victor Hugo? Perhspl not, would like to but hays not. had the time. The name may be Mid about many of the older novel. which are counted among the world's best productions. Hair Goods Styles The Weekly Globe and Canned. Far- mer has made an exclusive stringe- ment, whetehy you can get the cream ot these stories told in tbre thousand words. will topâ€; tti next week’s lune of The Weekly Globe and Canada Former. February Nth. and another told in the same way will follow Inch week for the next few months. The Weekly Globe And (hands Far- mer, with its Illustrated Magazine Bec. tion, II acknowledled by critical cun- temponrieu to be the Brightest Week- ly Home Newspaper published in Canada, ambito Mogulne Section puts it in a clue wholly by itself. The euhecrlplion price for ell the shove may the Durham Review for one you I. only $1.1! for a about time. For $1.00 we mil send the com hmution to Jan. I. I“, to new Iuhscrihere. Don't delay. The stories will give the substance of " least Fifty Dollars' , worth of books. WinScImIAct ly and can, he'un one or other of ttis M!" ttppettran'""' BORN. Wanxxxaros.¢0n Monduy. Feb 18, to Mr and In Dave Warmington a WEND. TORONTO WILL as AT THE One of host firms in the Town- Ihip ot ck. aB new. new Mick home. t am bank barns, land that class. All except 'Al ac. Snap to quiet puvehn 31500 down lmlnnce at " per cent. Appby to _ than? ' Duns Vendor’s solicitors Here is tt mm Feast. girl. DIED yyrr--N Durham, on Tuesday. Feb. tttth, " Belle. infant daughter of Mr. and Uri. Harry Scott. used 15 mambo. should not an acting GENTLEIIEN WHO . ABE BALD than of the“. opgpnge otorieo ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ‘ Farm for Sale Sum-her. Arenpoour', wavey and phin fronts. Toronto. Feb' 6Nt .. -. Your: Truly, D. Jamâ€. tor all the A greet deal of mtereet wee telen in the Dominion Home lent week over Mr. Hymn'e -rGikiutiotrot his net in London. The Premier made . forceful “tech giving ell the infor- mation in it competency to give and completely put the oppiotsitioy ct nee by his tactful offer to refer the whole mutter to the Committee on Privileges l and Elections. Mr. Bonnet. B. Slmcoe mnde . violent attack on Mr. Hyman chewing duplicity in the matter of his illness, are. His iAt" speech drew from Mr. B. B. illor, M. P,, what the Globe calls "tt forcible and ettastive reply. " We give it in full: -- .. ., ___-_A on him ‘Uyl’n ll'ur., " Mr. Miller said it seemed to him that such s speech " that they had just listened to was ili-betsorninir sud not befitting s man who bad stood up in s moment of anger. excitement or vastness and said to one at " con- stittmnts,_"We bought. PP origin? “IIIIOIIII, " . wubu. I -.... --._ V we can buy you again." (Liberal cheers.) He wee scarcely the men who could come and lecture them about the political methods of that Province or at any other. He recall- ed to the minds of the Opposition what took place in East Elgin, how J ridge ‘COiter said two women ot immorsl l character were imported into that riding to injure the character of en innocent man. and declared that there was just as much evidence to connect the member tor East Elgin with thet nefarious plot as there was to connect ._. .n ,__.....-_o A} an“ The Hyman Resignation [IVA-l Iva-c run: - --r_ie"- Mr. Hyman with the payment ot any money in the city ot London. When men in the Conservative party were willing to believe every breath ot slander that came tram any source they would always have alandere about They seemed to revel in slan- der. (Liberal cheers.) He repeated there was nothing to connect Mr. Hyman with the expenditure of one cent illegally, any more than there! I was to connect Mr. Marshall with the 'lt.trr'rrib.l,t state at aftaira they had in 1 East Elgin, and he wanted to know I whether the member tor East Simcoe (Mr. Bennett), or any other Conserva- tive, was asking the member for East Elem to take the manly course that lie, Hyman had yllowed in London? iiiiiGiiUeers. ) " cieity'tt'g' are now well ad.. vanced or the great Imperial Confer- ence to meet in London about the middle ot April. Australia. New Zealand and Cape Colony have all suggested topics tor discussion " the invitation of the British Government. but Canada, though receiving a simi- ler invitation, has made no sugges- tions, and thus Sir Wilfrid and his colleagues go quite non.eommittal, Looks a little churlish. bat Canada will not be found behind in all that i pertains to empire solidarity. -Qtu'to a tempest is on in Toronto License circles owing to certain charges ot $1000 bribe being offered to Commissioners for favors. One Hynes charges Dr. Beanie Niebet. with using his infiaemus for tinaneial considerations. The Whitney Gov. ernment has appointed a commission to investigate. SALE mLvs.--Hnse you planned for a sale this winter ? We have all up I',','",',',',",'? for turning out sale bills neat- y and quickly and the Review is a good medium in which to advertise. An advertisement in the Review brings results. when sale hills are printed here we give a. brief free un- houneement, and we put the whole bill in for a. moderate extra chum e. SEALED TEN Dims addressed to the undersign- ed, and endorsed .. Tender for Public Bu d. in". Owen Bound, Ont.," will be received It this 0 cc un I,',',',",?,',; February 25, 1907. inclusive- Ir, for t nomination ot 3 Public Building, Owen loun that. Plum and of tender obta ottiee of Me Owen Sound. On Persons tender! ue named that tenders will not be eormidered nlen made on the printed form supplied, nu signed with their actual sign-tales. Inch tender must aceotnptsnie0 by an BC. cepted cheque on a c d bank made fumble tome order at the u unblc the Mitt m: of Public Works, equal to gel cent Id,' It c.) of the mounto! the tender, ich will tltyf _ _ ' 7.. " u..,. o- -erirwm. “On " “I! mun-luv: wuv -." --â€"â€"rr. _ .7 - - - if the party tendering d we to enter Into . contract when oUled upon do FO, or it he [an to complete the work cont ed for. If the ten- der be not accepted the chm will be returned. 'sus' JGlkmisnt does not bi itself to new" the lowest or my tender. By Order, l, - WM. w. RAMAGE. I Digttht mt. “bio, Out Derartment ot Public Works, , Ottawa, January M, 1907 2t"lh"g,t,P, will not be paid for this “venue- you“ they Insen it without authohtr "on the Iiiiniuneni, --- THE WESTERN REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Liml i " Dundee St, London. On m‘ It you wish to sell or exchange our pro rty quickly or prpfltably or ity you wlegeto bar, don't fail team or write our Gen Agent for the Co of Grey. Wm W Remege, Thistle P. o, who hue late- ly Ween appointed to this position. We mete no cherge unless the property ie gold. For further particulars. apply, pereonelly or by letter. to either of the ebou eddreeees. The Western Real Estate Exthence. Ltd., London. Outer-la. In reference to the above, I beg to enmunce that I will he pleeeed " env time to meet with pant " wishing to bar, sell, or exchange. but will (croon- mienee be in Durham - Betardey durum. If we don't myou. lend as e poet-cert]: are will gladly give ell no. formulae. Orders or enquiriee " the ammonia will receive prompt et- 1 union. _ .Ilu llwtlv-I w“ .____ ___,, N - om " this Dcfartment and " the Me, A ForBtcr am cluk, Arehiteets, IJUIJ‘D William‘- w v... Nie-----'" _ named .. Tender tor Public Bui’ld- ond, Ont.," will be received It this 'ondly. February 25, 1907. inclusive- tomtruction ot 3 Public Building, nation gun bt seen-{1g {9:393 .0. mum chums when Stock Reducing Sale. This week we oEer e lace magnet L pets made of heavy Cashmere . hed trimmed and deep frill, ‘worth she in Let your Rince stockoking i we have more than on of the 'f": , COUNTERPANES The Big Store 3 Owen Sound. Ont. JI", ttg2ltlflg', g1'flit', " as St with. ou y cc vent: m. “It: 'i?iiitlf, ad 'tiJ2','tin1,Ttl a My. muhttsitr, alumna ijiii2he21','dg and Pu- “. --..- - rant mt duo. Ben" and (gunman. The sch in thotougtrjr can! tn much minty. “98‘qu and rgggtgf, 15k- a many. be. tor In Junior “who W ultuon aw. The followtng compete» an are m charge t TR08. ALLAN, m Clue mam, Punch)“ MISS LOLA ICLEOD. B. A. Honor 0mm of Queen's Unherstty. chum. laden-no and English. was M. a. HOLLAXD m Clue mm sud third you Want: ot Queen†valve-l3. Science. (story an! Geog-lupin. These are considered extra good ulna et the regular price but the quantity is so great thet we have decided to offer them at reduced prices. Our $1.50 line will sell this month for 81.29, 51.90 Fringed all round counterpanes for 81.69 this month. Intending Studenu should enter a the WI:- ulng of the m If pouible. non-M on in ob iaredum-tsbrerateA. mm 5-1th and um" awn. mum. " u - - pine tor mug-nee. Wmuottn.tqrt, Br., churn». Fully get Mons. Demand tvmym e,'aat11rt' iiiia)tu-ddel"ey,ttP roulble this we. Comm not. m a.“ me. “1.111.140“ ht-t q cor. Yong!“ AM†119 Men's Shirts of heavy uncx nun. wwu a...†stiff fronts, all sizes horn uy; to IN with cuffs attached or separate. Bosnia: Price! from $1 to 81.50. This week your choice for 790. Durham School Graduates ot the Famous Inâ€, R-""'-" W, - - m r. No mus whui punt cauc- 1 In?“ an tit you lot. SIP. yum not |Full “meal-n lemon any o1dge- one. C. A. Palm). Hindi-l. Y.N. C.A. Btdg,, ree c mom on. hexezeiesiegkeee.iet stocktaking is over we find that in some lin we more then shouldbe on hand at this sea- L of the yea. so eech week through February you, will fiud certain lines et greatly re- duced prices. mum. on. iEEsu per month In Manes BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS GOLLBIE All Winter Goods will b. cloned It close prices as we don't want to envy over my thing tint price will move. nun-2.09933: e. Ram-I9. 7:33; iii.Tiiiik the rognl' - " clear " $1.69. in}: aifhi. $291933 of heavy Duck Print with ftncy DURHAM dar. Fir; lldinn and well “and! the Rocky up": run- through n ror: not of lot hid: would nuke a good wan-power. N can from Durham ', conveniently hunted. The show pro' on“ will be together or In mm coiééiienuy Wanted, The 'shove pro- perty will be together or In mm vomit. pa Por Contact pumm- lam applyon t “In. or to “wall!“ B " Rocky Slum-en FARM FOR SALE o BENT. Sleuth! In! Physical Culture of Indiu' fancy W shed mpr’tte, let; ll!- ‘l‘wuloy. no.“ GM 1 i bmsuUetgt and Phrs6tsnt Galas: at; FARM FOR SALE. in me lines Doom Plano: ‘H Stanton Put. Ont. way, to Yeovil REVIEW ml 10mm "aitr W Rum: and Mann Duly New RN!!!†and prilr Globe . . . . . .. Rlvmw and Weekly Cube†. .. tin-12w snd W. it.“ & amp“! but" an; Wuhan: Advertise REVIEW And Weekl Bun . . . . .. “VIEW and Fun. L". I W Bu BIN“? and Week“ Winn-cu. Bulnw and Man. may lie- Review mobbing VOL. XXVIII, mammxmx' 'ii,New , Dress GO This Store 5-5333ng It 'ii, RE stock and Venetian an Lusues and Cashmere» a Panama and 'Needs, Btrtt Crepe do um iti, Glov Fancy Dress) ticotcls bt',') India Linen' tlt, Dress J SLIN lt' Carpet aqua! with our lugnm our}! Tapestry um Moor Osielo hmuloum li Floor In.“ Japtut mats White lace Colored MI {Ema Babbiiiet l vs Auto Ire Door Ban Hois right B Ne ew