West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Feb 1907, p. 11

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" P, G. A. WEBSTER THE "iiii'iaiiaiiViCiifdrtz) l lave the pleasure to inform Public I have secured Mr. J. A. Glass to mam: my business. As he has had Iaqe experience in the business in tt. States and Canada, you can re}; 7 on getting the best 11 hint ideas to style and fit. Ready-made Oven-oats SELLING AT COST Very Inc Soho for Boys' Wear ALL BRADY MADE UP Cd! and at h (its. At FLARITY’S BIURNET’S Engagement FLARHW Souvenir f , DIAMOND HALL January is stock-taking month and the month you look for to secure real money-saving bargains. Come tithe People's Store and take advan- tage 'tof the low [prices prevailing throughout the Store. Kings Birthday All Winter Goods"Must Co Wedding Watchmaker. BUSINESS NOTICE ROBERT BURNETT. Gifts All farm produce wanted. Highest prices paid. No old stock allowed. Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Flannellettes, Ties, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Gro- . ceries, Furs, &c.--all cut in price to reduce our large stock. Many Odds and Ends accumulated after holiday season, will be sacrificed to clear. COME NOW. STUGK - TAKING GLEARANGE SALE a short time longer to get Review and Weekly th!!!.,.,.,,.?,,.!.!),.];.,'., 'alues Jeweller For the next few weeks: winter wil 1 still be with us ank we in tend to rush off the balmc: ot our stock at taking priests : WINTER GOODS GLOVES. . UND ERWEAB TIES Special Line lot' Overall: 60c. to $1400 flhijf0irlliil SALE Correct Designs Silverware Diamonds Watches Clocks J ewelry and CAPS. azc. Excel Optician $52 with Grim». b .3 l lrJ. a. Brown spelt tun A; In Toronto [at week. 1 ( g “in Lottie Hal-bottle vhitod it” in Wain-rum tnat we“. Min Jenn Stewart. of Toronto. in visiting friends in town And Vicinity. Mr. J. B. mus-m: left Sunday fa a well earned holiduy to Hitch." NM: tires. ', Mt Jan R. Gun but for the put two weeks been eontined to the home by lune-u. but in "conning nicely. Mr. and In. T. Boyle. of Unwind. left last Saturday for Dam-on. M. Mr. Will McMeekm u uni-tine a non hand, malt of injuries received " an Cement Works. , _ Dr. Ferguson Grunt is m Landau” at the Dental Convention at Toto-to this week. . k Mrs. Thomas, of Gait. it spend) some time with it". Robert Cum. of our town. _ Messrs. A. S. Hunter and Geo. Spu- ling left Wednesday for a bouillon kip to Toronto. . Mr. J. W. Crawford attended the. funeral of Wm. Keith in Holstein Nedaesday.’ .. l Mr. and " Reid, of Kama; an. were the gut-Ito of Mr. and Mrd Art,tht.f McClocklln part of last, week; . 1 Miss Birdie Crawford hat, return“ home after a lengthy visit with he: sitter, Mm. J. S. Mortimer,' lit With)? Misses Beamilh and Patteesttn,,o1 Toronto, are at present the gum of their sister, Mrs. W. Vain-t. _ ' Mr B. a. Davis, clerk in sand-ma Bunk here has been transferrod to .ttte twaneh in Brunt-II. 'rr L . _ _ Mrs Don. Sutherland who WA. A guest of Mrs D, Jackson for soul-c 2l1 returned to her home in Nam)“; on In at Thursday. Dr and Mrs Gun left Thur-icy morning for Toronto. The Dr - tirst to Stultord where he In. an "t eration. , . . ,.." Fr _ Mr John McDonald. Carman, In" is home on a visit to his New” in this part and called on his mania '5l.G Peter Watson but week. _'.. ' Miss Maggie Hooper . of clouds visited her aunt. Mn McKelvio of town for the out week. _ .. Mr. Geo. Calder, of Holateln. mom.1 Friday night at the home of hisbeottC Pt, who in at present serioualy mum hopes are entertained for " recovery. Mu. Rose Brooker has secured a school at Colpoy'o Bay Ind. “in charge on March lot. We ertnttratts1ate Misc Breaker on the appointment. Ihe bemg the choice out od 45 npplicnntl. The minty in “In. i Great aetieitr At the Home of Quqii. ty. Stock takiuit mini q Ac "-"NOW goods being opened up And irWi'ot remnants and left-over good. being sold at a bargain. Bee and. v , L r. Thou. Caldwell. of Dmphla. 1'?,e1t1'1'1'.','.,fl, mmmg went. Man., is around Durban at present. . , ' -‘ " "3 t L.rti': .. ia'; . , r" guest of hill own and wWU relutln'o. !WA'|‘I‘*“&9L.$b°m"Lm' He left them all well in tho we". node I lit)','-,?.', PM Blows. Iz. the worst: for the winter. m, lo on s lic' ' “f titrk,ier a business trip und‘l. takityt out Ilia-ml 'e ' 3 It/l! : K. ','_i I .‘ when he returns. . i ., ' I' t Ctr" 'tit'iiltihtttte'r _ ..'.. ..'et . 'sepsis-sk:. .. ' '77 Crcap. - g uaw,wsp_..,,,w Romp-60W . Inuitocm my and own MM ' ' ' "a.. s, f" mt u: a. . r -;:.. ai. Lndies'etulnndsee how quid!!!“ “an“... - "', tranuortn your Me by our-or out”! “a: i _. styles. Beauty. - sod mm MEL»: 1? ot+unedaadthe health lnprouda- , H: and ;.-..,, . - . ' The Datum co..a'r......uf PROF DoirtENN.Fr?W.1?.tttirosqts?o. agIhqitnis mun-alarm. , tDOM/A/tiii) H. H. lacuna 5'5 ARCHIVES TORONTO Kathi)? tiij'iii" I ‘fiilrham. Mancini." MM}! 4th. If!“ _ t-GiiAiiiLiiiriG"e' um " 3mm and s with and “mm”!!! to money“. “0%-..th it a 'set-mi. uuon th. wem‘lnhle' l9 have“ ”My” down ‘on no ttti-ttre It“ gut. ertterottt 1,099!!! bra $ue,tt. but on our Ce- LION: My, . . l We. tiht' d, “on. , 'rtiom would comm i mm MY W. In" m fur't,tteed , mtofdndging the gen.“ 'ttttpie,,',',')',', so u to gm " our . was”; but am cpl unit an we beau. a mat railway but _ ' , H. Uttloet.Statimt neut- tlt',"'.,,"'-., mih"r our big hilt, W3“ br. "' 'l3'il'g' ie I (be 'sotrth, In the out. to the we». with ' Was tame {coin out Imam m tttii)., "0",chan pull to. gether P 'I claw dar. There'- piu' to be 'ttln" irO:.haettam. ta.imit.uccAtmti. Lawn. Durban. treb8b9'Ne.ed yta. w. H. ,ir'iei,itiiidirift5.li"ifrh, mi ii.ai'rt,t'ettriiisi--At are a C? . l e oneotihe 'i'ld'l ‘V I in the Town- chi“r ttt. 1M9r.E, m acies, mm wielding-1 ' ' : C /aly" barns. 'Sli")':',";,)"' _ ' tdii .tmgc. Unhpta gym panther. "who“ 'C'ri1ifttiFiti,!!i':',ti)', jg: Miai77 - 123,332.; ' 'Véni'c'f f Hats ,...M1LtiNERY In reeihl,ulirttcotd hose and the wit: cobra,“ Ferry nice grey ttttM, yara, yawn with white man; 11% new: mack hm in , , (I tuttiyrtttrety'A"s.'ttlttett. , A mg: gag-cit at. 'ttliek felt ma aWséiatitstyt"oe mounting Wear, "ulgiitgiiie, r out the “#1ha 7: ‘bollefm 'rites"-," on, the W MW?” tp N. . m. John, tt..ucytiyi'iriitr Idihmon In...“ 1rjir'idtithel 'dttet.ttrsroetts Mu JNi.ti'"etf.'ttiet,t'rh,.e' ~- A“; 3.9"" wrap",- tt l ' ' 43/.“th swam: of 311mm t,'ittt'gtt,'ltit,,t at 1re9-ii1tMtirif.r.'4ture "nigh-neg a! Hibachi-h; mum. Mount Mu,- 'tty.ri*eur. Felt. tgits, 'dhht'tt2ii'rtb; third dnugh m " Ii." Jhe"e'5tit'rttee, to Mr- er-s'l! Iet,Wkrc3tetttv.u,t of Na It UT" J" 41“, my _ . Fag-{“963 any miglgjd Iittt beta "it ., ha up It! iv v.10 the north. to qu'wan't 'to clear Ira.,.!',.,'?,!," trr tun to January lst I908 hi iolicnlors 'r.Fr 1 an A - attended meetin of the 'dear?,,", at this north an: of the bun-held in Russell 'uit on My Mingus; when lean. Wm 'h-tr. 59d " n Hewitt. "rmer. from an vicinity of Econ-eon in Proton, ad. dnued the audience. The former. ttter fyAteeistttti, eminent ol alloc- “on and lug-3d for tho-e patent. many of whom had been hue eerlv nebulous» exphined how new Ctbmt? to he taken in bringing about t e pres ent pun-wt- ot e “may. and that“! 3 come of the advent-gee to he denv- hom Inning an electric road, not the honey kind, hut one run by Pt third nil Intern, the tirst of the kugd in the, Dominion. th augh tinny rail. ynye in the States have and are adopt- mg thin and replacing steam. To Ir. Hewitt fell the greater tut of thumbing the benefits to he had in itteretxaed "eommodntion, cheap fuel. helm! to get on or on " any crossing or one'e own gate. power, huh: and heat for the farm, Iidmgs every two on three mites for tho loading of shock or been merchandise. &c.. on petition of s or 6 ratepayerl. He met with tome opposition at time- trom merchants who realized the one with which customers could get on and do their shoppin at other large centree. deprecating M, pmhubllilv end ehowin; the benefit it had been to the peofle in and around Gnlt Ind Preeton n being able to go to Toronto tor their goods by the electric road re. cently built there. They had spent considerable time in furthering the project 'rratuitoutsiy, feeling that they would he amply Iepnid by the increnned vnlue of their property. The 00. would want. not a. bonus? but the cost of the right of way and the necessary fencing. A large and influential com- mittee were a pointed to aid in locat- It.ttr end te/iw,',',", and giving informa- tion " follows: Reeve Walter Hustle. the chairman of the meeting. Council- lore Imhinn end Philig. R. Renwick, J. C. Adamo. Dr. Snail , J. Swunaton, C. Melnnes. The St1'gr7, rate in to be two cents per mite, an beimnnn on the thcK Tet,'; collisions will be impossible. HM”!!! are to he guarded with auto- matic bell. and fullin gates. at least at much travelled IS'. The mu- can be stopped in its own length. [Review to Jan. I, 1908 iWeektr Globe, one yr. An option has been secured. it is 'ttated, on the Durham Switch Line M739 and gm” is to be drawn from “again. ails. u privilege nem- ankerton and possibly from Eugenia. To ttui Editor of the . Durham Review Mr Bir,-- I be; to enclose you here- withnanpyol a Bill entitled "An Act respecting the Canadian Nothern Railway Charm." The Bill likelv will bacon. cred at next meeting OHM-Railway Commmee and will daemons be pasted by the House in due ovum. You will see that the Bill hone authorizing The Canadian Northern to construct a number or nllnallneo in Ontario, the first of which dmribedu "from a point on in authorized line near Washago to: point on Lake Huron at 'or near Kittardine," and that the seventh clause ot the Bullish: the construct- ionofa line "from a point on Lake News“ of Port Colborne. Northerly Elia; near or through Brantford or rlln to tr point on the Georgian The Minister of Railways asked the: the Bill might mud over from theiitat meeting of the Committee that the Comdpany might amend the Bahamian ef1uitely " the termini at the several bunches but the map submitted by the Railway Conway showed alipe running from ash- "r_t.tttuttt westerlymo Barrie and end “lance westerly through Durham Reamer and Walker-ton to Kine-r- dine and another line from o. Sound aoutttssrle through Durham. Mount Form. Berlin, Paris, Brandon! and Port Dover. It would thus appear that our country is likely to very soon be well ratf with railway accommo- dit . Inn Yours sincerely iiiFiiii"id in palm a the Georgian my." 20 per ct. Discount a Felts, Le in s Overshoes. 8,'ltl gang. etc. Pal, the Shoeman Clearing Sale Canadian Northern. Repairing and or- ders our specialty. of WINTER FOOTWEAR to IT.H. Human £51 WALL PAPER 0N Since Stock taing we find we have 81000 more stocK than we should have. Look out for all kind, of sales this spring. WINTER TERM now on at the /'7)e-MtR,T1E!.9W/,)p .. But Imdenu we “named " my time with. outfnny [noon venteuoe to themselves 1nd when. Three 'gttttfg'f, tttxmttttttt course-of and; Business, 8 mud and Typewriun‘ ind Ptt psntory. No mum Whit your plum due. tr,', is, we an a: you for . better push: post n. sun and Equipment. The school In tttorrntghly equlrped In tench! “)1!“an chomch tad elect alumna»?! mum. Ac., for tatt Junior Leaving and “we nluton work. The following mrmpetent out! He In chase t THOS. ALLAN, In on“ Certiticate, Princlpnl intending modem! should enter at the begin- ning of the term If possible. Bond an be ob mined at reuonnhle rues. Durhun h I ttqoAr and attractive mum. Iii-Inns it n non deaimbre place for reddence. l _ FEES: " per month In nuance. Wm.Jot"mur, qr., 0. Rogue. Easily get Induces. Denna Monty ttmeg our “my. such A demand don noc an: stole “than. (banshee now. cun- Fgue free. E.3.rAuoTT, may _ $1100.00 worth We are going out Our aim and intentions are to dear it up this season. If you intend to do any. papsring it all this spring it will not hurt you to come to the Big Star. tad see all the natty patterns of this season's Intact productions. You will find all kinds of same, atrNrS no (later- mined to clear them out. You m MriMS tint PRICE must do the trick and that means a. great saving to you. Come anti help us to GET RID ot our Wall Paper. miss LOLA ICLEOD. B. A., nonm- undone of Queen's University. Chutes. laden; sud Elan-h. Graduates ot the Famous mas M. S. HOLLAND Hm clu- Cerunmte Ind third you undenndum of queen's Uulveula'. wean. Mary Ind Geognphy. Durham School ::;e:“?'":ul~g%fi - -L8r, 0 " 'i5i,2irttfi11iii;'jl'ij,'i,i..' ',i'iilltji"i Telegram (i'a'lit,' Full pumm- Ienuo my mm hee. C, A. FLEIING. Prhlclpnl TM oldest and rtrxtttgeat but“ u school’ All We: a! ot the ttest. undone- nodve up“ mama and ”and mm and an M4 to position. Wimbl- analogue ot this lire limo-due 0m yer "mad-ttter uzdnc numb-u. -ti.roqtttrrtrs,mtn TORONTO. on. Saturday March' 2nd Only -iji/ALL PAPER BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE T. M. WATSON C. A, IN!" I... a local It. 1030!!” Owen Sound. Ont. 4 pk'g Jelly Powder ret. 10 cu size it 3 can kipperevl herring I5 66 6 lbs best figs for 25 ct! 3 package Empire soda for IO at: 3 packages Flaked Beans reg 15cts oi 3 66 Mince Meat12% .. 10 lbs Oatmeal for Ei 22 " Granulate Sugar .. $100 Mn, do}. t5iitVinif KM --. iiie Bu Let your tle/ttttut,',,',:.,,','.,':, h' of Win - to b. of this line entire'y " GROCERY SALE DURHAM 7y 200 at he!" Iota 27 and a on". 2, E G R. GI elg. About tto more: c hur- ed, 80 ttood “wood hush, to ttood ce. dar. Pair Ming: Mid welt watered. the Rocky Bu . 1: mm through a my: ner of lot * ich would make a good wutenmwvr. mite, from Durham: ; coneritirtttir a and. The autumn pru- perty will be Ion/ether or in park to suit, purchmr m- further particu- lun apply on the mines. or to 10 cu sire lor 25 Ch m 66 25 cu A good loud tat ch, two - dwell 1,,'gtit',"it,t,t yteriu: mann- pro party in "or!" n. Durhaot,tkstmet of Durban and El Btreeta. Sewn moms. may. a . cement noorrs, calla". etc. Goad Uirr locutxon Ln good bounty. Mfume mhle. hurt! and soft can. on. aeeeof laud. tinrtp tor ttt part-ham. For further par- ticu app" to Joan“. Mckttctettttt, 0mm Rocky Baum-en P. I). FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. Lot 0. con 15 Proton. 100 acres. 91 ac rerun! cleared In: in good stuteuf cultivation the f none Mu] nox- iom weeds, 9 acm- goud hudwoud bush. good turn 44 tt (so n w.ittt atone [nu-y good hen und ”arm. hem lots 12 in um If) & lit, Emma-out. new: Heated. Its ac. hudwood bush. vmninder swamp. lac orchard. and: {mm cot. ner of both fun-s. n. on hack ole-ch (am. Good hi we. hunk Inn-n driving shed, a. hen house. Air, lot u. con 1 ' 65 clear- ed undulat- ovum. an I orchard. Whom. but hand i shed. Gustavus this an 1100. N writ. kno-d Apply tn Eltteait altrtoaitat Culture "1rare-.tastN B. D. R. . r),?i,r,1itt'iit2uirl 'alt/lid/lf I or by uni. McComucx B: PAR M‘von SALE. HOUSE FoKSALE. FARM FOR SALE Aux lanes-II) PARK tton SALE: Iiu25 ctr clam! out. you must get DUOALD Imam-ms Swinum rk.0m. .IRAIN. a Rocky 6. "teen Piling. 3 never from church. lmmodiuu- ' ry. For - I ls 4New VOL. XXV Our Mailing s corrected Doeleour Plea £33331 E3333: That c. n

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