West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Feb 1907, p. 4

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During Jitarv_asihars SUM STRING NEW IN WASHERS: 11ttrlerry1ttd Drum. only in the Idei,1 Also Wilhelm's Wringers. all made by Wutsvi? Jr Agigw‘" W Raymond Sewing Machines. MoClaiy Agent for the Dillon nge figmsxmmmmmxmsmg: h I ifi Taylor & Co. Taylor & Co. g fl _ X Our stock of this line is much too large for M January and we will not carry them over. Prices f,4 have been slaughtered. gr: In Ladies', regular 4.50, 5.50, going for. .83.75 El In Maids', '. 3.50, 3.75, going for.. 2'25 We have Boys', Youths, and Children 's suits at all prices and this spring's stock excel any previous year. They are made from good strong material, that stands the hard wear _that sturdy B oys give their Clothing. " Progress Brand Pants fit better and retain their shape longer than any other matte. We have. them in all kinds of Cloth from $1.00 to 33.50. Men's Trousers We have a 'very great variety ot patterns in Men's Suits in the very newest efUets in neat Fmv Worsted and Tweed from $6 to $15. Boys" Cl ohing The fit and style ate eq- ual to any high pticod tailored garment. They are cut in very latest style for Spring and are the fitseat lot of cloth.. ing we have ever shown. These Suit: are all made from all wool Tweed and Worsted Suiting: and are tailored by the best of workmen. A Greater showing than ever of Progress Brand Clothing for Spring. Men's Suits Jhahn @Zark. We can the only a were» list of ouvRoods. but m quality and adr ughilily to the needs of South Urn-y we are not, excelled: 'r,ees,Pgh,f,tg,t',,'h' Wilkinson Ploughs, lumey's Har- neon, P merston Buggies. Renowned mticlvs, [nil-pl ices The but m their line as we handle only the beat. NEW SPRING CLOTHING Ladies' Jackets Dash and One Price. ""'itbul Farm J)faohirurry. PEIEG?ESS BRAND CLOTHING Stoves for Coal or Wood Stay Fence. A tew doors South of the Midduugh House. rhe oold Mtuton goes hard with the oged and intirm, and many have " ready yielded to the call to leave for (we/opts) _ weer country since the beginning of winter. Quiie a number are complaining with colds bat not dangerously ill. David McIntyre had anumbcr of young men drawing wand for him to Durham one day lust week. With their horses We mean. 8 Mams all in " string with the zero 20 below. Some got Irust bitten and some didn't. We soc that David has the contract oi travelling over the township of Egre- inont this spring again. Piper Hector McDonald and son and daughter attendou the Scotch concert; at Dnndalk a couple of weeks ago and won some honors amongst the numbers on the prograuio The Preabyterian eluirelrreport is to hand. Some omissions are made of some who paid and are not crediwd with the same. Those whoa: names are uulortunately lefr. out will not think that they were slighted as it is only by Way oferror done. . The weather was very severe dur- m;; the past Week bat has the appear- ance of gaming milder. Our town is fairly well supplied with all the ne- cessities required. There appears co be plcmy or fuel, and stacks ot lluur um to be round " MoArzbur 's and Me- Kmnou's and other places, and abun- dance cl good wawr, tea, sugar, o.)'us, So there 15 no danger of nor pulling through till spring; at any mm W: llye in good hopes. Mr. John Green, of K]eipperg, vis- ited his friend. Aron. J. McDonald, south line, Glenelg. for stew days: last li eck. Under the above heading the Glob of 'l‘buredey In: refers to the vicwry of Mr. Dawn C. Rose. eon of the late premier, in his father’s old constitu- ency. The majority is 145, more than his father got. Here are the Globe 'is remain: Mr. Ross in reply thanked the members for their great services. and later Mr W. S. Cslvert, M. P., wired to Mr Swish: "It looks like 146 mu- jority. C'laeersior Graham, Mackay and Smith." The Meaning of W. Middlesex. Mr. Fothcrgill, who had Pat salli- van's place lented at Tow Cliff, is moving his staff to Dave Medntyre's, I'Jgremont, " he rented Davca's, farm. Died M his home one mile east of Prieeville, a couple of veeks ago, Duncan McPhail. son of the late Arch Mcleil, aim-rat long illness, at the age ot about " years. The funeral took nluce to Pricevillc graveyard and was largely attended. The Rev Mr. Matheson offieiated at the house and grave. Much sympathy u felt hr the bereaved mother and family. The roads are again tilled in badly this Monday iorenoon. 25th. A few (lays more will bring us into March, and We live in hopes for milder weather then. Some weather observ- cps are predicting good summer and an abundant harvest on account ot so much frost. News still comes from the West that the cold still continues in some parts and in other para early seeding is anticipated. Railroaders are stlll at work down the Glen, Glenda, and it must be a cooler getting on: same of these fresh mornings " 6% to be on time. "The Liberals in the Legislature were u verv “blunt hand when the returns from est Middlesex came in last night. showing that Mr. Duncan C. Ross had carried the seat so long held be his distinguished father. Mr. Whitney had undoubtedly given in- structions that the riding should be won at all eoets. He smarted under the loss of the late Mr. Carsealleu's seat in Hamilton to the Labor party. and because of the Conservative fail. ure to carry any Liberal seat since the general election. Into the cou- stituencv he sent Messrs. Hanna, Beck, Downey, Gemey. Maeditu'mid, Pattinson, Neely and other spell- binders, with a host of lesser try. The result ot it all is an increased Liberal maiority, and the natural in- ference that many a normally Liberal sea: will return to the old love when the general election comes on. Wu were pleased to notice the mar riage pt Miss Isabel MeCannel, Idaho, niece ot Mr. Neil MeCannel, Durham, and ',rvtsud-datstthuw ot Mr. Robt. Me,, Donald. at Idaho. but, timerly of this place, in last Week’s paper. . The many iriends in this place of Miss lleC'annel (now Mrs. Bradbury) ex- lend congratulations to both Mr. and Mrs. Bradbury, wishing them much happiness on their Journey in lite, (hvine to other business which re- quires attention we are at a loss to Prepare much " the press in the meantime. However, we will send u little tor it will be benenhan none. Against the Whitney hosts only three Liberal members ofthe Legisla- tare went out : Messrs. G'. P. Graham, A. G. MacKav and C. N. Smith When the result. “was announced this message was sum: $t D. C. Ross, M. P. P., Opera Home, Strathroy : [Icar- ly eonitratrtlatioas from the Libtryl _arytiriy.entary pd rty in Toronto. We w‘quld like to he with you to-night. (Signed) AG. Mac-Kay, C. N. Smith ,t -------- Priceville 7et'2.i THE DURHAM REVIEW l’mter McArthur and Ed. Dez H have opened up that more m a vacant building temponrliy until u new bu/il mg is put up in the spring. A large number ot'sales are being held in this community just now, bv those who are leaving for the west early in March. Rev Mr Cassmorc visited To'ronto (or a few days last week. The Ihble studv class is holding its weekly meeting on Friday even- ings at 7.30 in Robert's Hall and tlw Life of Christ is being taken up and a large number are in attendance. Everbody is welcome. There were four runaways in our village on Sunday creating quite an excitement for a time. Nobody was seriously injured bat some of the horses were cut rather severely. Miss Henderson tram the North Westig the gins: of Miss Mickie- borough for a few days. J. MBAnlle was away on a buiriness my to Osprey last week. The annual tea meeting in the Esp- liu Church will ire over before we re. twive the 1u"'m'.'ng Review. A large guLhel‘iug ls L-xyected to be present. We hear of a change to be made ngnin soon in Um msil carrying. Who ml: be the next? The annual mteting of the Fur- mep's Institute was held on Mondav afternoon and evening in the Agri- cultural Hall. the ladies holding their afternoon meeting in Robert‘s Hall. The attendance was good and tlwaddresses interesting and ptoti- table. SALE fhLts.-..Have you planned for " sale this winter ? We bare all up plianceg for turning out sale bills neat- ly and quickly and the Review n a good madman in which to advertise. An advertisement 'irt. the Review luring, results. When sale bills n’re printed here we give a. brief free an- nouneemettt, and we put the whole bill in for u moderate extra charge. btill another-Wear Oatrnnder hm: opened out a. flotu' and feed store at his regidenee. Reeve McArdle and John Aldeorn wore exuuuning a bridge at Richard- son's null lust. Saturday, We hear that there was a job of some covering on It let. This New and up-to-date hardware store has been oper. ed to supply Durham and surrounding country with the very best hardware, paints, oils, glass, putty varnishes, wire of all kinds, graniteware, tinware, stoves, furnaces, and all kinds of seed at tight prices. more open As Spring is fast approaching the increase in your supply of milk will give. rise to the need of a new up to date churn. We have the Daisy. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ‘ at. 7 R. m. We are agents for the celebrated Imperial Oxford Ranges, heaters: and furnaces, made by the oldest firm in Canada, the Gurney Foundry Co of Canada We hast everything you require in the line of Builders Hardware. Cal? in and inspect our inside door Lets and frost door sets with all the latest American tiresides and with prices that will surprise you. We ate sole agents in Durham for the Keen Kutter, the best in America. Every axe IS guar- anteed before leaving this store. Holstein. . BIG HARDWARE STORE Hopeville . S. HUNTER. Builder’s Hardware Hoighesb pripes. paid for .a)1 kiiids of Guam 1n any quantity. ._--- -reNfNerg-NP_PR' Chums THE AXES, Stoves " Fur the putTose sd distributing a I Bulletin on the uoanuracture of pure 'utaple syrup and sugar. the Depart- iretettl of Agriculture at Ottawa has lnndelmkon to colic-(tn. list of Maple {Sugar Makers frmn each County in the I Dominion, It by chance any names of I sugar makers, or any interested in the "sanufactura, have been omitted from the list, or the mp3: ulrvudy mailed has goxw astray, the Department will beglnd in send to uh who apply. or to anyone who may wish to send in a. list. In.“ names with P. 0. addresses. a COPY {of the Maple Sugar Bulletin just. issued. This Bulletin n it only deals with 'be manufacture of "Pure Maple Syrup and Sugar." but also explains the Nets tions of the Adulteration Act having reference to Maple Syrup and Sugnr and like ingredients. and gives a .. Form of Warranty " which has to he signed by thesugarutuaker himself and handed (in lo the wholesaler, retailer and consuuwr. thus giving the pur- chaser assurance that the good- Iokl M ' Pure Maple Syrup” or "Pure Maple Sugar” are what they are lepreaented to be. . Mr Wm lieCraeken of town sold " farm to Mr Wm Ritchie (teacher) " a good urice, $3350, we hear. Mer Williams of town has dir posed of his farm on the avenue to Mr Witt Noble of mar Lacuna. for $2300, we welcome him among us. Weme sorry to hear of' Mr Atkin- sun,Sr. being on the sick list and hope to hear soon ot his recovery. We are sorry to bear of the death of the late Mrs Duclme which took place in Toronto 6tlt Feb., aged 8t wars. Mrs Dulhrie formerly lived where Mr Joe Atkinson now lives. A good neighbor and esteemed friend and respected by all. . Mrs W. J. McFarlane visited friends in Hopeville last week. Mr Willie Staples who has been laid up turszmne time. we are glad to Sue in about again. Mrand Mrs John Little from Pro- ton were visiting relatchs on the avenue lately. , Colin McIntyre from Brute Co. visitedat Mr Don. McFayden's be- sides other relatives in Glenelg and Bentinek. Maple Sugar Industry Edge Hill. Quality . at Just Prices Having purchased our cotton goods early we bought at old prices and customers get the benefit. RENEW For REVIEW Checked and Plaid goods are the correct thing. We have a nice assortment in already and more ordered. Part Wool Dress goods in checks, at 20c and upwards Ginghams, Muslims, Cashmerettes at 15c yer yd Fancy Plaid goods, double width at 25 cts per yd. l Check to Everything We are much better prepared for the Spring Trade than we were last year. "Out of the Fashion I" If you havn't Seen through our store lately, dew-drop in and examine things. A look into our show cases will convince you that we sell very suit- able silverware articles for wedding presents. Now is the time to select Electric Light shades, as wehave just received another large assortment and our prices are reasonable. Do not risk the burning ot your barn carrying that old lanieru when you can get a new one so cheap They are ranging in price from Iscts to $3.50. Have yom seen our table cutlery stock lately. If you require any" thing in that line give us a cali. Table Knives from 90 cts to $90 per dozen. On pocket knives we can satisfy the most particular customer as we have them from 5 cts to $1.50, If you require any kind of a lamp, we can satisfy your wants. In Fancy Lamps we excel and our stock of common Lamps is immense. HARDWARE ! Human beings in general and Ladies' in particular object to being checked, but even the lat- ter must submit to it next season or suffer the penalty of being It will be to your advantag'e L see these goods. Hasa full line of Curlnin Poles, Window Slmnes, Pict ore Frames Frames to order of all kinda. , We are having an ttphoNter- or the ttest week in every month. Anyone wishing old goods reno~ Vuled to look good an new should advise "r-we will be pleased to attend to it at once. Slam an: for Unsiertagims promptly attended to. One door "tttttlt Ea HESS of Post "mee, KRESS, James R. Gun Call and note improvements in our stock. . McARTHUR We hear a good deal about low prices these any; but low price mean- nothiug un- less it includes high quality. We do not lulleve m selling Inferior goods, or in making a low price on one thing in order to mak'e an unfuir pt:oht on several tnings. Quality considered, our prices are uniform and ultke to everybody. W .Black 533E2E'E2 Druggist. The} Undertaker . FEBRUARY 28, 1tttt ' ' ' C ' " t LL--- A immanent hum rim-autom- u {not} 'l'r'firrW61l'2tt'..'.'.t.ef.'.'.f.'..5t, each Floor 011mm. 1 Hand ' Innk- o.irelotb Q 1 Val. “WWOIlvuof... ..........eser.rc hung PY"" III-p 114 an {gram- ol Pure-tn........... 1 like: my}; iaTirac.' ,ree,e,eb1.qiea-rtee....ae,nr1 Gold "It" G'aaomre-eztm I." must": deep em Ilth",',',tii'R,"e', quilt an an.» Bll Mean '7,TiirtlB8',"tu','lu'll"l'la decorum“ :11!de 4 tdere Tableau- n..........u.7un¢ ”new. 7 piece 1hatertit.......C"i.iadi.it cut: 7 piece Beietot.._."._.cr.ii"iiiar.ki an. THE? BIG W' Proven Sue! “fucks. Singer Sewing Inhines. wukemn lat-bio Works. The Bell an“ a Plum Co.. Chums and Washing lacuna. Brantford, Broeiivills0rey Carries ~§.sss.ssoss.s“3 de We are sole Agent; in Dtuluun 11-1 the ab me well known Implements- Binders. Man'en, Drills' Barrows, Due Cultivators, Manure S adert, [jay Rakes. Elly Loaders. 51m Ted The llitsstrlluris Go. tl McQueen & Morice As, Nancy-Him: Cream Sep‘ramr: Druggists and Booksellers Clothing, LadiesTur Coats Men's Fur Coats Have MacFarlane & Co Men's and Boys' Fur Caps Ladies' Skirts Cali and see as before buying elsewhere. Just. west at the Middnugh Home. Room . H. BEAN Bargains in at Grant’s We're also Agents for AMERICAN and ' CANADIAN wall. t paper: we must sac- t rifice our present ' stock. Our racks will t only hold so uch ', and we must havcthe ' SPI&. For 30 Clays t we willgive one third , To male roar; for t our new stock of l ott. All our papers are marked in plain figures and w still have some beauties. Remember a saving of one third. lt will pay yon to paper now. off. All Calder-H Block HE Museum I.” pup! CHEAP ate qnch 'ttt 3x " 1 hte lit Whing i season. Call er, Ploughs, The New It Barbe: We but he ttrtpeos Dilly Chm Hart " Ill tact Otrilvt litre' ca "

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