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Durham Review (1897), 28 Feb 1907, p. 8

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possible I thank Thee, Loni. for ' sent; " Is we twig b breeze-a but. Th: firmer erup- tho gum-i. I Hulk Thee for the bitter wad That makes Thy voice will plains! hoard, A twill-r. loving sound. I Hawk Thee for tho tmare that In: My mu] from oneth, and make it an: Wolred in g nonhcn fitv. I thank Thee for Thy stall and rod, 12-41. "mien. in the hand of God. naming ever higher. And "o. too, with tuav.v a child ot earth. Attracted and dveeived by tho. Mrmlled “new theolugy." he: throws over In: Biblo, trying to make him-w” iii-lien- that it its not the Word of God. and that the direct statement therein that the Son of God died on the on») to make atonement for the sins of " who come to llim for life and salvation is a tatm ous mistake of the Biblical writers, he makes shipwuck of his faith. and in over- come by the power: of evil. But it, be- !on it is too late, he cries mightily to the Almighty lot guidance and tor help, he will surely be delivered, and an and- ling soul-wreck averted. Prof. De Mantel“; told the Aaaociated Press that In a result ot his inquiries the date of the meeting of The Essie eosfereas" will probably be tized for Juno " with sessions . lasting two months. _ .. sud IS the grmt ocean. its glit- 1 ix i: 'd "-snir.ce now calm and placid save , tn- the great Atlantic rollers, each thi mm- or mote in Iength.which,ee the wet- , ... -h ulna-:5. gather in forge end beauty ' mm: at length with majestic pendent ' cite rapidly “inning billow curls over, I the bounty of in lovely lee-green hue ',, l t .. .ss'ti L'./ the snowy whiteness of it. I orc-tIlia,',' crest ot driven foam. whielgl m “mug against a strong breeze, leuvee 3 'rt ':, train a sparkling shower of epin- l drill. over which a striking Ind bountiful , Lunhow ecntinues to play until the have has broken on the sands. And there, in the midst of all these wru t be ul o" bn ll W t there. in the midst of all these llul surrounding. lies the poor, "med derelict, formerty a thing ot J and grace. now but a melancholy ‘; soon, battered and shattered by evourUstt damn“. to disappear m um 'mus handwtue sgk'ciIIu-an ot mum] sea fern; white Math-red its mouth are several large de, I humus, each gaming in a love I teuauted by tiny fish, which dart and thither amongst the waving ite aml the dancing mm of mung,“ my I ever tlnnklu! be, ar. “may srtnt' enfoldiq me, my hut Thine to know. 'lwn I meet The face to faee 'O' with Thou can» trace 'e-on.' learned below. ru, thee for the Light all! m In this earthly life is made, red, holy phu. Thee for the Home Ibo", I of boundless love. ml for rammed man. The Victim Hope 'att.for the joy I find rgivell. can behind 'k. forever m-‘vre: lree, for in this I look. into Thy geeogd book. d my own name o'er. (By a l a Throngn Failure -Alioe Cl. Howard Bring to an and the ,wm-n individuals and , tio, mad race for mit y and regard for ttuutiocs oi mankind. lulu take 90.3mm kl n: 'r His kingdom I! l"r"tN' and joy 900]! of the Seas. ll iid of the and for for Bulldogs hare made good strides. In 1937 thrrce were 22 in P307 MI, while the big entry of 193 has been reached. this xenon. Bull terriers, too, have ained, the showing in l887 being 29, uni this year In. French bulldogs made tha’r first appearance in 1896 ,when there were 7 shown in regular classes, and they have steadily iuerva,ed in number until this year the total is 134. Boston terriers have had a rapid rue in popular- ity. There were 7 shown at the Garden in 1896. ela,seg having been made for the new breed. and the number has stead- ily increased with each year, until this year they lead all brain with the grand total of 331. In the We at Man" An 10' id“ CIA-OI it 002,001 the PM. Fullba- in the breeds of dogs, like in ill at“: eke, undergo clung". That this in I bet is shown in Madison Square Gan-den next. w. The great Done in the most populer of the big dogs just now, the entry list tor this yenr being 102, just twive as my as in 1897, while in 1587 there were only six. "r.e. oi the peculiar iva. tures is the entire absence of rum-lifts, for tho first time in Jean. The tailing off in popularity is by no means a new thing, [or ten you” ago, only 10 entries were made, as against. 37 in 1557, and that number twenty year slgu way a good representation, considering the to- tal number of dogs shown, which was far smaller than now. The St. Bernard, too, Wai, a more po- pular dog in past years, for in 1887 there were 98 entries, while in 1897 the total was 149, end this year it has dropped to 65. Newfoundlanda have about held their own, averaging betueen 5 and IO tor the last tlenty yearn. Russian wolf-11min}. have made them. "elves popular. The first one of the breed was shown ut the Westminster Club show in 1889 in a big miscellaneous class, and won first prize as a. 'Siberian blood hound." The next year there werethree in the “me dun: entered under their right name. Since then they have had regular classification, but did not be- come popular for moral years, the num- ber being mug" 17 ten years Mo. This year the num r has run up to se. Grey- houmb, too, have gradually obtained more favor, for in 1887 there were is, in H9? 27, and this year 45. The same is true of the fox-hounds, for in 1887 there were 7. in 1897 18, and this year 47. Sporting spanieh have shown a. steady increase in popularity. In 1387 IT, were entered, in 1807 119. and this year 221. Poodles have come bark again. The were only Mi in 1887, 04 in 1897 and then there was a falling off, but this year they have come up again. and 83 are on the l'ht. Dttehwhuttibs have also steadily gained in popularity, for ll were shown in tti87, GO in 1897, while 65 are entered this year. Pugs have lost their hold to a great extent. in 1890 there were 23, in 1897 22, 3nd this your there were only 5. Tin- Chow Ciu_rtri, who made their debut in the miicl!nueous clung in 1807, and un- til a couple of years ago did not grow in number, have this your reached a to. tal of 48. Dalmatians had their first re- gular classification in 1900, and until a couple of years ago the number shown was mm“. The breed is, however, iu. crossing in favor with each year, and next week 5'2 entries will be seen. Only three Pomepranians were shown in 1897, but the great present popularity is shown by the 115 entries for the com- ing exhibition; New York despatch to Baltimore Sun. linrd'n Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Great Virtue in the Apple. Manny persons of execllrutt jmlgmmit will toil yum that (hr appl" In its perbw tum is the fines: fruit that nature pru- videa for man. It is not a matter of angina, therefore, that an trntlueiastie Me lover is det Ming luv, time to the formation oi apple clubs. He hold. that Index and optimism are almost synony- mous terms and makes many astonishing claims regarding the been.f.icitl t.tbyt.s, of iiiFiiuit." or an”: the peculiar beliefs that an designed to 4mm- tho attention of mankind nune is less harmful than _this A new building for the accommodation of the War Office has been eonastriteted at emmm out, and now the “manner- ment is made that the premises are not Inge enough to take in the whole of the dwpartmmta. The handsome struc- ture in Whitehall was designed to ac- commodate all typsu:tutents.ututf room must be found for them. What seems to have happened is that the higher of. fic'uls have monoPOIized too many rooms to the exclusion of other servants of the State who In." In equal right to be housed in the new otruies.-Court Jour- nal. ' rue Record for Last Year. (Portland Orcgonlan.) The not that when a servant becomes my. at" a cruel foe io suddenly developed 13 actuated by tho dreadful havoc and loan ot tue. econ-toned by ttrein the United Stattw, within the twelve month- covored by a mammal up of these loaned tor 1906. This new! ii,t,oicntsotgg.1i'm'el', "gas were hast and we I: . . Wt! at rt g. W106 by the during 'l'U2t.1'i'l. humor country mm world the tirq but " bulk or we ran. when mu own qWB. but you. owing to the devuun‘ m. as. “allowed the earthquake In an m- ATG.ai/oeete..eee?.'.'.tC.t8y avenue. not an “we or com. "a" mat has been $209,439.91: you. - 4..qu "1 ' u no other country - in bulk or m "a. but year. our: a“ followed the 0| - an: “i" "' aveeotte. ttttt a” l pest has been W.“ ---.---. . Balm Mt . Rene: Made to Order. (Atkins Constitution.) “You. Me. this is the place the}. a. um. v. fought." “no" they my "no: at It?" “You. Bir Jahn. mold the you“ about - balm an' tell the buck-1mm to Man War Office Not Large Enough. In VALUE or DOGS. Many Races in Wisconsin Dear Mother Duties of Wealth. (Baldwin Smith.) It cannot be too often repeated that wealth, especially wealth which the pos- sessor has not himself earned, has its duties, and that it is miserable and vile to live in idle luxury on the fruits of other menu works. But to the rumor- ous denunciation of all wealth, however fairly earned, however wisely saved, howmu-r gi-nerolnly used. to which demu- gogiam is now constantly appealing, the ilmlii-ation of the Nurses' Home. is a telling answer; though it may be one which demagogism is not likely take to heart while more is a vote be gainvd by holding out the lure confiscation. . BETTER THAN SPANKING. n _ Lti Sonnking does not cure children ot bed- vremng. There is a. constitution“ cause tor this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Box W. 8, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her sumessnxi home treatment, with full instrumionu. Send no money but write her to-day it your children troubie you in this say. Don't Mame _1lt, child. tlte.trhtutees Bismarck’: Cigar. "The value of a good cigar'" Prince Bismarck ohm said, "is best understood wher: it is Um hm one you possess and thor" ic, no Iritatu.e, of getting another. At lioniggmtz l had only one cigar left in my Iieket. which I carefully guarded during the whole of this battle at a. min-r dons hi< treasure. I did not. feel justifin-d in wing it. I painted in glow- ing mloru in my mind the happy hour when I would enjoy it after the victory. But I had w,iwaivttlatesl my chances. A poor dragon“ lay helplws. with anus crumlnul. 'murmuring for something to n-frah him. I felt in [my px-kr-ta and found I bad only gold. and that would be of no u-v to him. llut stay! 1 had still my Irvnsurwl mgur. I lighted this for him and plaeml it lwtwnpn his tooth. You should have writ the pour fu-llow's grate- ful srri..a. I nvu-x' oujoyed n. cigar no min-h that one which I did not Hunk-n" ("Mi-ago (hrunivlv. iii," it ard Girii.' THE nutrient. also cures mum and not! people "unwed with arm. dittlcuititNs by day or night. Ktls.‘ Tue, P"'"""'" “any; mm “a ...5.-.- film." and the man thought that would get him the turkvy, but the next man said: "up rouson 1'se a Republican is Immune it“ de party dat gives us per- u etive tariff." and the politician thought: "That's an intelligent man; I will give him the turkey.“ and then the third man walked up and said: "De reason 1 is a 1tepubliean is Irvrutuse I want dat tur- key," and he got it; Atvlsison, Ram, Glove. - _ Best of Three Reasons. Once an Atchison politician offered . tnrkvy to the nogm who could give the lunar law-mu any 1mm; " "epulrlicart. One old colored nun said: "1'sc a 'publicau kaso the 'pulrliean party sot us nigger: Mane. Prams Scratches and every form ot contagious Itch on human or animus cured in so mil“1265 by Wolford's Suntan nation. It never talls. Sold by druuinra. Teething Babies. Miuard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. Miurd’s Liniinent Cures Distemper. Clear Proof of Madness. (New York Sun.) The naked simplicity of truth in: seldom shone brighter (hon in tho opinion at tturt witness in a contested will can who averted mu the decedent mun. have been crazy be- come he left nothing to his relating. No ulionist. no builder of what. n New York woman coin "Maudie" question, no subtle phyciwiozht could improve on. de- In the Days of His Youth. (PMlndelphh PM.) Mrs. Househeep--Go away'. YOu'r. tt " but tb hay old tramp and you wen teg anything else. Dcn't tell me-- Rmon 'ratteri-Yer nil-{Item 114,. Att'. der VII! I tinte-- Mrs. tin-tr-Nor" or your “on. I... Ramon Ttttore-a nu; re,' tor a" 'un. dey wu: I ulna w'cn was . Lrn'u'l'fi Love is hind, wiiéh'is perhaps why he depepds so largely on the I“. of “union with. are saved tsuffering-and mothers given rest-when one use: Nurses’aud Mothers’ Treasure Quickly relieves-regulates the bowels - prevents convulsions. Used so years. Absolutely safe. At drtretores, ‘56. 6 bottles, " National Drug it Chemical Co., Limited. Sole Proprietors, Montreal. 41 0n the Lake. (A Lullaby.) Rush a bye, hush a by", Do not, awake, The winds rock your cradle-- A boat on the lake; The wan-s chm“ a lullaby, Hear the waves break. Hush a bye. hush a. bye, Do not awake. Rush a bye. rush a bye Low sinks the nun; The boat danees lightly The rosy waves run, The Mars glimmer faintly 'sleep. little one; Him]: I. bye. hush a bye, Low sings the sun. Rxhh " l;yt', hush a bye, Slumber and rest, The water, a-flashing With foam on each crest; Th" gulls follow after, White is each breast; lhuh a bye, hush n bye, Slumber and rest. whibhohnmy) his-id In be th-lr "EH: ready ke all a-1sHhirirreagesit diam. 'tisairetueirhanilttlpuaaaeto the. hbgunueedtocmeormmoney i.eeurneE mpdceiOZSQPerbock. "tdalldrursinadLiteaell "ot4 Thu, reetyh_heuh1bvrtertleyel1o_lsl. SHILOH Yachting-mama'- Ira-aw... my My! aaai. unmask“. MEI. CtiitstULmTeie.and, win-ti a-htr-trrltiaaaitl, ITGH to to of J. D. ”inn, l Vancouver Labor Man, In... Bun Appointd. Mr. J. D. MeNiven, of Tietorin, B. C., has been appointed one of the fair wages officers of the Department of Labor, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the late D, J. O'Douoghue. Mr. Me. Niven has been the "ornspondent of the Labor Gazette for the city of Victoria minn- the cstublinlnuvnt of the depart- ment. During Mr. O'Dottoghue's illness and upon other Minions Lite has been called upon to nssint the fair wages branch of the. department in making i.nvettisrati.ons and preparing schedules for insertion in Government contracts. His duties in this eonneetion,tuutua correspondent, have been discharged to the entire satisfaction of the depart- ment, and his appointment is, therefore. to be regarded in part as n promotion boned upon recognition of past services. Mr. MeNiven is foreman of the Times printing ofifce in Victoria. He has been prominent for years in labor cir- cles, and his appointment will he gener- ally approved by organized labor throughout the Dominion. Me is a. prominent officer of the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada and of the International Typographieal Union, posi- tions which he has held for you”. He was elected as n Labor candidate for the city of Victoria in 1903 and rcprin sentwl that city in the Legislature of British Columbia during the past four yenrq. Mr. McNiren is the only member of the inside stuff of the De. partment of Labor for tho West, the other officers being from Ontario, Que- bee or the Maritime Provinces. As fair wages officer his duties will be largely confined to Ontario and the Wvst, Mr. Victor Du Brvuil. the other fair way“ officer of tho Department, having to do specially with tlttoltse and tln, l-lzul. Mr. Bit-Niven will enter on hie duties in the l)i-p1rtmr-nt on litre" Ist. . "iiifiiciarjrro; beats. mm fattullln; yank. Age- " fresh sqrmet, Yr. new“. tle Int latch worli - ck roam ov0r&vlm um! prvmuc. must ha. maul. um; 6twertug yti.rurt.ty " .:et.tu" Met ".tr "I", P, “2'59 and The pnhii~hor of “no heat Farmer's paper in the Maritime Provinces in writ. ing to tts states: "I would any that I do not know of a medicine that has stood the test of time like MiNAitDS' LINIMF2i'1'. It has been an unfailing remedy in our hounvhnld over sinu- 1 can remember, and has outlived dozens of would-be compo than and imitators " The Mugger's Attendants. While clnmbun'ng up I notieed what looked like th" hulk or a ahip. about 400 yank away. ll turved out, to he a mon- stvr eroeodile; it must. wi.tlrrut exag- geration, have beeu 27 {wt or 28 ioet long. and in its chm“ vicinity were five or six mum mugm‘ni. hmking like a bodyguard. l mu afterward told by an old Crrtrnpotv resident that they actu- ally act and. 'utoh, and give warning of atrv Ill-Mulching "'atrger to their aver- an} uplww-hing J, lsoxl- lmmlml Field It speaks well for the mosqunu theory ot Yellow fever that acting on It New Orleans dld not have a. nlngle one ot that disease during the year 1906. and that the city. In atttielptttiott of the comlng spring wanker. his already begun its campaign against the mozzxullo. It bus put CU mru to work hunk»: up all poetsltrle brvmliug places ot the iner and (lemmylnr, than. It ls wan. dcrful that New Orleans should attempt to control the tumult“. because they are an to be blown in from the gull In myriad; ct my Hum. " New Orlnm believe: in the mosquito theory no one else ought to doubt it, Where American Traders Err. The American Minister to Ecuador says that we shall never do an extensive business in South America until the manufacturers of the United States make a closer study of the needs of m people of the Latin republics. We think this is a. mistake. It is not what they need but what they demand that we should concern ourselves about. As a matter of fact, our manufacturers are too prone to act on the assumption that the Latins need a really good article and send it to them, while their rivals pro- ceed on the theory of supplying what they want, and manage to sell them good bill: by pursuing that eoarse.-Ssn Fran- cisco Chronicle. Mrs. J. n%o, I75 Mm"! Street, Tm. -ites.. "ft is a wonderful turf." J. Tram. Hamil/ml. My: .. " f high!) recaummdmr Afir. oi"4'i'/fd'; Fsaetna.' Mira ableu and Blood Tonic help to a more “trough cure. At tttat from The fihemiiu' Co. of Canada. . . . Haasiltort- Tomato. lush! on getting Enema, Sol! Rheum. Pandas. etC,--tet Indy betlymoo.vrsick.rr, than My. owning Min [clicks iahanunaai," soothe-V pain. - new tissue to cover nw urban. and We. the Ah, to healthy smoothness. FOR. ALL HUMOURS nwmmwacnmn. l Ind. Cuban -wo'u it to you. comm mat duped. m "atiat “0001.1; 'lttit stronger Egan». yum um. Puma warm ovu- In"! no Eula 11'lra""8lPlL2i'lrNSttea"ht'pt2,degtd"g -. rill PAGE Winn '1'.ch COMPANY. LIII‘I'ID. 'Mlo. Tm... m m. 1.5-. tlt12geti 1',tttpMlth,9ttrg1Pt,%'S? ttto - it I lstrongor in union. it In" 'dll." THE PAGE WIRE time: i in”: "A3ttt “autumn "5ik't,ec), VALUABLE RING Azksg‘tiom WATCH Mosquito Pest. iii itil I jiggé iiiii; , l lift' if A FREE HAVE YOUR tlill.Mili Mt SORES IlllilMllllil tll. lll.iliillr? IAN-BUR WILL SUREIJ CURE. Here are a few instances of Zam-Buk‘s haying powffj, Tui;,' children in one {unity in Burk’s Falls have been cured of seri- ous skin diseases by Zum-Buk. Mrs. hlimie Elllff. of st. John's, West (Welland County), nys: "My baby had a kind of rash on his head -Nuite a lot of small red spots and pimples. 1 applied Zulu-Bu]: and was delighted with the result." Mrs. Goring, of Longford Mills, says: "Zam-Buk is a wonderful healer of ringworm. I tried everything that could be thought of, but nothing was able to cure until Zulu-Buk came. It is a fine remedy." Mrs. Wm. Scott, of Portland, writes: “Zuni-Buk seems to take the pain out of notes, wounds and Ikin injuries u soon as applied, and then if. heals them up in quick time. That has been my experience and I have used Lun-Bak in the home for some time." Zntn.Bak is particularly adapted to delicate and tender skins. It is free from Ill mineral coloring matter and from animal fat, being purely herbal. It heals cuts, burns, bruises, ulcers, chapped places, eczema, ringworm, run- ning sores, bad leg, enlarged veins, piles, sealing sores, etc. As an embrocation it cures rheumatism, ociatiea, neuralgia, and rubbed well on the chest in cases of cold cases the tightness and aching. All druggists and stores sell at 500. a box. or post free from the zanvBuk Co., Toronto, fur price. 6 boxes sent. for i"2..50. When Deacon Hiram journeyed from an. Mule town on Tyre, 111 found the price of {Mugs at. Them Wu Just a ttdtlts inshor- They left his whislroritteer to him And blessed his dear old soup It Reuben went to Babylon ' ru bet they got his toil. The world's not greatly changed, you know. ”Divas really much the name When Adam took the pulpit: and Made Eve take all the blame; 'Twu Jug: " tticky Ln who days New York, Like Philadelphia, Spends " Cents Per Person. And when the Tower of Babel to“ To urea the mocking skim The chief contractor» sudden wealth Produced profound surprise: When Cut-gents wandering boys Oat rather ttuid with wine Tho harms nun hint wooden clung. m dear old Pale-atlas. "iivireri"-iuia"beai the Jaws. Or when ttetilah doped the dope Ttt mister Smumn‘u beau. When Egypt's daughter plausibly Pound Moses on the "rand The coming cireletr urablghtwuy raised A question In that. but; When Pullman ttoostod Joseph to A $41) acceding high, Some Mnooln Steffen: Incurred 'n And "Gnu!" is still the cry. . When Uncle Hiram journeyed from His country not at Two. The gold-brick men of Nluevtrh Would meet the dear old Squire And till his dear old carpet bug And blend " dear old you!» When Reuben went " Ila-hymn He nlways dropped his Tll. And when ttte Tum-un sttcphevd lads "Excursloned" down to Home. On Circa. Day, they found Mme nooks They'd never win a: home '. When Jason trom the rowdy West Cline romping back to Greece Some Mhem broker sold hlm stock- And not. Jay's golden flccce. Tho voutrilrutiort nf A7us York for this purpnw amounts to mnre thln $1.5!HHMX) a year. and is rapidly Ip- prnuchin: tt2.ior.Mo. It is an a male of lilseralit.v "rputl to that ot most Amer. ican t-itiI--, but rnm'm n-x'y far bAiml Bosh)", which experrds ltl a head for tho amm- purpow, 1'hihuOfphiit spoude 4.3 eettts. the same as New York: Chicago, 55 omits; Balti- more. 60 (with: St. Louis. 25 cents: ('hvvnluml. 30 c-nts; Buffalo. 45 Nuts; Detroit, 35 can“. and Now Dru-ans. L3, a mun" as well as: an ominous number. Amnng tho t.uuttonrv!trrq cities, of the cnnntry Washington i- the only one which mptals New York in the amount appropriated far public. recreation, but Mind's Liniment Cum Garret in Cowl. New York Critics. (Buttllo Commercial.) TM Toronto Charm, under the lead or Conductor Von. W47 made n “no Im- pression Sn New York. What some of the ttritlgq may any will be read with mum; there are a In of them who In Inna-hwy salvo! when reporting I whrnnnco given by any person from the “PI-ovum." New York an critic!" ttrat-el-r Ilucn In a mixed choru- better can It can awn m5 -e an "ret-o-m T FOR PUBLIC RECREATION. REUBEN AT BABYLON. 'iihii7G hollered "Gran!" is still the cry. . TORONTO York l L.sitiaota JounnL :expends " inhabitant for most Amer. Lu. Inhiml a head for public to the parks, and View: on the Subject by ' Dial-pistol The woman of the futon in order to attain perfection, should improve physio ally, morally and intellectually. These are the three ndrerbe which represent the great hunun trinity. three gods of the soul, the god of felicity, which " itself the result of the perfect equilib- rium of nll our energies, “yo Prof r Pnolo Mantegna. in the 'pf/iQ',','. Woman he: always been and nlwnye "rill be powerful. even ali-powerful, by her beauty. and we cannot ‘delhrone nor make her walk in new we. only we ought to develop her beauty by adding to her eorpornl beauties thone of the heart and thought: Physically the vom- nn of the future should be neither feeble nor neurotic. A wise, hygienic regime should render her groceful without transforming her into a. sportewomnn. Morally the woman of the future should surpass the women of today, as she now surpasses the slave or savage. She should choose her spouse with science and conscience because she will not ap- proach the altar with eyes bandaged by ignorance and hypocrisy. In mnrringe she should have equality of rights, equality of duties. ) The character of woman will be bet- tered not in making it virile. but in mnk- _. sx -_--s-- Mormon-nu feminine. Her equality. of duties. The character of woman will be bet- tered not in making it virile. but in mu:- ing it more esthetieally feminine. Her inclination to do good will not take the form of on innocent compassion for the grief: of others, but It will tron-form itself into an ardent. wine philanthropy, Intellectually she will be able to cry with just pride. " am sufficient unto myself." She will not be the equal of man; she will be more feminine than ever, because she will have reinforced her femininity Reel Source of American Power. (St. Louls Republic.) The adventure which the United Stun posses. over all other undone ll that they mike In “undersea all tho supnliee. whether ot field or rectory. that are needed in vet. It la one [real factor in the mndltlons Brttictt make the United States the most powerful natlon that ever existed on the earth. M I ‘l 'm. 37. ll "WINE!” "Lynn. 1rdtr"NMBatAl+giq PARLOH .U LPHU. WAX um rum wow. MATCHES qrsrBe"""r,.2"" __,_,, WartGGityAttettt2t, I'Gratriatktu""""' In! “is" is: m. Daniel B. Wsssso, the Moons revolver miter, died with a fortune es- tminted st “M900. The sun's rep- reeents Algeria's measure of tho nine attached to the revolver, for the nuke baring Wesson’s nsme is chiefly sold in this country. and. indeed.“ standsrd in the csvslry snn of the servios. Thirty million doors is s big sun to be charged to s single and dsngerous and suicidsl luxury. The revolver is that. It is of dubious service in war. Its only function there is us s - wespon. Indeed, it is sn evolution of the mediu- val purpose to provide home soldiers with s firearm. In the cavslry the weapon is effective only up to fifty yards. It hss no value for hunting. The lW'flgP msn can do more execution on birds snd bouts with s Slingshot. The only pur- pose which the revolver new“ is to kill .another mun, and oven for that its use- fulneu is overestimated, -5iew York Mail. 'romntr-Pop, what is curiosity'. Tom my's Pdp--Curiouts, my son, is some ISSUE NO. 9, "aim iF'2riiiisfflEEtef,. - ms ”((74 M THAW STAND When The Terrible Ordeal Being W New York Huh: I 'tua In. - dl)‘~. to pan- (or n nomination uhieh rb, in under-going I $ttiwtrirt Annuity 1mm “in! It. adjourned In! Monday morning nth-r l. IC., thr oattio day on l _ "earatsg, “lying I'r I! istrirt Attorney lamina ial no adjourn-d hut nut-y morning Wer Mr trot the amtio day all ttw Swan-H“, (lupin; crop- t the hide of 1.1- "iori Im My mul‘lm‘g -I It? ttre and and err I pun-tin. whither I'M-n m. unwary will be through Her “WIN!!! " ith l, Her and“ 11..“ um 9" I003: the ttttr wttrts tOtt " Wtttt4t .P..e tur in Yummy t up incident and outer ttit 'me ha- rm“ rung-“um“ " on th' .Uadt of “Wu Mr Tlutu “I day 'mly Thu utr tti.tricv. fin-II: d mount “If in War- not WW detour uw (nu had not m which Mu hush-c“ cimuce. ,Wtun tro 3]! u. -tt-to'"" ' true Hunkm‘ rd..iyur " iti. t' “I ll" sis (IN turine nu I N The - " am with the we him give Mate In." ttt Evelyn Neu' wow the i, fool Whit" trow Mr. A Mrs. Evelyn the Fire of tl cotatirtt Ietot" Thu u mm de “or?“ an“? eivtt [“an glu- It t that t broil " Wh net od mod lie hit" oat "d h an“. li, lam! N!“ t he t Til lt mm " M1: m WW" than aim-0 wee' Mb ltr. dited d-y-- .“ me P - .4tnreer" t The MW“ - .uetiM. we" the My oth idea, rt! “It " In“! ively ll " tir St") I rt

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