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Durham Review (1897), 7 Mar 1907, p. 2

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i 'tti'il'i)trlf ,r-erh-d--.ua.aaviii.r 2"gt'ertcff'ate"te,',': king- 'ttrated Im.. H). In t at "I?" W's. Ins to the appronc ing mm o t raetttet 'trMtthht-s whose power is m-pnd to I tampon! or nood, I“ hit ham, to the eager- Ieeatt* aid: Que pouch and tmp? Mu with which one puck:- and gwaNoa.n than the rulers of Jam-Elem their 0'- dnnger by pointing out the run and damn-“on which had come to the mmwm-m, The Tttge, word. were aka . turn. in. . tab-uh. Upon thb brotial city, _ to u "the crown of prick”. (v. I), together with the "rat valley)" and tua-ia, was pronounced s teh. rihh "woe." Wine bud ruined them; Ind “to Cl Chub - “am the Bq"h.ddmidedtodrstey then: AI- nuy the Myth» Wire than; their word. M Wing to swoop down up- them. The deArireUon would he unplug, like that and hr h mam War-angles: that "an. a..- uh we‘ll bes"tmdden undue he" (I. " u. The av“- ot strong drink (vs. 7. " C. But they also have erred The pro- phn m In!" to the southern king- don, the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. “Jenn-k- u welt " Samaria. In: her inebriate. and new oi air-gusting in- tozieastion, Though her punishment is has In near to that of the northern Kittie don, there are seen the marks of aura decline." "Note the effect: of "rong drink portrayed in thin um: I. Bering. urn-doting into roman ways and plan. 2. Even the religinus teacher» led “In; . 3. Wholly absorbed in appe- the. q. ho, cannot'm thing! as they no, or lady ootnctly. 5. The whole life in perverted." Through wiate--"Paiemtims m" in antiquity famous for its Tina. tad wile. There nre ten different names in the Old Testament for the vine. and twelve for wine, 3nd at lent ninety texts in which drunkenness and drinking are 'rteastioned."-ieikir. we» especially inspired of God, but of”! .emhen of the prophetic order. Ahoy- III, in Judah who had no a. can ol religion (Jr f. v. IS, 3t; ML BW, Zeph. iii. 4t.--Ptat. Com. NM“I¢-n sometimes any that th ”allow their wine; it were truer to - their wine swallow“ them." "tt an " their substance; it devours their .heetth, It (nun off the fine edges at their the o! honor: in fine, it it lure it: “y, it will ultimately swallow then down. body Bard srottl."--Dr. Burrell. The, Home wholly nhoorbed in their appetite. Mel throw away nil they have, and " they hope tor, in this world nnd in the mnrt--hunily. fortune, luppiness, life, heaven, everything-to gratify their appetite for, strung 'l"it;iatt,"tb, Err in "uioou-Rrrytered 'mselves incapa- ble of receiving divine oommaggeuiottv--- Gray. Are neon reeling and staggering as they come from their most sacred mnctiom. A "roettu%ditp'tust descrip- tion ht drunkenness in -tsl.----Pul, Com. All the outer eye may nee double and N00” blind under the influence ot drink, no t. inner eye m double and in gradual! blinded. The true path climb, they lose it and go downward. They loot the true light and follow false lights to outer darknm. We need n coma)“, clenr and weibdefined vision of unseen things; God, His kingdom. the deal lite, the goal of "te.--Leavitt. God a minister: need a pure heart. I clean life and I deer vision. Stumble in judgment -8tatttter when pronouncing judgment. his.“ ad prophets were sometimes Jude We in a junction! enterprise. " requires a quick conscience, 3 clear, discriminating. aeettrate judgment.- _ heu- ritt. Submit your judgment to Hint, that Ho my think through your mind, or direct you to tb first cer.eltrsion.-- Meyer. S. There is no place s?uasr--The liquor business is a filtny bani“. and every one who in OW in it or bus any- thing to do with it is made filthy by it. It u the parent of uneleanness. The body, mind. and soul of the one cull- noctul sritit it become polluted and cor- rupt. . d! I. "til. 11'“ I.“ uekward..ete.---lrher had 'e' Itrrt tet. pt) this made them Ill. The sooner; reproved (vs. in. 13). ft. l0. whom shall He teach, etc.-- Many "yard these verses as the words used by the treoffeN as they moeked, ridiculed and mml'ully rejected the instruction. of the prophet. "They treat God's method of dealing with them. and warning them by His prophets, with contempt Ind derision. What, any they, doth he man as u mete infants just weaned? Both he teach in like little children, conetpntly goinguqver the name cloud thqie t,Tst,hl Would ant hear," and were itoiitttoh nfheir fancied secur- ity to certain destruction. He assured mom that 'thero was onlv one tttqthttd under heaven wherrhr they could be saved; that every other resource Wonk! mil UH). day " Godh xuttatior. " prophet further adds that the judgments of God would he leveled against them. gut', at the - to which any -.- 'ervmriinsthearoit-ube l bum-13M , euy 1emsonst"-_ke. We must cotV ceive verse 10 as spoken in mimicry. with I mocking motion of the head, and in a childish, summen'ng totte.--Ewnld. For it is rapt up precept Ht. V.)--- Thin is the true meaning. The prophet had been repeating the same warning again and again. end the people were tired of it. Like many to-day they pre- ferred nat to hear about their sinus. ll. Rey (R. F.)-Ctte propht's reply mine with this vane. Isaiah aim-ks these scot- ters, who eonsidered themselves perfect- ly see-m tte evil, with great force and severity, turning their own langu- Mra tiei.e in: medial, back upon them- Ctiiur7fa it shall ili, as Foray, ye' shall be taught hy a Urange tongue. and in a strange land. “'th Fott will be carried into captivity. Then M will be forced to lean: like (“may " This is the not, etc. --God had five, 'ttttttie, fawn] warl- ‘q ' d em He We M And t way to obtniLit. ‘but the? had a a8." _ Itra. By.tePlt “that has beef $33 'th'tf'P"3 m- dtthm. you sist in their wickedness nnd spam Bis offers of - will ultimately he cut from His presence. PRACTICAL APPuCATW'ft, I. Strong drink lends to "It. 1 We. those high in the church were 'aria by its tremendous power. "The WJ. and the prophet have erred “I? inf /v. 7). Those who shpld' Ai1,te 1 towers of ntrength in the ”Not-thou who should have set n good example to, their people, were themselves mined by‘ it. They uwellowed it, and were. “swab ‘mednp‘by it. Therein-snot“, ism not confined to the lower strntn or; society. but it numb all chases alihe/ innd brings down the king from his Mes-n. the - from his holy all”. end the prophet from his acted ceiling. 2. The consequences werii:aiunstrttttt. When drunken with wine the prophet erred in vision. He could not empre- head the truth. sad wss in n momm- ditjnn he Hie“ lies. Bad the state of the people when" {he prophet’s vision is blurred throngh strong drink. The priest stumhhd la junk-eat. He we! thet of ministering in holy things end r- in' the sins of the people before the Lord of hosts. It is nn evil day for say land when the Ionics of the churgh or stste are given to strong drink; Ind when the sanction iniquity an; the people. it. Strong drink brings men into awful Immune. They are taken aptive by it. and the captivity in nluunaful. .Some of these wretched shive- have themselves mule-sad that there u not a greater bondage in the world than that to which they Ire subject. I. Their appetite. are enslaved. They have an uncontrollable thirst for the fiery rum, and when in this condition they will sacrifice honor, health, wealth, lord onel, character and everything that is good and pure to obtain strong drink with which to quench the raging tire within. 3. Following the example ogthe print and the prophet. the people become cot- rupted. "All table. In full of vomit" (v. " What a PW, odious, boutly, nude, ill-mannered thing the sin of chunks-moss is! "What on Mfront to human society!" It in enough to nickel: the strongest to contemplate the de- beuehoriee and she-em! light. inside-No mm-drinking. By the drunkennae of Ephraim and Judah their “glorious beauty” become as a "Hding flower," he- nuee wine ovemme them, end the judg- meats of an offended God noon fell heavily upon this stubborn and rebellion! people, for the King of Aseyria hid their country waste and carried the people into captivity. the ran tire within. .. I S. e will of the drunken! leer/ affected, and in many eases so enslav- ed, it no lonfer acts with freedom, With the powerfu appetite elemoring for in. dulgence, and the weakened will yield- ing to the stronger power, the man be- comes a hopeless character, and his wreck and ruin are almost absolutely sure to follow swiftly unless he appeals to the "mighty to save and strong to deliver." An old toper once called on a doctor to get a remed for his inflamed eyes. The physician told him he thought‘ ho would cure him, but it would be neces- l ear, for him to leave off drinking en- tirely. “Then farewell, eyes,” said the; infatuated and emlaved drunkard. in the State of Pennsylvania, a few years ago, a young man became a victim to wrong drink. In vain he tried many times to rid himself of the tremendous power that was dragging him down so rapidly. One day in his desperation, 'ur his battle with the awful appetite with which he was possessed, he locked him- self in a room, placed a glass of whis. ‘key, his watch and a loaded revolver on a table before him and resolved that if he could not summon will ower suffi- cient to keep him from yielding to his terrible appetite that was gnawing his very vital. for one hour, and if heshould drink the lass of rum, he would then and there {low hie brains out with the revolver. He had a fearful struggle, and the hour was a. very lon one to him, but his will-power kept th from yield- ying. He afterward sought the Lord, was ‘couverted and saved from the appetite (tor strong drink, and for many years has been an honored and successful preacher of the gospel of Christ and an able and persistent worker in the cause of temperance. IH. Strong drink destroys the body. Sooner or later the strongest constitu- tion yields to the subtle poison and is broken. and the victim becomes a physi- cal wreck. Those addicted to the use o.“ rum eaaily become a prey to disease and soon pads off the. stage of action. The graveyards are filled with the bodies oi young men who have been cut down inl their prime by this cruel destroyer. _ IV. Strong drink robs the drunknrd‘ of his property. This kind of slavery is very expensive. A gentleman recently came into the Olive “ranch mission, in Chicago. in a beastly ante of intoxi- cation, and was converted before he left the room. He testified that he had been for years a judge on the bench, honor. ed and respected, and posseused of great wealth. He stated that his yearly gifts ( to chu rity amounted to thousands of dol- llars. but that he had lost his wealth, his honor, his home and friends, and be, come an outcast through strong drink. His story was pitiful, but it is simply the old, old tale that hats been repent- ed ten thousand times by others. J'iusburp. Mark 4. one fireman was sorinmly fnfured and five others slightly hurt 1Prly to-day It a fiee unwed by ttcreed wires in Allegheny, which de. q'trored the Fifth Ward School building. . three Morey structure, valued " 8150,. V. Strong drink destroys human " feotion. It aha caused men to turn against their loved ones and act like demons toward them. Alcohol inflamw the brutal passions. excites the lusts, and the. otherwise loving ”an kills his offspring, and destroys those whom he has sworn to love-1nd protect. VI. Strong drink causes the death of the soul as well as that of the body. It not only robs the man of his charactu, but shuts him out of heaven and shuts him up in hell. ROOF or A BURNING SCHOOL BUILD- T nu; CAVED IN WITH THEM. James Kerr manila! a traetaee of the skull. ' While six firemen were on a ladder the Toot eaved in and they mmivly esetqed with their lives. ,, A ' section (I! in the north- ern mule district Me,,. purchased HREMEN HURT his“: tttffitts Ranged in heatet the TEN "EARSES - /, ,' iN-ffliNtkAl Bmiglpt 339 Ittia.rs, of a; Hadl- Montreal dot-patch: "A much uni by ., “by into a wooden chub my extended "on the top of the base. ment' bt 71.5.0". My: Protestant School caused the tim in which seven- tum pupils and. their principal, ”that yesterday. _ - . - The work of rescue i by Fire Captain Carson A eommer's jury wafam to in- vntlgnto, but, the: takiag medial testimony thowitttr"that suffocation by smoke was the page of death in each cue, the inquiy um ad‘joumed until next Tuesday/i At that t me. It it ex- pected, evidenée will be “knitted that the school fire gong was not sounded, the fire drill in which the duller were proticient, therefore, failing in its pur- pose. Twelve of the victims are to he. buried from St. Mary's Church Friday ttfttrttoott, they being Cindy» Ilingstmx, Myrtle and Ethel Spragge, Jelmur An. derson. Mary Jackson Andrew, Edith Golson, John Zimmerman, Jas. Lind- 16-53].in Ridges. Joseph Johnson, Ethel Lamblon and Johnny bonus. A - .. The funeral of 3liss Sarah Maxwell, the principal. whose heroism sased so many liws. will take place to-mnrmw afternoon from her mother's residence. on St. l‘rbninc street, to Christ Cmareh Citthwlral. '"As LGI m we fut-mod our line, she [mural the children to me and I hand- ed them from man to man down the ladder to the ground. Probably forty had been saved in this way when I called to her to oome out herself. A moment lutvr all? fell in the thick smoke. It mu all we could do, and an hour later her bn-ly mu carried through the win. dow along with those of the children y.lte had triml hard to stve." It id probable that both the Pro- testant, and Roman Catholic sehooN autborities will miuip all the whack with propvr fire oscnpes immediately. ... . ' 9,, _ ---- l...l ...‘ If the drill had been put into opera- tion, it is contended; 'the clildren would have been out of the building raft-5y “ithin five minutes after .the wumling of the alarm. _ p..... In?” ___- "'""' _ Soul-e criticisms are being passed Am Rev. Dr. Shaw and the Protestant Board of 1suueatimt,becrtutthet failed Mmurc'ulult'agulh-‘I: A owhiug awn»; was winwfvd itt “Huh-Inga tn-uny. Minn ten little (”Han “on: I'mnnwd to NJ 1lury's ('lluroll at mum for tln- {unaml’ s,.rvitw own-thu- rmzzaiue M thy \‘icli-n-l hf th, Ilocttelaga sehvol lmhwnthl. I', hon ' the mffi a \vvrv’ruugml along thy: front 3 of the tl'))'..',,.'. they were literally covervtl l with fltNvvs rum all wvtions ul' \le mlmnunity. {Am serlm' wat dirrwtyd by ' Rev. Maury elirl, one of whose clxildu'zx I "avrouly diam-(l death. and clergynu-n ' from all n’rts of tlw city took part, Ven. .‘n'clulvuXm Kurt! representing Kidnap (‘zn‘mivhm-l. “hwy” just goth, abroad. The wrvieet “an of the tuost toachiitg character, and men- was scarcely n dry cyu in the crowded churhc. A pathetic pivturv mu the part tukon by the little schoolmates of the decennial children. Whvn 'he funeral curiogc of ten hearses left the church for Mount Royal ("sme- tery Gen, was an escort of 33 polio and Ta tymvnduus corwout'ise uf people. M-mln-n! despatch: The funeral of Miss ii'g"if.s)"f),T1: who my Iwhly mu her . he in her aitempt to save the trhildivn an the Hockelaga sebum fire on {I} nesdny afternoon. took place this a emuon. and was the mansion of a. lemurkable uhlic de.nutustration. An immense eort followed the remains trdm her has dance to Christ Church Cathedral. , Moral offerings were received from hosts of friends anti associates. All of me "hoorn neat.'pillous, wreaths and other offerings. v' The pupils of the school detroyed in thymus!" which cost. Mis, Maxwell her life had clubbed together to send a mark of their esteem, while her comrades of the teaching ma also expressed their failing: in tho same man- The teachers of the Protestant School Ahmrd attended in 3 body some thus limited “may. nine hundred: of the I Fire Drill mud to Work. s w,.rm of Miss Maxwell. the kicker. Miss Maxwe11's Funeral. I y '. eidik fire. TORONTO is described thus 1-mvhing M's-nu A Were Blown Up by In Explosion of i l Dynamite. ‘l Carmi. Ill., Mar. 4.---By an ex- I ; piminn of dynamite lo-day Rev. J. B. t !'rittle, his father, his wife and baby lrwere killed, and two children of the ,ifumily were fatally injured. Mr. Tit- '.'. , tlr, was a, Baptist minister, and had ) ltlm dynamite in his house, expecting to " nae the explosive in blowing out n i neumps. The residence WM; totahly de. i. 1 strayed. , PSYCHINE never am, intk 2 PSYCHIN E bu no substitute. iiGiii lung] Ini'unduoll 'lod h 001-an noun! not sleep. I'll when: to night "can. my Inna mam. my doctor condo-rod duo lncnnble. In. Mr. trahMr, Pan R1311: Presbyterian Chunk. s"P,',"g'r,t', Dr. alocum'l ihretiinetorne, when w living In Ontario. Afar using _Hrtthins to! t Ihon “an I no sad “at well, the I: t "can 1nd cough cooled. "nth-ttt than; lug-um ferfecuy tutored heath And My 1 never on. beau-1n my no. hychinohu ban . god- uuul no no. In. man Cans: L, Cottonwood. It'll. PASTOR MI) HiiPVMAl8lKlli:T PRAISE 'i,, REPORTS. i',_'i'i'i("fi" CHINE All-Warn“: Road .eVttnoeroverttts-. No medtdn. is. over ahead n has . number at “dorm! Ind Mm! mn- veuom cut-u an Paychino. It has had one tnhtt'g record ire victories over dilem- " ol themt, ' hm Ind stun-ch. school children also followed the re- mains and attended the service at the church. Lady Drink Dispensers in Britain Fight for Their Rights. Londou.March 4.-The thounands of mum-n of nll "gen. who, under the name of lmrmaith mm " largo proportion of the saloon and rmmurnnl bars in this country are angrily vxeited at the prox- pm-l of their m-cupalion Irving cnmpul- ~uri|y vlowd to mum-n. A hill has been introduced in the Hulls-e of l‘mnmons with tho object of making: the tending of bars illegal for all women except pub- liruns' niws and daughters. and mum“. wing 1hr nullmrilic-u to refuse u licenw llllll'si men only ure rmpluyvd. te"u.theituihiiiiaGriiiiariiirt. When deem Inn mood we: hear-bl. Inn myth- Ind other wasting dial-u ”out.” in nu! puma numbed. W oven (In the. 3.9512123! Ema“ Wham f1sthltttomrhitle, an»; 1iiiiiibaik", 146d" Pt-ima, und other like t',tei,'ld',h of which an [aluminum ot Convolution, Id My to an cura- 'ttgt')'?,,',,',';',)?? om. r.'; mod. n. _ on. [an a: mks ttid bllowlng Wat: y 2it,'"',t', my. in 'g't,'ttjtkatit'1t, 'hhlhh1'l1t 22:954. 'll T', eyld which amen There was such an immt-IN- throng of Women and children in the immediate \icinity oft1te hottue that it was found "e"_r.h' to get u mum! of police in order to make way for the prom-Mimi. No such act-1w has ever before been wit. newt-d at n funeral in Montreal. Tht. barmaid» prupuw to send a (It-pu- tation to Mr. L'lndmtotte forthwith to tvll him what they think of hint. Their ur- gummth up that they are stun-rim to "It‘ll behind tln. lmr. that they are bet- ter able to keep oistrepersum (hammers in order and. that the best conducted hur- uro- those whioh mum-n cuntrol. First Contingent of Salvation Army Emi- grants Ind others. London. March l. Tho Sardinia" 'sail. ed 1.1-dny from Lullallll "ith 500 emi. grra'itss. 250 of whom were English. the balm-er rYeircl, and Italian. Tlu. “Th! contingent of S'alvation Army vmi.pra'ots 800 etrong. sailed yer torday 'oy tho steamer Southwark. The ttrllorcing nun-Angu- Wtt'i tvcwived at the 'un'O' headquartdra from Earl Grey: "lion voyage to he first of this year’o Ahipment to (Hugh. They will find here H. kindly welcon ' new RIipointmentt and new hopes." “km” Greenwood wished tho party "mrupttS' 'kTA8at8tt,tltrttN,mgtrgtttt,,mtttt' Dr. Room Kidney Pm: m a can an! ”may!“ Rhos-Id... SiiiS,iFiiiiii, Tam. when“? " of Kidney mm. ate '0' has. at all “do". It i".,." mlmlutod that there are 30.000 barmaids in Great Britain, 3.000 of Him!" un- in Landon. AtMt_,99e.ertdM.tttrrerbettg.. “mum.“ Tl_:e_r_o in no ottir aaiGd “Ju- triiiiiiaiiii ‘sr-mm WHOLE mum ammonia. THIRTEEN HUNDRED SAIL. BARMAtDts FURIOUS. The grain receipts today were fair, with Bo changes in prices. When! mum), 30 ObusheN ot fall selling at 74 to Liv. and 100 buslmlq of gdmw at (is to We. Harley firm. mm Inn-meta selling at Mv. to 'sk. Oats flrnt, with sales of 500 bush- els at 44e. Buy in hit supply. WINI prices steady: 30 loads sold at $13 to $14 a. tan fur tim- othy. and at a; to Ml tor mixed. Straw steady, three loads Milling at 812 a For. ”Biased" Tiurra. "M" ,' Go light gagged at MMO, and navy " w to, What. white, bush. Do., red, bush. .. Ps spring, rue. Do.. old, .. .. .. Timothy, bush. .. .. Dressed hogs .. .. Eggs. ttew laid. dozen Butter, dairy .. .. Do.. ereamery .. _ Chickens, dressed, lir, Do.,trwsh .. .. ... Ducks, per m. .. ... T urkt-yn, pox- Ht. .. .. Apples, per lu. .. ... Potatoes, per bush. .. Calrbage. per dozen .. Unions. per bar, .. .. Jim-f. hindqttarteru .. tht.. torequartee ... Do.. choice, can-asp . Du.. medium. cart-aw Mutton, per ewt. .. . .. “ml, per "wt. .. .. . Lamb, per cwt, ... .. 'Fiou'r--yianitooa patent. $3.85 truck Toronto: Ontario. 90 per 4tetit. patents. $2.137 bid for Import: Manitoba patent, spveittl brands $4.50: atrong bakers', " Winnipeg wheat futures chm-d Lu-duy: Feb. Ibo hid, May 773-80, July 750 Ind "ati. future 3014c. May ifNe, Jul:, 367-80. Fully Myer com. of the ofieriuys, unn- umiInv-lwd. and you mum not “ml u dealer that was satisfied with thc ttat. ity of the mule II: had bought. 'rude tor the "" mum w.tttse wu- mu m: good and ~0in of the sallwuwn tlc- eland that prieo, thte oft from IG to , C per cwt. , But good to prime Imtclu-r-' m-ru .h New York . Tolvdo . . . Ft. Louis .. Miutwapolis Dululh . . . The quality oi fut. cattle dove nut im. prove ns time pawn, and the mum old .utury han to be repeated day mm- da.s. that gum! cattle ure M'alrt'e. rlaied that prion, thte oft from u, to , c per cut. .’ "at good to ptitue Inttehit' m-ru a" high in prim' Its they were u mm; ugu. and dettters "tttbed that it w.“ “ml a.» imp-gimp lo get them. iurwortets--heutt two loads and one or tott lot, ".t ti in one lot, ttutl 13 L! .umxhnr lot. wld at $4.80 to '.5.15 pet “n. Theer per 3 weighing mm. In"... rm! 3 weighing 1.230 "rs. "oht It} .\J'-l)un- .Ild & Mug-hm- an. “5.25 per owl. for but. oher Illll'lmm'i. Kxport bulls w'.'re quntvd at $3.75 to $4.23 per t.wt. "tttchi,'---) few picked lots nf guml hum-her; vottic, 1.050 to 3,150 "H. "avls, "old at $4.3" to $435. George Rnumrsv. uh.) lumght the Iatpest numln-r of mt mlttlv. l'riml'Wd the lmtrhers a1 follows: "wit lmtohen at H.255 to '4.7.5; medium to fairly good. " to $4.35: medium and good (rows; A3.N to $4: cumuum um; and mum-n M50 to $2.25 per cm. Fevdvts and Stwkerw4'lnn‘lm 7.9.1;- 'iitttt hullgin um- load stwkvra. P)" Nu“. arch. at $2.90 per mu. Milo!) Cou---Ahout (in mm» ("Lava-J “mule on Wed.'tr','dey and 'lh'n'ulu} an w.3tt to Shim tsttclt. 'lhe Inns Mal i'.t .1“th 5:10 to 3-7)” "sch. and thts," wtu'r' Imp Mr. Harri; reported priee ttu. ulmugml. with u weaker tendency for the maria-1. Swim-N. thi/MV, lights and fate, $113.63 [MT ctit. for fed and watered. BRADSTREET'S TRADE REVIEW. apolis ... ... . 7o am It... ... .... tttt% AOA Toronto Live Stock Market. - Funen' 1mm. Winnipeg Wheat Market. $2.90 per rm. Cost _ -Ahout n Wednoud.ty re I'm thet: prime Flour Prices. ot gum If)” each. n: widening tlt --thslivisri.e,c, !»lim-rias were Mfg-u 'tt s,'tu.v. 'rlvewitvl:ot w.“ f gum! in cltoiee' mud“). lad from 8it to $3.25 per was $7.50 per owl. punt new milk {ml culws this calves that Mlvked the May. July was ms at»); 8035 ms 769'. 7o Ni) my; my "re .e t " 0 " SI 00 3100 1100 " 30 0 II 014 0 12 0 It', 2 00 " 00 " 3.5 035 0 Bi tl 50 tl " 5 50 ' 13:5 MN “00 1250 l m a 00 n on 700 I', cm 1000 II no 1250 Sept 075 071 " 55 T " " 24" G tl.5 8 25 7 " 9 .30 (HO " an tt 32 "H. 0 " " " " IR I 10 1m: 6th”!th a . AND Min-nun sum our no: "" mum um A m1 or run usual. BALI. Mr. Henry Hill. writing from l-brt gillinm, up: “Ruling proved bow neficiml Zulu-But; in " anal o e ' skin injuries 1nd W, t'ta's'uiSa' to keep . Imly hilly. My el- M11 'io-.i2ir"liiiicrCr.tPie.it wont! i,.'TGaiiiamityiVit+ doing. I obtahted cm 9,,Pef day has? a.“ Into mama"! oieoroturotther"t, lot It.» It in wonder!!! bow and” lulu-DIR take. the noun-- out " an. I)... Mini may“; “nearly.- voy it and in”. Ale. M LT who had mm tMi I I." found it’very tut for " Pre tel ihuu.Buk, the fun-rite household hula! and "he. is now odotrted u "tbe Dae. tor" by leading patties (W 'ut.ttr' Leii'i,'y various pans, of tu. m.gaitar s. FLYING HATCH MEAD SET "" I!!! “OIL. whip mm. ringworm. M Muyspod plumes. up“ pimpl pom-rm. chronic lbw, m. enumeration it relieves r114 nournlgis and sci-tin. All and m tell M. 60e. . box. lam-Bulk Cm, Toronto. "Mr I hon: mt for 3.50._ Soul Dropped Dead in Dining 'tot"rt--Had Breathed Pu-rather and Bur- ther Severely Burned in Attempt to Wil iniFUiFiGeet. scaly-u, In t “I have no landmine I', 1'l'tirifi “If entire purity .of w;- u , w I In opinion i. aa',ftttta"4ll)ll',i'ii injlricc and discus.” Zulu-nu]: - cuts. scalds, bum, Who-w. "vtTulo, March 4.- Hindu-1h Brandt mu lighting a lump in her mom in ber home at No. " Leroy unnu- last night and the head of the match flew off and wt fire to hrr kitnoua. The girl ran down the front “animal; uud opencdthe uvm-l " mr, screaming with fright. A man passing in the Mreet saw In r. .uud dushml toward her. Man! with hor. she turtwd with the flames leaping high ulmu- her head and run luck and through n hitting room into the dining. rmnn. ulerte nhe to" dead. bold baa." BUffAlo aws Her father and brother in vain ha! “in! to watch ber and but out the flnmm with their naked hunch. nun. un- "'verel.v burned. Their vyuhruws In- ail burned away. Death mnw quickly to the girl broom“ 4w inbuilt-cl thr flames tirvply in her flight. The hody “as much awn-hm. She mu ouly Sd yea" old. The Fotlwr. Henry llrundl. and the so". Arthur, Wet'" attemird t Ln. G. W. tirabrni,tatter. of No. In “favo- mu The girl did ttol cry Cue and Hwy know um “hat mu tae matter unti’. thry saw the Mating "ure tlr down the Hairs. Had the trirt ralted fire then- might have been mim- dumm- to “w her. but only :2 ,.tiglst our. for Ju- mu-t lvave hn-ulhul ttreply of li. The girl hull gum lip-min ta retire nml had barely roamed her room when tho family board her vrie, of “Mammal! Mauunn!" ARKANSAS TOWN STRUCK BY CYCLONE. Little ROL'L. Ark.. March 4.---A ”Twill In the Ark-mm- 1hmtoerat trout Mope, Ark.. my: that an tlestructive tdrnado sunk the town of \leainglnn htte last Night and ulmcm litertmy wiped it out of c-xisu-m-e. Two m-grm-s were reported Li'.lret and 'wveretl penny“ were injured. Among: tho buildings dvsfruyed were tho d'rmsb.vterian and Episcopal vlntrthrs, Jude.- W. Y. lint-r} resident-0. T. H. Wil- lioms' sum and the residence of Sheriff Wilma. All wins are down. "" u..- , ' .' , Mr. Ladle. Soon“ illium, and ver‘ my. a: ttd that will mm your mouth - and new mom m a... mmumnumuou- .... Ask your moon: (a: umuu Package 50. Trr " 438 FOR TME PURPLE PACKAGE Macbnmngmu will nymbhybmmltmm ”mushroom-noun.“ “healthful and I. cold on a Ouch am of satisfied“. Atskrourttroeertot. Save Ber. I 2,,ri'oriiiii." Soul'lc. stamp we will mil tofutttt only}. box. Write I. at on “macrom- m 'ttSt/tgrin/ttSit/iii') will“: A our. n n my In: 'remta- would by us. It you “It. an! . Bellanca flat-n Post Card: RELIANCE iu Iu-l' dash doutt thd Amit- BREAKFAST FOOD N w. Dainty, 1)ch Jaw" Package dc. Trr I BAKING POWDER RELIANCE WIPE!) GUI. "J'TERILIZW" FREE AWfUl DEM". a... "any” . m... Bemttrratd1tteeFPf'P. new." 2181'” m burns, W0 M' “out, M OW. spriatg pimp", blood unseen“. ete. " an , relieve. Human” poi-tics. All drunk“ at 60e. a bum.“ . Wont l‘oro'nto. ‘for price. Bis 31,22,1- "r in esertif “i the Hick. w A ptr, ESE-VIM”. £15.25! VIOLENT ’il’. New " Mat-lead, Ivan! th, diva-Jon 'ql was particul-rly "'Irl, jg bU "la-meg to the mosteen dim]... rle a+rt'.tr4t otgiUe “4 Juan“) [1:11 Aitredtt Cut',,',':,", mum "a, to " blind“, "d- tttme people, " hum. It”! an “4‘00 know. " they In”: ii: evidence ot. Mt sacrum» the ' .m. ”M”. ire with- open. and if l,rttr Ner, M ‘h rtidenee they urn "ou;,),', rm! Random-n.” “3ft. “(Kellie HIM that in 1mm.” wan-K erpreitmee he had nun-r Lawn“ be, WNW. {not polygamy, m. IM%ote knowledge and IIim‘iltinn 1 an. [their ‘M m oonfirmed hi. my... my, Criticisms by In. Dr. “putrid: and och-cw Unfair and Das. Luca-at-- My”, abal'l'g2ttehetu' In) Run. In. W. 2trflt, Bard Sim-lam LitiUdts “a, f ouerrutlou. in} IGS, ,e.t-tepeMiN'tr, wtWh 0119111: ntod in the "tver-Kilpatrick 'ut', trove.rns/weew “gown-sly rand-"mm gig ii" mg a... pro day-r!!!“ iyro'tt tttem s'gtengg'. ' 'iiia'GG.vur'rl. a moat dc-uiruloh- cl. _ tretire', artd b. Mfr“ lu, “1. ttHt better gygt. to I“, thats (hr l'u‘n-h‘l eettttu ih‘lnwd their ret-lc. My“ on Imam). The Harman. arr pull“ (MI-1|. I“ take A lfve “ch-w. public “Minn cud question- N are“ I: hung“ to hour by the, t !m.-. on the about-u. ouch mun being "' rultted to exrtrisw Illa frnlu'hiu- ." 'st intr to " per-ttal opininm. Louder- of the Gnumhiun 'url,rrs.st xWh what Mr. Malia-Mit- mid. mm ' . awn-rind “so tttter-rs of “L k. ["rl this and when u of a pim-v G") . I mun! mun-m '"tVrept-utaliorv. t,, won- math- of the west and um.“ It LORD calm PLAN FOR REFORM OF 1100“ or LORDS. He Urges Selene on the $raionists--L u Iceman to Adopt Some Plan Which 'ill Meet the Criticisms a: the Liberals. land-m. 'Mnr. c-- Lord (Inn-m. .-~ “army of India, who is giving 1..- ponmul support. to Lord Noun-n! hill for the iifortnetlmt of the Motto of LoeOt, but formulated umw ttrtt', prom-talus of hi- own tor the whim "t that body. He wishes the principle ol life you-g age- to be adopted on a lnrw- punk1 [nttly u a munterpoi-e to the has“ tary element and partly as insult-w for the representation at imputlm in lot-14h, and: a: ”ligious dmtmttitratiott. onuidc the Church of England. lulu” orTautimtimw, the Indian civil rat,in And the column. - Lord “Arum. wtio 'b'un lri-h " not 41.9.5“ of the llu: Lords. Yotrng Man [and in Dying Condition at In“: Latin. 70mm" demtratUet All unknw-n my apparently about " yes" vf Mg". trt", mule! '-ttieide yota'dny nmrnin; I ' leer himself thug!- th- rigln In i',"' at t1eomtd ond of Manf- hurling. l,, tween Venue Island nut! linv.lan'.. l'oic' “Q It! found lying in the uwmm- .v-f partly eoverrd with water. hear, Ins 'md " ' the revolver. made by thr H. t Rs It Company, Wore-r. lla-. Mr. McKay. engineer at the -i:\ '1'uttpi'ta Mation ttt the Maud, ht'n'ni N Mr. McKay. engineer at the an pumping Mation at the Inland, ht'n'd il “but fired shortly before ll (pH-wk. ll" im‘MlgIlal and found the man “I”; {are downwards and struggling. “r tun! uppuutvly removed Iain treeiacket and (menu! his vat and "tttt Indon- firing the allot. Mr. MeKay mm! the unw- “we of more qrorktden, and tire man un- rllood in a and Iloigh and hurried m run the Uy to Rt. Miohaol'al HospiML In If“, however. dead when In- 1up-l, .1 then. He Wgttt thutst 'shavrn and mu. . In pain-Ito! and "vrster, (lurk l ' 1 .' velt. blue cotton thin. snipe-d mm“ lt amd I will In! which bon- 1hr ml" of a Buffalo firm. Two eertridw " urt mind its hi. Valhrt“. totret ' V l' t" ‘M at t tn ttttd a our sr' cum sum dagpu Vita I”! a My of Young Russ C?' 1 Wow in Italian Church. l yum-4 Mar. 4. ahe story It, t' t I“311 it told by . c-nm-ulmndvm writes fr". Nun Rum“. In a tov', _ (an. st' the chum-hm thee. In .3;- that:.', is kept night and day “hr , ' body " u '.totttttt Bunion mum-m u v! k mining in 1 crmn. Tlt" “Him who “a tttagrimi. w“ it mununapnw A (Darkly up hor death mu 'iiit rerlud to, and her bodv I'l- rum-m ! to the plrtee when it "ok is. “with” but“ woman's 'tt . tttr. qnjvd "can land». and “w t,s' {In Win (DIM. 'hhts I'IA 1'0“va lr IMI' n,“ " The Ain 'x"", lo“. ami 'etairrrd It. a... of life. “Hr at)“. were "u-. lidlmmt tyt, Ld i, In. Dr. “putrid: Ott-l-ee" Unfair and va-uy . M An up“: Citizens, , " I ,,__V, Juan-tun, 1hr. Li The "yitiri SEEKS TO LIVE IN HER TOM‘S. UNKNOWN IKOOTS HIISELF PEERS toft Mi. tf,qi, urn MATURE. but the WY I!” with a' " F""""" '. - pee tattittiou. ot lhe Jr t l lend Ha y. ~04.)- did“... mil: [01‘ I'D" to t :-,.. In, “in.“ ' Ai. N [E Sam I but Packet: only. e Hi; up}; by the an attitude \' bowed lik an taper and some the up"! “4 than WWI an um; u many w me . Mn a tbe 5cm well pa g pti if j "'tt lie - I uying: " hm bun WI which the cu taking Ind month. Yo that you vi! "II-O: It“. ridaly rcpt} And he hi [Aura Eh took it u!L l' "I" Lansinow written up the pow. the review.' number of it they are - .of VG. no N quay kn in " tr Good "I " r'" Che (ha-MONA In: Am um top I " it tut EI ttd bl. tst 17. tt

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