During wr) arugstefs soytkTH IN" NEW IN \VASHERS: Raymond it' In a week or so we shall have ifi all of our Spring stock ready 2% for inspection and do not fail to 'iii see it, 125 pieces of prints to iii chooseirom means 10000 yds il Men's Fur Coats th give their Clothing A Greater showing than ever of Progress Brand Clothing for Spring. S. F. Progress Brand Pants fit better and retain their shape longer than any other make. We have them in all kinds of Cloth trom Sr.oo to 53.50. These Suits are all made from all wool Tweed and Worsted Suiting: and are tailored by the best of workmen. They are cut in very latest style for Spring and are the finest lot of cloth- ing we have ever shown. The fit and style are eq- ual to any high priced tailored garment. We have a Wary great variety of patterns in Men’s Suits in the very newest effects in neat Fancv Worsted and Tweed from 86 to $15. Men's Trousers Boys' Clofhing Men's Suits gain}. Slark. This week and next we offer spec- ially, Men's Caps, reg. 50 and 75c, only 39c. NEW SPRING CLOTHING Sewing Machines. MoClary Stoves for l Agent for the Dillon Hnnge Stay Fence The best in their line Also \Vilhvlm's Wrimrerti, all htade hy IVatcim Cash and One Price 'ic/7nd (Farm J/f'aohirurry. as we handle only the hest p", ,~ was new!) The Perforated Drum only 3 left and they have to go We hare eat the price to suit. 1.03 tily the N l dd" ugh House l few doors Snuth of nnlv in the Idt-nl nf Ayr. Coal cr Wood 5kl ANNUAL MEETING South Grey Liberai Association. {ution seconded by C. Rsmnge 'That this Liberal association ot South Grey expresses its eontldentte in the Opposition in the Legislature of Ontario. under the able leadership of Hon. Geo. P. Graham, and hopes that in the near future with greatly increased strength they may have ample opportunity to carry out the measures outlinedso clearlv by the new leader in the House and in the countrv. We are with him especial- ly in his condemnation ot the urbi. trary features of the School Act and in his determination to wage war on the spoils system, and have been stratified at the hearty support given him hy bis colleagues in the House and by leedinq and thoughtiul men in the country." This also was heart- ily carried and Mr Miller was called on. He gave a vivid ace-um of a mid- nightsession and a day 3 work in parliament. by no means the snap it is popularly supposed to be; in re- ference tothe indemnity he did non. exprc. to be any better " at the end than at the beginning of his parlia- mentarv career. even with 525(1) The ditlieulty surrounding the coal duty was no light, one. rvlint to Nova Senna and Brit. Columbia. was bur- dvn It) Ontario and vicu versa. Sev. viul caucuses had considered the quvstinr but. he mid wizhout hesi. tation that never once. was it token into account how their retention or abolition would a.iteet the Reform party. This was a big country hav- ing many interests to consider, and requiring no narrow scuteamanship to guide its legislation. Leader Graham wash man of clear reputation, too clever to have swelled head, and it was not beyond the reach of the country to have a change of government at next election con- sidering the ability of the opposition leader and the record of the W hitney governmcnc already, After a ret- rrvnce lathe vicuny of Duncan C. Ros=, --in spite of great. efforts to de. teat him, as an omen of coming Lib- eral successes he branched off into Domlnlm affairs. The great increase of expenditure. without material increase ot debt was made possible by the abpunding reve- nue. Increased expenditure did not neeeetpu'ilv mean extravagance. It was a fallacy to say the Laurier Coy- ernment was in the grip of corpor- .tions- the passing oi the Sundav bill proved that. He was sure no one opposed Lauriel' on account of his religion: Mr Shearer tegtilied that the Catholics Laurier and Fitzpatrick stood firatt with the alliance against corporations. steamship cos.. &c. Mr Miller then entered upon bis speyeh, which op all hanglg wa§\'oted a clear, masterly exposition of both Provincial and Dominion questions. lledealt first with Provincial affairs and Leader Graham himself could scarcely have done better, In Do minion issues he is thoroughly posted, being a Working member. chairman of the committee ot Banking and Commerce, and other positions and work also falling to his share. We venture to say that no member more Worthily earns his indemnity than does South Grey 'is nble M. P. and we are betraying no secret when we say that in some quarters he is looked upon as likely to rise to n cabinet position. While busily engaged in national affairs, there are scores in the riding who can testify that no re- questis ever unneeded, and many a cause and claim has been adjusted Their tampering with the mining laws was bringing upon them the wrath of the miners. the :1-5ths clause had offended the temperance senti- ment of the country whilst the whole country was in a ferment. over the in, tasion of municipal and auction rights in the matter ol schools. Ile began by regretting the ab. sence oi the two speakers expected and thanked them tor the iiauerintr resolution: modestly disclaiming the relerenee to hinHelt he said the Dom. Government were Worthv of all that could be said oi them. He dealt then with Provincial affairs and thought the Whitney Govern- ment had obtained power under lalse pretences. Liberals who voted for his caoidates had cut tt gad tor their own backs and instanced the arbitrary nature ot some parts ol the school Act. He referred to the glatu ing introdaetion ot'the spoils st‘stem. condemned by some conservatiVe papers, and the departure irom the sound British principle of govern ment by majority. as seen in the ru- quirement ot three titths majority to carry local option The partizan tra dicing in hotel licenses in Toronto had led the Telegram, a Constr- vative paper to say. that the Conser- vative party should make good their thruit to show up delalcations alleged to vxiat. lie paid ll striking eulogy to Hon. G.W, Ross: larmerslost power by the exulmnge of Res for Whitney“ for with him went lion. John Dryden by lnr the ablest Min. ot Agriculture the province has seen. The present government have round the surplus they used to charge was a bogey, their revenues were swelled to day by the, Succession Duties, something they bitterly opposed. The glories ol Cobalt and tho Ontario (lovem- inent Railway were due to the wise action of Hon G. W. Ross and his Liberal associates. Lhruugh his etiorts iCuttttttuedftarttt page L) TORONTO THE DURHAM REVIEW A motion DH}. 1Ickeelmie-J. W. Walls manila special hearty thanks of this meeting be given to Mr Miller for his lucid and able treatment of public quzstiuns, Was heartily car- ried. an and Mrs J Bart visited at Dr Lee, ion's and A uchiutou'u on Friday lust After expressing pride in their con- tidenee, and his intention to merit a gontinaanee ot it, he took his scat a- mid great applause, which indeed had been drawn turth frequently by his 610(1qu periods. Berry to report the illness, of Mr Hurry Grpahy. but hope his recnvery wrll Le speedy. case when demanded for proof they had hedged. Apparently they were plarutintatorn campaign of soundnl bat no tear Was ielt. Mr Frank Havens um] fulllilV ltave moved hum tue, McChut-Ju'a cam-z." to town. Ir Wm Drum: tiuislted moving the burn which 1w bought from It Kert safe- ly on to " uwu place nu Friday lust nnd gave the [my-A a time at mgllt. Mt am! Mr., II w Lcemu “uh to lhnuk friends who' am kindly main“! them to move to their uew home in It. Forest on Wednesav lust. Thu ha". been resi- (lentt of tho neighborhood tor thirty-sev- en yearn. and we wish them long his and happiness in their new abode. He explained the so- allied scandal L of the No Atlantic Trading Cu, and I paid a high ominliment to German ', Colonization. Charges of stealing j desks hadbevn made, but in every) It Chan Petty in loading his ear with horses and our] for Ilse west. The genius of Sir Wilfrid Laariri. wns seen in the sulectinn of men such as Fielding, with no breath oi scan- dal in public or private lite: Frank Oiiver, a man of mtegritv and above anvthingcuooked: l'attersnt, n we totallep, with a clean record; Brie dear, the very lines: type of the French Canadian: Ayleirworth, of great mental grasp; Fisher. who had done more fur farmers tha wily man, and wus eoutiuaal:y studying their interests. The grentdevelopment of the West, , invrcused trtansportation facilities. i se., Were shown to he fur the gum. ol i Ontario as well as the Dominion. i r'urtne:sshottld be Jo,liir.htred that) the. government stood iirtn on thv' tariff question notwithstanding mu} ganized pressure against the fartnet's ', intcrcsts. I This New and up-to-date hardware store has been opened to supply Durham and surrounding country with the very best hardware, paints. oils, glass, putty varnishes, wire of all kinds, graniteware. tinware, stoves, furnaces, and all kinds of seed at right prices Store opens) As Spring is fast approaching the increase in your supply of milk will give rise to the need of a new up to date churn. We have the Daisy. at. 7 a. m. A. S. HUNTER. We are agents for the celebrated Imperial Oxford Ranges, heaters and furnaces, made by the oldest firm in Canada, the Gurney Foundry Co of Canada We have everything you require in the line of Builders Hardware. Call in and. inspect our inside door lets and frost doc: sels with all the latest American tiresides and with prices that will surprise you. We are sole agents in Durham for the Keen Kutter, the best in America. Every axe is guar- anteed before leaving this store. BIG HARDWARE STORE Vamey Builder's Hardware Highest pripesj paid for 33,51 kmds of a am 1n any quantity vw‘w Churns . THE AXES?) Stoves I A very successful tea meeting {in the Esplin church on the ' land an enjoyable titue was apt 938V. It. XcIunis (am-rim] mu _.. i Ferris came from the north of Ireland t about forty yours ago, After living a. I few yearn in the front of ()nlnrio they come to Proton and settled on the lot I they both died on. Hwy were good and , failhful members of the 'rethodirttehurcr,. A number of Sons and daughtem Lesxdm a number of grandchildren are lei: to i mourn their departure. l The Municipal Council met on Thurs- iday, 28th February. " Proton Smumn (and had the pleasure of having with ltliem Mr, Muir and Mr. Bellamy. Reeve {and Clerk respectively. of Artemesiu. I They were present in eotusultatiott about [draining the village Which lies partly in lboth townsliipa. Although this question has been before the council of Proton for lii7ii/i'i'i years. naming has been done. lIt. was looked well into this lime and I lgood drain is likely to be mode to the l Bangui) river. -- .-.J “wean-u um meaning was held in the Esplin church on the 2m. Feb. and an enjoyable “we was spent. The Rev. It. chnnis carried out everything '0 perfection. He Wu ntsinted by three other animators and Ir J E Itusbard metcbunt, ot Dnndtlk. Our roads: " present are in a very bad condition witlt mow bloskndcu. RENEW For REVIEW Died, on Saturday. Mrd Fain, " hr; residence; 17th can. Proton, Mrs. Ferns. age near 80 years, widow of the late Ja.. Ferris. one of the oldest setllnu in Pru- tnn. The funeral was on Moudav, thv 26th, to the nethothst eemetory nearby. Although the day was very stormy the neiulnburs turned out, well u, pay the Inst respect: they (would show to n lnlthful an I true'Uhrritian neighbor. Mr. and MW. Fans came from the north of Ireland about forty years ago. After living a few years in the frout of Ottiario they .......A A- n..,; , _ - Mrs A Vollolt is quite ill at present. but we sincerely hope will soon be lully reeoyered, ms Wm Kchlmon and family leave Tuesday for their new hnme in Craven, l ma. Mr and Mrs It Irvine and duughtrr and Mr and Mrs Herbert Irvine nlso leave on the name date for (ireufeli, Smk. lit Juno; “Lulu: hud a parte for tirc youth mm beauty oneevruinr, last Weeii, Mrs Wm Fee left. Wednesday morning: after spending a few days with friends w thin part. She will visit her Inother at M.lverton before returning to her home a; Dauphin, Manitoba. Mt C T Leann sold a fiue three-year. old cola to C Blythe for a. nice tiguro He was also seen taking home a gem! loud of furniture, which always looks inter- esting. Glad to heat that Mr Arthur ucCrie i recovering nicely from an attack of n; totulieitis at Medium: Hat, Album. ------i.i-. 4.. Hopeville. yy, close m, tia. pl i011 lies partly in mi: thin question mil of Proton for has been done. this time And a be undo to the 1 met on Thurs- Proton Smumn of having with Bellamy. Reeve ' of Artemeaiu. Itsu/tatiott about p m held Having purchased our cotton goods early we bought " old pricvs and customers get the benefit. Year ran ht ool Bless goods in chucks, at 20c and upwards Gingham, Muslims, Cashmerettes at 15c yer yd Fancy Plaid goods, double width at . 25 cts per yd. We are much better prepared for the Spring Trade than we were last "Out of the Fashidn I†A Check to Everything em, on Iurre ard hw human cure: balm, bruisitr b'lrtlilc, SO!“c:". nlcer=. all flesh w tuuds nal inflttnntimi, swvllings. ism mjurx-s made by "my nail. etc Have yer Pine won'lerf‘ all this]! sprains, null ewrulnng you wquire in Hard. wure. fhlverware. Clm"itewotr, and 'l‘inwnre. . Have you seen our electric light iisutree wmdow. We have lawly te. caved an immense shipment. of lumps nul shades which we are culling ll re- duced prices. HARDWARE! We are still doing businesq at. the snme old stand. in the same old way. With a! (a same old customers. and as nmny new one: us call upon us. We Parker's Drug Store1 art Wool Dress goods Government Checked and Plaid goods are the correct thing. We have a nice assortment in already and more ordered. It Human beings in general and Indies‘ in particular object to being checked. but even the lat- ter must submit to it next season at suffer the penalty of being On of l We â€re having an npth-I. ts er the iitst wrwk in own-y muulh. Anyone “iahing old br,oods renn- VMled to look gmul an m-w shunlul advise us~ we "ull be plat-ind tit nlu‘nd In it at (mun ll KRESS, â€an full lrnrortiurtuirt Poles, Window Sluuws. Pict mm Flaunt-s Frames to ot'dtt of all kinds. l We Are Invinu an nnth-Iu r. Cuil and ' McARTHUR will be to your advaintag-e d, see these goods. ' W. Black imothy Seeds Clover 'ost Night ('ulls tor l'mlvrukhu: promptly attumded to. d note intptovetuettts in our stock. S:9.Sre.tFt: 0m: Inspected and At :ecnre some of our Al. for kitchen use. No or burnt dunners by Thai,“ Undertaker Ed K8338 out another has all wool The prim . )our horses of stock food s, scre iunnutit [mu tl ll Si} tel Floor mlclom. I t.V, we! , yd Tunic 1h'lcktth. (in m wide .. . rum Helene alums hm II [Inhale-n out In» um" Hm ll (and 'l'al'Ml'llte%'1.'.1'.'1'T.y, â€Mayan! "tN-.............. tlout Nugget 'ii-ar-.- on" h deepen: Pa'lh",tif't'i'f, qua-m)- .1! Mean we extra he"; pure I decor-non. that will not mm. t [I‘m Table lieu "..........N.% nto-u- Faterteettt......:.' um 7|Ilcec t$eeeFtttstost..... .... 1.75: Pure "one: In T a Jitlfir 4 I Proven Steel Tracks. Singer Sewing Iaehlnes. Walkerwn Marble Works. The Bell Organ a Piano Co., Chums and Washing lachlncs. Mumford. crock ville.Grey Car-Mu. o s -...._ " We are sole Agents in 1mm. the above well known [mph-nu Binders, Mowers, Drills' Hm Disc Cultivators, Manure tipre Hat' Rakes. Hay Loaders. Hay tiers, Massey-Harris Cream tit [m . C ' o k .. -eee.6eooA The Massey-Hams Co. st ti McQueen & Moricc Clothing, Ladies'Fur Coats Men's Fur Coats Men's and Bows Fur Caps Ladies' Skirts Cali and sm- uslx elmewln-rv. Just Midduuglo Hound Must Have Room my It MacFarlane & Co Druggists . H. BEAN Bargains in at Grant's gm We're also MARCH T, 1907 AMERICAN CANADIAN To male room our new stock splat. For m we will give on: off. All our are marked i, figures and " have Fume In pay l of one third emember a n; " us heiore bu b' int Just Wegt ot the yon to a!" quality in lug. milk]; a" d enr- hem HE dd hur SELLS and and and Mil CHEhr F fe hall-haul. ‘..".1uV onto-I an. I " mun q. BUTTON Mt n. a I 4 I '00qu Cum "NOR (I' Coda-t " - to “with. - - gun-Ion I... on! tl MIMI. - â€in“: It“ a: an -etu' " ll '.' C. PICKERI ttoNoit mu ai-sity. "at! Dom“ 8'"ng tee J O J “U I 'e --tFr'o 0100' jiIAIN‘A - 73-6 In. mar, (u All HAG Kl Hail-3.. " J. F. GRAN G. “no!“ Atrw. Mrbttr IOU" Ionian" A [mm " " and tin-urn ART H U "In". " loan-y Pal ' Eu, Notary Pd mutt“,- u. but... I... u n ' .nd.l.u_ l PIT-a " DUIIAI to"! AU " " tttt cyan at». I "on; DB. 4&0"! n N. P. "'0' oh In! ' - -c, nu . Lt co" "