West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Mar 1907, p. 6

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r______________i ."~TEE PEOPLES’ STORE} January is stock-tah look for to secure Come to the Pe All Winter Goods Must 'i'i"iTC)li)roND HALL Engagement Rings Birthday Gifts ROBERT BURNETT. Wedding Souvenirs Generally '3'?“th - TAKING GLEARANBE SALE R,jh?iiiiTif l hive the plenum to 1mm... Pubiic I have secured Mr. J. A. Glut to mug: my mine”. Ae be but hnd lute experience in m mines: in U. Sun. and Canals. you an rdy on gerting the but n mm ideas to style and fit. Rudy-nude Ovmoau SELLING " attrr Vety (In - to! Boyd - No oldytoek sllowggg' Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Flanneilettes, Ties, Ready-made Clothing, Boots ardEShoes, Rubbers, Gro- ceries, Furs, ac.--all cut in price to reduce our large stock. Many Odds and Ends accumulated after hnhday yeason, will be ' I‘D ArfttXf only a short longer ALL ”my nub! tn' m. d a Mr “I At FLARITYS BUSINESS NOTICE 'atchmakcr. stock-taking month and the month you :0 secure real money-saving bargains. to the People's Store and take advan- ', of the low prices prevailing throughout the Store. alues to inform WEBSTER Jeweller to get Review SAGRIFIGING SALE WINTER GOODS For the next few weeks winter will still be with us ank we intend to rush off the halite: ct our stock at taking prices : GLOVES. UNDERWEAR TIES Spanial Line lot Martha 6thr to $1.00 Correct Designs BURN EPS ---- ow---- Diamonds Watches Clocks Jewelry Silverware Go and CAPS. to. Optician A great man an pun-u may. Win“. In Susanna. Gem-gin. In tench of ham). Death culled on the grew Indigo chief. Omnhystekln. The done-ed we! arena-chine men. shill-blooded Mohawk Indium proud of his race. He lint came into prom- inenee in Mott, when " the one of 19 be was chosen to reed the eddress of the Indian. to the then Prince of Wslee. new King Edward. The boy prince of the some sue toot n fancy to him. pieced him under o tutor in Eng- tand, Dr. Leland. and the young Indian l developed Into 3 "men" physically. in- tellectuolly and morally. He early bee-me intereeted In Fre- ternnl Society wore, roseto promin' ence in Good Templer end other or- ”Mentions. but his whole force of recent yen-s has been given to the I. o. Foresters. which All admit he brought from o low estate to rent the first in the loud. The Forecters' Tem- pie in Toronto is. monument to his ortpsttisitttt power. the Orphnn’s Home nenr Deeeronto in n testimony to the [rectum of hls heart. - no wee e clever physician. on elo- quent speaker. and nil who knew him echnowledged his magnetism. He had n are fund of humor and frequently turned the laugh on the "white men" in his nddressee and used to bout he I was on or not n euliject of King 1 Edward. I Many warm tributes have been pwid to he memory by prominent men. He t will be buried beeide hie Indian wife nl , Deseronto. Mid A son. Dr. Aclend Orunhrntekha, and a daughter, Mrs. Johneon. are the chief mourners. It seen" certain there will he it great public tribute when his remains arrive - in Toronto. - The Toronto Star thus refers to him: The queer-es of Dr. Ortmhyniekhn was due to the fact that, he Was an all.. round, well-lulunced man. He hmi J heart And imagination. as well no intel- lect. to qualify him for letderehlp. 2. With his tine. phvsique. his power of attracting men. and hie Kay. kindly. and yet dieni8ed. manner. hemight have been it great political leader if he had chosen that field of activity. But perhaps the choice he did make was and Weekly Globe and Canadian" Farmer iii) 51m to January lst I908 the wisest poseihle. foe it was one in t which business saga-luv was hardly more important than insight into hu- I men nature. end all those qualities l that make A man loved as well tbu re upected. His name meme "non of the Morning." and hr that he is likely to l he remembered. In Canada the relations between the rote to which Dr. Oronhynlekhn be- longed and our own hove always been good t it in e page of our history of which we need not be ashamed. Bat we ought not to give all the credit for those good reletionl to the white men. The race that has given allies and lead. ers in war and pence he: qualities de- serving of the highest regard. The _ Sun of the Morning was not, only one ot the greatest of the Indian race. but one of the gr enteet of thutndiartt of any me. on exemple worthy to be etudied by all who desire to do useful Iervice to theit country And their fellowmen- Examines "'GisUor.-conttorttutie new Brick House on Countess Bt., Durham. , room. end all convenience. Eu! terms. Apply‘et Review once. Greet Activiti " itil onto of Gunsli- tr. Smock ta in; Ro tr on. New good. hem; opened 0 end pilee of remnnnte ind left-over node being [sold Isobel-33in. See ad. H. locum. ', Mutant. One of the but fum- In the Town- ship at Remind. ans um. new buck house, two Inge bank bum. land ttrat dun, nil clearedexceptm It. Snnpto quick pureht"er. .1500 down balance " I. per cent. Apply to Jimmy ' DUNN Vendor’s mlicntors he Enter combs in about um" Weeks we invite those vb: Ham Mil. linery for Elan! to call " my time Ind but; . look through our "rstulV Inland stock of hate, Thou in I churning "riot, of trimmingl. the llllpel no "tall and Inge and . great. many "a the mulhroom ordar. We rum. to mike this anon on' ot the but sad '0 mll promiie you every attention and will try Ind please you it you Will [in m . all. an. been In, for the [at tour not: and [mo "tisniied the mlh’nery opening- in Toronto nod New York, Ind buys ulnmd o lug. noel: of millmory for Spring. We begin an non-on. Wedneahy. Much 6th. Gull only. Millinery for Easter Miss Dick Farm for Sale ."yo in shout tinge] TORONTO DURHAM. ' F man saloon nun. l Form Ill-Lizzie Aldeorn, Willie Fuquhnn-on. Purl Hopkins, Mnttie" Halpeuny and Thou Allan “q, Mm Edge. Form lI-Edllh Alun, Louise Wat. son, Annie Aline, Beale weir, tunic Weir. Form 1-.Wabr Milli. Lizzie Kearney, Ella Kinnee. Nellie Hepburn, Sadie Kreu. 20 per ct. Digeduht off Felts, 1.19.5313 Overshoes, . L gans, etc. . Repairing and or- ders our specialty. PUBLIC Beacon om. Br nr-Jamie Furquharuou. uirtlqtt1 Collins. Agne- Rnumgo. Mnrion Cur- rie. Jennie McGowan. ' - " ‘. 'I" 21‘. 7 iriv--wime Petty, Edna McCrie. Roy Clark. Peel, the Shoeman 'ii/iii-oe- Wurmington art, Mmdoch, Florence Bryon. Snunders, Nelhes McLean. Jr m-Milton Ruby Catton, ti Levi., -- . Levi. Br n-Helen Ireland, Ru Famuhu- non. Pearl Mitchell, Edwm Search Cassie Russel. --v- - . . nx‘n_‘u..n, Clearing Sale UNBIIU Il‘lUIII-Iu Jr trtAr-ahoa Wright. Radial-1m- ton, Lam-a. Bryon, John tLsrtrottlr, an Benton. -- - . ' n.__.‘.- DP" Dru-nun. Jr ll (BV-sum' McDonald,' Berths Havens. Cecil Manlly. Annie Russell, Theresa Vollet and Lillian Mchle neq. Br Pt Ii-Leona Faun. Murray Williamson, Percy Bryon, (Julie Mr- Nally. Weitrert Knialey. . Jr Pr li-Nellie Fluker and Penn Wright thH1, Zeta McClocklin, Willie Lauder, Doris McAnley and Lorne Jackson no. Norman Lenuhnn. Br Pt b-Irene McPhee, John Duncan and untold Sharpe neq. Willie Watt, Mary Lennie and Nellie McKeclmie neq. Fred Sutton. . - _ . - ...‘__A__ can“... Jr Pt I-Rnhin Fnrquhnrmu. mum. Wntt and Arthur Haulage seq. 'H,arper McGirr. Nellie Lenshaux, Benny Hughes. Jr A-Elennor Swallow. John Me- Phee. Russel Gun. Eric Elyldge. Octa- via Marshall. _ . of WINTER t FOOTWEAR 1 . 4th--hrutr Eater. John, Greenwood Mae Spine“. Emmi; Ritchie, Earnest Gruenwood. Clam Greenwosd. Her, hurt Edge. Will Willinmm 8rd.---Pmrr Wilson. Eva Ritchie. Willie Euler. Herb Ritchie. Arthur Edge, Kate Ritchie, Victor Williams. Willie Kenny Clarence Staples. Br gnd--Nex Edge, . Maggie Ector. Elm Williams. Jr 2nd --3trrtle Ector, Nona Williams, Mag- l gie Ritchie. OAEIIG Ritchie. Edith Edge. Jamel Vaughan. Josie Kenny, Vlncent Pnylor. Pt ma-Aurrie McNglly. Be Ist-Ate' Vnughan. George Wilson Willie Ritchie.. Jr lat-v-Kntie . Me- Nor. ' - --. 74â€" A--_I.nn --3trrtle Ector, gie Ritchie. than Jamel Vaughan. Pnylor. Pt , Average attendance so. ' a. a. No. 14 gunman a murroti _ 4th--0. Sackett " p.c.. Eva [law 50 p. c., Glam Wilson 46 p c. gra--J God- dard 37 p. c Ethel Raw " p. c, D Haw 73 p. c. Br 2nd--hshn Wilson Wp. c., Jennie McConnel 34 p. c., Christen. Cameron 81 p. c. 2nd Intermediate- Bunley Williams 37 p. in. Alberta Witterlm p, c. Lydin McKinnon 18 p. c, Jr 2nd--uordon Sachem. 80 p. c. Duncan Uemeron " p. Co Joe Wrlson [ 61 p. c. Br Pt tad-uomsld Maannel 81 p. Co 1.0 McDonnld ttlt p. c., Jennie manual 34 p. c. " Pt .asa.-Bdn- Baekett00 p. c.. Annie McCannel 56 p. c.. Mary McOmnel 51 p. c. Br lost-- In Haw. Annie Marthe“. Mary Ferg- Iuon. Jr let Chi-Dena, Williams. lay Cameron, , ' /.. . _- “ ------ mn-nhnr. HONOR ROLLS. weitk, Chl- HM“ McArun Nowell. Herbert DuMInOOM Kochnie. tk Pt Nur-ab, Tom amby- Br. ut--Arr Kahlua. " ut-aut-Fee' 01 Em" mu. Scuom. Rob}; Furquhnrmu. Gibson I; Milk. Thou Dolighn". Nettie Daniel. Evylina In; Catrina, Te seller, John McIlruilh, Flutter, W |llie " ”mm. II! Me- Pt 2nd-Bnrt Vault. Br. ut--Armettn Me. trt-Betta Vania. . RITA ucooxn. realm. uington. Herb. Bryon. Bessie A. Want tucker McArthnr} :loueo of blamudon ir iart,serair. Rouge Whmny‘givon that" and Part- whip titttittottiAnmtiottmt between It. the .underaitrned, as Shovel” Letiatttrtt aluminum. an think-y bun . nah-d tsr'iniit,url ”yaw . Alf gem owinttto t"tietd partner- Bt, iii “a tome imid to my I. A. Sher all 'ot Oak-ham. and " plsims ae.Ur"t it? said partnership It: to be m neat- to ttseaWhrte ir. A, Shave“. by whom the'p'gin're' tFill be uttled. "riiriiii Emma; an: m day l Much A. D. 1901. v . Wuhan. . (f,', A, Stowe“. . A. B, Jack; on, F.'_.Lennhan. The Pioneer gives the following " the couple“ return-of use recent to- ealpttHietrt econ-min Ontario', , _ Roped come-nu. 8. New contact“; 100t total we Victor-lee of teiupemooe people: Repeal cohtuu. T. T _ New co'tittsts, 42; total“. tsitrhtrrthrtre, mole ban-come to be cloud Nay 1st. Victoria otliquox eople: Repeal content. t New emanate, ltr, total 14. Ooomnlolc to' “manure was“ because ot.. do per ce'nt majority e- nmnded by the new law, 45. The mn- tg',i.,f"tl', in those places on so per cent aim totalled 2,686. Ot 8CO munieipaUptiett in Ontario over More now under local option. Fear that the Box Socid bold in loo _tonayr1ytol hone on Thursxlny (waning d lm wn'Iuhigb bliss onusrtsiuatttut M t through Would be puthiug. it too mildly. 'Twu tn e‘xéo‘pzidumy prillism. afttrir. The night was an ideal one, and the rotds huing'io excellent. eouditum um 'l codnquynaa sebum house was soon filled 1 to m utmust cap-city WM) an atreubtee, I appreciauge audience. the Motion being t well yeprolentod ahcl‘outnida palms nond- ing a. gubdly number M conmngenu. At 8:80 wag-Ami: ms when by ur D a Smith. 'rislvrstokrip.d the dunes of Lust 05.00 m n manner high'ty creditable to himself and ntinhctery lo all. The chilarou acquitted themselves with honor In their singing. mutations. ke., and their an of manner. clear urticuhtiuu und e1oeutiotutry nuninuneum refrret. great credit on their Lenchcr. in“ my: Dnnald.:whoae' painstaking “Tuna and F tmtiriug - We” no doubt "spanni- ' DI. tor their being so well trained. The young tdoplts of the nocunu in . rendering several ‘extraunely huumroLlh dillouuet demonstrated drum-sic talent- ' ofo. usarired degree. each number being , received with‘culhuzinlic npplan-e. , II Paeamtotse, our celebrated Violinist. " uddud to’hia laurels as nmusicinn by rendering in that clans style a uumher of rl exception-11y mgMd'wus selections; Mrs M. W mddluon u the organ wording in [mien-ammo. ' . luv-Wm Inclined proved himself tho gunk cube album orun by ennpmrinc the audience wink seveul humoniuug “lecciggl. " ' ' ' Our nine} burg, Willinmsford. was re. preneutcd by It Black. who brought. bl! grnmaphoue and wanted the crowd to Ieveral of the latest "hite" m the music. ul world, whnle his cinnamon Kiss Tenn. an“ uveuk solos with I depth of pathos "ldpas than.“ ouuido high class open kneel-kin meat. ' -'. . __- A A'Ln-nn m.e. unalien- , . . Quite i number of boxes an ad by Chm-mug Smith. each ing a. good' 'uemg‘o price mu. 'ritu to "the tissaueial ','M',;ll.'l. ofr we “on ing. 'T.sro' the hmmmonn ‘opinion at Ill presenmhat this wu the beet mannin- meat ohtho action. and much prniw is due the managing commiuee for brine- ing the issue to so anaconda] u termini- tion. Ptocoodl of tin evening npproxi- mated [35 oo. . i U. s. a. no. 1, N. can. Br. 4ttsea Mellvride. B Barber. Br l 3rd--0 Morrison, B Barber, A Peta l grew, w Morriéon. O Pettigrew, E Trotter. M. Hay. Jr 8rd--M Kerr and E Barber aeq.. Mt myth, Il Barber, W Bugle. it Mon-mm. Br 2ud--A Petti- glew and F Kerr at}. ts' Grunt, W Hutton; M Leeaon. Jr 2nd---L Petti- i'!,,),':,",',:::';",-.,.,':, A Lauder. E Morrison. Br Pt gnd--W Eden, M Lee-on. " Pt 2nd-- a Gram. 0 Barber. Sr Pt 1et--P Bar- ber And C Pettigrew urq.. 0 Blyth. 'Je.Pr 1et--g Leeioa, E Mellvride, A -Pe‘mgrow. - -- _.-----. "and”. . A Smmful Social. I Gunp- uu . Axum U. lawman“. Teacher. Amuse attendance-MB. ' ' B. a. no. 6, BIMNCK. Br tth--tiattrnrim' -ouwut. " 4?.hr-Snmh’hlncUongall. Clifford How- - n " w-, "..- ell, Mae Btmon. Jr 3rd--2as Brown, Frankie Truancy, Archie MucDougull. tir aid-katie Phillips, [rend Brntton. Freddie’rorry. Jr gnd-.mnnthn Red. jam. Magic Clark; Hughie Hendry. Pt mir-Harry Cox. Rr 1at--NFilie MucDougull. Jennie Britton. Jr Ist-. Etta Tw‘mnley. Pro-eat every di- I Gunmen Clark. - ---- I. _ -- '“Aloh-IL . a a so m (“IKE“). Clan 6~'-Lizzie McCunig. Jr Ltb-‘ Ada McLeod. Br 8rd-.-Vtie IcCunig. Mamie Hartford. v Jr ortr--gme Hoop'- er. Idts Mchqu. Charlie McKinnon, willie Hooper. 45:- md--uiitle Me. cuaiir/Ror McDermid, Bernie Burt. fotd. Flea-is Hooper; Glad)“ Tucker, Tommy Mather. Jr 2nd--Bdwnrd Pg. silur--atmoooptryerr T' r. Glut; ttth', Hedwig. Clu- 1 oy-Fe timber-n; Minnie L “clincher-n. whihm'mo McCunig. f Am loco-a. Misc. a... "I, tteCmssftt, willie Boesper. ' cm:."Roy Meth totA, F105.“ Moo Tommy Mather. Local Option Domoch. -----qe--- Ga. Humow. Tanner. Mt. Jr 3rd--Tas Brown, Hey. Archie MucDuuzall. Phillips, Irené Button. . gr2nd--mnnthn Red. Clurh Hughie Bendry. rv Cox. 8r 1srt--NFilie a are monon- ch on. bring- 8 and adding a] and socinl of ---- Regal-r monthly muting wu hold on londay might. Owing to he ob sauce ot layer udder through lune-I. Rave Saunders took the chair. conn- cilmen all present. The minute: of the hut meeting were read and adopted. except that minute passing lay-Law MS, which rs, l-tedtotho appointment M an new “L" “Hill: to tbe tm ot In WINTER TERM tlol . await/ILA " ox luv... ..---- -' b mm Inn-tn “no: Ira. . - n’odcnto. car.".',",',;.'?, Srdk"lte.ii'iifi “a. ”doth-um. left. In York We " Iona-II ad!“ mc.. ILA. .. --" - m i;r'iFi/t?Ct'ai.", m---.----. an". -_._e 7‘ - The "hool " thoroughly equi m use!!! nlnlixy. In chemiul Ind retg,ttgMll,1"l'i 1'lt mum. Ae., tor lull Junior Leaving and Intric- uminn work. The tolu"rirt' compute!“ sun are In chsrge ' - »-- --A- nulnnlml Town Council. Intending Student: should ning of the term H possible. lined u. reason-Me nun. 1 and sttractte town. mum; plum tor midencel . ---__. -. --.. "an”. mos. ALLAN MISS pouyy', guys M. . “My [25 Whitman. -i--"" our supply. such . demwd does nu can sslblc but it in true. Commence now. our Esme tree. W. J. ELLIOTT. ”mount a m, \'ouzc and Menu“ an of 2 um is M. 8. HOLLAND mm H... Caution» and third you undergndune of Queen's Eula-MS. nuance. '19wa md Geog-why. s. a. NO 3. 332111240: tith-Margaret Derby. 4th--Oertie Corbett. Edwmd Btu-ran. Wilford Livingston, James Counts. Nathan Grierson, James Park. Stanley Living- uton, Roy Vickers. Hr ttM-Blanch Wise.Ruhy Alexander. Allan Wi-, Douglas Donnelly. Jr lird--Georae Rear. Linn Ton-y. Annie Lawrence. Agnes McLean, Evelyn Count. 2nd --John Derby, Lily Torry. Joy mm-l kins,Nnrnmn Melton-Id. Amhenino l Builey, Evelyn Melt-n. luv Adhm. George Admin. Br Pt 20d~Etho| Derby. Brigham Livinmn, Freddy Cot-huh Win Park, In! Int/her. Cecil Rear, Eds-t hmue. Jr Pt 'tnd-Annie Rear, Ila-km Put. (tet',;'?:',,",',,",, Rex [Arum Dd: Path. It!!!“ MeRonnld, In“. Bop thins. Br lat-Willie W, lag. In the tttet m nth Telegraphy m ' we... to “00.000310: 0.!an In div" urn-e. You no cured -oraVikiit6ptotptrt.f itiiEiik y 'w: 'ttneg m u - hat WI:- W. K. IHA'. "I. TJJOBNI‘I‘ON. I!!! he The oldest and strongest [witness All {militia In: of the but. a motive expert mmnctlon and T Immipn ind "a yr/tty, 00 xx ‘7 n.,_ A- A a . " Ir. nu The oldest and strongest [witness seuool All {militia In: of the but. Evade-u motive expert Ittstruetiott and pawn“ manual: ind um gained 00 MW. wine tor mloxue of unlike up-xo-due school. T. M. WATSON, Principal any, John Hopkins. " lat-Ill“. Adlam. Margaret. landing. “mi. J. Am. Robbie Mignon. Mg A' we???“ {hymn 'r'onox'ro. our. B ttMt Prlrv-u-._ ment that the use and. won by the Xnyor val rthe town solicitor bu mils letter poinling out a was legal. of accounu were paused. Bitmsh AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE rll Iran-u , manna were pulsed ugh-m lodged a. com- certain name. blocking l poles almost. hindering Hound] promised to re- c. A. Bids" Youre TORONTO AN. m cusscertMItsate waaoD, B. A., “mm: 's University, musics, Selene yen round-Enter any time uhould enter " the begin. )uible. Bond cum be ob nun. Durhun II n nanny mum; it A moat dnlnblc cor, now on at the nun-v . n ' . . ._.-.r, - Yougc and Munich! an A., Romu- Graduate musics, Modem: u. Homo mwd. we!!! time. a new“ an: [trump-l M ”a... msmÂ¥mv~ .. u ."uM‘. 'i/d'iiiiiiliii)i, Md. i'rFirji2tll, . .. ,=- 'l: . ';l',ts"iiFi'eiir 'tlt',??),? 'rell “In. ttooa Ir.- ..'Ne-e_ (windmill) our doom. Coon-aw to . whom. F, o. "td, church. to; (PM ' llformition Uiirr " tid teGrititt'. . , 'a'i'irifriaoieeute.e: _ ts pg2.att,tel'jhti.l, t Wgumat T . , I ad, urea iifii2lhitlll) upwa- l an. air batman! - mu itat, ' the Borer PgtglTI'l) t nor ofiot 8 wh Grdid make . good wnterror'I'r. it an» - w , conveniently do“. “do. pro- pertt will be cold together or In I“ no wit purchner For lumbar CM- In! lpply on thaw or to l McComcx Be.. Roqky nutmeg , A good loud brick. tub “9“, tat in: iir,e,'g Producer!“ money pony In pper, To". Durham-Dorm of Durham and main like“ - moms. pnnuy. closets. cement noom. cells". We. Good airy 19¢;qu in good locality. troodfm"n8 uh glue! find soft qoitqre. on. new at but Coup tor quick put-chm. For “all?” nmmu-n nnnlv to _ . . 3651;" Map" in 200 Acres. bani Iota " in con 16 & 16, Egremom. 65 “If. clonal.- 18 tic'. bud wood bush. remnindor "any. 2 ac orchard. creek crook. has no nor (Whom fur-mu. Spring un but of ouch farm. Good hmlumhan hm driving shed, pig (£911. on Ion... Also lot li, con Mi, 1 acres. 6 clear- ed, l'enlniller smunp. nmnll orehard, brick house, bank hum, It% It'd. kcrwk crows this tnrm "o. A well. t'euced Apply In - -------t-=TrrcG luau "iiq)TVWt'1L r, nous-a: run 8%? ' . Elocution and Physical “It!!! Miss Twmnley. Honor Gmdunmin Elocution and Phyuicul 'Culcme ot Alma Ladies' College. St. Thouomlu prepared on give chu or ierste leo- one in an" “Mean. an“ ‘- ngemenu taken. For tem- and other patient" ugh I». 1tettlt P. o. or at Calder'. all. on Why and tfrhlay durum; t . . FARM FOR SALE-- '. '1 Ilitt MM. Lot 40, 41. (I. 8. D. Rufu- urher pwtlcuhu apply an the plank I or by maul. q ‘5 . _ ' c" ALEX “cunning. ' . p. a THE WESTERI t REM. ESTATE Excagggg , n Dunn- St, but... up: " you with to altar . bQ‘?” prottertr quickly or ' in: '. 'te wish m bur, dim't In (0593?; who our Gen Agent for ttto o of p. Wm W Bunnie. Thi.tur P. o, who {no Ute. Iy tieen.aibointed to. this ponip Q. Wo mnke no charge unlea- the rt%,ttr' in mm. For further particuurr/ apply, peeomula or hy letter, to either of the nbuvu “dream. The Wotan on to In l _, 14:. LW, cum Jows W. Mexicans. Own-t Rocky WI". 9' In reference ttt tho n yo, cli- began Announce that I will bowie“ ht nnv ' lime to meet with acute Vii-hing to " huy.oell.or new but will tor con- , venienu- be in Durham new but afternoon. lt In doit not!“ _ A Md aubt1lt _ . x (manna. Ord emu ' ' . vuwomee will receive brohnp up ui , all on. $vtttmrat-- mm - On Wednccdly. 1. mm. 81th. at the late. 0M. ir" the Ree. Wm. Emma-m. mf' new. a Danica. to Ellen Davin. of Glgnelg. Doxrrtg-tuuattst-4hs leh. mm. mm. Io Dmmnl- tigttea.aU--At to. bone of f ", the bddehs pun-nu. Ir and [claim 't Sinclair. on Wednedpy. 'Uttar/tu, 19m, br? _ a. ecu-on. coch- Drimisie, at lama... - Bee Iaortr.-" Dalia-roam. Inn-ch FARM vosi sum; " """"'“ Ma 'us..ttr.'r" .' MtsrrAnx,aEbimhr.ateiktttim q; j'dy Mtdquodxn. 0.8.” . [uh-lea. that“ to [In Oeo‘rgipo , Bullidly. lair-E" ."iri"ia"ia'7'iai",T'" tilter?1l1",y.tt; o ' A feb) mm si.',' 5+ J2. "Ci Yin-"g f. tr '3 Ctti?iyiiieii..'ilh wu. w. lumen - District Aoramurtsutlt,Ahrt A. N. Hum-Inuit. Dromor4 or Yrovil Vedhedpy. "tcite, 8. Can-on. 00w. manta-p! Boo tt MARCH l"i, UK

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