West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Mar 1907, p. 8

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' In si.'uyit thype is lot hiieiiiliii, If? rum-nu ! boats are “sung th 1 bread. -.iriGira'.'i; I sinus ot “faction .0. lr'ii'i.'C. are hllqba'nh require: tho sou-r be MM“ whom whom lm’e'e roan-he hr. T 'ttCul mm tne MIMI?“ soprc4uootptilbrs. If)!!! att, pan-nu who non-r Lis, (Jr-Er vhiuln-u ai. ter they are babies a.ul Mm disvuurage in tut-m. as they grrc,tttpcet waging ht carom: and maan of nifeetiom Let them inton- again. sotnerhing of the at. _ - . h, hug“ FEE? .:" only to y t In "ttn temicrttes u. AK-ciiunau- on)” in] . ".r y, Time ta)ii,vtat?r'?.i,ir:: Tne "ni,griii.' ( hunt is a gi-m nf from , the hwy but; IS (m: to _ C . "nun"; "" i'" tione u to w "Ht pl.tee of p lt doen n 'tttlit,' family shrp any . . I“, "uh-ins the tion of _ gttt) it is ulpr practical, II l ' Me it preiesi. litt.V. It' I“ " " 1. and tity umu't our f,7/,ltiti', M .ltl'l win: ,wlsere VI 0 mu rilrmunt But. who" T/ , Luna-w ttrt' r and rtwattri h, e ' osio'i 1. like; to Ire a':,tti It . aclv, hottet e:tUlg der. 'tr, ' 'l “NHL!" 1:! Hearts That Starve for lee. “0ng . 19”»;th mug}! A29“ t he ' e prnycf Lion of tlttU'lt: " u supn'uu-ay Victim“, I l ' . Me it prerwiioes so an». It' ”at“. [t I. and tive spirit an"! exp 11'lltilt PA .mvl wimu "nh when w 0 mu cirvumstatrc'i. But. who" T/ , Lorces ttrt' unranu and ring-Jul? by c ' esiou la likviy uiw to he rand] '. It . “fl-i3. Itottct ". ‘u: I'tlsil . d tiii, n “ma.- that. b5 .1.,. Ie'.?.. . " Lg“? .'I| oipu"c tri We on Introduced Why) 3 gm... Wig)“ in 0011'. dealing ittth men. What itit.mprires of men in iiert age is than . . _ J5...“ him A REA! confidence that ll and that. HU can Abraham :he,iievai1 who iitihkked . to ken-I and One he me." plum.” .... our r u that God underarm frdit_ know; our fume and hen thet we are dart. He nud for example, how hard it i.,' in ways to id um” the wing: of 1y npiritual . who Ssai2'itioh .. - A., n.1,: oioti, no Author and PM. ily de rmm il . it/il??:)",?,?,.':',,'); Lyn" "r . detiteatd ,. 'rriyvtW'yc, I?" 4mm“ 'its , T" d in. ,?iii.iilF' let chum-ti oq Ith . tr may. , sq - D tenticrnesr u, . u: . mud ttt mate "xl'r" 'c'"qh.. . Mil n h . .1 " A .' 'i " traint my Jinn Pill The th,. mm. yr'. " i, VB“? In“: the tttf :t'udjeh. i. 1gb! Int 'tc',ttogttft,itt Hi- commanda Are good re Mud His reward is sure. a in“)! God'JdIo'ah, " hits Jumble", my) fun in the depths of his mmoned to faith in God Id mm in Jena; (jurist. 111 ith M 1 tiier'i+ a cymbah in "The l Illa lid ttt Faith. Lo g great memWhat Andi KIM; u u,',', up materi r115 Mroli “IS wor -John “yer: are u further "ncrth, exploring the “It!” known water ways. Atter hh bruttter's death um "ernalrtder obi-hp- ex {Elem worked iu'wuy wo-th‘dlnohw dtwmhm, _rlesetttrte team“ " the end of IMM. From this point it mm ‘Lieytan m, #0111” 4apitoiinIeauou to War. What)“- ulna-2110 the‘Nnu by way or the Shari. Dubangm and Aruwlyni rivers. 'rn2Lvl1tti'gllt!tt whatevamp on hm "iiiii'ritj'idtj'iutitt,ccattt2tit, wrote any!“ that he hoped to no Lake Chad in a at: or mo. He :1 ',, buried nodirma‘n may?) Ma i)'iiitiu','iri'1i l, h't,ull we: MUD“: at!!!” to we .VXIE Dy wny Mk . the skim-i. Oubanghi and Aruwimi rivers. l, In yr." 1906 was notalv‘lr for tin- Ian‘s;-r ',:,i,tii'..'sh'i'e illii1t,1 "15””??? 1fLl'a'l J’f‘hies: mama.“ to tlt1i-TtiiCio. mun-my é" gxaumzlg a a'a an in visiting the 1.ei'ihtsarrurriri'rri"irr' rp'rrir:i',rriimrii"riii" les, mysterious washing? of. Ute. Mantis. yi:';.',. ’mxwr i-wr recurilwi m any'mu- yrari er present-e 'ot 'myriu or mosquiz as Pr, '. . '. '. ' '1‘ ' I. ' . ram-0d much suffering to the expedition, but .rtt. t‘ntdl adding}; It" in] ”flat? “in Menu of mommy,” Muck-m we” an” ac- , 1.000.an tons. if P."""'"." s (mu‘ers apoliihqjuhv an it)" unwed. Mr. Tal. l iurm-d out of the shipyurfh represent a)“ La" 6t Td, 2' England, tf,l','t a?“ i mum“) tons grow. an advance of 121-2 m tae “was com let er ' ' ur.' '?'i'w', ... ai,it. nveni moat F ‘11: work at home. One of per c “t: on the produetion " 1900. by“ the mountain ranges in northern Nigeria mu l ing ships are no longer a factor of un- Tim". dr'" Chud, the? Captain Ciuud portauee in considering tonnage afloat, an r. , . . . . . Prom 141m Chad tho,expedii,ion puma-cam l artd n t1tty.try'0lul1lt tons wins ”(Fwd tn n nomheuzeriy direction and toiiowinu trom the British register during tin year. the Shun-Her 'etutltr reehed ttiLtsrtEie-t,orgoea.iyiyyittl Times. _ ii). myizet'gou “Alumnus: or, the. manila. and puwm er pronoun 'ot 'myriud of mos'quube-s The“ total cam-ad much sutlarlng P we expefiuon, but ' l “n00" um ............. -.-_.__.., -___--"e ___ - am extremity of the Congo Fre 'e.-- the norm of Chad the expedltl had some tlahtlnrmlm the trlbos. itt vb mleutirr,- ant Boyd Alexander lust Dome ot b rich” And bl: calm-tor. Lopez. Ins ,rFt'it1,enr"(i'ii/ I melonxed any in the reslon ween thc' southust ot Chm and the Con ' the ox- oodltlon “and Congo Free Lte. “are ht June of In! at the Belg“ nation or Nylnqen mom Gosling died . leaving Lieutenant Boyd Meander to (-0 Me. an lourrw; alone. For mum tim" C, n Gm- lmx had bwn sutterlrm from putter lava. through which he Mas nun .’ r Lieu- ununt Akccttuder, A relapse, ho "er, or- qurred 3nd ling!) a messenger has seat In t',%',r, g or. the second m c at It . Man Med and wax buried mdith mil, My honors in the Belgian tstation. A rlmnle had to be mudc in the plana of the expedltlnn owing to the hostility of the A Mum‘s had to be nude in the plan or the expedition owing to the hostility of the natives. Eventually the Nile was reached by. an: (4 Yei tributary. {Emits fun i'iaiai'i',é's,ii this pm of t 101th b e at Alex Mer lost. throo AoL his Human "Trii7iirardest part of the expedition was un- doubtedly that which “Moved the departure from Lake Chad. ot the two Murmurs. one iit f,","Wtt right'jhrough and left " Mit filriti'si,oamsa,d sufferings at the .. __-_A' ---- ., .-A..:__ 0:. Mttlmi0itisuaivsud sufferings at the an: than yours the emHorer ls looking tic “I won. '- Wutard's Lirpimettr. Owes Dandruff. How Readers Have GaineerNtttressiot" "0/iiLi “Sign? toll-hm? t'. -'. ' n us pen ut "spidi.vwltauginst con- a-ptions and steadii'emrosdtjniug inter. can it i-I unsafe for t mun, to' pub'lish his ugly; views. ioneetiiing, Jueh Pirts oi Bit'; iFttiird' stiestce us Iii: beyond uis own experience. 'Ot course he must have some conceptioq volt-the results and more it will aid him in his own work. But whenever pablitatien. is not abtol lutgl' ytetit' my drd/kito show um u'I'lieurl'd',' dt KAI din bihlogieal know'd mlge with some newlyaiiseovert'd prin' :iple. such conceptjq.nf must be C',',,.,',';',',.') ed , " . 1e only; Jtid/rivisJ, , 'rtB, "“ watiom ' easily lead to J e ‘ ‘ iatiou orinpatt't n-ul meri yer, ,.qtysterbrty Burbank. Th "er,Apts nnt_| u BtiiBiNE's REAL mums. gt, thin“, explori auth, 1mt usiwnesu am gem ', In many o l cvido the scientiii l autho A not a scien l t remains an opeuqrtes t incorrect and tii/y.) [am-uh must, be ilupul t' of Hm urtivk- or tn; main ituprcssion, how- tuisvpybly 19 Buggzwh 'tt and popular'. an of them! t' much mid a of Burbank. known: :JQ‘VA"" ‘u‘ax r- 4 .. s"Psi"h'rf-'-'dheS'-r 'uihiikraria Ber to shy ion wished to marry her?" . “é ttdtfur1 slut Lyuk'g'l'he tact an scream: wmbime.mM3m-ona ln-la- is merely unavoidable." Mange. Prams Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human or animus cured in " mirtes'bg qutord's Sanitary Won. It 'navu- has.” old my drttttiV J WNW; stuh'e,iatriiktrfi.,?oi,t or allowed I trntti Nomi-(Ms iriim horses, blood spa eurlm, splint a ringlmm-. wweem-y, 'itifl ~prnius. any» and, squml throat, cough. etc. Save 8rohy use of one bottle. Wu mined the moat wonderful Blemish Cari over known” Sold. by druggHts. Manny’s Oratory. Thore wwma to be mueh tliifertmee of opinion an to tlu. merits of Macaulay” ni.atoAeal style. 1tr.-Whitty sway; of: his "pert'ret art and cnnisuumte man- agement)" and of his "'th raising his‘ voiee enough to "be [ward that”); the romu." Biit,.rsmiing.'y "Anuvdbfal His- gory of viii-"British Pavthunent" says; "By all account, (urittrs Dean Milling") Macaulay" drlisery was far too rapid to h}: ilupromivr; it, wanted also.vit,tjt't,v and ihwiliility of intonation." Amt Ftuii, {0L2 "Cratots of tho Age" describes his [voiee Eli “pill-hut in alto, yey1o_ty1tt'.Y soive an Ch'eL".'2.!,!2 and}, munuw.....m .3397 MW" ariitciiiiiimiicrWlFikitrut .. . . -__L-s.t-u-t....'.o--db -' . we IW:~’WIVI“ ."e"t .7 >7 - 11th riiG'meArettltfrteitr'-d"- ""thtrt' oxtrmnMy quMe and not very enticing voiee." Mr. Om thing. at,atty rate, is curtain thet Mun-nub“; .tt'le was dis- tinguHu-ul, lik" that 'thittu/U).'l; by rapidity of uttvrmm‘..ul§ll what, is much rnrvr. by hunk-in ,4r,hmarf9,'rottt n hum-r in the sin-mum. ' ' se,:i1,,eii.i,i',i',i'ii, The Crime of Building ttairways , IN. T. Sun.) A most toriiiiiiiriiirtro'iFiot- from the woe-president of s. grout nllroul calm vany. He pretends that ”mega,“ my: no stocknoldgys In arm” . i.',-,", LO doubt " got-unit expert _ Dense of lhe‘ “Isaac’s ot fliSQMES oi Winn. But than genus no expert opinion to convince the nubilt- that this vice-president In trying wil- fully to deceive. fir', m and m rest ot the country " n .know t exact alt-ml 'iiii'2"t'ihiii9iiii' It!“ notorious that “Woods are owned and run for nefarious purposes of capitalists. Rail- roads urn a part of predatory wealth. A: __. -4 _-a-_.--.. n... " p' IT 7 .41. . Quay; Em Britain's Merchant “nine; gipAvm LINIM li .94, Jo: TORONTO But - than r,' ' l G1qprtut' sew, PM. was? ' Q 221110 dh:kr [if fdttsittr"cf hh. tG 'ti/ting into the paul. Bold. pipttes Im'lnqgor wymkw yth,itt,tttyp,TYf't w rum-mil maGluts. a mitririy' v, bu a trlsivt 'tr,.iUiirtuJii",iouuetu imr'nmm“ thc trip from Shanghai around the Horn to New )jop'kaqd buoy-9'. Inngr harbor “my be 'keen tuiiiiaitr'ailiug' w'welsi lying low illitHEIWII‘thr'lill mute protet pf the bicr fiiGrwi/i'Ayiic'tirtually gr?“ 'iii/r.',' 1t1ettr But dttya.y .calxt,in the hour! of iittrfi' Ltuietih tit'uWrk M'uwiftly' tttit au- (ttttii/ni/Tame/s-FTS"'. thirtr '"pnls’i‘ng. mut'.tv0jlwtu,s will mini?“ 1':tit1,ti mqm- old in: dogs “'1’“; un- the dinglt of tlto,te who lose the ocean. to be ru- plat-mlJIy [the smart; .vywttti. dimer-r of the prowl”. 'S1ttt11 git); Tune}. . .Therg .are acme can the with u tlou. Ohe' is tha on the street mus mega the‘womuu menu - “van... ‘v..__. '"' , bamurt4.' as varF1tati.t Mf n, "Ure (my trip slip tur tt G-etrtit ture.' "6t1tdt1t1g tire coins tally as well as her mascnllue com- itggr2'1 an!“ more namely. In the, ghee Tla' b l “U "pqleanert." Ae grff Ind if! men and in the [(4chth mm»: In clt9 ind country young women are invariably found as operators. And tlwy do their work well no: But to offset (this. in a Chm-an hotel or boardinglmua-o and in many maldenr‘es _ en do the.wurk of the ctttuntreratald. Axu- '/'l'd Indies 'treAlmtt't' shocked to fittd tttat . man tivt'vattt "lakes care" ct the “999an mound" the hotels ot Chill: men and in the' (elem-w country young women t as operators. And tpoy not But to offset (this, or boardinghuua-o and men ‘do‘ ghawvurk of the Miuard's Li'niment Relin Neuralgia. That Sun Spot. 53.5; U"iiiiy 8th "Mrs. Skandell. was telling me a story ttraig plenum ot,yrtty MIP. was! lwgan Mrs. High): . F T , 'tSee. here!"_ ujterryt."ti, t.ltr. husband, Min-M’s Liniment Cures Bung“. ""ii'ii.rf'er-id;7'Yo, -thii. of course, I can} lute it ty.yotgevuetyi, I know _ . _ . . =.. .ln' T n|,ujj-m "How are you getting “lung with your new- Inutor our?" "km! tm' viritor. I . -First nun." replied Mrs. ‘m. with ontlswfasyt. :N e'ro, Awning}: be reginir aisto'cr'titg."- 5 Mummy Aittrshirl. 'm . I want evoryyiomln who 1'de tbh IWMCM to new um u.- - P. drm. 601 can sodd tteeitttormntlon am will“. on us.- trom r»... NUCA, Arm6 ah. ever. Dort't misjudze my more: by unsucce‘zgmy attempts at others. Why Butt r: - noynnce longer when I stump will bring relief. I suffered humllltuou for $3 I am 'dl", granny 1'1"lll"l; No "we II 122:- the akin um um... and mgr *1 mm us .youru n 1m: olln ohm . 't nd my mo but “the no - day and the iietomrtattuer Girl' about mind fahat'r'l -. T m r. Addreu IARCELLE LA Gunman.” and Euchd Av... Am.arrErataa) it. ,7 I I '/iGiiiii 55d“: .ri.ateaf, WE?" 1| "OE'"-'""" .7,“ v - -_" "-7- SUPERFLUOUS HAIR PERFECTLY KNOW. l Wu". every woman who reads um advertisement to and me her nun. - Jr , so I can ietit Iteeirttormatlon mu will use on mu- trom hop, gm; Arm6 Itfe g... Don't misjudse my server by umuccvuml attempts at others Why sun rib - nce longvr when a sump will brill: roller. I .uttered humillluou for :1: ad now I happy woman. So trace ll left on the “In “tar lulu. and the, t up mod N. yourult in your own only”, Aette"' any money but “the no _ I Getting Mont. 5min”: -- I. h ' . -5 Tf; i -’n z. «W $3M L! 'lb: mad ta “We " Ct 1afu l . ' In”: gun... ___ rIM Write me a! care “C of"! for "or. I unaltered " r years n , 1w. ”1.04 “h :yur,eirs,',lsi'ii",' and now _ n u to semi you the m rbatioa an: 7mm“ you rg"atzrAl'1 RICK . u T364 - f..4f "C 1lefrd IWW.', a: , , I - Write me n for mt. I suffered " r «and m- Ff'?:-',",,,?;',"', u to - you the m rir you positive relief. - we A -"ur--g.hEr - _ 8u9F".f""e'"rr --. _,_,, _ V _ Fe at“ ‘York Tribune), " J, Ptttrtryrr ttNfl': have men ..c I'll oi the NW that div. and than are only eight. In the en In rtr- Wizard. The in the mill d u.- gitme t “on; Cur-ton street t We. "rhere um people in men vote mm mm 33.501190! t m (churns! up": wxu'lhout t n or- --.-.__ _olnn_ ' my, 'whore no. vote Ind convene! to I dirtarr_icTrle! Eight. _Ba.tttt+ tor 1.500 At-si, Robiiodgglgyg s; . DHAILS Ext-Mayor Do About Forty Cars l Jobn O'Khncphue. u “harlo- RnuLiu. Mr Karyn-old Mnld Pun-it'd. Mule Guelph. mm ugvm 1 In. John L. Dam h lit. ‘wph'n Hump“ neon-cf duquuL Jot. L "will. To, Mh.ramut Immnr}. Iitt Adr. - John than. rl, hull; inju Thomas two bun ludI y Mrs on. ttt “is. M Mi iujul " Get Ali“ Wi!" " K right that W hits it. TEE i now 1 Thim for a need? even and M, 1h Ant Win mill-I lake Am lulu Sew fo [I] chi: iua a DE,

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