West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 Mar 1907, p. 1

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ey ore mg. get Ties: it. hoe-nu nd CZ: " [00' choice nnnoL sell It off. M hat 1n! rth at .L. XXVIII, NO. 11 r Mailing Sheet hashecn corrected to date. es Your label Please you? TH BREW CHAT shuns _o . " " Lm ' . ' - a a a c a I I gtll Jel 53% Yi?, a? SEI " " Ti7riT) 't no on no a. Mi “09" MEN'S NEW SPRING SHIRTS as Gl Spring Suits-all the New Grey Shades and other latest oolorinrr--phun, mixtures, or with over plaids, Sizes 36 to 44. These units would win fame anywhere. The prices show the wisdom of buy- ing olothing 1tere----810 to $12. Fine Imported fabrics in handsome grey tenetr--- ighest class in every detail, $13 to 16. Men's new worsted Trowsers, $2.75 to 3.oo per pr. 35 Men's Suits to clear at $5.00 to $1.50. New young men's smits---slzes 33 to 35---86 to $10 Jeirxasngsassmmmrgrgegmgnsi=gs he New Spripg, - .-- -.. 5'; Dress Goods - Stirles for Men. en's New Correct Clothing" -ttte - - Have you ever tried one ? 'I't We have them in whine am colorings. MEN'S NEW NEGLIGEE SHIRTS .. WORKING SHIRTS "D . we , , q 50 pairiadie' l ..;; Hoisery .hfyseeifes6 to oy's Spring syitt i"i(irsiiiriiiii' tiats and Caps. That Label. If you want to tone up a new hat or cap. shapes and styles them. Thai] fri We are now 1treyi" _ I ing for. Bri will please-- k"-,','?,'??,'?:",?:,-'.] New fresh goods in ; colors and tine goodi Underwear E -ei--"" Bargains----' a my days on.,. SNAPS ALL OVER THE tyr0R1il---Pi nants in Dress Goods. choice pieces at a Cacti original cost. y De Black, Grey, 25c per yd, per Petr. Beanies thesf we " In immense variety-and good full sizes-- Nothing grouchy about them. Get a shirt that has lots ot cloth in it. James Ireland e are now opening up out new Spring Stock and in a few days will show the “not selection of Dress Goods Muslin: and Wash Fabric. ever shown in Durham. tiv35e w worsted Trowsers. $2.75 to 3.oo per pr. Suits to clear at $5.00 to $1.50. ng men's snits---siztrs 33 tn 35---86 to $10 mug Suits t1grtgab't'l, t.',,e,t'St,t1r, Bring your boy here for his next suit. The goods e-so wttl the prices per pr. They're gnu-act. NEW GOODS sdir19c per rair. have maul your, appearance begin with We have all the new Come m and see one? They’re the best yet whine and some of the new irsizes---14 to 17. New 50 Ladies' Vests. heavy 50c quad-m ity, assorted trimmings on sale 'iiidit iiVak MOCK LE? R its. and Childrens‘ heavy Wool a; 6 to 10. worth from 25 to 35c [tre, ani other just I a w days only ii! A MORNING ALARM.--Mllny were ' roused from sweet slumhers on Tues- l 14 day alumni 6.30 n. m.. by the clans of 1 M the niche“. The blaze wns found to (fit heat. Beggs' More. and happily was mun-red without the use of the en- E l ginetutdbt'isradt. Chief Torry informs l us this would be a r1ifticult place to per rem-h. It might he in order to Mk if Lt', pumping stations are in order in se- N}, vein Winter weather, shovelled out . ' approaches. kc? The tanks in town _ need uttentlon also as they are in some " macs covered with snow and would tr. i) have tobe groped for. The inspector g ' ( on him recent visit loft. orders for this ., r - 1mm... and tho Fire and Liam com- Division 0mm. mrtit be held here next l Wednesday at 10 A. m. l, Rev G. M. Cox of [hoover will‘ preach in Trim church Durham on Friday evening, eel-vice ta'T.80. PBOPBBTY CHAsotr,--Mr B. Burnet has purchased Rev. Mr Newton'. reli- dence, the price, we understand, being bets ranks of Mt Fore". culeu ',iytl up lut Wednesday evening to play a game With our boys. They succeeded in wrestling the Victory from Durham. winning by shout 20 shots. Mr and Mrs J. D. Milne, of Langdon N. D., are mourning the death ot a be- loved child, Annie. one year. three moa.old. which died on the 3rd of Mnrchlast. Mr Milne is well known in chinck. (inn Booth at theSalvatiort Army ha. been honored in Toronto, many will any has honored Toronto by a visit He made three addreues on Sunday to l packed audiences in Massey Hall notn with standing his 78 years, ' l Lon “mum TnAmuso,--Fite com l Newly destroyed the Trout block Men-) lord Inst Tuendny. Dr D. Sutherland l i and wife who had apartments in it lost all their furniture valued at $1000 and 85(1) ot jewelhy. They on well known here, his wife being a daughter of Mrs Sutherland. who was staying with them at the time and who gave the first nlarm. Quite an excitement. but of short duration. occurred last Friday just. at. high noon, when it was discovered that fire was m progress in the house of Mrs. Mackler. Being at a may for-1 minute time. assistance was mite avail- nhle. when alarm was given. It was noun extinguished. having done little dnumge except a nervous whack to in- mates. as fire is is tell destroyer and a l dread to every one. on hi; reeeiit {ism lt'fL orders for to he done and the Fire and Light nutter mould get busy Thr' population of Holstein and im- mediate vicinity was decleaserl on Tuesday morning by sixty souls, who, in royal style, in an up toaUte tourist, car sent expressly for the contingent from here, left this station for the "wild and woolly West," lhe follow. 'lliii't from here, left this station for the "Um' .5' "wild and woolly West," lhe follow. , t?" sirtt mg left for different Jiitirriiisl/i.o,",,'a",',', Klomp and family for Lumsden, Sash, I T Gaul Mrs Thair andjamily for Regina. Bask, Itll' MrsW. Waddell and family, Johnln'm'h' Stephens with wife and family. And- l Dun raw Reid, Sam Smith, and Jon Gates taken for Sperling. Mun; Alex Stephens‘Mnch {joined by his wife in Toronto, for Anothe Fungus, Bark; J. I. Bunth with wife land w' iii fumily. and Wilbert Jordan, for‘ Durha Hathrite, Sank: Miss Lester of Dro- , The more also left for the west: Mr and l Geora Mrs Alex Brown and family returned " the on the name train to Regina. Mrs Wus rick I Main to Summerhy. Wrttsk., while Mr and tl and Mrs John Cornish joined the party font ll at. Toronto on their return trip to “any 1 Lumsden. A number of Vnrney were l people alsoleft. on the sametruin. AI three 5 soon as the freight cars are obtainable old w I forthe stock. ttr Klemp. Otto and T, theh Klemp. P. F. Thain Wm Waddell, den” i "cot, Smith. and Geo Summon will eat": 5 I follow tttem.--Leader. Br." “1 THESTANTMRD BANK DURHAM, THURSDAY. KARO}! 14, 1907 Dex Pourous Plasters for lame backs at Darling’s. Rex Pourous sa,,,oano-tmesttanomteer-"""'"'" 83%? 'i, FARMERS SALE NOTES DISCOUNTED This bank makes a specialty of ascoudtirig Farmed Sde Notes at lowest current rates. tiiitit no” 'e/tle?, eel Master Walter Nichol isnow hurting of of in mangled limit received whlle phying d. vn (in a neighbors yard. Br going cloee tn ‘enough ton tied dog. he made good to Me his plans by innertlng hie teeth in 3. Will many places. Such animals should y. ieit not be ellowed to live. . m rtoi Rev. L. W. Thom has retelved e w tot- l, couple of cells, but; hue not yet accepted , fie.i. [tie poeeihle. hovever. that he 14 am , will go to Waldemar. . The matter will V lee-E he settled in A few deye at the Orange- A Mid [ville Presbytery. Mr. Thom expect. I loet'to leave Fleeherton uhout the end of E and: the present mortttt.--Advaner. I well El SALE Buaa.---Ha" you phoned for ' Iter a sale this winter t We hare all Gi/ FIDK‘ plinnces for turning oat sole bille neat- " 'Ave i ly and quickly and the Review us it , , good medium in which to advertise. “on An advertmement in the Review l "nt brings results. When enle bille Ire ered printed here we tti " n brief free en- tttttye nouncement, and we put the whole f0}; hill in forts moderate extra charge. mu - was Fun: new oumeo.--t have been‘ little appointed by t e Dominion Govern. A9 in. merit to piece minim-nuts from the mu a United Kingdo in positions no farm laborers or dam le eerventl in the were vicinity. Any pe n "(wiring euch Tuete help should notify e hy letter stating “8 of fully the kind of he required, when ml to wanted and wegeeo red. The num- , was here Arriving may not otBeient to " en- supply all requests, h t, every effort ..m Im mule to provide ech applicant or CANADA end ol Church. Priceville. an! at. Amhow'is, Swinton Park, on March 17th. Pte- paratury service at Prlcoville on Fridny and " Swinton Park on Thursdny be- fore. Offering for Home Miuionl. supply ntl requester, ht will he made to provide with help required. Wlbu "my ”arm..." NEIL McUaN L, Box 114.i 5 D hum. Ont. I Ounpnnmms FBA‘I‘EIXHZK. -- Man day evening lust some 37 visiting 0dd-‘ fellows from Mt. Forest arrived in town by the evening train and met with their Durham brethren, and when ttll were Assembled there was 100 m all- One member was Initiated and degrees were conferred on five others. a. Mt. Forest team putting on the work. It was into the small hours when this l was through. and a flue internal even- {ing togowed ofa socialnatum. kept _ . .. __-.-...-.. “min tvent Dum m Mrexico.--The followingl taken from the "Pan-a1 Miner," otin March 2nd relates to a child whose} mother was Miss Jane Anderson, who) and whose {manly were well known ml, Durham. We extend our aympathyr; The many friends of Mr and Mral, George Rutledge were much grieved M. the death of their little eon. Fredeo l rick Henry, last Monday morninml and the funeral in the "Afternoon “I tour o'cioek was attended hr a great‘ many and many beautiful Bowers were sent. The baby we: one year.‘ three months and twenty tIve dnys‘ old when it died and was very sick for the past few weeks. The came of his l dentts was pneumonia, and the uncer- ' - _..-.."- in extended to the ttun- Jiiriitir in extended to Ill V“v.--." v the small hours when this ah. and a flue internal even- red ofa socinlnatum. kept till the morning train went Mr. Thou. Martin, M. P. for n. Wel- l lington. underwent an operation in the l hapltal " Ottawa, but this did not an " lilo for he died there on Tues- day at the nae of M, Mt. Forest and many beyond his own constituency Aritt mourn the untimely removal of the genial "Tom" Martin. He in: n puhiie-trpirited citiun nod we having hateful careerin Parliament. Biol: the seventh death during the present -ion of parliament. Sunday evening but. the above well- l known gentlemen died at his home in South Glenelgu nmult of a. stroke of pnmlyeie in the morning of that duty. He has been in poor health for runny months, but wu generally able in benround and we: In Durham on Suturdny Inst, He won in hit 77th yen and wise the olden surviving member of the well-known family, of whom there yet remain. John. Wen., lend Mn. Wm. McFadden in Euremonh Henry in Glenelg. "mes in the Nouh West. and Gem. the youngest. in Port. Arthur. His son Samuel " only as week before for the far west. Mu. Hopkins. A daughter. lives near by. Mrs. Muck (Mnrthn). John, Thom“. . George. Sarah. Elisa, Alice. are also ”in the west and Helen " home ere the I the circle of children. who. with his ‘widow. will mourn the departed. The funeral took place on Tuesday to the English Church cemetery. Rev. Mr. Biee being the omcinling clergy- man. He mu buried under the nut- pices of the Orange Order, of which F, was a devoted member. WM. Lunar. l Starting” sudden did the call come to thm gentleman. In Durham an .Friday hm. he Wu stricken with par- /2:t', on the way home and. though discovered. he died before modicd aid latched him. He lived With " .ged ”nether. We have no further particu- Hus at this writing. . Martin, M. BORN. Houstxx-ln Duxhum. on Bandar, March 10th, to Mr. and In. George Bonnet). n. daughter. IARBIED l HAst--irtrarasrr--At the residence of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Richard English. Glucott. on Wed- nesday. 27th Feb., by Rev. B. Berry, ‘ Holland Centre. Margaret Alice to i Mr. R. Taylor Hall. I w.,,raoo--secDosxHtrt"Aed, " the residence of the bride's father Esra. moat on March 6th by Rev J. A Matheson B. D., Archibald McLeod of Can-man. Man. to Christen; Mc- I Dentld. DIED. LAwmtercrt--In Durham. on Fridny. March tr, infant non of Mr. Ind In. June: Lawrence. Numb-At bastion. N. Dutch, on March li, Annie. daughter of Mr. and l Mrs. J. D. Milne. med 1 yen. 8 mos. I "ucsr-ms Eminent. on Timmy. T I Much, Joseph Muck. aged " - Lswntrttcrr-Mtt Glenelg. on Sunday. I lurch 10th. It. Samuel lawn-nee. and 77 yes". Sniunn Lunatic!- Obitunry. No. 4 Company. M. P. for N. Wyl- .¢-O‘ ked Tuesday Thu cold w or demand. new hot- iety sad and . Why not tmr then: " the a of Quality Bed Utter we. a. Imus. For . nice Ink melt, buy . Pro- For . nice Tf.'%tl; any can Brand " B. Iorloeh. Come All at you: Mr me u A. Buroett% Don't ionret to loo t It. “my. nd. to nee the bitt can mdyoundc overeat“. Forum. Wanna, . Pro. taunt. IS twirl-scum an" [all Brand a a. lot-loch. Will a!!! for oate on - an 4 Co'- stmro-d to In in calf. Cott" let" you Mr tie at 1 Heller rklnglyeu'l. in out. h. B""'.""" I'm-ow Oow. T Calves. Dem't forget to loo t Mr. Inn-w. ' 5‘00" rlsittq It - Md. Id. to on the big out. ready-made , 5W” rirlntt 2 "ere old. ovmu. 'd,te,': 2trt?, yen-o ma“ h mph-tm-- in“. eig a. oA, g?g of Windsor line out iast " M W. out" box “a "nail Mrs m m porn. turnip pulper. long Wash. out teerm bane-I. 2 an. plow Apprentice- wnnbed to lean mllll- has-non. No We Terms 10 mo. noty. Winning Hutch lat" apply " credit, - cont. icuari amen” I“. Dieu. for can in lion of notes. Sale at ___-h- -.. one o'clock. chap. Apprentice- wnnbed to lean mllll- hen-non. "on” nay. beginning Hutch let" apply " credit, 5 per cent. lieu Dicks. for can in lieu “my of our new mm! ttttods W one l',t,'tifl,1', opened up. Eel-1y buyer- get the "'-l chance. for naming td . . Bunxm. We have that EuterNiu (Imm- , ed you - m New York H. Bun.’ l mn‘r‘s. ‘] . Burma. WA m-Hard and eon‘ b wood. Shingle-n lath, good price! I willbe paid. At t Smith‘- onw- l mill. At the Pound Durham. l 1- , [on turar.--Hatched team of Grey‘ Conch Merci. 10h hund- high. T nod| "ears old, For further particuluu; apply to ( Mums mex 1 i. Durtsyn -, to Tan la 12m Photogrlph that we my hove been 'ving with each down our we beat cattine hotngrnphu bu taken no to wellthnt we teniiu/rontinnee'"m nl- them for n w P. longer. P. W. KID- in our. Photogrn " Durham. " -----_---" in- ad Honor Rolhr rill m. I. I. No. 8 annular sth--Menno Bruno. South Fulton. “m Sth-Bertie mum“. Gladys Thomp- f‘ed Ion. Andrew Mount“. Balloon Nichol mg Austin Uerhv. Marr Young. 3rd-- It.'! Clam Sachs. Thoma: Watt, Bessie M" Nichol. Minnie Fritz, Caroline Ball, om- 2nd--tJhrutems Hanna. George Ball. For: Henry Ptetrer, Wttlie Beim, Witt" non Watt. Pt 2nd-ayareuee Thompoon Clarence Young, Melinda Hunt - A -. __", 00-..... Milton tgetteak The very Into-t Good. an in; shown a B. F. dock. Apprentice. wanted to new. Apply " once, Stop. Look Mid Lutam-Whr--he- can» there In no u for say one that can. tor die-I t " out of town. Lonklnt Flu-iti- ad. " - -. - I. . Gnu. Home! utter. Don't torg to give!“ your hand for nun-in: g l _, We have that Enter Ti ed you saw m New York xm‘s. l Tan I: 13hri4 Phob have been bring with ' beat canine howKMP well that we tend toe them for n w P. Ionge any. Photogn " m BUSINESS LOCALS. I. I. No. B HORIAII‘I sth--Menno Bruno. Sal-uh Sth-Bertie Hut-shall. Glady- sth--Menno Bruno. South Fulton. sth-Bertie “nub-ll. Gladys Thomp- son. Andrew Mnruhnll. Balm: Nichol Austin Uerhv. May Young. 3rd-- Clnm Sachs. Thomas Watt, Bennie1 Nichol. Minnie Fritz, Caroline Ball,4 2nd--tJhrutems Hanna. George Ball. Henry Ptefrer, Willie Seim. Will" Watt. Pt 2nd-Clnrence Thompoon, Clmnce Young, Melinda Hunt. Pt ut-charlie Planer. Milton Wheat, Bunion Ynndt. _ mum-m LII-ox. Tucker. I. a. no I nomummr 4th---Atthur Backus. Nellie Burns. Willie Wallnce. Arthur Quid. Willle MoAli-ter. Rob Wehber and Juno. Wallnco eq. ,Sr srd--Metrr Bach". Lizzie But-nu. Minnie Keller. Albert Keller, Jr 2nd--Tom_mr WLllnce. Bertie Morita. Dinah Thomson. June: Icahn“ and Mertie tut well eq., Arthur notice. Br Srsd--getttrt Ke'rr._Nrila. lmhlll. Benn-iota Eel. - .. - AI:_§- "- “PAH.” Lizzie Duran. an"..- ..-_____ 7 Keller, Jr 2nd--Totqutr Wnllnce. Bertie Novice. Dinah 'Pt'at'lli James Mnrshnll and Mvrtlc tut well 94]., Arthur notice. " Srsd--Jethrt Kerr. Neiln. Mush-ll. Benn-ions Eel. ter, Wnlwr McAlinm. Int-y Monmou- Elmer Pee, Grace “contain. Boom Wehher. Pt iitd--gttstre) Wallace Stanley Mountain. Br Ist-Arthur Mounuin. John Bur. Jr 1.r--And. rew Ila-hall. J. Burns. 'Ae,."""' Damn lat-lull. uoertta . - - -. Aj‘l- .A-‘h.'_ A,” “madame I7. 'jiiii"i""ir Sovereign Bank of Canada Head Off1qMt - , RANDOLPH MuDONALD. Pres ‘ _ . . . A“ u: Mover............ communist. - J. G. 1 orrtritys.t.rttef-rri: awrglypu........... In]? Waco " P" u, In. Arthur Gun. -.---F------- “WEN," ml (at Honor Rolls Vina with each noun 0'" town-spin hu taken '0 _ tend to continue until“ . e longer. P. W. Kra.. " " Durham. hath. M. Adair, Mm DICK f Bgmxm. H. H, loam. leul n milli- youdretm- u H. But. Ibvinn W'- Thuanew that we ALLAN. Vice? ' when eresuy.teeett,",tlUf.t ifiGNhmeqEtH8, W .. Giiid-l. tees on... w. " IQIIM' iiiaurl+bote an. t, m foe cm- tSkttitsnd. mac. A1'i'iaik7/iiiyeretrd, - ,..J.. n. ”I“. Mu. 8 taeeh.--%te underuti- ed has been instructed try Mr Dan New. not 41. Con. I. N. D. B., (Hench. to cellhy public auetion on: " . ,“___-.,- g furniture. and. st I cum. u ._ mammau ad toe cull in "an oe notes. D. Iowan. Auetimseer. l-nnA' " Imlw-Picken Bron CEAI “that. m n. W'- Irc:..'.'."..".'."..'.'.'.'.".",],')...'!?.?.! uncoo- the Ga' Jai of Canaaiau and American wall papers ever shown in Durham. The Rev!!! We new hav_e Y, disphv (“mm w a... 1-7, new goods cheaper than you will ply ehewhere for old stock. We show you the verylatest Patterns mauuhctnred by the Marnie Co. of iGmto--cilled the Mentie Line. We show you the very intent patterns manufactured by the Watson Foster Co. of Mon- treal Also; there are the very best M't'g's in Canada nnd again we show you everything that in new and up-tmdnte mnnufactured by Jmewny and Carpender. the Ingest mnnufncturers of Wait Pepe: in America. Handing these um have the iirontrest line ever shown in this ‘ country. Come use nee me new goods it will pay you well. - - Toronto _. B. Keeler a: iiiiiihut'r, Geaserd mm. , stock at Keeler's. The prints Ina-hen. Durban and Wound Wall P Aaetiooeer. Shock ot Silverware I”: opened up. mike-rear " w‘ lo'clwk. ll Pl" WWW!- there three [iges we y.i.C.y..aiottian ..........' 4.0mm) .........4 @2599. [it line of Paper' in this pnrtof the Aper is Mi

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