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Durham Review (1897), 14 Mar 1907, p. 3

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“mum. i. mum. inn Str,"::",".', n in anvil President u; Id four In. " $36.0“ feat " w. My: colt). u and I pl maniac. vu null. 'lt/j,?:. El '-"i"-i"i7G=ciaraGLx-e-M'o tlIDURAS and _ “12‘s“. It”, It” Al o M Agricul- tho San ted in It!“ an»; " ast “in” f ty " nun " 'februs9, I "jj,, TRIAL RR fl Inlay. bg the "in, pm In!“ 'Il. I.- ' u.. bit“ ‘w- unlu- Tl“. in ch“ naught ' nun 3500f ll not " 1253“ " the. _ 35°F ' w , tttp. 1. TI! . with if. Sees is m- on n9 ltte rial We Med, {Hm “I It ”in in n! It to a " er 'itiij"fjiirTHii1Jl, Lead Packets it took but one instance to impress, this susnge some upon the brain of Lsurs Elmer, and than deeply shoehd by what she hod insavertently witnessed,' an turned hastily to retrsce her steps to her chsmher. l In her hurried retreat, s few words from the library ruched her est, the first from Sir Vincent Lester, in s voice iilrrsurtocnted. with emotion. "For her sake. their, she loves you." A derisire langh from the other wss um only reply. "oh. heaven'. you would not destroy iu-r'." burst in anguish Iron Sir Vincent. "1 wilt give you ten Joys, sud then---" Laura heard no more; she had passed Inn of the reach of the voices. slw gained the privary of her own mom. and with no disposition either tt b - r_.. "ml mined to rest. hr “Olin omen "I will give you ten "N"' -.... M. Laura heard no more; she had - " "t the reach of the VOW. ,h. gained the privacy of her own mm. and with no disposition either to Np or read, retired to rest. CHAPTER XIX. Tho long-looked for day of Lady Bow- t',.tt'S rural breakhst and promenade " or sum-lb villa at, Richmund came " sew-no- ml .\l’\'uuluu .. -_'" . rhe morning drive from London to Show escape roval “on” 'tt?ritl: tl:'"';',,',,",',' gum“ Il the bran- A little nt'terhne o'eloek, an agitation. But " Wok I-c- ---- Ill mum, Lining sunny niearows that moved the multitude M the wind her upon the ottoman. and shady, groves, in all the luxuriant 9"”. the waves oi the gem announced "Nay, retain the gift verdure ot an. early suy""Cr tttne, "Mlthat the prince had arrived, though Rose. and behold the the purest enjoyment. ot natural scenery where he was could be known only to feet!" that Itom, had experienced since iiiriukliii', hostess and the very few others who And then, with the l her tweautiful home at Swinburne Castle. were in the secret of his disguise. eloquence. of which he it was nearly twelve u'olock when they The signal was given for breakfast, master. he told, to I reached the villa, an elegant mansion of and the masters of the ceremonies began dredth heater, the oft white stone. "turning a commanding to “range the guests at the various iiisuneumqnsyelyfT height show the river. Behind the house tables. The masks were not laid aside "A prinetU love! a l stood a tall, close. well-kept wood; before even during that long feast which made insult as deep, coming it rolled a green lawn. in all the dewy the business of eating and drinking ra- highness, as though it treshnea-i of June. and adorned by grand ther inconvenient and awkward. by the lowest hind in old oak trees. standing singly or in At the close of the breakfast the tables onlaimcd Lady Ethe groups. at various distanee_, between the wero swept away as " by magic and the And so saying, wi mansion house and the water's edge. ‘real business and pleasure of the day countenance exalted The lawn presented a strange and gro- commenced. 'tasm, Lady F.tttoridgt tesque scene. Such anaehrouituns of hie Music, dancing. Waltzing. games and room, while the eyes terry and geogrtphy, such solecinruq of singing went forward everywhere over lawn! Iyar with tt ga rank and cute. of politics. and religion. the grounds and in the house. tlon, wonder and r might have Utlieted the uninitiated be- p T ho ditchess and her party remained as He did not attempt holder... with tetnpomry insanity. It wt" spectators only, not wishing to enter mission not force, it covered with a inultitude ol ireopte in into the actiw- amusements of a com- the prince. the costumes of all countries, all Me ' puny where all the figures were masked This admiration oi and all “Inset , and most of them quite unknown. strengthened his desi The Duchess of Berealeigli was dressed At length an enterprise was opened. lire pulled the bell " " a Roman mama, the Ladies Wanton; in which the duchess thought herself and a gage entered. " Roman inside”, party might safely join. A number of '"Smd “T equerrl. Lady Etheridge as Aurora WM young children, dressed as fairies. and order of h s.rdyal. 1 beautifully arrayed in a "hating, cloud- I without masks. came around among the The page Pde 1 like robe of azure and rose-colored gauze 'guests to distribute tickets for a grand A few minutes a A single diamond, like the morning In": ', lottery. to be drawn at the villa at four Mommy entered tt blazed upon her fair forehead ind a o'clock. deep rererence. _ large veil. like a silvery morning mist The duchess, her daughters and. Lady The prince regarr covered her form. Herr 'dress, her fi n: Etheridgn took tickets; and as the hour at; Ind sarcastic I and her graceful motions excited unmr- of drawing was near at hand they re- I it?" to cong1 cal admiration " she pairtsed. but we paired to the house. A crowd was al- the tl",?""" success elose. black velvet mark concealed her ready around the wheel. Many blanks. "te' . lovely features. with a few trifling prim-s. were drawn. _\our rort.tl high . ___ ' -_.r -,. mannin- The crowd of tiAei-holders, and also carved '.'. private _ .,.--...-.i “pastors. poured into lady, Which wt" al - mun" for." replie M 'iii'iihiiii'ruwArii2 The scan. BO 1 ing, engaged her my t " under "aqua disguise- ity. beauty and f resent. ,, 1‘“. N " Some. from fiiture, trait " enabled to ide 'te.' at!" I“... --".'. ”1,2,. fine looking the Goddess Dian, " on! of Devonshire, I“! "Yes; there is no I hi earrings But wt" gun in the feet It only hour the Duchess ot liens- u nd his party, consisting oi the Bat- i F.theridge and the Ladies Wnrdour, 1 their cutting” to pruned to the' of Arcadian festivity. l _ "rm ‘n-Ann to -ri think there its t wot!" _. army-e4 " "T"'""" ___ "Hush, speak trartered her , winds tiekie the celebrated ‘h I I - I v - Because of its Purity and Freedom From Coloring Matter -_ - _I rtered her woman! lame u. ince’n fickle hvor, and lost h e celebrated Mrs. FiGiiertrert.1 Rose crineonrd and became tsil find that "5...“- --"v ty and fashion of the Me, 3tre, 40c, 50?, theridge as Aurora, wngl Irnyed in a nating. o','i'ili, amm- and rose-colored game. ' smond, like tho morning rut-r. ' n her fair forehead, and a like a silvery morning mist, r form. Her dress, her figure Icoful motions excited unner- tion n she pas-ed. but we k velvet mask rorterqUod her ummuv. ”I, -- mm is no 'mistaking her mm- , But who is that stately wo- ttt character of rvopatrc" y; tthugnvine of Anspnch; the Mugnve, no Mute Aw and manner, the 1 identify and point so novel and so entertain- her youthful fancy. She under the» various and fro< so. the aristocracy. celdn sit-m t" " low, one; the peculiarity ould not destroy from Sir Vincent. days. and then--" .'. she had passed oriental looking " woman. dressed in ' In the beautilul Duca- my love,'.' imam TEA liarity at their the New“ wt" noint out to her ot Beres and 60: per m an; for a 1 lost both-- town wo dear. whp 'iff/Louie. I904 The lady" name, for pulse and mum, hnd blown far over nngland, and ruch- ed even Rose’s distant home. Rose walk. ed on in embarrassed silence, until the ever-changing kaleidoscopic scene ngain raised her curiosity. , "Oh, an you tell me who that veil- ed beauty, dressed as an Eastern prin: moss. and waiting all the perfumes of: Arabia as she walks. can be." I "Yes; she is the beautiful Mrs. Bris- tow, lately returned from Constantinople Who: has taken the character of Nour- 'muhatl. the tIarem's Light.' You remem- lber the Feast of Roses, in ‘Laluh Rookh." "Ott, an ed beauty, ms. and ' Arabia as They pass1d on pred with all ths qOtt, were sot " lawn. , large n urerr in white do" bunt)" "Ye." They passed on. Breakfast tsblea, cov- mad with all the luxuries of the sea- son. were sat at intervals about the hum. A large number of masked fig- urm in white dominos. officiated as man- ters of the ceremonies. and stood in n-mlineu-s to marshal the guests to the tables. It was rumored that they only awaited the arrival of his Royal High- nmn the Prince of Wales, who was to manor the fete with his presence. l This wad the first the Duchess of Bere. leigh had heard of the anticipated pre" Lenco M the prime and the rumor some- what disturbed her; but she consoled her _ u a.-. m a crowd ol This mu the um my --'" leigh had heard of the anticipated pro ounce of the prince and the rumor some what disturbed her; but she consoied het self with the thought that. in a crowd a five hundred people. her party migi easily escape royal notice. A little after one o'eloek, an asritntiy that moved the multitude as the wir may the waves oi the tieth, annonnm lthat the prince had arrived, thout ir.tet, he wan could be known only his hostetrn and the very few others w' \wore in the secret of his disguise. _ . _-__-.. r.le4tr, for break“ ther ineonre""'"f m... w - At the close of the breakfast the were swept, away as if by magic I real business and pleasure of " Musk, dancing. mu winging went forward tite grounds. and in th, Tho (Inches! and her spectators only, not "mm the actiw- ammo [puny where all the H; _ " " "mm on Ind most of them q"'"' u“, At length an "tterprl"e , in which the duchmn thought party might safely join. A lyoung children, fresed as |withuut muka. earm' around 'gmsts to diatriouto tickets flattery. to be drum at the o'clock. The duchess, her daughtei Etherhlga took tirkeh; and of drawing was near " ht paired to the hmue. A Hm ready around the wheel. I ‘with a few trifling prizes, The crowd of ticket-hulk l . o-rotrtr5C siiock. The duchess, her daughters null Lad)" kttterldgm took tirkets; and an the hour 5! drawing Wu near at hand they re- pairnl to the hmue. A crowd "I! al- ready around the wheel. Many blanks, with a few trifling prizes. were drawn. The crowd oi tiifo/tmolders, and also of uninterested spectators. poured into the house. filling up the halls and rooms. The second grin was drawn by the Durham; of Iordon- it was In 'emerald ring " great value. The crowd pressed mm" to we it. and Lady Etheridge fell heme” foreihly separated from tht Duchess of llcrmleigh. and pressed on ward toward the “heel. Mer numbed was called out. Expectation wu on tht qui rive. She drew. and obtained ttr first primal gold locket so! arounu with diamond! of ineurmable Tttlue. A . , ,_.-r.. .9 her success, In H'IM'H n-:-\.7.V. . Din-hem of ItchLeigh, and prmm my man! toward the whovl. Mer numbed mu eailed out. limnw-tation was on the qui vive. tthe drew, and obtained the first prizvraa gold locket sot around with diamondsa uf inestimabie vote. She tmehed doeply at her success, and turned the jewels tt4 if in 'waroh of thr secret of tinttrutming it, when she felt hvroelf touchml upon the ahoulder. She turned and saw a lady masked, and in tho costume of Minen’u. with helmet, shield and spear. standing near her, who stooped and whispered: "It wen; with a npting; press the dia. mond there under the ring and it will try open; but do not open it here." .. x_-t-A he. bin! addrauedby Eu. dancing. Waltzing, gums and went forward everywhere over nds and in the house. when and her party remlined as rs only, not wishing to enter I noun) nmuwments of a com- tpre all the figures were markM at of them quite unknown. ngth an enterprm- wag opened. l the dueling; thought horse" and night. safely join. A number of children, freored in fairies. and masks. oamv around among tho to diatributn rickets for a grand . to be drawn at the villa at four v. - -e====------" n iMtedMMIt y h u c r r f d l " l ==-ax==s l amooeg ne, for praise and blame, wet nnglund. and reach- tistant home. Rose walk- rassod silence, until the tteidoscopie scene again sity. __tt ma who that veil- r".'"' |I\n..-. er one o'eloek, an agitation. the multitude as the wind we; oi the sea. announced rine" had arrived, though m could be known only to nd the very few others who 1 secret of his disguise. l was given for breakfast, ten of the ceremonies began the guests at the various masks were not laid aside that long feast which made . "i.t.G.a. In. ';‘-i;ut do not open disturbed by being At all Grocers. m rumor some- consolal her- in a crowd of party might drawn by the was an emerald P erowd pressed y Etheridge felt sted from the and prewesd on. l. Her nambet Press the dia. ' and it will it here." addressed .by l ry the lowest, Illnu m JV... T"il, _,‘ skeiaitv.ed Lady y.theridge. indignnniiy. the villa.” And so saying. with her beautiful "Oh, ma :ounionunco oxaltml to fervid (mums- necessary hum, Lady Etheridge passed from the to absolve room. while the eyes of the prince fol- ing the " loam! _ with n gaze tuit ot admira- my imme: tion, “under and rovmcnco: tle," said ll" did not attempt to detain her; per- l “Explai suasion not force, was th weapon "'l Lady 1 the prince. commenc1 This admiration of her vii-mes only forced in atrengthenod his desire to wie.'"?, heart. 'Ah, I 1He pulled the bell rope impatiently. and the mas' in pug» entered. K)', ot "Send my equony hither," was the 't,'rl'lg% order of his roya} lhighnestsliu. m ed (iii?) hit r m howm ow an um r . [he PW'. A, All-nant‘ and pgolond mfn'f‘: fume. m of Rose bout with agitation I tr; yet, com rolling herself by at art. she countesicd deeply to the the ohm-n. and. speaking with respectful comma. said: fortunate in Will: this oppor- t returning to your royal high- jmvel Mllivil could only have toe. hand, through the greatest "I offered her uw n...» wr. - __ "She is likely to obtain that honorably, 1nd without the aid of your royal high- was.” "What thon. WM left for me to dot I could not tempt nor. as 1 (lid Fitzher- bept, with the rank of a priucns and the pro=pootim rank of a queen." "No. _\'nnr royal liighnoss: it is rather too late in the My for that." "What thou. wa.s to be done? What tho deuce do you mean by your tall of the conquest oi this woman being a mat- ter of more or loss expense and of short- ‘ or and of longer time? I care nothing "or expense. but a great deal for time! I must win that girl, whatever it may cost. MeElroy. but I must win her soon. By my soul. she is the most enchanting creature I over saw. Tell me, what is to be donet" "if your royal highness would trust "With submission to your town ".5" non, I would humbly suggest. that this second stratagem has scarcely been a failure on my part, since it has accom- Plished all that it promise“ printe Interview with the Indy. In opportunity of leading your cause to her ome." Ari'; is true and if my pleading crowd unsuccessful, you Ire not to lamed, I suppose?" aid the prince. McElroy bowed in answer, “Ming: "Nor should your royal highneu be Mung“! with the runner in which the it] m4 gt22'"l't et, vol minted, surpri ' wu pr- lupl, no Giustoinef to be wood " your ---I Hahn-I in to wining, and, par- you please," slid the war-tir" room. where the her hand t two failures lt'Ct'Falun. she can be bought!') " royal highne"s did high enough." . - L......I.nn your royal high- v this world right my man had his _ yet met the wo. lt is but a We" memo. of shorter Fain} royal high. mad th" this 2 it hll monk MP: Prime In oppoitynit.r, to her “on" "On my man u: .- -- this zealous, unscrupulous instru of the royal pleasures and vices. t mentally formed agnlnot the peace honor of Lady Etheridge, a plan most diabolical that ever enteret head of man or fiend. Meantime the subject of this plol rying through the music room am through the drawing room. every sought. the Duchess of Beresleigh. she found " last at the hall dot "Well, my love. I lure been I you all over the home and the g for the last two hours; but, be you to he most probably within 1 la, I took my position here If, , porter, as the most likely place , iouat you should puss out. Bt , on earth is the matter? You are T r trembling. You are agitateti. N r ill. Wlm has happened to alum f tress you, my love!” exclaimed tl '. ass, on observing the greatly d l. appearance of Rose. "Oh, madam, let us go hence a, return home at once'." excla‘un l- excitedly. _ , Sb heast been ll plea t" excitedly. “Winingly; it has been a pleasant any] upon the whole, but I, too, am quit? tun ed. I will nut ask you for an explana- tion of your distress until we have reach- ed the privacy of your own dressing- doom at lieres1eigh House," said her gmce. -. awn...“ were ordered, and the "The carriages duchess and he turn. - . While they sought to l trieitd, Poin varied lamb" turn. While they stood waiting, the duchess , sought to cheer her drooping young, 1 friend. Pointing to the beautiful and varied landscape of hill and dale, and grow and river, all bathed in the clear sunlight of tt June afternoon, she said: "Do but look up, Rose. What a glori- ous day'. Wit h what a lively green the fields and grows are clothed; how deeply blue and clear the sky, how high the dome of heaven'. Rose looked up and heased a. sigh. l "Ah, madam, so I thought. when we came out this morning. Now, alas! I might say with Hamlet, that 'It goes so heavily with my disposition, that this goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory: this most excellent canopy, the air-- look you-this brave, oerGnging iirmament, this majesticnl roof, fretted with golden iire---whv it appears no other thing to me than a iou and pestilent congregation of vapors." . - M... mum no: the duch eavuy wo" luv “.7‘ :oodly frame, the earth, seems to me a. terile promon.tory,' this most exuellent‘ rumpy, the airflouk you-this brave,' serhtinging firutameut, this makstical roof, fretted with goblet; iire---whr it appears no othgr thing to me than a foul and pestilent mngregation of vapors.” The oarviages now came up; the dueh- ass and her party entered, and were driv. en to lieredeigr Home. Her gmco sought no time in seeking Lady Etheridge in the dressing-room ol the latter. "Now, my love, that we are alone, ym - inhuman.‘ vou a Kind be Healthy balm-s are good babies "l it la only the sick child that cries all the time. Mobhem, if you want to see your little on“ smiling and happy. give them Bub)”: Own Tab- lets-there is a smile in every dose. The Tablets cure all the little sil- menu of childhood arising out of a .. . - Ar., -5........Iv. dinnrdvrul condition or bowels. They babies. and are sold antee of a gown contain no opiates Mrs. F. D. Kirk, you, in t you Iwnu Ill ”nun-u...“ "Haw," liaordorml condition of the Mumwh‘ " bowels. They are good for all babies, and are sold under the guar- antee of a government analyst to contain no opiates or harmful drugs. Mrs. F. D. Kirk, Dumfries, N. ti., new: "I always urie Blby's Own Tablets for the iuhnents of my little ones and find them a splendid medi. cine. A few doses always reltoresl them to perfect health. I would not be without (he Tablets in the hon-o." The Tablets are sold by leugglau m- by mail at, 25 cents a box frmu The Dr. williams' Medicine thr., l Hroekville, Ont -------- be it if i dot. iinserupuloe _.I Economy That Did Not Pay. (rmiradelphia Record.) "Yes," said the publisher of art cata- logues and nrtiutic advertising devices In Philadelphia. "f have done well the past year, and expect to do better in the future. Sometimes I make a mistake, however. that makes me feel a little tired. Not long ago our firm wished to reproduce in catalogue and card form a painting that assured in one of the magazines. I call on the artist to buy the right. She wanted $400. It was more than I was willing to pr, .0 I offered her a royalty instead. She ac- cepted, aud'we have already had to pay her 818,000, with the demand for the picture increasing every hour. An ex- tgti','fi' like that keep! a men fairly unable regarding the infallibility of his bulimia judgment.” . The aptimht rejoices that every It . have bring: him a day nearer garlic. [ hut the palm-t growls because it , briq- hin jut that much - not! 'vt'"rr." a hinting that up 1 ',U'lll;tii't I an}: the right. She want more than I was wil offered her B roynlty cepted, and' we have tl her 818,000, with tht “is matter, do nothing winter. {on were ordered, and her party prepared tt Elena. Meet of this plot, hur- " inusir room and also , lug mom. everywhere 1 I; of Beresleigh. whom I at the hall door. _ t, I have been new home and the grounds , hours; but, believing )robably within me vit. posit)."." here like any lost likely place to see Jil pass out. But what latter? You are pale and are agitated,. You are nppened to alarm or dis- vist" exclaimed the daeh- lit the greatly disturbed wile to do with one unworthy -_-'-""r-.- rejoices “It - I! n . day neuter Mr st growls beau-o It . ‘~A-- “d decided to do so. I um, M.""""'" y 0X98 before I was cured. and to-day bl lm strong” than 1 oyer was. My diges- ion is good. and l Nun now go about my work without fatigue. I owe it debt of gratitude to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for what they have done for me. and l strongly advise other weak. sickly girls to give them a trial." Miss Henry’s can» is one of many tint Dr. Willinms‘ Pink Pills have cured after doctors' help haul failed. The success of these pills lies in the fact that the) strike right at tho root of the trouhie-- the bluml. Ittlwr medicines simply Bel on the symptmm oi the tronhle~am may relieve. hm do not eure. Dr. Wil liams’ Pink Pills mako new rich tgood- that is why they cure dyswpsin. Hier nudism. anaemia, heart palpitnlinn. ham" ache. backache nml th" ills of women all these are mnwil by haul blvod. F, sale at drucrgists' or by mail at GO can a box or six boxos for $2.50. from TI L Dr. Williams“ Khalil-inc Co., Ilrwkvil L Ont. _.---------" r Itsts' Clllff A """K."'"1" ... CROP tMS. night last sit/tted a, who arrived by the -.----- on their way to Tort NARCISSUS FARMERS or scum! :cr/lr,,t,1"ri 'S] h: e, ' . n . NOW IN HARVEST " FLOWERS. ing to this country We“... hoguny or walnut. l Bulbs Developed in Hothouse: in Order “3!": _,r1,,.til',er . N I t' , " " ' t to Eecnpe Violent storms-Bette"" LL: tine Monk: Perhaps Responsible for But what a tale Introducing the Blown. toll were it gifts ------ speech'. How mat - -_. sun over it? Hot Way miles southwest of Land‘s End the 1',l'fu,1' sons and l nuclsaul formers of ”one” a” W” .'.'le,r been 'rooked to tr), t the January produce ot their floral honest, fashioned way, 1 Many a hotbouse ls all :1le with white and Twentieth cenrur: 5 gold and local steamer: are t"sstttttt" to III-nth that carved I bear thou growl“ commitments of than!“ oeased their llbon - out the perils of the Wolfe Ind the as have taken phi t Bundlestone to the Greet Western all"! The "my, w” t termlnua and starting point at Penance. But before Halifax WI I bonuutul " In thln horticultural industry and years before the it (medulla: u lt h also in "srciatlott ‘th Brituin w" oclm 2e norm-owe“ little blends. ruuged "ound itt phero. While ll: r the hours at navy plea with s strata ot won tbe Puins m loom from the block cuss of Penmul: to the added the Indiur i- towering rock ms: of Miaa"wr, the stttrr sway. The Geor " u. nrlxln and growth ls more donuntlc bytes and pun-.1 I,t','iiiii, of the th Bulbs Developed in Hothouse: to Eseape Violent Stoma- tine Monks Perhaps Respc l Introducing the Blooms. of Ita all“ mu. Indeed. that nun-own... .. -_-"_" has bad vtetwttudes of fortune revoluuonary and Swalgqph; wgu L l um. mama; at. i‘urahh of merchant Vessel. being freq to no hum-encircled rammed tumor- tound Ill wundnnt um vegetables sad other produce I the vessels dashed In but» I winds but with the fleet: an!” ""' " -. tho llll. Indeed, that mlwocoem of the Scllly Mes? me had vlclnsltudce of fortune ln the lad! evolutlonery and Swoleqnlq were It did well l 'rs t. hurt, mama; at. Wm‘ahlps and tleets" " merchant Resale being frequwt vl-ltorn L0 Its waad-ertcireled roaditeed. The will lermere found an abundant merket tor their vegetables end other produce not only with the vessels detelned ln herbOr-hy easterly winds but with the fleets elweys crulelng " Broil and "the Gib." es the rock fortre" " the mouth of the Idlterrsneen we: te- mlllerly known to than. Then ceme the - end e commerclel col. levee. partly redeemed from dl-ter by an menial-anon ot e kelp lnduetry. Then ttu domud tor kelp felled and new there wm dhtreee. still in the days ot “In“ shun u out wind “we" tmed the pretty llttle road and undeunted enterprise, ele‘o nude Scllly [ iiiuto-owttintt end shlp-hulldlng port. new!“ the cultlvetlon ot eerly pot-toe- tor the Lon don market brought e new BrttuetMre to th “were. who lnvuted their nun“ itt blend owned shlpe. Then the development ot new destroyed the shlp-ownlng and tmp-ttlui' in: Industry and a npirit of tlnenlcel gloo: settled down on Lyouosee. All the while, however. unknown to mo of la lnhebltwte. the tnature ot e PI talus My dure‘erded itt nmny en island noo orcherd end garden. And this brings tl exory to B due about thirty-seven years; " when It was known thet In the lslee of Bell there were eight varieties ot nerd-me qtr apart (rem eny the: might be grown). the Abbey gardens. the buutltul plenum of Mr. fro"rTiert-stu!th at Tree”. A ' ot theee were to be found growl“ wl . other! la the garden- ot the tuners. -._--- on.-." came lnto the lam ll’lllvnu. Pt-- wned ships. Then the develuym‘u. -. -- oatroyed tho ship-owning and ship-bund- " indultry ond a wirlt of iinnnicul [loom ettled down on Lyouoaoe. , All the while, however. unknown to most ‘ rt its tttturttittust?. the muting: at a Pac- olus lay disruuded in away on island nook, ectsard Ind garden. And thin brings the Kory to n (“to About thirty-seven years; “a, when it WIS known tint in the Isle. ot Scilly more were eight varieties ot nut-cinn- Quito wort “on may that might be growing in the Abbey gardens, the bountiful pleuounco of Mr. boFriett-stst!th ct Tram. A few ot these were to be found mwlu will, other! ln the and“: ot the tuners. How the» tlower. ume into the islands u, so Mr. Dorrln-Smith, tho populor “no; ot Sicily." sun. I matter ot some obscurity. Bitty-three you! Mo, however, it in known tint the enpttriu ot o Punch vessel which had taken Ihelter in the fold: presented two bulb- ot Campernalll to Mr. Gluyu. lt is not unlikoly that some of the urietleo of nor- cl-Iup mentioned mu hove been introduced by Benedictino moon. who through long “aeration occupled the priory of Bt. Nich- __--.-.. -m Cox-tun it the late Atl present "ttt nuiuu._ T Dbl. Cox-tun It in that teretttr-twt' yearn m‘ the late Ann-m Smith, tho uncle of the present "king." Brought In mvml oortg ot nut-Jul. To him must “so be “cubed the eredit of awn: tho comments! possi- bmues ot the bultm. A: be numeral mm ttis domtnlonl his -tt"tie eye was own“! ot the nudism. noticed not! early 1nd lux- urlumy they bloomed. no cum to the con- .chulon that as “I export they might be pro- (lune. - "I, "- ”mum wooed Caveat garden / Tss's'" \ N l, l I, , Crt" D0005 j" F, Jr" / fj, KI D N EY ti" 1 / g: i ii', Pl LLS 'ic-cis")'; , W? rljri,s,,sr,,ij) ‘ s."tr'Ciyr:fjpNC..1-sretsscC, it as li/ii-C/i/ste/is, /rJ/r 1\‘ " RECENT-5 D‘SBAC Aid, “377 .4?c'encHg,fe rift At length lt with l DUI“ rovlrdod try cum- M occ matter, tf? ce miles mum's-t of I. I ”men ot Lyons-u wry produce ot their ”III-ac. At length he Nanci! wo with . out“ consignment rewarded try rec-Mn: 3 cl Mun. AI occasion offered matter to cert-An of his were (nave-cad by a nu {mum - I” not at (It: A In ot than. have! ornhttr until we W." done. Often out of doors for Unless her Mood ' them. we and I commercial col- emed from din-tor by th- x Kelp industry. Then tho and and again there was the days of “In“ My. 511 tmed the pretty little road! Iterpriae “do made Scnly a tltnir-trttt1dPlr port. Besides, early pot-toe: tor the Lou- ght 3 new trtttuetM* to the nted their ”was itt [sund- -- ah... Ant-100510!“ ot new ell wooed Covent garden uncut of “He- nnd in I; . cheque ror n - Itlered he menuoned the d hits taunts, but they I natural com-run“ at am act on III -. however, “alum than Bite “a Twentieth Veovu" "TP ..,, I ttltut m hands that earved that crndle have long I'e tr-ut ceased their labors. yet note what ahang- id. and the es have taken place since them l th rtsmrV The cradle was constructed two you! , atee. But before Halifax was founded and sixteen otl "l” “a years before the sovereignty of Great co tlon with Britain was acknowledged on this hemia- u, vround itt pherc. While the cradle rocked, Wtrlfo ,1 awe ot won the Plain: of Abraham “a Clive, 'l. n" tit ttttt added the Indian domain to the British 'li the now sway. The Georges ruled in the British l dammit laces and "sed away, and during the ireign of the third George we lost tho 't lcllly we: ' continent. George Washington row y; , 1 the but found a great with. ' i', u did well PrtrrtG wine from a small kingdom to l and fleet! Ire , mighty empire, while revolution af- I at 'ciiiii!ilir revolution shook the power oi tho I The Gai, French kingdom 'i,ii.rtplt'.eit'11. came ‘ it tor their out victorious. So in all the European only with cannula. mighty upheavals took place. " easterly And over Canada has come in that time cruising at: a great change. I ck torus.“ From being scattered. Mammals! vil- . an m h- lag“. we are now a 1tte, of praise: _ knit together in a eonf erncy t t ttpt) It: linked by bands of steel; from being a . Then the country of fur traders we have developed t,Ni1 '3 into a land where Mutiiul and fruitful , [ful',', is“, furrms abound, one of the greatest wheat ado sully a producing countries of the world. a land ort. Bum"- scratched. All this has been brought b',u"d1"tli, scratched. Al ltliia has been brought ‘3 m Mud. about while the little cradle has done ita tent at new noble duty in the hills of old Scotland. 1 ap-tWd- And when we begin to think that home autcal ‘loom of the men who have helped to malts own to most ('unnda great, as Mackenzie. Strathcona, l ot I PIC- and the rest, have been rocked in Scot- Ligand rt',', land's hills one cannot but hope that the “’34:: “a, cradle now finding its my to “I [also of sully country may have placed within it many ll'cflllll quit- tb laid and laggie who shall “Ll to Can- ' mm in -ada’s moral, intellectual and material '30 the mutual "o-e""". .-.n _ “__' - tedious in their variety I counted 1'lt a: true orixinnl eight 'ttver--- “on: a. . tender bud in still qud y woven 1 on Tiii Ihetth. at any me long be!“ they "t A w". . and brought into the ”tho-CI; have; them Clinic! puma In - nod "not. they Ttt " Son. . At site had bennty in am tartan! in» cunt,“ at Lo: detract Faggrengzt giro: won! “at; the solved thnt " dl lble. n on" no. . 'lr,'lt ttso iseeis",ro',"t,tllt tt,t'thlt','e'l P,',', with " hirsute t ver on I 'Jl'lt a: 2%JG/Jit' my be unmrrod In: tusd the health l that they Inny mantra that munc- I'l'l St te of ' m those dimension! which new commend S,' . huh bins-t price! from the vent end trutgon. up, and prep“ New nt thin moment the vmka Mic: did the vel tho lily Holt gathering the uneven he than 1 attd the on.) ”in "e Ile,',', an“: k'l'l The Knnnm ho when hte convey: T 32;: had even - tempeuture at the. beard sshoutd be [ guns homes. When fully oven they Jfll mu“ reparation of , ','lrh"tl'l7ir.vrfE.Eiei,tedt"fft"rl'llr1 p " ' ' by Me in the renintion box-n. tt dovn m that Winn en _ or in but they hnve - much! t Pen- ts of germs! . one of the little Imam which I'll o a nor _ moo, and than. their .tisr,tp',','P,2%"t't tint blows nob out. are taken possession of by h more . d ubt I - Wuhan: Bnilvny. which convey. t on rn- will no . i or has "vme to Pnddington nnd ttgl', mg". l , I Inet - iitii,.co,,',gftf 'll l fld'rtr.k'fiF I Thet'. s. lit ’s 'tii,'),',',','.'",,,')',',";,,.; Oze morning thy rut: _ other effort u '0 siteridenn ome. nnocon r ." . I e, :13: oWi'tleT., the next seen them in the bout ' Oi certain pad ot “the busy hum at men. I vows bern Cl _---------" .1 . , I -- ---- m... nun“; I importing f"? is: cradle no sonny country m Ltltt a had and sumo: ada's ")0, A few prosperity ,' qrtid, rs. tlt','S' Ad "2ltt IP", t “a,“ {when much who mak f,".',,',',? to know a 'in nur- {new N131 "and illustrate In Pj,'f dreanes Il t. Mch- able thrc .an It" The jun) , ot the mun. vol mm ot cotton f rf,dlle- ginghnm " "tout " is this mien-nut in puoe nad lux- is no do 5': (In: in its ta Take, " “13100! FOR CANADA. (Halifax Record.) A oh‘rgymnn of this city on Fridavy nigm last sirvited a Scotch family of six who arrived by the t'orinthiwn and won- on their way to Toronto. During the con- - -' --- 'Ln-I'n-I him 1 .vr‘. But what a toll were it i speech'. How sung over it? sturdy mm I a break“, pneum- -. -e-- mu during I bet" pk sud play with the detitmte ml: at 1 mm 3mm. , beautiful no-w-ar"' quits mum- In their “New at Wed with the eight I!“ New with tho Bud II can pretend " the new a any rule long helm they no open ought into the mum. 'hon. .. M-I- And rues. they dam u dresses which no to able throughout the The jumper wists , um“. voile Ind tsi cotton fabrics, such ginghum cad silky . ... _....,. " Am have at least two mm.“ and two or more jumpm the “mist. might much the other migh be ot 'tl or ail-over lace. When ranches the skirt is we jumper muy be of some For instance, if the 'or Ire made of dark blue bits jumper would look " ".1 AL... m dr uTrimttt s.-.--"-- i u lot lit- , t LII". m. 1iiirU1 Clis _.u. V - l Tdl: Brita: ' littit 'eo?" for u" putter, a in myriad l ---_--- “a awry: tt There would be fewer m Tre We 0' ( tempted murders if people on " “an r X. Yrcvolwrl or kuiveq on l ,IT "i-i,, In I Roeheder judges havo rel Fabio“ l Roumpstkin also. up u lot of - to . explain that the Jail-neat won beam- they were - ”Mode and {ought more valiantly than the Bunk”. w------".""""", This giving of union- in gift. to edu- optional institutions is vetygund h it. way. but if some of our willie-nin- uould rise fn-vly of their wealth to the work of hunting down the an”! ml finding euros for arm and mnwmptim V l Hm might cmfer a boon on humanity. thu'time lot carrying men “a, new! VI . “in. 'f. thtest, then I 9007‘“, Thet did mt, new! m ' “a b and they made the fi m/hefty, daymm of the judgm . at . I , Rumor has it um nun. /t"p,e, to become own a cal taculty. There in u com'innaunn of the rum hat it that “M. Oder pretty quiet berth, and that the rumor of the I true. A... dl . m,...-----.--""";"-, A wnr on whiskers in begun. The Southern Cnlifom'n Venetian Ano- cintion " Lon Angela the other day In- Iolved um " dlirymen oau dupe”. with " hirsute sacrament: of the (we, nu! the ttentth experts thmughout the Bate of Rum have taken the who? up, and propose - “died rdornc thnn did the veterinarian' of Miami!» The Kunm- hold that no one wearing . hard should be allowed to cum in the preparations of any food, as they believe - Ah Lidino nlnce of all India litter etup" According to t Cutter, there is I able England ad Daily Graphic in sartorial revolut hilt» mildly ran draught): 1;an February and l idea in that the lthe weather in 'onee said, the l comfortnblc of thinks they are of the ideal," i , little were for at W hive aka the I d purple - Mind . id the veterinarian of mii mum bold that no one we: ohoutd be allowed to sum settle A Connor-“cu ttave cured ' 1 "iitrpuetuno't'" inventor. It wo, “mm New“ be a medic um may ---_'T""CTT it that not. Oder will quit mule Dean of Will medi- There is " yet no ogtieint of the rumor, but good, l'mf. Oiler finds oxtord . berth, and it ls polliblo mar " the Pill-Ilse tttar be A Connor‘ticut physic'nn chi-u up ave cured n pneumonil use with an mti-pneumonin serum of which he in (l. oventor. It would be I great triumph to mentor pneumonia. Oslo! deduct it to be a self-limited (than. yielding to no medication, and to Wllch only expec- tant treatment on be quad. A good may physician 4re1ine to IMihe III- 1recttatistg1S to this theory, but whether' it is con-ed or not. it must be aid um the mm: u nanny one “ween an "that and the - h which an phynic‘nn in little - an. . spot-u m sympathy in with the former. Th! 7 . . ”" ---- will In! may Tthy'""""' Wu.“ - mitatingly to this theory, but whether it is correct or not it must be "tid that the battle is usually one between the patient and the dim, in which the physic'mn in little - than n “mentor who-c sympthy in with the former. This Connecticut phyuicinn'n mm will have “bowled; “Min-wonde- the experience with a single cut. But if it prove to be u weenie, the Gom- wta of the world would nah kl- . millionaire and erect mum to it. in m... a,aoitn1. Such a aus- in MI if it prove to be " apecmc, mm “W.” mutt of the world ahould make bins c millionaire and and out“. to him in every capital. Such u discoverer is worth . thousand great meals. The Montreal Hebrew Literary ti Political Club is interested Sn t m0?!- meat to have ten thou-nu! “ohm ot that city mturaliled. The chub - bers believe that when one the J“ people unlit: that they owe their Alh- glam-e to the British crown and M clumahip to the Dominion, it ya man br to an and a a ;1,,i1g2r"'lu1idl' and thet ‘mm ; um country. When this a. to... _ m M I w h tho w Ciiit,t,'tdetN"Mlr'SlT. with in contemphting revolution an the Sum My remark: that " ' garment; for the nu ' and March. but perl but they skull only be that in which, no Mer d, the human skin is l INC of all costumes. hey are " step in the m1." it lament: that visionaries. bnnor-ticut physician cured s pneummlil l nonmon'u serum of w or. it would be n [It ' pneumonia. one: golf-limited discus. I ration, ind to 'Ild treatment m be .1 'phyaiciani {Incline te _. . ".--t te'"t"C. mom in gift. m edu- s is versed i! it: of our million-ire. f their wellth to the -_ I the London Tailor od I 1 probability of mum- adopting the kilt'. The um qutter. I mpht'mg such . the Snswm“ 'trt that they “u. . the month" of but perm!“ thr only be worn in as Mark Twain skin is the moat Manes. White it p in the direction n: that they give [ll

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