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Durham Review (1897), 14 Mar 1907, p. 4

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LT, ii During 2f arvesters ;-; 'i"""""""'"""'"""'""'"?) " . 33: Taylor 8000. Taylor & Co. iii (DMETHING NEW IN WASHERS; TY 32'9”???) prrttIy_11lsr in the Idea Alla Wilbelm'o Wrimzers, all made by wavltrFAscF.- Q nymond Sewing Machines. McClary Stoves for Coal or No Agent for the Dillon nge btay Fence. 2:2 In a week or so we shall have 22 all of our Spring stock ready 2:3 for inspection and do not fail to ti see it, 125 pieces of prints to 'ti choosefrom means 10000 yds 3-3 Only 3 left and they have to go , . . as Men tr Fur Coats We have eat the price to suit. Clothing for tbring. These Suits mull nude from all wool Tweed end Worsted Suiting! and are tailored by the best of workmen. The fit and style an aq- ual to my high priced tailored tramterst. We have n hay Brent variety of :patterns in Men's Suits in the very newest "eeta in neat Fancy Worsted And Tweed from 86 to 'rs. They m cat in very latest style foe Spring and are the finest lot of cloth- ing we have ever shown. Progress Brand Pants fit better and _retain their shape longer than any other make. We have them In alt kinds of Cloth from $1.00 to $3.50. Men's Trousers We have Boys', Youths, and Children's suits at all prices and this spring's stock excel any previous year. They aremade from good strong material, that stands the hard wean that sturdy Boys give their Clothing. Boys' Clohing A Greater showing than u of Promen- Brand Men's Suits Jhahn GlarIi. We can live onlia more list of nurgumis. but m quality and l, adv ability to t a needn of Smith (ix-Hy we are not excelled: [ During Han-own. Wilkinson Ploughs, Ileney's Bar- _ nou,Pllmonto‘n Buggies. Krlmnlrul ultit'lun, tair prices ; NEW SPRING CLOTHING This week and next we offer spec- ially, Men's Caps, reg. 50 and 75e, only 39c. The belt In their line as wo_lmudh~ only the beat Cash and One Price. "'""Fyrztd ftarm ataolusrg. A few doors South of the Middn ugh House, L/t A Mim Annie leDoneld enumined tr number of friend. one evening late- ly. All report I good time. Mrs. Jenk- inundl having a ale on March 20th. ' Mr. tnd Mn. Archie Brown loft in: week for their home net: Suhtoon. A very prett wedding took lace at the home 'lu". Harry Boycl; on Wednesday last. when " youngest sister. Allie Victoria. was united in the holy bonds of wedlock to the man of her choice. Mr. Robert licCaslin. At6 o'clock Hrs Jewitt struck the chords of the wedding march. and the bridal party took their places un- der an evergreen arch. he bride was given away by her brother Harry. She was assisted by her sis- ter Adeline, who did her duty well though she looked alittle shy. Mr. Thompson Bord, an old experienced ( hand, stood by the groom in a Very l able manner. Rev. J. A. Jewitt per- formed the ceremony which made them man and wife. Congratulations over, all adjourned to the dining-room which was very artistically arranged tor the occasion. The bride's cake was a picture to behold. There was tall and plenty of all kinds of good stuff to satiety the inner man, and all expressed it 'Nxeelient." The bride was attired in a beautiful gown of white silk trimmed with insertion and yoke of ornamental net, and carried a. beautiful bouquet oi white carna- tions and maiden hair fern. The bridesmaid was tastefully dressed in white dotted swiss trimmed with in. sertion and lace. and carried pink carnations and maiden hair tern. A very pleasant evening was spent in games ot ditrerent kinds as the wee ema' hours drew nigh. The guests took their departure alter again wish~ ing Mr. and Mrs. McCaslin a icon. happy, prosperous wedded life. The bride's travelling suit was gray cheviot cloth with pale blue .ilk waist and white velvet hat. The presents to the voting couple Were numerous and costly. making a use ful collection. After the honeymoon to Toronto and other places they will reside on the old homestead, where we all wish them joy and happiness. The sales ot Messrs. Minks and Boyce passed " very good indeed. They are both moving sway and will be Very much missed. Mr. Boyce is following the crowd to the West, He is in the prime ot life and is likely to do well out there, " he wss in very oomfor ta ble circumstances here. Mr. Tom Bovle and " bride len a short time ago for their home near Davidson, Sank. We are sorry to state Mr. Archie Home has not been well of Into. Hope he may soon be restored to his ulual health and strength. Mr. Hector Brown, who has been visiting friends and relatives around here for a short time, leit to vim in Milton and Toronto on " return to his home near Sashtoon. An event which made two happy took place two weeks ego last ed.. needey, when Mr. James Foster. ot Larnsden, Sash. joined heart and hand with Miss Maggie Nnhn. The bride‘s sister. Miss Lizzie. acted as bridesmaid, while Mr. Will Currie saw the groom through the trying ordeal. The bride looked her pretti. e,t in s gown of cream cashmere trimmed with tshitfon and ribbon, while the bridesmaid looked becoming in cream cashmere. After the cere- mony, which was Performed by Rev. George l, Burns, o Gladstone, all sat down too sumptuous repeat. which was enjoyed by all, only intimste friends of the contracting parties being present. A very enjoyable time was spent. The young couple were the recipients of a number oi beautiful and costly presents, which show the esteem in which they are held. They lent: this Week tor their far away , home. We ere sorry to lose Maggie from our midst, but all join in wishing them all happiness and comfort in i married life. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Betuninttton, of Shallow Lake. no visiting " the home of the latter, Mrs. Boyd's. We regret very much to again be called upon to chronicle the death of In neighbor in the person of Mn. Donald Mekeehnie, who passed very quietly away at her home a Week ago hut Monday. Though she had been ill tor some time death cnme With a and- den shock to family, friends and com- munity. The funeral took place on Wednesday to the Rocky cemetery. when a large crowd of narrowing friends ioliowed the remainsto their' last resting place. She was of a verv quiet, gentle nature. one that you el- wnye found the some. She was a member ot the Presbyterian church. Crawford. Her pastor. Rev. A. Les- lie, conducted the service and spoke of her gentle. contented disposition. She leaves n husband. two daughters and one con to mourn the loss of a loving wife end devoted mother. She will be much minted in the vicinity. The community join in sympathy with the narrowing friends. Mr. John Gray bu moved to " new home out near Zion. He will be much misled around here. We wish him ounce-I. Mr. Alex. Coma, of Toronto, in v1:- iting a: Mr. Bondy Cnmpbolls. Sorry to um that Mia Kate Brown had a ramp-o. We hope a spring drawn new the will gain health and strength. Crawford TORONTO Miss McKenzie visited at Liv J. W. Blytlre's on Thursday evening last. Dr Leeson spent Monday with Mt Forest friends. Re; Sanderson was at his post on Sundav after an absence ot two weeks caused by an attack of La Grippo. We are sorry to reportmhat Mr Harry Grasby is still very ill. Mr Jog Mack. one ot the pion: ers of Egremont passed away on Thursday last aher a tedious illness. Deceased was seVenty tIre years of we. and leaves " chief mourners, Mrs Geo Lawrence ot Ft William formerly of Durham. Mary, in the West and James on the homestead. The re- mains were iiowred in Maplewood cemetery on Saturday. Mrs Chapman of Mt Forest visited over Band" with her parents Mr and Mrs Wat Sirrs. Mrs R. W. Leeaon went. to her new home in Mt Forest Saturday. utter Upgrading . few day with relative! here. Annmher otthe Orange brethren attended the funeral of the late Samuel Lawrence on Tuesdav. Mr John Kerr has the framers busv those days getting timber ready tor an addition to his barn. Meurr T. and M. Allen are home frumthe cream separator Works of Durham. D. K, MeArthar lost a horse last week by getting his leg broken. His Ion in driving him into the wood shed with n load ot wood ran against. a waggon. He had to be shot. R. Pettigrew made A business trip to Mt. Forest on Monday. Wm Sim parehasedt1 horse from the Hillis brothers. The Rey Mr Gibson of the Hope- ville church has had a trip to Iloron- tolasi. week. We had on the sick list here the Barnett Inmily. the Riddel family and now Mr Andrew Dyes of Egre- mont at Proton town line is dangerou- slyul with a number at diseases. --Mr Elliott G. Stevenson former- ly Supreme councillor in the L o. F- bu been sprained Supreme chief in the place 0 the late Dr Oronhva- tekha. Kellen able men. a Can- adian, “rough now n maiden: in the Mates, when be he ind great honors and there was no dissenting voice to his election. Hunter's Hardware Store News THE DURHAM REVIEW BUILDERS' HARDWARE Are you going to build this Spring Better let us show you our special lines for builders. Snow Our shovels are light and durable Strong enough for stable use. Seeds-- Mechanics' Tools Come and have a look through our tool case.---- you’ll find some- thing you n red. Reasons why you should buy at this Store: Why? "t--Because everything is NEW and UP-TO DATE. 2nd-The prices are always right Hardware-Largest up-to-date stock in town. Seeds-The best quality in any quantities. Our big stock of Clover and Timothy Seeds has started to go already. Shovels Hopeville . S. HUNTER. Varney Cash tor all kinds of Grain. R Do you need a anges range this win- ter? Better buy one at once, as all ranges have ad.. vanced 5 per cent; this means from 2 to $3 ona range. We have agood assortment to pick from--- these sold why, up goes the price. General Hardware-- Granite (y Tinware-- Coal Oil-- You can find as complete a line of Hardware as is us- ually found in a handware store. We invite compar- ison of prices-Fits, is our first consideration. Come and let us show you this line, It willstaud the closest inspection. Bring your can in and have it filled. Mr Robert Whitefnrd, who broke his thigh in shill died on Thursday " the advanced age at 98,3'eurs. His removal makes another gap in the last lessening band of the pioneers who braved the forests. It is some- what remarkable that tour gener Mions of Whitelords have lived on the same farm his son John and grand- son with thelstter's children all being resident thereon. Ills daughters, Mrs Young and Miss Agnes lived with the old gentleman. He bed a hale as well as long nod vigorous lite, and only last lull walked to Allan Park. He was buried on Sat- urday in Hampden cemetery. i snout Una-u... I apN mu . ’u- '"""...."e'e.N y "ttie0iteioth,46 lame .... ............" , mammoth 5|qu my. 1H '"e.tr.pttltt. I Floor Ollcloth. 1 U4 and 2 you wide.....2lc a human-gunk, a. in nu. _.-. will The Breutikan fumilv are moving in Ayton. Their old time neighburs will regret their departure while wishing them well. Mr Tim and Miss Jessie Derby speutlroin Friday till Monday with Egrcmum friends. .0an Snider has been under the Weather tor a few weeks, Min Janet Byers left. on Monday for Saskatchewan. Mrs L McNaughton for some weeks in poor health is reeuvering. Rev Mr Badge's pulpit was vscanl. tor two week, owing to illness. Mrs Geo Sachs returned home on Friday somewhat Improved in health- God Nugget Gi-tre- an in" Int-In decp cm tt'ei1,'r,lte, qunmg nd Bthtt- all pieces no am heavy pure umt-4n gold Moor-non: that will not wash cl. 4 plea. Tabla as " . . . . . .....N.76 3nd Lunch 7 piece erseu Bt.......... 1.5.“ 1.06 “I ' piece Berry t_.......... 1.16 and 1...» THE? BIG “-1on cut “so. qrater Plum“ “it“. a "rstatwater when at................- ml 4piecemealmbleuh..................lo.-cl These are stirring Limes rouno the swamps here getting on: ties and timbers for the railway which is evidently going to be rushed when spring opens . Pun am in.....................- In a W. H. BEAN Firu'r.TC..7.T.:.J.t.T.T.a' up Hampden mm Guide r'I Blork HE SELLS CHEAP Govern ment HARDWARE ! We are always er mideriug our cus- tomers In every way and are offering our town cultomera this Week a 16 cundle power electric lump clan gives iirJiiuiriGver othght, iviaout' m- cteasmg the current or cost of power for having double light. I! you secure In English Knife polishing bond and a tin of Onkey “up poiisln you will lurely be happy. We are selling Butcher Kml'es. pm scraping Knives and Kitchen Knives " prices noverbetore bend of. Another " lot of those 35 c. broom holders going " G on such. Every farmer should procure one lb of our assorted screw: for 10 ets, ordinary value 80 etc. Keep your ankle clean by buying one of our stable brooms. A bargain in one Fur coat Ind Ono robe. clearing nle of Mitts and Gloves now going on. 'tries-irc-el/ci; "t Uiiia, Easter + ‘arker's Drug Store fi, H. Burnett. T i 6 '0t1fy0u.iiy0tts4isitsqs66, qs .-We want you to try ' our Lustre Shirt and ib test its make up. The ' wear ihat is in it will ' prove ant it wasn't ib made just to sell-we ' make our shirts to make ' no cuetomen. 'imothy Seeds Clover have arrived at the Men's Furnishing Store. Der_by Ha} 82.2li--- at 50c. We have plac- ed on sale a line of Ge handsomest and most pleasing effects lately produced in Gentleman's Neckwear. In Puffs, four-inland, & Strings RELIABLE SHIRTS . EASTER GOODS SPRING bWEATERS .-runniug at $2 for Men and Boys. W. Black '333‘5“: EASTER mis.- Inspected At :ial Line, Novel- hes. MARCH 14. 1907 - - _ w ah"riitg i ‘1 I ia"2:%" The lliiam-lluris Go. a..--. o We are Iole Agents in Duh-m tur the ab we well known Implementa- Binders. Mowers, Drills Burrows Disc Cultivators. “mare S reader: Har Rakes, Hay Lowers. gay Ted den, Massey-Harris Cream Separator " )ven Steel Tracks. zinger Sewing Inchlnes. Walkerton Herbie Works, The Bell Organ & Piano Go., Chums and Walling [whines drtuttrord, Broekvilie,Grsy Curlew-I £0. MGARTHUR tl Gingham. Chintz Ap'n print: Prints of Jehght just see our new Spring Dress Good: Muslin: McQueen a: Morice MacFarlane & Co Draggists and Booksellers Evervihing in Fresh Groceries. If you want to experience I Call and see us before buying elsewhere. Just we» ot the Middnngb Home. Men's and Boys' “BRAIN STORM" Clothing, LadiesTur Coats Men's Fur Coats Fur Caps Ladies' Skirts Bargains in AMERICAN and CANADIAN wall- papers we must ac- rifice our present stock. Our racks will only hold so much and we must have the space. For 30 days we will give one third off. All our papers are marked in plain figures and we still have some beauties. Remember a saving of one third. It will pay yon to paper now Were also Agents for at Orant's tf,l fo r fe F XI‘E , f,, i {Hi 1:3 rm HABCH " t EN LhSi "“"IT- ii" IMPERIAL S iiN,() . l W‘ A“: DARLII Remembo 8r lk d-- ler, Um Julia 3 Darw" bull Smith. [ Edmund Sad - Ha In. Ceri my. J tram when. Ib Martin cum bum“. en. M“ will In! our 0!” Avert!" Jr ow iha DAR Ou or alter e Then an MEN 11 Higha [MES lMPE ill H hunt war M ene ustt .1 gnu n "

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