West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 Mar 1907, p. 5

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Ito MARCH 14 1907 W n up... w‘ - beaten. itisoity tqt,1,tty m. Mu- nndCtt ran in bl will not allow naming than. our goods and prion. Remember the pluck- G Lawrence's old Stand _ Jr ttu-Maggie Manley. Bea Sump- »n. Alex Turnhull. Morruoo Snub.‘ 5 3rd--Jotus Lumisnaieuyo"" ivy. Donald Boy. George Indium J Am Smith- Addie Iwunky. Ivy lurgnwl. Lizzie Smith. label rum- ivull. Jr ad-Lsrimt Honky. nu \unh. John Hamlin”. Br pe: in“. Jr ad-Las- an suith, John Ix-Glllivn E huund Noble. Kath 2...! - klaroid Indium Ivy. Cecil Twnanur, ttte vrny, Willi. 8-mi- I t"ottteid. no” - Blanin Cole“ _'..-. -___ ira" New A v - “W . maxim. SYRUP mnosmmzs IMPERIAL sumsmN coo uvnn on. IMPERIAL SYRUP warm LINE _W1'l'll “common AND HONEY. “enacting than“. ht m loaned“! atdtsU DARLINGS, For after effects of Grim our Syrup Hvrorhoqhiteo is invaluable; it tones up the system. restore: lost energy and reconstructs wasted than”. DARLING'S DRUG STORE. [a a. 1103.3.l0. Katie swan. Jr ngbum. Carrie Mon- r, tgt-art ”can!" Aam. " Ist-Mary of In you. Jr People' s Druggist KRESS. [in n full line of Curtain Poles. Window Shula. Picture Fune- Frm" to order of nil kinds. , We no inning In upholster- or the Int week in - month. Anyone withing old good. reno- vntod to look good on new should - u.--.. will he plead to attend to lt at once. .. McLlthmil mesa"- aim.“ the present weather. in vuriou sizes for ’9 11:1er " “I o The followmg popular summary of the Lord’- Dny Art, gains Into force March ht. bu been prepared with some can. and we think in Importance Justifies its publication: me The Lotd‘i Dar Act pulled bv Pats lhment in 1006 in in forte from March Gt. The following summary of in pro- visions will he read with Interest t -- 1 Alt buying And selling in prohibit- ed "eept drugs and medicines. meal:- nnd tuvellen' tieketr.--tkct'toms 2 and 8 (ts) and (ry. ' An w, Inn-anon and work of one‘u ordinary calling or from which he in paid. in prutubttedc--Bection , - 8 Exec-plight (Section 3)--rn general. “work: of uneasily or mercy." and in p m iculnr t (b) Work for the relief of sickness and "rtrertrttt.--O) V (a) Work in connection with Divine Worathip.-ta) (e) Receiving. transmitting and de- livering telegraph and telephone mes- "ttetr,--ic) (d) Umwoidahle work in connection with necessarily continuous industrial processes. -(d) (e) Starling or maintaining fires, and ventilating. pumping and inspect- ing mines, when any such work " es- nental to the protection of lite, health or propertr--tel (f) Supplying tor lawful purposes light, heat, cold air. water, or grta.---tt) (tr) Conveying travellers or His Maj- esty'a ntnils.-& and q) h Continuing to their destination of freight trains and venelo. hut not making no or starting out inch. nor way freight work nor gathering or distributing cars.-.) i Loauiutg and unloading tnerchan. dise nt intermediate points on or from paupenger bouts or passenger lrainn not nt terminals. nor on or from freight hoyier trtuns.--ii) _ -- i Wort necenukiv to keep railway Ime- nml tracks opett.-0) A" No eonstruetiort work of any kind nor work ot clerks in "ttlee, nor any but "r"erReoe, repair work, hallowed. k Work hetore 6a. m, and after 8 p. m. of yard rrowa In handling can, but not between these hours-ik) I Loading and unloading ”seals:- (n) Ocean-going veswll if necessary to avoid undue delay beyond scheduled time. (b) Any nut-l if necessary to avoid being tied up by the closing of naviga- tion. (tr) Before 7 a. m. and after 8 p. m. of grain. coal or ore carrying vessels after the 15th Beptember each Fertr.- (1) m Caring for milk. cheese and live animals and the delivery of milk for domestic use, and the work of domestic servnnts and of wsttrhmen.--0n and r) n Liveries -Hiring horsemcurxinges or small hunts for personal use if not intended forlabor, business. or convey- ing pleasure excursions for hire.--(o) o Unnvoidnhle work after 0 p, m. in preparing the regular Monday edition of a morning daily paper, but not the publication, sale or distribution of pa- pers on 'dundar--(m ' p Work by tishevmen Uter0 p. m in taking fltsh Hu) q Making maple Iugar or syrup il done in the woodts.-Or) r Unavoidable work in saving pro. perty in imminent danger of destruc- tion, 2. g. by tire or f1ood,-twt 8 Operation of ferries where authors ized by competent authoritr--(n) t Work authorized by the Railwnv Commission in special circumstances in handling freight on railwars.-iz) 4 Thou compelled to work on Sun- day are allowed a full day's rest dur mg the week it on railwav, telegraph. tele- phone, or industrial work.-Weetion 4. 5 The business of amusements. etc., in abuolutely prohibited-section 6. In Ontario, all noisy amusements, etc... and in New Brunswick and P. E. l. All amunementl are prohibited by the old Provincial laws, which are still valid. 6 It is unlawful to run, conductor convey any excursion for hire and with the object of pleasure by any mode of converanee.--tkction 6. T Advertising in Canada anything to be done in any other country. which if done in Canada would be unlawful, is prohibited-tFon T. 8 Shooting for gain or so as to dig. turb others-Section 8. It is to be noted that the game laws of almost All the provmces prohibit a" shooting out or hunting of gnnw on Sunday. ' 9 Th. importation on Sunday for ale or distribution. or the tsale or du- trihulion in Canada on Sunday, of for. oign newspapen. and publications chained on such. is nhsolutely prohib. ited.--8eetion 9. -It in to be noted that Section 2 prohibit: aboalutely the puhlieatitm, ale and distribution of papers, rm. .1: Canada on Bandar. This include- All the work and business of New" Agents on Sunday trains. The Lord‘s Bay Act. 10 Sections 10. 11 and 12 " the pen- duel. Those are: ti) For the em- ployee who etttUtes the law-hom $1 to “0. (2) For the employer who to Edw. VIL, Cup. 27.) We t huge. its vtoiatioar-fremt 82) to 81m. (3) For A corporation that CNMMN' or even permits in violation-from .50 to if "ii" Elecmc and other provincinl railways are lets to be controlled by the Provincial taws.-tuetion 18. - 12 All valid Provinciol Sunday lows continue in force. This includes the game, liquor, shops' regulation sud railway lows of the provinces, olso the onte-Confederotion hsws.--tketion u. Whether any vertical“ provincial aw turreuutq Sunday ohseunnce sir, valid or not depends not on anything in the Lordu Day Act but on the Brit-' ish North America Act as interpreted br the courts. The Privy Council's [ fathom decision of July Nth. I” 1 seems clearly to show that the ante- Coutederation Provincial Sunday laws are now valid. and that the Provinces cannot since Confederation pose gener- al Sunday laws. But it does not follow from this that they cannot puss some or electric railway legislation including Sunday sections. 18 Section 15 requires the consent of we Provincial Attorney-General be.. fore "any salon or prosecution is mm- meneed," and says that web action must be begun within 00 days. At the recent convention of the Ontario Branch of the Dominion Alli- ance which was attended bv nearly one thousand delegates, representing all sections of the province. many im. portant resolutions were adopted. The convention by an unanimous‘ vote reaffirmed Its position in regard to Provincial prohibition, and de- claredits unaltisrable stand bv the position. that, in this Province. the iquor evil demands, and public opin- ion is prepared to endorse such legio- lation as will abolish the but room, the treeting system, and the drinking in clubs. and will impose on the liq- uor traffie such farther restriction " will efreetivelv curtail its operation and remedy its evil. Having thus laid down its unwerv- ing allegiance to the fundnmental principles of the Alliance. the conven. Lion went on to pass upon some prac- tical legislation which is a direct issue to-day. TRE THREE-FINES nmumwsxr That section ot the Bill passed at the last session ot the Legislature which requiresathroe fifths vote to carry‘a local option by-law was em. phatically condemned by a standing yote. With great enthusiasm the delegates unanimously declared that "In the judgment ot the convention the present requirement for the three films vote to carry Local Option leg- islatlan is contrary to justice. fair- play, and thespirit oi our institutions, and deprives municipalities of a. right long enjoyed, and that this provision of the present liquor not should be in. once repealed. ' The above declaration was in the minds otthe delegates of prime im- portance. The deputation which waited upon the Government was in. strucced to urge that alone, and everything the convention could do was done to show that there was not the slightest yielding in regard to this unfair requirement. _ HOTELS AND BAR-ROOXS [ The next most important resolution was that which stated that no licenses for the sale of intoxieatins liquor should be granted in, or tor, my house or place ot public entertain- ment. The convention lelt that the separation of the sale of liquor from hotels would mean the solving ot the hotel problem, and the clarifying of the issue in the campaign tor Bar. Room abolition. In this connection the Convention also endorsed the proposition that all hoteris,whetherttnder license to sell liquor or not, should be under good license regulations and inspection, Lenahan 8, McIntosh. )ur Hardware department 18 now in full swing and we are able to supply our many customers with almost anything they may desire, n Bailders' Suppllee we have the very latest and most np-m-date [ Itock and our prices are such that they wlll meet the approval of ali. tar Furnaeee._S_r.ove| neg 83%” afe‘well krllewn and speak for them- We have a full line of soft black wire and also coiled spring wire, The very best wire for fencing. ur Furnaces. Stoves and Ban es are mul Known sun 3 , _ - ' selves. They are the Moglary's famous lines. pmk M we!" n Tinware and Graniteware we perry s tall stock and customers can _ get almost anything they wish In these lines. C We also any a. full line of Palms, Oils and Vsrnishes. also a good supply of American and Canadian coal Oil always kept on hand. Gi Memorandum We are also agents for the National Portland Cement. Watch for our Furniture ad. next week. New Hardware and Furniture Store. rElill DURHAM REVIEW. and he required to furnish accommo- duttontothe public to the limit of their capacitv without duttHtninatiott. nu: noon. OPTIC! nmcxm The convention sought that e fttr- ther application should be made of the Inccl Brion principles. and re- commend thut the government be requested to so emend the Liquor Licence Act that on the petition of twenty Bets per cent of the electors of any municipality. it shall be oblige- tory on a council to submit a by-lew to the electors tor the reduction of lie- enses, and it shall also be obligatory on the council of such municipality to pass a by-law in accordance with such vote. "he, same power w" sought in re- gard to municipalities regulating the hours of sale for intoxicating liqytrs The convention wasof the o‘rinion that in cities at thirty thousan Ind upwards, any ward should have tower to vote upon a Local Option y-law in the same manner as any Munieipalitv. Legislation was recommended for the more eireetive detection ot the illicit sale of liquor. If possible it will be made compulsory that anyone ar- rested tor drunkenness within a mun- icipality under Loni Option shall divulge under oath the source from which the intoxicating liquor was ob- tained. 7 7 7 7 The experience in Owen Sound led tothe passing eta resolution asking for legislation making illegal all sale of ale and beer by breweries within, or tor delivery within, municipalities in which there is no license for the retail sale of the same. EQUAL 301mm: The convention declared for equal sum-age, saying that this was right, and. therefore, in the interests ol) justice and lair play the franchise should be accorded to women. I LAW ammonium I Strong ground was taken on the iquestiou of law enforcement, and delegates were urged to do every- ‘thing in their power to secure the en- lfurcelnent ot existing laws relating Itothe liquor traffic, particularly in Gihi where there is open and pro- lnounced lawlessness. tlaratitieatiun was expressed in re- gardlo the action of the adminis- tration in lipuer cases. and the de- cided improvement in the effort to entorce the law. There was, how- ever, a statement that in some cases local Inspectors were not doing quite allthey should in this iegard. It was suggested that those who knew of violation of the law should deal with the department directlv in mun- icipalities where the local ottieeN leould not be trusted to treat inlor- mation eonddentiallv. The advisability ot organizing law and order committees in every mun- ieipality to keep trace of the manner oi observance ot the Liquor Law, and to receive inlormation ot breaches of law was suggested. Delegates wen urged to always bear in mind that the character of the municipal clun- cillors is refleeted in the manner of raw enforcement. UNANIMITY STRENGTH A striking feature ot the whole Convention was the thorough unani. mity. and the intense earnestness of the delegates. There wns practical nnd enthusiastic agreement In refer- ehee to all important conclusions. The convention was strong. not onlv in its representative character, and the number of delegates, but is the thorough harmony which existed, showing a most encouraging solidity on the part of the temperance forces. --John Alexander Dowie has Ptb8tV ed from the world like any other or- dimtry mortal. The sensational in- cident ot his life, his power over certain classes of men and women, are yet fresh in mind, and taught at once. itaeemed to us. the strength and weakness of the human will. He died denouncing in his delirium diaturbcrs and opponents. He was ‘smrcely 60yeam old. It will pay you to see our samples of Rope and Binder Twine before placing your order elsewhere. EECUBING CONVICTIONS ‘x. 21.": ati 2 I I hed MO are: or Good but 1 than Durham. well unmoved. with 1 very tine buildings. advertised in the ' szucw for 87500. I. (-131.90, ttrl1gt TORONTO LOOK HERE, FARIER ttl%'ii'od' Ci'G1"iii'it "rreiiu" BAB- GAIN. _-__- _----- __" ‘_ - Then I have a mo ACRE well lin- proved farm neu- Durhum that I " sell VERY CHEAP or trade tor other property. It's I map. For consider- ably under $3000 I will sell 100 you. in Betitinck. with good mil. brick veneer- ed and frame house, lame frame bank barn, frame nimble! sud pig nut-lu- ttood orchard. Thio it really a. wusrtttre I have also I grant. lot of other pro pong for sale and a MILLION DOL. LA 'dot MONEY to lend at, very low ram. I COLLECT DEBTS careful? [nature all kinds of 17iiiihiiirii,riLi.i. Ware)" kind. of mum: C. P. R. Tickets 1p inguinal? E65 Qé'n'déic'i a? picrtrertr and we" OCEAN TICKETS. 2a kind of legitimate businen attend to. Everything private. our Motto: "Alt y: p. ompt, Never Negligent. ' Undertaking BARCLAY & BELL We have opened up Undertaking Rooms in Thos. Swellow's build. iug opposite the Middaugh House and are prepared to do busineu with any person requiring under- taking. Satisfaction guaranteed in. Embalming. Our _ stock of funeral supplies has arrived.; also a full line of Catholic robes, etc. In connection with our great Globe offer. soon to expire. we will. for 31.00 send the Review to new subscriber to Jan l, 1008, and the Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer with ilhtstrated supplement for one year. FARMERS’ CENTRAL Mlllllll BE lltlllllllllili (llllll© The strongest pure) Mutual Fire [ammo Co. in Ontario. A Jl',i'if without 3 ml and tb jun. reward tor honest wont. L Md 1trgttf by the Government; tum --t. In tum property upon the but known pl... ' or l you blmket policies bound on the ma. inn-Intent or one drying-at Intent nude! the moot humble eon ttom to the hand. [noun In the but. If your Inna-lee “malt“: m. an on. or drop . end to Is good Bread, well made and ' properly baked-the bread that is made by S_tmson_. Th/y it tht perfect bread-made of the best flour, leavened and seasoned just right, thorougi1ly kneaded and baked to perfection, it is easily digested and it builds health and strength for those who eat it. Give it a trial. a.9etqitF.t:tF:set:tt.qaF:6q.eeF'. 0trilvie's “Royal Household" Keewatln 6t Five Roses ".--The, very best waaliu make. A cnrload just received. FLOUR Au for 81.00, don't delay. (Haven and Timothy and I.“ vu- ieties of Garden Seeds in n- hundance for Spring growing SEEDS AOreat Dollar’s Worth Hem! omce t Walkerton, Ont. The Best Cure For Dyspepsia tau. lacuna. mm. but“. the .Itrsmxeet purely ".9399! 93314921992 MATTHEWS a, LATIMER H. H. MILLER, FIELD AND GARDEN. The thom Conveyanci- Highest grades only. STINSON, The Baker and Embalming J. G. BUTTON. I.D.. tl. -""etattr."""""" nnteeettra-etreM,tu't"" - “unload“. “mm. In“ m: to landow- m. N) and " nan-.01" You) ge -nte. cumin-us. - - - - 0'.“ I'll an.» we“? love. DIM. unveil-#70 mumm- m~-.Imdp.-. W. C. PICKERING B. B S., L. B. S. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, (Mute of Boys] Coll”! of Pental Surgeons of Ontario. Boon! Over J t J HUNTERS New “on "no: noun '-tt..m '-4P... '-op.t. 1’0!”mean IO- " otttee-Ahuder'. Block. over Post one. DUES iriV (iliio' bins-l mm GO I Denim, ttt sll In uncut. HONOR GRADUATE Toronto Univ“ an. an“: (hum Dental lune tiitFifsiirrq urn-labor. Solicitor In Supreme Court Hoary Public. Communal». as. Money to Loan. nuke. over a trd m'l lewelry Score. ARTHUR GUN. at. D., D. McPHA IL.) Clout... “uni In “an Ho Dr..- a-u-s-tom-" wan-mum JOHN CLARK) MEDICAL Eye. Ear, Nose trim-oat Licenced o the County of Grey. “and Auction." tor the Co. of any. Illa Ira".','."',', r"tt"dll Su, up“! Vote In”. macro old-m6. at -- Ev thing in radians for the Spring ','J27,?. Call and see out bade! Seed. Peter Hamilton AGENCY er, Plough, Han-own, Cultivate" and who New Hamburg Waggon- Barber Buggie- Buell. ml Land Bonus Dino Est-row. of lion -aGGa7iirWtr. V mph tant and 'ttttMtn “Villa new. 11»!an [mun-m cm- Tum- modenu. “Imam“: tor II. a Ion-m. Ac., mun be en the Review or Me, Dun-n. at Madame“ mm. or to Ceylon P.O., will be Ito-mur- otmcul to, MI on Bpp1hetttort to lnsunnce Agent. Money to ban. Issuer of “twinge Lin-um. A gen- eral tinancial business unmanned. Prk-ndt-trtsuittttuxhames. l, B. llIdlllLull, Amt J. F. GRANT D. 0.8-. Lib. B. Fritters. Melton. ’Convoynnun. to. Money to Loan. thee, McIntyre Block. over the Bank a. Much, K.c-l W. F Dun ARTHUR B. JACKSON an Chum. WW. Wuhan. 'AAfA'alr/B1fl't --- . Auctioneers. B. IcPllAlL. Ceylon P. o'd or to C. RAIAGI. Durham DEN TAT... MACKAY * DUNN, Notary Public. commissioner. OOIVJYANCER. Ae. DURHAI. ONT. (Lower Town! Licensed Auctioneer for Go. Grey - CaFlon nu I telephone clot. rut-autumn... sij2tFIehtf31a'ig J. P. TELFORD DB. BURT . Numb “no B':),,',':' , r, _ Eli FF m E2 55 d. T93:

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