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Durham Review (1897), 14 Mar 1907, p. 6

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- d We. alvommmmmhny I). - battt In and out. And who" not um arm“ an; And was urmurs non. 1". In who an“. Iron: morn In ”when or woo. " not the mu who“ mm» L: l Hin full-p we 1tttet't know. for lg iiUn - meta"q um shod III “I" an. of ave-m. Nor do I want no an who show: No an. the: joys abound; A'.TA'"-"i"G.7FLetratw" you To than In - band. But my me wane - Pntor to laugh tttatt Ct Ben-ennui". can. to No matter how wo m for hm we can - us " m; touch“. that Avoiding "in 1nd Median And deeds that cause It! he Wflfifbw‘ the with all T“ M tHrieh h plax ninth. he is 3 trut this truth itw'd in a wit h a "Th, m ports" " Them is no more in cord, and metion and to-day that the lack all the MI t' than the pap-2w: " or rank] be allolute honm all the relations of 1 smrttht .seareeiy be hung] " would qeern like Par n y 'tg' bb in in; ot In.“ In" Father for sutf Abraham pray" reesttby tirtped km“ the hand? we are " make! Int has redeet no - wittt on ml: Pt tttere.'.' WI just: the the will}! " 'the writer mudv " an therein all n (with the u!“ mm: matter: o' " the wid press to th, by a “CH! which has 1attotog.e," once ot th it for on"? [we and i brief ennui iewxcetito no wine at It undo: the I from 8) to t tor nun-e he make 1m ell"')""'" F"" cute, and d-votcs this ankle ttr a brief consideration oi this mum: itwxcetitude. ly. the first place the title oi this thodon mm is a misnomer. tor it b. the-r sew-for all down the cent from the time cl St. Paul. JI. Th 8) to the prone-t dmy there have those in the professing Church who not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus l us set forth in the Holy Scriptures - . "u. “mammal as get, IUI u- I“ m. God-W4, The “not" um ' ' cannot twhvhl Ab uiih God Eur yr: dom t Him wr". is tire N the atonement II“ for siu, and trts sion; nor "n . . personal nod. unkind and " _ . - LA fur sin, and His resurrect'.'",' .we" - id ... "a - siou; nor “I! . ereed which tll; “5t: some carping that the American lilllllnll' _ th pertoytl God. and merges “n Wt II tire was crowding out the Briti laden unkind and with the universe end , Itelker; but the landed proprietors. trim. they contain, he termed theology tlf. after all. are the one chiefly to be‘ in the View ot these theorists ly: Ma- pleased, welcome the Pittsburg dollars at jeety of Heaven. the HE‘S“! Creator, current rote: of echsnge.- Forest until the Lord Jehovah, who " from. everlast- Stream. . ing to everlasting. is but an irurnetnt ----_----"" principle, on intangible 'iGeiee.rteie'e'; "CREEK." l all things, and thus "ttee " no Fe?! The word "crook" originally meant the l distinction between ttth', am1 'tit?,': tidal estuary of I small river, u piece“. IM course a retigion which thus de. where vowels might find harbor. and it; thrones the Almighty refuses to necept h so used throughout Great Britain to- the holy Bible as other then an ordiuury day. In certain parts of the, United man-made book, the Old Testament bepag States, notably along the middle and considered s romance M the earli.ey tstres “than: Atlantic seaboard. the word has of the world; the Gospels a tactful re- been extended to the small tributary of a cord of events which did not take place: river throughout. a” _entire course. In and the Epistle but the opinion of or mutant! these litte.iya,tyi streams are din-1y men. wtieh may he accepted oe culled "brooks," which in clearly their not " will. rightful narne--sut1otr wetereourses with , , I . ---- much {liaising and ttui','",', over stony . . I ton very e rly distill nights _ m 3'“ tra, the two where in “Pundit! Re- iiuru Haven. the Lord Jerop.rh, Ot' com” a . thrones the Ahn tne holy BibU " “armada book, 1 “my“! s tom of the world; a cord of ererttt' w and the Epistle? (“Jury mem wh not, " will. en rel-nous of IImKV 2|!(‘EHXS Honesty. "inn: No man A but is brought my widening til 3 the family. In iumhips he h l, " man in the no t and iatvgrity an nah PM 7 N" no the r."-.. (CIN CWcleJ no com! in vim van no! mu- 1.. up and and thin vile - down tho and were In mad. “WW-f." Ink! the hall-Men ' "We'll W a c. at ca." "MAME: no It.', sit Prayer "you; a..- -- Ho and. I hole in a am an ..._-_ _ was um» the bola and set in us mm in no m. Aell,'ll'h-ctst'"' TM'Imbr - on - "“- "an." pl no Aaetr . M ,‘A._ fl - - ‘ Advocate Ind the Judge not behuhl Abraham interred-z God lot Sadom without think- . who is the Advocati- with the ' r sinful men. We recall that prayml for those whom he had helped, when: he had delivered hands of their adversaries. and emindhtl that Jews Christ terrericet for “my whom He med. The Friend M God urged upru s,rrottitde " ju<tiw and th a tusd who W.'th' Inm'cii'ul and Son of God urges “in plea with . God upon the mum- grounds. Huh-1'. then. that, as the writer letrrews talk us. “He " (this to the uttermm: them that draw .-...| Hmmuh Him, seeing He atut “mu, R with but: “a not“ wa .0th to,' terr {on be ginning- otrinitm't .vkuown Free Church we been cluigunlcd ” he ulnar“ to ask he editor. and of h gamut“! Cull rougid mu) rent-nus ill-4 circle. the centre ily. In all those oom- w h being tasted. If the core of his . a, :l-grity will mung“ elatimw and he will 1 at llml's gentleman. L in the inner life will um Us life in all its . Tire “admin spoke knight “in-u he said: nun. in the inward oxy Ian Seed a “file foal. .4." Ron» of our Lord Je the Holy ser'T as. super“ m.de by Him F, in "resafreetie? I . ereed which a. and and!“ with the uni“ be termed the " (time in I " Junie. iiie this E rut! ,. -""e r debts. It there ' and intagt'uy in " this Jidkorld virvd at the same. Misc regainJ-d. In“: E title oi this unor- omcr. tov it is nei- our! the centuries, Paul. Ji. Them. i. ry there have been r3 Church who obey r Lord Jesus Uhrisk, ,oly Scriptures, vim supemtunl birth, by Him on the cross mum-nun and ascen- , Mining! those who full mum-e of all-*- in the world ple, clement- is old world t deal more Mum: m retatious when tart tit "tvwitate w'itt reader A. u to that ot "'e 1-. “I... on um ,.h,i rub“: - ‘h. toorqrtna “an“; runnermce of in W“ ot edtget "P. is a well known In". that some tl and annually on numb." ot some In are Micah!” “able to tuber so but“! tstttt no lrequem is the d --. M n.- g1tBeMq In rerun: tam”! he as balm”- id: 'Evor! " m! qttq8M, oarlii . “no retni . ttrttr I 1ott h~'- floretcre. rt“ clothlni , mt. Pye, it l .nw. - wttdrtff, ttt tho - likely a [ho relatlon my not“!!! tret+ at an close ad 1 [notable tor In“ on the 1'" eeefer mum! mama; n-..-V, at an clone and mutant. mu favorable tor mmlsalon by d The kennel“ occur-tome of od consumption in . tummy is, be “owed on an supposition "no itself ha been inherited has been produoed aiLer birth _ A» -:--n mhnr i g He for " pox or 1tttrtstherU. heub of (unmet. concern. together “was, would I" do has. the apoctr* o “My disc-9W" " Bttd mm??- -'sro sum no. ttt " "caged facts: "l. casumpport who]: “In!" mammoth)“ {or practical Purposes, u i-tion-ttte apitle--ciu' t or d.strored, Remove the u a noun-e ot infection - go tar toward disarm “a. Consumpuon is not It sully contracted it [on ph'mr‘ on poo-Inn. 'Evory new am of tutrerculasla comes (mm come cull" use. The genus ot um di- am "um their vitality and their infec- ttrttr I long time under tnvornbie conditions. "relate. do not bring into you: how clothing formerly used by coaautnptivo. uni-I it in» been thoroughly disinfected; do not allow your wives and dsutrtttte m not 1atectlutg {UHF home with dress“ that have villa-d up (in; sidewalks. Do not move into on infected house or room until the ”vouchers of the ditstntrctitrrt is unquos. non-bu; do not put your um or mouth up... wind inhuman“. money. or anything oh- that has been used or handled Br con- .I-uino: do not buy bread. milk or other uncles: at food not to be cooked from con- emloliveo. Knows. particularly lip to lip, _ r----:.. u an. nerson u iuurci1tuais"- oh. ttot in m“ M" ' ”ulna: do not ttur W uncles ot food not to ttt “motives. KW‘nS. part . “gate It on. Perm“ - Yorh Tribune. M lint: Their Value The n Phipps " tttOU 5 Inn-l. hn-I. I'hv Nun- rmnpriac‘ ol of something morn than an aware miles. Ttw papers put gent oxpemn" at $50.00” but this is a potent Nagy] though the “name-i of deer “praised in large figures. , _ -.-atior, there muted “no 0! cicvsuruptiort A deer forest necessity mean unitary Bet 91 ml! be wood" tion of the ll tttt- DEER F native am “new... Of lute yours. M the demand for deerl forests In: increased. their values have upprocinted enormously. and the rentals of the best forests have grown to such cums that only the very wealthy mar enjoy the sport. In the British press there has been some carping that the American million- slre was crowding out the Briti .hsdeer dulker; but the landed proprietors, who, after all, are the ones chiefly to be pleased, Welcome the Pittsburg dollars at rurrvnt rates of ecunge.- Forest and Stream. til's Liniment I lama. “notion is mused only by u [arm rs trom the “Hug, allecud with now- tic-match” tell us b, of Pittsburg, him a 11len 'tttoi-lt ulnar fur I IUlIw-u. 'e..---" tn and“ ot adueatiotr. no“ he! that - persons. In 1:1me ot some (amn- uly llnble to tumulnslm. no trequoni is the turetott- nu In comm families that I long been commend “and, than um the discus use” ry. but mm: are mama Iona! vculuaaaou white, rr.iri- n u mom any prey to the P""" . “Frankel or parting brook" my be entrusted with the 1 “main bout": "rorthwitlr the. tte? and so: Mic ”nod: but then, " FORE STS IN SCOTLANOA 1 Eu Increased in Recent Years. preval- at unbor- ' ‘A-.__t ln the is {maven Gtrsturpessriair. is not hereditary. no: d it rusonablb can ll flu-II Inn“, -__""e " that the American millinn- ' rowding out the Briti .hsdeer It the landed proprietors, who. are the ones chiefly to be I Moms the Pittsburg dollars at $0: of echsnge.- Forest anal Luv-nu.-.” _,, the grant course of n be easily dtainteeted the spline or upmum um. and consumptkon "rii"Giri,r" to all in proximity to Iroquequ Iraq-nun... to lower the tond) at an n th predisposing 1ristummtt overwork. ' and dusty air. Avoid itiueves Neunlgia. tind by teau."""' able. becau" the followlns a comet! fro/u I curri in tho gr Enormously 5|.u’ _u.y 'Cm.",' ___- gt,,'; The lunguc long. owing 'llu- 'atPt'iti.',' germ iluihr? v"11'/,,t with t h mm c; iood 4ir miles eau", The Hmmdn has of . Heated a YI?.". . pmum W hi,tling ssption feet on the l n" in Avgeryin.e u. be way. Itis l . - A tuothpid "’AIIC "an " you n...” _ - . the Ind: but they dlscovcrd a oath-ill ereek with a shore, Into which they VI! minded. ii it I'm M10. to thrhtrt in the ship." Hate we luv. the idea of a ha rbor in the use of the word. It is pos- sible to see how our brooks have come to the canal "creeks" when xte reflect that ' south of New England the large rivers have many qnutller strum“: emptying into their tidal waters. The momma ol these are often deep enough to make I shelter for vessels, and t ey were un duulncdly so uaml by the early "ttlem T Hrm‘o tho word .vreek" ond it: s'xten : mion to the emin- hil’t'Jlll and to othe t ~imilm' utrettm4 fur inland throuehout : _ wide "sttutt of courtln'.v. alumna! of Geo "And when lt the land: but "rerk with I ig' minded. ii if; the lines in graph." Minard'a Linimeut Co., Limited. Have used )UXARD’S LINIMENT for Have med Croup; ioun cure. iuwkshaw Facts and Figur 1n Irulaml were are, 208 rainy days per yea r The lunguo of the git mu”. 'llu- :uu‘l‘algr- F.ng!isltwoi"Nt inch” unm- than we American lt ie, an.“ that a vulture can , (and 4ir miles away. The itoundtu' lass 7poo,000M a yu-ur. Whietling has u very benet feet on the lungs. l Argentine ha., a 54-milc ho wav. It is tlt" longest in the l _ [1-1 seas, each ieet on the lungs. Argentine has a 54-milc horse rail. way. it is tlt" lougemt in the world. A tnmtlipiuk iactory hour Paris turns out; 20,000900 quilts annually. It is the lingual plantui the kind in the world. London has 938,009 houses. 'l'ln- amount. of mum-y paid anually in the worlds rulers amounts to $80.- 'IT; 34;, to tho we amply). The cor ot" Ruuiu mum-e. l .)UH('0-‘,. It Lomlolfs 1304 mm. Att hum dun ll re A ottc'rptl tion tutiottnt In tho com at the Brit 500. territory on this ttern explored. lt irsaid that dent' are only th cows. There no 10an u. tsditiortm of tlie "ible gettttt. Tin- mango "mm the whole world are thr orpital invested. In the Northern ore all“! “an plaitr'O London The io, Hibmlmr has 70 There are still found nothing equal COMPACT KNOWLEDGE. Bill" nu. ____e- which he conduded meant Tuesday morning he freed his hula-r and mmad for sale in order to be on hln got there in due time. but said anything to "5111'in t gave our efficient pustmus unmu'nwaa a! to his win ,when he wn- found it was ‘to oouvinee him that the al not intended for him and Return to his home. II lull nah “man” "3,"; ,, amount of mum-y paid auually worlds walets amour.“ to $30.- Ft i L ‘ fks, I . _ " ', n'oruuatmn tuba oi Ll”: buupvess die e _.,ia is of fur and wrighs but 10 " ECI, l -. h, H valued at $5,000. , " a rt'2T 'e."2rc.L>9 MT I dunk ttre brigade eotrdsts of ' ,ataiC,ltiaiiiC.i? t 'Jl . “I‘ll. ar, iii-umlwo- of. H-m‘ly $5001)!” i, [Freigeiiiisa=1L, l d orast. Paul', (unwind in Lun- ..-\ l Hun has 100.000 night. workers. ', ' foot of a wumun should meat I “prawn-nth the long) of her body. ' v.n.-11.i‘.'-:u"< da'ily _fuml cunfump- " r, 8t . ‘ - , " '1 unmunh to twire its own weight. 0 T tl'e mum» oi one your slr. visitgrs ’ Accidents to your harms _ H A“: m4 _ may happen gt guy moment. ”mu-.-- :7»: 'l" T? I Wtsett We have All cookad 90 My pa he run And 933095 N. lie gives W tall The part 'at An' yhen I pe. -tBBt.s A u... -_-v When we have turkey lasin't it I All cookcd so tPae and brown'.' kly on ho cu-u eat-h one a “In And passes n noun“. He gives to an of 'em Cout me.) The own 'at they seloc', An' when I pass my plate, says In “Ah, 'iiitia-arre's the neck!" Na. always says: "Oh, anything." But an shes he: the brunt; Au' Uncle Joe he takes the wing (The part 1 like but” An' ann'va says: "Oh, I dunno, I'11 new: a Log, 1 s'poc'." An'. pa, ut smiling. says: "Jes' so. Come. "iipe--tsere's the neck'." Wk» on ask: Susan ,rtttst's her ' _ ___-- - Alli-h" ya! day, ther. knew wt, of a woman: o,venth the hug." prpillttru daily 1 mun-s to twire it ' can”? of one y British Mum-mu Mind's When " aak& 3"“ she guys: -ru in." Ttten brother George With smmn' piled, An' 50 it itoer iugu, . 1. man’ I TM“, pre ten one [In ever ' Por-- A-. .. aur brooks have come to I” when Oe renete2 tut England the large rivers ,ller stream emptying waters. The mouth" L" deep ',',y't'e,, to make n ads. and t ey wore un- ml by the early m-tllers. l .vreek" and in "stem ,in- hil’t'Jlil and to other fur inland throughout a mummy "iot:rms1 of Geo- Now. l've been (mu-m q-.. tl hope it ain't no stat Jes' s’pos'n mm went out Att' other birds cum in. An' s‘pos'u “stead o' turkey Had oeriuh to Maser I wonder would he say. ", ture. winV the new an; “Inf? than of tlie Bibln in res ELt Should Be Known by All. 'Vi-" Doing good to Ml. speaking evil ot nono. Hearing before Judguu. _ Trunking More speaking. uoldmx an angry tongue. Being [Ind to me diuznened, Asthma wardens to: all wrongs. Being pun-v: toward everybody Stow!” the an to t can“ Disbellevhu no“ of “a Ill-NI __----.. CHAS. E. SHARP Il., Sept. lst, 1905. _ 11st 70 miles of tunnels. '0 still 20.000000 miles of n this globe which have not red. d that fatal balloon ucci- only three in a thonnnd as- .101 LinimentV Gites Dandruff. 7,ooo,000,000 egg, been Ten Good Things. Tia: Willie Gets. " n ' on nun-u u....v. me. but as he had not arricon about going he luvs-hunter mottlt' little his whoreaboutq, but , it was not very hard Inc the ueicriptio_n mu nim and he decided to an 4,000 ttirierent in the British mu- in: beau n- is two feet nemiwhew si.,ilrle to t " should meas- gth at her body. iood cumump- its own weight. year the visitors I numbered 954,- A earnings 3 1-4 I)" cent beneficial of to it, sure an average, ,1... u..-" - have a thigh." ' "so 41,. gems his We. lied up high. ttll, oh, aur'. scent its ii' Jim-mu TORONTO is two mini tor which no 1: sorry. Thou Ire: new. there to the nak- eggs lulu Well, if 1011mm}. hum Good Health. Dr. Decals». ot mm In: Am. M. was nuanced Is this immu- ot a oruo M- “er " . won-known publishing home (or the can best maxim: tor pr-rvinq tho hunk. winch were to be published In the "Ann! Almanac." mud by the Hun. These no the prize mums: Md _ .- 7, _-_u... m u- In": I1c an: y”... ....._.__. a) Generul ityBiette.--tu" only: In to M early, ad in the meantime new yours“! ooeupied. - . an“- and hand l2) “mummy tsytriene.--' 3min lite. but pure air I Indlupennbla tor health. len aantro-irstetrtlmtl by and sobriety are .the but I long lite., . . “Mil III.- tit iiJiarasat ttreieue.--ciesoTirttr pro- sorvea from rust; the beet-kept autumn Mat but“. my anlane of tsteto.--A within-:7 ttt ret nu“... ti5t Hygiene of sleep.---' “nucleus: ttt ran rennin and strengthens: too much rest - .nl and makes aott. (6) Hyglene ot elotttistg.--He " well clothed mm h...- m- hodv ntrfnciorttlr warm, ute- (6) Hyglene ot elotttistg.--He II we“ c10u10u who keeps ml body outndomly warm. ute- nardlnl it trom " abrupt clause- ot tem- venture. while u the some time maintain- taa, ”Hog {modem ot motion. t - . . k4“-.. nun " 0 van I“ WIT" II’EIHUIH m .t..Ne_-. t7) Dwelling tmsiette.--A house that is clean and cheerful make- tl hippy home. (li) Moral tsrtriems.-Ttus mind two-es 3nd remun- its eds: by means ot relunuon and amusement. but excess opens tho door " the Dnulons. and these attract the “can: _ - _ . nu“... “1....“va luv b""""'""" anu- uu-~ ...-..__- __ O) Intellectual ttsgiene.--ut1tett couducea‘ to love ot life, and love ot 1th is the hall at health; on the other band, amines: and gloom help on old I". (10) Professlonal itrr.urne.-lt it ll your brain that teed: you, don't. allow your arms 3nd legs to become anchylosed. no you dig tor " livllhood. don't omit to burnlsh your intellect and elevate your thoughts. If you are walking along the street - a and wake up to the fact that you are BEI'ER carrying yourself poorly take the mental attitude of standing straight as well as Svunkln! doe; the physical one. Look at the man you Valli“. There meet and imagine that each of them this trouble. N owes you a dollar. Put even a sugges- Window. om.. tion of arrogance into your position. her auccesslul "fold your head well buck; look people iuatrueUons. 1 squarely in the face. This will not only to-dar it your give the impression to others that you, 1”, Dou't I: pawn»; the power you want but it " no it can't hel actually tend to bring that power, Keep "fit/ttte, bl)" the lll'cli arguing; the omivr.-World's ' -- a AAAAAM DECALOGUE or “can. Work. r 2'w.cukac"" N J -w may happen at any moment. GET READY for emergencies. Buy a bottle oi ' . ' Fellows' Leemmg fl Essence ,,i"'"11"-'""'-ie"i" that um um.--“ : ma (u,riiiiaer'ggi', com- 1ltllliihlit BE f ,'gttii'.su,lltrf:il'i'e in ”an t ata" G'?.'" Pal-ad i-iitaerdu24 - tepttgr,etmL,'tttha8 or. 1mm "we; 603nm“. uncut!- =da"llr."t tahttgtttrtN"Stt."t I“ m " 3.... w . - -------- When China Shall Be Strong. Those who love peace as well as jus- tiee wili rejoice in. the military refor- mation of China. As a. doiomeless nu- tion it has already been productive of numy wars, and, "continuing under the palms conditions, would be responsible for on many more. Bat o strong China, armed for the protoction of her rights, 3 will give u quietus to those Very ambi- ltious tint her military weakness has iii7GL-cterh! Today. 'czE.'2u'k'illlE-izre:.r.e.er-"-er-r--"-= ste.-iter and brand t" Ind sunlight no _ . tsreyeryt.rceel.1t,', TI; -iraon “it? vim ‘tor BILEAKS CLEAR TH PIKPLES. W‘ _ 5mm my: mums‘ cultural Coll The Tttriot struugiy t'rlt having vigou healthy bird looked fur i but with at Mypmnulw' ing hen. LIN profil. Th“ best winter was strum!" very best " hrvemug. ' he in large “We“ mmcun trom um Hum-w ' ulturnl College, (melph, tau.) The Tttrtous speakers at the lnsti Lmngly emplmaized the necessity aving vigour in the iluek. With st calmly birch the best results muh Bolted fur ii properly ied and hm mt with stock tttttt lucked. Hunt l uppennwee in oooeteriistic of the “g hen. were “as not nun-h hope profit. The tse1eetiutt of a fen of Jest winter layer- of good breed was ntrnngly recommended as one. u very best methods for impmveme breedmg. The selected hens Hem be in large numbers. a hall duzen good ones no plenty and tlrtvse B be mined to a male trom vip bony laying parents. Seleeliou been advueuted by many tor yen in not all t'i14L"o has it proved s: wry. mung largely to the fact ttr farmer conCuttstt the setveted hem snall pen and allow-ll the large. ‘frac range- The speakers at tite lune new all of one mind in reg a...... range for breeder-s. Praetiea :h er I” ..y..._ F ms put in the brooder. For brundor rhickn, many of NIP tl ehieken foods were recom- md when the” Could not Ire bread crumbs. ouch-d when. irked corn. and pin head out- re strongly manned by men of o. The idea was advanced Ity Cer that some "titteitslty new. a lacked for the first few days ives thr instinct of telling what l food and subwquently would bing. For thin xenon it was ed not to litter the broader with ' undesirable for a chick to out. and 15th were considered but. W, R. anm. MannwnPonltn' ormtrtmerlt ph, t aim rs at the lnstitutel. tlie "eeessity of, iluvk. With strong st results could be ly ied and housed. luck-d Hunt brisk .teriuic of the la)" not nun-h hope tor n of " iv“ oi. the of good breed type muted as one M the for inqmun-nwm in 'ted hens nved not " a in“ dawn real .y and Hum- should Je mum vigorous, tts. Setoetiott has many tor years but s it proved setistae- u, ttte fact that the P setveted hens to a wed the large (luck peakyt at Lilo insti- m- mind in regurd to rrraetiedit.v owls had mngm Hing and sickly F to the common ood after brood md never moving around. when a of tttr recom - not tte whfnt. V -safest regulator for baby. Pu colic and (auitiug---giv" health“ --cures diarrhoea without the ha effects of medicines containing 4 or other injurious drugs. gge.--et druetores. Cures toeo.g"ggyN'l'te%" . an " . Diarrhoea MootreU. A "Veterttu' of industry." A preuy phrmw and pronily emplnynl. It is what th" Danes call the old people of good re- cord who are forced to apply to the authorities for help. No shame- lunch" to such npplivutlun: nu ignoble dept-mt once. "orronive' of m-lf-roHpH-t. attends the life whirl: follows. Such a person etttetn tho home " a and of government pen lsiumer. 4‘lm’vlnml Plain Dealer. Y-tities-tff.."'".',','.".""" FulanW'm W. 1.th ' debau- 'l1'lu7iiiiiFeittti%' Strxhu",Tk;;'.iG1 kid .... 'Aa.rt-stl ,a,titusae"te..e,'e.U., ___,, to be dee), "liable, "A, w a . ., _-_-...a. mu "a..." “and: tan”... " 'tttt to “.m--; ll C 1'rlllTiGirauu-l! P4 A -- Mind's Liniment for For the -_B6B"'-"'"-- I , can” “w -- I .-oh, don't S " ___ _ LA." Ist'.?',', - ...1 must. mu T1sere is ttol even it, funer comet! from th gation of the iirnaire's wife Too Much of a Hurry. 1 There in nothing like being slylinhu even it. funerals. An example of this' comes from the Btu-k Bay. where inventi- gntion of the reported death of n mil- iirnaire's wife. known to be very ill. was found to have arisen through her hun- band having ordered mourning livery for hi; butler. conchmu: Ind toot%an.--Bot" Gk Herald ldleneu u I cum "Do women cow? ggMFrdy MI "why 13"- They do. n they have more time aad have the muse! kaolin-u man an m . won“ ., out of "on week. Denmark's Care of the ASK YOUR DEALER FOR Duchess and Priscilla Pin: am Foe Ladies Rock Rib ma Fitqas.lfttuot Hose ' midi-aimed mums cm, mm. mm. mm. 'cn ( pARLO’ .0 LPHU. WAX "mr-snr-ar-ttLetter"""'""'"'"'", 'ttily empluym. " In um“ . the old people of good re- Bemo"' .11 um, soft or allow-u n..." ' torred m apply to the I and “mm. from harm. blood mill. r help. No Ihmm‘ attaches . curbs, splints. ringlpone, steamy, dtifue, rastiott: no igttoble depestd- sprllnl. - and swollen throat, mush. , of m-lf-I-cn'pH-t. attends the l etc. hive '00 by w of one bottle. I' u- lows. Such a pomm nun-rs ranted the no,“ wonderful Blank]. Cup a nun of government pen- F"' km“. Hold by drugBisu. and Plain Dealer. L.-..-----" - .., “““0- " Inuit. umw iii Ls A' Tip. All wool "no Hosiery Induce-rd b: an m M in to Strong a GNaltar son-Iv more an not?" all They do, but nun beau-0 m tite aad In? Momma they met harliuuion tor It. An idle . wanna got-1pm; seven “VI Princess Edytrttot Uste For Childtcn': Fine pm- Little Darlingya LittleR.et Foe was -Ciii,Gifiytyt1, rest without the harmful a containing opium . Cause of Gossip. MATCHES of I Harry, ule everywhere. ‘e Mea. J'. S ,l'fffis" ENOUSH swwm LINN!“ have . more noun tter thart tell to the of mine laat yrr. A-n New kork city now. It In -' -- Ihoddy wool. They buy up all the old boots uld Show um throw them into . whine which grinds them into n conu- powder: This powder the man, who " entitle-d to I medll made from his on product, mixes mth about 40 per eogrt. of melted luau null)". and the mixture ‘is pressed out thin under huge rollers applying a pres-un- of 10,000 pound. to the squnre foot. The componition h oor ored lfW'lul'd and put on the market--- Pith-burg Dinah-h. . The gunman may nppeu' Hamming In view of the trr-turl irequenry of the (lath penny in Rum-in. that there h no capital ti,"tr"li'l" there under regu- lar law. o inflict death on polka] offenders the prsetict in to declare - (ill law and try prisoner" before mill- I tary commission... A notorious original. l, (umoue for the number of murders he In. mmmitted. is now under errant. but on he is e non-political offender. he c-trt be hanged. Rub-inn juriepmdenm to 0 “range, mixture of lenily and herb-m , - Baltimore News otsteenettt The ottlr mug‘mim make. . to“ feel that he in in it at an own I ding is the word "obey." 1.. Death Penn! in r." be "M F“ ’V'" bountiful Uni!” .ast a the lot of I yotunr m”. , said Smith. E'et; I of “hum." ing shoddy loathed in now. It in wane th- bey buy up all the old um throw them into . .inds them into . conu- nwdor the man, who u “V I.‘ -."'-- 7' soft or "tto-d my t m harm. blood Ttyt, T L L Is b'? -. . _rt0llilllliilT _ ON Firs. Perkins will la co "

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