West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 Mar 1907, p. 8

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men M, 1907 l THE PEOPLES’ STORE} Good Values ', Birthday _ Gifts A Fit Guaranteed January is stock-taking month and the month you look for to secure real money-saving bargains. Come to the People's Store and take advan- tage of the low prices prevailing throughout the Store. Engagement All Winter Goods Must Go DIAMOND HALL Souvenirs Generally Wedding Watchmaker. Cut in Toronto. Hamilton, London and other places in Canada, also in Philadelphia and Baltimore. I have all the lstest systems in cutting, besides my own system which I have taught some of the best cutters in Toron- and other cities. My new ideas on outing-it stands to reason thst I ought to be able to please you. We have the very latest to choose from. Alt invited. ROBERT BURNETT. All farm produce wanted. Highest prices paid. STOCK - TAKING (lijiijililhli(E SALE No old stock allowed. Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Flannellettes, Ties, Ready-made Clothing, Boots ardf.Shoes, Rubbers, Gro- ceries, Furs, &c.-.all cut in price to reduce our large stock. Many Odds and Ends accumulated after holiday season, will be sacrificed to clear. COME NOW. mgs Better than going out of town-Why ? Because I have had larger experience T.,rd 'ire--. WEBSTER Jeweller Flarity, Merchant Tailor A. Glass, mm Mm Correct Designs and other places Diamonds Silverware Witches Clocks J ewelry and Excel Optician flir- The. Livingstone and tabby “a visiting in iendn In Gait. Mayor Calder In making pod prog- ress toward recovery. 1|th Birrs paid a laminate trip to at Fore-t the end ol um. week. Mr Arch lemmas“ spouts few (by! in Kincu'dine recently. Postmaster Smith spent Saturday in Mt Forest. Mr Doherty of the C. P. R. omeel was in Toronto over the week end, ( Misc Lizzie Lauder. . popular “new lady, has taken a position at Grant’a. ' Miss Turner, of ‘L'iverton, is visiting her tiater. Mrs. T, Holris. at present. Mrs. Cottrell and Mutu- Erie are visiting Guelph and Toronto friends this week. A deigh load of young people form- rd a skating party to Mt Forest on F ri.. day night but. Miss McLennan and Mrs. T. H. "woo. Shield, of Brampton, are visiting their! det,tl sfp,Si"'uul1'"'fi'. tld-. Como, Mrs. B. F. Morloek. ridge, Holstein. visited " the home Mrs. Alex. Duncan trparnt the Intter of Mr and Mrs Coleridge Sunday last, end of last week viamng Holstein and the tanner pair remaining till Monday Egremontfriendn. and calling on some old friends in m_- 1--.. any“... n: mm“... a.lDromore and near it. Min Leah McComh of Toronto in waiting her home " Bunmnn. Miss Vaddie Caldwell underwent an operation on Tuesday. which will. we hope result in giving her robust health once more. Mrs Bice is attending the convention of the W. A. It In the annual meet- ing and is being held in London, she also visited friends in Ailsn Craig. Mr, Archie McDongnll returned to his home in Michigan this week "her a two months' vilit with his uncle, Mr. Colin McDougnll. and other relatives. He was accompanied home hr Miss Kate Me) rthur. of Owen Sound. Mr. Mal. Benton. of Sank. after tuk- In“ to himself a Wife in the person of Miss Pringle. of Hastings thx, spent moat of the time at his old home and friends in Glenelg. and as newly all the westerners do, returned to his home in Harris, Sash. when we wish the enterprising couple all that is best. An exchange says: The Rev Mr) Irvine of Collingwood. while dis. eonrsing in his philosophic manner on Monday night, said he had come wdislike flowers " funerals tot the reason that they so often appear there because too tew had been giv- en to the person darine life. He proceeded to tell how the little cour- tesies and kindnesses should be ob. served in the home associations. raht- 1 er than be left tor display as a part I of the funeral rites. This We believe is sane advice. We have all grown familiar too with cases where the family have for years done nothing to relieve the! distress and loneliness ot their par ems bat on word ot their death, will rash home and raise money tor an expensive buiisl and monument. Many a. person lies iriendless durinzl a long and torturtug illness in the1 hospitals of the country, but whenl death occurs he has plenty of friends to intelere lest his body should serve some useful purpose in the study of disease. There is more truth then folly in the homely proverb, that "the boy who lets his mother carry all the wood and water cries loudest at her tunernl. " THE WESTERN REM. ESTATE EXCHANGE Limited " Dundll St, London. Out If you wish '10 sell or i?ft,h/t'g,'ir,t',' pro arty quickly at prp)ltably or i you wisK to bar, don't fail tone or write our Gen Agent for the Go of Grey. Wm w Ranmge. Thistle P. o, who has late- ly been till",?,':,',',' to this position. We unlu- no c urge “ulna the property it sold. For further particulars, apply, personally or by letter, to either of the above addresses. The Weston-p Jteq1 EgtatoAExchanu. Ltd., London, Ontario. - ln rcfel-ence to the above, I beg to announce that I will be plowed " anv time to meet. with parties wishing to buy. sell, or exchange. hut will for con- venience he in Durham every Saturday afternoon. It We don't see you. send us a post-card: we will glndly tr all m- ormamon. Orders or enqnl or at the Ive,'.' om" will recon-e prompt at- nt on. WM. w. RAMAGE. Dimia Agent. Think. Ont c-.. 1,195,311 TEE DURHAM “VIEW 111'ng “may my . pre Durham. T roomsnud 'If"".""'.'?!':"!" ttsd t'.'tl', ',tl ff, 'lgfrt,', aid”. Euy terms. Apply at Renew out“. n e e e on a tll] tor B. C, y t Greg. activity“ the Home of ot','; [Inward Hermon and sons hive F. 'oc. ta " ttointr on. . - t ttottheie uwmm that they 1'2T,l, ttoods being opened " knd pile . 1ih'siihti'i11,l(r,tit'l7s't' irieii.l, 'iti'iereci',t2ftitghp.'oo" beintt lat-y repair: and acting a head 'iii? H. B. Moon“: It yer forefew deya in muting some o---.-------------.----","..'.'."- lnilwey bridging timbers. _ I K“? -iTi - - I Mr Ann; McDomld leaves for a trip down country on Tuesday. be- (ri'lll,'efh'lei' tor the went, the com- .munity will miss his Jovinl kind heart- {milieu ...,,........ --".. ___ __._w,, torisieavitttt tor the 'rt"., ttte tye-l One of the he terms in the Town- munity ,riumisshislovia"indheart-itp. ot Benti k, as new. new trtitttms. [brick house. two large bunk barns. We are occasionally reminded that land firsteHste,tul IearedezerptS0ttr. ethereal creetnree walking upon this [Snapm in pure sen "500“,", mundane sphere. are unfortunately bang“ at 46 " ce A l to subject to the inexorable law of p PPV grovltetlon. in the fee: the: Mise MACKAY Duns: Lllzle Laughton neeldemelly tell itt. I Vend 'tg when”! lathe lreeehexoue open cellar door: tend examined a severe eontueion of Ir- 's the knee. lain-“43m. and thaicnl t1nitare TORONTO Mr Wat Luvrence is, We hear, re- routing slowly from his recent in- Artomeun Council met. in the town Gil, Fleaberton. Match 2, 1907. Pres. om, Messrs. Muir, Manda. Carson. Maw Loughry and McKenzie. Minutes at last meeting mad and ooutirrmrl, Tho blowing communications were'; Ind: W T McKee and others asking for l the (onuabion of a. new union Icllool out ‘ of put of S S No 8 with put: of the township of Osprey. Connor. Clark & MoniU to cement bridges. J A Heard account for repairs to grader 1906. L. O L No 111E, account for use of haul as n polling booth tor last Ontario election l Bv-law 679 to appom overseen. pound- keepeu and teneeviewerts, No 680 to up- l pain” treasurer and No. 681 to raise by debentures 98000 for the police yillw,e ‘of Flsebenou for cement sulownlks, ware introduced and read s tirat time. Metals-Carson-- that hy-lnwn 679. 680 and 681 be now read a. second time -.oxrried. MeEeuzie--McLoutrhr.r--'rlut! oounci so Into committee on by-lawu 679. um nut! 681- -Carried. Council went into committee With Mr McKenzie in thu cbuir. Cnmmiuee rose. Mr McKenzie prevented by-lnwni79. 680 and 68f In Mlesd up. MesEenrie--thsrnotr--Thttt by-law 68ol to appoint treasurer as reported by com- i mltzee be now rad a thint time, signed f sealed and entered in by-law book audi No 679 he laid over until next session of, eouneil--csrried. i Mmuits-MeEenaie--Tltttt by-law 681 to luthonzo a lotus M $3ooo for the police village of Flehrton he advertised m the "Flalherlon Advance" newspaper the required time and posted up and sub» minted to llw qwahfitr! electors of the. said police “Huge " the” approval. oD Tuesday, the 2m: day M April. 1907, ac- cording to law-Carried, Mtuut.-owtuuv-Tlsat the neeoaut oil J A Hard tor repairs to grader in 11M!“ $9.25. he paid-Carried. t Mu,oaory--caraon--rlytt L 0 L 1118 be pad " 50 for use of hall as pull- ing booth at Inst provincial election,-- Carried. MeaN--ctsrsou--TliM Alex .UeSrthurf be refunded t2tor statute labor charged I in error (In bin Iota in Priceville in 1906 --ctcrrisd. l carnnv-MeLouorr-Tlsat It Plant be paid .15 tor tire cords of wood-- Carried. 5teEenzie--Meads--Tlutt Itobert Best be paid tl for attending and letting work mu Lon-elm mill on account of washout. Curie”. Moigeuzie--carsoo--That the more is g hereby unbound to employ an engineer l to examine the location of Bovue brnlur I Ind in" plums and trtreetlieett in pro- 1, per time to advertise in the Contract 1 Record or other papa" I! that. the wmk J up? be done in the proper "pou--Osr. , rm . 1 Meads-gieEettzu--Tltu this coumul III: for mun to open“ under for seam: oi 1907. tenderer: to stake oxperience and Inga: wantod, the name to be in by April 6-.Carried. Mcqsunrae'.-Mettdiv-'rhat the report oi ( committee: appointed to confer with ! Proton Council relative to drain near: Proton Stallion be received and the com. F mime be paid " each for their services 2 in anemia“: meetings " Duudalk aill, Proton-o-ul f ,usmsnme--astsLoughry---Tut the peti- tion of W T McKee tsud nine other: who In chairman of forming a new union nchool section out of part of S S No 8, Artemesia, with pan ot the township of Gupta! and requesting urpoiutmem of In arbitrator m the matter, be Inid over 'at next meeting of this eisuucii.--Car. no . North eremont. Artemesia Council. llama! “WHEN”: l ms tmr.l, Ar. Easter combs In about three and limol weeks we invite those whs mint Mil. llinery for Easter to cull " any time t council l and have a look tluougl1 our clrefully 679. wolselected stock of hats. There is a charming variety of trimmings, the With Mr E shapes are small and large and n grant tttref, i many are the mushroom order. Plummet: you tutar,-C,omiorah1 new Brick Home on Count". St Durham. T room: and all convenleneou Thur tel-ml. Apply at Review Ottico ‘Elocution and Physical Culture Miss Twamley. Honor Graduate in Elocutiun and Physical Culture of ‘Almn “(new 0011.39. St Thomu. h prepared to give clu- or grivno les- o us in shave Iuhjecu. once” en- R,',','.'",',',:,", taken. For terms and at er poniculan a " to Durham (ii, o. asst, 0mm Fs, on Tunday land!" avian-non Spring Term Opens April 2. Canada‘s best school of Business Trainlng Demaud tor our graduates is tar greater man our supply. M.gniilcettt cut-dome tree. No mid. summer vacation. W. J. ELLIOTT, mitseiral. Cor. Yonge and Alexander Bu. I We want to make this sesson one (u the best and we mll promise you {every attention and will try and pleue {you if you will give H" a call. ? Have been away for the lust four weeks and but: attended the millinery openings in Toronto and New York, and iznye seloeted a large stock of ' millnwry for Spring. Millinery for Easter We began the sen March 6th. Cull en T h In the firgt "ep e egrap y towtrrns political myilgtmmm . 'tRy.'"? pa Innun in railway "who. Tort can we A good our-tor In 6 mom]. it you mdv " Th. central Talon-pi] Mod. a FiViiiird m. l.. Toronto. The In.“ - in (high. “to for partial“. m _ Inu'I'l‘nK Prht s. M. c. A, tht Are The oldest and strongest bulh‘ell school All mum" are of the but. Sudan receive an". instruetion and venonal attention ind me mined to pa"tyth. writefor analogue of this live “pm-(ha ii/itat w. n. Cut. Pi, TORONTO. ONT. 20 per ct. Discount off Felts,. Leg in a Overshoes, Ciri- gans, etc. Peel, the Shoeman Miss Dick BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Clearing Sale year, round-:eqfr any time Repairing and or- ders our specialty. of WINTER FOOTWEAR iii for Sale WATSON, P itt., Yonge & mam 6b.. TORONTO season. Wednesday, I early.. {mom-10x. qe' ‘rmctpa Mighty' Sale Grocery Special for Saturday, March 16. Ham loaf 12c Veal loaf Chicken Loaf 120 4 pkgs Jelly Powder 6 lbs best figs Me 3 pkgs Empire Soda 3 pkgs Glred beans 25c 3 pigs Mince Meat Aux RUSSELL Home of Dissolution of Ptu'tttersttip. Not ice is hereby given that the Part- nership heretofore sulwisling between up. the undersigned. as Shown-ll! Lenahtut of Durham. has this dny been dissolved by mutusl consent. All detrte owing to. the Mid partn-r- ship are to Ire paid in “in J. A, Rho-w- ell of Durham, and all claims “ruins! the said putnership are to he old-sent- edu, the laid Miss J. A. Shewell. by whom the same will he settled. Three days more the Bargain Sgle.‘ Dated " Durham this 5th day of March A. D. twr. Witness. [.l. A. Showell. A. H. Jackson 1F. Lamb-n. in: STORE WINTER TERM now on at the rry.-N0RThERtld) df But students lye gamma! " my “In. with- outatty inec.nyfPPP'f. to zhomulveo ma omen. Three tner, 3nd tttoroutttt mum of may. inn-Inca. s onhmd mo Trpewrturtg, 3nd Pn- panstprr. No miner whit you: pee.ent can.- tion ir, we an fit you Ion better paging pod- - - We loud! the Maine-I of Innufnctmn. Engineersnud omen who mike the “vi-bil- ity bt having their hunt business manned by Expert; Prelumnnry Mice free. Charge- . -- L.-__..‘_I- ALIA-”non! “no. rs Habit}. not... Martmbi0o% lq'uu A‘tw un- ”no SIT, -eatt uni Vim D.c.. v.54. mm um wall. 1 all.- he sun and Equipment l Mth :01 attd butt otBee. The uhool I: thoroughly?” In ennui“ .rn K n I nd el en manila . trr, In" a” ttleg: t,.thghitl st'l'lfl Lenin; sud Inn-1c- uther parteitum apply to iiiiiilliGGr"c The (ollowinl competent an! DUOALD no u: chun- BwinLon rims. ALLAN, In Clan CeetiMate, Naomi A ICLEOD. B. A., Roam mum“. - -- M--- ----s-- ~... ---- "P8,','to'ff'lc'fehl'i, owe" Mttdertt. I " A " I- “A“ n A niiriirfiirduiiirffjjiiii "61?." "ard ..ree as ireGb- Namibia“. Dun-hm tummy and who awn. mun: It s not! dour-Ne plum toe nuance. "as: " per month in “vanes. WmJoua-ug‘. 'e., G. 3.90.9. Now is your chance to save money Fresh Bargains added every day. Review to Jan. I, 1908 Weekly Globe. on? yr. '%riitiiitiitr." _"' -" .. ‘ ___ --. --_-_-_e- um . s. HOLLAND an: Clan mam 3nd thud you Wu.“ Queer. Canada. I: qt Science. - and Why. JtstenAinE truePPft1tyatld “£622 'tre t.mtry Durham School H I {cal-rs mum my mm- a... Fat pm c A. FLIIIIO. Phgsatpat “$.01: Eviuafl -ievuer ttettt upon}. Marion ' "arisyity.b?,efy_N.etYt.rly, Lita Owen Sound, Ont. IS In Match 23. Clean !_._-..,__;_;;: I. l $1 12ENEW For REVIEW have been added to It ends Saturday, Being Lot 2fl, (Jon. tl, Bentinck, WI acres. (I) cleared. Thirty acres of [lay land. Darren in Fall Wheat. ”new. pluughed for spring erop. Good Mk bun. good frame hnuu. thte IO! (windmill) near door. Convenient to school. P. O. and church. For further Infurmulinn apply on the premium. 200 ttt res. being Iota 27 and a. can. & E G R, Ulcnelg, About tio 0cm MP ed, so and hsrdwood bush, 10M..- Gr. gnir building. Mud we. m- Ute Rocky Snugmn rumthrough com: ner of lot 13 which would make u good watermmar. trl miles from Durham ; conveniently situated. The almve pro- perty will be sold togeriter or In parts In suit. pun-hm!" Fot. fur ther put-thu- lurs apply on the gun-"inn. or m A good unlid In i-k, two stocey dwell imznlnn nido Presbyterian mum: pro perty in'i'pper Town. Durham. Unmet of Durham and Elgin Shun. Baton mount. punuy. clot-etc. "mom “can. cellars. etc. Good airy 1oettttertt In Rand 1ocaitty, good {mum not. had and loft wntett.etttq 5c" of bud. Sup tor nick purchaser. For further” 'li'l'llll'l"'d,'ll2 to FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. In! B, con 16 Proton. 100 acre. 91 " muf clan-ed Innd. in good atateof cultivation tree trom clone Mid not. ion- wotda. Item of good mam-a hush. good arch-id. mm M x Ooh with "one human. (nod hon and eiitg" comfortable Queuing. I nmr ai 51 um. " all. from chi-Oh. whoa god Pout 'ttpee. [month Mum. Mini Iota 12 in can ltr k lik Egremont. a be". dared. 18 ac. hardwood hush. reminder "vamp. 2ncorchned. creek emu.- bont, COP. uer of hath hum. den' an hut Much farm. Good homo. hank ham driving abod. fthgrfs, he: Ion”. All” list .theon IE, can. 5 dub ull Swing ed, rennin-den- swap. and! otetti, brick house. bulk hm. tPa - Creekamuthh tun also. A VII fenced Apply tn MCCORMICK Blues" Rocky Bungee“ FARM. FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE. FAR M FOR SALE. Jun- w. lclnmmul. 0mm Rocky lung-en P. o. Farm for Sale. ALLAS' MCDOIGLLL, Prop. Sweep M Datum Fumclor Bwinton Park, 0m. A. N. nun-On. Drona” or Yawn Me IN Me 12c EH s', 1-13 1-13: I EC It THI :3: Boy's Spring ll, II. 1il()(llilfll ll] Easte Only li) days Att end 332E You wa don't y ent fro spend a first th fobriec, VOL. XXVI Black a' pd oven ! In em LIGHT and printed num- Buck and “My. See our beautitu Nee forbids full d Inbroadc Sages, c qualities Never be Does Your I: Please Give Dre describe Our Mailing Shee W EASTER HA be Buchino" Si 5 - HRH-gem 2 : ”NH" 2.t MEN'S N ash Fabri ME rger than hig The Ne Men's Nes, owns New Spr CO Utit The Rev) 011 That La NI C3233? Ic 1C W DR

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