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Durham Review (1897), 21 Mar 1907, p. 1

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{I 353333313 'fll',F,h'e2XlllgllilltlXllylllMflKf%lllgllWEgX El l l mm The House i)f Quality Imam "Easter Openings" tirst thir/g to do is io see whats nicest id clothes and fabrics. That is where we can help you. Attend our Openings Thursday. Friday and Saturday ot this Week. describes in a measure rarger than Ever our beautiful and exten- sive Dress Goods stock. Complete in every detail also describes the ricu showing of LIGHT GREY TWEEDS -__ -- .----- - _ . QVEBQHECK SUITINGS pum- forbids full descriptions & prion but we have opened up and are showing: tw EA Sn' . f m... an??? IN,' I Easter NECKWEAR I 'ttf, .1223; £922 CREAM GROUNDS with fine Stripes Black and white checks in different sizes, some with eol- ed overchecks at Mc, 40o, 50c, 600, 750, and $1 per yd. In case you do not want a light suit what about ii'rse if Only IO days more till Easter Sunday. he Buschino” 33.50 “In! Harman: 2.50 than-emu" 2.oc You want to know what to do about your Spring Suit, don't you ? You want something just a little bit differ.. eat from every one else, don’t you. You don't want to spend any more than you did last time d.o. pp ? The stsdrtur'ieiiiiiiiiiiiGiiGGijiit designs 206 per yd. and pruned organmes, Irisn Ulmlucu, lu""'"","""" “In: Buck and white, black and N my muslins and novelties. In]! roadcloths. FrGaaTs," Lustre, Poplins, Etamines, Serges, etc. We have them all in different weights and qualities at all prices. --_ . . Never before have we shown such aczealltJh of "tgy,?, . Ze h " am rays, es lugs Yash F abr tcs pig“; éwios Muslim, Plain white, {ml printed organdiesr1risftpimities, Jhnbpi,dtrttl,yhens ii;i, Stirles for Men. i, Men's New Correct Clothing ', - J,l7lrtlFeillZlgllfNieRlgl8gggtiiggtgygggtgggaggig 'X . ti The New Spring VOL. XXVIII, NO. 12 Browns - Myrtle Greens . Nana Does Your label Please you? Our Mailing Sheet hasbecn corrected to date. MEN'S NEW NEGLIGEE SHIRTS .. WORKING SHIRTS THE NEW COAT SHIRTS Have you ever tried one ? Ihoy're the best yet We have them in whine and some of the new colorings. MEN'S NEW SPRING SHIRTS Boy Is Spring Suits Spring i:luits--tul the New Grey Shades and other latest colorings---plain, mixtures, or with over plaids, Sizes 36 to 44. These units would win fame anywhere. The prices show the wisdom of buy- ing clothing here---81o to $12. Fine Imported fabrics in handsome grey tones- highest class in every detail, $13 to 16. Men's new worsted Trowsers, $2.75 to 3.oo per pr. 3r, Men's Suits to clear at 86.oo to 81.60. New young men's suits-Suze, 33 to 35--86 to $10 New Spring Hats and Caps. If you want to tone up your appearance begin with a new hat or cap. We have all the new shapes and styles. Come in and see thorn. Thev'ro Correct. , q . Almost any boy prefers to dress , S Spring Sluts well Thats the kind we're look in}: for. Bring your boy here for his next suit. The goods will please-so mu the prices. New fresh nods in all sizes-Mio 17. New colors and f,0/e' goods The Review to Jan. That Label. In immense variety-and good full sizes--... Nothing grouchy about them. Get a shirt that has lots of cloth in it. James Ireland DRESS GOODS We are abowiu . rich display ot new shape: and design. in .11 the new - coloring 250 ton-w Tlite' re Correct: THE HOUSE OF QUALITY. , 1908 and Weekly Globe & Canadiah Farmer -i2'"i.'iiirs" Plum or Wines tbo buy. $1000 worth Amport- ed Soocch & English (shrine to choose from, to your order 15 tot20. We on an i few more iiliitittlitttti, i I3}! i The editor of this paper would be ‘the last man on earth to knowingly I say a word to hurt the feelings of any of its subscribers or citizens, especially at a time when the dart winged mes- senger of death has brought sorrows to the home, hut from the best of mo- tives we desire to call the attention of our readers to the custom of publish- ing " cards of thanks." It is a custom that has outgrown its purpose. If it ever had one. When sickness and) death comes to your home it is only‘ natural that your friends and neigh-t bots should do what they could to its-i sist. you. They would he beaithens it) they did not. They know from the expression of your face. that you are thankful and deeply appreciate all they do, and it is not necessary to rush into print and tell the world that your neighbors were kind when you were In trouble. The reading public are be.. rounng tired of the old stereotyped " can! of thanks.” You can express to your friends. by a look or word, your thanklulness In a more impressive manner than you can in a column of told type. AGED WOMEN PASS AWAr.--Iast week Mrs. Lanney. bentinck. passed over the bar. only shout a week inter- vening between the death of her mu. recorded last Week. and her own. She Was about 00 years of NP', and had long felt and shown the iniirmities of old age. Of still greater age. was Mrs. Mary Caldwell. of smith line. Ben. tinek, whose years numbered 98. She was anister to the late Mrs. Dennis McFadden. and hence aunt to John, William and Thos, McFadden. of thin part. A son and daughter survive her and a number of grandchildren. On Monday in Toronto Mrs. Fentherstnn Oaler died in her 101st year. She. was the motherot the distinguished men of that name. and long exceeded the chloroform age of 60 made famous by Dr. Osler, her son. THE STANDARD BANK A Rn'r IN a GRAVE-“'3 have been credibly informed that. grave-digger Saunders, of the new cemeterv, had an unusual experience a few days ago. While digging a grave a rat appeared upon the scene, and though attempts were made tokill or capture it, it made its "sectpe,-iunt where we don t know. There is something “rue-some in the thought of rats levelling in a ttrttee yard. and we hope this specimen had in some way lost its beatings and won't be heard of again. Sm'rtirsBartitliMtnttmentittGtetneaitttoitttailtBmtthes ON Tun: 1eovre.-saturdasUst on: cars of settler‘l eifects left Holstein, and more would have left had there heen cars. Included in the) shipment. weret0horaee. The same scenes are Been here and the same delay In can, The drain of men money and material from old Ontario must certainly be (utilizing the Wetst, TURNING MONEY Q ?a.-.-hft Wm Black has just. shipped "other hand. .ome home. He boug t hjm from Mr Ed Dorsey. Travers n, for .185. and after feeding him on Intertantion. al Stuck Food for fire Wee 3 'sold him Magentleumn in Toron for '30tl. Interruuionaat Stock Food mm: be u valuable article. 1 ”(an M " IA CATTLE RAISING This Bank offers special facilities to Stock Graziers and Feedel'l- Money advanced for purchasing, feeding and finishing attic. DURHAM, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, iiiirf DURHAM BRANCH John Bony. Mun-‘0’ Mfr: [81mm "" OF CANADA The 2nd a 3rd dhieivs of Lot No. IO, con 1, R, G. R. i the township of Glemslg100 acres, in wn as the "Mc- Kinnon Farm" at the cky Snugeen. Immediate possession fr en. For pm- ticulara apply to J. P. I 0rd. Dated March 11th A.D. I The annual me ing of the South Grey Rifle Ansociul on will be held in thetown hall, Dur an) on Thursday March 28th for the e cnon of omens and transaction of ther important business. All member are requested to attend, tubers inter' sled in Rifle shooting, welcome. R. Tomas, J. P. ELFORD. LIKES MUSIC. - Markdale council passed a grant of 81:30 to the ciuzen's band for 1907. The hand is to play on the short one night. a week during the summer mod to play for one garden party for each of the religious denom- inaliuns. if required, free of charge. Han Durham done anything in this line? We all like music, but instru- mentl and practice can't be kept up for nothing Slowly but surely the doom of the liquor trafile approaches. In its fall it will here and there entail hard- ship but the 1mm of human misery will he greatly lessened. Next year there promises o he an] acceleration of the movement against! the bar room, and a growing feeling, isundouhtedly prevalent that, if it must “let ft should be separated en-l tirely from the legitimate hminess of: hotel-keeping. Therein also a move.| ment. noticeable even in the legislature i seeking for the issuing of licenses tttl hotels as hotels. excluding all liquorl privileges. l At thelnot meeting of South Grey Temperance association. held in the Methodist church here, the decision was come to, we believe. to begin malt. inn preparations tor a Tote on local option next. Junuary. One of the steps in preparation is to take the shape of no invitation to Mr Marten of Toronto, to address a mass meeting here in the near future. We would like to hear this well known gniitleinnn. who in I. prominent and lending comer rative, but more devoted to temperance re- for "I than to the interests of the party humovad 01.05313. --.At a. epochs: meeting of the School Board on Mon. day evening it was decided to enter upon the work of providing modern Clo-eta and n flushing lysLem for the (school. Excuvntions Are to be made under the out: half of the building making two commodious apattments for the sexes. and measurements and levels taken by Mr. J. P. Telford prove there will be full enough for drainage purposes to a cesspit in the neighbor.. hood. It we.- also decided that u. gong be procured for the use of the school in giving practice in tire drill, recent, events proving the usefulness ot such drill in times of emergency. i in the person: of Dr Mthurln and Mr E. Wolfe. They will no doubt qualify before long for higher po. unions, We hope No 4 Com. will this year make the best showing it has yet done. to): m tucmm 1 Grand Mil ery Oponlngu. Min Dick takes ple um in announcing her 18th Semi can 1 disploy of Pattern. HattrHrrenetiN any. Straws, Chips. Leghorn. [Adi Bonneta and Chil- dren's but. on ueodsy and Thurs. March 27 and 28. he extends to all a cordial invitation be present on that occasion. le 1ahamrtrAtm-.-A. a malt of the visit of Col Roth hut week, No 4, Company II to have two lieutennnts. FOR SALE OR TO RENT Capt. J. A. DARLING, Sccy. 1ICE ’ELFORD. Pres year, to new Subscribers, Only $1.00. Send for them to-day. We cheerfully attribute it all to your straight, forward and honorable char- acters it being plainly noticeable that you were ever ready to do better to others than you wished for your-selves in return, and as it has been by your actions you have won our esteem and eonftdenee we think it appropriate on this occasion to let our words be few and present you with this Sugar Bowl, Spoon Holder and Carving Bet, an a email token of our esteem for you and as a remembrance of us. while it is needle" to any, that we regret you leaving our midst, We All fjoin in wishing you and yours heat " him- ingn thiough time and eternity. Presented on behalf (lt N, NcKinnon of your neighbors Mr T. McDougull They very npproprmtely replied to this saying they had done nothing to merit such good will, hut strange to say there was not one in tho compnny be ieved this part of the reply but themselves. and after . ttenerat good time and luncheon provided by the thoughtful Mien of the company ail dispersed to their uni-oi home. in the we - hour- of the morning “or Inte softly: "Behold how good I thing it is sud how becoming well. tor tottitthem such so brethern train unity to dwell.” Only wind is needed to spread rum- on, but for nibble no!" you mart and your homo paper. Dear friends and rteiOhorst-Dttr. ing your shortlsmy cf about four years amongst us we can cheerfuliv any that the bonds of friendship and confidence between us have always been growing and increasing In strength. Top Cliff, M arch Itith, To Mr and Mrs. John McMeekin. One of those little surprises that leave pleasant memories with all con- cerned took place. at the home of Mr and Mrs John McMeekin. who were completely taken by surprise. when a- bout. forty-fire of their neighbors and friends called on them one evening and after a splendid program of music, singing, etc., the following address was read by Miss Sadie McCuaig: Signed on behalf of your friends and migbbora. Chas H. Kennedy, Allan Bell, A McArthur, Katie MacFarlane, Maggie McFadden, Dan McCormick, Amy I, Edge. In View of these facts, we cunno let ths occasion page without showing to you ourappreciation, and ask you to nceept these chairs as a mark ot the esteem and respect with which you are held by your many friends here. We trust that among new friends you will often think of the happy days spent at Bunessan. In dosing we hope your “has may be crowned with success in Von! new sphere of labor and that God's blessing may rest on you and your funny. For many years you have lived a- nmngst us a: kind and obliging III-ighhors, ever ready toyrmpsthizo and help usin nur sorrows and share with us in our joys, nor can your in- terests and auslstuncv in every good work he forgc'len hy us, who always found you willing to give your hearty support to everything tending to the welfare of thin community. Dvar Mr an d Mrs MtrC'omh',-. It was with deep regret, that we learned of your intended departure from this nelghtrarhood, and we take this occasion Mt meet once again with you. to enjoy a social evening before you leave us for vour new home, Mr and Mrs McComh and daughter Leah intend to move into a. house of Mr B. Sharp’s. lower town, and hub ing bought a. building lot " the old McComh property intends to erect a house on it this summer. . An addres- was read by Miss Edge, and it breathed tttrection and regret at lasing them, but giving them well wishes for the future. Mr Wm Young in a representative capacity made a full and fervent speech, expressing the warmest regards for their departing neighbors and recalling their usefulness in the past, in social and church life and in the practice of every neighborly vir- tile. Buneasnn people are never at a. loss how to spend an enjoyable evening:and this was no exception: games. music and friendly chat filling in the fleeting hours. At an appropriate time the presentation: of a couple of upholstero ed arm chairs was made. Wednesday evening but Mr and Mrs Thos Meoomtt, Buneemn. were waited upon by over ttttr of their neighbors and friends, who in the course of fhe evening gave them a piece of their mind as well as some- thing more substantial. The occasion was made in view of their early re- moval to Durham of the honored host. who have sold their farm to a brothel-l of Mrs Wolfe's of town, Mr -..-. Poole. _iibttjit).iti). Followmg is the address: Another token of Good Will Address and Presentation 1007 . THE Urge 12:14 Photograph that we have been giving with each dozen our beat canine: photographs bu taken so well that we intend to continue making them for a while longer. P. w. KEL. SKY. Photographer, Durhtury The Sovereign Bank of Canada 1etrli89teltttd---..-.........s 4.000.000 Capinlfullyrld........................................$ 8,9N,000 Iitgrgdii.", ............. o--......-.......' 1.255111) o"r---..................... .-$2tHm000 Geaerel Bulking. Suing: Duper-meat. [meme Credited Qururly. We have that Easte Tie you dream. "ed you saw in New Yo at. H. Bun. ht'r'tr. . IQSAWLOGI $hrANren.-.Hird and sott wood. Shingles and hm. good prices will be paid. At Robt Smith's snw- mill. At the Foundry, Durham. Don't to (friends at Elam. Eu ter cards 0. Novelites at MacFar- lane’s drug at . Head Office - - - Toronto RANDOLPH MacDONALD. President. A. A. ALLAN. Vice-President. D. M. STEWART, General Manager, See our Progress Ben clothing be. fore you buy your spring it. A. H, Jackson has a. number of houses and yncunt lots in Durham tor sale. Bee the new dress good\nt Grant's. A big show of new ginghums at s. F. Httrloe .vURNETT. Bee MacFarlane new wall papers. the cream _ of Ame' a and Canadian manufncture. J. A. GLASS, Manager & Cutter. Don't forget give us your hand for a spring 310% Stop. Look and Listen-Why-he. cause there is no reason for any one that cares for dress to go out of tow n. Look,at Flariby'a ad. Thelntest It', in Easter Bonnets at S. F. Morloc' a. The very latest as Goods are be mg shown at 's. F. locks. The Lady() on and Lady Kleen Corsets at. Gran . Dr. Brown, Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat, will he at Knapp Hotel, Dur- ham, March 9 and March 25. Hour 12 toti p. m. Eyes tested and glaase supplied. " m; Many of dur new sprung goods are opened up. Early buyers gel the thw. chance. Mat-Fm-lnne's “it: Elixir will tone you up fur the apt 3 work. 50 as 3 home. . WANrteD--An experienced gill tot housework in GAIL. Wages 813 pet month. Apply to Mrs. Arthur Gun, Town. Ladies' spling jncNM Grant's. A. H. Jackson is an Issuer of Mar tinge Licenses. Durham. 0m. Come a d get you: Eastvr tie at A. 'lC.'dGl. able that he will be re.adautted here. as it u said that he has sutBetent, means of support for the rest of his life. He is 81 years of age, but still tttui-Houses of Refuge can of Ad- Vance. bu been a lam-cc of annoyance. not only to the inmatel. but to the monog- er. It was amply impossible to krep him within hounds. He would get up and dress (frequently with other's clothing) and ramble through the rooms at All hours of the night and could not remember his way hack to his room. He was. continually slipping away unobserved to town to beg either whiskey or tobacco. Mr. Harness ac- compunied him to Durham. from whence he forwarded tum to his friends near Yeovil. It is not nrobn COULD NOT R-r.-ahoma. 031b,. admitted three or four month. ago. wan (ii-charged on the 1st Inst. Ever since he that. came here the old fellow Mr. C. P. Kinnoe Announce. in this issue In. opening of businena In the lumen line, and makes a. apecinlty of repairing. "Jack " is a Durham boy. up to " trade, and will no doubt get a ohm-e of the business going. . RIO ARCHIVES TORONTO BUSINESS LOCALS. J. c. TELFORD. H. H. Mocxum. B. ' Moanocx We new have on display the largest stock of Canadian and American wall capers ever shown in Durham. For the axon tion, brick. and co ment wouk tn pluterlng of two room-in linemen of Durham Public School. Plans an speeitimuiom, to be seen at the omce f J. P. Telford, Tenders received up 30 March, 1907. 0.11““ . Beer, Unlucky. 80th Much-N. G. k M MeKeehnie will sell by public auction db mm. tour com. and n Urge quantity of new And nearly new farm imple- ments. Bale takes place at their tumble. on South Queen tit., Durham. at 2 o'clock, Terms, 10 mos.. 6 per cent. " tor cash in lieu of notes. Come me see tne new goods- It will pay you well. Handing these three lines We have the strongest line of Papers ever shown in this part of the country. Tue-thy. an Much-The under-alga- ed ha been instructed by Mr Dan McLeod, hot Al, Con. a, N. D. a... Glendg. to.eil by public auction on above date, stock. implements and furniture. we " [o'clock It mm. credit, 5per cent disc on tor cash in lieu of notes. Our stock for this Spring is all as we had a very large wall paper trade last Fear which cleared up our Mock and for this season we are showing everything brand new in WALL PAPERS. We guarntee to sell you the brand new goods cheaper than you will pay elsewhere for old stock. We Show you the verylatest Patterns manufactured by the Mamie Co. of Toronto-. called the Menzie Line We Show you the very latest patterns manufactured by the Watson Foster Co. of Mon- treal also; these are the very best M 'f 'g 's in Canada and again we Show you everything that is new and up-to-date manufactured by Janeway and Carpender, the largest manufacturers oi Wall Paper in America. Publish“ '0! the Wattn Globe and Unaud- Fu-mel we are a to make . wonderful clubbing aloe. We will send the Review an Weekly Globe to Jam. l, Igu, for tl (huh m ad- vunce. This offer will hold “mid fur A limited time. Sumpla at Review Extraordinary Offer CHAS BAIAGI. Pun-n an Puma-n. Big Stock of Silverware just opened up. The price ttttttushers, Durham and Welland a Keeler & Sons W Wall Paper at Keeler's. Tehiers Wanted The Review Dal-haul. an. Sale Register J omt CLARK, Auctioneer. D. ManAuq Auctioneer. L'? " El! bs)

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