West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 21 Mar 1907, p. 4

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Nt )SIETHING NEW IN WASHERS: The Perforated Drum. onlv in the Idea. gammazmmmmmxgg il Taylor & 00. Taylor & Co. i',] sy',', il eeeSMs 5; Ir. :5? all Fi for ti, see it! cl" Sl, a Il', '1 W N H lil M M, X M - - :aymond Saving Machinel. MoClary Stoves for 3 , Agent for the Dillon nge Stay Fence. Bearing 2f arvesters m , Only 3 loft and to. have to o (XI Men 5 Fur Coats wt have an: the prize touch. tr In a week or so we shall have all of our Spring stock ready for inspeqtipn and do_not fail to see it,-125 pieces of prints to choosefrom means 10000 yds iSpring Opening:)).) g ' v - . -- . P. 'taaasa:s:see. .saeetr:s.ee presence at our D ring 1"llulncr Opening, Wed. and fi2'., Mar. 'if ty, 28 and following days when we will submit for your ins ee- tion the very latest st les in gar- is, London, and New york Pattern hats and Millinery Novelties. We request me pie: Bresence -tt pur fi Jushm, Glen-'11. ,.e.ett:r:st:":te"'e"t, This week and next we offer spec- ially, Men's Caps, reg. 50 and 75c, only 39c. Mr. an give only a men list of our goods. but In qmlity and ndr ability to the need. of South (in-y we are not ”Milled: During Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, Honey’s Har- ness, Pdmonton Buggies. Renowned articles. fair prices ttk Wilhelm'. Wringer; The best In their line as we handle only the best. request {he pleasure . MORLOCK 1907 ""'"'""_girrtd ftarm Maohinory. Cash and One Price all made by TTaira of Air." 1re ot 1mm“ ng Mil iner, 11r., Mar. fl' A tew doors South of the Middaugh House., 'yg'rirf.,i+ta'h Quite an number from our hm are leavintttbrttus Went. etutsintt an empty chair in many lyme. - - mammal Edge left Monday " she Northwest. We wish him sac. Mrs Harry Firth of the 5 com. has moved her household effects to Bur. ham. where she will in tutors reside. Mrs Robt Etstor and her daughter Mrs Binnie, are this week visiting Grenock relatives. Mr Wm Majure Watson, his uncle. Wm Watson and his sister Min Minnie from Paisley visited friends around Edge Hill, this week or two. Miss Andie Staples and Min Lizzie Firth opened up a dressmaking es- tablishment in Mark sales last week. Mr John Gray from Crawford, late ot Normanby, who has purchased Mrs Harry Firth's tarm. moved In: week, Mr Thus McNally. who for the past year has been on Mr John Williams' Ilttg moved last week to the 2nd of olland Tp. . Mr and Mrs John Weir visited " Mr Wm Smiths. S. Line, Inc week. We are Ion-y to hear the sickness otMr Jas Staples. but wish him a speedy recovery. - Mr Geo Aljoe burehased Mr John 1iekeehnie's farm adjoining his own. Mr Wm John Atkinson and his sister Mrs Davis ot Manitoulin. visit- ed their brother Thea in Artemeeia and returned to their island home last Thursday. Miss Millié Mann of Toronto is visiting her aunt Mrs 8, Edge and cousins around Edge Hill, Well. Mr. Editor, it looks as if we a re going to have spring. The mow is melting away quite quickly. Circumstances prevented us from sending anything in the shape of news from this famous place for the last couple of weeks or more We do not mean to say that we are getting out of practise as far " writing and fur- ures are concerned. however it is only. done,ina 1ifrertttt torn}. ac. Communion wifl be dispensed in Amos and Knox on Enter Sunday. Preparatory services on Good Friday. Mr. Peter Hay, who has been ill for some time with a. bad attack of the grippe, is, we are pleased to say. on the road to good health again. It was stood to bear the voice of one of our good old time singers in Amos church on Sunday lust in the person ot MN. Robt. Renwick. Sr. A week or so ago a young man was seen driving north with a couple of voung‘ ladies. The hotaedidn't seem to know the road very well. Hope the young man found his way home all right. Mr. and Meg. Wm. Isaac left last week for Owen Sound. They will be greatly missed here, both in the church and in social clrcles. but what in our loss is some one else's gain. The snow; is taking the notion to bid farewell it the thaw continues, bat it is uncertain yet what it will come to betoro Monday morning, sleighinz this Saturdav afternoon was fairly good. The Bunston family are moving into Melbome Hall. Quite an number of people are com- pluining. Mr Dongsld McCormick has been a sufferer for the last week or more but we are pleased to hear latest reports that he is improving nicely and we sincerely hope that he will soon be able to be about in his usual strength and activity. We are sorry indeed to hear of Mr Samuel McDiurmid'a illness which is altogether oia different nature to Mr McCormicks, bat we hope to hear of better tidings concerning his illness in the nenrtnture and that he may bespeedily restored to mundane ot body" and all else combined before long. Quite a numbev around Dromore have been suffering with bad colds. Mr. George Lothian is busy just now up at Harrison's mill. Mr. Col in McMillan is getting ready to build a new house this summer. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. John Garcon is getting better. Mrs. Walter Hustie has been suffer- ing from a bad amck ofthe la grippe and sore throat. A few from our town took in a par- ty at McGilllvrsy'l In: week. Mrs. John Kenton has returned home from Bamslo. There hssn‘t been as many saw- logs at our sawmill for years " there are this spring... and we hope that the proprieter Mr McLeod will be prosperous in getting them all out up during spring and the early part of summer. The McLsehlin r1:53" took in some three or foot hand dollars worth alone, besides other kind of lumber such us poles and ties- Miss Christan McKinnon. south line, Artemaoi: is winning friends in Varney at present We were Flawed to and Mr and Mrs Neil Lvinzltone who were at one time a resident new miles was: ot this vim to be now Amongst the pamper-ou- tamer-of Glam. noun Glenelg. Dromore. Edge Hill. Priceville rae, mi? TORONTO r???” Some ot the many triends of Mr and Mrs John McMeekin gathered at their residence on Friday evening last the object in View being to show them their app:eiatiop ut having them " neighbors, forthe last three years on the South Line (Top Cliff) by wav of making them a small presentation: before taking their departure to the Durham Road, An We are " a lose to produce the address which was ably read by Miss Sadie MeCuaig and responded to .by the recipient of the prvscutt‘llon which was-i a costly nature. The company enj n rd themselves till some tune in the early morning. Mr and Mrs MeMeekin made many triends during their stay at Top Cliff and all regret their removal from their wide: but wishes them prosperity in their new home, M r Donald Roberston of Bruce but formerly ot the Durham road, Glen- elg, visited amongst old friends and neighbors for a. few days latel y and re. turned again the latter part at last week. The Sacrament was dispensed. in the Presbyterian church here last Sunday and was one at the largest tor some aims aontsidfriryt the mug of iiiGira7'rjie Gaelié communion will be dispensed on the fitttt Sunday in April " a large munttr, at le. 300; old people that needed Gaelic are gone and it can hardly be ex- pected to halve as many at that tser- vice as usual. Miss Kate McIntyre of Toronto 18 apendinga. while " the old home South Line, Glenelg. at present. We expect to hear wedding bells before long and we expect the "Re view,"to keep a good column tor as tor that purpose when it takes place. Mr John Morrison is trying to rev 'o'8,','ht',', n his sister's. Mrs Green 'g, ot Bram. Mr, Wm Mountain has been quite in bat in recovering. hit Thou Wallace bought a. fine mare from Mr IoGinnis ot Glenelg, for the handsome com at $189. The Epworth League has dispersed I " a tune. but expect soon to be an work I‘Iill. _ _ - I Mr Genera: Lender is assisting the Grey brothers toe e few weeks. o/id'et'fd'l holds a Tucson oeBS* 0, min In a on April 3rd. Grass and Clover Seeds. SELECTION H . . ,, A most thorou h ermina Germination Test hon test is madegin dl'llll't'l' of every lot of seed we offer which is done according to the standard methods employed by the Department of Agriculture of Ottawa, Washington, and by European seed testing stations To further protect our customers a duplicate sample of each lot is sent to the seed testing branch at Ottawa for check and comparison. With such unusal care users of Hunter's Gov- ernment standard brands in clovers and grasses have the strongest assurance of securing the very finest grades of seeds to be had front any known sources for purity and value. The same careful germination tests is given to every variety of .. garden. field and papered seeds. We know that Hunters seeds grow Noted everywhere for {heir vigor " and Purity. =crr---, HIGH QUALITY is the first and strongest recommendation to every buyer and user or any kind of . seed ; the price is a. second consider- ation w.hen estimating its value and worth. When oomparxng both the quality and price of any needs we offer they will be found in the buyers' best interests. Nr "GOVERNMENT STA NDARD" in Red and Alsilc.e Clovera and Timothy Seed have given unqualified satisfaction. The moat persistent care is given to supply the highest quality and purity obtainable. THE mmrthii mgiftmtr Call and examine our seeds at {he Big Hardware and Seed Store. A. S. HUNTER. " We decline to purchase rough and un- " JLECTION cleaned seed and refuse any Iota con- taining such noxious weed seeds that cannot comply with the Seed Act. Hunter's "HIGH QUALITY" Vamey 3‘-.- Cash for all kinds of Grain. Iain M! Much sympathy is folder Mr. and Mrs. Louis kreller in the loss of their baby daughter, aged 8 mos. on Thur. March 14. Mrs T Geddes disposed of her farm for 84800 to Mr. Anderson of Walker- ton last week. Mr. A. will take pos- session in the near future. Mr. V. Ptetier has had a new twelve foot windmill erected. Be means to harness the wind to do his cutting and chopping for them, Mr Will Linda is making prepaym- tious tor enlarging his ham this com. ing summer. Dame Rumor bus it that Mr. Thou. Ihrby is preparing to ma ke improve- mems in his house by hnving a foun- dtlciOll pat under it and Vunearing it. Mr Groo Sharp bad the misforidue to get caught by a. log " the mill and get his leg sprained. Miss Margaret Geddel visited Han- over friends last week. Miss Jessie Derby spam last week with hor sister. Mrs Vickers above Allan Park. --A sensational despatch says J:- pan has 500U0 men working night and day in her arsenals preparing munition of war. Rumor credits her with having a mule with the United States in view. Strangely enough the story is started by a pamohlet published by an Austrian offieer. THE BIG Go!!! Noun F-re- uh. heavy and! deep cm tt','tgtdrdt', quantum ttntgb- all plea- " on: has" pun nHI m deqttmttotu that will tttrt wall cl. Mr and Mrs Landels Marshall are he proud parents of I second son. 4mm hblohbu..........tl.7lnnd LII-eh 7theer Watqrt_.......... 1.86m LOO-ch "ieearBe-8....-... Mind 1..“ Itnitattttn cut hin- Inc: “who: AIIEQI a Crylhlww when at................- 'true-tvt-....-....-..-..- 'ioqr mlelot?, LIX A!!! , rds “dew-'25 -fiituftiislitiottii.,, was“ rumm- was but "-4 in “with "ii-...-.-.....-."- . In. - trc....................- "a u . H. BEAN l'iampden - . Calder-'3 Block HE SELLS Have you seen our assort- ment of carpet cweepertt. Be sure and buy quality when you select one. Now is the most suitable time to prune trees and bush- es. If you have not the need- ed tools we can supply you with Pruning knives, Prun- ing saws, Pruning shears and long Tree Pruners, Before commencing spring work buy a. pair of our horse clippers,' clip the iong hair off your horses and you will see how you can get through the spring work. We can supply you with traces, chains, Hames, sweat gads, Plow back bands, Plow olts, etc. W . Black "tstiti"tr""'"t, AiiiilL Easter - If you intend making Map- le syrup or Maple sugar call and get your supply of saw pails and spiles. at 50c. We have plac- ed on sale a line of an handsomeat and most pleasing effects lately produced in Gentlemen . Neckwear. In Path. {our-in-hande & String. "MBM% Ju'" to "u-we make our Airts to Ink: have arrived -at- a Men's Furnishing Store. Derby Hat 82.2ti--- Special Line. RELIABLE SHIRTS rrrunning at $2 L. Men and Boys. SPRING bWEATERS EASTER GOODS [EASTER mas. a Arai .if. 'alt, $355 use! at. lint The lllltutr-fltrris Go. We are cola Agents in Duh-m hr the thaw well known ieeeyt: Binders, Maven. Drill. Hat-rum Dino Cuttivatom, [snare fl",'.'?.',' Ray Ruku. th Wen. my Ted den. Manley-Harri: Onum tiepamtor mun Stool Trucks. - SOVIn: lacuna. Wauerton Marta Works. Tho lull Oran t Piano tht., l Charm and Washing luau“. ' dmattord, m'otttotl%0rer We 3W.“ss$“p C. MoARTHUR McQueen & Morice TO THE FRONT! l Gert a_nd nee 'Y More tmripe eluwbere. JD: west of th; liddauzh Bonn. Bargains in We're the Agent. " Indium at right fat the “BOB 2 gN IMPERI WF. BAR, Men's Boys' Wome Childr Remembl 6.13"“ ow I IR or at G' it , FIN on H Atty Val “in atte The: tnv One M M M ll "

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