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Durham Review (1897), 21 Mar 1907, p. 5

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room to: mock a. present racks will so much t have the must soc- lant’s tut papen i in plain mg, Il' Coats r Coats RTHUR l in Duaham hr n _I_mplcg|_nonl- a saw" )rillu' HIM” nure S not!“ ulcers. 'C; Td ream Sewn”: More buying I wet or the nos. Forks. no Co.. I r Iuhmos. ' Mire: Carl-1m stQ“) aper now it e&Co aps Skirts one hird d cheap ER WANTED , Prints, Gin - ' hams, k'Mi he Linen. Towel. for the Spring ger and better than ever helm arris Go. $2.25, to $3.50, $1.50 to 3 per pt Box Calf and It $1.35 to $2.25. :dium at tight RONT! \-3 when": 30 Jays we still beauties. OES 1907 5m Boys' perm Morice Prices It will form MARCH 21 1907 WE HAVE OPENED Remember the plate----: G. Lawrence's Md Stand IMPERIAL SYRU HYPOHOSPHITES IMPERIAL EMULSION COD LIVER on. IMPERIAL SYRUP WHITE LINE WITH ENCOLY PTOE AND HONEY. DARLINGS, The P KRESS Has a full line. of Curtain Poles, Window Shades. Picture Fraunu Fun-m to order of an kinds. , We are having an upholster- or the first week in "any month. Anyone '10th old goods reno- vated to look good um amok! navise ta--.-'" will ho pleased to attend to it " once. ll For after effects of Grippe our Syrup Hypophosphites is invaluable; it tones up the system, restores lost enentyand reconstructs wasted tissues. DARL ING'S DRUG STORE. These are the three remake. he ere - needed at (his of ihe you. We have opened up a large stock of Boots and g Itubbers, etc, for Spring 1907, for both 'ed,ft'A' light weirr-.suitto? for all classes. We invite you to call and intspoct our goods as we feel sure we can interest you whether you buy or not. See the qual- ity and prices. Trunks. JYi"t Telescopes, and c'ub bags at mod- erate prices. ustom work and re airin at the down town shoe stare. p g as usual Undertnker EGGS TAKEN M CASH 'eople's Draggist 1iiiirri-ri),i,irii is being commented ‘upon by all observers. and We great work the Ann is doing in coins feommended. -Genenl Booth. of the Salvation Army, was the guest. during his week in Toronto of Lieurooverner Mortimer Clark. He left for Mont- real amid great enthttittumt and pen- ned: message for Omen-lo five min- utesbetorettelett. He goes to Otta- wn than west to Venconver and Seattle where he takes ship to Jepen. /rtiesetmrrTrf endjgu'lity of this on} ._Berlin will vote on municipal ownmhip d the sum nilny. ., McILRhllTN Bon. Mr. Fielding is the power he- hind the proposal to continue the iron Ind steel hountiea l it the hountiec are continued, ttttttintttttttto will be due to the goliticsi itifuuttttat of the Minister ot Fauna. It is rather more then tr coincidence that the chief benetioiarr ot this honn. t; aygtelp igioca't‘ed. in the P1xg.ittt " "a"""""" - -Ne'_eir"- __.. v__ ot which Mr. Fielding in political leader-the Provirre which elected a solid Ministerial delegation in the last Dominion electhu. The Domin- ion Iron and Steelgo1 L gt §yd_neg. N. B., has received $3,000,000 in Bonn- ties in the In: tour years, and will, according to the eminence of its own omeerts, obtain " [out '7,00t1000 in the next tour if the new scale ot bonn- tieo in approved. That will mean a total in gifts to this one corporation. located in Nova Scolds. of ten million doll-mer 820 per head for the entire population of that Province. It is "no" wonder, when he is in s po- sition to distribute such tmtgttWeettt “new, that. Mrs.,. Fioldipgn 11'l bring solid following from hi, own Province, and that be is. because of his strength " home, _ new??? " the golitiesl heir of Sir Wilfrid nrier. at who: do the people of Ontario, who pay 40 per cent. ofthe Customs taxation, out of which the iron bounties are taken. think of the price they are asked to fay for the pawl on Mr. Fielding now tte and is so anxious to retain? - on. Partly in consequence of recent in- vestigations in Toronto, there has come to the knowledge of the public some facts that temperance men should keep in mind. In Toronto the number of licensee has been cut down bv popularvole to LO, i. 6.. one license to about 2000 people, The average net value ot each ot these licensee per annum is estimated at R. boot $8000 and the license fee is $1,200. Now when it is possible tor a man on the payment of $1,200 per year to secure a practical (it limited) monoply that wi l net him $8030 per tear, it stands to reason that there I will be a demand for these permits whieh are so lucrative; and when we consider that the issuing of these licenses is practically in the hands of the Government, it is almost inevi- table that the traffie and the govern' ment should become rather closely associated. When a Government has 150 positions to distribute, each of which is worth nearly $7000 per year, with no educational or intellec- tual requirements attached. it would be strange it political “pressure ’l were not very manilestly applied.: Different methods have been ad- vanced by which it was hoped that the apparent evils ot this state of " iairs would be lessened. One of these which, however, tg not yet in the realm of practical politics. is the sug- gestion that the hotel and bar be dis- sociated entirely and permanently. Jet the hotel stand on its own feet; ‘and let the bar appear to be, what it really is, a place for selling intoxicat- ingliqnor and nothing rise. It is just possible that this may enter the realm of the practical beiore long. and it is well for temperance men to con- lsider their possible attitude tomtrds it.--Chriatian Guardian. A great many people hue gone trom on: commnmty to the want: those who were Ion waiting for {night can got .. way on SuturJny. The names were given in last week] Review. oar cow- mmntt will 1ptdiy be tut came. Mr Pllllp of Bulrnm. who bought out. John Weddell. he! moved here With his family and tnkeu hold of the hueiness. Mr and Mrs Weddell will noIlenve for e few weeks. A special collection for the starving millions of Chine wtll be taken in the 1'robytorian church at both services on Sunday next and an c. E. meeting in the evening. It in believed the famine will cause the death of some hundreds of thouaende of humen beings end it offtsrts e eplendid opportunity which any i not come ngein in e century. for n prac- tical exposition of Christianity. It " ‘deeirehle that ehurchea. young people's eocieties and people generally, win act. speedily; it u the King's business and requires unite and may mean his or death to thousand». Our presets and It liberal teepoule should go together. Such prompt giving will greatly aid we owns of missione. To deplore the eel- amily and keep the purse strings tight trusting some one else will do the help- ing, is not enough. Liquor Licenses in Toronto Rev Mr (tumors went to Fergus on Monday. I. O. F. Court Orchard, held a meet- ing in lloberts' Hall. Monday "smug. Orgunizor Johnston, of Durham was p: elem and it was decided to hold the meetings regularly in Holstein. The weekly 3088an of the Bible slud- y than are being largely attended Ind the Lil. of Christ is proving ubmrbzng- Iy interesting. Como eve" Fnduy night to Robust Hall " Tno. --Great excitement has been wit-1 nessed during the giant ten days by a ”slump” in the " York Stock Markets. the depreciation in the lead- ing stock! amounting to millions. Howevor the anxiety bobcat over, there have been very few feilnreI and these smell, though Berlin, Ger may. in aid to be eeriotuly effected. Canad- hu not been hurt to my greet extent. there being very few a our monied men or institutions "dab. bliu there. . ing and the Iron: Bounties, I Holstein. A medal “patch to the Glob. ot Bar. I' on!" (in: on account of tho work of o moo! important body, "Tho Canadian ( Fomtry Ami-tiara." " the years go by more out! more wagon-nee will " taeh to tho work of 'u'ateestittg the, de. nudod “on of our country Ind "on of about“ the {no of notnro in prurio dim-Iota, The dupntch in put up ..--'rt" Cat" ndinn 'orattAeaiuion concluded in maul meeting of“: pacing I. number of important resolutions urging on we Provincitl and Fodoul Government: the noon-icy for Mowing more 'dfeoti" mounrou toe eon-owing Canon’- (one: ,re.lth, tor the onoouugomens of rotor- ountion. and the netting apart of wood Iota on ovary farm for the exhnlion of (one! reserves to cover nll Ital! suitable only for. the prodnouon of timber, etc. W. J . C. Elm. Superintendent of For. dot BOOGIVOI tor Quebec. in noting the cunning volume of water coming down the an“. River u some muons of the you, and. an important Announcement l tUt the Quebec Government had (lucid. ad to not Mid. for n parliament tore" an". I. strip of land extending lrom Riviera du Lam to tho Ontario bound- nrv. jun buck of the settled townrhips. will . View to oonurving the moisture during the summer and uniting perman- ent. the present. water-powers and trans- portation {Acumen of the Ottawa River. _ The reserve will comprise 60,000 square _ miles. Sill?,) Mr. H. Loritt suggested that prison labor might be used in tho work of refur- nation in northern Ontario. In that wny It would be lowing a most useful purpoao and would not. compete mm other labor. ' Hon. Mr, Edwerde deolnred that the' Province of Quebec had the best [oreetryl goliuy ot any Cnnedien Province. endl e reiorrad to Ontario's “suicidal policy" I in demanding that. timber on licensed niume must be out within a tttMed time. He favored the adoption of a di. amMer limit for cutting, specifying eleven inches for spruce end twelve inches for pine. By cureful annual ee- leotlon there was no remain why umber- Ored lends alumni not. be made penum- ently prohtablu, and. forests preserved for e-l time; only such a policy would preserve the water powers and the foreat weellh of Canada. At the morning session the diecunsioni was largely along technical lines. Prol. fGvitz, ot he Ontario Agricultural Col- Uge, in diluussiug tho problem of tree- pl-nting cu Wane lands of Ontario. mtid that experiments at the O. A. c. showed that many thousands of tens of was“ land in the older settled parts of Ontario could be planted with wlme pine, Emo- penu larch or black locust " a cost of about. MN per sore. and the investment by the Province would, he "id, be a most prctitablts one. nssow'noxs ADOPTED. &ane ot the resolutions passed were as follows:- That the convention urge the Federal and Provmcial Governments to take step. to encourage as far as pOIBible, both by instruction and by giving facili- ties tor obtaining nursery "uck suitable for afforestation, I more general Interest in tree-planting. especially on such lands as are It present ttttfit for ordinary agn- cultnrel p‘erisas. and would also urge the Dominion Government to make fur. ther etrort., in this direction in the prairie regions, where the results from tree- plautiug are bound to he of inestlmnble value to the whole country. That in granting Crown patent: of wocded land: a. proviso should be Insert- ed that at least tea per cent. a! the arm conveyed shanld be retained by the pat- entee as 1 permanent wood lot. Thet in View of the min important rolpemu in which the muer supply nf. focu the industries of the country. In puniculnr agriculture. irrigation and manufacturing. and in the iuerea,ing value of the wster powers owmg to the adopt-ion of electricity for induauhl purposes. the convent-ion would urge that npecml means should be taken for the pcuersatiou " the forests on water- sheds. no as to conserve throughout the your the eqnnble and cunsuut flow ot the “teams dependent Ilnereon. That the Government be request J to plus forest "MN and forest use Hoods imported for afforestation purpom on the free list. The New Hardware To Siva the Trees. Lenahan lib, McIntosh. We have a full line of soft black wire and also coiled spring wire, The very best wire for fencing. W, Hardware department 18 now in full swing and We are able to supply our many customers with almost anything they may desire. n Builders' Supplies we have the very latest and most ttp-ttrote , stock and our prices are such that they will meet the approval of ali. ur Furnaces. Stoves and Ranges are well known and s eak f - J gelveg. They are the MoClsry’s famous lines. p or them [n Tinwsre and Grsniteware we parry a full shock and customer. on get almost. anything they wish m theselines. We also - s full line of Points. Oils and Vsmishes. also a good supply ot American and Canadian coal Oil always kept on hand. We are also agents for the National Portland Cement. Watch for our Furniture ad. next week. DURHAM REVIEW. ,'k r A T ' M “AMI“: Wm“ F I; - m tduiirkte.?i: , v. nu 'llit'aff: and Furniture Store. There reel, any to his eternal rest on uesdsy forenoon. the 13th March, Mr, Alex. Lichen). native of the Isle of Tyree. Argylshire, Scotland. st the sfe of 78 you-s. otter s short illness o some ten hours csused b " fection of the heart, as he was subiect- ed to asthmatic troubles of late yesrs. Mr. McLean wss one of the pioneers of the south line Artemesin. coming there in the year 1867, when s young lad of 23 veers. Some years later he took to himself as life psrtner Miss Ann McMillan. one of the well end [svorahly known McMillan family. south line Artemesis. The union proved to he s happy one, as they were blessed with Home family of dutiful eons and.daughtertr. Mr. McLean was the last of the old elders elected in the old Presbyterian church forty years 1310. and was a faithful one up to " eath. Mr. Me. Lean was a devoted Christian. who " ways atrove to follow the footstep‘ of his divine Master. Ilia familiar form [ will be greatly missed by all who knew him, as well as in the amily who are left to lament the death of a dutiful husband and father. the funeral procession on Saturday. the 16th inst , was one of the Ingest in the place for a long time. The cas- l ket was borne to the church where the Rev. Mr. Matheson, his pastor. preach- ed an eloquent sermon very appropri- ate to the occuion. As one id the sons who Wu on his way from the far west did not arrive on the noon train the burial was postponed till Sunday afternoon. As the young who arrived on the evening tram Saturday. it would be quite a disappointment to him after coming thousands of miles to pay the last tubule of respect to a loving father thrurtr him buried only :5; E5651; liefbre his arrival. Ttfe thoughtfulness of a. loving mother to- wards hgr son's diyTpointmet" in tut lug on time caused the postponement, The casket was left in the basement of the Presbyterian church Saturday night till the burial took place in the atternoon Sunday. Two of the daugh- ter. were unable to be present. name- ly. Mrs. McLachlin. of the Rockies. and Mrs. McMillan. of the North West, and one son. Archie, of the Rockies. To these us well as those present we take the liberty of extending condol- er" e from all friends and acquaintances residing in the vicinity of the old _ homestead. where once father and "nothet. and an unbroken family tnet ‘at the family altar in years gone by. Now M the? are scattered far away [Iran the on home It will he a source ,uf comfort tor them to vefiect that their dear father has only passed away to join the innumerable thong in the home where there is no parting. The pull-hearers were fours of the, deceased‘a tnother-in-laws, Messrs. Malcolm. Alex ander. John and Donald McMillan and Messrs. John Burnet and John Me- ILean. The Ienmins were laid to rest l n the graveyard in the town. AY'rox ADVANCE ..--Depttty-iteeve Morice was in town on Monday after- noon. He is in the live stock business now and makes regular shipments to Toronto.....Rev. P. S. Owens return- ed on Saturday from St. Joseph's Hos- pital, Guelph. where he had been un- dergoing treatment for failing health during the past month. His many friends in home and abroad will learn with regret that his condition is but little improved and that he deems it further course at the institution use- less, although he received the most careful attention at the hands of those in charge thete.....An Egremont farmer doing business here the other l ”My said that if the exodus of the peo- ple of his Tp. continues for the next few yea”. as it has in the past and at prewar. homestead: may be obtained more easily there than in tho West. .. . .Mr. Harry Caldwell, ot Dauphin. Mam. is here to buy a couple of euro loads of horses. He was in town on “Wednesday looking at some that Dr. [Fortune has for sale. He is all “one on the West. He chuckles Coeily in on lutmmnhere out there in which the thermometer stands at 39 deg. below new. In fact, he never felt, cold all ‘winter until he crossed the Ontario boundary. Ihorst our Priceville Cor. It will pay you to see our samples of Rope and Binder Twine before placing your order elsewhere. Ayton. ONTARIO ARCHIVES ' TORONTO Pi? LOOK HERE, PARKER I had :50 m of Good um nboyo Durham. well improved. with; very line buile adeietNed in stool Blvucw tor " . I can now-ell ti titp.ood deal lens and IT‘S A BAB-) Then I hove n too ACRE well im- 1 proved farm neu- Durham that I will _ sell VERY CHEAP or trade for other property. It's 3 map. For consider» nbly under '8000 I will tell 100 acre- in Beritinck, with good soil. brick veneer- ed and frame house. urge frame bunk barn, fume suble- and pig cables good orchard. This in reslly a ousrsttee I halve nlao a great lot of other pro: teltgh',"i sale and I MILLION DOL. LA of MONEY to lend at very low mm. I COLLECT DEBTS, arch“? prepare all kinds of WRITINGS, no I U. P. R. Tickets to all point. WEST land tsell OCEAN TICKETS. Every kind of legitimate business attended i to, Everything private. Our Motto: "Alw- vs p, ompt, Never Negligent. ' Undertaking BARCLAY & BELL y. m t. Is good Bread, well made and t a properly baked-the bread that t " made by Stimson. Thisisthe l t perfect brad-made of the best . U' iiour, leaveued and seasoned just l Tr. right, thoroughly kneaded and . g baked to perfection, it is easily , 8. digested and it builds health and i ,5 strength for those who eat it. é a Give it a trial. g We have open sl up Undertaking Rooms in Thos. Swallow's build. ing opposite the Middangh House and are prepared to do business with any person requiring under- taking. satisfaction guaranteed in Embalming. Our stock of funeral supplies has arrived.; also a full line of Catholic robes, etc. if STINSON. The Baker,' . b 'Arassaa-ss.eete.mr.e.emr:.s" In connection with our great Globe offer. soon to expire. We. will. for 'Loo send the Review tn new subscriber to Jan I. 1908, and the Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer with illustrated supplement. for one your. Mlllllll BE illllllllllllllli MI" PARMBRS' CENTRAL The strongest pure"? Mutual Ftge Inlunnc Co. in Outage: Areo _ tttttoN , mini yy, njunt reward for honest cum. Manna nod {Directed by the Government; luau. “one. In form property upon the latest known plan. 8 or I you Dunn! polio!" [and on the nun knoll-cut or one June!" ”new undo the non {ovonble con “om to the mound. [more In the best. " your mourn”: “plumb yd, all on. cramp-cud to In local". Aunt. null- Ogilvle's “Royal Household " Etrtrwatin, 6t Fife Rostss"---The FLOUR All tot 81.00, dont delay. Glove: and Timothy and all var- ieties of Garden Seeds in u- bundance for Bpring glowing SEEDS H. n. MILLER, The Best Cure For Dyspepsia AGreat 0ollar's Worth IPEPPRWE‘EEEE‘IS thtel. 1thn,ty.tes The Hanover Canvoynnrr ver'ymheut.‘ KéewMih make. A endow just, received. MATTHEWS a LATIMER FIELD AND GARDEN. and Embalming Highest grades only. 1W1 J. G. BUTTON. M. D., tl. teeIee.ePete.Sef, In! on. - 'rs-trot-tr. 014mm. " um m: to IM‘ man. In) all to Inn's (New York.) Ill' 'EaqltMs. OMJIMOI. - - - - F-tt e. n H p. I. '-" . Telepheee Gen-neede- Ne. " Mum an”. OM00 one J.‘H."W'O W. C, PICKERING o. D s., L. B. S. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. graduate of Boyd 001110 of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Boon" Over J t J HUNTERS New In!!! HONOR GRAD!) A": Tomlin (Tum: and. Boyd Gotten iteabal ttargtso beauty in all in hunch... ottiee--thuder'. Block. over Post omee WW?!” film; ARTHUR GUN. I. D., ttarruurC'" Souclzéié'f ciriiGiiiiari, 0. Money to bun. MEDICAL -Mlmuv-unt-ud Woman-MOM!” in. Ear, Nose & Throat Will be at the Kidd. Home. Dun-II... the In I’M! 1fW,'lra1'll', (In. Dunner. Solicitor in Supreme Court Haul-y Public. Continuum". u. Money to man. fhtBtse, over a wdrt's lowelry Shore. D. McPHA IL.) JOHN CLARK) Licenud o the County of Grey. Maud Lac than: {at an 00. of any. “a - “and to. In- -att4e “on I“ be let n It union-n War.- Bea, [on union'- old mud. an hlzwm Everything in readiness tor the Spring season. Call nnd see our Leader Seed- er, Plough. Ham's, Cultivator: and Peter Hamilton AGENCY The ww. TTeybur.g Winona. lnummce Agent. Money to Man. Issuer of lurringe Licenm. A gen- eral ttrramriai huniueu transacted. lupu- but an Emma‘s unwise “email The [awed unto-.1 Cm- th-httes, I 'the. Toma Imam. Well“ tor all! u hm. a. mm! be on the Hem“! or be, ham. "r maximum were. or w Ceylon P. 0.. “ll be promptly“ own-rod to, Tenn on “manual to D. $EePRAiL, Ceylon P. "is or to C. RAIAGI. Durham - Ceylon In: leephoue ofBee. Prices and terms wait m. Mee, McIntyre Block, over the Bank l, B. McLELLAN, Amt ARTHUR H. JACKSON . F. GRANT D. 0.5-. LED. B. 3:31? t an Ohms. Wm". Wm '4'f,'ii'lfidTllfl'f; Baku. Mowers. Binders IOU” '. Auctioneers. MACKAY d; DUNN, . Mach! K.C.: W. F Dunn Notary Public, Commissioner. DURHAI. ONT. (Lower Town) Licensed Auctioneer for 00. Urey Bil-bar 3111113. *"â€"â€"- ”4,". 131.0011 ‘mled Baum Dino Hut-own of morn DB. BURT ftariri."uft" " I. J. P. TELFORD OFFICI HOUEI txuWEY_Ctl_ti..EJ1 he. "010;... Sto {LI Circ, LI [W15

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