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Durham Review (1897), 21 Mar 1907, p. 6

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N It was I, Manor out no; My feet would else have stored; For. oh, the way wu lonely And I mu sore “mid. Bo high nil wgllod ami narrow. So rough for tender feet,-- 1 wept; bat He spake only His orders to repeat. It was my Master whispered, When I had mung. ta'en, And forth upo- tio bs"ddhttt llnd set my In. ugh; "Now, rest. thee." "Nay," I now“, "My work I In“ W.” "Thy work," He "ttiting - .9, "Is lye to do my will.” -Anna Burn)": Brynat, in S. B. - Pram. Merciful God, who didst and Thy thm not only to be our Saviour but omen.- ple, we homer Theo to mks up like Jeans. Give us His spirit of Willa-4 ity that the pettiahneu of men my not disturb us, that mitmndemtandirttt and ingratitudo my not turn us from our purpoae of bung land and doing good to all. Grunt up "is numb to bear with patience our appointed emu. It amic- tion comes to no any we endure u see- ing Him who u invisible. If prosperity attends our path, may it have In hull. ble and trusting in God. Cunt to In the meek and quiet spirit will Ionic“ ambition Is to do God's will. Help u: to out our care upon The. and waii pc- tieettly for Thy "hation. Allen. The Duh! Snowdrop. (Author Unknown.) I saw a womb-op in the optingtide Now- It was so slender, pale, Io maeklydmpp in; l trembled for the hour, When the storm beating, or the tempest. Within sheltered grove, Unopened sister-bud. around it growing, Ana trees above. There came a hand, how cruel-wind it seemed, And plucked the tender '1omsr, t, ail: yd. the Aus were clear, and Inn: shine gleaned. Ere storm did lower. Sisters and brothers "round about. her nouruhed. Beneath maternal shade, The tender dewdxops of alleetion nont- kind. The "agile maid. I saw a maiden in her youth‘a glad morning. Like snowurop, pale tad fair, In ample grace her happy home adorn ing. Beloved there. I trembled, lest within her guilds” Sorrow should phat a thou, Ur sin and] the whiteness of the bios song In her bright morn. There came . had invisible, and aunt!- cred The slender thread of Mull; she may drooped untnrniohed, nnd we wold-ted If it were death. Oh, scarcely death, but living transplant- ation From the - soil of earth; The Saviour took her, in her rtrsst pro- bation. To Heaven’s new birth. So, pitifully, took the shrinking flower To paradise. Chimera: and mum " tanner days, when drainage of the land was less univernally In vogue than at the pnaent time, and mt tracts of oi marsh land were left uncultivated and derelict, the decomposition ot IN"' table matter eauaed tho evolution of in- flamrnatRo pee- djeet to spontane- ou ignition immediately upon contact with the atmosphere in which. in the tom of spherical or_oval globes of fire, they floated a few feet from the ground. " those uneducated and supemtitiout' than these "will o’_the wisp," as they were called. naturally excited consider- able tenor and alarm. the belief amongst nay of the we iguana: being that they wan evil spirits, who had tempor- arily escaped trom . fiery inferno in or- der perhaps to slap and carry off their hesan pay. Especi’ally were these ignis mums pre- valent in ehurvhyards in marshy din- triets; and the fright and owe inspired by one of there ghostly npporitions how ering about the tombs can readily be imagined. On I still, dark night, a timid youth perhaps has occasion to pus through the churchyard on his way home. 'rromulottsly he enters the lyoh-gnte. in direst apprehension lest n diwmhodied spirit should spring up been the nether legions and bear him "my in its cold grip. Suddenly in front of him the shalt- iy thing rim from the sod, now MO- ixgwn him and eniold him in its Earthen, WmWL ciaw-tipped “ingu, Almmt dead with tan- 'Att Austrian family served me coffee my. with throbbing heart he seeks safety equally good in. its way. though. different in flight. but only perhaps to Gnd that in flavor, and fold me that their method 3m prt','drt' lot hem-ed by another ghoul- of making ie was the one prevalent m i,h "pertrt' hovering in er an open grave Vienna for the famous 4 o'eloek coffee. "r prowling about amongst the tombs. "They brought a saucepan of water to And then the poor blenched Craven, quiv- the boiling point. and when it was but" N'in: in every limb. and expecting every Ming smartly stirred the coffee into it, moment to teal the evil opirit‘s talons one large tnhlespoonful to a cup being which into him. a‘uilu down in mortal aiiowed. After stirring in they act the terror. until a browse springs up, and .3an wide nntil it had settled well. the harming ntarMt-gas flame is extin- . "After this they added to it what they bundled. t, called Vienna eottee---a kind ot tntrnt mo- But though these dreaded apparition: hum-s which can he bought in German were but natural phmtomtna. yet if our quarters of the vity, allowing . halftim- mortal eyes wen but gifted with the npounlul oi it to Tvery cup, and ttgain power to see tho spirit world around us. wt, the coffee to I boil. When this what a spectacle would be presented! in turn had settled it was ready to nerve. Here a guardian angel pmmg a child , "A peculiar part od their coffee making offlod from harm; her a whispering evil . to me was that they made it all in the 'spirit tempting some wailing to offend "min using what they needed for his Creator: or here the with of the . 17iiiiatit and then datum; the rest departed mnroyed away-4mm- alae! to on the 3.10am and keeping it in a pit- thqblacknan ot darkness; Dome who in char to be heated up min " 4 o'eioek. their earth-life have served their God, Certainly this was . piece ot .5. econ- and whose sin have been blotted out on both . f ad Intro . y, in In I v. f,tt'tut,tiet','l'2 'STM', to the "A Syrian made no I any of “in in in: 'aly'l.'l'll'/', A tgg 0 are "t a P" "uurrty different from either of '.' ."'"8. ..._. -._..- --_ t :Iy approaching, now mockingly darseing oti. only to return. and. as his dimm- ed fancy imagines, hideously pinning at him uith evil eye as if about to NO upon him and enfold him in in lean“). claw-tipped wings. Almost dead with tar rur. with throbbing heart ho seeks “In, in flight. but only perhaps to find that hu progress iq barred by another ghoui- MI wear» hovering over an open grave or prowling about amongst the tombs. A nd them the poor bltnchod crown, quiv- ering in every limb. and expecting every moment to feet the evil opirit's “Ions 'struck into him. ninks down in mortal terror. until 1 brew spring. up, all the harmless marsh-gas flame is extin- But though these dreaded apparition: were but natural Phmtomtna, yet if our mortal eyes won but gifted with the power to nee the spirit world around us. what a spectacle would be yresented! new a guardian angel P"e.'l"ft,f child "coping, should kill the flower. - In“ " COIN! MI: - In to In mm In. t-tirtq m During on the ad- - which I. and!” betng and. In tropi- c! “cm were granted by Comm Ken- oeth lubed. ”not." phydchn to the _ tn I have with wind: ho opened Cr., wind-'- unlo- a the London School on My! W_u the_3¢unn'n Slowest; Om m - - -_'-e-'" ___ _ W M “an. in Wan. The wheel of We.) “MID. was “linked in con- nection with the branch Mini It the Rom'. AM doct- uvon you. "o. Com “but in his Mm dwelt on the My for men! “sanctions in ttre diuuc- at tropics] countries. A. than coun- Griu. In runs-Id. has their peculiar nova And [an at which no pun! teaching or has: nod new or and.) study ot the - And mind. at "-". regions can “I! a Wicca. so than an in the crop- iu will magtiN.taturqtq BItd modifications of du-q mm which uthology and “on”. an audit in tho medical ncbooil of this country. word vary Mu. intonation. The union, by van. on to a”, In: by no - A: ,_-‘-|A_._ A, - a “not an tor tho iiqttreru?sr.ft.e a. - day was - unearned with - In mica. all new a. study d "pubic and agtirmtl lit- not wisely win! tn the scheme ot Instruction u- nwed in this school. 'heoetatt the “bounty at the colonic. tho mm. of protosooion Old mummies! had boon udder! to an curriculut at study I novel and important mum, which mqritad comm-mutton and {II-don. The study of nut-bio microbes was includ- d in that ot the due-u- with which they the CW. but to complete the tench- 1n¢ ot var-Itchy the" w“ on subject which on“ to be mule-Hy developed handy. ”laden! ”typology. insects. more “poet": blood-ouch“ insects-the Inc-Quito end tutu nr. toe -to--had boon found to ttttttll In important function in the oonvmnce of inlective dieeeee. and the harboring end tmmiuion ot dieeue germs end knowledn on thin lubject im- Dentin” chimed to be inverted and ex- tended. Recent cheery-(ion- indiceted that leproey is epreed by insect Annoy and choim. en- eeric fever end pique were very prob-lily limiieriy "emitted. but on these And oth- er coxnnte point- additional light we. re- quired. He. therefore. expreesed the hope that e 'tatttolotttoal entomologist would noon be ndded to the Matt of the school. Physio- lonists end pathologists had been eccused of “Iona annulmen- and cruelty in subjecting the lower mun-ls to experiment. but in the investigation of troptent distance men them- selvee had in numerous ineunces incurred rinks to ham: and life without hesitation. The true unulon or yellow lever was als- coverod through the "any of volunteers. who "any lubjeclod themselves to dum- oul hand- In alarming the old doctrlne of inhaled try {when and proving the lac! ot mums-Hon by Incognito”. To the mar- voloul Drone-s which had taken place dur- h. the In! quarter of I renturr in our knowledge of the nature and cmtlon of Ghana the study of tropical (llamas had M11111 eotttrittttted. Romans nil hard, soft or callomed lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spawn), curbs, splints, ringbone, "money, stifles, Opt-inn, sore Ind swollen throat, coughs, etc. Suva $50 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by druggists. burn: that period there was hardly a But.. um that had not been Illuminated. In nu- taria, cholen. plague. leprosy Ind mnny other disease. anneal “use: Ind been demon- ‘nted And import-m Indications for their prevention and acumen: supplied. But as the cldcle ot knowladxe widened the hori- Ion cl ignorance seemed to extend and much work such as (his whoa] eouid aid and too tet It"! npl!uod_to be ucompllshod. Anon; those who Matched to tho addrur. vote Sir Punch Lovell. who resided in tho menace of the Duke of Mtrlborough: Sir hutch Mun-on. lawm- General Manon. Mr E. Nowell Wnlkor. Sir Frederick Young. gramme Demon and Protenor Bunch-rd ll. lulu in Which Variant People in This Town lute the Beverage. A nodal worker who has mingled with people of many nationalities while pur- suing her profession in New York has tethered ; collection: of different meth- min of making coffee. "The oddest of all these recipes was given me by n old Irish woman whom I found at bro-Hut during an early morning visit," aha says. " 'llave a cup of coffee,“ least, miss,' she begged when l refused to partake of the entire med. " get a most. elegnnt. flavor to all my coffee, and I'll tell you how it's done. Just after it comes to the boil 1 drop in a piece of salt cod- tuh, and let it stand for two or three minnteo. Sure it changes the flavor en- titely. Did you ever taste any like it, now, "I never had, Ind I hope I never shall mi?- ._ -- ..A . .. “Notwithstanding the American idea that to preserve the aroma coffee should be made in a tightly covered pot, almost nil foreigners make it in an open “new poll. Curiously enough, the but Ameri- csn cup of coilee I have tasted was also made. in this wny. "1 enjoyed it at breakfast in the sub- urban home of a New York judge. The making of the eoHee in this household almost. unwanted in wlemnity to the dignity of a religious ceremony. [he mistress of the establishment herself n.1- tended to it. "One-quarter of a pound of coffee. freshly ground, was delivered by the grocer every morning. This was placed in a three-quart saucepan, which was then filled with cold water and pluced on the fire. "As the water heated the lsdy stood before it with a long spoon and gently touched the grounds on the surface, reusing them slowly under, little by lit. T. By the time the water had reached boiling point all the grounds had disap- penred, and upon its bubbling up once it Wu removed and allowed to nettle for five full minutes. It took tb whole halt hour in the making, but when it was served the trouble was found well worth while.. _ .. , " ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT mica: " run names. COFFEE or THE NATIONS. y, nd these. Ilia coffee grain was pulverized so fine that it resembled powder. He prepared it in a little brass pot capable of holding only two cupfuls of water. "First he poured a tencupful of coffee into the pot, and over it a. single cup of boiling water, and allowed it to settle, after adding a small portion of rosewater. He served it black, in cups about twice the size of a thimble. "It was very strong and very delicious, and delicately aromatic of the rasewaber. There war: a thick settlement of grounds in the bottom of the tiny cups after one had sipped the beverage from on top. To have equal parts of grain and water was the syrian's chief care, he told me, in pruduetiug perfection in a cup of cof- fee."-New York Sun. Saturday morning, sometimes before the dawn, the first sails of the fishing fleet creep over the northern horizon and slip down, like homing pigeons, until by noonday a double. or triple ring of heavy, brown bows narrows it into ll tiny pool. Round and about them there is much coming and going of hurrying feet, much bustle and scurry as they are cleaned, overhauled and rte-stocked for the next week's eruise. Around the nar- row stone dike, which locks the har. bor to the great wall of basaltic blocks that checks the Zuyder Zee, and on the walls of plank and piling which fringe its inner curve, the all, grave Volendnm fishermen and their Families come and go on utter-using errands. The adults pay little attention to photographer or cam- era--euriosity is not their weakness and they are very busy-but the smallest children have already learned the mean- ing of those queer black boxes and the rain of coppers that the hurried kodaker leaves in his wake, so they follow you persistently along the dike, at every panne striking, what they consider an elective pose and pleading fotogra- phiren. Untli very recently Volendar'h enjoyed I reputation for dignity and freedom from all begging or importumty of travellers, but the daily trail of tour- ists and the example of the money-mak- ing Markeners has dernornlized the younger element and the children are sometimes most annoying. They have ilenrned also a few English-or should we say, Arnericeant--wordy. One Mall boy greeted us with a cheerful "Yankee Doodle! Hkidoo!" and more than n few after planting themselves in it fen-hing (1') attitude direetyl in front of the camera, said inuiringly ",s'moket"---not to discover your habits but to sound the prospects of exchanging n pose for a cigar.-FYorn "Volendnm. the Artists' l Illage.’ by Florence Craig Albrecht, in the March Scribner. Mind's Liniment Relieves Neunlgia. DRESSMAKINB 80mm Minard's Liniment Cure. Dandruff. [UTE IllttttliMIli8 30mm. P. o. an 01 DunnAs, ONT. The Man Who Sneets. The - Is an “Rated bite. It in I mark ot the sauce. The ma who meets in that much In: of a gentleman. The um would bile if he was not afraid to do so. He Is a coward. Tho wearer is, a on.” ,rtt.tttor he swan In print or not It he writes down his snot-u ho has not re- moved himself from the ranks ot “was”. Ho ret rename! one ot the were: MMraW6. however his English be vouched. Ind " mic -bc aqarkthm. The near 1w into . hue whenever the nvm who indulge. in it “(when courage. While be " a ooqrard It remains an arrested bite. Mind’s Liniment for sale everywhere. The kaiser. dressed in a field marshal] unlform 1nd venting a helmet, opened the rah-hang yesterday and talked pence. King Edward I few days ago. fresh from a visit to Parisl when he bad still further toilied his latest ally. opened parliament Ind talked not". Fume holds weather on the mom delicate of domestic questions in order that her influence may count in the equation of genus] pence. Russia in going to The Rune to talk pace. But her prepartsttomr for a new navy and a reorganized arm, tro on. Uncle Sun talks peace. but is still any- Ina his big stick. It is pace all right. be- nus every fellow is ready. for the other thing. That condition will Panda. At this ttttme of day peace is to be assured by no other means. Touches Dress Cut- ting and Making in all its bunches by mall (8 lessons). The belt Intern ever in- troduced in Canada. Adopt thin method and intone your in- come. For full par- tieulars write to-dly. Regulation of Liquor Traffic. (81. Louis Courler-Journal.) Emu“!!! In" and In other luvs which reek to “more“ or to repeal human nature we lacking in common - and are con- trm to the fundamental princlples of demo- crncy. which are used mainly on vommm reuse and I good undrstandfn4r ot human nature. If It be mken tor granted mu the uropenclty tor lnloxlrnung liquors la a mie- fortune ot human nature common some and experience Join In tesutrinq that It can not be eradlcnted. It rename only to result" and control It by more] influences and " laws that an be enforced. The Universal Language. (Detroit Free Press.) She? Did they understanr your French in Paris? 7 _ _ _ "ng0, but that’s a. place when money talks. Canada’s Blue Law. (Buffalo Courier) Unit Canada's new Sunday in which - into effect the first ot next month, almost everything in listed an wicked it done on Sunday. and therefo.e forbidden, except the mulling of maple lug-r. Candi“. any like this kind of launder: but will outgrow it sometime. to New England has outgrown in blue-laws. __ - _ “I dare you." up Mrs. Sage, “I3 $V. Ot0.00ty to thes Troy Tech. "I dare you." an Mr. We ("in 810.000.” to the olmplo ”on... "I dare you." any: Mr. autumn. giv- lnl 92,000.“) to the gown] “union board. “Go and and dare." am Hear Green. QUAINT AND PICTURESQUE DUTCH FISHING VILLAGE. Warlike, But Talking Peace. Hetty Green Undisturbed. [33133 a?! TORONTO ‘ 2 Astor's Stow A mrortar in said to here one naked John Joeoh Astor if it were true that he Ind twenty-seven trtttomobiies, five chuffeurs, thirty-three home Ind forty- eight curringes. Mr. Astor interrupted: “Stetisticu are always dry, stupid and even irritating. Let me tell you a story of a tomperuneo exhorter who while in‘ the suburbs found tt men lying full length on the. path wit Him-shed face end tone- led hair. Ho touched him with his foot to uroune him and said in a voice full of gentle reproach: "My friend. did you ever pause to consider that if you had placed the price of one glass of whiskey out at compound interest at the time of the visit of the Queen of Sheba to Solomon you would now have $7.816.- AN'." The red-faced man lifted his head, brushed the place where the other's foot had touched him and replied: "No, I ha, nu’t worked that out, but I'm some- lthing of a. statistician myself and if you don't go bark 119 feet in seven seconds, I'll hit you forty-three time: and make you sec 7.598 stars. for I've just had six teeth pulled for 88--thu's, $1.33 a. tooth --and I tell you. you old meddler, I'm in no mood for fooling!” Your Doctor Thousands Live and Flourish in Bout: on the Kong-Kong. Although China's immense territory should afford room and opportunity en- ough for even her vast population. mil- lions of her inhabitants make their per- manent homes on little craft that fly her rivers and harbors. Thou-hula of satnpamr-eombination house iind carrier boats-flourish in the waters of Hong Kong and other south China ports. All travelers have to enme by steamer and unless a launch " available visitors must take a sampnn for the transfer of them- selves and their lighter baggage to the shore. lt seems impossible at first sight "hat there should be suffieient passen- 1srers for ouch vast numbers of sampans. ibut when it is remembered that the port of Hong Kong is seeund only to London in the tonnage panning amt-Hy through the waters, it ii not so surpris- ing since all the crew who can get leave must necessarily take a snmpnn to get ashore. to say nothing of officers and passengers when no launches are avail- able. The sampan itself is a marvel of com- par-mess, It is quite small. about 30 x 6, mpable of carrying one small sail. The deek of the boat is removable and the under part in arraugml in three separate compartments. In the stern. when the boards are lifted the storehouse of the family is discovered: the old rags that form the bedding are kept there and the presumably extra clothing. old sails and matting and all the indeneribable accu- mulation of a numerous family. The centre of the sampan boasts . shelter of bent. bamboo with a turpuulin stretched M'rosa. This is in the daytime reserved for paswngers. the removal of the centre boards forming a well will: seat: around. At night the wholv family weep into thin well. and. pulling all the boards but one owr their lwmlu. sleep warmly. at any rate. At moaltinw. and when there are no pil'"eiWers" the boat presents the appearance oi a flat deck, wlwreon the ohildrvn play or the mem- bers of the family squat on their heels in a circle to eat their "chow," which they do at a tremendutts rate. the ubiqui- tious basin of rice held close to the mouth with one hand. while the chop- stick»: in the other nerve as a shovel.--- Leslie's “Willy. cartdidste-You have not any my character. have rout Votre-Oh. no. of course not candidate-4Nert why don't y no! - _ w, A , Can cure your Cough or Cold, ' no question about thnt, tmb-- why go to all the trouble and inconvenience of looking him up, and then of having hitsprapriptiikt Med, when you can step into any drug store m Canada and chain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE foty2 quarter. _ - -- I"! voter-Because I have no doubt clan-cur. Why' pay two to five donut when n twang-five cent 1?t?ttlt.e,fAmLo will cure you 'Nttk,t,tt " y not do as hundreds of thousands of Canadians have done fer. 3119-393 thirtrtour years: let SHICOH be yoin'r ab;- tor whenever a Cough or Cold a an. 1'h'h"d 'SHILOH will cure you, and all tE,?',',',', luck up this statement wig a positive guarantee. SHILOH The hut tiGe you Tine n Cough or Cold cure it with CURIOUS CHINESE PEOPLE. When you stop at the Chateau Frontenac or any hotel owned by the C.P.R., drtravet in her th?'"" or Steamers, you will "Royal mmf' Witch-Hazel Toilet Soap . (individul lit!) supplied for you: convenience. No Room for Doubt. (Boston Post.) u a.-.“ a-.. why don't you Tote for not any doubt a to as to "B'. y.“ mamas-r an an nousnow norm." Farmer. Ind formerl' wives soy thast Bileom Are the Wt and most enac- tive family medicine ever discovered. You have indigestion bod! Two Bilqu taken after each meal will rid you ot the pains like magic'. Constipation, perhaps. is your trouble? Bileoui cure it without coming at Augie pong ot wiping! Heudnche, biliousness, hurt trouble, piles, and ull disorders arising from faulty liver and stomach lotion, we cured quickly and surely by Bilenns. BILEANS SHOUU) BE ON All. fARMSIEADS! tood,UGiirura, 'hkek'dahe, Ind weaned without energy. A few boxes of Baum Jr"t pe trek my health." .. -.. - ERIK Lavonture, of Beaumont, Al. beta, says: "For over ten years I Wu 'fsiiryr--eould not 1leep, N pai!" after - All druggiml 'und stores sell Bile-m " 60e per box, or from Biletrn Co., Toronto, for price. 6 boxes for $2.50. Shrew! Business In Deprived of Speech for Seven Years. Discussing "trt: at the Academy of Medicine, Dr. ’illism H. Thompson told a story of mental acumen following loss of speech which greatly interested his heifers, and which was acknowledged to be one of the most remarkable cues of its kind on record. "A man well known in business," said Dr. Thompson, "came to my office one day accompanied by his son and lawyer and asked that I examine him mentally to determine whether he, was competent to make a will. I was informed that seven years before he had lost his speech and since then had been unable to utter a word. He was literally word blind. He could not tell when printing Will up- side down. lie explained that he had considerable property he winhed to dis. pose of, and that as he expected his will would be contested, he wanted a state- ment from me. _ - _ . . The Work in One Requiring Great Train- . ing and Infinite Care. To any person who gives the matter the Iemithought, it must 500m nothing short. of miraculous that so magnificent a piece of literature as the Christian Bi- ble could ever be translated into the spoken tongue of savages who possess no written language at all, and in thou- sands of own have no equivalent» for important words of the Bible. Well do Ii j remember Dr. Haven pointing out to mt',) at the Bible Society headquarters, that} the plume "Lamb of God" was found I very serious oil-tuck in turning tlmi New Testament into Eskimo. for thati people did not know what slurp Were, had never new any. and could not con- ceive of than 'I‘lun-"fon- the phrase was rendered "The Littll- Son] oi God." Naturally, then. thia "ueratiou of translating the Bible calls for labor ;which can fairly be mill-:1 heroic. cy translator must, devote his life to tho work. as did lii=lmp setieroehewsky.' This remarkable Bible wludar. although Well-nigh lwlplvm phroally through in- curable paralysis. for over fourteen years "pounded." on tlu, typewriter with the solitary forefinger whose tHe he Winin- ed, preparing Pvvry word of both Tutu- ments for his monumental translation in- to the Easy Wen Li dialeet of ('hinosr. thus making our Bible Wsaiblo to more: of millions of people who speak that tongue. Will it be believed that Bishop saereskewHry ink in the vary rune chair for nurly twenty years. working with amazing persistence. ml airing two necretu'ies to keep we a him! And yet this noble old man, at the time of his death a few weeks ago, W Max twelve you"? addi. tion! ",roA.--Wiil1natt George Fitz-Ger- ald, b the M Circle. work. as mu mum,» This remarkable Bilrle well-nigh lwlplem phym curable pau'aly-is. for w "pounded." on the tyy solitary forefingvr wl" ed, prolmring ever., Wt' ments fur his mommy-n to the Easy Wen Li (l thus making our B scores of millions of 3 that tongue. Will it Bishop sGhereskewUty same chnir for new working with mating mumps tw? eecreuu You coul< by running roller. AMAZING CASE or APHASIA. Before deciding where to locate in the West, let u: tell you wont these lands. The beat what fields --the richest gruing Itmd--are in this Province. Write us for full about crop], climate railmd rim. ete. Local reproentntive wanted each eounty. TELFER 8: 080000 Eastern Selling Agents 216 COIiSYINE BUILDING MONTREAL BIBLE TRANSLATION. couldn’t broidven out some mm nine over them with a steam Jusrp icutpness of intellect I three words in his will _ caught me up and up- 'er. 1 made out a cer- Ffect that. in my opinion , oomuetent to make I for full information climate and special in - 1.“ in In. ' Wouldn’t the he a earn-hen net ,,ditiiLtoewr-uitturP1" etimsuremshigttsto4tl intro-tote table on which there I'll no cloth and at their ml- in that fashion! Yet I mjority of men when they go to I no tnurnnt to eat will pick out the highest stool and feedboard with no cloth on it in preference to I comfortable 'chlir and a eioth.eovere1 table. A nun wilt borrow u chew of tobacco and most of them will set their teeth into the plug right when eomeother men has gnawed out a chew. Offer them . piece of pie at home from Which the wife or one of the children has taken a lute and they would holler their heads off. At home such a fellow Wlu not drink out of a glue or cup from which one of the [unily but been drink- ing. Cell him into the heck stall of e dirty old livery barn, pull out a bottle and he will stick the neck of the bottle half way down his throat in order to get l swig after a dozen other fellows have had the neck of the nine bottle in their A World-Wide Sig-ll. An interesting proposal is made to the effect that a world-wide ligml should be sent round the British Empire It I gir en hour each day by gun fire. to be known as "The King's gun signal." It is suggested (writes a London correl- pondent) as . beginning to the new scheme that a gun should be fired lim- ultaneouslv at Malta. Calcutta. Hong Kong, Melbourne, 2t; Town, and Ot- tawa. Other guns con d be naded an ex- Prience in gained and the sentiments! idea underlying the proposal is that when the gun is fired British subject: :11 over the world could any that “dl’l well," and that they are thinkin of each other, no matter how remote 'id,' may be from each other. Ill" WI, uuwu um "u..- __ I swig “ta . down other fellows lave had the neck of the sum bottle in their mouth-Eureka. aKnsas. Meti<enger. tt you are (one at Inning. Wu", itiiUrtsrys'rr'. wild gnu-II not!» the Autumn: Noam”: Pork of cm tor your "not out". A flab all - pro-"e of 2.000.000 are: Intercom-1nd mrtth 1,MO Inh- uld then In vaulting you. offering III ttre new um Nature on W. In- nmonm moo ulna. Altitude toe feet all!" at: level. Pure and exttiuraeutq ”when. Jaunted-color: roman-n toput In NI aw hawk”. An “nan-(In; and m tturBlr “Inscribed dacrlptive vtttstieatlltn vell- lna you tll about it sent free on application to J. D. McDonald. Union mum. Toronto. MINARD’S LINIMEXT 00., LIMITED Geutlemen,--Theodore Dania, 1 cu.- tomer of mine, was completely cured of rheumatum after five years of suffer- ing, by the judicious use of MINARD'B LINIMENT. ~Th'e ibove fut-tn, can he verified by writing to him, to the Parish Priest or any of his neitrhb.ort: , The Strike “lucky. In Butte, Mont., there in o. perfect epidemic in strikes. All new: and condi- tions of union men go on strike at very ing intervals. and the town in to all in- tents and purposvs "tied up." The new» papers hue suspended publiution end the mercantile ostahliahmeasta, deprived of their advertising mediums. ere doing nothing. It in now thrstemtd that the workmen in tin» cappm‘ mines will quit work. whirl mean- that the industry that tau-(aims the city will cease opera- Charleston's Dinner no". (Chute-ton New. Ind 000110.) Inn of the new}. in “haul“ in. We“ 5 1nd T o'cbck. This is all“! an only dinner. but the Wait“ - .1- qrararreeetssiowt-t.'rho-tttourot dining in WI: h 3 o‘clock. n b an old Enxltsh union. we helm. At guy ,riiu'Grrnheritis-9rhta.o'tttiett mun we cling to u no mm. It In a very inconvensent hour to not ml. who are ems“ In but“. but It I. a. but! and very and to Nut. Wo In" the :4va ot [com two to four has our the people of Wuhlnm. an my nu, he- muse we are Jun that In“ at“ of than on the principal "e' Pt the My. tions A drug!" down in Wyn. locum.” country. Rum. advent-a: "For I all: Julep, 3 Tom Colllns or n [11ch or " Mon clean Ihuveror a tsalr ept of twining P..ttre noc- Kind-1:9 as hudwu-é or illuhory'nno all. " the Tyne pharmacy. Also any (or ” - A. COTE, new”: St. Indore. que., 12th May, '98. Duchessm Priscilla mmraua. Rock Rib “Herdsman... macaw mam Princess rem-uh For Childm's Fine Dues a! i'iiii'i,",i'iiiial BHIPIAI-HOIJIII “IN" 60.; WEI. MM mm. '"""""'""""2u'eesya--om- PAR”. CU L-HU. vouit swim 001M Real Department Store '0 tom! ot tHhing, and“. 0 study d wind Inn-h not ttl Human Put of our” for Mu. A tiatt And one a? ASK YOUR DEALER FOR Lamb-'Voolndai‘np My“ ----. 'u"""""'""""""""---" MATCHES Little. 94’19534 Little Pet 12.. 1...... e . “when - mall " they ml to stool in “out of t re was no cloth lid no“ a - - -- ”at“ by pub" cam-(u- not. now ml by a. We! prlvmwor “dun-u. m m be (we. Bud tor otrvtot" ru- m. Public clarity in men-human, "u- at?“ and hank-I. whit- prlvm an“ Involu- In hunky d -tirrtent an! toerl- y1tegued"'flr"tlr"'irGiFei.t1l','l,; . __ ‘-‘ 0-- mm Buodiii-.rsyrurert1e an. ed-isa, PW d b H '22T,rdiiriiii"cri'ira"Gae'-d- "_r_'rw"r"'"= -- - . d . Inn-nah. I":',),':;';','),'),",'.')'..';'. incl-I! rhflmhtrm’wcfi C-dl. Lana. Wham I'm ro'r"i"r"ui=ri'roiUiri'Gr-ut"tee.e lumen mm of Iron. During the first half of last Te.' it seemed improbable that the mtormoit" nu at which iron wu then being Pro" duood would he "rt up through the you, but the out-mm. of the In: and Sue! t-ttsiatioas chow. that the pro- duction in the Inst six mouth. w. - wally greater than in the first. The whole production of pawn well ova 25,000,000 you to". total Inn-bu of {urn-nu in blunt at would of hut you In: greater than a the and of any pnvious yet since MM), Ind it nut be tynenW_ that in. “may”! line of fum-'-rrtiudetrhu Record. It isdoubtful iftHmunaatheresmse in the world when It“ in esulinar, If. is equal to that of M. Man-(u. who rules the kitchen st Buckingham PM For his service as King Khmi'. misin- ier, M. Men-cw. ir in laid. ”we - A Hummus-(minute! -t-rt.e.ht-nnerastrraat.eerod “I'm” Won-'1'- ”In" Won. hunch“; “Ilium. - of Eiitoo pu- mm, hi. dua- luthg than, two bun each 'ur, if tho time mm In paling the luncheo- menu. drum up by the mater of Hin Twin! 6 o’dodt M. Meaiaeer direetm his step (and the kitchen, when there m “was and aim nun-its which buoyant not h- than Friiiiii'. Then "a (All) knivu. 3.000 iodi- ntad Mind's Eminent Cum In“. ctr. covers being uu.zmfoita, Moo spoons. .01on empiovd in the pre- palatial: of the an... white the. equip- ment of phantom-1W for em "I thmht you and you were (on. to w spa uglier qurleknlto Bill for sloollncr up the .100!) 3nd Inn-q a Inn-cl ot that! In. out In the not! "qu'- boen I mu. aura-non _ M all". I "at“: M In to" uni the bon I. .tytt you gum; no no! an: n bunch d ISSUE tio. ig iiii7RiiEiifii,iartt 'i"iiGiiiirrG.e!afgeyhuae'"" Getting Ready fer the Show. In; "vars Kitchen. Bum Clarity. ITOH 12, 1907. k l . nmmn-d th _ . Wrhoys'hi K” m, am dttss wlser" F, rockim.’ _ ' the M2?- ‘3WII3NDII an» 1rt . tW'A ' _ w .anr t Mt limp h:- tg otad . reheut "M'"'. [u ' . -orker In thrstage floor, g. the: Inn“! in " N Burning-We, gteetmred - Adjoln‘ ”aimed to an lire. mm“ numb on! in haw hm oteeet. lit-MAW burning. " ortrrr wtrevl fire k burnin, A mm“! ‘ Wauthtgitrn u " 011ch " dwrWttttr hut u mammal in: p, m available The ores' ol but: (a. mun-i feet In r-rd wUrf. Thu nu " not kmwu. W wan-r la, night . I gt the Feet mt: " Mt MW; uu-l Pit WIN:- Mumm- r The an“. oi tio. I ly. I“ did Inn do , “poled. My Perms At tt Il.' manned " h-o-m in m tha Inn at or THE w munc- THIS Ilium." "we: " ily tits Han-[u Y'all k "ift. [ to um tim: ot aruiclt I WI. di the H! flRE Mio r, Kiuth. "tre owing down pm ttts nidc ork bent Up"! h KMAN fr (Y)l firl Mir-Ix l H an rams”: it? GRAU The Peal. red Water Sub nl In

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