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Durham Review (1897), 21 Mar 1907, p. 7

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it... Mit, mtrr and at: “D h Vs; WORKMAN PLUNGES 10 DEATH _ ON NEW YORK YHEATRE STAGE Fell M inz Two Fins Bursting i! Pttt---3tnth. Block Burasine--llne BttNirtg» Destroyed - Adjoining Building! Dynamical to Prevent Spud of rain-8N1 Magunn'm: Ming in . Pituhurg. Mareh Il-Tvo alarms hnu- heett "handed for t fire in the Ninth-(uln- ttintriet of this city. The rtntiri- block on the north side of Canon, <treet. between lath 3nd 14th streets, in burning. The hummus phat. of the oliver "trm4 pIant is threatened. The '."m- in burning fiercely. A mevond fire broke out on Mount Wilmington ahout the - time, and nt In "TG.'.. o-lo-wn business houses lid vim-Hing” hull been dutmyed. The fire hm! u-asmnul s.ttrh threnteOttt propot- "an that it mu decided to use tlynl- Ad: to creMrtr,v adjoining buildings to .m-wm mon- otuuhle property becom- ing a- pre) to the iiames No water in .Vailallvh- to fight the fire. REST or THE "OOD PASSED PlTTSBURG THIS ICING. “unison, mes wh The m bore thi making ynwnhy and and Imum- . nun: [0 3n. m. u... 9...... mum... "W. I " the "age. 1.'.'t: who was strperintyottirtg the "beam ! . at. run to the man's assistance, but', 'y'"'."'")"] and out." waking were 1mm 'tget5r that he “a dead. I nu: m a “N mum artd me work. Policeman Fitzgibbom mum: the A nigh above tho sage noor. It wt: lgroman of the. work. Hans Puulson, of first time he bad been in the build- ie,',', ',',1',U'l',',t,ig,r I'm?" l',t 'ttgt,', , . , w cnmm mung: . an. urvl a rehrt"Iti of . .ulut "' ttt w... hold in 01,000 bail to await the ac-y {Yr-m la wtuekintr their mom. tion oi the Coroner. Mummiimn wu irouworker lost his hum and fell l tony-two your: old, unmarried and lived! m- stage floor at the feet of tone of in Flushing. I uncle whar "r at York, Marc "Minn-d that 1 although in tl; Allegra-m: an rtrrpept ihlo- eh; The creat ol ly Twenty Persons Lone Their Linn. Pitt uinngu-r- to-day am amazed at. the irrru.cttsity of the I‘luml in the Mononga- ln-l... lilo-gm") and tthio Rivers, which haw mhnwrgml ten ~quan- mile" in the tcy.',',,','.'",' ,wctiou of the city. Enormom Lunagn- ter imhr..tries has been ramwU. 0w. llMlJthwr-cm-A have been trmporar t ily thumn out ot mnplnymom. Every Iran-wrmtinn m-mpamy is crippled. skit'ls an- eurrsittst hundreds of WHO!“ to their PlthN of husimmn. The utiliza- ti m of " axon and hula-en as maveyancu. [ wli.lt did inratimnbk service ymterday. mu .liwnntimml. owing to protons by Hun Humane Smitty. Twenty fatalities luv..- oven"?! in Allegheny county di- I'm-[h due to high water. Foin. maaersite bridges. the Sixteenth, Ninth. Seventh and Sixth street struc- tore were shunned with destruction "wing to heavy Sea gory”, which came dou It the AiteotheN River. Fire at the Feet of the Ballet Dancers While They i Were, Rehearsing. l tlftt AND WAIER. tht ht HE HAD mmnum IA“ can din-own ' Wieniawrs nlu Marie n ml when N "Mud. the "unmet bureau an- ml that the river had begun to In“. ugh in 1lse noodrd districts of both MW. and Pittumrtt than is no mihh- Plumm- of conditions. ' crert of the nood moved on Mow- Id did not Jo the damage that qrgtq lol. h March ttx.--While watching! in the Hippodrome aurtirt an imnwotker, tell born! 're he and several other men f, yeah-why and died instnut- . GRAY! mm mm. an I' In town "" Water Sublidint of the "all ”ma Pitta. xrning at " o'riork. when m' 'rdrd at the Market street authenticity of this upon u. an the gauge, was buriet hm night long before mid impressatio. Ind for ten wt." of the Metropolitan‘ m- in New York, who died areh 18. ruuuice Gran, 'ii) in Ink home in Greasy from . -._A__ Ana. .-.,. woke out on Mount the same time. and at Main»; houses and it annoyed. The fire t threatening propor- xlm-ided to use dyna- hum as mnveyaum-i. bk unite yesterday. "wing to protests by ty. Twenty {salmon Allegheny county di- " rcet report butied the girls. In his fall he struck tt project in; piece of scenery. -- . _ I, A‘,A I‘_-_ au-. "a r"" H - When the man struck the floor there was a panic nmoug the girls on the stage. They ".rramed an! rushed in all dire:- tions to get off the stage. Edward Teen. ple, who was superintending the rehear- mal. ran to the mais assistance, but "tage. He was I oi Honor. Mauriee Gnu ‘r-on of lull: '.iir2'r'l.a. lie w l, rttuo, Grau was the originator of the alt. stur "pem can ill his thae. In addi. tion to big family abroad, Gran leaves a Mather in New York. CONVICTION SUSTAINED m WOOD- BINE BETTING CASE. A Technical Point of Law-The . J. C. Will Adopt the Betting System in Use " Bump. Htmwa. March 18.---The Suprcuwi t'uur' judgment in the famous Woodbine lu-tting appeal case. Saunders vs. the King, has attracted widespread attention. Tlu, appeal of Saunders was dismissed, th" mart standing three to two. The t liict’ .tumtiee and Judges Macicnnun and but" ttt.rt' in Favor of dismissal, while sir inlli" Davies and Mr. Justice Gir. muml iavored allowing the appeal. Tiv. rift-ct of the judgment is to abso. lntn-ly Jun off lwtting on any liccnscd track, by lumkmnkcrs in stands. Indi- vi,iual tinting is allowed, and B book- malu 1' may ply his vocation, provided he (lam nut have a "tand, but simply walks wound in the crowd. I Tho paint of law involved is a technical our. wring hack as far as 20 years ago, L.".,'?.!',',.' tho English betting provision was itiovpitrrtted in the Canadian Criminal Huh», I'.efrtts 1881i the law did not pcr- I suit any interference with individual bets. The original section allowed betting on tracks or Human] wvsoeiationg. on rat-cs ,,choiulrut fur thc day. but the English ciium- prohibiting betting booths or I hon-m “ah intordueed. and the question . fur tlu. crmrt, to decide was ii betting _ , ttrt' allowed upon licensed tracks or , rs: mm actual!) in prugrcss. it prohibited . i tiw natural acumwrics of a lumkmaker's _ -t-.:nl. A majority of the court, says - l l~:.uLyn.ik!-)’-. bombs are prohibited. BEHING 0N TRACKS. Carnelian Thu lllu<trntud Inmlun Ahrre sawl that Canad:t1. excellent land and entir. l T ill-Mug almumluwnts will doubtlos-l the tend "till furtltvr to diminish Great Bri. has tain', agricultural, unpulatlon. und after ing tt mm leave nothing at home but the his very young. wry old. or very stupid and bus v,rte'rstcttrriiirix wctiuns of the rural sip dwclh-N. ' Ion; ll 2.ooo,ooo was a Knight of the Legion Forestry Convention in Session " Ottawa. ru, report showed that. the hud im-rmmal _tlt1rittg the TREES PLANTED. I new»: mvoncn lo iConrt of Ann! Cottfhata Common nix-ny- Toronto, 'Mnnh 18.-Jasper K. Kin-i Hey in April, 1897, murried Rosa Mary , Card. in the county of Huron. where he "till resides His wife left him in Att. gust. 1903. and went to Michigan. where, on Jan. 15, 1906, she obtained a divorce. Afterwards, on April 12, Kimbley left with one Emily Florence Pieot and was married in Detroit. Upon hin return to t'unnda he was convicted of bigtmy. [ The first question submitted to the Worm. oi Appeal was whether the decree _ _ . =. __.:._ -... I... u"... u. --,.r___ - at divorce granted to the wife on Jan. 15. Hill. by the circuit court of Michigan is valid and binding, and a. good defence to the indictment for higamy. The court decides in the negative. The second question submitted was whether the culpability was rémoved try the fact of the defendnnt knowing that the decree of divorce had been granted, and his having been advised that he could legally marry npin. The court answers this question in the affirmative. -‘- ,,s,n__ - a.ert...-t SEARCH FOR LOST “VIN BOY CONTINUES. The This is a reproduction of a sketch of little Ilorave Marvin, aged four. who was kidnapped nine days ago from near Down Delaware, and who is held for ranacm. The child was playing around his home and was only five minutes out of sight when he was missed. Three! days ago a letter was received by his I father demanding the payment of 8t,000 in gold at some unnamed plate in Can- ada, and threatening to murder the child if payment is not made. It is inn lievad that the persons who hold the little fellow captive are now in this \muntry. the hue and cry raised in the l'niiml States having caused them to little fellow captive are now country. the hue and cry rais l'uitml States having caused rl'mis the border. New York, March i8.--Detettives irout this city left hurriedly for Detroit, Wwh., and Windsor, Canada, yesterday nu clues furnished by a man who signed himself with the subriquct oi a notor- irtts criminal to the whereabouts of four- yvar-old Horace Marvin, who is sup posed to have horn kidnapped from bin home near Dover, Del.. some days ago. IS lit IN CANADA? SAID TO BE IN POSSESSION OF CROWN IN PERKINS CASE. Ca cu des teh: Since the relim- innr} eafiCl'1',f Mrs. Mattie lyerkins held here lash week, the prisoner. has been resting very quietly in her call and employing: her time with reading various poriwlivam and the writing of letters. sh" is still very confidvnt of an acquit- tal. _ AI-u .._._a.' Is.rc 'ioiiriU"iG is affirmed. The Rev. Thomas Spurgmn. pastor of the Metropolitan Tabernacle. .l.ondon, has tendered hi2 resignation, partly ow- ing to ill health, which interferes with his coping with the. difficulties of his busy oharge. The demons opporu' the re- .ianiation and suggest that he take a 1. Gsr, hul ida y. Tho vu-itmm-nt otu'r tho 0- ttivttut, down considerably. hu mum authorities are still ovtivr ,.-n~ mud some important m'w ' . khaki-d for at the trial. lxmkl'd for NEW EVIDENCE betectives in Canada. for Hg \uumn "Wu-9- ot Wm- The body of Miss Bishop, the Prevott an aequit- school teacher, who mysteriously dimp- pearod on March 5th, and who, it was elif' hoc. suppmwd. had walked off the inc into tho PM the 'upen water, was found on \annmdny " tix It rm tite li'l,t.iiriii in M feet of water opposite Pur- w midence lkis' ferry dock. _ The I rogued ei Mayor Outsporth my: he favors the expropriation. by Toronto of the phat of the Toronto histrie Light Company. A million dollar diipbuiking plant will be erected at Fort William if ar- rangements can be made with the city. The mail bag stolen from the New Hamburg post9ffioe wss found, our that place with some of the mail in it. Hon. Mr. 'i'empletmut has given notice of a bill to create a separate Federal \Department of Mines. A C. P. R. express ran into a wrecking train on a curve near Port Arthur. One man, a Mr. Palmer, of Rossport, was killed. . A proposal to set aside 250.000 acres in new Ontario tor the Salvation Army has been made to the Ontario Govern- ment. The Toronto Civic Property Commit. tee decided to take steps to obtain the plans of the City Hal from Architect E. J. Lennox. From February l, 1904, to March M, 1900, the railways of Canada killed 402 people ,n large number of whom were tu-spasscrs on the tracks. The Court of Appeal quashed the con- viction of General Manager Hays of the Grand Trunk for not having put on a two-cont rate in the Province. The inquiry Into the charge against Governor Van Zant, of Toronto jail. was concluded. Commissioner Judd will re- port the evidence to the Government. In view of the shortage of cars, the Canadian Pacific has issued a circular to agents in Ontario to request all 'ehippers to load cars to their capacity. For good work, the salary of Brunt- iird's l hief of Police Slcmin. formerly of the Toronto detective force. has been ruiwd tloo, and is now $1,400 per year. NEWS IN BRIEF A syndicate, headed by Mr. Charles Millar, of Toronto, secured a lease of the North Temiskaming pulp limit, paying in addition to the dues a. bonus of tto,. Frederick C. Corner, of Toronto. was "rested on a charge of perjury resulting from evidence given by him in the case against W. B. Riley, charged with re- ceiviug stolen property. Mayor Ashdown, of Winnipeg, and Mr. Aird. local manager, are coming to To. rumu with the object of negotiating I. lontt of ",i500,000 with the Bank of Commerce. Quebec ugtsiaeure has been pro- The Temukaming Iuilway Commir sion awarded the contract for the new office building at North Bay to the oTo.vi" Hros.’ Construction Company of tiau:t *tu. Marie. Frank McIntyre. an employee of thel Ontario Asphalt Block Co., at Walker-l ville,1reeanw entangled in thebeltof wme machinery, and was so badly injured that he died at Hotel Dieu yesterday. His pimple live in Part Stanley. The Winnipeg Grand Jury yesterday afternoon returned a true bill against John have. J. C. Meliugh and J. C. Gage; members of the Grain Exchange, charged with conspiring in restraint of trade. The. aim-med will elect to be tried before a Judge. At, the Berlin Spring Aweizeo true bills were brought in by the Grand: Jurv against William Homer and wmim‘n Rein. charged with manslaughter, and for assault with intent to commit seri- ous bodily harm to John Oreszek. who died a few weeks ago. Mr. William A. Buchanan. proprietor 10f The Lethbridge Herald, has been ap- pointed Provincial Librarian of Alberta. Mr. Buchanan has edited The Inthbridge Herald for a year, and has made it one of the brightest and newsiest weekliea in the Province of Alberta. I Mrs. Jessie Agnes Paul, of Toronto Junction, on behalf of herself and three ohiruiren--Josseph Earle Paul, John Har- old Paul and James Norman Paul-has entered a suit against the C. P. R. for [damages for the death of her husband, ‘John A. Paul. "That the deceased, Margaret Wilson. l come to her death on March 13th in the KPH-dale, ravine from enrholic Mid poi- ‘ . . A “-1 " “van the Ter- CANADIAN. JUN" ct. lulu. "That the deceased, Margaret Wilson. After' mum-rum. came to her death on March 13th in the Ul.mcu WM ream Ram-dale ravine from curbolic Mid poi-i. In an interview valuing, liilitjanuteredr" was the ver- 1 Nicholas Murray dirt cf the Toronto jury eoneeruing the , Columbia riiire'r drain: of the N-ycar-nld girl found tttV ' Itnrrievelt will . ., .4. 1...”..- but Wed. t “grain. no matte' wring, r,iii/iminiuered," was [no ter" I,NU'rtc'""'"f'"."'"" dict nf the Toronto jury omeeruing the 1 Ct,ltuulria l‘nhwhwitv. "aid: “Pn-sLImL mm... tu-oth of the lO-ymr-nhl girl found tin. ' Bun-owl: will wit run (or Pre.didettt npluium. ' tlie Huntley suvvt bridge last Wed. i "gain. nu matter what premium b, Jurititw "NM." mornmg. i lnmxgln'to bear upon him." says: Six lmlium (mm: boiore Puliov Magis-l Three hundred Salvation Army omi- up our trau- llum at St. Thoma-a (m Thur-day. I ntatittc left Euston Station. Umfon, for upon. 1:.”- un a charge of assaulting Cornelius I‘unmla on Thursday. Rider “award. that thrs t Joiste and tiarlotte Thottut% a, "aIuaw. who addressed them on their dvpurmrv. criminally o." m" river voad. Five of tbe Indians said that, at unv rate, tlwv were grim! which too wen» discharged and Cornelius Autoue to a land “I"; every min mum t'.se tirm (In H: r wart sent up tor trial " the Spring Ag- who put hin hack intoihis work. th" riglc ir"tztrs. . Kin Allow bu decided to revoln- and not? At tU 2rtqur/'g " Berlin the o,'S,'l' Spanish. lice methods and to I“ tendir ytry awarded niet Foreman, . funn- establish I crimltlal investigation de, ttret'tt “f er from Wellington Township, Flo! rtment, modelled on the Eidio SeoF fact of I dnmages and can; in his action walnut. End and. m In. offered the position be worm} the Berlin and Waterloo Street Rnilway of chief of the reorglniled torre to In. Justice Company. Foreman was run dorrt by u specter Arrow. of the London force, with my: car and had his right leg cut oft at the . “by of $5,000. oi',", Apt knee. . . e mm l to . ..' Tbe antn-yeuold non of F. Beattie,) mace? Lows: 3" tI,2tutl, at',',: “an Tnnnystelle, Mum, yesterday dtemoon, ited Kingdom will at be “Wm at tint met' in the "worm at-ree of tO ING-W this mdon of "rtiaarseart none Soue- of other' picked up . lauded rifle. which Ind been gm 1min "iiiuria. to dent Wills tt"S','ldli"ttll2jiiiiiiij?ue.te. la tbe qt-thr, In Mo 1011”” km. . _-_"-., ' .." kitied his tttree-re" and Mg Morn Bill. a123, ut'u.iay mun-n.1,. Six Indians Cattle Iroiore Pulioo Magis-l luxu- Hunt at St. Thoma-a mi Thursday. I m a charm» of assaulting Cornelius John and tiarlotte Thom-ac. a. "quaw. on tln- river run-.1. Five of tbe Indians were Irscharged and Cornelius Antone was sept up tor trial at the Spring As- sizes. At the SpringIAuius " Berlin the jun-y awnrded niel Foreman. I turm- er from Wellington Township, 83” dumages and was in his action against the Berlin and Waterloo Street Rnilway l Company. Foreman was run down by " l our and had his right leg cut off at the Ir."'.".. 'e" Six Indians came before Pol trau- Hunt ot St. Thomm on In a charge " ”snaking Joime, and tivarlotte Thomua. I can. “i t Ttuueyrsteile, Mam, yummy , in the tempornrv absence of hi picked up . loaded rifle. which left standing behind the door. dentully that And killed his t In Pacific iaitway but de- Muskoka a divisional point jpeg Grand Jury yesterday etarued a true bill against I. C. Moliugh and J. C. Gage; the Grain Exchange, charged ing in restraint of trade. The year-old son of F. Beanie, Mam. yesterdny afternoon, urnrv absence of his put-nu, loaded rifle. which had been _ t-st..a. the door. and mi- been .gpointed er of t e York has given o brother, an»? him homily. The high Wt!“ little imam": eyc. ' At Dachau. N. 3.05de son hf Mr. and Mrs. Guam-l1 Spent-e, was bum- ed to death in his parentf' kitchen. He .. .- a. _..--, N "I -.. --â€" --_e- .VV,, was three years old. " is that the child wt} Ringing wit lull-D tll‘? till-I. Mr__rv_ rVi' " and not fire to his clown. while his mo- ther was visiting n lick Indy living near by. Mayor Bowlby, of Bradford, has re- fueed to sign the assessment by-hw. by which two assessors are appointed to some minimum" Wm. on a the ground that it was given third real- ing on the night at its introduction with. ', otu the necessary two-thirds vote as re- . quired by the rules of the Council. , Mr. George H. Barr, of London. who l hanbeen in charge of the eonatruetimt in dairy work in Western Ontario for the Provincial Government, has resigned to cuter the service of the Dominion Gov- ernment as head of the dairy branch of the Fruit and Dairying Departan Me. k'. Hermu Strathroy. who has boon at the Dairy School for some years, suc- ceeds Mr. Barf. C At the Brantfond Assizes on Thursday J. S. Clark, ext-President of the Grand Talley Railway, sued his father-in-Inw, Mr. Ensmn, foe alienation of the aifeew tions of his wife. Clark went into the _ box and swore his tssother-in-iaw took his wife to the home of her father. who , subsequently alleged Clark was crazy, . and because of this would not allow his . daughter to rcturn to her hmhnud. At r this point Mr. Justice Britton non-suited r the one. i BRITISH AND FOREIGN A motion to repeal tho net has been passed in the of Commons. Five persons wore Inn yesterday in a eonniet be and strikes. The city of Vienna has bought out the two companies which control the under. taking business there. It is reported " Shanghai that f Was- leyan mission has been destroyed " Ningpo and the misnionarien killed. Five sailors were drowned in the foun- dering of the tow boat Cruiser on the Ohio River yesterday. Six persons were killed yesterday at Kharkov, Bunnie, by the explosion of a bomb in I student's room. Mr. George J. Bury, General Manager‘ of the C. P. R. western lines, hast been offered the position of General Manager of the (mic-go & Rock Island, at a all- ary of 830900 tl yea. The British Government's 'sxtension postal contract with the Canadian l'nci- fie provides for a Journey of 70tl hours :from Liverpool to Hong Kong in num- mer, I, In rioting eonneeted with the street railway strike at Louisville. Ky.. ymter- r.hty, five curs Were demolished. Several I persons were badly injured, among them _ being a police corporal- i Tho ItheinVche Wrstfaeliielw Zeitnng ' of Er -en my: says the (lernmn Navy De- pzlrhnent intends in acquire, the entire l tablelund of the Island of Heligulnnd and i will [mild a strong forums there. l. Henri Bochefort, the well known edi. tor of the Paris Je,r,.y',,t',.r,','rf,; and Mich» el Pelletier, I. llwyer, wi I probably fight I a. duel in consequence of an exchange of reoriminatione in the courts yesterday. , The Splnilh Government is reported 1 to be concluding arrangements for the ' lmse of the Ferrel arsenal to a foreign 1 company. Several vessels on the new nn- it val programme of Spain are destined tol I f be built there. v! Patrolman John P. Slalom-y “in shot 'f and killed on Wednesday night while at- " tempting to arrest two men at Williams. "ly port, Pa. The murder occurred along the if Reading Railroad inn-ks: in the we-t end r: of the city. At London yesterday the Thames none , four feet. The ice ip the south branch At London yesterday the Thames rose four feet. The ire in the south branch brokv up and went away. Thaw is a jam in the river at Wonderland. about a mile above springlsank, but no neriuu- damage is anticipated. 'esident Swartzwnrd, the New Haven, Conn.. man. who married the dining room cann- ier of the Queen’s Hotel. Montreal, while having a wife and tire children in New Haven, was sentenced to two years' im- prinonment to-dny. Mix-Mel chdow, serving a life sentence. at Hintun prison fur murder. and who recently killed Francesco Raffo. a fellow- convict. hanged himself on WedaeUay nigh with a towel rather than undergo ' tor hid hat crime. L‘ Tue British tramp steamer Gown Burn. while feeling her way through a. , tog. ran her nose Into the sand oft the {smith shore of Long island Wednesday. After considerable difficulry her crew of til.mett was rescued yesterday noun. I 1n nn interview at Lon Angela. Mr. [ml-mm Murray Butler. President of sjolrunlritt University, mid: "mm-um ‘llnmerelt will not run for President ....:.. m. matter what pressure is null Mr The F Burn. w tog. ran south " After at V Illega- y...” _"' _ be of this would not aliuw his " return to her hmband. At Mr. Justice Brittott om-suited were killed " Belgrade mftiet between the poliee the Irish crimes the British Home "igrhppou-d with matche- while his m0- u. s. 591mm. can” I nous: or connois- Ion-in Secretary Grey Par' 'trrlrimr Goverqtor Swdumhmn l mice and Rear-Admiral Davis, A., it the time of the Kingston ‘quake, we: brought up in the In Common w-dny’ in e hypoumim tion by Jesse ONings, Liberal-t member for the Berdeuky divis Birmingham, who was in Kingr the time of the disaster. The question brought out in! - Secletary Grey I hearty to the American adminl. . Mr. Com Isked if it wu “1 "il carbon fy: intermional law and inumtio etiquette for a “mind of l . foreign country to land an armed force in a British colony without the _e.c.:ittt.l lion of the governor. The foreign MN." Mary, in reply said: l "No, and I my add that m such rights wen chimed in the im-idenh referred to. What I am mminm‘d at is that while, in the presence of “th u catastrophe, there was a certain Imount of misunderstanding. the Am- erican admiral “in inspind by single- minded motives and s tyt", to relieve suffering. Any other oonstruetion Isl-red on his action is mount unmmhy $66k swmmum. London, Mun-h lat-.1110 5nd dunno.” Mr. c3311}; then trsked if the fact did not demand, that. in nppmition to the gives-99!, armed [mops were land- - 'S"'"-""' _ ed when there was no enum- or war- rant for such action, but the fun-ign ternary replied: “According to my information. the lquestion conveys a gtateatteut. which is not borne out by facts." . A “mu. on " fi,': "ic/ii, ii"i',iiiieiir(-ii tribute to Lftlu,o,,ri"r'S' Davis . wag heartily cheered. -----_---- 1 Tlit WHITE PLAGUE. Tribute to Davis for Going " Retief of Jamaica--"'" Reports Denial. ASSOCIATION ASKS FOR MORE CARE OVER CONSUKPTIVES. m purpotws of medical imspection all pom of departure and entry. Hon. Mr. "liver replied that stvpu wore already bring taken to more elorwly guard again-st arrival of immigrants afflicted with tutrereuhvis. lie thought that tho de- portatiotts now being made would .ioon show the xtonm-hip authorities that they must be more careful in ti',, I"- 'Tees. THE TORONTO COMBINATION MUST PAY FINE. Toronto dvqpuu-ls: Tito ( ply Association (plumlwrnl theiy appeal again»! tire (-1 violating the law as regal fur which a tine of it'.5.om In giving decision. Jul saiJ "II is common knowledge G.at the majority of large operations in manu- furmring and dealing in tln- articles and eotumodities of common-c- ur» new carried on by joint stock omnpnnies. Cart it be impatod to the legislature that the intention in preparing we net “an to (mu-h onlv the "nnall fry? surely ovried on by juint Cats it be impumd that the intention in wan to eatch only the Wm nut. (hit-f kid? u M ts.' on»: "What v,uuvUhe mutiw: Hun the inmrpomtim? The an has gm stock in trade. and cm no bitrdttteqsis, nur due" it buy commodities. It don: not prob' an asrsciation farmed fur gnaw mwoient purring-ea. and it van be regarded as a social club." nevolent purport and it be rounded as a moist] club Justice Mach-rm amen; opiuiom. - . . -_r-.. 1.. nun-A... "it cannot be tun strongly 2.|‘l-U‘Ili upon, nut tot clearly harm in mind.| that the ampvllanzq are not re-pnmihle,‘ criminally "r otherwise. for anything which took plate Irefotw llwir inmrpurl- tion on Sept. ttth. "IOS. The urmvn hid tho right to priw tho inn-unwration land am done after tho itteoritorati?m an tending to prove a mnspiravy tre. tm-en the two earporations. but the he: of incorporation alone would not be wough.” _ -- "A, A... At-mt'sotir. Mon brought out from Foes End: of t tary tiny n hearty tribute jury furl! :rictn admin“. mood b., i asked if it wu in at" whereby p 5.5 intermional law and In the ”I etiquette for In admiral of l in the MB) mum-y to land an armed force punished.“ uh colony without the e.c.:itttl A Coll te governor. The ton-igu MN." attended l reply said: ‘death of l 1 my add that no such 'hockey pl _ _ . .s_-.. "___‘ I.-. alt tMsetttr' to me unpomun- trr "vm'.'. u] um... the cnncluniou that they were 1 ied, Gi' fin! cum-item, and sentenced. in a. suljtu- lea at“ till measure It last ior the offences drain. of othera, committed long before the l Brow; appellant: had any sort of legal (1- be m l km. and no were wholly lncompotent l the tat l to malt my crime or do any uaiaw. be my ”AL-l mor swtWteolum of J3" "That the aid Owen ”“1“" - iear-Adminl Davis, U. ti. ' to his death by a New from a My " of the Kinttin earth- t, ttt ilhthl' lunch t et,',',.:',',:',?,'.",' . _ _ _iiiiiiuueptg.r.ttiut"'to, " Iu,f.'l, 'IU',', Sit“? e of I played in the We...“ Rink in the to" " I" 5P? tHi “f .9","y,irf. Conn" on the an. dnv or Mireh, , mum. Litrerr1-Urtiottbst um, ml an in the opian of an. the Berdewey division of % i.irhttat l there " no may“ of w . . .. ' ' ,ny 'eetittg previous to t or. ”$5.23!, m hurt)" at ”here In. no juntifimtion by person! . . provocation for the above blow at the on Iy1eytt out irotu.yor, lands of the aid Charla- )huon. Your ' Grys. . hmtrry tribute jury further recommend that at at he 'Stt admmgl. . ”and by the Wuhan Ann-Hy I. asked if ft waa itt M" whereby purer? and spec-unor- engaged " “bra-110ml law and E in the ”use of hot-key my be annual, - . l, - m-.. ha, In“ THE PlUMBfRS. ., ...e_. ' Meee - I hcmpitauls in winning to mt culmsi-s patiruts mu to la! warned. The officer. of n-- were re-eieeted. with thy ad. Dr. J. G. 1tuttserford, Ottawa, . C. l‘nlkiu, Halifax, added Hi y . may tribute jury mm mun-urn- -'-- --" ninl. phoned by the legislative An“, ad if it wu in at" whereby purer? and updater- can.“ "mien“ law ml In the pm of hook'y my be manly tte for unwind of ‘in the put of hockey may be "rl, r land an armed force punished." without the permir' A Cornwall ”at: A huge crowd tor. The foreign new ntmdod the uljonrm-d inquest into the tid.. (led): of Oven mud) Mama. the y add that no such hockey player. whieh was held in the bed in the iueideutieourt houu hero tin-night by the euro- t I am eortvitteed of nor. m. Bottittattr. the presence of "tttht Tho-m Emmett Quinn. the referee in hm was a "u-ttein the fatal game. said that he had tot. . ‘ . . "L, “Lu- o.‘ II... “will end of the Pays Hearty incident in min honours my nuns “mac: . at amount can ream rd _ tive.. Hull mu] to The A‘s-“aviation '. ttttel varriuq on, hm G " have hut eonvietiott for WIS ARCHIVES F TORONTO in manu- hu- articles 'e INT now tottt.ttytiea. AI Tttt iidarr my, Struck Frau Behigt6-aui. sgge Diqtie to Do It- Mad Been Dom tttttate " m. an Account and tf " tobe posed tilled Sun th _ " Hume E. A. Pilots. of Montreal. the judm- of play in the Uthu-Vivtorh game. was the next witnm. He did am am- Me Court qtruek. Th" play up to the tim" of the adds“ was hard. but nut rough. To W. Dingwull he denied thet he was present under pay. Hr was an nan-taut, and only hie. “was“ were paid. At the time of ttso mix-up he heard a ”whistle blow and an: a fight in pro farms. He blew his mm whistle. and [mm-1pm! 'so part the mmhatantn. He ..|... hnlnnxl Mecourt off the ivP. up“ attempted :0 part the mmhl also helped “diam! off the - - . .._ " W BIN! "CIIKH -"r'F-'" -e.e Cm-vmminod by Mr. I’d-(Io. Mr. Pilon explained that ho had rulod Mr- Court oft in ttw first hall for honking FRED FORBES DOES A CLEVEI TRICK AT WOODSTOCK. 'rhroop, ly Woodstock. Ottt.. dvspuu-n: than!” POM of “Hamburg. who in» 00th II Woodltook jail, pending removal to tho Catt-l Prison to 'ter" one your for larceny, mural! this morning. He in not yet been found. Spring c!eaututt has been in progreu at the jail for ,.everal days. Thir, motl- ing Governor l aim-run "pom-d the not iiron door prior to inking a ladder out. He ttotired Forbes mmr downstairs. “I told him to go to tlre kih-ht-n to (a. some outer and Mari scrubbing. The -...-u nitnnliun war, called away governor‘s attention was mum may for n few minub'r. About thrve minute- later be wait ow through the door It had opened. - _ ' A MA .I oh“ nun.“ {SCAPED fROM JAIL He notieed a do” int, yards own. hulking of jail clothes in tiw tu immediawl) made! mined. Apererstly l- of civilian violin-s undv l Tonoplh. Nev., Much I for pin-dug in gambling ' broken here when Abe Bro !of the Touop0 ('luh, (In Abling resort of auntlm'n 'qum in one sitting. I WhiV Vim.“ 5'3“;th in less than tuning-in... factually loser but $209.0 30m .third owner in the an . lost his {mums and one-I , is bis winnlng no: part p: l The 'l’onorh mama"; my Brown, 'ennvdy and I field, the millionaire mio ‘ field. Brown salted in he; mun house and in a the aid Owen M¢Court mm. ' - - --- - Lamb-w He pulled tho, prisoner'? mm on I. small yard. and run out by the bi I to the outer yard that ware open!” is a young nun with a police record. Tampa Sport lit-lo. un- um..v.._..r ,, Cwld. Drown swam in to play furo in his own house and in I oort tim" [on _ over $25,000. He wanted the limit ulna 3 ott' the - but ttte dealers could not Ido so without the consent of the. other two puma! in the - Awarding George Wittgtield was mill-d up It Go . I field and the situation exphined to him, Wimrfield and the mutant of the w m like the um to $5,000. The mph thtm ugh- in “0. ‘.II_A-U“mn-I Garb, a! When the Jule! Left no Door Open Forbes mac 3 Quick cum And Got Away. tion u.“- II W". Brown started into bet $5,000 on . single card. Luck was with him " first, and in . abort time he was nearly "00,- 000 ahead of the game, but fortune and- denly Ivitched to the other side of the {no layout, and Brown lost havily. According to the beat reports the land. lo! dollars was! for netrrty twenty hour. N tinn11r Brown Ind 33mm in marks |en itamsht-ttsst him in the kyout Phil Clothes Under His Prison ma?mi rims mom out“. Brown was as cool as a cucumber after he Ind led his fortune. Be you In. the table, Intent! to the tty when _ _ nl!).l:__ " ;.;.I- New. Much lC.--All "not“ ' in gnmbling guns in when Abe Brown, put or" opal: Hub, the famous - t. of southern Nevads, loot Ont " despruh: bhe,t.ilt n tiw mum-1'. A WINE t made. and Purim: was otly Forbs had I suit -s under his jail uniform prinoner't garb off h L. an out by the uqyet With the Bank. 3>fudr hum-a, n; u 'Bte,000, u be is . tho game in which be f om-vthird of hi- [on t proprietor- )ling (‘Iub is owned and George Whit mine uwner of Gold- no of the can“ he an: I pk ltr-All moonl- wny WW mum. n; " r; a.-

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