West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 21 Mar 1907, p. 8

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H H " HARM 21, Good Values A Fit Guaranteed THE PEOPLES’ STORE] Engagement DIAMOND HALL Souvenirs Cut in Toronto. Hamilton, London and other places in Canada, also in Philadelphia and Baltimore. I have all the latest systems in cutting, besides my own system which I have taught some of the best cutters in Town and other cities. My new ideas on oatting--it stands to reason that I ought to be able to please you. We have the very latest to choose from. Alt invited. January is stock-taking month and the month you look for to'secure real money-saving bargains. Come to the People's Store and take advan- tage . of the low prices prevailing throughout the Store. ngs Birthday Gifts Generally All Winter Goods Must Go Wedding Watchmaker. ROBERT BURNETT. All farm produce wanted. Highest prices paid. Better than going out of town===Why ? Because I have had larger experience No old stock allowed. Dry Goods, Dress Goods Flannellettes, Ties, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Gro- ceries, Furs, &c.--all cut in price to reduce our large stock. Many Odds and Ends accumulated after holiday season, will be sacrificed to clear. COME NOW. STUBK - TAKING BLEARANBE SALE . WEBSTER Jeweller I!!! Flarity, " Glass, Manager &Cutter Correct Designs Merchant Tailor Diamonds Silverware Watch es Clocks . Jewelry and Excel Optician Mr Meilhmun of the Midduugh Bo. is indisposed It present. Mr. Allan “annular: was in Wing- ham for n few days last week. Mean T. Oddwell and.' C. McKinnon were in Mt Fox-cut Wednendny. Mr Gha- McKinnou cams home how the went . few dare ago, Mr Allie McIntyre mu home on I visit hom Bradford over the week end, Misses Belle McKenzie and Huang Hunter left Tuesday morning for o trip to Toronto. Miss Lizzie Chute. returned to her home in London after a wait. to her friend Mis- Trims Kreu. Dr. Edward Cantu returned to To- ronto after a few weeko’ visit with " Hater. Sire, Farquhnrson. Rev Mr Calling was on a business trip to Toront0,the beginning of the week. Miss Jean and Mrs Thou Brown left Monday to visit their mother m Michi- gan who is ill. Messrs Robert and William McNally and families leave this week for Bank. where they have taken up homestead» Mr Duncan Livingstone, who has spent. the winter months here. return- ed to his western home on Tuesday. Mrs Cope returned to town on thw.. tuday after tspending a week " the J acqueu home recuperating from i se- vere full. Miss Mary McCormick. Aberdeen, left. last Thursday for Itochescer alter a stay ct six mouths at her home. Rev Mr Furquharwn attended the Hollie Mission Society meeting inTur,. onto, this week. Mrs Hal-knees and two children re- turned to their home in Tee-water after a visit. to her mother Mrs T. Mor. Rev ll, and Mrs ll when of Pt Duvet' are visiting Mrs H’s relatives, the Hughes family here. Mus Annie Strain: left lust. Friday or Mr Forest to attend the funeral of ther uncle Mr I'. Martin. Ml ticrituger, who has been some Lune at McGowan; left Monday morn- ing tor London Wht re he stays for some tune. Mrand Mr; Alex Watson, Chicago, yisiled tht, Utter's sister Mrs Arch ur Wtutmore, recently. 'on MrAngu- Cameron left this week, for Dakota where he will spend the "ummer as he has as usual been doing the but few years. Mr Run: Vulleth and son Walker leit for Btrathmote, Sash. on Wednes- day, in connection with Mr J. W. Crawford'. farm there, Mr. John Rose, for some time engng ed in the People's Store. here, left. last. Monday for Toronto on a business enterprise. Mr Rom. Williamson had an attack of LuGrippe since last Friday and is under the doctor's cure. Wos A PRIZE m tmAToRe.--A re- cent issue of the Guelph Mercury re- cords an oratorical contest under the auspict e of the Union Literary Society in which Mr. Thos. H. Binnie, son of Mr. Geo. Binnie. figures prominently. There were live contestants and the Mercury says it was the tluest oratori- crd contest ever held at the College. Mr. Binnie won the second prize, '* scoring high in enunciation accent and clemness.” We congratulate Mr. Binnie on bis vetsatilily. as he has proved himself brilliant by both head and hand in his college career. A promising future is opening before him. The Mercury says: " Next to Mr. Slater came Mr. Binnie with is very clear and logical speech on the Canad- inn Race question. Referring to the history of the Roman Catholic Church in France. he showed that the ttittteul- tyo with which the people of France had to contend could never occur with the French speaking portion of the Canadian population. . lore of Church they might have, but the love for their country was greater, and in due time every ditreroatee would disappear, out! a united nation use". itself in the progress of the world." Dr Fortune, V. s, of Ayton and Dr Sam, V. 5.. of Holstein, are each tak- ing a four week’s course in Chicago to fit them for special work. The latter is going west. MCLIAN- At his home, one mile south of Priceville. on Tuesday, 12 March, Alexander Henna. Ms: W. J. Atkinson. and sister Annie, (Mrs Davis) returned last Thursday to their home in Manitoulin. Having 24 miles of ice to cross. there was no delaying for a break up might cause a disagreeable wait for beam. Dr. Jamieson lost a valuable sorrel horse last week. While he"); un- hitched in the stable it broke away and only stopped when its leg was lmaly broken. Dr. Wolfe could do ngttning for it and ordered it to be ti o . F134: THE DURHAM REVIEW TORONTO In these days of strife between two . hammer to; "tac-Ah: great political parties we must. remem‘ new Brick House On Gas but thel. after " we ere just s hand of Durban, 7 rooms end sll can brothers here on earth, mulling from Buy tel-me. Apply st Rev the cradle to the new. We live side by side. out children attend the same t/'rtagl"ltt tttT school and after the smoke of the . hettle has cleared away. we mil still! 'eel,,",',',"',',',,,,"",:'?),',),',? t'd be friends sud neighbors. Let the I sold at e bergnin. Bee ad. bitter things go unuid. At best. It) H. B. is short, and we get. out of it s full I measure of son-ow. Let us in our little I 'eeremeeeeeetseeeeeete=eeee- l {tum live ea I big. good-natured faml- l Farm for Sale We " have one or two men in this community who stand around on the street comers and from morning until night. complain about the town, their neighbors, their taxes and the weath- er. Such men are mighty common clny and it is fortunate we have so few of them. Such men are of no use to the town, their families or their coun- try. they seem to live but no one can tell how. Litre mosquitoes and ftietr, they are not fatal but disagreeable to have about. It is not necessary to publish tho names of the two or three who infest this community. They are usually well known. QUICK Wortrg.--The children up at the Public School here. are being put through it process of drillinr these days, to prepare for n speedy exit, in case ofa flre. One day last week a tune test was made, when it was found that the school could be cleaned out in 40 seconds. As there are upwards of 300 pupils in the school, this is a satis- factory record. In a great many schools throughout the province. the smaller children are located in one of the upper apartments. In Walkerton the smaller children are all down stairs. This arrangement minimizes the danger in case of fire. As an ex- Muple of what practiee will do, one of the schools in Galt with an attendance of 350 was vacated in 50 seconds. Two of the taller pupils are assigned to each door, and these keep open the exits while the rest of the scholars march out three txlrreast.-Teieticope. TREK INTO CANADA,-A despatch from Omaha. Nebraska. any; that "To the Cnnadiun Northwest" in the cry of hundredsof families in Nebraska, Kansas and Iowa, and that the trek to Canada this year. will surpuss any Iiuiilur movement in the history of the west. Already hundreds are on their way. and there are thousands to fol- low' Mort of these Americans have considerable money, and they will soon turn the wild prairies into cul tinned farms. Every day two long trains pull out from the union station in Toronto. and the work " only inst i nicely commencing. We beg to intimate to the public of Durham and vicinity that we have opened out for business in the C. P. Kinnee building and hope by strict attention to business and hon- est work to merit a share of public patronage. We extend a cordial welcome, The his'ory ot t he ballot does not " ford a betterjoke than the last elect- ion in Sydenlmm. us Was revealed in the recount at Owen Sound a few dayn ago. Usually there are some electors who Jo not think enough of the candidates to vole foryither. But _ it is a rare instance where the indivxd- ual uses the lmllot to express his opin- ion otherwise than by the regulation cross. One old voterin number three supplied the exception. When count- ing the ballots his hand was shown by writing after Campbell’s "no tum good." The explosion that nearly wrecked the courthouse, and the Km- vity of Judge JGttonu countenance came when under and opposite the name of MacDonald were the words, "no bun better" The joke was worth the recount, and the laugh took a lot of tension " the 'situation and the ballot was " better revelation of the voter's mind Hun the regulation mark could possibly have heed-Ex. It in only duty and justice to encom- nge your home paper. extend to it the nourishment to which it is entitled. Pay your subscriptions uromply. and send afew extra copies to Four relu- lives and friends at A distance. The?’ will ippreciaw the ("or and so w: i NEW HARNESS SHOP will be a specialty. Of all kinds, Better known " "Jack" ll. P. 1llilillll Binder Camus: Bum Curtains Home Callus. etc. Fur mm nude and repaired Repairing Great activiti " the Home of ttuN1- ty. Stock ta iug going on. New goods being opened up and pile. of ”Runny: und_left-nver oroodi being Bummer Mon tuta,-thmtfortahie new Brick Home On Gonna-u Bt. Durban, 7 room. tnd " conveniences. Buy terms. Apply a Review on“ One of the heat farms in the Town. ship ot Bentimk. Alt? new. new htiek house, two Inge bank harm. land that than, o cleared-tal so. Snap quiet purchaser. 31500 down balance at A per cent. Apply to MACKAY ' Dunn Vendor’s wlicntou Elocution and Physical Culture Miss Twnmley, Honor Gradulte in Elocution and Physical (Juliane ot Alma Ladies' College. tit Thomna, in prepared to give cl“: or t,'iig,t,t lee. o m in Above anhjectl. Joncert en- aggemenls taken. For term. and ot er parxiculan a Iv to Durham P. O. or at Calder‘l mil. on Tuesday 3nd Fridq nftvmuoms. Spring Term Opens April 2. (fun-d“ best school ot Engine” Training Dunnud tor our ffwd mm " tar lire-wt than our Ill pply. Masai cent (mt-101w roe. No mm- summcr vacuum). W.J. EL 10TT, Prirteiinl. Cor. Yong: Ind Alexander su. Millinery for Easter " Euler comhl in about three weeks we invite those who wont. Mil. liuery for Buster to call " any time and have a lock through our carefully selected "nek of hats. There in o clurming variety of trimmings, the shapes are small and large and I grant many are the mushroom order. We want to mnke this anon on. of the but and we mll promise you any attention and will try Ind plum you it you will give In & cull. Hue been away for the last four weeks Ind ttvas attended the millinery openings in Toronto and New York, and bays ireleeted a large stock of millmery for Spring. We begin the season, Wednesday, March 6th. Call early. to anchovy)" mam: in miG'iariiiret.tt can become a good operator 1: 6 months tt you study m The Central Telegnphy Moo! -- - - __-K, an... ar.-. “and PIII "at! m The Central TOWKI'IDIy unw- ' Gerrard an. Toronto. The In.“ iriiial In ledl. “The tor pantouIm. W. H. SHAW. Pun. T.g.goiiMr0b', hill Telegraphy The rouge? Ind stroyr.e.tt teiyeetteeh' l Ha vlusvu u-u. u..v....... Wr-___--- _ - - All facilities Bre ot the bert. Studen- receive expert instruction Ind pertottal “union ind no mined to ptutittt". Writefor uuiogue ot thin live Lip-Mute Ichool Open year round--En§e_r anytime 20 per ct. Discount off Felts, Leg in s Overshoes, tet'. gens, etc. Peel, the Shoeman TORONTO. ONT. Clearing Sale BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE T. M. WATSON, P Miss Dick Repairing and or- ders our specialty, of WINTER FOOTWEAR ELLIOTT Bldg,, Youge & MtOiil IM., TORONTO H. B. locum! In the am step now-rd- position: NMEE’HQ” 'nncnpl Mighty Sale Ends March 23rd hu, RUSSELL l'lli: " per month tn Adm. WmJolnIhg, 'r.. c. R.- Review to Jan. 1, 1908 Weekly Gish, on. r. nu tit V etiLiie Notice " hereby given that the Part. nenhip heretofore whining between m. the undersigned. u Bhewell & Lemumn of Durham. bu thin day been dissolved by mutual consent. The school It mommy equl tn tench . ar UG", it . “but“! . will". In chewed Ind W,l','dh", f tt m “m7. Por 23213. ea, tor ',ttl1 1.11310: .1453: as? Fi'iiit “that partleiiUm ‘PPIY to All debts owing to the mid partner- ship are to he paid to “in J, A. shew- ell of Durham, and all claims "ulna the mid partnership are to he mount- ed to the aid Miss J. A, Shave“. by whom the same will be settled. But Itudentl an “muted " any time with- ourwy ineqnvenlene: to annulus And other; rr,ty.t.t2rgEt!.tted 12m. gEt1.e,tEtts Ist, tterr. h con iete and manual: eoyreoiciiia7. 2'/J'U't 'lllli'MIrl we Typewrmnc. ma a: wry. No Inner wine. you mu can“. all on a, we an In you tora new pub. you. on. u Maxim sumo my “an“ the. Fu c A. Hum. map-l. Dated at Durham thin 6th day of March A. D. 1W7. Witness. fl, A. Shewell. A. H. Jackson [1". [snub-m. WINTER TERM now on at the /'7b,-N0Rttmttip; M It has been a wonderful money sav- ing event for the public and exceeded our expectations in the amount of goods being turned out. Notice 0 Dissolution of Partnership Durham School After this week our attentron will be turned to the. display at new Spnnggoodg of every dyuaiptiom Every day_ tn rugs Its share of new up-todete noveltles IR till hues ear- media the Big Store. There never has been such a complete stool: of Spring re- qqlrements ordered for this store and it wrll be a pleasure to show you the newest of everything. MI STORE Come and inspect an Dress Goods & Read oto-Wem which are mills man. up the BIG 's'if6iil. Owen Sound. Ont. “you. Clean l tl, “h V mt. a m. “M Itt ac. glhT'tl't but. I'm-undu- Dunlap. "eoektidiE cult emu. but cor. m ofkotts tnema. t.ehtgt on but Machine-a. Goodhuuu.huk ban-n 4tivier. M. tsee hen hon-o. Air? M!‘lm IE. 5cm. " "-. a" “meo- us. Imam. ail-“BE: 'Wndu' Iwn-p. “all m.“ “at tttmee, bank has, drivl id SlteiiiiG' tttin turn Ibo. XI .41 Being Lot”. Gon. 8, Benllnck. 100 acres. so cloned. Thirty new of any bud. Out-ea in Full Wheat, 'tLu:- ploughed for apt-ins crop. Good hunk ham, good fume house, ttae well (windmill) neu- door. Convenient to whool. P. o. and church. For further Informnllon apply on me mansion. wun won. lament. (nod hon and tt pen. continuum. drama“. 8 - Mug wells. " lulu than dumb. who and Pout ' 'm-IAdli-i- is? A good loud brick, two - dwell in: Mon ide Pmbytorinu name pro party i,'IR,'Jd Town. Durham. L'oreter of Durham and Bhtin sum. Breen mnmc. punt: r. clown. tenant floors. cellars. one. Good airr location In good lncnmy. ttoodfmuaie sunk hard and not! In“. on. we" of land. Soap for quick purchaser. For further pu- tieutUrsaitpie lo JOHN W. #cluctrtttrt, Owner Bucky Samoan P. o. 200 um. being Iota 27 and M, on. & E G R, Glcnelg. About 110 gen-chu- od, so ood hardwood bush, 10 “and” dar. Ell','. buildiaua and we! watchd- the Rocky thugs“: run throw: ate-or: ner of lot as whkh would make a good wan-pow». tH mile. from Dun-bun ; conveniently situated. The Above pro- perty will be mid together or in part. to suit pun-chum For ftuthor patien- tarts Lpply on the growing. or to Lot B, con 15 Prom. 103m.“ at res of cleared land. in good an. of cultivation free from .totte and nox- :onIhm-edn. turd: good ttttrt um . good on: but. I 11ettiue Mm. Iood hon nnd FARM FOR SALE OR BEN T. Pogest yetinq2ota " in.eon " l FARM 3'03 SALE . 110003;:ch 830... Rocky Samoa 533;} HOUSE FOR SALE. FARM FOR SALE Farm tor Sale. ALLAN MCDOUGALL. Prop. Sweep Doom: Emu-ox human Put. Out. a. a. .l. Dunn;- 'll%%'i ore it "

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