West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Mar 1907, p. 1

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l2 in can rs k ". cleared. 18 mmnder swamp. one: atom cor- Hpring on hack on". hunk in"! .n. hen homo. Faun. 5 clear- p. ma“ orehard, u-n. drum“ . also. - l. N. Exxon-ll. mum" or YR)" Al IP, u-rel. 91 " good otate of mu- and mu- uxl hardwood null M I do ft [nod hen Ind oiling. 3 never from chunk. I. [minding Imry. You ALE REVIEW D FIRRCDO' on Park, 0m. " " " no! . O' It Our Mailing Sheet hasheen corrected to date. Does Your label Please you? VOL. XXVIII, NO. 13 -lqll-lre-l-'-eee-e---'--"-1"-----==-' ---- EEEHEEEHEEEEEEMEWEE’SSE 'Y,', Daintv New Goods 3 I rs-, nnun‘nn' I‘m-accord lil ifyg iii Lingerie ye,iatillii.th1ti1 if! daintily made, 3250 to a . 39: THE LOVLIEST EMBROIDERED LA - easy, to Iek.cer bg led, no oher tril DIG 5-3 2:35: " ggwgmxmgzmmmmmma l l mm The Home of 91mm Mlllllll Easter Openings New Dress Trimmings Larger “1?“. _,livt,r, Th at Label. Black cred ovE easy to nude lor the m can be, $2. 2.26. 2.7% to ”AIN'TY wrupailwriv THE Only IO days more 774v You want to know what to do about your Spring Suit, don't you ? You want something just a little bit differ. rut from 'every one else, don't you. You don't want to spend any more than you did last time do you? The tirst thing to do is to see whats nicest in clothes and fabrics. That is where we can help you. Attend our Openings Thursday. Friday and Saturday of this Week. Waéh Fabrics ff? You want to know what don't you? You want mt from 'every one else spend any more than yt first thing to do is to The Review to Jan. Sp ace forbids ful', NEW EASTER “A? .iitrGtiiii" -Jrhe, nuhino" $3A1l "King Irt.t.".(sttent y/fl val FP" .---__ 7 sive Dress Goods stock. Complete in describes the rich showing of LIGHT GREY TWEEDS OVER "on AM annmms with fine St Btougs - Mm]: Greens . In broadcloths. Venetians, berges, etc. We have the: qualities at all prices. - Never before have we shon _ - - " ' quauues m an tn“--. Never before have we shown such a wealth of designs in . Keph to Chambrays, estings Yash Fabrics l’iqugs, éwiss Muslins, Plain white' and printed organditss,1ris,h Dimities, Embroidered Linens Black and white, black and Navy muslins and novelties. See our beautiful floral muslin dengue. 20e per yd. ._ J “was fun descriptions & pgices but we have opened orset Lomtort ( 8th to 13th, Fithing colored dainty effects e've been preparing for your Spring needs for months. Come in and see the results. Among ofher things you will notice new Dress Goods and suiting. the very new- cat Jesigns in colors to suit every taste. up goods are in some sides saving you an a ' can't describe hem to do as inthasiastie as we are: SHT GREY TWbbua - CREAM GROUNDS with fine Stripes lack and white checks in different sizes, some with col- F overchecks at 350, 400, i50c, 60c, 750, and $1 per yd In case you do not want a light suit what about Browns Mm]: Greens Na ' Plum or Wines - ' a-.-” Dnnlins. Etamines, The LOV LI ES T ,iiIte1E.tT-pAii1t.1'.-i?t1 James Ireland latest novelties in Ladies' For Careful Dressers DRESS GOODS ll descriptiois & prices up and axe showing: fort L5; cases cheaiser all ihe bother of In: D do Lustice. are 3 out them, Stunning effects. We “‘0 showintt I rich displuy of 90" shapes aid designs in all the new Ell“? column 25tt tott.00 tlt-So preei.ly mtde. Trt) MttX1rfAJiiif,8,,, --"""""--, Lustre, Poplins, em all in different W I JECKWBAR Branding. till Easter Sunday. ,r"'r'hsj'roirsiiiith0AurY. describes in a measur- our beautiful and exten plate in every detail also OVEBCHECK SUITINGS 1908 and Weekly Globe & Canadian Farmer t1000 worth .import- ed Ssoteh & English “brig to choooe from. to your order 15 tot20. We can all s few more orderl before Easter tho buy. Easter Suiting} ior men s, Etamines, weights and iiiihitliiiitiii, 'iii";') Balmy spring. Good Friday iomorrow. Eggs are going doubly down. Have. you seen the plough going yet. Don't you wish you had one in that back yard? Brush up. 8031x533 cHasme.--Bareltty & Bell have sold their undertaking depart" ment to Mr Alex Bell. Br., of this town and Allan Bell of the firm of Barony and Bell hasheen engaged as under- taker. Day and night calls attended The belt way to guard against "homes of “rafters and keep up-to- duo in general is IO he a regular read- er of this newspaper. It " always the one who do" not lead " home Duper who gets cnught by the grant-rs ard fakirs. 83mm: POLICE MAortrrrtArm-On Monday, A case, the rerult of a quarrel and f1sticitfts between John Burns and Fred Noble WM tried here and both parties fined, the former $3.00 the lat- [Pr " oo, Burns was the agmessnr hut this being his first conviction was let oft easily. Iq 2iri.:a-.y.,ow_ltlf.i89 ! iiiiiliiiiisfBT8l'l Miss Ida Dick of Durhhm. has snub-l ed a branch millinery Mote in Holstein I and has rented a. show room in the Hols'ein Supply Co. building. She will have her stock ready and prepar- ed for n. millinery opening next, Wed- needny and Thursd ty, the 27th uni l 28th inc: and following days,--Leader' IMPROVED tyrsurtrrB.--We hear it mooted that our council contemplate improving our main street by having it covered with crushed atone. This will be gratifying news if true. Mean- while if this can't be done there should he a cement crowing made some where near Lenuhan and McIntosh? store, Anyone contemplating crossing there i during the last week will second this. LAY Tu: FOUNDATION RIGHT:- Not every boy can be A rich man, but every boy can be a gentleman. A Loy with gentleumnly manners, who is trusty and honest. and does his very best every day, will gain the attention and cunfldeuee of men and will be given paying and responsible pnsitinns as sum: as he is old enough to fill them. Boys like to have fun and a good tune. lt is right. they should. They will I Mum. m r...” hm. (nu-(n but to have: never be hors but (nu-c. but, to have fun is not altogether what they are made for. Boys are of value ri'_.ii,',iiii) to make men. good for something in the World. Character, like a house," must have the right kind of a found- Atmu. The foundation stones of n. good character are reverence for God, l respect and obedience to parents, de- l terrace for old people. TRY IT IN DURHAM: -A plan torl" drswing trade to a town that has been l y successfully worked at several pointsl“ might be adopted to advantage in this / town. The plan is its follows; An _ agreement. was reached between all;' the merchants whereby they otnwert, special Isles on certain days, each ‘I merchant selecting some special line of ' goods upon “hich they made a lower l 1 price than usual. Thus one dry goods l house would sell gloves at a. special l price. while another would reduce the. price on 'skates. Ever y line of busi- ness was represented and care was tak- en that no conflicts should occur, Prizes were then offered to the farmer I bringing in the best lead of grain or) the hands ,mest luthy and the hatrgain‘ day was extensively advertised in the surrounding country, the names I) their merchants and their special sales being in all cases stated. The farmers responded in a most gratifying unm- ner and the merchants were well pleased with the plan. The idea has already been carried out in soversl town-Ex. 'riiriiiriiir,- THURSDAY. MARCH M, 1907 TrEeiaiiij'ii"o'fii)9o BANK JOIN! ”UV-Jan a-'v_ Deposits my be made or withdrawn by either of the two member' of s household- This {can of account isspedally nimble for those living in the county. " either number an attend to the 1a,'h1'tt,'el', in town. in use of death, the money may be with!!!“ by the survive! without by or can. Writer 0: all for further particulat- Interest added four times a year SavingsBank Oepaetntetttin Connection withdl Branches- m-----------'"""""""" J-ohn Kelly. unqu- .m” “3° AT “3.10. All) ’"c‘m‘o guard against v u ",'"..try'""" - OF CANADA Hen d o.tttit-cc..c.c-fror"" JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS DURHAM BRANCH mas-nan» "" j Lscrmsu club was held Monday even- ‘ing in W. u. Vollelt's barber shop. iThe general opinion of the mating IHuts that prospects are brighter this {year than ever before for entering a. Iatrong team in the intermediate ser' imQLA i The following ottteem were elected. lw v. - --. The following oftteeN were elected. Patron-H. H. Miller M. P., R. H. McWilliams C. w. Doherty. President-W. Calder, Vice Pvesuient--O. A. Darling. sees-J. R. Darling. Treas--E. M. Wolfe, It,xecutive---J. U'. Telford, Dr Picker- ing, B. Matheson, W. C. Valli-l. ll, li. Mockler. ing, B. Matheson, W. C. vollet, H. ll. Mockler. Dr Burt medalist in diseases of the eye. ear. throat. and none will be at the Middnngh House, Durham. Wed. April 3rd.. from 11 ttrd. Eye: tested and glasses titted, Be sure in read the article "The Joy- Y fill Sunday' it is ttom the Deliuetttor. (mo of the best magazines. On page 8. Speaker Hon J W St John was tak- suddenly ill on Sunday and within a few hours was operated upon for ap- penrlieitis. He is in a very critical condition. Mr J. S. Duff, M. P. P., L West Simcoe has been appointed Spea- l ker pro tem. The annual meeting of the Durham I tl M. P's and M. P. P,'s were present and -- _ representatives of other prominent f'" bodies and public men. From the mg Representative we tnkethe following hlu extract l "All thnt was mortal of Thus tit Martin late M, P., for North lVellinn- no ltou, was. reverently laid to rest in Mt. Br Forest, on Friday sfttrnoon and the on last rights were attended by one of the l le/ largest concourses Mt Forest hats ever di seen at a. funerrJ. Westminster m Presbyterian church " which the or service was held, was crowded with an sc, assemblage representing every creed, M class, religion and political fuith. The h lupin-ions church was crowded to the doors. and many were unable to gain ll .ladmlttance. The town tlags were half u I‘iuasted, and the public' places of bus- , I _ iness closed out of respect to the de. ‘l s I. cessed. Pulpit, choir, railing and organ T , l of the church were heavily draped in ' J', black, The service was conducted by t a), the pastor, Rev w. G'. Hanna, assisted t h l by the Rev J. G. Reid, pastor of Beth- l rf f el and Exist Noruisnhy. and Rev, M. U. l T Cameron of Harriston, Rev Mr Hsn- l la n». delivered an impressive sermon‘ d after which representatives of the l 'se, Senate and House of Commons Wale i- invited to speak. Senator McMullen r- who was visibly affected, referred to u. the deceased in his relationship to the a; church,--a devoted member of the Drisession, and a pillar of the church "_,,:')',', ml was his father before him. Mr. H. H. my Miller, oi South Grey, and Mr. Hugh l of Guthrie of South Wel1intttou, spoke I” briefly but earnestly. The Hon. J. M. m, Gibson spoke of the deceased as a. man .n- of sterling, genuine, and companion- mu able character. They did not sq yet - . . I --- lens. is... Lacrosse. for one year, to new Subscribers, Only $1.00. South Grey. and Mr. Hugh ir of South Wellington, spoke u at earnestly. The Hon. J. M. g poke of the deceased as a. man .3, genuine. and companion- meter. They did not as yet t he extent of their loss, but the t [would be missed more when l anions came to them. I eeesseese-sssseeese-'"'""s i , _ ll) BANK I 1tgit)it), At the close of the meeting of the Lord" Day Alliance on Mondny even- ting. the large audience remained‘ i seated to discuss or listen to the ques- Stion before the (-ouncil of granting or I infusing a license for a pool or billiard _ groom in town, Theupphcant is aRan t lover man. and he is no doubt will- ging to pay the license fixed by the iconncil name year! ago. which was, if Ci remember aright 8200. I Ree Mr muquharson was in the (chair and called for expressions of o. ‘pimon. Rev Mr Newton in no uncer- cc, sound gave his opinion as de- 1iilir),r adverse to such an institution. mev's Collin: and Bwe folluWen in 'the some emphatic strain. Several _ GiL spoke and the feeling seetued to 'lhe unanimous that no consideration ' of increased revenue or solit-itude for lirecreation, should he allowed to de- ride the matter. Mrs Bracket spoke - of the necessity of having some same _ amusement for the use ot the young c. who desired to associate and thought - that. under the. Very best management a ‘and freed from all lowering nssociv -. tions, the game Itself might be per rl misai'nle. Mr Geo-1uroullttadwatctr . ed one in operation in Scotland and J there it was degraded with liquor as lociatiunu. . ' . "I _ o - thee " wan degraded WI h liqu . an The Tote (m Iocmuuna. on Mr Jacks: The following resolution was unan- mince. Whelr imously carried: “That, Ibis meeting 'l,') “me "g having discussed the question of grant- 1,",'C'llhfi',,' a; ing a license for n pool or billiard mom next netioit, ts by our council. hereby express our l resenluu-m. v - . --_-- iheiietuakitt more " was uegmucu "m. m, “w "' '0'5'51'0'19- on Mr Jacksott--wt" Laken in com- The following resolution was unam- mince. Whelan' Lenshan and SWAM- imously carried: “That [his meeting '??5. voting for $150. Uocln-ana and Mc- having discussed the question of umnt- Gorey “In tut 8100. The mayor vo!y.d . . . . as I‘ilh his right and made a ue. His Ittgtb license fora poolor bil.'iard room next. actinn. and the one that rotused by our council, hereby express our Ti,e'/l,",1'ys \vaslvoling again what-Ink . . . .- t e He um 'mg l 19 vote to ... , tis Itfong dlsnpprcynl ot my"!!! such pet to our mind. has not been prcved nuuwn and ask Mr Cochrane, a legni yet, but the Mayor on Tuesday member or the couneil, to preteen' bad another reason, and n Mrungur‘ this resolution, it carried to the meet- one, Hm! Mr Swglluw's vole P"."' nut ing of the council to marrow night." letpyl 00H”): on his nwn uQmmsmn he , . . t d ' iyiV.iuottityAry. Thiwraise0stor1". Carried unnnunonlly 'r a sun mg If this was to he. than n vote (m the vote. other aide was te.1t'11:,v, weak. Name ' , , ' being enmndmh. visrs Wiwlatt and IN Tm. COUNCIL 1 swallow mum-d Cochrane and binned ---- - the Mann fur nut Immmg huu H.150; -- . ' ' _ .k...a “amen --...._ The foregoing was written before the tueeting of council on Tuesday evening. A delegation of the four clergymen I" town, with u. layman from each of the churches was presem 1.... In' than: was no need of vigilance but lvl there was no need of vigilance nor ofaction since not A. mm) at the l council bound contemplated suwtio'." ling a license! Mayor Calder was (blamed by some of the council for Mining the mutter up and themupim narrated the part he had played. Bruce, the applicant, had waited up" on him in his illness, told him he Ind ‘secn the members of the coanetl in- dividually and all were Willing for a. meeting than night. the new could I occupy the chair and the matter could mm. In) uptlled. Bruce excepted Deceased was a widely in South Grey. and so cal in other ways came prc fore the public. Two That Pool Roan " Railway men are assuring property rownenl on George St. thug the railway [in going through their propety and a home hunt is in W. {or could see no reason for cy and declined to call I. no hurriedly. The version and Lenuhun gave of their with Bruce agreed with ce told the Mayor, hat there " alivnrqenl‘e in the other of having some sane the use ot the young “sociute and thought Very best management all lowering nswcix- a “self might be per ieu‘lurnhull had watch- lion in Scotland and naded with liquor au- CEMENT Worms. I a the big rotaries" I the work of an- full swing. Grind- und prospects are mum and number and. Wilder's lake of supply for this a not teem possible reach the Remove: The rumor and announcements that. an attempt was being made to get the council Lu issue a hueuw for a pool room drew acrowd w the special meet- ing on'Iuesduy. The pool loom dia- c.ut ion is dealt with m another ul- ticle; it was cmupumuvely "eusv." the amusement, hummus of wrestling “AL ac, InuuunI-usllll) mugle Watt um Bull-c 'utllu -...-.__, With the ,Lreauureshlp tangle strenoun. The [dayorwas In me 11 after his Illness. pleasantly me reeve to In: bell mm tm Ute business. Yes. Camel Ig required no aoctoc'tt cer prove may. Baum-y mm was turned "3&1:st nun but acumen. tus ready Lungue. turban].- temper. repelled a and he came up smiling mu victorious. A letter [tom Kr Beau, who was ap- l pomled lieauuttt by By-taw, WM read claunnug recompense tor outlay. l re bonds, (ha, though he uchr 1e. cewed the “no“. beua letter to the Mayo: wast-end from Lucas, Wright tutu McArdle dummy: Mr Jackcou was sun l'reauururuud un- pwceedmga surrounding we vow were Illegal: then mule. one trout the town whulur panning out by clause and section oi the acts that. the pruceedlugu were legal. and lbereyou were; a. Hummer de jure. and a treasurer the facto, _ maternal for " tlite squabble and law bo buck both sides. 10e Aunvuu nu. .._._ "777., .. The Mayor effectively cleared himself _ on this point. and Mr chhvmw indig- ttantly hurled track the insutuatiort. ' P.eeve Saunders. (not. in the coancn1 " the time) thought the whole procr'et)- ings had been illegal, and was gently reminded by the M nyor that, it scur- cely lwmuno him to talk of illegality. when he had lwgunhis mimic! ml ca- I-L-cr illegal " causing A new Jet-Lion. Mr Mchhlin had a constructive sotutiouarepeal the luv-law appoint iug MrBl-im. then Mr Jarkson Wiitii still Tronsurvr undoi- the lw-law otl 1505, appointing tnut Treasurer at, $85- lt lie refused this their course was clear. Finally a suggestion " the Mayor was put into a motion by Mr t',oeltrane that the Finance committee wait on Mr lit-an and Mr Jackson in an amicable spirit, and undewv‘n to sumo to an uttiierstrtidiug and report l on Monday next. Town Council. Mr Archie McDouguil. for a number of yams on the Chronicle staff, left on fiaturday to take possrssiun of the Tiverton ' Watchman,' which he pur- chased recently. Archie is a native up nmhmm learned his trade in the of Duihouu. learned hi: trade in the; Review oftlee, is a young mom of or" emplury character and. understanding t the mechanical part ot the i,r,',','C'ii,'ii! thoroughly. will he sun- to make of it! a success. We heartily wish him auc- cess in his venture and eoturrarulmte the town on securing cur \owusumn who will help along heartily the Civic life of the blue. The Baptist church and social lite here will miss him and I his wife. ("i"he Sovereign l Bank of Canada The annual meeting of the South] Grey Rifle Av.riorintiott will he held in the town hull, Durham on Thursday March 28th for the election of amt-em and transaction of other important trasinesm All members are I‘t-quosted to attend. others interested in Rifle shaming. welcome. It, Tottrty, Capt. Head Office - RANDOLPH MacDONALD. 1 General Bankin- Capital Subscribed. Capiml fully te .. Reserve Fun . . . .. “woven... .... was In his place. again a, pleasantly welcumed- In “at and took hold of Yes. taider's better, , doctor's cevuticuste Lu Baum-y an,“ bum” . '1 |......| r1 the mlary quest i.on--u?t NOIICE J. A. DARLING. Secy. tad at constructive me Irv-law appoint. I Mr Jackson was der the hv-law ot m Treasurer' at $85. but his legal w, his imper- l every actac* and generally J. G. TELFORD. gend for them to-daY- J . P. TELPORD. Pros for a numlotr RIO ARCHIVE§ TORONTO Lrkiuy, Vice-President. D. M. STEWART, General Manager. :y.y.y.'.'.y..'.'.C..C-0---t 3,9N,000 ......'. I'.'.'.'."..".".:.....----, t,265,000 5- ..t.o- Mnrtmt. Inward theditod My. Swim“ Department. Extraordinary Publiuhon of the Wacky. mono m thusadn Fume: we no a to lake s wonderful clubbing otNe. We will lend the Review Ml Woolly Globe to - . “In for (I -}\Al ttt ad. " luv "ii-W"" Jul: l, I” for GI -h~| m nu- Vance. This otter will hold good for e limited Lime. Sample. es Review otBee. The Review , -- _ -- ' Salulday. sou: -h.--N. u. I a. McKechnie will sell by public auction B mm. tour cows. and a In rite quantity of new and newly new tarm imple- ments. Rule takes place at. their tumble: on South Queen tit., Durban. A . . . "‘------ m---m..6mr cent menu. Bale mites place at, table: on South Queen Bt., Du! a 2 o'eiock, Terms. 10 mom. 6 per " tor cub in lieu ot notes. Joan (Juan. Auctk Fun: excwuiaJ. Duels. Inn w. mum. walk and Plastering of two News in basement of Durham Public School. Plans and specit1cuuiorw to be seen“. the otBce of J. P. Telfurd. Tenders recrivgl up to 30 March, Ig07 The 2nd a 3rd division- of Lot No. l6.con t, E, G. R. in the township of Glens!“ 100 acres. Known as the “Mc- Kinnon Farm” an the Rocky Snugeen. Immediate posse-0km given. For pu- ticulnn apply to J. P. Telford. thsted March llth A.D. 1907. Short born bull tor agitation. one ye (lurk roan. Terms rem to can; mums. Pun“ an mmsaV NEW trrrrrttats.---' is this week luv handsome new fl wasn't bard nature now. We ncwhave on display the largest stock of Canadian and American wall capers ever shown in Durham. FOR SALE OR TO RENT Our stock for this Spring is all as we had a very large wall paper trade last year which cleared up our stock and for this aeason we are showing everything brand new in WALL PAPERS. We guarntee to sell you the brand new goods cheaper th an you will pay elsewhere ior old stock. We show you the verylatest Patterns mauufactured by the Mamie Co. of Toronto-- called the Menzie Line We show you the very lat: st patterns manufactured by - - n - " at”- President. R. B. Keeler & Sons Line. We show you the very lattst patterns manufactured by the Watson Foster Co. of Mon- treal also; these are the very best Mrg's in Canada and again we show you everything that is new and up-to-date manufactured by Janeway and Carpender, the largest manufacturers of Wall Paper in America. Handing these three linenwe have the strongest line of Papen ever shown in this part of the Sale Register country Come me see tne new goods-- It will pay you well. tenderiivanted - - Toronto at Keele/s. G. Batman. m bull for Newliuihle for t, one yen old. Color, Terms reasonable. Apply Bull for Sale Big Stock of Silverware just opened up. Wall P The price amashers. Durham and Wellund Wu [mu an rrs. Rocky Bungee“, ..--The Sovelign Bulk lining inumllei very 7 Bank furnitum. It are it, will be better - I”?! ..te Durham. Luck. And ce. Auctioneer. on display WE Secs, aper w ' “I

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