West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Mar 1907, p. 4

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During 2farvtyiurrs SUMETHING NEW IN WASHERS: 'rAt.eefe.t.t.ttt.fU2etee only in the Raymond. tttr".""";":"'"" - - r _...J $1.59er ()ptri1.r,.ycs)l'; gmsxmmwmxmmmg £23 Taylor&Co. Taylor 8000. il .933333% a' iiN 2:3 In a week or so we shall have if, all of our Spring stock ready ii'i for inspection and do not fail to 'li see it, 125 pieces of prints to , chooseirom means 10000 yds presence at our D ring I'llluucx Opening, Wed. and hut, Mar. 'iif 8f 28 and following clays when we will submit ior your ins ec- tion the very latest st les in 'Cr. is, London, and New york Paiherlt hats and Millinery Novelties. 1ercJfohn Sara. 'tl Mills inc-a. We can give only a more list of nun-goods. but In quality and ndr ability to the needs of Suuth Grey we are not excelled: During Barrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, Hency’s Ear- -_ - . nu --A-, " --......-.-,I nvban‘nu Quiv- "ries". The be” an their line as we )Iandie only the best. Sowing 1113011111". MoClary Stoves for Agent for the Dillon Hinge Stay Fence. "KU," Wilhelm'. WrinaenTXlT made by tThTarii of Aer request {he pltasurt Lug “01'1ku. .. noun-uv- - -v..°._-, _V, - Pulmeruon Buggies. Renowned articles, Mir pt ices . MORLOCK and 75c, only 39c. U .. . _ P. 3363;. siututee 1907 Cash and One Price. "a-grad farm Maohinory. A few doors South of the Middaugh Home. our The Allen boys bid a. wood boo on Wedneodnv afternoon n upland“ lot of wood being out. In the evening the young ladies joined and helped pan: . verv plenum dine. Stlnloy Tolford left for Town» Thundog gnawing after spawn}; the . . ALC-.--- at '.ri Btlnley 1 Duo“: mu - -- n, Thundny morning that spending the winter with iriends here and n Onw- I} Idea . Mr and Mr: W. McMaekin. are sorrowing over tho loss little baby ihtdied lately. Mr John McNiece of Winnipeg ar- rived home lately. We have not beard it he has made a fortune in the wonderful wen. bat he has a good summon in a bank in Winnipeg. Received too late for taut “Mk Died at his residence in the Town- ship of Egremont, adjoining Proton, Mr Andrew Dyee, aged 39 years. We mentioned of Mr Dyee's illness in onrlast tspirg2t,"3ht',' the fare ernl was on Tae ay. Much 12th, to Woodland cemetery in Egremom. Mr Dyco was raised on the farm a a'" _ " __ L- _-...." .md died Mr uyco was ”Mac“ vu u... ___- m joining the farm he owned and died l upon in Proton side ot the township line. Mr Dyes leaves behind him to mourn his departure a wife and six children. his father, brothers and other relatives who live close by in Proton, his brother James Dyee is no; dangerously ill, linking it more or. . Mr Joseph McArdle was in Orange- vill last week attending the annual meeting of the Orange Grand Lodge of western Ontario. . . l. - nigh Ul "tuna-- v...V--__ There has been considerable sick- ness here this winter, Dre kept com- ing most every day and some cases yet. The snow has been very deep here bat has settled down very will and sleighing is still good. I {Quiet a number are preparing to go to the west this coming spring. This week' tt budget Mr Geo McLeach arrived here lest week and is supposed to stay till alter Easter. Wm Burnett is sick with mumps end eonfined to his bed for somesirne plat. -- -.. . _._-- " ungain- On thn page. D. K. McArthur is moving to the North West in a few daysil reports be true. The Sacrament of the Union church of Cedarville and Esplln was held in the Cedarville church on Sundsy. 24 March. but very few attended trom Esplin congregation on account of the bad state of the roads. In some play I es the roads were bare ot snow while in other places were heavy drifts, not tit for a wheeled rig to so through. Considerable movements are made in the sugar bush lately. It is thought this year will be a good year tor the sap business. The members ot the Bo ville church are building another and at the church. With .11 the drawback: tad dim- oulties in the northwest there incon- sidonble “it about it here. A lmre number talking ot going and mmy want to sell out to go. GiiEiriaton had a teach at [ the Grippe he: week. was Bell Dixon bu returned home and we noun one young men wear- ing a breed mile. Mile Josie Eula timed at the lhomeot her elem- In Due Gilles Hattt week. - _ _ The Dromore branch ot Women" Inetimtea will meet " the home of Mrs Robt Renwick. Br., Wednesday afternoon. April 8rd at two p. St., we would like all ladies imam in Institute work to “and. Vamey. lii'ii"ir'"r"faii, -itrda' ii and "isiy "more out. Jt tGtuUfiTiid Hindi akin; his mfg back to have luck with him. This in the due out road through town oomeq it? gem. , Iteiu high DRIER-15 Stan-ugh 311$?!an tyep/l -.----- tiopeville TORONTO Dromore. Mill Lizsio Ltuzhton who had the mintonuno to hurt her knee some time ago Is able to get around by the aid M ' crutch. we trope tshe will soon be all right agaim - _ . - ---- "a- 00 III "A". "w"'""" Mr Thomas Mention who was tut. lering with Sonnet. is, we are plans. ed to say able to be mount! again. -- __ L_-L -51, an w an; nun- -- -- Mr end In MoLem were both ail- ing last week, Ronuld MeDonnld. Implement, tV gent. ha- moved to Proton ba. tion when he intends "rryintt on - . 7, --- -.uk him 1nd " . . " A mcst thorough genuine Germination Test tron test is made in duplicate of every lot of seed we offer which is done according to the standard methods employed by the Department of Agriculture of Ottawa, Washington, and by European seed testing stations To further protect our customers a duplicate sample of each lot is sent to the seed testing branch at Ottawa tor check and comparison. With such unusal care users of Hunter's Gov- ernment standard brands in clovers and grasses have the . _-.'-.. m. not": finest grades of seeds u... ._ My, Ronuld Melba-1d. Implement, tV gent. ha- moved to Proton ba. tion when he intends "rryintt on the some bushel. we wish him Ind I',', McDonald prosperity in their new ome. Noted everywhere for {heir vigor and Purity. ttiiiiiiigrqPd QUALITY is the f1r.st t strongest _reeomryett,ie.'?, The same careful germination garden, field and papered HIGH QUALITY is the first and strongest recommendation to every buyer and user ot any kind of . seed ; the price is a second consider- ation when estimating its value and worth. When comparing both the quality and price of any seeds we offer they will be found in the buyers’ best, interests. In: "GOVERNMENT STANDARD" in R, and Timothy Seed have given unqualii moat persistent care is gwen to supply and purity obtainable. tl “i 1 we uccuuc u: _..----- v LLECTIUN cleaned seed Jud refuse any Iota con- taining such noxious weed seeds that cannot comply with the See Act. Call and examine our seeds Big Hardware and Seed Cash tor all kinds of Grain. To rota-o s paper n the postoMe' in simply . eowaedlr Way of insulting the editor and to ulna "tuse " when indebted to It only annual the malt. lot is sent to the seed team: man“. a. --._V._ - comparison. With such unusal care users of Hunter's Gov- ernment standard brands in clovers and grasses have the strongest assurance of securing the very finest grades of seeds to be had from any known sources for purity and value. garden, tie', seeds grow Hunter' s "HIGH QUALITY" in: Iriitiiuat REVIEW o--.-.------"-"- Poplar Hill artful germination tests is field and papcred seeds. --------'"""- We decline Clover Seals. HUNTER. 'imiiiiiiiiiit satisfaction. The rsuisply the highest quality " in Red Ind Alsir.e Clovers j' he underlying aim of the Imper- ial Conference which will meet short- ly in London is to bind together more closely, in bonds ot mutual sympathy and assistance. the various ports of the British Empire. Among the plans suggested for the realisation ot this aim is the formation ot s perms» nent Imperial Council. It is doubtful it such s scheme will commend itself to the Conference. Sir Wilfrid Laur- ier stated det1nitely last week that he was not in favor of such A council. Mr. Ward, the Premier of New Zeal- and, is reported as luring axons-ed himself " favornble to the pin. but tho Council which he fsvors may turn out quite different from that which Sir Wilfrid opposes.“ Acon- _.----- ._ “a... a. to purchase rough and un- i - . ----. ‘A‘- an”- WHICH OH" " 'rBBl%- vrrvvv‘. terence is unobjectionnble beams: it has no legislative, power: bat the young British nations think too much - . .d 1---)...“ And nnmnomvto 'Oullg Us - n..." s“ (if their freedom and autonomy to submit themselves in any degree to outside government. A free eliienee of sister notions with one mother end with the mother land, rather then I I federation of any tind, seems to be the direction in which the E131“; is tending. The pronoun isvor both by Sir Wilirid Leurier and Mr Ward, to seek a dehoite understanding with the Imperial Government as to the position ot the colonies with round to l British treaty obligations is in line with this .ai--Prisisbyterio. THE BIG 216nm. -aAn,ote..---.--teee: 23414: longaoln with”. pr " ”on; a"riiirriiFr.l.......-u'.t"H't. a 'lall'ttkiiiiiiiff.c)r::::::::rrafl'iti,t a 'G.llllt'liiiiiiif,Ec):::r.:y.yr.fdfgtg: a 'r'a'yGlrs'l'lGriiirc"f-"""8 Conference and Council given to every variety of We know that Hunter's Tale Linen M In wide I: s " .. as in wide to: . yd. Bleached TIN. Linen. M In wide m . yd ---. MDT lack - um um each " 3M. lawn indemn- 75cc. .1 Inch seeds at the Seed Store. mouth-diam 'ot-terr-et ttttie,h%ltfl'l8ltllatoi"ca u o---". mucus blunt... hm Ir-u a“. in whit. ik-f"""'" new 011cm 1" 134 02:6: Mien " 3:11,mb ”In..ud|; sund- Ceylon “PB“ m“ ' - C “I men-din Balsamic” no; cu RTAINS . BEAN .31“: um nixed " 25c. mace-lb. kid Calder‘c Bing I! E SELLS. Anything yon Want an from 10 as to " Every womtn would try coma of our Chine" Wu for iromng purpo u. sivtrseieirireitt1r'etr'e")l' It Easter Neckwear Ti, t Furnishings t trs Men and 't it Boys. , ' Every man and boy ' has a special June to be ' well dread at Easter time 'uiqsqutsqasatqsatb0qs#s4s "iii Our hat: and Caps are it still in full Win. " pop. it ' prim. t H. BURNETT. E. The Mai Furnish: Easter Neekwear in all t the new Spring shades in.. 6 eluding if LAVENDER iii, GREY ta LIGHT BLUE g. . Black Hurrying at 25c and 50c. - to Burnett's in man chop- _ ter 6 6 E 6 R, 4 boy t "l It; to be 6 e inter time 6 , 6 'ear in all 6 than in- 6 t K _‘___ it McQueen G: Morice THE MOST SAINTLY 74 Ha his winger eorely tried daring the invite I. contusion of Spring Home Cleaning: to taeilitate the work and shorten the period ol Domestic disturbance we have in nblndenee ell the eeeemiele such " Soap Chips new at! Powdered Ammonle. _ Ion: mun. Gum's Lye Etc-m is» ' - - " Men's and Boys' C. MoARTHUR Clothing, Ladies'Fur Coats Men's Fur Coats Fur Caps Ladies' Skirts Bargains in at Orant's HUSBAND - to rent)" it F men 2 IMPERI Re In

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