West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Mar 1907, p. 5

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E TEA, waned. Ines. 1“er min! of me l) U SBAND oats oats no 'di res mains. and " locating m ttnentr- Barr-WI You)". l " Ted orice ,mmonln. omen U0 I - to "no” Mh from trem drts curator tried durum .on of tiprieylt facilitate the he period d ' we have in rum]: such an m t's for dunk!!- isning. a. floor, W- White“: LOT us-Foe ys' Co. HUR I; F MARCH 28 190'! IMPERIAL Srrtil HYPOHOSPHITES IMPERIAL EMULSION COD LIVER on. IMPERIAL SYRUP WHITE LINE WITH ENCOLYPTOE AND MONEY. 'rl-thed-r-die. ht at: s-tneeded "ihis of In your. DARLINGS, D ARLING’S DRUG STORE. Gr after effects of Grin: our Syrup Hypophosphites is invaluable; it tones up the system. restores lost Mud reconstructs wasted tissues. . Ca People's Druggist bit' '5'.l,F.'iiisiii9TAmr -- The ratepayere of Vendeleur public it echool section will erect e monument I the coming summer to the memory 5 of the pinneere who were instrument. ' ii in forming the section. The etone l willhe plated on the school ground ', and will be erected nt a. cut ct .175 t It will he on eight foot mime column ( with urn top. placed in cement hole. 1 and will contain shout ttttr nemee of l those who lived in B. B. No 11 when t it we! to: med. - It is believed that thi- uthe tirst monument of the :hind 2e- rected in Ontario, and the good people of Vandeleur are certainly to be con- gratulated upon taking the initiative in such a pmioeworthy undertaking. and one which we hope will he follow- ed by many other school section- throughout the country. The pioneer who laid the forests low and placed the comer stone of our present meg- mfieent educational edifice was certain- ly deserving of having his name lo- cally preserved on that coming gen- erations may know whom to honour end to thank for the heritage wh'ch in km: the Pioneer! theirs. Luelru. the names to be engraved on this . monument. are as follows'. Wm and I “Milan Buchanan, June: and Jane Roland. John and Bessie Chadwick, Coiwell and Mary Carson. o. Camp. helland Jane his wife, Mrs Gooey, Andrew and Elizabeth Graham. Thom- ‘na and ROHRIIIHI Gilbert, Thou-an and Eliza Uregston. John and Hannah Holley, Wm and Eliza Hall. Junie: and Agnes Jones, Thomas and Smash Ann Kelly. Wm and Sarah B. Knight, Joseph and Maria. Lemar, Thomas and Mary Lackey, Alex Melvin and wife, Richard and Eliza Jane Smith. Wm and Mary Ann Smith. Arthur Mid Rachel Sewell. Robert. and Eliza Shun “on, Jacob and Eliza Tarts. Wut and Elizabeth Weber, Robert and Sarah Walling. John and Mary Williams. We understand thut the unveiling of this nmnnment will take place on Do- minion Day, when no doubt the event w.ll attract a meat deal of attention and n large i,vowa--Fiesherton Ad. vance. A respected friend has handed us a recent copy ol the Canadian Baptiy containing an article by the Rev 8. D. Chown, with a request for its putt- lication. We give part of it this week and may continue it in next issue; One of our trusted workers recently visited Owen Sound for the purpose ot making a personal investigation ot conditions there. He has sent us a long report containg so many proofs oi'the success oi Local Option that we are embarrassed with riches. We quote largely from bis f1ndingts be- cause. though the story may bel sim- ple, it speaks to the heart, and in a very realistic war sets forth the great advantages of Local Option. Me.' He found that Owen Sound had long been noted as a stronghold of the liquor trattle. For some time. prior tothenow order of things, el- even licensed hotels, two licensed liquor stores, and two breweries stood committed to the character destroy- ing, tir%gard-rnakfrtg business. The bar, with its base of supply. the brew- eries. was a power felt in the social‘ political and tinaueial affairs ot the town. It was a school of sin, a real iactorv of evil, turning raw material into rowdyism, sober boys and men into cots. As a legitimate business. it was worked to the full limit the law allowed. and scarcelv made a L pretence of being law abiding. In 5 the Local Option fight a. year ago, it was stated on the public platform, and later in the public prints, that every hotel in Owen Sound was a dive --.a place where liquor was sold illegally- and no attempt has been made to re- . into the charge. Our informant says' ti that one hotel keeper, even boasted of P2L. the fact that he took in $200 between Saturday night and Monday morning. A hotel which made a pretence ot keeping a moral house was visited by a nrominent man in the town at ten o'clock and again " three o’clock ‘99 in the morning and at both hours ad men were drinking " the bar, and on as many at three as " ten. an “armour or Busmms MEN 1 A very large majority of business It - men intervieWed were warmly in favor of Local Option. The bulk of d the evidence goes to show that the 0 - business of the town is not dependent ual upon the bar. That the seller of merchandise ismsde richer by first making the huge: poor, is a theory that never he s practical demon- stration to support it. The increased 'EI business ot t e town cannot be " - _ - w ‘__-.-I han A Local Option in Owen Sound who use. “We huehadeeuom.” aid one bunker. “when we would tTGkitartandtrs Wk for . time. and then get quite quiet. but I nov- er remember having not I may - rut-nod bnllnel u this gum; -.. up - -__,,, met." "Y em doing three hundred " dollers more tnde not month." mid , mothermen in the meet bushel. G "Where msny {emine- cursed with i drink bought hails before. they ere ' buying meets now sud paying for l them." He was ' it there wee sny striking instsnee of this. He re- t plied. "Yes. 1 have in my mind . t men who never come into the shop ( himself, but eent hie little girl. Now he eomee himeelisnd buys iowls and I 'o ttso! beef. 2git9 he bought noon! the cents worth boiling meat or iiver." A tanker ssid " am sell- ing two thousand "tt hundred lanes of bread more per week." A grocer in reporting inoreese of trade esys. "the working olsseel are buying _ more luxuries and muting better‘ . payment." A dry goods merchant . eports that he in doing from one . thousand dollsrs to fifteen hundred dollars: month more busineee. en t increase of tram twenty to twenty ' tive per_cent. snd oheeryes ain‘t. the _-__- v.....'.- " enu- iiiireTisiaa "ii-S buying Enter more largely into the act or buying than anything else. If the price is right, the quality good and the assortment good. buying is easy. . A Blended liiloyr we; BLENDED FLOURS are The famous Bread It qualities of Ontario full w‘ with Manitoba spring wheat, and nutriment. Lenahan 8, melntosh. BLENDED FLOURS are not only the best for all home baking-ther are also the MOST ECONOMICAL They yield MORE bread, cake and pastry to the pound than any other Get a small bag just to try. You will order a bigger one, the next time. PRICE We invite all to come and visit our show rooms and we feel satisfied that prices and quality will suit. That is what makes buying easy at this store. We. have got the stock, the quality, the prie- es, snd can suit the wants of all If anything is wanted in Hardware. Tinwsre, Gran- itewsre, Furnaces, Stoves and Ranges, Wooden- were, Floor and wall varnish, Stains or enamels, Mked Paints, etc., when you can save money by buying here. For the past week we have been endesvoring to get our Furniture in shape for our customers. On or about April 8 we intend opening out a full line ol Furniture. Picture Moulding, Baby Carriages, Go Makes the WHITEST BREAD " " LIGHTEST BISCUITS " " TASTIEST PASTRY " " DAINTIEST CAKES (of Ontario - “who!” Carts etc. BUBBLE REVIEW. E QUALITY ASSORTMENT . better WHEY. QM” a [m- u M.'..---"" and that he had en incensed M. eeen hundred domain the m It: [noodle- Anoeher petunia the same “nocturnal. whomnhec. P, B. etude. emanating to I few hundred dollars. is doing hotter busine- on thtt whole than before. One at the lug- eet preview men in mm: report- in- crease end better gyms» at neconnu and meme 2: and. "The mmjodty at medium on grace. n are in the nune of men who drink. " Annie denier aid. "We are one thou-end doll“: in dance tf, what we t'htiutll, huh year. no men o " t " we tgittQ1t), F. {we}? one. "an '$0ttWuBro" “D. I “In"... ---" the whole collection: ere better. The only wey we can mount tor itie the: the money in not spent for liquor.' A men in the helm at being mound the hotels ot the town, said, "it does inot seem like going into . hotel in Owen Sound ttow.. It's quiet end end it's queen. " I The her bueineu ttattttttt $ny boot any consider-hie one. use there in not the crowd near it to do bueineu with. The trusted law may bar, bni the crowd panel on. but thion he- knocked the bottom out ot we have been endeavoring to get shape for our customers. On or intend opening out a. full line of a Moulding, Baby Carriages, Go- itie bar. e TWO flours in one. snd Pastry making wheat-are combined which adds strength E535 into the act of Who-t) otattbetlyer LOOK HERE, mm I had Mo . .boye Durham, very tine buildin: anmw for 315' 1 had no we! of Good will show Durban. well improved. with very fine t,Pll'Gt navel-tint! in the Blvuiw for . I can now all it for . good deal lo“ and ITIS A BAR. GAIN. . Then I have A 100 ACRE well im- proved firm neu- Durham, (not I will sell VERY CHEAP or trnde for other property. It's a map. For consider- nbly under '8000 I will sell 100 acres in Bentlnck. with good soil. brick veneer- ed and fume house. large frame bank _ barn. fume otabies and pig auntie!i good orchard. This in really a. ouwttlce I have also a. great lot of other pm: portlzsfor ttate and 3. MILLION DOL-) LA of MONEY to lend " very low rum. I COLLEGE DEBTS. carefullr treating All kinds of WRITINGS, at I h P. R. Tickets to all points WEST mo sell OCEAN TICKETS. Every kind of legitimate businen attended to. Everything private. Our Motto l "Alw' y: p ompt, Never Negligent. , sum and Inn-lumen. The school ll tumouxhly equl in whim: atrtiitr,ip cmlosl nod rgght'flul,lfi15 5nd 'tttintrh to. tor full Junior Lenin; and Intric- ululon GW. The following competent lull ( me In chm-n: T303. ALLAN, In. Glut Canaan. when»! I18! LOLA MOLEOD. B. A., Honor Graduat- at Queen's Ualreraitr, Clmch. Modern: And Engluh. I18! M. ik HOLLAND Pirgt Cl»: Penman Bud third you undergnduute of Queen'l [Minx-I13 . Science, Mary and G'eogmphr. ""-". -e.-" _,, - Mn; of the term " possible billed It magma nun. um swan town, mkin place for “an... -- -.-_- -- - - -- _-..' r”... -_--' - FEES: 01 per mouth In sauna. WmJonnuon.Sr., G. Rama... ctssiratstt. net-"Mn Durham School landing summ- Ihould emu n the begin . ' - W n _---n.l- unu-d nun be ob The Hanover Con voyancr FLOUR In connection with our great Globe Oder. soon to expire. we will. for 8111) send the Review to new subscriber to Jun I, was. and the Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer with illustnu mpplement for one your. Ogilvie's “Royal Household" Keewatin SEEDS Clove: . li. MILLER, The strongest may? Mutual Ptm {maniac tht. Sn ontario, A reoo without ter,tllt as! . jun rewu'd for honest emu-u. mod ma unrated by m: Government. ', lam We: no - plow!" upon the 1m known pun. ' or ' you blunt panda {and on we - lnmlnent or one 2t','ffl'o' 'rrtem ttnder the mod bvonbu eon mm to the insured. 11mm in the tteat. " your sumo. "Pirm thi, "" I all on, or drop . and to aura, 0.009ng um. ”All”. Ann. M“ AOreat Bollar's Worth mum 66 Five Roses "--The very best Keewmin make. A carlond just received. FIELD AND GARDEN. MATTHEWS a, LATIMER vet and Timothy and all var- ieties of Gnu-den Seeds in a- bundance for Spring growing Highest gt ades only. [In nub can. - v." r - ',liii'ic Bond cm be ob mm. Durhtm in n healthy mkm‘ it . mo" desirable W , FIT) ARCHIVES' TORONTO J. G. mnn!0N, Mo., G. I. -eoo-ttryttte" nil-.0003 0M. oau,eee1tne,frttrttsu'gu't"" - 'i;dGriukti. ONMM' um nun-m to locum. you“. DI) u to limp” (MN York) yo Ila-nub. Eye. Ear, Eggs & Throat '-" I. I H P. .. .- Teleehene Col-Mel Mo. om» our J . oihoe,t8rtmtttt, - - - - VIN-w- wulhosuhe [who‘ll Boat. m. the In mam-y o Ouch homunc- lo.. In. all 4 p. In. RPit -:is-Ea:ioxeus=1 W. C. PICKERING o. o s, L. B. S. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Boyd Uollm of Dental Surgeons of ontario, Boo-II Over J t J HUNTERS New Own ARTHUR GUN. . a-sau-tsms-o"-"' Wanna-ham HONOR GRAD!) A" Tacoma Uni"! a! an" Bum college tteabal Sauce 00. century in s" in uncut». Jttiee--thuder"t, Block, over Post once Barristers. I a. Mun-v K-c-i -att Q, "may. was. I") O“ to Knpp'l (Kev York) B' ttai-li. io HOURS l Banister DEIQ' TAL- . F. GRANT D. D.S., L. Thurs. Solicitors. Convoysnoen. Honey‘s; Loan. nice. McIntyre Block, over the Bank a unit-- K.c.: w. F can. Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Marriage Licenm. A gen- eral timsuciM business transacted. DUBHAI. ttttS. (Lower Town) eral ARTHUR ll. JACKSON D. Mo, MACKAY * DUNN. JOHN 01:53! muster. Solicitor In Supreme Court Notary Public. Commissioner.“ Money to Low. ttBee. over .1 ml 'au Jewelry Store. Tenn: DON“ to an». m... Bee, Durham ther", or to “waded to, Emma a "mo Moenned otettorer tor the m. of out. - gammy Amended to. Bateq ”a“. Men am he left " Ma undead» - v'i'l'l'll.' Iotlnnon‘o old and. an ”In“ ' on. Notary P Mee, 2tccustioxviaer2n' Peter Hamilton AGENCY DB. BURT - W. --""".'""e -i" u an. on M Call. cum: not!" ----" - ---------------t-=r=a Itple w an swan ammo Hummus The Improved Radon! can. tteg-tet", C “in any Chums. Wanton. Walnut. ifiFFdelEte: Baku. lam. Bind- 1mm. ad tetml to tmit puck-CI. or to Lie mica tad A. B. new. been! cotivoi.t...hA.t2!i!h .otwed Auctioneer tor 00. Ute', mode-um Lamina": toe Ola " I. Aw... man be e It the Review ot- u'hun. '1’ Compondenoew or to Ceylon P. o., wilt be pun-pay aim. mo on aionMo'"o _.7__â€" on“ . P. TELFORD a to " "r. Ceylon tshire, Commissioner. . lcPHAlL. ,PHAIL- ’ . Ham's Licensed the Uounty of arer. hu . telephone ole.- ki, Ceylon P. o: i . BAIAGI, Durham 7-49.- 3.1. of on, Ga. UN, b,

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