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Durham Review (1897), 28 Mar 1907, p. 7

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1tgeg,etgt't B, B0SWTALS, win my» an w so! VI. trtho I II a pun rather - i?“ mars! 9”. ” II. -- ngt ttt " for!" an!“ BIOS a... et 1'. Indy © an All". " " " ARK id .'ll id " ,, in: IRANSVAAl tygtuhlilltitiT WMQEF'“M Willie-had lie "hsiati U Already Itisali-ed. tmpltrymettt of Chinese as "has to l'rvtorin, Transvaal, Tanned, Merck I" .... . v" "v -- 25.- The first Parliament of the Tma- ---. mi Colony, under the newly granted 3111mm omens “rattan constitution, met here this morning in AGAIRST “1800 BOSS. tho mil in which the Ute Presidaot Km. __ 3"" prtuti H."" ey “a" ttver sit. Son Francisco. Cal., March 2g.--totr tings ot PM Upper .Votsraad of the five indictments were presented in“ s,,rth Afriean “Hum”: In a mach " yesterdny afternoon by the grand jury 'ie 4-101“ng of the Legislature the Earl ngninst Abe Ruef, for bribery in con- oi Mimi”, High Cotntnimimter for neetion with the United Rnilroeds. Smith Afrion, said: United Go Company Ind Home T910. “My Ministers have resolved that the phone franchise and the prize fight ttef" nnpinyment ot Chinese in the mines mite, and ten against T. V. Husky, in chm cease at, the earliest pokttthet mo- connection with the Pacific States Tele- ment. As to the Chinese already an- phone Company franchises. ploy ed there, my Ministers will not take The judge asked the district attorney any steps to prevent their reparation what he thought was fitting bail. Dis- " the end of the imicmuree, mum th triot Attorney Lnngdon said $5,000 tath are convinced that such reputation 'i1jil'trii',; on each indictment end $10,000 In . A _ enh- ulna-9 “(OTB an dfmiv. bonds. _ .. . ‘t. "a. (air played there, my any we?! to pr at the end of the " convinced th ployed there, my Miniigs will not take my steps to prevent their fl,,'iilltl,'ir, at the end of the indium, ulna uni t ere convinced thnt such "Wu vi l have to take place before an diet“. I substitute either in the fan of other unskilled labor or improved WWI l appliances. has been found.' ‘ The disposition of tho new ”meat of the Transvaal to exclude all Mimics from work in the mines is shown by the faet that the "Asiatic ordinance” recent- ly disallowed by the Earl of Elgin, See. retary of State lor the Colonial, after it had passed- the late legislature, is min puirli:hed in the otiieial Gazette here, in. divuting that among the first acts of the u--w parliament will be a reenactment of this measure, in spite of the opposi- tion of the Imperial Government. The Asiatic Orin-um. London. March gs.---The "Asiatie ord- inance," which the Transvaal Parliament puma,“ to rennet. although " the oresent time aimed specially at British proposes to re Ere-sent. time ai Indians, who " traders in the mm! to exclu mini“, who Africa in inc" present time aimed specially Iv an"-.. Indians, who are ousting the small white traders in the Transvaal. is equally in- tended to exclude the Japnneoe or other Asiatics, who are emigrating to South Africa in increasing numbers. Sir Gilbert Parker, who represents the colonists in the House of Commons on this question, is quoted to-day in an In- 1 terview a saying: "If. u I am sure it will, the Mn:- vaal Parliament remnants the Asiatic ordinance, the Imperial Government will hardly venture to disallow it again, an over 99 per cent. of the whites in South Africa thoroughly approve of it." -.------ SUCCESSFUL YEAR REPORTED, WITH A BALANCE " BAND. have” Ind. w. Mi. s. MEEIING. T The election ot c and other business t1 Church this morning peas Made Toward a Union of the Women's Foreign and Home Mis- sionary societies-meet' of Offi- cers to Take Place Today. CHICAGO Game on Four Days and lights, and Still in Pr--over, 810,000 Said to Have Exchanged Hands. l" _ mouth-e days and mgn V ndjourned from M: 238 North Clark street More than $100,000 I lost, as is reported. P other quarters six par greatest game ever In The worn and pollid gs ed by their Maui to resume put. Four of the phyen l only in their out: ni hat Saturday, vagina br high stakes. Mont Team, on. Int nnrblerr,_ fr." r for high stakes. Mom. Tonnes, one of Chicago’s Jritp mt. gamblers, was reported to have n loser " high a 320,000. At My- break he wu 'io,000 behind the gene. In three hours he had tmined beck tu,000 of an amount. l Ole jackpot of 89,000 We: lost. by Team with tour of . kind in his land. He "bucked" min“. a straight fhtatt, I we rehted. Two new phyel’s were celled into the a: during the night to make It In. ed. The presence of relreilled phy- ae revived the Weekend WWII- - time- h not twenty-dour noun a... worthy the one we: bur-ml»- ed to; pull. One Inn’s eyes p" out 1-..“: M than for In hour, rKEI’ rotllt or h MO. to, Much ga---A unusuall- ,auw, unsung through tour our I days and nighu, was hurried- urned from Magnet Hotel, No. rth Clark street, only today. than $100,000 has been won and is reported. Publicity drove to [Hilton " participants of the ' game ever known in Chicago. In and pallid gamblers are declar- their {dent to have pinned to GAMBLE]! LOST 39.000 ON JACXPOT PLAY. not in can ”a", --,, “my the gum wu “W nods. One Inn’- eyes 9n out was forced to stop for a: hour. f the Board of Manuge- l by Miss McMichael, My. noted L'",',,',',' ot rork under t care ot '. W. 11. M. S. " Atlin, Siiton and Vegreville. so made of progre- of a union of the Women's me Missionary Societies. t Miss Helen Macdon- Mm... mulling $22,- of officers will be 93 transacted in Co player' hid been A ,:_|.5 .ntl t P"'.""" ..-e- - seats night and day since curing . mm. of chi!” “not! end as": were served to .the ex neted players. The men. im Chi. eMoanB, were in the front parlor of the lhotel. No noise could be heard in the hotel but the nttle of the chip: and lute subdued voices of the men. A limit of 8200 In made. but jackpoxs wore opened for their nine. The game began mildly with a 810 limit and soon rounded into table stakes. From this it we: worked up before mid- night into a 8200 limit. the play twin}: stul for all that each man Bad in from of him up to 8200. l ' . . I A AL» A‘I ill be held in Cooke’s ... .....- -r -- F”, Not “are the days when the old “Home of David" and the "House of Blazes" were wide open Mn Chicago seen such a game. it is the gambling event of an Epoch San Francisco. Cal., March 2g.---sixtrl five indictments were presented ' yesterday afternoon by the grand jury against Abe Ruef, for bribery In con- nection with the United Railroads, n_u-j I"..- annanv soul Home Tole- Bonus. . The judge agreed that this was fair, bvt said. with the $100,00 which Ruef but said, with the 8t00,000 which Ruef would represent. $750,000. -- - I - llALa-O nnnhf. to " "rii'Ui,'"" Lid Langdon, hold him." _ .. hold mm." Court was then adjourned, and Rue! still remains in custody of an elisor,who keeps trontinanl personal guard over the prisoner continu Elisha Havens, of Hartford Mills, Slugged by Unknown Parties. ' An Ithaca despntch: The Ithaca police q are hard at work upon a case which Ithreatens to develop into a murder mys- tery.' Elisha Havens, of Hartford Mills, is in the city hospital with a compound fracture of the skull. which, he declares, is the result of an assault and robbery east of this city last night. Havens was found by two Italian laborers beside the Elmira, Cortland & Northern tracks to- day almost lifeless. He was rushed to the city hospital and gave an ante-mor- tem statement, in which he stated that ho had been struck by two men and robbed of his watch and money. His ) blackened eyes and dangling watch chain‘ t support his story. Employees at the , East Ithaca station any they saw Havens ' drunk last night. Havens denied the police theory that he had fallen from or had been struck by a train. Be could not describe his assailants. and was so weak that the authorities feared to question him further. His skull we: _ irephined. An Ithaca (”span-n: um ' are hard at work upon a I threatens to develop into a I tery.' Elisha Havens, of Hm is in the city hospital with fracture of the skull. which. ii: the result of an assault east of this city last night. .. .. -- “kn“ BAIL roft RUEf. ROUMANIAN JEWS, TERRORIZED, FLEE T0 BUCKAREST. Bucharest, Roumama. man the army reserves have now out to join the colors, with that the Government has I posal plenty of troops to e1 speedily suppress the Agnria Large numbers m Jews fro Vaslui, Botosahni and other town: which have been ten-m exec-cl of the peasantry h here, necking refuge and assis _. . ALA Una-dun no] moors mm) 0m. bucnazrm, ..\,.....__,, . he army reserves have now been called mt to join the colors, with the result hat the Government has at its dis. mal plenty of troops to enable it to speedily suppress the Agrarian troubles. Large numbers or Jews from Jimmy, Vaslui, Botosahni and other Moldavian- town: which have been terrorized by the exec-0| of the peasantry have arrived here, seeking refuge and assistance. They assert that the Russian portion of the population largely participated with the peasants in the plundering and incendiar- ism at Botosahni. According to the latest advices received here from that l M..- “in. has been restored there. PANIC AMONG cmm, on, Gesl local plumber W36 in pipes at the Conesi morning he held a 1 near a. big leak, Ind The result was an tore up pipes all over The force of the ex whole sehool, and 1 terrified. Owing to mind of the teach iortunate1y averted. severely burned tttttrl face, aisd narrowly C d e to the schoo able. _-...-- MAY BE MURDER. NICARAGUA! TROOPS DEFEAT FIVE THOUSAND " In“. Pull, Much M.--ahe following do. pateh was received to-dny by the Nicar- - location from Senor Gomez, tho Mink“! of Foreign, “fin cl meat gm: “Five thousand Salaam all Honduran hove hen decisively do!“ " Mine.- 903:9“!un after and, a KN"."""'- -- thou-at!" “an.” swim SCHOOL. rest, Roumnnia. March Ill\l\ v: V. his assailants. and was so the authorities feared to n further. His skull wu whim mm: KONG CHATHAM CHILDREN NARROWLY AVERTED. Ont., despatch: While . m was inspecting the gun the Collegiate Institute this 1e held a lighted match too , leak, and the gas ignited, b was an explosion, which yes all over one of the rooms. of the explosion shook the ool, and the children were Owing to the ptesenca of the machete, a. partie was y averted. The plumber m mmed about the hands and nmowly escaped death. The ' the school will be collide!- Aut ought to old 25.--A11 ACTRESS AND PEI Lord Dalmeny and Miss Phyllis Dare engagement to his lordship, son of Lord 'f-u------":.".'.'.."- Eight hundred miners in the Dominion F colliery at Glace Bay went on strike to P force a. number of non-union men to pdht T, the Provincial Workmen's Association. t! While Clifford Taylor, an employee of t the Defiance Iron Works, Chatham, was i _ at work his arm became entangled in the cog wheels of a. machine and was badly I lacerated. _ Relatives have been apprised of tttS sudden death at Havana of Mr. George Stuart. The deceased was the manager of the Quaker Oats Company's plant ot Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and a son of the late Peter Stuart, Ingersoll. The action of the Quebec City Council in its by-law compelling liquor dealers to close their places of business at seven o'elock on Saturday evening has been maintained by a judgment rendered in! i the Superior Court by Judge Lemieux. L Early on Wedensday morning at the G. ' T. It. diamond at Guelph, an Gst-bound freight crashed into the first car behind the engine of a north-bound freight, and knocked it into the ditch. The car was filled with merchandise, much of it being ' damaged. - .. ___ tun-m no Sax. mining“. When the woodworking factory of Sex- J ton & Company, Carluw avenue, (Toronto, 1 was opened yesterday morning it Was found that the electric meter had been actually melted away by ito own cur- rent, caused by the crossing of the wires in the storm on Tuesday night. Donald McDonald was drowned " Sault Ste. Marie while crossing on the ice bridge, in an attempt to recover his hat, which blew off. S. Larsen, who Went to his rescue, was swept under the ice, came up again at a. hole some distance away, and managed to save himself. The St. Catharines civic enquiry into the alleged bribery charges in connection with pavements in that oity was resumed on Wednesday. A number of witness- es. including Mayor Riddell, Aid. Camp- bell. and ex-Ald. Hodgins, were examin- pl, but nothing new wu brought out. “it armada of lettkn’ diet?“ were - I l a-ah.-. on Wednesday. A numL as. including Mayor Ridde bell, and ex-Ald. Hodgim, ed, but nothing new was Six unloads of settlers mew: we" ditched five miles out of Port Arthur on Wedneodny morning through the breaking of the truck. under a wrecking derrick, which had been in use at Ctrl. otaM. No per-on was injured, but - enl head of stock were killed. Four India- on now down vii gmllpox in n. Mty in the woods near Wenonah. The health unharme- m honing much trouble to keep the Indium In qunnntine, a were on - tiu all through the moth, and the Pro- vincial Bond bu been W Dare, the English music hall Lord Rosebery, is reported. BRITISH AND FOREIGN A mail bag, with contents valued at $400,000, has been stolen en route be- tween New York and Paris. There is serious friction between King Leopold and the Belgian Cabinet over the conduct of the Congo affairs. [ President Roosevelt has announced lthat he is anxious to allay any feeling of want et confidence in the country and will meet the railroads half way. The Grand Jury at San Francisco re- turned " indictments charging bribery. Of these 65 were against Abraham Rex)! and 10 against A. v. Halsey, former gen- eral agent of the Pacific States Tele- phone Company. _ . -.d- a.“ “mm in six Si: A duel with swords that went to six bouts was fought at Paris, between Em- manuel Arctic, senator from Corsica, and Adolphe Brisson, a well known journal- ist. Both contestants were wounded in the em. Archbishop Serafin, the head of the ‘Ruaian Orthodox Church in Canada, is ( taking strenuous action to offset the propaganda of the Presbyterian Church in the West. Last year the Archbishop excommunicated nine of his priests for banding themselves in unauthorized eon- sistory and being in the pay of the Pres. byterian Church. This week he excom- |munioated twelve more for the same of. fence. DOCTORS Shy THAW IS CRAZY. COMMISSION Justice Fitzgenld Wu to Bear Evi- dence This Afteraoon-Thaw's At- torneys Will Fight Bard Against It: Appointment- Jerome Convinced New York, March gg.--TUt Justice Fitzgerald will appoint a commission in l lunacy to inquire into the present men- tal condition of Harry K. Thaw seems to foregone conclusion. This afternoq: he will hear arguments of counsel on both sides of the {anions case, and he plainly intimated yesterday that he would ap- point a. commission. That this commis- sion will find that Thaw is now insane is $be opinion of most of those who hive closely followed the trial. ' . ' --_-_ unmiHnn, on of Dr. Allan McLane Hamilton, om the oountry's moat famous alienists, openly expressed the opinion that '1' is now insane, and that he is incap of conducting his own defence. Dr. . , Sh.. Aunfhl Flint. Prisoner is with swords that went to six it fought at Paris, between Em- trenc, senator from Corsica, and Brisson, a well known journal- h contestants were wounded in SION IN LUNACY MAY BE APPOINTED TO-DAY. lax-Elton, one of That Justice iiiGiG it wiit be given there is the slightest Chan be suecesafu}. . De BUNCBBuu. 0n the other hand, Mr. Jerome is con- vinced that Thaw is now insane, and he will fight just as hard for the appoint- ment of the commission. To-day's ses- sion being informal, the rules of law null {evidence will not be enforced, and either side may place before the court any evi- dence that it desires to show the men- tal condition of the defendant. The jury will not be present, and the sole object of the proceedings is that the Judge may be informed of all the facts in the case and on them decide whether or not he Will stop the trial until a legal commission has decided whether Thaw is in such a. condition as to permit his one going to the jury. The law of New York State specifiei thin. only insanity that can en'cnse a crime is a mental derangement which makes the person charged with a crinu incapable ot knowing the nature or qual ity of his not when it is committed an: incapable of knowing that it is wrong. ---- . . -t.CO, L. totrnded on all ol dd moapuuu: u. """""" - This law, which is founded English decision, is far behind according to niienists. Many a say, has an. u.c.,~.._.__° _ commit a crime, an impulse, which he is unable to conquer and which forces him I to commit crime, but if his mental state t ‘is such that he realizes that he is doing i wrong, the law does not take into ac" i count the insane impulse which he is un- I able to overcome. l, A case in point is that of Artur Tasch- jian, an Armenian, who has just been transferred to the Daruusnmra hospital for the criminally insane after ten (bye in Sing Sing prison, where ho was sent on a conviction of murder in the second degree for killing his brother and cut- , ting the body to pier-a. Dr. Charles Mae. I Donald and Dr. Austin Flint, both of , whom have been witnesses for the pro-I . amution in the Thaw case, testified as , experts for the prosecution in the Lasch- jian case. Both were convinced that the e Armenian was insane, but were not able , to swear that his insanity was such I that he was incapable of knowing his act I' was wrong, as required by the statute. . "" ---- “um and than Tim. A St. Thomas, years ago last N, Michigan Central is in this city, w wrecking of his Windsor, througl the Pere Mnrqu operator. Owing lost, he was um! and the attend A DI. luv-nu”, w.” r _ rears ugo last November Bruce Little, a ' Michigan Central engineer, whose home .5 in this city, was badly scolded in the wrecking of his train at Peleon, near Windsor, through the carelessness of the Pere Marquette interlocking tower: operator. Owing to the amount of skin lost, he was making very slow recovery, and the attending surgeons requested Little's friends to contribute portions of their cuticle. There were plenty of volunteers, and Little secured a good growth of new skin, where his own had been destroyed. To-morrow gight he is to give an interesting entertainment to Lthooe friends who glve of their epider- mis to save him. o..-.--.-----'"" i Iitttitifts' mile O CALGARY ULTIMATUH T0 BOSSIS. p Dover, Del., March M.--Dr. Mervin 'i miners have presented . final ultimatum i to the operators which, if not uceptod l to-day, will cause the suspension of all t' operations in the mines on April l,whe| _ the preterit agreement expires. The ultimatum is that ell the agreements now prevailing st the verious mines no to continue, with on adv-nee of 10 per cent. on the present rates of - l The miners ere determined, end sly. the operator? ere not trying to arrive: st e contract, on they submitted an egreement which is preposterous, ceiling, in it does, for a 50 per cent. reduction in the present - The operltorl refuse to talk, but it is duo-t eertsin they will turn down the ultimatum. and _ c it” " 1030'. ', RECIPIENT THOSE WHO h SKIN GAME. York State specifies that can animus a l derangement which charged with a crime ug the mtnre or qual: n it is committed and ng that it is wrong. is founded on an old 5 far behind the times sts. Many a man, they rpowuring impulse? to an impulse, which he is ' and which forces him but if his mental state salites that he is doing 1oes not take into ac- imuulse which he is un- man To ENTERTAIN wno CONTRIBUTED. Ont., despatch HAVE SUBMITTED m,ese-htsuiitse"dti'h sumof mums-Amid" iiiGiAoermst" mun-u. -- Insists to-dny attempted n demon!” tin and on Panama - import- ant and more determined than any pre- vious efforts. The police. however, Md timely warning, and and. Wtdonl that resulted in making the (lama-stu- tion .0111"!th ineffective. The only re- sult was some manning disorderly scuffle. and the arrest of mrly seventy suffragisu, who were st out liberated on bail. “*“-- An in. Previous to this demon-mm... - - dignstion meeting. which was largely st- tended by the so-cslled “suffrngctus,” snd their friends, we: held " cotton Hall, where the speakers denounced this Home of Common: for stifling the Dick- enson woman suffrage bill. l The raid Wss led by Lady Hubaton, who wu assisted by the most promin- ent women who took port in the pre- vious raids. The women drove up in txagom', sud after women-ding before the Houses of Parliament stormed the entrance of the House of Commons, where the police reinforcements, drswn up for the occasion, nwsited the os- sleught and drove the women book. I After this first rebuff theqwomen nude 5 a, second determined attempt to pen.- , trots the police cordon, but all to lit- - tte, nurnose. In nocOrduice with ttsn __ m_»..___‘ trate the pouce cum“, ..-_ M-'" tle purpose. In uocorduioe with the instiuetions, the police employed against the women an little force no possible. At a late hour this evening the suffragists reassembled " Caxton Hall, and amid the greatest enthuIium adopted a resolution to send mother deputation to the Premier end to to. new their demonstrations before Perih- ment. Accordingly another move wu made against the Home of Commons, the disorderly scenes were repeated on a smaller scale, and several further a- rests We Two The Fish and Game Legislature yeaterda fishing reguutio.n.s of The Fish and Game Committee of the Legislature yesterday considered the fishing regulations of the proposed bill. One clause eousidered wan that, except without e license, no person not . resi- dent of the Province of Ontario shnll be privileged to angie in the water. of the Province. This clause stands until the next meeting. A nimilar license and regulation applied last year to Nepigon district and "rieslized $9,000. The committee took out of parngnph - ' -t-..a,r. Incl chased district and Kenna-u WWW. The committee took out oi paraguph B. hlnck and grey sgulrrels, tad clused them with quuil In wild turkeys, giv- ini‘ them added protection. or the killing of geese and "runs the sensor: will be My 1 to Sept. 15, instead of Sept. 1, as formerly; ducks and other waterfolw, from Dee. 31 to Sept. 15; l snipe, quail and Plover, Dee. 15 to Sept ‘15 of the following your. _.--------"" mum: Rome. Much 25.- ceived in solemn pri Maris Bernado, of who vaunted an l ‘King Menelik of on Bis Holiness t Star of Ethiopia. tutswer to a com Pope who nsked and inquired Teg his Majesty and lAbyssinia. GANG Paris»)! arch 25.--The Butlesa, arrested here rec: 000 in American securitie: sion under the suspicion ‘ tcoom_pliee of the thiere "“L‘L-d' " Restrict Free 300 in American securities in ms P""""" sion under the suspicion that he wan an accomplice of tlie thieves who stole .1 mail bag containing about $400,000 on the French line steamed La Prevenee, which left New York, Feb. 28, and u- rival wt Barre, March 6, has made . confession, implicating I gang of inter- mtiond robbers as tho result, of which other “rem are expected immediately. It developed to-dny tut the maturity a the stolen securities are not negoti- FINE ere made New York, Mareh ', Inte Stanford White hold, u soon " the I series of meetings, pay tribute to hi- I! .nd genius. Plans of -. __, t.“- u l Won. MBrrtt "do.----"" " o! a tight in Dumb Gtiiiti force and . mt frimve“ of lake T I Th. British beiteged m M with diffic l the a' of 11 killed an l fl? 'le,,',.',?.'"' Amt'" .. - ---..- tin. , ANGLERS' LICENSES. In: iiijiiiiiitto MAN. - New York, March a.---FriettO of the late Stamford White ere preparing to told, u soon as the Thaw trial in over, a series of meetings, in which they will pay tribute to his nrtistic “311in and geniul. Plans of the gathering have been diecuued for never-l weeks. Meet- ing- will be held by the various and. ties which form the fine art. “loch- tion, when tributes will he read all resolutions formally adopted an pert d tho records, and then made public. nut? CONFESSES. London. Much 2g.---Nen" In. urb- ud o! . tight in Dumber between I British force and 5 rubber band a Titmks, west of me Tchul. Atria. Th. British bemieged O fort, whit “a captured with difficulty nod vi. the has of 11 killed and " vandal. M tho latter were two when. Moat of the multic- m and by an“. The M to“. 800 and. All - " DECORATES mM WIT; . C, sun or ETHIOPIA. “E y, Much 2g.---The Fope W-dny gt. I in solemn private audience Faber f Bernado, of the Capuchin Order, wanted an autograph letter from Menelik of Abyuinin, conferring l,, I Holiness the decoration of the l at Ethiopia. The letter wu eat', r to a communication from the 1 who asked the Abyssinian King " m the Catholim in Abyssinin i -. at LMIOII n; or INTERNATIONAL BERS EXPOSED BY PAL. ', ART SOCIETIES T0 HONOR STANFORD WHITE'S RAKE. r yesterday coneiderea we . . ntions of the proposed bill. railtw :oneidered war that, except tIrs lt, Dense, no person not a reel- IC?,' Province of Ontario shall be " l angle in the water. of the but. , This clause stands until the the l g. A similar license and A. lpplied last year to Nepigon omtt renlized 89,000. had littee took out of paragraph l mmf d grey TIt?; and classed P"? quail an wild turkeys, giv- imd dded protection. T :illing of geese and swans the and be May 1 to Sept. Ili, instead as formerly; ducks Ind other from Dee. 31 to Sept. lb: t and Plover, Dee. " to Sept. SP. following year. o.-.--------"- l moan) POPE. trxf poi ------ St: '. executes an! wm St In or mama; [ii':' lurch 2ti.---The For to-dey re- bi solemn private audience Father t "0 rnado, of the Capuchin Order, l Pl anted an autograph letter from w oelik of Abyeeinia, conferring in Holiness the decoration of the l\. Ethiopia. The letter was an ' -.t,...rLart from the l,, Residents. ' ' N ARIO ARCHIVES" TORONTO he Ultnunun u. an,” regarding the beach of trnd the progress made by . demon!” Rod Fishing Capture Fort r-The man named re recently with ".t,- :urities in his power tieiou that. he Win» an thieves who Mole a. lg about $400,000 on tFamed " Prevence. ork, Feb. 28. Bad ar. "thn Sorry I Cannot Have You thud." Sail Jada: " Brandon. Brandon, Much M.-- Axum seam was pronounced upon Jean Permian. on English farm laborer, convicted of n m-rious offence -irttrt an eleven-you'- old girl. In pronouncing seam 2tt n:..|...-.i. “id: “Connidering the hot-Ii - " -u- English farm laborer, 0|!“wa- -- - serious offence min-t an eleven?”- old girl. ln pronouncing sentence alibi; Riehtrdu uld: "omisdering the Areumsttuwet" 1 may say I ”doll! thought of ordering you to be 'here and though 1 am not doing IO I my Well you that murder is not more dam- ing of hanging than that heinoul ere" with which you un- ehnrged. Unfortu- Itely I cannot emphusiu your not” by flogging. Why the Legitr1nture Im- not made such a provision under thin court I cannot say. but I greatly no" I mount order you to he flogged the. times during the term of imprisonment. I order you to be imprisoned in “Ini- tolm Penitentiary for twenty years." ROB. PaithNI Dog Unable to it" Thu.- ' You-0M. Phoenixville, Pa., March M.--- After )‘Iinly trying to pull his “qu mm from in front of an apprHittg. pm- i - train on the Pvnnnylvnnia 1&3“er Ptsoeuisville, PL. March vainly trying to pull his Ii from in front of an nppmml ger train on the Pennsylvnr It Cromby. this morning. I stood guard over the crunha ing form so faithfully that it wu- impossible to render The mole victim w“ Paul "Pd son of Harry Iv,. Elliot '.er {I'll}! on m: I L.....:........v.. - It Cromby. this morning. . collie tr. stood guard over the emailed and bl . mg form so faithfully that for I “In it was impossible to render medial " The little victim was Paul, the 3-year- old Bott of Harry W. Elliottt, n pulli- nent contractor of this plum. The child wandered from home, - compwied by the dog; Mug-ed on the railroad trarks and eooed with delhi" as he waited for an approaching ml- to round a mar-by curve. The child was seen by the "tel-et but the distance was too short to stop l the train. " “A ”-4 ”not!!!“ ex- we tram. A physician among the ”new" ex- amined the little fellow alter the dog had been driven away. His injudel consisted of a broken arm, rib and ae- vere cuts and bruises. The escape from inc-um death seemed mined”. The dog and boy are the name up and and have boon inupumhk companions. Spark From Bonfire "3- 'e. TRAIN HITS TINY “STIR. Washington, 19. experimeyin/r, with poider to-d-y " Station, south of the tum-0‘“ ”m 'waq many injured .3011, which results l Tho boy wa. a bis pocket on I a commun'ncatvd " pocket. cor -ahiiiirr YEARS PM His clothing was nlmou wu- v... _-_ when picked up. twenty feet. any, MI body was I charred mun, lid Wu en- veloped in burning raga. “in mother heard the explain: and sound the boy into a barrel of want. which stood near. Ile is still living, but e.sarot recover. Fathet of Kiln-”ed Chill Sum OI Another Janey. Calgary, N. w. T.. March 2g.-The left town on n mysterious million to- day. llo prulmhly has gone on another Orin to SH“; his kidnapped ”no ,_JAJ - Howard suspmwm Marvin child. may following the polic the idmlity of the She lumnls with 2,P2t Myrtle tstreet been at her bedside Duff's (tun-h. BOY'S Lineman donne Lawn. a lineman in the -otplo.tr of the G. N. W. Telegraph Company, wan insLaItly killed this afternoon about 5.30 o'clock. He wu on the top of a thi.',,),": pole connecting wires when he a ipped and fell on a live elec- trie light wire. The win caught. hilt just behind the left car. He fell (over the wire. and his companions no- gticatl him hanging in mid-air, motion- let He had to be carried down an 'tp but he was dead before his [d- l . work-u - muted bin. iU"irriiGakra-orV A Chatham, Ont., (Inland: rune lawn, I line-u. in t yen-old you ot (marge I any injured by a territie 'hich reunited. boy was throwing powde :th on a bum", when 1 “hated with the exploow ii, iutttiz, DEATH BY LIVE may: Bis from“ h IV., Lurch 2s.--WhiU , with a WWW” of m. " It his home at In! th of this puee, “mu“ ,td non of ‘W Phillip. THE LOS‘I| BOY. " Chatham Electrocntod I, Fail From n Pete. le all of Dr. Del., Inc-W ll whom Attor- in my, meg-d C I manic and ill. Man-oh 20.---Mrs. Nonelle, f the child whom Attorney writ-(l was the kidnapped . may die from the shod " “Mich inveatitmUmt inte ,f gypuieu w any and ten amine-d. Nu throwing powder from 'emtittre, when the tim ith the explain in hit as tximoat tom off, uni twenty feet nil)“ bis rrod mass. and was etV inidé .11 day Reaches boy Mrs. . teriltie a!” MU! Ilene Powder in in rounded It: children wit Me Stirks. oo physician In- w little Dion- M

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