West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Mar 1907, p. 8

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hi men 28. 1907 Good Values A Fit Guaranteed January is stock-tall look for to secure Come to the Pe DIAMOND HALL Engagement Rings Birthda y Gifts All Winter Goods Must Souvenirs Wedding Generally Cut in Toronto. Hamilton, London and other places in C ada, also in Philadelphia and Baltimore. I have all il, latest systems in cutting, besides my own system which I have taught some of tho best cutters in Torow and other cities. My new ideas on outting---it stands to reason thet I ought to be able to please you. We hare the very hint to choose from. Alt invited. ROBERT BURNETT- Watchmaker. All farm produce wanted. Highest prices paid. STDGK - TAKING GLEARANGE SALE No old stock allowed. IDry Goods, Dress Goods Flannellettes, Ties, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Gro- ceries, Furs, &c.--all cut incprice to reduce our large stock. Many Odds and Ends accumulated after holiday season, will be sacrificed to clear. COME NOW. Better than going out of town===thy? Because I have had larger experience y is stock-taking month and the month you for to secure real money-saving bargains. me to the People's Store and take advan- tage _of the low “prices prevailing throughout the Store. PEOPLES’ STORE . WEBSTER J. L Flarity, Merchant Tailor J. A. Glass, Manager&Cutter Jeweller Correct Designs Diiiilonds Silverware Watches Clocks Jewelry and Excel Go Optician Mr Geo min-on won in Guelph over! the week end. Min Jude Lnldlow in ylnlting eel. ntiven in London. Mr John Kelly in in Toronto tor a couple of a.” ttrm week. The Manlly families. after name " l lay got. off on Wednesday morning. l Mr and Mrs T/Moran, are visiting friend. in Strntford. Meters. Wm. Caldwell and Robb. Scott were in Mt. Forest Tueedny. Mine Dorn Burnett, " taking charge of Miss Diek's new millinery store in Holstein. Mr Fred Kelly, Toronto in upend- ing the holidays at his homehere. Mr and Mes Bobt William-on no uninf- nf their son in Toronto for a Mr And Mrs Rot guuts of their son few days. We Ire pleased to hear that Min Vaddie Caldwell is Improving as well as can he expect"). Miss lslsy Campbell left Wednesday morning to visit relatives in Toronto and elsewhere. Mr Martin, ahoemsker in Meuraith'rl store, “tended the funeral of his isth- er and aunt in ListoWel last week. Rev Mr Newton is in attendance at the B. Y. P. U. of Out. and Quebec which in in session in Hamilton. Miss Margaret Rutherford. s stu- dent of McDonald Institute, Guelph, visited our the week end with Miss Mary McGowan. Mr. G Wright, Regime, Sash. neph- cw of the late Mrs Carson, Visited at Mr. Allan Mcrtmnon's last week. Principal Allan had to retinquish " school duties on Monday owing to Illness. We trust he may soon be himself nguin. Mr and Mn N Whitehureh are on an Enter Holiday trip to Port Hurtn. Grand Rnpids.~ Chicago and Detroit. They left last Friday. Misu- McLeod and Molland are kindly and lucceufully keeping up‘ Principal Allm‘l work during hll ill- ness. the three mom: being condensed into two. Messrs T. and H. Caldwell left for Mt Forest. on Monday. and on Tun, day started from there with two can othorsennvsntbetintr 30 In all, their destination being Dauphin, Mm. Bert Barman left yesterday for Durham, where he hm secured I. job with I harnesmaker. Bert will be much mined by Ghssler lacrosse team as he w” one of their best men, Add Durham boys will do WI" to look tum up and get him in line on their team.-- Chester Rater Ladies' spring jncketa at Grnnt's. A. H. Jackson is an lawn of Mar riuge Licenses. Durham. Ont. Come and get rout Eutvr tie at A. Burnett'.. . Mtteti'arltuur's Tonic Elixir will [one you up for the spring work. 50 cts a bottle Steele Briggs highest Brands clover and Timothv Seeds. Mus Ema: & Son. The latest styles in Easter Bonnet at S, F. Morlocks. Stop. Look and Listen-Why-he muse there is no reason for any one that cares for are” to go oat of low n. Lnnklat, Fluriby'c ml. - - J, A. GLASS, v Manager & Cutter. Don't forget to give us your hand for a spring glove. _ H. BmtsrtTT. Call and inspect our clover and tim" ot hy seeds before buying. Mus Baue- a Sous. see.MacFarUne'ts new wall papers. the cream. of America 3nd Canadian manufacture. A. H, Jackson has tt number of houses and yncant lots in Durhlm tor tusle. Some thae mining just Arrived in Englinh. Scotch and Iriuh st Flatity'a. Don’t forgot to look at Nancy’s Ad. See the new dress goods " Cranes. A big showing of new gingham: " B. F. Morlock's. We have that Easter Tie you dream- ed you saw in New York at. H. Bun Don't forget iriends at Easter. Ens ter cards and Novelites at MMFM- lane’s drug store. THE large 12x14 Photograph that we! have been giving with each domen our beat cabinet photographs but taken so well that we intend to continue making them for a while longer. F. W. KID- SIY. Photographer, Durham. Gnnd Millinery Openings. " Dick taken plmuro In announcing her Ittth Semi tunnel dleplay of Patterns Hate. French Novelty. Shawn. Chlpl. Leghorn; Ladle-l Bonnet. nnd Chil- dren's hat- on Wednesday and Thaw i March sr and 28. She extends to all I cordld invitation to be present on that oeeasion. aiiiFiiis' firai.s. TORONTO THE DURHAM REVIEW Monday evening in the Pree. church 1 3011.8.ma gen e most lucid 1 end intereetin. account of the light for the Lord'e Day Bill in Parliament. Le it etude. he eeid. it ie the beet act I of ite kind in the world. Severel coun- triee had weed Sunday oheervance lave In I”. but Oenede'e wee the beet and meet forward. file eddreee wee moot interesting. when the bill cune before the eelect committee of 12 priorto its third reading in Parlia- ment, to hear of the various mtereete brought to bear against it, eepecielly the Jews who wanted the 8th day for the Solubeth. endlthe different tram- portation companies, railway and ma- rine, who taught especially for freight l handling on that day. Mr Mae'.%eholl thechiefof the C. P. R. wee the spokes.) men for the G. I. 11.. C. N. R., Mich. I C. R. and G. T. P., and In oeeemingly ' unanswerahle speech defended their intrreete- But Mr Shearer and hie I colleagues were able to show how the I Br. Isles, the States and two large railways of 7000 and 8000 miles, Were , able to do away with freight hand- ~|ling on Sunday why couldn’t ours? Bo after a few dnya talk in private with the railway men, they. Mr Shear- el mania colleguos wet e victors sad it passed the commons almost unan- imously. But the Senate turned it down when sent there, (the railroad interests be. ing stronger there), and Lnurier had to use his influence before they passed eightout of ten of ilacluusel. He gave great credit to Dr Sproule and H. H, Millet for their help in the work. Rov’l Fnrquharmn and Shearer m-l terriewed tho Pics. of our cement Co. as to Sunday labor. The Pm gave them to understand that the minimum of labor would be oh,erved on Sunday. but "large rush orders come 111 they would hove " work. If not enough slurry room at. prov-cut more will hare to ho built, Mr Shearer said, as other campnnieu have enough to do them over Sunday to avoid hauling that do), so our. will have to also. After a collection in aid of the work the meeting remained to consider the proposed pool room. Christmas is the dnv for childhood, but Easter Sunday is the day for the mature. No'wonder ChrUt envelop- ed the grnve in a golden cloud! What a. processnon of great. one: marching toward the tomb! Gone all the heroe of the Victorian em in England! Gone all our Concord school of essayist: and l poets.' Gone the lenders in the World of fiuntwt, and inventiunl Gone our fathers and mothers and little children! But this Easter morn tells us that the all-loving and nil-powerful hand of l God has lifted the noul over that li tle rivulet named death. and set it down in that land whete the duty has dawned and the shadows flee away. where the wicked cease from troubling, where the wesry sre at rest. Christ found denththe king of terrors: He left it the king of mysteries. He found the grave 1 black hole where the sou vanished into nothing; He left it a golden door where God and the soul met in the name of an eternal friend-) ship. He found death described by the skeleton and the scythe; He left death an event so beautiful that earth's lilies we not sweet em ugh to garland union‘s toir. lie found death with one colour, black, stud turned the black. to gold; He fI-und death with one song, a dime. and trunsfonued it into a sym- ( phony. What philosophers hoped Christ knew. Speaking with tsuttwr. ity, He said, "Let not your hearts he . troubled. In my Father’s house sre many mansions; I go to prepare a place for you." These words make soil rich indeed for the flowers, ot Enter. to wave on the day dedicated to the im mortal hope.-The Delineator for April To check the bar trade during pro- hibited hours and enable the public to he in spmition to see and judge for than-clues whether the law is being observed, the license board for Centre Simcoe hm passed a. resolution order. mg all bars in hotels to he in the front ofthe promises. Lord's Day Allhnce In tome places, and " some times. the license law " administered as it should be. John Dion. 5 Pelicans. bartender, WM fined ten dollars nnd' coats of nine dollars for selling liquor ton minor. Not only won he fined, but his license was suspended pending action of the license commissions". The proprietex of the hotel was Baed for Allowing minou to linger and loner around hie hotel and the loiter- m were .110 unused for being there. --The American people ere reputed to be among the shrewdeet on the fate ot the earth, and yet when one think: of Dowiehm. Eddyum, Mormonism, ibiriumlhmt, and numerous who; TIr/TT/il' In“ "h.-.e'.- --_-_ " m" which hnve taken mot end flourished in Amman soil the con- viction grows that not all Americans are wise men. There must be e tttyd may of the “her 'ort.-a'rtsstrrterian Wig" The Joyful Sunday ------.-------- i-Sadie on-» Emac- vorqtusas.--Gttnforuhte new Brick Home on Count“. St. Durham, T room' and all conveniences. Euy terms. Apply at Review Ottite iElocution and Physical Guitar: One of the but turm- in the Town. ship ot Bonlinck. 208 um, new brick house. "to large Itrnk burns. land Brat class, all clearedexcept so u. Snap to quiet purchaser. .1500 down balance at A per cent. Apply to MAchY ' Drum Vendor’s aolicuon Misl Twnmley. Honor Graduate in Elocution and Physical Cultuxe of Alma Ladies' College. St Thomas, in prepsred to give clus or private loo- " nu in tboteyruNecy. Concert en- sienna“ taken. For term. and m er particulars "htt to Durham P. o. or at Cnldcr‘l all, on Tuesday nnd Friday “Mormons. Spring Term Opens April 2. MD won a M orwur.'h'At' when! of Busineu Trunk): Demud torqtur L',t,ttti,', II in ter than our lupply. It]!!! cent. .et"'lgi'11' it». No tttid. unnam- vmsion.“ w.g, El, JP1T {ringlpaL Millinery for Easter ha Easter combs in about three weeks we invite those who want wr linery for Easter to call at any time Ind have a lock through our carefully selected 'tnelr of hats. There in a charming variety of trimmings, the shapes are small and large and : great many no the mushroom order. We want to make this season on. of the beat and we mil promise you every attention and will try and plane you if you will give u! a call. Have been away for the lust tour weeks and have attended the mullinery openings in Toronto And New York, and hays selected a. large stock of millinery for Spring. We begin the season. Wedn esday. March 6th. Call euly. What is the matter with the people of our town getting together? In put years that woe one of the strong fee- to". but of late there has been much distension. too much lilent knocking. Let us cut out tint. kmd of butlneu. A town, like n house. divided unmet imlf. must fall. lt walt nuke an nil feel better to work together. Other. pieces are a it hammer and tong- forming Board. of Trade, "eurintt new teh',',',','; akin: opportunity by the hand end helping menacing Iles. year round-Enter any time The oldest and strongest bunlnen school' All {militia “a of the best. student! Roche expect instruction Ind pawn- attention and are twine-1 to position: Wrttefor analogue ot mu live “Hod“ iisiGist morgue. our. 20 per ct. Discount off Felts, Leggin s Overshoes, 'det'. gans, etc. Peel, the Shoeman Farm for Sale Miss Dick BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE i. M. WATSON Clearing Sale "arryoiiirdirrifekiurder Ski. Repairing and or- ders our specialty. of WINTER FOOTWEAR G. Bldg,, Yonge a M06111 st... TORONTO thka £33,“ "c. , Prin cipn It will soon be time to paint the f1oortt, the chums woodwork in your house and perhaps the outside n a. touch up. lttgG Jlon'i; forget that we sell the famous Hollow Paint and have a full supnly otall colors. EASTER IS ALMOST A stirring event occurred in this ment yesterday- ALEX. RUSSELL BIG STORE. 'OST ARRIVED-4 A customer was purchasing a shovel. He saw a certain kind of fork that was marked down to 6oc. He says, "you charged me 8oe for the same fork last fall and now you are selling at 6oc." What does this mean? y course we had to explain, to him that we had just gone . through the tools, cutlery, guns and especially the necessary articles for farm use at this season of the year and cut the price on many lines less than wholesale and intended selling hardware at prices that would pay ev- ---- ---- «Adina anvthing this line to come to the Big I through the tools," cutlery, guus necessary articles for farm use at this and cut the price on many lines less t' intended selling hardware at prices: ery man needing anything this line 1 Store and see what we are doing in tl We and: the busines- of Manufacturers, Engineers and others who realir.e the advisabil- ity of having thef.r gamut business transacted by Expert; Prelimiaary "vice free. Charge. modente. Our Inventor's Adm-en! upon re- neot. MArhtn&Mariott, Reid" New York Life Kd neutral: and WWW. D.c.. 11.5.A. WINTER TERM now on at the (rt),-N0RTtiERtlZ) 47 But trtudetthr we admitted It my time with- om'nuy tuconventence to themselvel and omen. Three complete Ind thorough cont-en ot study. Buiness, a onhnnd and Tritium”. and Pte. pu-mury. No matter win your peeeen.t odou- 'tr, in. we an ttt you (or: better Inning pod- n. Full [minim who my “dress Inc. c A. FLIIIIO. mum. NEW HARNESS SHOP ’BTu STORE We beg to intimate to the} public of Durham and vicinity] that we have opened out for business in the C. P. Kinnee' building and hope by strict attention to business and hon. est work to merit a share of public patronage. Home Collin. on. Fur mm nude and reputed We extend a cordial welcome, Telegraphy on and in The noun: ‘lvlu‘n ' . u... g 'MIG?. B., Toronto. The Ilia-l; 13001 In and; Write for Monica. w. H.3HAW. m. T.J.JOHNITOX. Phtt .0 'aoaGier ouium In 5113'}? Grvue.ttu an mg a good our-tor in 6 mom» if you and} II T . ttential Tolqnphy Wool. -- - -A_-_-- on..- Ch... Mm] If you have not got Jacket come and " will be a specialty. Of all kinds, ia"iiiGiii-u,, kid Gloves, long silk ones black and white 'erhaps you need them for that want with short sleeves. Better known " "lash" OMPTLY SEGUREI il. P. 1llilillll Binder Cu"!!! Owen Sound. Ont. HARDWARE! Repairing ot got your sunburst skirt or new Spring and see the large assortment carried in the ""'"""es T"."" _ . we are doing m this department. " the am Mer Imam. petition- .I-Y‘IIH?! e?! The mat'o?‘es of Faster neckm, just pass: into stock. Being Lot 28, Can. B, Bentinck. It” acres. ., cleared. Thirty lore. of any laud, 9sutes in Fall Wheat, macro! ploughed for spring crop. Good hunk ham, good from. house. line we" (windmill) near door. Convenient to school. P. o, and chum-l1. For {ulthe tntormation wnly nu the premium 200 acres. being Iota 27 and as. can. I E G It, Glenelg, About 110 acres elmsr ed, so ood hardwood bush, 10 good co- dar. FIC, buildings and Wei watered- the Rocky Saugeeu rum through neon t her of lot 28 which would nuke a good waterpowrr. " miles from Durham ' conveniently signaled. The above No perky will be sold together or in partas to suit. purchaser For humor pantie.» _ tarts spply on the premises. or to A good loud brick, two stony dwelt ingnlon ide Presbyterian mom pro party 'et11,ed Town. Durham. Corner of Durham and Elam Btu-cu. Bonn moan. pom: y. emu-u. cement tioom. callus. etc. Good airy location tn good locality. good frame sumo. lard and soft wnmmm acre of land. Soup tor Trick purchaser. For further par- tion nopplv to Jon“. IcKncmun. Own: l Rocky Dungeon P. O" FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. Lot B, con 16 Proton, 100 mm 01 no mo! clan-ed hand. in good uncut cultivation free from alone and no:- iom woods. ' mm ot Rood hardwood much. good orchid. than“ 1 “It. with Motte linemen“. 1001! hen and Lt pen. comfort-bl. dwelling, tt never sting "it.“ mils. trogn church, “when? Iota 12 ineon l5 t to. 1hitrsnoett, 06 we: clonal. 18 ac. hardwood both. remainder out“). Imam creek cm that. cor- ner of both bran. tYr4rttt on but ot each tarm. Good hum. but but: driving shod. th (£01: hen hon-u. Aieo lot M. con 15. scan, 6 _ ed, ”mandal- swamp. an.“ 'reeta.d, brick house. bank but). 1t'iaittt Claim this but alto. - {and Apply to met-Ion given if new father pudendu- opply to MoOomucx 81003.. Rocky Banner: FARM: FOR SALE . FARM FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE. HERE Farm for Sale. ALLAN MCDOIGALL. Prop. Poit olta." taaaia' he chaizs and outside needs Depart- Hollywood Damn) Fawn-ox Swinmn Put. Out. A. N, Hum been“. or In“ cm that cor- denx on but Ihase,' but but: dnl; hen hon... l 'tfa',,', can- W. m qeeha.d but. ',thrttt Mt also. "I 'dir; 1m Our Mailing Sh corrected t VOL. XXV} Black and l med overched In case , Browns 11fi broadclq Borges, etc; qualities ad Never befo! Larger l ll. WLER Wash Fl NEW EASTE 690cc forbids “The Mint)" and "(um . hill" You want tt don't you ? cut from (W spend any 1 first thing Gbries. T Attend our Only l0 mama: Dainty LIGHT GREY the Dress describes 1 Black and prime Black and See our b That " The R1 Your Plea to ee

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