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Durham Review (1897), 4 Apr 1907, p. 5

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rans- lnnt etc. . bdow Fsat- tt Jost 1rsh a foe work {Tr-'11: Floor. Fur himwub. Barrows Spreader. _ Hay Ted an. Er: Ly. I tints, Gold . . etc , cleaning. lug. orice In“. Can-1m d at- pric- ',ome is Go. Separator 'our- e al- low you you Von in up come u ham tor moment... cals , and " i"!!! WW L of the sBAND bus- We t ual Our ed during of Spring ilitate the period pt ou. can ork. remon tom iron 1907 tor Co. have in 's such an H3-l'oe ers. UR F h. I ' okiiiirid'si%m STORE. jp""'""'"""""'"'""?) a Spring Wall-Paper , pril 4th. 1007 r; (The popular Cash Store.) l LW‘ _--------------- WE HAVE OPENED Remember the Piet---: G .Lawrence's old Stand / The wall is 5c per roll, IMPERIAL SYRU HYPOHOSPHITES IMPERIAL EMULSION COD LIVER on. IMPERIAL SYRUP WHITE LINE WITH ENCOLYI’TOE AND HONEY. 'rl-thed-remedies ht m mounted“! "ihis of an you. This you the border is sold at the sum) price per roll as the wall paper instead ol being sold by the yard. DARLINGS, The People's Druggist N.,G. t, J. MoKechnie Rand Forfftcr effects of Grim our Syrup Hypophoopllites in invaluable; it tone. up the system, restores lost unwind reconattucta wasted tissues. This will make it possible to do all your Spring papering at a very small expense. We have just opened up a large quantity of new wall paper ---all the latest, and best designs and color" ings. We have opened up a large stock of Boots and 511063 Rubbers, etc, for Spring 1907, for both heavy and light weir-suitable for all classes. We invite you to call and inspect our goods as we feel sure we can interest you whether yon buy or not. Bee the qual- ity and prices. Trunks, Velises, Telescopes, and c'ub bags at mod- erate prices. Custom work and repairing " usual at the own town shoe store. This is when 7% lik 12% IS, 17yie Come in and see them. EGGS TAKEN AS CASH border is (n 'imreytekyot l?o?.ts and Shoes o-tseek-leer-ex-ties-e BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE '. MclLRAlTH 12yie 15c 17yle 20c (72c 10c cper 6c . [ . was": iir,?iNi?e,2tl,7i roll Continued from last week. our Informent aye tint the (were! teetimonyie that there in not one drunk new tor twentr-tir. before Loeel Opiont come into efteset, and Deny believe there in not one for every one hundred A stronger in the town, upon being told there were an: drunks now to every one there even before, mentioned thin to townemen so being I etrong point e- xemet Loeel Option. He we: It once confronted with the challenge. "You any here for A week. vnlking up and down the main streets. Andi! you fittd more then on avenge of two e dar, 1 will give twmttrhve dollere to the gen- erel Hospital for "eh one over end 1- hove thet average." _ - _ ”“322 At the grooeu' picnic about five thou- nnd Were present 3nd not 3 drunken nun wu to he seen. while formerly "my could be observed by the more. Local Option in Owen There were hotel corners to the town that Indie- mode I point to Avoid. on ne- connt of the rowdy element IoMntt ab. out, but now all streets are oqnolly re- spectable and safe. A lady on Welter fit., living I. few doors north at the Ron Home. formerly Ind to lock her front door to keep drunken men from stunning to. She findatno nece-sity for doing so now. A gentleman who at tends the rover: o‘clock prnver meeting of the Solution Army on bundsy morn- ing. formerly met from six to twelve drunks mound the hotels near the bar. ncke. but since the first of May. be: seen but one or two, _ _ _ -. Some time ago a family in Bay St w" in want. The children did not have "ffuieut underwear and nothing but cotton otookinaa. On cold dnya “my bud to my at home from school. The hood of the home had a. good position. but upon: turarle ttll in' flunk. ' Mndden- all with liquor, he struck bin little girl. and laid her up for most of the winter. Since Local Option has come into force. the children are comfortably dressed. New lurniturehns been bought Indlut f-ll th. fathor and two of the children took in the Toronto exhibition. Ind the mother took an outing later on. The little girl now. “Father comet homo now and gives his envelope to mother. Welmve lots of fun now at homo,"st tsoniittetl to a lady who took on mine“. in the lun'ly. “I used to mornedmm to vonr place to have fun, l hnt now there is lots of it at home." A married woman told a W. c. T. U. l worker that she did not thluk it possible to hare such 3 lmppv home as they have had for the pom few months. Her havband has a good position and " working nuadtiv. He would be tsWtby for dnys n a time. and was drinking right dong. Men from the country round About who formerly got drunk every time they struck the town. go home now at the proper time and in their tenure. Many striking cases are oitrd to confirm tins. - . If space permitted we could greatly mmtiply testimonies of this convincing sort. from our informant'a report. and from other Inurcea. Thov all prove that Local Option is doing what we would expect of it. and nhculd drive from every temperance worker's mind all doubt " tom efhtfusney, All this has transpired in the face o the fact. that Local Option has not had a fair chance in Owen Sound owing to the uncoriainty of the legal issue. un- til the question was timtlle lettlcd and because of the presence of the brewer- Let. me any to the brethren beioro closing this communication. “an: the Gets, are on our Ride. and it we will but use them, victory in men can“ it sure. Let housing remain undone to c'ose up the drnnhrd factories in ova» one han. dred municipalities in Ontario on the tiret day of May next Yours in a great work, 8, D. Cuowx. Poplar Hill Messrs Douglas Mountain and Thos. McAliater had two very successful wood bees during the past week. Miss Hume -Watt returned than Toronto, comic her parents Mr and Mrs Geo. Watt. - mg Eu McAlister visited the lat, ter part of the Week with W. Lauder Varney. _ Mrskobt Morice agent a iew days mnsoling her siscer In A. Corbett in her and bereavement. - Mr Alfred Mountain is well pleased with his season's fox hunting, having cartured over twenty (whose sly ras- ca 3 that are so destructive to poulvrv. Review to J an. 1, 1908 Weekly Globe, one yr. -fiiiiiir New! New! Gents' Furnishings We beg to annbuuce to the people of Durham and vicin- ity that we have opened up 1n J. C. NICHOLS STORE A full line of Fashionable Furnishings for men and boys All the very latest in I Colin: and The Gloves 1nd Bose um, Caps. Shoes. and much more we can't tell you of this week. John H. Rose ,-.-.. ($1 Well an Editor we had n rather chilly Water, not very good for the Mr bonneu. however its better to have the cold snap now man later on in the lesson. ‘Mrdgngh 2g"t'U'te has I a on position tt wn. spent 11ng under the parental roof. Min Jone: Hay, arrived home from Toronto, Friday Intro spend n cou- ple of weeks with normal-Ito here. . Born. In 23rd to tfr and Mrs Fred Morrison. 3 non. A Miss Phebe Moody is visiting her sister. Mrs Colin McMillan, over the holidays. - - Mr ihas Avins. left lut Mend“ for Toronto and we notice one young lady looking quite lonesome. - - Mr Jud Gal-son is rushing things a- head, he intends raising the roof'on his barn this week. Mr and Mrs Jno Snell have been visitlng reluives and renewing ao- quaintanees around here. They in. tend moving to Durham. where we wish them well in their new home. We were pleased to see Miss Links Lanzhton able to be oat to church on Sunday. We were afraid our population we. going to be decreased by many immi‘ grating to the West, but we think Dromore is holding its own " six bairns were babtlzed in Amos on Good Friday, It was easy to see that they were good church goers as they all behaved well. Oar Pastor Mr Kendall, is very capable in this work as he babtized seventeen m one day in his last charge. Now babies ’tie your christening day The choir very ably rendered a pleasing “when on Sundly morning 1: Amos church. Pat on your sWeeteet smile, Although the rain is pouring down Twill clear up alter awhile. Mary Jane the only girl, Was christened ttrat of all While Alexander John came next, The second on the call. Alex Craig looked his very best While Ed. Smith looked cute and small, William James was with the rest And Alex iMnlxirey nearly missed t a . The Irack that late went o'er the snow Will soon go though the daisies. When nut are turns t e glades and glen To regular fairy mazes. o Earth I thou doest All things right, The winter desolnl ion ls but a prelude to the light ' Oi love and new creation. I can across the barren fields, I catch the Rohirt's greeting, I breathe the breath of tiowesd--1 know The pulse of Spring is heating. Our " Lady of the Snows " in ttCW bereft of her bountiful white mantle, and upon under the snbtle influeno of "The New Hardware and Furniture Store" Enter more largely into the act of buying than anything else. If the price is right, the quality good and the assortment good. buying is easy. a Lenahan & McIntosh. We invite all to come and visit our show rooms and we feel satisfied that prices and quality will suit. PRICE That is what makes buying easy at this store. We have got the stock, the quality, the prie- es, and can suit the wants of all If anything is wanted in Hardware, Tinware, Gran- iteware, Furnaces, Stoves and Ranges, Wooden- ware, Floor and wall varnish, Stains or enamels, Mhed Paints, eta, when you can save money by buying here. For the past week we have been endeavoring to get our Furniture in shape for our customers. On or about April 8 we intend opening out' a full line of Furniture. Picture Moulding, Baby Carriages, Go- Carts etc. DrOmore. Domoch. 331% TEE DURHAM REV A few doors south of mg: House. E QUALITY ASSO RT MENT 1' , R‘Kbmi $553 "tsi-Pj' l a balmy nt'g and the music Inn] of Spring. 3 e will be gorgeously deckad with N More's green vetdure. The following when ere spending the Enter veoetion " their rupeetnve homes. Mm MeeDoneld of Letone eoedemy in Durham, Mum Dorsey of the 'iiUge Beperete in Seeforth. end Mr. A, J. MecCellum of No. 4, Hol- lend end Sulliven in Owen Sound. We wish ell e pleesent yecetion end trust they may return mentally end phyeloelly exhileretei to cerry on the glorious work of labor end loye emong the boys end girls. A popular mirhprodueipg young condemn: In Mr. John O'bura, who left on Moods, last. for Duluth, Minn., alter I plenum month's "cotton F round the scenes onus boyhood. John " now . full fledged engineer oud o locomotive in Hunting bun noon bin arrival in the Western City, Mia: Hugues Hughes, yho wield- the birch in the Holland Centre su- demy of learning, I: spending the Baker vacation a her home in Sulli- no. Mrs. Thea. McKnight, accompanied by Miss Lyula. spam n plenum East- er holiday visiting friends In Sebring- yille nod Sanford). We had . pleasant chet with Mr. Allan Bell, who returned to the burg last week from Byng Inlet, where he spent the put four years in lumbering Ind railroading. Miss Berth: Becker, of W‘llinmsford who conducted the village music clues for the pest two years. leaves this week to supplement her knowledge of the rudiments of that art, by spending a. term It. the Toronto Conservatory of Music, She will be missed not only by the class. which under her com- petent supervision made grssifying progress, but also in the socinl circles. to which she was a valuable acquisi- Lion. Mr. Wm. Campbell, timber con. tractor of Cloquet, Minn., " spending a few days at. the old homestead in Beminck. after attending the funeral of his brotliermulaw, Mr. Rabi. Nickel]. of Rockwood. Mr. John Corlett's cosy domunle was enlivened last. week by the amnl of Messrs. ItieGrd and Edward of Cannington and Hillsdale leapectively each accompanied by their astimsble hfe partners. After spending a pleasant. month visiting friends in the burg and com- munity, Mr. Wm. Mills left on Mon. day per G. T. R. for his home in Va]. emu. Kent County. Each year the poultry husinequ id be- coming more lucrative and now Ja l summ- proportions that will soon rum any branch of farm ind-ntrv. Farmers are forced to acknowledge th it the old hen can lift her own weight in raising it mortgage from the farm, especially where seqonded by a good incubator and brood er. TORONTO _.___oo ----- J!lt 'tsil I had 250 new of Good Land shove Durham, well improved. with very fine buildings, ndvertined in the anucw for 87500. I an novuell It tpit/rd deal lean and IT’S A BAR. Then I hnve a. 100 ACRE well im. proved fnrm near Durham that I will sell VERY CHEAP or made for other property. It's a. map. For consider- atth under $3100 I will sell 100 acre. in Bentinck, with good soil, brick veneer- ed and frame house. large frame bank barn. frame stable: and pig stables good orchard. This is really a snot-lace LOOK HERE, PARKER pert; for sale and 3 MILLION DOL- LA 8 of MONEY to loud at very low runes. I COLLECT DEBTS. atittlt prepare all kinds of WRITINGS. so I U. P. R, Tickets to all points WEST and sell OCEAN TICKETS. Every kind of legillmute business attended to. Everything private. Our Motto: "Alt ys p ompt, Never Negligent. ' Staff and (gunmen. The Ichool ls thoroughly equl I in wrung sblmy. In chemlcul And 'ig),ht'ief'gt)l,erit sud fittings, ae., for full Junior Lavina And Much» ulnlon work. The following competent trtatt are m charge ' Intending Students should enter u the begin- ning of the term it possible. Board on be ob allied u remnnble rateg. Durham 15 a healthy sud Bttraetire town, making it a most desirable pine for residence. FEES: $1 per month in ndvnnce. Wm.Jottnston, Br., e. 'ut-o, Chan-mun. Seventy TRO8. ALLAN, In CI-certificate, mas LOLA MCLEOD, B. A., Romn- ot Queen's Universny. Classics. um Engltnh. 11138 M. 8. HOLLAND Ptmt clu- (macaw sud third you undergraduate ot Queen's Univemg. Belem-4e, tstory mad Geography. " Durham School I have also a great. 1ttt A 203mm: I STINSON, The Baker ( l , ba,ss:tremsesewsts:ss-ser' In connection with our great Globe Mer. soon to expire. we will. for sun send the Review to new subscriber to Jan I. was. and the Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer with illustrate supplement for one year. FARMERS’ CENTRAL llllllllll, fllll “SWINE (ll)ll?lllf Is good Bread, well made and properly baked-the bread that is made by Stinson. This is the perfect bread-made of the best flour, leavened and seasoned just right, thoroughly kneaded and baked to perfection, it is easily digested and it builds health and strength for those who eat it Give it a trial. . The strongest purer]! Mutual Fm Immune Co. In Onudo. A reco without tgg,tllt and I hut luv-rd for bone“ elm. and no Impact! by the_GovermpLen§: 8etet “gene: In. 'ucu u, “nu uv-uuu-uy... ' -__e_-_ -- 7 --_ - - ,, gamma prowl-t y upon the latest known plan. ' or 4 yen blnnket policies Issued on the noun. imminent or one rymenl. system and! We minor-hie mud tiorm to the insured. luau-e In the best. It Four manna: expires an. ”at, all on, or drop . card to. “IL ”Hill. AM Dulu- I Otriivie's " Royal Household" Etsewtititt, $6 Flye Rot,eslrr'Pf FLOUR In for $1.00. don't delay. FIELD AND GARDEN. Clown and Timothy and all var- ieties of Garden Seeds in n- hundance for Spring glowing SEEDS The Best Cure For Dyspepsia AGreat Dollar’s Worth Head Ottiee , Mrnlkerton, Ont. H. H. MILLER, . m “mum mamas} [12193922 ’W-IIIII u-y' --_-"-" very heat Keewnliu make. A ckrioad Just received. MATTHEWS & LATIMER The Hanover Con veyuncr Highest grades only. if)" Prluclpnl Graduate Modernr J. G. BUTTON. NJ)» o. tyruse1teifes.tt,ctte.fteheat nd on. - ',s.,ostoosotWii. OHM“. um uni-um to ”News l'g"lt','lt Eu) got to Damn (New York , m OMoe, " PM“ St, W. C, PICKERING o. o s., L. B. S. HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal Gallon. of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Room. Over J t J HUNTERS New Store ARTHUR GUN. . D., Putnam: a ovum. OM00 our J.M.Hu0ur'o It". otBe.e-Ahuderu Block, over Post Ottlee onto: noun '-ua.trt :49... 74'.- Toluhuu Con-own No. " HONOR GRADUATE Tomato Univer - we Ron! College Dental Stu-gm oo- Dentmry in III itq tarattetteg. Bunsun.‘ Sanction; Conveyance". e. Money to Loan. f Wee, McIntyre Block, over the Bulk () A. G. Manny K.C.t W. F Dunn - Oped-l much an to new d We“ at Chadian. MIWQW an”: MEDICAL Will be " the lldduugh Home. Durham. the am ngneldny‘91_ewh month In. Eye. Ear, NptieA_Tll1r_pAt Bart-Ina. Solicitor in Supreme Court Hour-y Public. Commissioner to. Money to noun. nuke. over (l a M‘s Iowan-y Score. JOHN CLARK) J. F. GRANT D. D.S, L.O. B. brite Insurance Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A Ren- erul tituuscul business transacted. Me Hamilton AGENCY Everything in readiness toe the Spring season. Call and see out LetaderSeed- er, Plough, Harm Cultivators and ARTHUR B. JACKSON The New High“?! Watson- Licensed Auctioneer tor 00. Grey m: modern. ”with tor add no mates. in. man be made u the 30th ot. bm Durham. I-I' FiFiaiGit1iiliyseeyetf then. or to (‘cylon P.o.. will be My "' attended to, Tern! on swim to _----- -. _. _ u arl [mph in and mien Itwma um The [up-and am can Sci-“WW Prion and (an to suit patch“. l, B. chELLAN. Wt MACKAY d; DUNN. D313 = 0&3anme Vulgggg: Wuhan. Notary Public. commissioner. aecna.ctiaaa.eextB. IOU" '. ' McPHAIL- r’ DUBHAI. ONT. (Lower Towm orto aGFiiiFiie EVE-inks. riaiG,' Mowers, Binder! DR. BURT J. P. TELFORD to If ("NT l irGi. CONVEYANCER. he. Ceylon ha I teteptrorre Ola '. henna. Ceylon P. Oi', c. “nos. Durban.- tjt ,',h'tet -- “all [hand Rollers Dino Ens-vows of Blom ttq 9?... Licensed the County of Gm- Orreet tttmgtd hummus m. c ”It! r l I

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