West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 4 Apr 1907, p. 6

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If} "Mt, Then let all women in this - take Comfort and com-yr, Jeans new Ot woman a derogatory word-. Win: "wits-n. them what no hors, nverredt Wu: we", and by faith seized, and made her own: With boldness she claim-d lu-.~I'c_-,' at God's throne. What deer, emotion did Christ'., accents thrill. As, in effect, He said.. "Tat.. wlmt you will." "Oh, woman, great, indeed, your faith'." said He. “Your prep-r is granted and your child is free." Though men in pride my scorn or con- descend. The woman iors, Who knows Christ is her friend; The contnst between Him and mm to broad, She knows He is, indeed. the Son of God. 1. Re cum "to net the braked " lib My," E Bound long by Sun, Christ doth woman tree. s. 'atatrhoni," the to Chrbt doth gladly any, A. Not grieve!» are His mandate: to obey. 12: I. t (Luke xi. 13.) What joy. what gladness. must have swept His face. When by this Mingling soul God". lmnudlm grace Wos mum. and he faith “in I .....1 mu.- Instruction In . M---- - [hm In It "'it tron-nu. Ho any! It. 00 in Ita" "%,7iGiiGGi' " in" .-rr.. TF ""3“"! Mf? lee, let M a! old effect '%'tt I!” t). - and "tBott-. Thq m tHt I an gtolet2 At on the or man. " I'll In - cl tannin; l I only I.“ I. in» him; No MN- on I than could bring 00.)! for . - dump him. Nt u not right," full slowly fell eaeh' word. From greatest teacher that the world e'er heard. Behold Him, now, as prophet did pm- claim. “Strengthen the bruised reed, and raise to tlame The smoking flax," with truth that He did teed To her who clung to Him in bitter need: "It Lu nut right the ehiUreaU bread to dole Unto the dogs?” Truth thatned up in her will, The truth "is look, and tone. not words. implied, An, er'mPrehendinr. she in fervor cried: "truth. Lord, there must with God be grace for all. E'en for dogs men let some pieces fan." no - ms to know " in: Ith mainly utoundins. o. - me-v. gun! or "mull. " knowlvdn in aboundhx. w be "was to have a line m m (Mn-1 in 'tmntiott / I. I. “I. . perfect ulna or w bromtlon. Nt u Our Let her not lollow us along the way." In stern rebuke to them thtese words were meant. "Only to Intel's lost sheep I mos sent." Sutely He spoke them in a questioning tone, For she grew bold, drew mar. and, {am ing prone Our Lord looked down upon her dire need, Twixt her and Him held out. man's wretched creed As though inviting her that creed to slay, To sweep it, for all time, all souls. away. Before "in feet, thi pun, "Have mercy. Lord" "on me." "Th? ","rTiilraa. you know; He II. in Net. I, - -- a -.- cu.“ l'luvll VII-IE The gracious Healer: where had spread Iris Fame. Then 'wied a Gentile mother. piteously. "Have mercy, Son of David, u tt me, Tormented grievously my 1'idltt'e', lies." But Jesus answered nothing tp her cries. Then RU disciples spake, “Send her - _ May, "I [Nita f /tj?"'ii'ii iw' .ilelEi-iie'ii 3jiiiilii1'i)", 'cii'iiiii4)' 'trt r Tohr. The um of the Gentiles. "" Knows " All (Matthew otvtf. 21-28., feet, this was Mt.. t2t xiii. TX. "i: Mott J; (not David's son) plain truth mere M 10-17: Mt “iii her altered " spake LE - w. - .. I two”. wk h body. low body. one I meta-nu y "ouod at I Another ( In tho N o the and“ Guam. , , a sheer w ' an... ml. l Only the tool ohm that "mining is high: Ind good. Yet the greater fool is that one who cluim It In In dirk and evil. Between these tower. the mm of diving wis- 4o1rr--ttf my be wholly “marina-who no; Ind ncknowiednl he sees th mud. the scum. 00 unmblin: block... the cioudn Bad the SBrtr when. but who know: that it he does “Mun! " part in overcoming them ther will not hinder him or staid in the way of his Mlpinl along the heme day. We mu. it by. ml when we oomph“: at them V. with: of onmivg.AA The not that neither of the ottieera sub lured from myth!“ worn than a cold during their eight months' "roughing tt" is a mu- mnlal to tho and cum” of the hinter- land. which only needs to be better known to We} emu-prim men " Coltttti.ta.-.Lon, Our friend Lil Rune" mm: m we have hum! to be Whiting true, that It " hard work to be a beauty. She hm why we qun't worry. nor be law. not cu what we want. no: go without cor-em. not no In Bed trtter 8 B. m.. nor neglect the bath and up hetttr of NHuch. nor “old the long qeeth not! motor drive tn the oval atr. We Ive also lounithst u I: good for ttut oom- olmon to wit-t wood. My tho lee from the not. mthtt the nn gaunt. rive a. storm can from Its window bed, tad on n). aruo v a w. m. knew o! s. tNt Iain. Urbain?!» " " h-mn seem " I hamle- knew '~--r:;-¢r1mo. AW sum VII the grout KIIotcur fails on the Mn river. which we" visited by the expedition on the wuy to Yskonlpu. Tho Wm. when the Potaro river run over a then precipice 141 (out high (the Hone~ .00 in". " Nun i only 164 feet) ia the wide of the 9010”.“ _ _ == Gr/ an.” to each 'ximent. Five or six ”imam: were "cured. but vote will)! "ouod about In trelliug. -- _ _ A A most cum»- luminous commute was du. connd tn tho lot-eat country. The animal, which '- two or three inches long. bore . red um In It: head and u uric: of eleven or “who white ohms-com. upon don; ite body. lone to ugh torment. five or six Hanover. June Bad July turned out wot. It VI. noted by the tunnel: a a curious circumnunoo that the labour: than caused their attention. uncut. “hotly u 0 o'clock 0.... bot a the and "It. cam on the some at I o'clock M the mosquito“: at manta“ they “ways but plenty to occlwy their at- and the knboum tly proved a great pest. Very wisely the officer: had provided them- when with veil. md alovars, on no much in- convenience And even illness m avoided. tor on they neared the Mutt: and the mush country mosquitoes and and flies, which had boon entirely about on tho plateau. put in an Woo. A - _ _ i i no duly Wed, attired in I gnu-mom which at A considenble distance wore the Doc: ot a Roman top. but on better in- action proved to be an ardent. minimum This In. his robe of ante. put on in honor of the white men. HI- convention, however. turned out to be confined to the word. "Morning. morning' 'and to I "elation ot the lens" ot the ulohabet. -iyGiGiiink {FIRE}; in com“. or native "dttttrntta," the true-Ila: found that mums became a pruning". (mm; ot thelr - -..- At the VI"... ot lumbar”; they found Jeremiah. the new. chief. I character who“ donut In to touch " people the alphthetrnd punch to them in a “no thatched chute he n. built. Two of his can. won with tho ex- pedition and the". with a tine tortmttulrtmss d mu) propriety. eat to; Lyofold nun." an. have undo some iutereottntt jitey,'le'tl " ' . . . m the country mapped out tty the award ot f 2yl mopned to recommend the use the king of Italy In the British Gulaua-Brtrgi1 " t te PY" porter to whom you Pay boundary diwule two years 130. a cmnmlssmn. All nuctaon rooms, from 0:113. “angled trom wagon. Jt1'"f,t'i't Christie's to the ultimate East, posse“ . ' tMrCOtTtpNb y m n I ' . a” and tour Artorak bores, “a after th most I these useful attaches, and the fr.iend.irhip mace-(u! trip mun-nod safely on Sept. 13, of f good porter or attendant ls above ttteir Ibunoo hum: mun lutod some and rubies. Minard's Liniment Relieve: Remand; Officers Explore Strange Country of Mosquitoes and Plus. C. W. AMI: and H. P. C. Melville. two dicot- ot an th-ittneett ot and. And mine: an out by the government ot British Gui- uu. hue made, some mutating discovorlu in the country mapped out tty the award ot the king of Italy In the British Gulaua-Brtrgi1 boundary diwule two years 150. "Even when the-e extol-mi symptoms nre them. mutt-nil! by its tttttttttttco upon one or the other of the ocular nerves will by nerve- reflex action crate 1 reaction ot the toner“ ayatom. inability to woiongod study. irritability ot dim-Mon. tretfuhtmu, Ind im- miu the mover development of mental, nervou- nnd physical form. "Thus ht follows that eye-strum In An eu- olny that should be cabana! with melamine murmur. so tbs: no disastrous effects may he neutralized and It: angel-on. tendencieel "Then the 'pull' of the ophlhehnlc nerve on the ganglion does have this effect is okntiiully exhibited in the course of my duly eye-testing. How often do I find in cues of anieemetropia. especially in than one” where the eye defect in: never been neutralized by tuxruratelr preecrihed glance. that the detective ear is on the nine side " the deimive eye. In one: of high bin.. ocular tmtermerrqrits, when there has bees!) eimiiu neglect of tho use ot [lee-es. the .wemuure blanching ot the hair in en ever Dre-en: feature. end the early decay of the teeth follow: simultaneously with the detect- in vieion. "Humor. it must not be inferred that - one ot eye-strain is tolowed by these external ammonia. as in some CWSeS the, one theumelvee lose their acuity ot vinlon.‘ than decreasing this extra demand of nerve manly through the ophthalmic branch, there- by Meaning the depletion of allied nerve- ocntree. Yet the tendency ot ell eye-urain ie to bring about these distressing con- eeouemee. “In this warfare tar nerve auppremncy the washout many a the one to luc- cumb. enter the eye lose- its visual Acuity. or the bearing becomes defective. or the tooth doc”. or oven it may extend to the bur. vhf}: turns prematurely grey. "l‘ho also: of eye-unln. can“! either by alumna-In. ammonia heteropborh, hyp- fraur1r1atiVtnrosria or allied toms of detect- ln vhion. is to demand an enormous on“ supply of nerve energy through the ophthal- mic braneh of the tri-facial. 'rttit, an” ac- mud. loot up for years. hilt Lra TiiiiGi- In: mom on the other two branches. which 'ttt..tPlt yurmir from pm me ungllon. be: us further “We“ that one ot these bunches I. manually pulling oft more than ".3 than ot water. ttad it on be - un- derstood that the other two bunche- must be more or In. depleted or their supply. Now. Mm h mrtustir what occurs to the fifth bum. And the m-ncm bunches In eye-unh. The oNrthatmie bunch-one ot the tri-tF-te pulling ott moot of the nerve - Pee' by tttt Nikon, Bttd I; by “The "airoe an. unequal or inadequate nerve supply in that these allied organ Iranian", Ttee _lu men fuchongl power. no witch Mn. ii. aia%FGaiGGt In]? ".92." "F”,- - "This can be Illustrated by was!“ water t1onrirsq arena: I mun bunch. and " s. col-Nu noun (tamed the whom, mm min branch dividem Into {hue malla- hunches P supply water in three aileron directions. Ind are noticed Inert or Giiiiiriu; 153i} Wuhan. "rho um our or nerve- divide at their muon- into three Moan! bunches. one totttosrt.ooetotheatsr,aoaone to the mu: and and inaction; Each branch an“ in turn mm trom the “anion It tho but! ol the mm not“. “we. in controlling the [auction ot its New ”a. but simply to call attention to the be". which control the drain ot “I And their roimiomhlp to other Allied urn-outta out which they have consid- qmbiq lam-nee. "Nam in so balanced (In amply of at". our" to no 731101. ornn- ot the Indy that an numbrlum In turly unnamed: but would that unallrorlum be dbmbuled by any “normal demand 1m my particular can, “that "on luncuontl “no“ or ova-exclmlon. than other ttmed nerve- otw- Inuu of Immunity be depleted. " It ll not lumded in um ohon diner- tation to trace the new. throat: I" their Mono ruminations. or to oxplain the pu- deulnr and neon-:37 - ouch brunch autumn, Between Em: and In" Depletion. 1mm. on an. unblock Dr. Sun“. a M B.0.A.. WILD” Proton-or Haunted- .l Mel. an: SIGHTS IN BRITISH GUIANA. Hard Work Keeping Beautiful. " " Optimist See: Things. YOUR 2mm. It? Death sometimes manly mom 3, tttttttU none (mm the arhubton. to)“. tombotone. They were somewhat disturbed by my pausing to watch them tout a few left to find a perm on some higher branch. Probably there were scores of these sparrows in this tree. for I was able to examine only the bunch near the light. Who known but that every pin in the park and many a one in the woods as well, is a reriutrle'tettemettt for when birds.'-8t. Nicholas. (Phlhdelphit Pun.) . It. Pugteierc-NI me. how do you 'llko no out of my new skin? - Knorr-mer much. um, Punch! (Mloualyhoh, do um nu- R-Yee, Indeed; I and two Just an tt--wtms they you! In talc. . One stormy. wintry night, while walk- ing through Central park, New York city, I partly answered the question. A branch of a large pine tree swung clone to and a little above aatreetltunp. The branch and its twigs were quite free from snow, the dense leaves or "needs les" forming a root ubove them and catching the snow which had quickly fill- ed up the spaces between the blender leaves. Here and there under the most cozy-looking of we leaf clusters was a little group of English spun-own looking as comfortable as could be. Prince of Monaco Found: a Hum of Sea Life. ' In zero weather, when the night in pitch dark and there is a piercing wind driving a biting snow perhaps you have wondered, as l have, to think how the little wild birds could mange to sleep and not freeze nor be covered up with the snow. Xinud's Liniment Cures Dandruff. "With others it is well to arrange I sort of sliding scale of commission. which has for basis the principle that the low.. er the sum for which he obtains the ob. ject tre higher the commission. These are matters of personal arrangement, which will be found to work to the collector’. advantage." "For a matter 'of one shilling in etch pound sterling of your outlay you can purchase the service as bidder, caretaker and guide of this locally important per- Bon. Some of these men are worth more and like more. 'Most of these men. for example, can tell you Pretty well beforehand what a piece is likely to fetch in their particu- lar sosroomu--they may know nothing of its value euewhere-tsnd thus enable you to regulate your bid. _ "The better plan, if you suspect the auctioneer of having started the price at ten shillings. is to lie low, when, no one elw bidding, he will say: 'Well, gentle- men, five shillings;' some few may then increase at a. shilling or two at a. time, and when these bids are dying out you name a price in clear figures-you are as near the rostrum as powthhr-- and nail your piece. _ I "Ten shillings is a price at which small pivot-s of furniture are often start- ed by tho auctioneer, who makes believe to have had a bid. If the newcomer think, the price iow he will nod to the seller. who. as it were in reply, will say a pound. and soon find thirty shillings elsewhere-although it does not really exist; another nod from you and in this way you may pay £2 ior a piece that although worth it to you at the moment will prove a poor bargain. "Having noted the half dozen pieces you wish to own, inform yourself as far as possible as to their value. Refer to one of the now general' handbooks on the particular subject. "Be sure that when you return next day to the auction you know the top price you want to give and will not be guided by the bidding. The auctioneers and the trade between them are often tempted to trot a noviee--eut is, run up the price for his benefit or increase it by larger bid,, than usual, _ _ _ "First, glance with p. careful eye over the catalogue. Everything looks well in a well written catalogue. Then one should give oneself plenty of time to view the pieces the day before the sale. "A magnifying glass is here a useful friend; under its informing influence cracks appear in porcelain, newly made additions in thippendale, hopeless {aka stand confessed. "We might suggest a few simple lines of action to the lady-and women are, of course, the eleverest hands at a bar. gain-or man who, having pursued a hobby through varying stages, decides to enter the auctions. A Pastime taught With Danger for the . Unsophilticateq. "There are bargains galore at we- tions," any: a writer in the Pall Mall, The neuphytes who find themaelvesat trade sales of antique furniture are not many, but every man's hand is inat them. The newcomer is received mu, but the traders watch the bent of his fancy and at the right moment pounce upon him and devour him. "but the way to them is beset with pit. falls. ' MISS mums "HAP' ELITE IlltttttiMlli8 sonnet P. o. BOX OI DUNDAB, ONT. :LI-r: _. IBiitgtilllii8 ttIMI. Adopt thin method and increue your in- come. ~Fpr full par- ticulars write to-dsy. REVELS IN OCEAMC Ltmt. Touches Dress Cut- ting sad Making in all its bunches by mail (8 lessons). The best system ever in- troduced In Canada. When the Coolant Bani. BUYING AT AUCTION. TORONTO wer. mun“ Linimcnt Cum Bum, ate. The. Home and the School. “(Chum mm Data.) mrmttaardt-tt-ttareraat"retrr0'rt- lnon that”; tn tho vellum of alum. who an be properly mum only much mold. Imam-M and mining unavoi- Choctaw TrgoruattntttriMttNr- uek/oittt.-tee-yr0tfomreKto ”mm. the but in“ and moat m- y: Mal M at Go a”. M - with in a be coo-Ind he a. all“ the. nut to no with: at.“ m_hm1-1.H-9 One Meal of Simple Food. (New York Sun.) New Yorker- on innit-Me In their demand for nanny Ind tho hoot who owl-lieu some. thing new In more comm to have his lo- onocoulul upper ot the lat for weeks wu Tttation. scouted thou my other. Tho moot given by . young mm who Inn! on his iiuafnanrutthrme.aedp'oytetmtet conspicuous In society. Inn-II o! W]: and no the - ate buckwhou not... ammo, tried who and other mun-1y homely - The" - no m up- nroach to clump-gm than elder. while moat ot the gum contained W‘. with tea and cones " midnight who the lower was carved. The boat'- on out woo ("when that tritthi tom-go roomjor o cook bond by "rica-Gi -friiGT,Umt " Impommou wie the one exu-nvopno‘ggf {he entertainment. Madam Walsh's World Renowned Old buttoned Recipes have been used tor you" with great mimosa. Cum monumental, piba. female mules. sure but Aererlotrt reueir.tr. .tlehi.PtPP WW '1 .--RIF N._iV__-""--. - _ mo'u and bitttttnarka; electric powder tor and and ewe-t1 feat; liquor amt tobacco balm cured: every (hunts: has the Ingred- ients; very new“; Anyone for so cents. , for 35 nuts. 4 tor 00 can“. entire "at 81.00. Anyone ot then new In worth my than the price. Kay & Co., Onxtou He anger, from chill Candi down tllpugh 'P""' Mexico. _ _ _ He Sag been known to housekeep dong with the fox. at; Grp iariTFGu/ '1; Raining Gtr rod. used by [aging actre-rttrPotiyf, my. - It is well to beware of his skunklike so?!“ glands. _ _ _-- _ _ _ He is a night-roaming fellow and his house, in I cave or burrow, has no ill smell. Bulking. Chicago} He burrows. ' He's a ooloniso. _ North, he hibernatel. In England he's called the brook. In Germany they know him as a, duck. He fights fiercely if caught in close quarters. _ ___ "I haven's seen anything in the papers about a newsboys’ dinner," the man said. "When does, it take place? “Just as soon aa'you give me that dime and I can get to a lunch oounter," the boy said. He got the dime.~Kansas eiFifur." TRAPPERS "Gimme a dime for the nowsboya’ din- ner," a boy asked as he shoved a. dirty hand in front of a man at Tenth and Main. streets last night. MUSKRATS -. _..,, _..... "'V-r_qWM9 . urn w men, Ind "if! were their has." "1 mode my deco-tamed dive utter e girl l who-knew nomethinx About the hudneel. " 'A men over there “at! something thet sounds like coffee and trormr,' I mid to hot. " Then they Bro,' one said, end pointed to come one-cent mile. 'tive with on order.’ “I returned with the 'ttttram,' end found ten men waiting to be served. A (noun: ot helpleee deeperetion come over me. " they alt clamor-ed at once for their lunches. The matt hour we: indeed 'tureq.' Before I hid served my ten men, than were aller- standing in line with); for new. As soon " one men (inialsqd, “other took " place. Whey Ihoved back the dishes in Rent ot them Ind ate on top ot the am. Once. the eltmtion ttrek deqrerato. eech one venting to be served first. all giving their orders, at once. no that I could not extricue anything hom the Jumble. It was so theo- lutetr purifying thnt I could not do uny- thirur. I Just etood still and hunted. The mile went around the table, end they nub- eided and let me tote one order at n time] No one we: no... In.“ , "a- n... ' N. C. ‘GOFFATT _ V__.. 7...“. - ”v: uncu- ulu wrong thing. They was madly ten cent cullstomerl. one dish ttve,_tutd 3 drink the: -1 "--- ___, -. - _ nmusrouumvwnat. for Inch uetad, mac-Jam mum women and episod- front real “to. land Yum". In inel- “Duty of Alt Annou- Wutr-I." the mound human ot which have.“ In (he April Icahn-01. clu- Ill may glimpse: at New Yarn quick lunch rennunnu. We quota tho Iona-u; Intact. from no: dbcrlouon ot the rush hour In . New "trrttttt_ee-kairiiieire-iiLrd morn-y amp-allot, that tho contain- loch:- oglcu dun: A_eero_a-rt-treotrwnrrmn. mm’ point of View I: than Manly up mm. and it u an we'll do" It tun-mm . an] of mm: and. hon in more norm- alienation of tho problem In bud: 3oe. a bottle. At denim “noun. DRUG A CHEMICAL LIMITED. MONTREAL l Horse with a Stained Shoulder r,"m mm Fellows’ . Leeming’s Essence Quick Answer Won a Dune. hdmiy so you an have it when needed. Whether pm have one home or 'gt,,",,'.',',' accidents are linble to appen may time. Keep I bottle of in sound " I dollar in " hour: after you rub the sore spot with Fellovn' Leaning'a Esaence. It gives instant relief in All cues of Strains, Bruises and Swelling! - draws the pain right out - strengthens the weak back, shoulder or knee. DRILLA The Badger. me “to one oider at i this. 0105 when I give them the I WANT The Potency of Ideals. Ideals are more potent than acts. Let I millionaire give £10,000 to a hospi- tal. The public is for the moment struck, but who save the institution itself re- members the gift next day'. Lot a "lead- ,roisociety'%tmrta charity bazaar. Let her gather a little court around her. he: the stall-holders be visions of beauty--- itheir coloring perhaps just a trifle "us- 'sisted"-and under their spell let the buying be brisk and a. great financial success be scored. The masses will and the nocount in their newspapers with wonderixg admiration, but they will find here no wholesome stimulus for them. selves, since the motive of the brilliant Junction we: rooted in display. In eur. ity, " elsewhere, it is not the action but the spirit of the agent that perman- ently tell-Forts/ls Review. scope, to the shepherd that he, too, might see what he was beholding if be had vision. Ami the old shepherd put the instrument up to his eyes, got the heather bell in phce and looked at it un- til the tear: ran down his maul face like bubbles on a mountain stream. And then, handing back the little heather bell, tenderly, end the instrument. he add, ‘I with you had mm ahown m that. I wish I had - seen It." "Whyt" asked the ooieutiet W.” usiie,"er-,tutrrhfootu"rod. in wonder. love and praise." Flak long he stayed there he does not know, but suddenly there was a shadow on him and his instrument. He waited for a time, thinking it might be I passing cloud. But it stnyod there, and present. 1 he looked up over his shoulder and time was I fine specimen of a Highinnd shepherd, watching him Ami, without turying . word, he plucked the little lla- ther bell and handedr it,polh th? mun-n- They tell a, 'ttor.rof a. great scientist, a great naturalist, who, one lovely sum- mer dny a. year ago, went out in the Highlands of Scotland, with his miermi. cope to study hie heather bell in all its native glory. and, in order that he might see it in its perfection, he got down on his fare, without plucking the flower, ad, justing the instrument, uni wu mulling in icsroolor, ft: deliayss, its beauty, "iort Treading on the Heather Bell. (A Gypsy Smith Story.) Gypsy Smith. who is holding a, series of revival meetmgs in Brooklyn, N. Y., introduces into his talks seven] anec- dotes relating to his experienees in Soot. law: am, of his stories was the follow. den " you are fond of fishing, canoein‘. camo- m or the study ot wild animals look up the Alumni!) Nuionai Park ot Ontario tor your ammo:- outing. A M and 3am. preserve of 1.000.000 1cm interspersed with 1.200 lat. and river: in ”lawn; you. offering all the damnation that Nature an bottom Mae. nmcont canoe trips. Altitude 2,000 {out soon ”a level. Pure and exhilarating who“. Jun the plaoe for a young man to put in bl. aummer holidays. An interacting and pro- fusely illustrated ducriptivo publication tell- ing you all about it sent tree on application te I D. McDonald, Union Station, Toronto, Removes all hard, tsoft or callouned lump. and blemishes from horses, blood spnvin, curbs, splints, ringbone, sweeney, stiflel, sprain, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. have $50 by use of one bottle. War. rantod the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by druggistl. A negro ohootiu anal: occun'ed in Raleigh Sunni-y night u the meet market of Bob Burns in Weet South street. There w o gun-rel between Bob Burma and Tom Flem- ing over a. pound and 8 hell of liver. ment- in: claimed Burns did not give Mm (all weight. whereupon Burns use“: weighed the liver end found it lacked one ounce at being the Imunt paid for. and he cut mother piece end put with it, but Fleming refund to take it and demanded hie money hock. He he ordered out of the store end Burns followed him to the door, when Fleming turned and fired at Bum. but missed him. Then I fight queued and in the mills INem- ing ehot Burns in the chest. The wound will hudly prove foul. The mount In- volved was 15 on“. mm a nonagenarian, is not only still to the fore, but is full of energy and activ- ity. Professor Campbell Fraser, nlso his senior. will be 88 in September. Professor Mum will be 85 in December, and Dr. Alfred Wallace was 84 in January lut. Goldwin Smith will be " in August, Dr. Furnivul was M. on the 4th of February, Holman Hunt is 80 this yenr,and George Meredith has entered upon his 80th you. Among the treptuagertariarm are Gerald Meaty, not many months younger tua Meredith; William lam-rent ' 76; Mr. Justin MeCarthy, 75; Lord Roberta, 74; Lord Wobmley, 73; Baring Gould, 73; and Lord Avebury, 72. Swinburne will be 70 on April 5th next-N. Y. Scottish American. The death of Sir W. H. Russell loam the email band of literary octogennriuu. Sir Theodore Martin, however, who mm more than four years his senior, end in ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Your Doctor" “I: cure out Uattttt or Cold. , no question’ that 'tth, Inst-i. why to to nll the two lo Ind inconvenience of looking him up, slthtytuvt'ritiitiTiGkiaiitiG fllled, Wynn can amino-lay drug store In Cumin and chain a bottle of SHILOH'S CURE fora quarter. Why pi two to five dollars ttly/it gmggqqotjye cent SHILOH I pgliILOH will cure you, and nil tttP, ta he} up thin moment vi I positive guarantee. The next time you have I Cough or Cold cure tt with Why iot do as hundreds of thouund: of Canadians- has done for the put thirty-four {own let SHILOH beyour doe. r whenever s Cough' or Cold wuen I "vent dive cent bottle of Arllh'ir'h'i canyon "ayeklrt - 7 YOUR SUMMER OUIING Bad Case of Liver Trouble. Top Score". on no "1m" Ho is unanimity In. ii-' museum! {Medal-s. but Inuit giro In: sin of In. 'e"rNtteroetthtmq+trqe'tqi.. "we. The - u be In- " M I. not tor Mm. Human tut M Inna- uuxd we; I The Sunday Comic Supple-sat. (Trades Unionist.) The daily newspaper is among the most useful growths of modern civiliza- tion, but it sometimes sends forth odors too rank and pungent for babes and moldings. The source of newsr should, therefore, be selected wit hsome refer. ence to its effect upon the minds of the young. Big red headlines and ghastly illustrations of crime may be of service to the student of sociology. perhaps, but the impressions, they make upon chil- Ldren my do lasting harm. As for the 'Sunduy comic supplement, to use . l slangy but appropriate phrase, it should he out out. Beyond a doubt, ll gener- ally conceived. it is likely to lower the mental. moral and artistic tone of the human mind and debue the some of humor into a fondness for horse play. brood. All the same. the nodal. m 1uanarntt-detrtoailitt-taotts. It without the purple ot I. who. He In the confidant of the out but am in bl. [run a I mum of Mum And with no 5.. cm Mumm- from unholy. a. a a. any coP.eelp , up mun: by. an: we. (Bantam Km.) Br coma-Alum no on no gum-m -wtsowr9ttt.srtumtharoott"rtt-a pecunhry motive. Pathw- the I...“ ttte motion red on the theory tttnt It would an" the ma who Hu- hy M. 3-1» ho (at and not. Bu on would emm- at: GEO. ROUGH. Livery Stables, Quebec. 95 $0103 A... Street. mm. used MISARD’S 1.1mexrin my stables for over a year. and consider it the VERY BEST for home fled! I can get, and would strongly recommend it to all horsemen. . . HORSEMEN, READ This ' I _dlllCl,,,ll,itlllli,t,'. The dseoration. were aha-en about en- tirely by the (lichen. who he admit-lilo taste. She and the king are said to have hugely enioyed pinning their ideal reli- deaer regardless of cost to themselves. Camel winced a bit, es [any when they ordered this model, Chl'.'; out " Incl! as half e dozen suburban villa. In order to get the full effect of the structure. both iu‘guerd outline and la detail, . large model he. been we. showing the edifice finidod. furnished Ind decorated. It even connin- “out furniture, wholetered in the no do“ u the prieeleu origin-Jo. bureau! and cabinets being reproduced in miniature an In amt cede. It in provided the with minimum caudal-bu, electric Hflnl elevators sad so on. The model itle f ls I work of art, shout twenty feet long by fourteen feet wide. mummie- tlllPllMalmll mm on” ASK YOUR DEALER iiiii Duchess.“ Priscilla '%er%teerrtaeuae. ”MI-Glui- “at” Princess-a-aa-os,.,,,,... Mr Inc-t Cane! In Quad . fortune on Brook house, Purl: lane. was in "nits-, 2 intended as . pleasure house for King Award. Like a true courtier. Sir Erl‘ out invited suggestions from the “I“ who called in the dew r duet-I of" Mum-heater u joint 'MT. Between them they have planted an gegtl,t ment ' involvi a expend! If! Which 1:3: even [,','lfti,,1'i'd,,1'il"r: Cal- Iel_ gap. - L Foam Spat on Pu"", freshman“ nun _ MATCH-lag - nil-nu- mteChtidmfoue Dun: Link 12elaieg,te L'ttk?et an... “Vault-l “TU! Al'u -- "a'""'"-'-"... a an --- ETiFG%cT (FIVE Cabal-mid '.ut",trii mmmm can“ lind'l Uni-ant for ale -um. "r-rt-tttSteno-et-ee PtleP.pOAtAef '" m 'grfhat it n- at the on”; by the au-Gr I533 may. and“ ad truthful com-u on. I datum” fd1eiees mm. o In” than in for no vac-ma tl.ttterut_ _Io must not out: a. “mini or tum-y strips with may frock: w What, or alpine; high Iilk m perm-Ne with the cuuvuy frock out. tgttirt--PUi. white or {they colored. Win; or high-hand turn-over. Cmmt---Aaeot, four-in-hand, or broad. end tie. 'tht-e.--" up: or my reindeer. rreqmhy-0ohd or silver It“. and cuff links. m. in the attire the partiruUr mun we“. to Elli-en, “cording to the Cloth! and Punish": CAtat---The Incl: or cuuwly frock. ove-t-ASesterfield, tartan! or co- a an; at" irc "W" -'N. 'aii,'ii:'iffiilfte'a"r2th", “lawn; mu. rat. (Jun Uted via Win Blood on" all“ 007cm. 5am, and + ”at lop-3‘1 shire, diseases!" Tuhh-N-trite-u.--" Hthde-kh‘ any-3h.“ - thud-d -ie. ataGoit" flu-5' atua-rLai. i." “A" mmtherr of elderly ladies an din-ding (liming school this winter," a“ . Met. " have a Urge clan of We". They do no! coetfitto ban-the. to ample dams. either, but take mlll kinds of “my. difficult steps. ydoittogeClitnbeeedup 1nd keep timeke- young." Then. My . -imothrr herself, of the old-Mined type, Ibo went away hub with Annulment. However, upon hairy ake. loaned that that partial!" grandmother Wu not exceptionally gid- dr. . ' , .. "“mhl heave-r" guped the viit toe. a“: an the an, “the Ian gum to buairsg M"- "To-F-ir" “chimed the euitor. “Du . "hoo1," explained the girl. “radar ha been taking during but all winter." . An-tr-rat a is" "Uflatwaa “M tt the mil girl oi the ttunily, my! the New quk Pee. -.. . . . its your grandmother int" ukad the m. _ ”I ml.-.N. W-"' _ ttTt%ririiriyEerLtutee,t',U,.e: “kwflmbmwnm m “”3“!me- l: 'lTi"r"GiCi'kTiaiii0h2rretieey'i,,t?,y FiitWiafkqerteAt"t. 03M! mer, 'irG"iDaaihiet.", - Quilt! it the um. - In" “It tr W the 'at'qi"iikiahtreuteutPLtr1e. t"Ghii7iiririFe.ete.StP.ef.!,e "I“ i"i"GtraTi5ii_itr_netbteept' malt-boll» '.t'r, W“. m u “nu-“.mtyo qtt.Theeunqtts 7iiViiTGGruute1e11Pttde “may young!” rete Pte" - ”n" 't'Giriiirai "in“: - f" M PM an.“ and on" com o: a"aiiuaumtietett?h'eiy.ttd g. I m by Valuat- lulu" an!» n we out. “ADYAW- B.oto-ueed all-kin, boot or oxtoed. W_t--hame mun-id u coat, or Liner puter. may no. " 1907. tgranarsaa0eto Should Par the Law Faulty. wwbw‘ n. Well-Druid In. w gall-- eeeefeePr “ ITOH PE WAX I PRESS INT Has a Ch at Jinn trttern in V ' .titqotirhed (i? kttowlee In climbing " horses i 1antpuatP' to other “my-.- h, a“ duru- tutu-<1 Br) 1 heal (in: wit h Ida Aiiiisi M" " " " Urban hum-r politi, od. " mm h itderat ii the ooh of mudd- Utim "f u all imp In run!) Inn t ke "ttt wou huh “I Lunacy 'ot emp to , t Io. lie It; d, hi -n int ' II " “In I " th " " “Pl Prove""'"'. in itel y . night for pinion. artittita' I W omnihsain " u that In»! -dutv, I tt " In Thai

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