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Durham Review (1897), 11 Apr 1907, p. 1

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of m- llack" ( your mo- n: SHOP Jill rm. Tom " was ion to the vicinity mat for Kinnce I; strict ad hon- bare of a I Met mm: do- ttYrTAND FEM"). sition 'elcome, "punt! ny ml. " lob-M “nod Ot all ll.“ Our Mailing Sheet ha been corrected to date. Does Your label Please " you? $61.. xxvm, no. 15 7t,'iiiriiii"i'aaai5itar""1" iii NEW DRIifili "at“ rrnl It! 'if, Get into touch with Spring -- ar W st ii New‘ Ill Newt M 'Te (Ill we': Of. IK gg New Lace Goods 35mm p232??? - . offered. Prices Soc to $4.So per pair, tlf, New Curtain 1P,ds O '3 Ney Gogds for That Label. New Carpets New Linoleums New New Carpet ityt;'rss-t'idl1tt, you are prt span mac or little on your new floor we're here with the goods. a, - --_, Qimamemmmmmmasmsm 'ii2g Ill. mm The House 0! (mm: mm 'iii,,,'),':';,',; Easter Openings 'iii'iiii An interesting topic for April. Ott pertinent is full of interest for every who wants to be well dressed. In over suits are just what leaders of fashion a terns, lengths, shapes, all are exactly well shaped shoulder and the indescr the man of good taste is after. Men's Suits, 86 to $16 Boy's Su Only 10 days "7r You want toknow what to do about your, bpflng out», don't you? You want something just a little bit differ- ent from every one else, don't you. You don't want to spend any more than you did last time do you? The first thing to do is to see whats nicest in clothes and fabrics. That is where we can help you. Attend our Openings Thursday. Friday and Saturday of this Week. _ -- - may R1 articles will freshen up your home wonuu;.u.., . We can be of immense service to you with large stocks of new Spring goods. don't your luu " ent from every one spend any more th: first thing to doi fabrics. That is , curtains, "e to 6oc a New Clothing for Wash Fabrics ft and ter, orgasm“, ----, Blue and whitt, black and Navy mnsnne mm m... See our beautiful fiortil muslin designs 200 per Space forbids full descriptions & pdots but we have 1 up and are showing l I=--~-- sum“. NEW EASTER HAT -.-rbo ”him" ttVIII um»: 'i"itriaki?/8 . Chmhm" 20m mow”: In broadcloths. Venetians, Lustres, E urn”, ,,, Serges, etc. We have them all in different weights and qualities at all prices. Never before have we shown such a. wealth of designs in “ " . -- - Zebhvrs, Chambrays, Vestings _ -. __ts.,.a. Plain white tes at an t'""" before have we shown such "iaedi,1r' of 'N/gl m l . Zephyr? ham rays, eatings h Fabrics Piques, éwiss Muslins, Plain whiter minted organAus,,Irift,t Dimities. Embroidered Linens :and whitt, black and Navy mns}ins and novelties. mt beauuful fiortil muslin designs 200 per yd. . . " :..n [Inscriptions a Ede“ but we have opened F611 THE HOME I his; 6 Boy 'ig Suit Made-to order Suits yard. m more l Spring A few new up your home. wonderfully. we shzown such a , cphyrs CI ff Piques, éwiss haerish Dimities No no .howinl . mu displny ot new sttatrer, 3nd dam" tin .11 me now mm column 2Nfato tt.00s Bobbinet am Goods-they Men and Boys Mtu.t.1t9a/i,i,i,T,,, til-1 Easter Sunday. . Our clothing de- . every man and boy In every detail these shion approve. Psi- axactly right; broad indescribable "style" NECKWEAR LJCAt'h Il-aa. l ' mucosa or 0mm. I are prepared to FN w floor covering gil and Madras Curtain 251 my make beautiful m l Suits $6 to $16 ms and most we have ever 'iiiitiit Bum sou? if - "A" Formalin '6P"%rtllrlB= - - v - v '/,'P, carpre" due-- -- -__, __ Br a curious trposraphittt1 vrror in 110 et.. At the mm . othee. W. Lawrence”: ad. last; week Tire set-1 Fan Barae.--Botyd nd Lot. Apply ting was made Fire letting. Bee page 4. Ito Mn. Ma reg I,“ . Ip'er'rown. Succxssrm. BocsAs..--Itte B. Y. P. I Ntmcs.--h accoun not. sewed be. U. of the Baptist Church had a succesu- , fore lst of Ifa m)! be placed In other ful socml last Thursday evening with hands for coll ion. a good 1?St In. A. Burnett. rs, an» R mum in Diseases of the First class mnem- wanted at once. -- _ A ' mnanl. J. L. Mirity. \VINTRY Conn! l‘IONB. - Following the cold of lust Week. there have. been several snow flurries this week. though nothing to eqnnl Montreal where the worst storm " the season was exper- ienced. The railways, m Saskatchewan line also been hindered by a snow storm. Houses are scarce in our town, and hardly a week passes but what thert i are applicants for n. number of tenan .... _._-- I“... nnnmhol‘ o norm. Houses are scarce in our town, and hardly a week passes but what there are applicants for u number of tenant houmw. The town loses anulnhor of good families each your who would lite co locate here if they could tind the houses. Those who have the means to do so would tind the erection of nonm- ter of tenant houses a good paying investment. - I -.-e. ghgs "te""""". GRADING IN Tows--iost. week the ft C. P. It. began operations in the Gra- ham and anlett lots east, of the school “rotunda and are making the fill in E the ravine north of Lambton St. A dift1tumy is experienced we believe in (2 getting teams truftleient for the work contemplated. Messrs Morrow and 1 Darling: were tn thn on Thursday t and Friday. hut no arrangement. has I as yet been come to in regard, to street, crossing or the school grounds. I 1uzGs--mwo.t.rs.--.h1r,'..t B. Harris I WM charged before Potiee Magistrate Teltord last week ot wiltully and um- liciously deetrnying the property of her neighbor. Mr. Hagen. The evi- dence bore the charge out, and a fints of $20 and costs or a. term cf imprison- ! ment was imposed. The destruction f consisted in the chopping of a. wire . fence. The burning o aetnhie with a I quantity of buy the same night was l also charged. hut the evidence on this : point was not concluaive. The Harrttf - we understand have, gone to Owen unyv UV" --r" in the Calm long all the turning ottt world.” TI can not tar ing to the savinsz of l grinding m lt is sum" hlnckestof it la hoped denland I use yet. TITE Jt lune table has been i Education held as fol tifientq an 4, G, 8 M July 2. 3, Senior Te sHp mall lo, 11,12, inlish " ialut. Jo cumin!“ 27 and 2f 8 PROPE I Bunwnir In" to the C. retridene [so moving for the I rented , Woodla bought town at solo {run d move it y . deuce. place n thinks vacuum " the oth s, new ll! il Dr m, in neon preeen - 'ei"-'-"-'-"-"-'-"'-"---""-----'-'"--""--, DURHAM, THURSDAY. APRIL 11, Gnu.“ MILL STARTED day, 5th April, the first an in the Cement Works her, long all the eight will he in _ A All... Inacf pp 50mm. Gnu.“ MILL STARTED --Lsust Fri- day. 5th April, the first trotary turned in the Cement Works here and before long all the eight will he in commiqsinn turning out "tho best cement In the world." The new coal nrrangemenls can not fail to make an immense sav- " . “Lam...“ nwlnrzlo the can nun _.... .Pre "V ing to the shareholders, owing to the saving of labor and the more pPrfecl‘ grinding m pulverizing. Thin latter, it is supposed. will also obviate the Markos: of but year’s smoke, something it ii hoped will take place. for we un- derstand no smoke consumers are in i use yet. - ___----.....-, _'rh. {40 per cent) kills the Smut germ. L, S cialist in Diseases of the Nos nd Throat. will be at nigh use, Durham. Wed., from to 4, Eyes tested present one, JOINT Duuau '_-"" mebcuudcavithénwnbydthaohhat'omhuldtw thmntiupedmyniubbbtghoulivingmthceonntry.udd|¢-â€"hu JJ'ih'liil'i.'iiiiiiiij,i5ig','ttd'.'"'i Litt,tih.lh'i'i.iieii.i,i',yP"""" hhmmt yam 'ir,i'lyll"lGrarriitiriiet'" 1'f1"C,"iTGLaearthttesayear' ' _ __u-a. 'lru"llhTr;it'iriiiiPiiitytf; Wm “an... ...v,’ . bterest added four m a year Swings Bank Itettaetment In Comedian with d armcha- m L..---------" DURHAM gutter! BK. I urn r: ...- _ _ in this week, though Montreal where the e season was exper- rays, m Saskntchewnn hindered by A snow MU." Jenn a M A, v". --" 'hn'ml mm "ttset-aah m, owing to the/ the man perfect intt. Thin latter, also obviutv‘ the JOINT Dts'ofrr, m" Stop(:um ”an; “an“ a w... .r_"e :2: l pny nuy one that wants’u good m and van up-w-date Myle. tow Steele Briggs seeds at Parker's Dr us more. and . . “we All kinds of onla are ke n hand at art the new more of Lemma“ Sr'l'll't'rs'tt' {Of The very lutmt s In: in spring mil. l 1&6 linery at B. F. Mor " 13': Visit B. F. Mor c a milllnery show mm- rooms and ynuwi we the very new- ying est, ideas in sprin Iillmely. S. F . Morlcct ole agent in Durham the for Progless urn Clothing. "(:33 Stop. look, and liatrn, ned don't. he iii in glect at. Mr, Flarity'a ad. t. A Ladies’Girdle Corsets at 25 and 50 VP in oas.--Grant's work " you require ythlng in the line ' and of wall ttnitettett CR and see the “sort rsdny ment ot Alnbust ' Mmesco and t has \Pulnts. " Lennlmn Molntush‘e. “mt a» nnr white Quil >nt 31:25. Il/f Bundles of old in?“ to put old carpets. l net t e thing. _ . .x - "-.t--. "fhro, First class mile}?! Good wages. J New Millinery trooder1trty"1'Y l flops, tuscnm, and white chip hats at- riving every day. Miss Dick. JUST Asuuvert-r-A cnrlond of spring Implements. buggiel. &e. of best tasks and " fair when. Remunber the ‘amnd. west of the Middoutth Home McQueen a Morice. ”nu-nutty "" lots" lolly. 2%"- “* OF CANADA " P,” - Gar». parties ennueu Luci-mu. ...., ..,, _ "_", will only to the shims of which notice Shit“ resi- I then have been given and that he Will ed u. i not. he liable. tor the assets or any part houstr, thereot so distributed to any person or _--.. no uhnnp claim he shall nct '.eruM.--o""'" m If you require ythlng in the line l of wall ftnisttetx CR and see the assort- l ment ot Alnbust ' Mmesco and I Paints. " Lennlmn McIntosh‘e. See our white Quil at 81.25. $1.50. $2.00 and 83.00, the values will surprlsn Grant has n. fuse Lvsortment of Del- aiuvlw. Chnmhry and Glnghams. i Come and see chalk '; W ' *%, __.:u 1...". l The Durham Fur ture Go. I ior sale» 113nm, slabs m wood at 8%.50 tor a rge dot delivered. Orders! at. m office. 'Lbree apprentices ivnnted Apply at Mus Dick's. See Maanrhne's new wi, the cream of America and manufacture. A. H, Jackson has R, I houses and vacant lots in tor sale. BUSINESS LOCALS. Assignees Notice ..-_-°_, In the matter of Barclay and Bell 'of it“ the Town of Durham in the Coun- ." ty of Greg, and Province of On- " tarin. immlvonts. ty NOTICE ts hereby given that Bare- '; t lay and Bell of the Town of Durham. L ttt the County of Grey. carrying on " business as Implement Agents at the it 52nd Town of Durham, have nmdenn l l assignment to me under R S o. 1897 C. l I 147 of all their estate credits and effects 1 . for the general tteneflt of their credi., ' tors. “ _ Ameeting of their creditors Will he ' held at the. Mlee of MacKny and Dunn i l in the Town ct Durham. Solicitors for l . the Assignee, on Tuesday. the 9th day l ' of April, 1907. at the hour of 2 o'elock) " in the nitwnoun for the purpoee of re-\ ,'- calving a statement and for the order- 1 t ingfat the affairs ot the estate gener- ' ally. _ , . _ n|.. ”ml.- Creditors are r claims with th: proof and pal-Hm by the said Act, of such meeting. And notice is unmet ter the tlrst day of May. nee will proceed to dist sets of the Debtors parties entitled thereto. . A - sc-ii",,. of wk ( Durham. ACCOUNTS finding a Dunn Solicitors for A1tunee' (3 hereby gnu-n that Barc- '; the funeral to tot the Town of Durham. 10' Fortetittrrto my of Grey. carrying on I His fore mm I Iinpietttertt Agents at the ‘. beuedlt his su of Durham, have madeatt I Ler of Mr. Hu ,to me under R S o. 1897 C. l two children, eit estate sereutyt.art.tl ethrit'..', l Mr. F arquhau oiLasro 28, 1907 'ihrijumort, Assignee a. , buther given that M-idraim r of May. 1907, the assig- drum d to distribute the (lriiriii'r' Debtors amongst the (rand, l there.teh.avinf,r Inet 1mm: . -t__., - .. ma. ture Go. wjll lytrtl, has a number of : lots in Dulbnm t 'liitria mix ed mm double blade In] lllv yu- cr - _ 1:31:11: le,', 2,," 221112;? EDITOR REVIEW. DURHAM. ONT. I DEAR srrsr--During the ptttt. . seamns the Depart went of Physic equated tof)ht1ttiyetIt endeavorintt to emphu‘ize , "alumnae. with t..le,lPyetiee.,c,t of underdminage. an Ilnrs ‘hereof required nmngements have been made Wt" Ott or before the "riou.r services 'M'e available to an . . s,,__ -A..:nn 1n runners relatit IL "the Review to Creditor!'. ': t under) JAB be and A well-known Thursday last, 4 Apply gentleman ems: erTown. is tBth war, a med be. 3069' for tpt, . her e wu on y n. m ot fectiou of the h urnett. pose the break- His famil rt once. Wellington nyt] w. Owen Bound l I tag-bums, Staples. Mrs. c that's ar- Liaiin, all new t. (Adan;i Regina f l and Ian Minn 0 apt If, but the latter nest lushe present at the mber t e which was lat th House friends and ' country. Ren ads clover the sewn-es. Deceased v ms well-read mm which he I ' (warm . ext. It pai l an. on m I Mum-.1442 m g: vd. Itavi11. Am the wall p399" and Canadian don t no l f/lg,' several ts/i':,',"',,',',', .. then ave gentleman In 2" and rn I on Monday morning last. I in these Fears the 3.29m; Illbu Il‘v'v‘ - and that he wilt sets or any part to any person or in) he shall nct at once, A well-known tigurp passed nwugoon l Thursday last. 4 April. when the 3 " gentlemen crossed the here. He was in is 85th veer, s ripe old age. and was ready for and welcomed the change. Be was only a few weeks ill. some at- fectiou of the heart, but really we sup- pose the Mesh-up of old we. 1 His family consists of two sons. Wellington at North Bay and Thos. in Owen Bound l six daughters, Mrs. J tut. Staples. Mrs. Chas. McKinnon. Mrs. E Limin. all near by: Mrs. R. Meredith {Adlai}i Regina: Mrs. Thomas (Dom) sud lss Minnie. of North Bay. All but the Utter sud Mrs. Meredith were present at. the funeral on Sunday last. which was largely attended by town friends and old neighhors from the country. Rev. Mr, Collins conducted ' the services. - -- ...........+.. a as we have mum".-- -"e their wives. l Mr. Banks wusanative of Yorkshire, England. was married there and came to this country shortly after. For about tio years he resided in Glenda and tasted w the full the trials of the pioneer. We are promised a. fuller NC- count of " life next week, J ACOB Knass. ll] uncav ,. --- -- a. pulmonary trouble with success. but Mm he took to had. New smnmch and heart t was further weaken nway suddenly us a I ‘rngc. rage. Deceased wasu native of Durham. having been born here track in the (YN, and WRS for many years connected with the business lite of the place. Ever since the late W's of last century there has been a Kress in business Ill l Durham. t1rst the father, and in aur- cession " sons. George, J ' and Ed., the letter at present in the husmess. He was the third in u fmnlly of six brothers and three tqitttetts, the SHIV“?- ors being George, Michael and Edward in Durhnm. John in Wisconsin. and , Willitun, Inst, heard from In Mexico. . i The sister; are Mu. Bullet ofSt. Guth- i.',".??,"',? Mrs. Ritz. ogufiddletop, N. Y., and Louisa, of Wiurlon. All but John ‘and Will will be at the funeral which takes place Thursday, and cow-ins who _ " __-_ um 1mm, Win-Lon: 1907 lanes vlmv _-__'--" " . are circled are Mrs. Lung. W inn-mu t Mrs. artiu and Mr. Geo. Knunmclxer, both at Preston. Mr. Bullet. brother- in-lxw. will also be present. I Aut deceased was a member of three lsncleties. who will be represent-d at ithe funeral today: I. O. ‘urestem G. At. Foresters and the Orange Society. [His fore thought in this respect will i, beneath. his surviving widow. a daugh- I tor of Mr. Hugh Rose of town. and his ltwo children, Harper and Maud. Rev. l Mr. Favqubtu'tson Will be the emulating iiarog's, lhuggists Ion-u. ---~~vr - have menuOned CAUlJUn WW."""-". - DEAR srrrr--During the pzwt two masons the ifewtrtuteiitof Physic; has been endeuvoring to empln‘ize the importance of underdmluage. and ur- mngements have been made wherehy‘ our services ere available to anyone wishing advice in matters relating: to drainage. Wehave full equipment for drainage survey work and when re- quested. vult a man's place. survey hli land, give him a. map ehewing eleva- ‘tlonu of all parts surveyed. together " a “A... ohnh- grade. g Ann Bun. lions ot an pal-m nun "r"" a with location of drains, their grade. depth. etc. There is no charge made for this work except the travelling ex- penses of’one man. consisting of rail- way Lure, meals and outage of instru- ments. These expenses are very light, in arrangement»; have been made. with the railway companies whereby we. can travel at one cent a mile each ww. l e., u mam living any miles from Guelph would have om outlay of $1 oo for runway fare and 25 or 50 cenu for carnage; one living one hundred miles away. an outlay a 8200 tor runway (are and 25 or 60 cents for carnage. and lo on. . _ __... mm. ntlmrgT'you Obituary. no on. Last year. together with ottxersf'you were kind enough to make announce- ment of thin plan, and many applia- ttom' for assistance either by wuy of intormtstuptt or surveys resulted there- from. [beg to thank you for your out. kindneu and to ask if you will again make mention of the work. Yours 't7, truly. . H. DAY, Lecturer in Physics. Cheap Drainage Expert. weral years of weak hum) gentleman bummed his last l y morning lust. At iutrrvnla vars the unemptw throw " any trouble seemed to meet ass. but about live weeks ago I bud. New complications of and heart ttet in. his vimliw ler weakened and he puma dpnlv us A result of at [www- :on Tenders will received up to 20ttt" April, 1007, for e stock in trqde ot the Bucky & Bel .sta'e consisting of novel. root pol . harness. repairs, etc. The stock an stock sheet: may in - at any tim by applylng to the Alumnae. . “1-- mu. up“. DurtsaauAreiltA nepnrtment Ontarlo__ARI --.------" ONTARIO 'iRCH T TORONTO many teywftt a LWWE s a member of three 1 I be re wesentvd at ', I. O. threatens, U. be Orange Society. in this respect will ng widow. aduugh- use of town. and his nor and Maud. Rev. ‘OTICE On leger; Afar two week‘s illness trom uppen icitie. from which an op- eration did not save him, the tlrst cili- izen ot Ontario breathed his last. The deceased was a "xenon: turhter when in opposition. but since being placed In the chair. he has nlrly lied the position and commended himself to to both sides as capable and tair. Em- inemlv prayer. he la to have a. public funeral to my. Wednesday. The oc- curenoe of a. spank" dying in otBee is n rare one, Lenders on huh sides ' u... um... mud plouuent tributes to Mat, mu“. 123;? ac "ibuters -on t t the Home paid eloquent the denuded. (I Speaker St. g ohn The Lord's Day and Gisiationt The Railway Commission. t. WIN". nun-v.-- ___ many cases seven days in the Woes , and twelve hours in the day, giving nutnnly muscle but name and brain in the service , The socml progress, of which we are naturally pluud, has in t some degree helped tuwird the neglect of this. the must valuable ”not in all l industrial deveioptnttit. Noone would think at this day of returning to the system of slavery with all its "rttitrare- new and oppression, and yet the pro- greus to liberty has not been [mule without stelauve Iona. " every em- ployee had to My oat his capital in paying for the energy and skill that, is - .__....n i., uncut-lama). if he had “can all“ "rr' gran: to liberty has not be without urelemve low. " et ployee had to My out his a paying for the energy und ski t'ioiweiitrated in his workmen. . --- J “Huh thul conceuu owu III um w ... -_-' ,,V to lay out in actual cash thousands of I dollars for every skilled mechanic. he, would have every motive, to take car" of them that his capital 1'/p11'Giir'/al should not be prematurely wit-ted. In ', our modern condition of society. this' capitnl is owned 2 the workman. pio- ‘duced by his in ustry, skill and de-: termination. The employer has no responsibility for replacing it, except' paying interest for it by the hour, the ' day or the year. Is it then a thing‘ unreasonable that the law should in-| tervene to say that. no employer shall i take liberty with the capital repreuent- , ed in " men. that he Would not do if i all the thousands of dollars of his workman‘u capital were owned try himself , In it too much to ask that as [ much can be given to preserve the , human agent as to guard againat the ' waste of steel plates! Thin in part is t the princlple laid down in our texta a "Six days thou shalt do thy work and . on the seventh day thou shalt rest; - that thine ox and thine us may have - rest, and the son of thy handmatd and , the sojourner may be refreshed.” -tiAer.v point ot had providvd duphe at. each wut {nigh} l all "GT" (film-sands workman‘s capital himself? " it mp I It is as hard to walk when you don't want to, u it in to he ngreeitole when you don't (eel that way. The Sovereign Bank of Canada Head office - RANDOLPH MacDONALD. I _ . A . T .u (ttel tttlt/ a tn E . Reserve 933?. . . Ametro"r-o ... tgeneral Banking. lillu UUWu u. v_, 7 " shalt do thy Work and uh any thou shalt rest; ‘and thine us may have son of thy hunduuud and r may be refreshed.” . G. TELFORD. swu- Rpm“ flee - - - Toronto NALD. President. ALLAN. Vice-Pmilent. D. M. STEWART. General Manager. '/.y.y.y.'..1'.'r..'CC.:----:t 3.993.000 TYG,prietor 100 um being then“ mu: m w.- 27 Eamon. 2 E. 0. Road Glam-lg. opyosile Glenmunen mills. Conven- ient. to school and chmchea. Mir buildings. good orchard. well watered 'tr,,,",',':,?,", about 8) some good [my crown pulure landmm Acres cedar iii/f, other hardwood. Or the whole of lots?! " containing :00 notes tV (yous so acres beam; hudwond [bush. Will be ml monnhlo 3M the owners we going want. Ito- ', mediate posseu'mn gayen. siccottuif':k Bros 'tt New Wall Paper at Keeler's. We now have the largest stock and American ever shown it FARM FOR SALE- Farm tor R. B. Keeler & Sons ..w PB--' -' pay anywhere for old show you the veryht "iiiiuuiactured by the od FaGto--catled Line. We Show l latest mm: m“ Come sue see the new I" It will my you well. Big Stock of Silverware 'tsat opened up. being moo-stud! of Lots 1. 2 E. G. Road Glam-lg. ilenmaden mills. Conven- rhool sud clutches. Mir good orchard. Well watered , about 8) some good buy nun-re [mama Acre- can; now have on display est stock of Canadian nerican wall capers shown in Durham. The price Imuhel'lo Durham 5nd Welland JOE! Cull-V Auctioneer nun-o. 6 in see tne new goods you well. my unseen iiour Baum-en tho Town- ..cm. I!" . ........ "e"""""-' amt JO M?!“ - h.rdwnnd mogul“! west. Illi- in all

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