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Durham Review (1897), 11 Apr 1907, p. 5

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showing pers and rtunity ttiest t cost. / or Sprigp 0 ng ilitate the period ot e hbave in is such as ection n which mount of complete corating in abunâ€" artistic ive comâ€" ns, and all iting parpâ€" 14 CGo. busâ€" We itual Our rd atâ€" pricâ€" come yourâ€" re alâ€" show you E you F yuu HUR ines, Carriages ti0 in hat we rice per acbam for lementsâ€" Harrows Spreaders cleaning, ing. floor, Furâ€" T hite wash, BA tion. PR apers tiay ‘led Separator orIce ted llers. onia. et‘s Lye® _ remove from iron SBAND cals for Co. HUSâ€"For y Cy April 11 thâ€" 1907 ( F U WPP w M 4 mee o E‘Ffll Ahiliciilaacnidascidee uges 3Wouds) Gesuite Rewi UoC £ $ t > wE HAVE OPENED Remember the placeâ€"â€" G . Lawrence‘s old Stand | KRESS, Did you ever have it? "Sure" you say, "why evâ€" erybody gets it." ° So they do but they do not always have it cured. Carter‘s Sarsaparilla Is a guaranteed cure for that tired, nervons, run down feeling so common in the Spring time. It cleanses the blood, tones up the nervous system and makes a new man of you. DARLINGS, Has a full line of Curtain Poles, Window Shages, Picture Frames Frames to order of all kinds. T We are having an upholsterâ€" er the first week in every month. Anyone wishing old goods "'":l’ vated to look good as neW shou advise usâ€"we will be pleased to attend to it at once. SPRING FEVER One M < DARLING‘S DRUG STORE We have opened up a lsrge stock of Boots and Shoes Rubbers, etc, for Spring 1907, for both heavy and light wearâ€"suitable for all classes. _ We iunvite you to call and inspact our goods as we feel sure we can interest you whether you buy or not. See the qualâ€" ity and prices. Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, and c‘ub bags at modâ€" erate prices. _ Custom work and repairing as usual at thh §own town shoe store. . at the down EGGS TAKEN AS CASH $1.00 per bottle at . S. MeILRAITH eople‘s Druggist Open year round.â€"Enater any time BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Pn c Bldg,, YTonge & MeGill Sts., business school" Miss Sarah Brown hbaving pat in a short term at the Conservatory ot Music at Toronto, returned a week ago Saturday to her home here. We are all pleased to welcome her home. MrChas, Dixzon left last Saturday for his home in Alberta, his ticket exâ€" ?lringbn that date. He speaks hopeâ€" ully of the country. Mr Angus McDonald betore leaving for the West on Friday last very sociably called upor Mr. and Mrs. Wm Ramage and other ladies of the North Line, who belonged to the choir of which he was a valued memâ€" ber. The best wishes otf the com munity we are sure go with them. A wood bee beld at the home ot Mrs. Wm Sbegbenuon on Thursday last testified by the large number in attendance, the people‘s charitable christian spiritand good will towards the young widow. Mrs Jones and danughter Mary from Owen Sound, were visitin» Aat the home of the former‘s father, M:s. John Hornsby, last: week. Miss Belle Dixon after a few months stay with her relatives, Mr and Mrs. Pearson at Hickson, returned two weeks ago. The Rev G Kendal of Amos Pres. Church was aroand on his flist inâ€" troductory call among his people on Wednesday last. Mrs. J. Garson Jr. is not recovering as fast as many of her friends would like tu see, But we hope with the lgringlike weather wo are baving she will soon be herselt again. A Shadow Social was held on Thursâ€" day evening last at the bome of Mr. Wm. McFadden, where the young men and some of the old ones too epent the‘r substance on the fleeting shadow for the honor of dining with the substance later on. _ It could ecarcely be looked upon as a humilis. tion to the ladies who were knocked down at 10, 20 and 25, seeing that all the shadows looked much alike, were it not for certain signs made by the silbouette on tha curtain for the teneâ€" fit of her young man who was doubly in the dark literally and mentally. To Miss Susie Lawrence (Anthony‘s), a fair young damsel, belongs the honor of attainiug the highest figure $1.00 for her Xâ€"ray, Mr. Palmer Patterson being the lucky purchaser. Towards the close the stocks glutted and the market fell. No bids forthcoming the market closed, after realizing the sum of $10,60, making with the admission fee a total of $14, to be applied to organ fund of new chureh on the 2nd con. Mr. John Moore acted as aucâ€" tioueor and chairman of the entertainâ€" ment part. Miss Mead contributed a reeitation, Miss Sirrs and Miss Mead a duet, Miss Clara Ritchie recitation, Miss Aggie Sirrs a reading, Mr. Wm. Ramage a trio of songs at intervals, Misses Ada Chapman, Susio Law. rence, â€" Mead, G. Lawrence gave inâ€" strtumental selections and accompanied the yocalists, Mr. Thos. Gordon and Matt. Hooper violin selections, a short speech from Mr. McFadden, closed the program with the National Anâ€" them. Games and amusements were indulged in till well on into the mornâ€" ing, closing with Auld Lang Syne and a vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Mcâ€" Fadden for the use of their house. The community was sorry co hear of the death of Mr, Frank Rennie, whose wife, Mary Susan, is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James ‘Tucker. Miss Minnie Halpenny was bome for ber Easter bolidays and returned to high school Monday morning. Bod ploughing is the order of the day in ths burg. The backwad spring is causing several to think somewhat serious concerning fodder. Miss Aovie Pettvy, teacher from Durham, visited one day last week with Mrs Aaron Vollett. Our energetic teacher Miss Adair returned to ber duty looking much retreshed after a well earned holiday with hor pareuts at Nottawa. New! New! New! We beg to annouuce to the people of Durham and vicinâ€" ity that we haye opened up A full line of Fashionable Furnishings for men and boys All the very latest in Collars and Ties Moves and Hose Hats, Caps, Shoes. and much more we can‘t tell you of this week. All our experience at your service. Call and see us. Gents‘ Furnishings . _ C. NICHOL‘S STORE John H. Rose Last week‘s budget This Week‘s Budget, Poplar Hill Mr J, McNicce spent an evening of las" week with the Leith ta;nily. Mi A. Marshall deliyered a of hogs last week worth $200. bert thinks hogs are money days. iir' ;nd Mrs Thos McAlister paid a pleasant visit to (Glenelg friends reâ€" cently. s Little Misses Marion and Janet Marshall of Durbam spent Easter bolidays with their grandtather and other friends here. Ths carpenters are busily preparâ€" ing timber for Mackenzie Bros barn. They expect to raise immediately at the close of the spring‘s work. “il;ss Ida and Mr J. 8. Backus visited at Wm Allan‘s last week. Several in the neighborhood have had sheep chased and worried by dogs and from the effects of this one of Mr Albert Marshall‘s best ewes died. Those who have dogs runâ€" ning at large would do well to tie them up. Lenahan &y McIntosh. “-A'nt‘aiwr gothic cosies considerably the appearance of Mr Alfred Vollet‘s new house. Depn_ty Reeve Morice made a busâ€" iness trip to Ayton last Monday. This week we open up onr new line of High Grade Furniture and we invite you to call and see our goods whether you wish to buy or not. We have the goods and our prices are right. “The NeW Ha‘rdware and Furniture Store." on the shortest notice and it would be well tor you to see our assortment of Mouldings. HOUIC Cleaning time is on and we are prepared to give you the very best â€" choice in Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Alabastine, Muresco, etc. See our assortment of these and you will be convinced. o We handle the National Portland Cement, the Brantford Reaâ€" dy Roofing and also the very best in Metal Shingles, Ceilings and Sidings. °‘1’Mlo T € ,é,'w”% ~~\ FLou® Ssocut wâ€"for Bread. B e are also prepared to do all kindg pf PI(;_TURE FRAMING ur Hardware Line is complete and consists of everything reâ€" quired for Builders and others. Use A Blended Flour '°““' WJ T m\ ENDs For . e ES.~..| |all Kinds| [(mâ€" ffm FLoUR of FLOUR Ssocute Baking SsocutC" â€"for Bread, Biscuits and Pan Cakesâ€"for Pies, Cakes and Fancy Pastryâ€"no flour, milled of a single kind of wheat, compares with a BLENDED FLOUR. It bakes whiter and lightcrâ€"â€"it contains more nutrimentâ€"and it yields MORE bread etc. to the barrel. & and you use the perfect flour. BLENDED FLOUR combines the splendid food properties of Manitoba wheatâ€"with the whiteness and lightness of ONTARIO whest. TRY A BLENDED FLOURâ€"the result of your first baking will PROVE its superiority. A few doors south of Middaugh House. (of Ontario and Manitoba Wheat) worth $200. Alâ€" are money these GIVE US A CALL ‘H.‘t‘ w 7;41-.»‘?,_ y t i dnds S M igte Wls would be well for you to see our 8r 4thâ€"Fanny Ector. Emrma Ritch‘® May Spittell, John Greenwood, Clar4 Greenwood, Herb E(:;ge. Earnest Greenwood,. 8r _ 3rdâ€"Eya Ritchie Herbie Ritchie. Kate Ritchie, Willie Ector, Arthur Edge,. Pearl Wilson, COlarence Staples, Willie Kenny, Vicâ€" tor Wiiliams, Willie Falkin:ham. Silas Kdawards, Agnes Edwards. Jt 8rdâ€"Maggie Ector, Alix Edge. Sr2nd â€"Eliza Williams. _ Jr_ 2ndâ€"Maggie Ritchie, Myrtile Ector, Cassie Ritchie, Edith Edge, _ Nona Williams, James Vaughan, Vincent Pavior, Bertha Falkingham, Maggie McKenzie, Carâ€" rie McNally, Joe Ixenny, _ 8r 1stâ€" Alex Vaughan. Pearl Falkingham, Willie Ritchie, George Wilson, Mary Pavior. Jr 1st b.â€"Katie McNailly Jr Ist a.â€"John Ritchie, Nellie Mc. Kenzie, George Williams. _ G, A. Wxeir, Teacher. Average attendance 33. vU. s. s. vo 2 BENT & aLENELG 4thâ€"Gertie _ Morton,. _ 3rdâ€"Willie Wells, Willie Edge, George Newell, Harold McKecbnie, Mabel Vessie, Ella Legetie, Annie _ Ewen,. Zndâ€" Herbert Dunsmoore, Lewis _ Newell, Mu;tMchchnle. Stewart McArthur. Sr Pt 2ndâ€"Earl Vessie, Thomas Grasâ€" by. sr_ lstâ€"Armetta McKechnie. Jr 1estâ€"Reba Vessie, Rira McCoxB, Teacher. 8. 8, NO 3 GLEXELG HONOR ROLLS. ONTARIO ARCHIVES f TORONTO LOOK HERE, FARMER I had 250 acres of GO0G4 LANG abovye Durham, well improved, with very fine buildiw advertised in the Revirw for 87 I can now sell it g)if!&:ood deal less and ITS A BARâ€" â€"â€"_ _ Then I have a 100 ACRE well imâ€" proved farm near Durham that I will sell VERY COHEAP or trade for other property. It‘s a saap. For considerâ€" ably under $3000 I will sell 100 acres in Bentinck, with good soil, brick veneerâ€" ed and frame house, large frame bank barn, frame stables and pig stables good orchard. This isreally a mnflro' I have also a great lot of other pros perldl for sale and a MILLION DOL LARS of MUNEY to lend at very low rates, _1 COLLECT DEBTS, carefully prepare all kinds of WRITINGS, sell C. P. R. Tickets to all points WEST and sell OCEAN TIOKETS. Every kind of legitimate business attended to. Everything private. Our Motio : "Alw ys p ompt, Never Negligent.‘ Staff and Equipment. ‘ ‘The school is thoroughly equi in mm: ; ability, in chemical and elmmd supplies and . fittings, &c., for full Junior Leaving and Matricâ€" ulation work. The following competent staff are in charge : THOS. ALLAN, 1st Class Certificate, Principal MISS LOLA MCLEOD, B. A., Honor Graduate of Queen‘s University, Classics, Moderns and English. MISS M. 8. MOLLAND First Class Certificate and third year undergraduate of Queen‘s Unlveulg a } Bcience, History and Geography. Intending Students should enter at the beginâ€" ning of the term if possible. _ Board can be ob tained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and attractive town, making it a most desirable place for residence. FEES: $1 per month in advance. Wm.Jonnston, §r., C. Ramage, Chairman. Becretary In connection with our great Glob»s offer, soon to expire. we will, for $1.00 send the Review to new subscriber to Jan 1, 1908, and: the Weekly Gioh» and Canada Farmer with illastrat supplement for one year, Durham School FARMERS‘ CENTRAL MUTUAL FIRE INSURANGE COMPANY § Is good Bread, well made and UÂ¥ propertly bakedâ€"the bread that % is made by Stinson. This is the Â¥ perfect bread â€"made of the best §‘ flour, leavened and seasoned just W éright. thoroughly kneaded and $ baked to perfection, it is easily digested and it builds health and g strength for those who eat it ® Give it a trial. The strongest purely Mutual F €o. in Ontario. A rooon{ without a a just reward for honestefforts. L n'n'u""rma“ d by the G;;;l;m;; it ; insures ;" residence and farm property u. latest known plans. IotA hn bnant Poves teven ow measous, or one en raost favorable eondmoulotholulmd. Insure in the best. _ If your insurance expiresthis yoar, eall on, or drop a card to NELLMcCANNEL, Agent, Durham _ STINSON, The Baker . All for $1.00, don‘t delay. Ulover and Timothy and all varâ€" ieties of Garden seeds in aâ€" bundance for Spring growing Ogilvie‘s ‘"Royal Household" Keewatin * Fivye Roses"â€"The very best Keewatin make, A carload just received, F L O U R S E E D S dhale Pn fodd io Head Office : Walkerton, Ont, i7 +5 a AGreat Dollar‘s Worth The strongest purely Mutual Fire Insuranc MATTHEWS & LATIMER The Best Cure For Dyspepsia H. H. MILLER, FIELD AND GARDEN,. Highest grades only. The HBemover Conveyaner y of Good Land 11 J. G. HUTTON, M. D., C.â€" fice and Residence Cor. Garafraza and Georg 9 »t., at 10ot of Hill, _ Old Moodie Corner, assistan: oorfleld‘s (London, Eng) and v*4 to m;p!:(gcw York) ifl Hospitals. Office, 18 Frost 8t, â€" â€" â€" â€" Owen Bound Puvslomax & SurGBON, Office over J. &1J. HMunter‘s Store 8 to 10 a. . IOUII:{ 2 to 4 P. 4. 7 to 9 P, M. OFFICE HOURS #9â€"11 a. m 2â€"4 p. m. 1â€"â€"9 p. m Telophone Connection No. 10 W. C, PICKERING D. D S., L. D. S. MONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University, graduate of Royal OCollege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Rooms Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store : A. B. McLELLAN, Agent HONOB GRADUATE Toronto Univer rad uate Raval Mallaza Dantal Surseo GOn *4 uate Royal College Dental Surgeo GOn Dentistry in all its brauches. Offlceâ€"Oalder‘s Block, ovar Post Office Barristers, Soueln:::. Conveyancers, Money to Loan. l Ofiee. McIntyre Block, over the Bank A. G. MacKay K.C.1 W. F Duna Ofice. JOHN CLARK .+ Licensed 0 the County of Grey. Licensed Auctioneer for the Oo, of Grey, Sales mly attended to. _ Rates reasonable may be left at his Implement Wareâ€" rooms, McKi nnon‘s old staid, or at the R=y uew The New Hamburg Waggons NDMETS EDL abecdes ARTHUR GUN, M. D., Maple Leaf and S!NGER SEWING MACHINES ‘The Improved National Cream Separators, 4 styles Peter Hamilton AGENCY Prices and terms to suit purchasers, Everything in readiness for the Spring season. Call and see our Leader Seedâ€" er, Pioughs, Harrows, Cultivators and A@r Bpecial attention given to Discases Of Women and Children. D. McPHMHAIL_+ Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Cour Notary Public, Commissioner &ei Money to Loan. (Thce, over Gordaa‘s Jow »Alsy Store. aisy Churns, Wringers, Washers, yEn.ylo.dau.'l‘nch. Rukes, Mowers, Binders Will be at the ludon?h House, Durham, the first Wednesday of each month from Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat thec, or to Ceylon P.O., will be promptly m&': ‘?‘e’fnnoun(;)vpuoollo:e to puvi® D. MePHAIL, Ceylon P. O:% or to C. RAMAGE, Durbhax Terms moderate. Anm-enu for sales as to antes, &c., must be made at the Review Ofâ€" Insurance Agent, Money to Loan. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, A genâ€" eral financial business transacted, J. F. GRANT p.D.S., L..D. S. ARTHUR H. JACKSON A.1lctioncers. T9 sn T7 es #a@r â€" Ceylon bas a telephone office. MACKAY & DUNN, Licensed Auctioneer tor Co. Grey Notary Public, Commissioner, CONYVEYANCER, &e. DURHAM, ONT. (Lower Town) Barber Bntgfil s Bissell Steel Land Rollers Disc Harrows of Rlora J. P. TELFORD DR. BURT 10 a. m. till 4 p. m. = ib K 4+ hi i y 14

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