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Durham Review (1897), 11 Apr 1907, p. 8

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Is $15 your price for P. G. A. WEBSTER All WATCHES and JEWELLRY for E‘HE ostTik:T:sriLsiTiir-iiiifuz1 Tvs-y-fir: ~ iljigl ," 0‘ ",'riiifi- '9“ a (,r, , 2f.i"fii?)lid '. -,'k,' _ _ a'.'c'c'ii'i"i,'t11 ssr,d-' ,' ‘.-. FTT, vid'??" EA; :2" h J Then we should like to burn into your brain the fact that for $15 you can get all the style and as perfect a. fit as can be put into a truiir.-as much as if yon paid $28. Of course the cloth is not so fine, nor the trimmings so luxurious. but every other way the $15 suit is identical with the highest out clothing. . DIAMOND HALL APRIL 11, 1907 January is stock-taking month and the month you look:for tofsecure real money-saving bargains. Come to the People's Store and take advan- tage Cot Ethe low [prices prevailing throughout ther.Store. JUST ARRWED--B0me Choice Ready Made Suit- All Winter Goods Must Go gg:lltitllilt, Our stock is now complete B!i!lBjlii"lil'ji'ii,i, . . . CRY/$13“? 1n all lines connected wiilt CA", r .llllb'iilil, C I$R Illilllm the Jewellry trade such as if). 'llllilliii) IiBllltt' IMI, the following : Watches, Clocks, Rlngs, Brooches 5f Silverware. Watchmaker. Our Stock of RINGS and BROOCHES of all kinds could never be better than at the present time. We take great pleasure in showing you through our high class stock and consider it a favor rather than a trouble to do so. "For {he Wedding Season ROBERT BURNETT All farm produce wanted. Highest prices paid. No old stock allowed. T Dry Goods, Dress Goods Flannellettes, Ties, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Gro- ceries, Furs, &c.---all cut inrprice to reduce our large stock. Many Odds and Ends accumulated after holiday season, will be sacrificed to clear. COME NOW. Repairs has personal aftention. STUGK - TAKING BLEARANGE SALE J. L. Flarity J. A. 01ass, Manager &Cutter Jeweller a Spring Suit f Optician " Mr. T. Meylor visited trends in town over the week end. Mien Annie Cameron returned to College in London on Monday. an: m onuw notice in writing would be given to the Communion: ot Dominion loud: " Ottawa of intuition to Ipply tor patent. W. w. CORY. i new"! tho Mini-her of an Interior I N. B,-Unmttttorued publicniion ot this M. ' "mm will not In paid Ate. 3. It the settler bu his pennant teddcnoe upon luminilmd owned by him in the " ciulty ot nu one-new. the requirements In to ',tfihri may be “tinned by residence upon the m . Min If. Cooper of Toronto In the guest of her sister Mrs John Wright It present. Messrs. Allan Robertson and John Fox left Tuesday morning for positions In Hnmlltou. 2 "the father (or mother, if the tattteris decde of the Domenic-dc! retidu upon a tux-min evictnily ofthe had entered hr. the muinmnuu to midence Ttl be Mined by urn 8"orit raiding mm t e who! or mot er. Min Bophia Jack. Toronto, WM vin- iting her uncles. the McRonald's. of Bentinek, and friends in town. Miss Alice Ramage spent from Fridny till Tuesday with friends at Owen Sound and Ceylon. Mrs. Edwin Allan and baby, of To- roam, are waiting at the home of her lather-in-law, Mr. T. Allan. l. At lent six month: residence upon um cultivation of the land in each year tor three on Miss Maud Caldwell, protesoional nurse, returned to Bathuo that spend- ing holidays With her mother, Mrs Laurie. The homesteadcr ll required to perform the conditions coma-cud therewith under one of the lollowlnu plum; . may must be made pawn-11y at the been! [ism] omce for the mum; in which the Ind u S tun te. a. a. NO T, SWINTON PARK tith-Vina Knox, Willie Watson. Flosslo Campbell. 4th -- Vernon Idenglier. Mary Aldcorn, and Jam Aldcorn eq.. Joe Richardson. Mamie Richardson and Willie Grover. eq. 3rd--lidmrgie Campbell, Faith Port-Ir. Willie Knox, Jennie McNallty. Jr 3rd --Belln Hay, Richie Hanmun, Maggie Aldcorn and Grace Knox sq" Willie Aldcorn. 2nd-Jio Menuher, hthel Lawrence, Marion Knox, Wm J. tde. Leod. c.Jr 2nd--Herbie Mannmn, Willie Hay, Arthur Richardson. LIZ- aie Watson. Pt 2nd--Morrie Richard- qun. Fred Knox. Sadie Haw, Susie- MvNahty, Class tr-Reggie Camp- hrll. Annie Knox eq., Frank Meagher, Marjurie Knox, Richie Hardy, Gordon McLeod, BertheAideoraA. - Any'even numbned section of Domlnlon land: In launches. Btrskttterttewart sud Alberta, exec tings and as, no! reserved, 'ttr, be home- stung“! by any person who Is the BO e hem of a family, or a mule over lg-t you: ot.agte; to the 'IN,',', or on.iartar section of 100 mm. more or etM. RE SIDEN CE F OB SALE. THE House; CLEANING TrME--llhe avernge housewife will 9mm begin to make life a burden lo other inmates of 0.0 household. She. will tie u rag around her head and wade into the dirt in a way that. will make your head swim. She mil tear up the car- pet, mnply the cupboards. icok auur when you "how up' for dinner and sluinnnd hang things around to the Owen's taste, and if you don't like it take you meals down town, Spring timeis it very unhappy event when house cleaning is on. ---A famous Canadian has passed away. Dr Drummond of Montreal the well known god of the "habitant". was striken wit paralysis while on a visit to Cobalt and after lingering a few days passed away. By his poems he did more than any other man ever did to unite the French and the English in a common sentiment, With his brother he had an interest in a mine, and though far from well, on hearinttthat his men had small pox, he went to their relief. Three of his books were “The Habiont," "Johnny Courteun, " and "The Voy- ager." His funeral was a striking testimony to his worth. Why not make the heat of things as they come to us? There are certain ones in this town who have been com- plaining of hard times ever since we kaew them. They could not enjoy the last few weeks ofa warm wmtm- for fear the fruit, buds would start and then he killed. They know that cropp- mll he a failure this year. There is al. ways something disastrous going to happen. It in just an chea and you are worth more to your fatnil’y and the tow? if you will look on the sunny side of Ii P. FRITz--At Hampden, April 5th, to Mr and Mrs A. Fritz, 5; son. I3nAtek.--At, out River. Man., March 13rh. Elwood hhtt'pherton, infant mu of Jaime and Mary Black. aged 4 months and eight days. ------------ (tll,!!)),,,,!, will?" 1l?le!sls EIES ARCHIVES TORONTO iit! Flume M. BELL. BORN DIED. Q-.- “rebate. Ont; THE DURHAM REVIEW Ontario Educational Association Thin great body not in Toronto last week, shout. 1000 being in tsttendatsee, representing every E ucationnl Inter- est. from the Kindengartcn to the Uni- versit'v. There are some nixteen de- I'fhtft".','?,,tg or sections. where the spec- al interest of each in discusued. all unit. ing in the evenings in the “General Amciuion" where broad educational idea.- are presented or (Ii-cussed. As might. be expected. the Public School Section in the largest of all and the most thoroughly representative, seeing every Coon? Association has the right to send de exams there. As might he sxrected, recent annulment: in the ln'gls autre came up for discus- sion and they were by no means viewed in the "'pvotrative attitude seen in cer- tain rmal distticts. The question of forming n "Teachers' Union ' was dealt with here and in other sections and its actunl [urination is the outstanding feature of this year's meeting. Can ada’s High Grade Commrcial and Shorthand School. amuse. aw mootuful Commence now. %lflliliflll'i “I The Inspector: unanimously locom- mend the twadoption oflhe Leaving Examination at the end of the 6th Clam in Public Schools, and at a united meeting of the Trustee section with the Inspec'ors the qxestion of abolish- ing B. U. and D. gr deo of Continua- tion Chases. while ramming the classes as fifth forms And in no way Interfer- mg with present grunts. was discussed. This wilt likely be embodied in Legis- lationl,bef0re long, the "Grade A." as is Durham at pregent. retaining simply the name "Continuation Schools." The Trustee Section long ago justi- fUd its formation by the character of the wmk done. Its usefulnt-as in in. creasing {ear by year. The delegates in genera are broad-minded men. who are by no means as sometimes sup- posed antagonistic to the teacher. but on the contrary anxious at all points to strengthen their hands in the work they are domg, by aeein they are paid adequate salaries and 1'J',ll7deri with proper uquipmem. The government were given credit for their motive in recent, legislation in attempting to raise the minimum salary. There are points on which all will agree but it seems to us there are more on which they willdiffer and the meeting in going to be a supreme teat of thelink of sentiment and " tection that binds them all to the mother country. All Britons will wish tor on outcome that will place the empire before the world one and indtviiible. New Zealand is specially anxious to contribute to the British navy, Canada isnot likely to do this un- less with some voice in British coun- cils. All are more or less desirous, generally more. or exoluding Chinese and Japanese, Asiatics generally, from their shores. all would like Britain to give some preference to colonies granting her that preterenee. bntUanadais much less insistent on this than the others. Every teacher would be benefitted by a. perusal of such paper: an "The School and The Home" by E. R, Bol- lert. "Patriotism" " H. C. Todd. of Mealord. and "Schnlul Law" by R S. Neville. The last named was much more than the thy bones of School Law. It was one of those inspir- ing addresses that live in the memory and we may return to it "tun. Mr. Todd's paper showed how patriotism should he taught in the school. There was much to be proud of, Canada formed '30 per cent. of the British Em- pire, its wttterpower resources were unequalled. in other mute-Hui tu'peett' irstdod high. but Krontvrthannll there was the ettartwter ofits citizens. In eloquent periods he showed that love of home was the in nest patriotism. and the teacher should retnetulrertltt:t from Infancy lo 14 Vern-s at least the forum- mm of character and high ideals was m his or her hands. Trustees were urged to take an "erive part in associ- ating themyrlvettwirth this Laughing. It is n picturesque meeting and presents teaturcs altogether unique in the history ofthe world. For in. stenoeGen Bethe. late an enemy in active weriure comes as the Premier of the Transvaal totestifyas to the loyalty of the Boers. In the some comm? will sit Dr Jameson, he ot the renewal raid, new Premier utCape Colony. Along with them we the distinguished French Carr. adian Sir Wiltrid Laurier, premier of the greatest ot the colonies. The question of whether Capital out- lay for' Building and equipping High and Continuation Schools should be llorne by the local _tuunitips1ity alone, was introduced hy Rey. Thus. G. Wat. lace. a High School Trustee. The an mum-Ills. and uluumtely the section by vote, favored the view that part of this Capital outlay should be home by Counties. Itis well-known that ttut.. suie atteudanee is increasing rapidly. and the only equivttrle. way is for the county to assist in this respect as it now does in tuuitttenanee, The munifest injustice to Unntinua- tion School-z in the grants as given at present was freely admitted and it is expected that under the new Mung?- ments. that schoola doing actual work of High Schools, such as Dm ham, will he dealt wit h the same as High Schools. On the 15th of the month of April " historical assembly will take place in London. From the self- goveining colonies of the Empire, (reallv colonies no longer but sister states) come their most distinguished men to sit in conieiencc with the government leaders oi the home land. The Colonial Conference TORONTO. oar. (13!“ 1"";12,“ nominal. No nation- Iu'llliflll'll emulogue he. w. J. ILLICIT. Princlpd. I” And “an“ II. Aye, "et' Form 'rd,-hUrr Edfe. Llute Ald- cpm. Wltlt pinned. linnio Hul- penny. Lizzie Binnie. Form 2--Lrultsts Watson, Maggie Weir and Charlie l't"rggt' - tttwet Firth. Edith Allan. is Weir, Form l_Ruhy Mills. Smile Tity, Nellie Hepburn. Ruth Moran, Lame Kearnev. Jr gttv.Lgotin" mama. Willie Petty Ia Fluker. Edna McGrie. Willie If . Be tttr-Jamie Farquhu-oon. Uar. fteld Coiling, Marion Currie. Gertrude “sewn- erLWriKhE ....._ - .. Br 8rd-inorenee Bryon. Deyenn Wnrmin ton. Bessie Snunden. Vlvien CtG1lt5'l'ifde/r'l' Murdock. ---- Sr 2nii-..thrien Ireland. Ray Fur- quharson. Earl McDonald, Pearl Int- chelILUQuie Emu-ll. - " g-lhiomii" 11ii,ifii,iiiiic, Hilton Mills. Nettie Daniel, Ru y Canon, Joe Wfrmjngtng. _ - _ - J l ",'tt1t,)ii-iv"tjot,2"'i'tp,1y Bury Vollett. mily Lloyd, Alfred Burp, Alice McGowan. Jr 2nd (tsy-Suite McDonnld. Annie Russell. Lilian McCrle, Ell. Canon. L't1hfcNyuls., _ -- .. U. B. S. No. l, N. Ar E. Sr. 4ttr--,1 Mcllvride, " Barber. Sr 'Fi-O Morrison. M Ho? B Barber. E Trotter, c, Pett'grew. r 3rd-M Kerr and W Blyth an]. E Barber, E Morri- 'urtt, n Barber. Hr Bugle. Sr 2rur--F Kerr, S Grant. W Hutton. A Peni- ( grew, M Leeson. Jr 2nd (ti)--'? Moran. «on. L Pettigrew, A Lauder. Jr 2ad (may Eden, M Leann. Jr Pt 2nd- G Grant. c, Barber. tir bat-i? Barter, 0 Blyth, U Pettigrew. Jr lat-E Mell- vride. J Let-son, A Pettigrew, G Petty. 1lig1setit marks obtained for diligence and good coitduct-Florerwe Kerr. ANNIE U. MACKENZIE. Teacher. B. a. No 13, EGREMONT bh-Eva Benton. Mandy lienwick. Reuben Wells Alex Findlay, Robert Err-lee. Chats Hay. 4th-Downie Wat. son. Alex Hay, Willie Milnie. Br 3rd --9lma Renwick, Murray Findlay. James Itamage, Mutual McKelvey. Joseph Dixon. Laura McKelvey. Jel- sie McWilliams, Charles WMsou, Hardie Lester. Jr 3rd--.runea lune. Effie Mr-Millnn Susie Tucker. Bert Eccles and Christopher Renwick, . Edna Dixon, Nellie Atchison, Ai, llutie, Edgar Renwick, Bert Lester. Karl Harrison. Colette. McMillan. Thomas Helpenny. Miriam Hormhy. Georgina Hay. Philip Harrison. Alex Mdne, Minnie Wells. 2nd-rlulph Harrison. Lucy jd',Q.'ltnt Murra Wells. Florence Renwick, My "r'ifl7.. lay, Uartteid DeVolder. Loom; Ram- owe, Florence Ramage. George the. Delvey, Mary Moore. J. H. Common: B. a. NO I, NORMAN“? 4th--Nellie Burns. Arthur Backus. Willie Alister. Willie Wallace. Ar- thur Gadd. Br 8rdr-M_ary Backue, Minnie Keller, Liuie Burns. Albert Keller. Jr 8rrt-Hvrue Caldwell. Ber. tie Morice. Dinah Thompson. Tummy Wallace, Arthur Morin and June. Marshall eq. 8r 'nd-John Kerr Mary McAllilter. Neil. Her-hall. Grace Monetary. Elmer Fee. Hem-l. ecu. Keller.G we Wehber. Jr M- Harry Caldwell. no Marlee. Melville Moride. Leslie Marlee. Annie Dean. Pt 2nd--tdabel Wallace. Stanley loan. min. tk Pt Ut-Arthur Mountain. John gag. Jr it lgAng 1:"- ahall. . urea. " etty. , son Marshall, Liam Bur. Br Pt 2ndC--Leone FAgon. Charlie Havens, Murray Williamson, Bertha 813080-93 1yil.uujrKnyier. - . Sr PL'lst, i,"li-illtg Le ate, Fred Canon. Nellie (Kechnie. Sohn Dun. can. [mac Mitchell. Jr Pt 2nd-Etta Snu‘nden. Paul Wright, Nellie Fluker and Mary Mc- llmith eq., Willie Gutter, Duri- MsiAttltsr, _ Si- Pt lst (ttr-Gibson Wat. Percy McKechnie. Robin Furquhmtou. ch.trrlit Mngugu‘lL N eW.Letuhet.t. t It. M. Ann: Average attendance. D Jr lst (in-Donald ucQueen. Al.. bert Livingston. Muriel Snell. teMred Vollelt, Hutton. a. a. No. " nannxox'r & moron. 4th--0live Suckett 53 per cent, Eva Haw fop. c., Clara Wilson 30 p, C' 3rd--Etnel Havm p. c.,, Daisy HMV 50p. c., Neil McDonald 42 p. c. Br 2ud-1.ydiaNcEinnon68 p. c., John Wilson on p, c., Jennie McCamnel tio p.c. 2nd 1nteurdia Ferguson 56 p, c..8umley Williams 52 p. c., John Mcthumel41p, c. Jr 2nd-Joe Wil. son 53 p. c., Duncan Cameron 50 g. c., (riordon System“) p. c. Nr PI. - "dr- Jr lst ()--tatie Aruak, Elmo: Hutton, Eleanor Swallow, John Me- Fee, Russell Gun. Donald MccaGii 69 p. c.. Jennie Marshall 62 p. c., Jun McDonald 88 p. e. Jr Pt 2nti--Ectnts Suckeu 49 p, c. Annie McChutmel32 p. c.. Mary Mc- Uunnel 30p. c. Sr Ist-Jas Haw. Annie Marshall. Mary Ferguson. [8A CAMPBELL. Teacher. S. s. No. l, GLExxLa. Nh-Winnie Binnie. Jennie Fullaise. Millie Whitmore. 4th--Noeetta Fal- "luv, Laura Benton. Millie Brown, Ben Wintmore. Wd-Ruth McGillivray. Eliza J. Edwards. John McKeown, Chin-lie MacFarlane. Br. '2nd-Heorge HPurtwell. Vernon Pennock. Alex. Maciiurlaue. Jr. 2nd-Tems Ill-Gilli- way. Violet Fullnise. Mar McMillun. Silas Edwards. tir. 'itfllTr,,il Mud?”- lane, Howard McArthur. Jr. Ist- Matthew McKeown, Arthur Pennock. ORcar Penunck, Tom Edwards, Flora chFurlune. Jr. lst (al-Jack McKin- not'., Mary Edwards Average at. tendance-24, 5.510. 9. EGBEMHNT Sr 4th--L. Nelson, R. Rogers, J. Match, M, Match. M. Kelth. Jr 4th ---A. Whyte, It. Reid, H. Reid, A. tsccles, R. Kvith. Sr 3rd-N. Hamil- ton, M. Whyte, 0. Ross. P. Reid, F. Eccles, R. Wailing. Jr 'drd--E. Muteh, N. Mutch. IV, Nelson. G. Hamilton, F. Hamilton. M. Alias. J. Hilton, N. Troup. H. Grout. A. Rogers, o'.Alles, N. Reid. Sr 2ttd-- It. Eccles, E. Etch-s. A. Cnygill. B. Drimmie. w, Keith. E. Cameron. J. Bunwirk, M. Rogers, B. Alles, J, Ross, A. Keith, S. Eccles, W. Comte. Jr 2ud-W. Ross, A Eccles. Pt Lt.-- P, los-te. -- - -_ _ J OHN 111ch any, Teacher, as; ( 1,, f4. ik' Honor Roll: DURHAM AMY I. EDGE. Teacher. lhm't forget the date of the Demonstration WEDNESDAY, 17th inst., in the afternoon. Come and see how easy it is to run it at any kind of work. ty Aux RUSSELL IN THE NEWEST AND MOST APPROVED STYLES. TRIMMED Measures and Repairing promptly attended to. Peel, The Shoe Man. CASH SYSTEM We invite your attention to m: fact, that we make . specillty of beautiful trimmed hats from " to 65.00. Allduring the sewn, every Monday, we devote special attention to that clam and price of hat. We also have I splendid choice of mourning hats in black chip, tulle, chiffon and Mohair. We have never had such . large stock. We will deem it I pleasure to show you our grand assortment of hats whether an intending purchaser or not. Our Spring Now arriving, tor Price and quality we defy com- petition. MILLINE BY It can be applied to any cooking stove or range. It will more than save its cost in one summer. It is the Housekeeper's oomfort and blessing. It makes Cooking, Washing and Ironing a pleasure. It keeps the kitchen almost as' cool as the cellar It is the best invention of the age for saving fuel. It is the flies' worst enemy. It will burn tp, wood, peat or charcoal. It is worth your most earnest consideration . BIG STORE POST PONED I wear. The Demonstration of THE WONDER has been poetponetl until Wednesday, 17 inst., in - the; afternoon and evening. Don't fail to be present on that date and find what it means to you. Dick oot Get Ready for a Better Position We beg to intimate to the public of Durham and vicinity that we have opened out for business in the C. P. Kinuee building and hope by attic, attention to business and hour. eat work to merit a share of public patrontge. a - “ Writ-u. 'r'l'r"tflt uh I.“ "qtatred We extend a main welcome, Success depends upon Four t1tinetm to accept promo- tion when " presenls itself. Will thoroughly pence you to mm I better petition and place your service: In mm de- ma. Three '91ter-Bt,'fyrNttrttk BHORTIAND and TYPEWRITING but PBEPABATOR". Baden. Mtrtittqd at any time. Spring Term now on. Full Mounts mm to my Adan-u tree, Add-', A. FLEMING. Prim-1px. Own: Bound, Ottt. NEW HARNESS SHOP - i "in“: "qu now to “$0.000 per "ttttttgt In mums; sermon You W 21'r.'t 1rfd'fLotrJp,tliy ”3:3 I'. on In oo . {Gen-Myth. I, Ma. The and School In M Wm. Ior mun. w. a. SHAW, Flu. T.J.JotgKtrToN,Prtr. Telegraphy 35",!" . speculu- Of all kinds. muranuuluku A FEW MONTHS SPENT AT THE Owen Sound. Ont. Repairing ”(Pf/7594 P. KINNEE II the tmrt Hep town-d- poetttoetr .V‘V‘M'I'smm 'i' Amer Black and wane cred ovcrchecks at In can: you do Beowns M In broadcloths. Gages, etc. W . qualities at all p Never before ha NEW EASTER HAT Space forbids full Wash Fab 23333: (l) New Curt "PM Bmthieto" 33.50 mag Hu"(n¢ent 2.50 Chmhili" La) g. Néw Lace your Mailing Sh corrected I New Carpets New Carpet 'li, X spend mucl x We're bore v ll. ii. NEW ' ' h fabrics. That Attend our Op ii! NEW 255333333; Only l0 awe Urcss boon describes the tie LIGHT GREY TW CRE "on want to kl don't you ? Y ent from every spend any mo: first thing to fabrics. That Does Your Plea and printed mad Black and Whig: See our bean . VOL. XX An interests' portmeut is f who wants to suits are just terns, lengths, well shaped a the man " M Get into t offered New Cl curtains. zsc That M t articles w tacks t can

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