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Durham Review (1897), 18 Apr 1907, p. 9

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" imited by "no iii) W ONTARIO m 'ti" Fs2 mm WM t0ST iitia": OVER $300 tml/rt 22‘ TSXSSS FALL MOST mum on THAW FAIILY. Thaw for ‘ White hep- nu bl nu) ONIH’ mill?! lo set “we: nun-nu: b 1 it is a. pretty bale esti-te to put r,'?.',' mm at mam t The hrsniest outlay undoubtedly has in" on Thaw and his “may. Just how 1-.u h they have spent any new: he anm accurate”. Luge sums will have to be paid to lawyen. The" hue Wm five oi these lawyeru utively en- auged in the case since the firm of Black, .n.-..u. Ember & Bonny: In dropped " Thaw. IA the buyers. Delphin ttielrnel Delmus will get the biggest fee. H» i..u't naming the fee he agreed to "crept, but it is said by the other law. yvrd to be $50”. It in surety not less than that. u this state. What has this trial cost both the ”mm-mien sad the detendnt! It in nu "ter' matter to get neeumte rtetres, by. it is a. pretty, eu estimate to put y‘nvdM‘Bl " Jbsnd. Sea more were not come 'leiettee. I do not get duwd thei What the other luvvcrs will get is a vroblem. One of them is going to at): for $5,011). It is said that to another $16.00.) has already been paid. It is not l v-xlnwted than any oi them will get less that: $15,011). Before the Block firm was by out hy Thaw it is said to have re- ‘l'hm-A for lawyers cannot run much undo-r $150M“). I win»! $25,000. 30 the expemn to the 1 All through the trial there were tour" "lvrlival experts for the delenee on wand. Near the end of the trial four nmro- were called in. The experts do not come very low, enpeeially for the -lvt'~-nm-. " the experts between them 'lo Int get about $31.00!) they have re- duced their rates. There has been ml public announcement to that "fret. In nddiliun DIVE! N. Carvtuho, the hand- writing expert, has attended every mo ~lnl| of the trial. " has not been easy to understand just what he did for Thaw. but there must have been some real-1m for hi, pram”, and his fee wil' lvl'nhillbly be a int otte. .3: :3 Their tthare-ree' to Law- yers Alone Witt Aggregate About 5250.000 and Wu’ he. Aiatt Come High. Will Cost 1'th Cam. In our) important criminal enu- there is an amount of investigation and out- "ide work which is not generally realized l») xlw public. Witnesses must be looked up. Morin c'olm- from crank: and other miaguidod persons, but they must all be looked up. " might be fatal to page any of them without scrutiny. It would at least be dangerous To get at the bottom of the stories requires patient i vork and "perienttd men to do it. They Jaw got to he paid. Sometimes money' mun be handed out to pawns who hare aims-thing to tell before they give up. rhie pile» up the contingent expoun- "ceottttt. From the time Stanford White wan killed linger o'Mara, . former police me " York, April lair-It i; eleven 1 since the trial of Harry K. , for the murder of Shalom e began. All that the "a not '. in the actual 11in of the use, more were several delays, but Kb oi it wan so spent " to links w oi the longest crimiml high 'dimawd szsti.iiiiiss Jiiiitioitiiuii1lii T to he that before the Than have void out more till mm. A _ Expat: to Tatum , The and. to the taxpayera “ill “at be so great. There are several expla- nations for this. The principal uni is that in this unruly there is) a ma- chine for prosevutiag criminals which /t always in motion. It is a well oiled machine, and can be started on any it dividual can at a moment’s notice. It. engineers are men who get yearly wal. aries, and the additional expense comes 'when outside- aid is called in. Ike Thaw trial has cost the coun- ty to date not much more than/$25,- ooo. This. of course. don not iuia'el nhries for officials. " La the stun' that has been spent outside. and in- cludes the feels for the median ex- perts. " is a matter of record that the experts for the prosecution do not get as much as those called by the de- ifemre. There is n renon for this. There is much steady business from the Dis.- triet Attorney's office all the year ‘round. and the experts know that it is mind to he on the side of the prosecu- lion It isudifticult matter to figure out the . "‘"'““'” "."'" W-.." - running “pen“ of a court. A man I mammal twrce as much.laet year as the uho " familiar with the ,salaries of tnuie with Great Britain. court. officials, including the judge, thel Mr. John Connolly, Brockville’s public district attorney, his assist-ants. court school inspector, has resigned, the resig- offieem, qtenogrttphers, clerk and others nation to take effect on July 1. connected with the court machinery has 1teprertntatives of Canadian railroads figured out that the daily cost for each met. in Toronto, on Wedneahy, to dis- eourt session in about $700. Counting five was a proposed new code of operating days for .each of the eleven weeks-for signals. _ ste,,.:',','.'",?,," Il', on l "f," " 'l,'.t',t,ei/ del, Four men were injured. one having his mu L d . r. ,'",','t'd,'e; h ““27 T. fb back broken, in an accident at the Cun- rt . l one no at her “3|de Since ada Foundry Company’s works, at To- the trial started-the court, expenses ronto .esterda alone have been am to now). Add to 3. .' y', FBT that the salaries of a. squad of police- qoml,i,t,itryr.l"',v.t been,"de by the t'o. men who have been atntioned each day l ronto Electric Light Company for the outside of the court-room to stand off sale of the plant that ye not likely mi the eurimn and you have. another neat be Tttt to that city. isuml Taking all these things into Con. Grain growers organized under the sideration. it in not hard to undeostand title of tho Society of Equity will build lthnt $300,000 for the entire cotst of the 120 elevators in the Canadian west to trial “in.“ more like an underestimate ' defeat the grain buyers' combine. than an overestimate. The Kingston Elks have concluded a o--------------- deal for the pun-hast- of the old Bank KAISER LOSES LAWSUIT. ot' Montreal building at the corner of __ king and William streets. The price . ___ -- - . .. mm--. a“... is about $9,000. Falls " Eieet Undeniable Tenant From} I Havel. l Berlin. April L5.-Tho Kaiser has lost. a lawsuit against one of his tenants In the court it. Inuerburg. The Kaiser Hotel. near the roynl hunllng lodge It Ronlnten. was leased to a man named Knlwelt. in Witt. Now. on the ground of sundry nhvnnces. lm-ludlng charges of personal drunkenness ‘nnd allowing alum-Dance: on the premises, {the chief court marshal applied for the nonunion ot the lease. . . A - -A----» A n..- hue-Inn I'Olt'lllloll on “I: nan-v. It was shown In the course ot the hearing that Knlwelt never obtained a Honor llcense. but ms was not one ot the complalnu. the local nuthorltlel not having enforced a ll- oenoe assumlng that the Emperor's properiy was above the law. The long hearing ended by the court find- lnr for the defendant. who. presumably. will remain the tennnt of the hotel. Charged by Spotter With "Enoeiringi, Dorm" Railway Fares. l SI. Thomas desspateh: Two Michigan Central oonduetors here have been re- lettsed from duty, and othors are in trouble in a mull; of reports made by u spotter who rode on trains us a. trav- eller. "in charge that fares paid by him were "knocked down" by the con- duetors it denied by the latter. who saw his reports are light-mlored and "rifling math-rs grossly exaggerated. The hrothc-rhmd will take up the can: inr'lhe men, who have been on the road for years. Unknown Man Leaped Into Rapids Above the Cataract. Niagara Falls, N. Y.. April 1ii.--At 10 o'clock to-night a man, who was drum- ed in underwear or very light clothing. was wen to jump from the bridge l)(‘- twwn tho mainland and Green Island into the rapids. Ire was swept over the American Falls. .The locality was searched, hut nothing WM found. Nightwatelrnyan Hardwood and his son r,wittveseu'd the suicide. He appeared km be a man aix feet tall, with dark Total Cost About $3oo,ooo. SUICIDE OVER FALLS. C. R. CONDUCTORS OFF. With Ealvanized l The Toronto Street Railway reeeip'Sl last month were 8287.721. 1 Thirty new policemen are to be am to the Toronto Police Force. ' The C. N. R. from Winnipeg to Edmon- ton " very badly blockaded. Mr. John Dixon, formerly engineer at the Toronto City Hall. died of diabetes. Alexander Peddigrew, of Toronto, V committed suicide by drinking catholic _ acid. , Hundreds of Immigrants at Regina for points north are held by storms and blocked tracks. A movement is on f of Harriman's powers of the Union Pacific. Canada's trade with the United Stow-v int-remind twice as much lint year as the trade with Great Britain. Mr. John Connolly, Brockville's public whool inspector, has resigned, the resig- nation to take effect on July 1. ttepresentatives of Canadian railroads met in Toronto, on Wednesday, to dig. cuss a proposed new code of operating signals. - _ . ' _ ., -- c'. V Maw,“ Four men were injured. one having his back broken, in an accident " the Can- ada Foundry Company's works, at To- ronto yesterday. Conditions have been made by the To. ronto Electric Light Company for the The Soeiety for the Promotion of I (’hristinn Knowledge has voted various nuns of money to Canadian ehurehes and schools and seholnrahips for Indium children on the Mackenzie River. Tlin Kscolleney the Governor-General will leuw for New York on either Mon- day or Tuesidny of next week, to attend a banquet to be held on April 27 in neonneetion with the pence eonferenee. Fireman A. W. Smith. of Sarnia. was instantly killed. and n brakeman was slightly injured by the burs-ting of the {Ines of the engine of a freight train on Wednesday morning three miles west oi Ingersoll. Deputy Minister of Labor, Mr. Mae- l.-nzie King. and Secretary Acland and Vietor Dubruil. fair wage officer. have l sneer-HIM! in bringing about. u settlement Inf the strike of the employees of the --. ' “I _h I_. In... Dvputy Minister of Labor, Mr. Mar-l Lunzic- King. and Secretary Acland and Victor Duhruil. fair wage officer. have Rll('(‘('('lll'1l in bringing about u settlement of the strike of the employee? of the Itichelieu woollen mills at (humbly, Que. E. J. McMillan. whose parents and family reside at Stratford, Ont., was run over by the midnight express in from of the Strathcona C. P. R. amnion. Both legs Wore out off. and the unfortun- nte young mun succumbed to his injuries n feu hours later. Before Mr. Justice Britton at the - . - .|_..Jn_ Before Mr. Justice Britton at the Woodstock spring main-s a slander action was heard, brought by Mrs. Emma Thompson against Dom-an McMillan, both of East. Nisaouri. The jury last night rendered a verdict tor the plaintiff :,'aacyvctntr the nominal damages ut $1. l The Senate Committee on Banking and Contmeree yesterday morning passed [bills to incorporate the Protective Asso- oiation of Canada, to incorporate the Central Canada Manufaeturers' Mutual ‘Fire Insurance Company, respecting the ‘Standurd Life Insurance Company. to incorporate the Prudential Life Laur- |ance Company of Canada, and to incor- , porate the Eastern Canada Manufactur- l "rs' Mutual Fire Insurance Company. mews m mail BRITISH AND FOREIGN CANADIAN. foot to give a part B to the Executive ma. One hundred nnd forty men from tho arsenal at Woohrieh will be Maud to Canada. Another unsuccessful attack has been made on the life of the Grand Duke Nichol“ of Russia. General Lee Christmas of Memphis, "Tenn" an officer in the Honduran "my, 'i .wa'", eat to pieces by Nicaraguan sold- Iers. A retsoltttiott was passed by the Minne- _ iota Legislature yesterday recommend- ing that President Roosevelt be nomin- ated to succeed himself. Humor Greenwood will preside at a luncheon to the colonial Premiers at the Home of Commons on April M. given by the colonial born M. R's. The party will not exceed fifteen. At a meeting in Manchester it was stated that Lord Strathcona was the guarantor to the amount of eut/t00 of the Franco-British exhibition to be held in 1908 in London. I Count Posadousky, Berlin, points out that among extra European countries only the United States, Canada and Japan showed greater increase per cent. in international goods traffic than Connolly. In the parish church at Wanton: un Monday three brothers, William. George and Noe Jubinville, were married at the same time. Rev. Abbe F. X. Segu'm, pastor of the parish, presided " the ceremony. The London east end emigration or- gnnization is inundated with applica- than. for transportation to Canada. It wants £10,000 to carry out. the work. The central unemployed body will send 6000 before the end of June. At the annual meeting yesterday of At the annual meeting yesterdn: the London Chamber of Commerce chairman said the scrqliny of votes Jhb LIII' ulllunu- .""'"i-.. d - . the London Chamber of Commerce the chairman said the scrutiny of votes had shown that 1,077 members are in ngree- ment with the resolution in favor of tariff reform, and 472 members against it. srttgistrattrWttlltwe, in London, in Ben. tencing Charles Stevenson, 27 years of age. who was charged with theft, re- gretted that in view of the prisoner'? bad record, the young man had refused to takeadvantage of his futher's offer to pay his expenses to Canada, where he might begin life anew. As the result of an explosion yester- day morning of n harrel of oil of tarin the cellar of lllnu & tturrturu'e wholesale drug house. at Rochester, N. Y., John Sclllvifer. an employee, hnd his face lit- m‘nlly blown in. and died soon after- wards. Fire followed the explosion. but v. as soon ex! inguinhef Bert C. Teskey, New York, Killed Him- self in Toronto. Toronto despntch: The man who com- mitted suicide in the iodging-house at 109 York street on Saturday, March 23, has been identified as Bert C. 'l‘eskey, of New York, " stranger, who stopped atl the Iroquois Hotel, York and King‘ stt-eets4, just the day before he turnedi on the gas and ended his life, and who cluinwd ti, be a witness who was want. ed at the Thaw murder trial in New \York. The man stated at the hotel that he was wanted as a witness in the Thaw trial, and had left New York m- thor than give testimony. Mr. Ranks hut night wrote to the firm of lawyers in New York mentioned in the letter. and will hold the body until a. reply " received. “Haunted by furios. I am chasing my. self from place to place, and can find no rest anywhere.” 'guts sentence was found written in the notebook taken tvom the man. The suieide left behind him nlzo a, note asking forgiveness for his deed. and saying he had an incur- nlnln dim-Me, that his business was a. fail. ure. and that he fmrml to he depend- ent upon his iriendss. -- _ _. B, a_g mad“... ulnénanrl to Clll "you um ..._""- . While at the hotel Teskey claimed to have relatives at St. Mhry's, Ont. oi parish church at Coaticooke on - . aV 7,, “mu-.. (1....“ Montreal Man Attempts to Rob Woman " Point of Revolver. MBmlerl, April 15.--fleorge Etienne, .. ----e- _....-.," sutonuenl, April 15.-George Etienne, twpnty-five years of age, Was arrested today, charged with attempting to rob n woman at the point of 2 revolver. Etienne entered a Bttt ll ry store of Miss Cordelia (Inuit. " St. Chris. tophe street. and poi ed a revolver at iu-r demanded that die ha td him over all her mom-y. and t"/id'il?Ll' if ' did not do so in n hurry e would blow "ti her head. flis loud words nttrat-tod the attention of the woman's sister, who was in the war of the store. and when she hurried into the store Etienne pocketed his re- volvvr and fled into the street. without making any further dttempt to obtain ‘monvy than the first throat he made l\\|l(‘ll ho mttored. SUICIDE " THAW WITNESS. Cusgnve Brewery Not Implicated ini Saintfield Affair. l Toronto dospatr-h: Through an error the ammo of the Cosgrave Brewery Com- l, puny nae mentioned in Connection with l ihe report of the inqumt regarding the death of Mrs. Homer Gregg, at Saint. fiehl. 'The officials who gave evidence now from the Copeland Brewing Com. puny, of Toronto. and not from the Co;- 1gran- Company, as stated. It was not {the name of the Cosgrave Brewery Com. which the poison Wm subsequently l found, and, this company's name was not I mentioned in the case. Leander Crown“ Killed by Dynamite Explosion Near Dorchester. Dordiester, N. B., April 15.-A shock- ing accident, with a fatal termination, oveurrrd at the Intercolonial copper mines, about three miles from Dor- choster. yesterday afternoon. The ac- Adent was caused by the premature ex- plosion of a stick of dynamite. Leander (‘rossnram the victim, was working in the slope getting a champ ready for Hiring, when the explosive was prema- l turoly discharged. , The unfortunate man was thrown over twenty feet and horribly mangled. thw eye was torn from its socket and: the sight of the other destroyed. while the fare was hunted beyond description. After lingtring in great agony until 8 o'etoek be died. GROCERY STORE BANDIT. Lots of men than Gow what to " few of than know whuasot to do. WRONG NAME MENTIONED. BLOWN TWENTY FEET. rords mum-13d the attention an's sister, who was in the store. and when she hurried ma Etienne pocketed his re- fled into the street. without ' further itttempr to obtain t the first throat he made M nn explosion yester- Actress Sand Pittsburg, April 15 outstretched toward in the Grand Opera House at 3.20 o'eioek pesterday afternoon, Ethel Levy, divorced wife of George M. Cohan, started singing the chorus of "Ott. requitod. Love"; at . the some time Robert M. Crow, 25 years of Me, a. stockholder and officer in several! banks, including the Union Trust Company, owned by H. C. Prick, [ "one in a box, drew a revolver and shot himself through the staunch. The house was crowded to its ea. pacity, the majority being women. Without missing a note, Miss Levy finished her son? and as Crow tum- bled over and unmet fell out of the box until the employees rushed to the box, the audience thought, the shooting was part of Miss Levy's act. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO The People on the Immigrant Cats Were Cooking Their Dinner-The Debris Took Fire and Men Pinned Beneath It Could Not Be Rescued, and Were Burned to Death. Chapleau di-spatch: A terrible disas- I tar by which the westbound imperial ( Limited was wrecked and fifteen per- sons, chiefly English immigrants, were either killed or burned to death, took place twenty-two miles wet of here at noon yesterday. The train was runv ning at a little over twenty mire, an _ hour and was rounding u curve when be. neath the baggage car a rail broke. The car left the rails, was torn away from the engine and mail car ahead, and plunged down the embankment to n smali ietrcovered lake. It was followed by two immigrant cars. The cars and a first-class conch crushed into each other at the bottom of the wink. The immi- grant cars were crowded with people who were 'engaged in cooking dinner. The acetylene lights were also hurtling. From these two sources flames spread Ithrough tire debris with incredible rap- idity. The wounded, seeing the flames l approaching, cried out pitifully for help. Mane of them were pinned down be. HIM IRAIN WRECK. idity.°'1'lle wounded, approaching, cried on Many of them Wen neatly the wreckage. With splendid heroism the train new and passengers set about the work of rescue. From the battered Ears almost a hundred persons made their escape ho fore the workers were driven back by the flames. The fate of some of the im- prisoned passengers was horrible. One of the three men among the victim: was caught. by the feet between two coaches and burned to death. Until the flames surrounded him men tried to mow the wreckage, persisting emu after their hands Were burned and bleeding. ___ “u.” nourvht mum: SCENE or momma. RAIL BROKE AND FOUR CARS ROLLED DOWN EMBANKHENT. Another, 1: young above the knees. Th most freed him "hen gave way, its suppor en Hwough by the fi cried out, "Save your for me," and thruat were. away. It is impossible to s the victims were deal reached them, but as children, some of very _ were probably killed a the more terrible fate 11 ll l constable at Yorkshire. s. Y.. sxhile; attempting to drive John liiggeresiux. .il Freueh.t'amulian. out of tl.e town. was .lm-t in the abdomen and probably is. tally injured hit night. Biggereanx made his escape. Chief of Detectives Taylor of Buffalo to-day received a - mage from Sheriff Ames of Lime Valley, N. Y., asking the police to look for the alleged assailant of the constable. The police believe that Biggerneau5 handed a freight train and is headed toward; Canada. The fugitive formerly lived in Canada, and it is believed, will make an effort to get across the border in the vicinity of Bilffth. After 51 Years I Total Alumina Dunk Clan of Claret. Pitt-hurl. April 15.--ANee 61 no,“ ot and mtinenco. Sir Robert Won. ex-Provost of Edinburgh. and on. a the - amin- nlnd - at an eunuch dodieatttttt. 'l'r'ltltl'llil"i"Eteriuiieih%"g'1P. ' In A a... at a“)! ara9._tt' py when. In . gm. 0! cm. “a of In. Icllov 80$. J my era-ton all“ - - n tsrr$Me W0 amtrred the (ll-- THE EX-PROVOST’S LAPSE. CANADIAN A I ll) ucuul. y“... "V k him men tried to move the persisting emu after their a burned and bleeding. , a young man, was caught. knees. The rescuers had al- i him "hen the top of the mu its supports having been ent- n by the fire. The poor fellow "Save yoursrelves. it's too late and thrust his would-be res- odid heroism the train crew gers set about the work of l the battered Fans almost a rsous mad» their escape bis orkem were driven back by The fate of some of the im- sseugers was horrible. One F men among the victims was he feet between two coaches t5.--With her arms rd a tier of boxes ible to say how many of rare dead before the fire but as six of them were of very tender years, they' kiOed outright and saved While Wealthy Pittsburger Shot Himself. FUGITZ‘-" batt ered and Crow wu an intimate mena- 01 Harry K. Thur. an rel-lives declare the Thaw testimony aggravated an |nilment from which he had been out- fering for years. It is believed the address of Jerome, part of which was in an afternoon paper found in Crow’s pocket, eaused him to entirely lose his lmnsou and make the attempt on his life. They applauded her singing. and when officers preked up the dying man it became known ixutead of be. ing part of the show. a tragmly had taken Piave before their eye". There was a panic then, aurl despite the singing of Miss hwy, women hauled to get out. and a number received slight hurts. The display'of nerve by Miss Levy was almost remarkable. While singing she saw Crow draw the m‘olvor. rise out of his chair and fire the fatal shot. yet she continued her act. YOUNG w, New York, April 15.-Rev. W. How-i ltd Menu, 3. young Lpie‘mlinn clergyman, who sought to imiule the oeierkated example of Dr. ParkhursL in slamming in the Tenderloin, has been deposed by Bishop Greer an” an investigation by a mmminoo of his eonduet. Mr. Mean. who is " year. ity and “15 the assietant rector of a. xg,.ttu"v'r. church. was arrested on in slamming in the 16'tMrertor", mu been deposed by Bishop Greer MIL-r an investigation by a mnnnmeo of his conduct. Mr. Mean. who la " yea"' old and was the assiptam rector of St, Mathew} Church, was arrested on the night of Mart-h 12, after a fist fight with two plum clothes deteetive, who had followed him into a den oi thievrss l in Seventh avenue. __ a. wt... ...‘..... In swvxn-u -'ee'" _ There were two negresses in tlse mum with the clergyman and the detectives. who had their are glued to the windows, heard the clergyman say that he did not. propose to be robbed, and that he mu on to the women's game. He demanded to be let out. At um point the deter» tives rushed in and told him he “in. un- der arrest. The clergyman fought off the sleuths with a chair and gave one iof them a black eye. He mistook them for twcomplioes of the women. The min. ister was arrested ton minutes later in the street. and when arraigned in the police court he said: "1 am a student of sociology and in the pumuit oi my work I went through the 'rendrrloin to gath- er material for a sermon." He apparently got the material he w»... looking for. but the sermon Trset never delivered. The committee which paved upon the charges was composed of curl: men as ex-Mayor Seth Low and Fl‘alll'ls Lynda Stet-on. Some Doubt u to Who Struck the Blow ' in Hockey Game. Cornwall despatch.' Charirs E. Mm.- 1 son, who was roarged with nmnilauxzhu-r in connection with the dme.th of the lab- Owen MeCortrt, on Mareh tl. was. found not guilty 10-day at, the S‘priug Asa-ins, held by Mr. Justice Magee. Although five witnesses "wort' positively that Mc- i('oun. was struck and rolled by Mason. there were as many more witnesses " ho claimed that a few minutes previously McCourt reeoived a vicious blow from Chamberlain. The defence made- tt lot of this evidonee. and the outcome “as the Iavquitta! of Manon, t0ST ms PUlPIL put Value is Fined Toronto. April 15.-lt is Mid that the , He was down um late Mr. , .. John‘s o-tnte will be under houra,and when ta 810,000, and consists. mainly of mam- He probably wtll once. . . . was exciting. and u- c' Jam‘- nnfmllnz heutinese of work. Other div, Mr. St. Johu'a unfailing hearlim-M of manner precluded the idea. that he Wttth' ever anything but highly summa- ful in all his ventures. He won not the type of man io par- ade his misfortune, but the fact. TOMt, that the late Speaker was hard hit by fortune on more than one occasion. His great generosity and sympathy wit hollow in wont prevented him from accumulating wealth. A., ---4 a... “CCUIHMIIIu-B ww__e_ _ In order years ago to present the 531.500 to help the church out ot its difficulties, My. St. gohn mortgaged Ins Many PersonS. Lisbon, April J5.---There was a disas- trot" fire last night near the eentral market. Many ttersor0. invluding " number of children, We“: killed, or' IN'. ceived injuries. _ . '_-___,- non- {ha The fire was in n lmlls'o ventral math that “as (ighleen tenants. More than I (lnzen p burned to death or killed from the burning homes of oporto, brown-r of tl apt-HM with the firentet three persons. Kentucky Cow Gives Birth to Batch of Five. Lexington, Ky., April 15.--A cow be. longing to John Alt-Clintock gave birth to five etertly/ormed on veM this morning. Four of them were born alive, but the fifth was dead. This remarkable cow has had the startling record of having given birth to sixteen when in six years, having triplets twice, twins twice, and n ningle calf. All the” do in cubed to My. - of the-noticing the tgt. “in“. can in It. mum's CLERGYIAN’S EXPERlENCE " HIV YORK. {13:50 for, the 1tttf60tl. FATAL FIRE AT LISBON 16 CALVES IN SIX YEARS MASSON ACQUITTED. Placed at Less Than 'to,ooo-- Too Good to Others. ST. JOHN'S ESTATE ms, Including Children, Killed or Injured. intimate friend of all “the: declare 1 dozen persons were h "r killed by jumping sing houses. The Duke Mber of the King. co- the firemen and saved in a house that was oc liar the upied by e r e W W PEARY WILL START Ll JmrB-arb- PENSES NOT YET RAISED. New York, April IG.-- Con-ands Robert E. Peary, it WSth announced te day, will start in June on " six!) "t to the Arctic. His plan» an all made contingent on his inning use necessary fund- which. however, his friends Ire confident he will secure. Captain Robert Bartlett, of 3. John, S. F., the soiling mum of the Boole» welt in her hut northward trip, ttns been nowfnd by telegraph to come here in my to begin the fining out at the Roosevelt. -- .. Con-under Pan will p-tstil., or leet his own crew-”this tune, to an” an? repetition of dissatisfaction of the salon who “an: mm in the 190606 trip. Only picked non will be “ken alga; . " A m - Roy Mun-in, u naturalist, and Dr. Louie Wolff. n surgeon, at to M- 't"if the explorer as member. of hit at! f. Peary will otick to the American route in his effort to rend: tho pole. He will not. use balloons or alto-o- hiles.but will adhere to his origin“ pol- _ ivy of depending upon sleds". dogs Ind l Fykutnms. . ' . The Roosevelt is " Shooter being fitted with new haiku. waiving general ivy-m. She mud)- Mny Nth. Strange Adventure of Runway Collie in ll Pr? London, April 13.--A rangers come dog jumped from the p ttom of the underground railway during the busiest time yesterday and dashed into the tunnel. He was not seen for eight hours, when his owner, accompunied by .n Min-hi. sought him and found him 336mm, sought crouching within I rail XIII. Thir animal was whims!“ through fright, but w“ not injured. The cir- vumsumw indimte thatt he had cow end in the amp position all the time and that 250 (nines passed over him. SIXTH POlE DASH. Indy of Suntan!“ I‘m. lining In! “an. in but. Paris. April tg.-Fremh scientitsts no: del, n tuner, nbont one mile from Bethune, has been found dead in his shack. by Bev. Mr. Tomlinson, a mink:- ter, living in the neighborhood. Model waa supp-rd to hue left for Germany lust December, and when he was nut seen about it “as. inferred that he had gone to the old century. It now an us that he went to spend n last night l: his shack. nnd wt" there from" to death. The body was frozen stiff. an". had remained there, it is supposed, son..- tour mouth. Hold a Family Reunion In! of Them New York. April 15.7 Hotel. Broadway and New York. April 15.nln the St. Denis Hotel, Broadway and Eleventh street, the Sanford Auooinlion of America. in. cluding att the Sanford: in thin country. met two hundred 'rtrmtg for a reunion and dinner lut night. Representative: of the different Sanford families from all over the many wore there. Many of those present we" direct do - "rndattts of Thomas Sanford. one of the founders of the first mlony in New Hampshiu. HULL KAN (Maul. April l M, I diver, “"8 at work in the B was swept MW." " He was down the the “nouns RIVA!- Laborer Found h l, to kiU Edward this Mat'euty has , sent from the I curd 1 what V lit it. rible esp" blots n out They Are die worth 32-6-5 com!" tor plenum or q"'FiMr't" u..- ._ _ {mlnluly 'sorit'ious. You - on teil in the Atlantic- 'm can ".. Tum-m ”I. have M (its than”! - until ht vat. " I... "at ta-atb'. M uni-II. a. "ree and n a”. " ‘L- --0‘- .-Ih I. DOG WITH 250 LIVES. storm- tttth"' nun-n a..- _ until M Week, by some freak lawman». to ammo, the Devon“: can“ I unmet not. known; new of the mac porn- we mutt-n I.” ”In“: It in " to 't'r%riGiiiirettttf1t Wuhan mun by the who" on (has “no. (at it "tttttt I“. - Jun a A“ w“: the -- out“ -. on a. an. an! gap-3mm MI I. thq Q... m _ huh-III a... “I u ”In I‘unawmula i. a labor! FROZEN IN ms SHACK Iwr‘u- Huu- _'" until m Veda by some he“ “nun-w- no uphill, the Devon“: coiled I .ttirM8tee out. knowing new of the mac perils we mums-n can ".ere,1tr'efi It in a“ to 'l,l"%triiGeretttttHt nun-{pour mun by tho who" on that “no. (at it "tttttt I“. - Juno c AIM “a the -- out“ - " tho but “a an!“ “I M In '" - Not an! all to“ on: In... tn duh: t'ft.1" - [also I. In Juan at not No on. wo' an!“ 2131‘ London Naming ar-kinglu m I'll down (here tour a rs, and when taken out m. probably will I'm-our. ' exciting. and entailed , k. Other divers vuuld I Dun, and the logs had to uuexmuu Railway. IN WATER MAIN. THE CIGARS FIT FOR A use Are wo,tGras Each and on all ly prv lnm pm: of the Mastic. (Bel- “mu" , would all an A“ cum". ttttt “n” - pril Ut,- -F. Durham». ngrd , VII in eleven feet of water the Hull water main, when he any under some stop logs own there four and n halt when taken out was not dead, hi. mm PIPE WAS LOADED “tern M swim Hum-:3 SOME STOP LOGS. d few inch" sttpPo""' TO m mummy than n. Both Yard each pril 15. I/ttttt "i ' It, Lit It u a Result from Bn " n as “We - I I “use wt. "of“. ti" of bounc- ttnd “I "V n. " m - tell a-ruyso!!it April 15. I d up I We I: voruti's eye- we." law-nod out ”4 " f. The fled! on M- " :\ lulu. nr uill Lots An immense MM is“... arrived at the other dns. " ' Baron Kamila " over thin I-" oived I 11l'a W m. The M nre With Taro Hun- It 11'. The WM led very hott ttld not rule: MI to be Ohm 15. MikeVor- um! 0- - was tilled “it!" be lob-mo and of a tive and Will Die willbe Kiri tagrrtls, Inland. I‘D! . and Me 1: M"?!

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