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Durham Review (1897), 18 Apr 1907, p. 4

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" ia During iiBGn:maiara «find farm. Maohincrg. SOMETHING NEW IN WASHERS: The Perforated Drum. only inthe a '?ff'uf'i"f5f=1'r'f"t'rf'"'?i ti Taylor & Co. Taylor & Co. i?, Raymond Sowing Mammal. MoOlary Stoves for Agent for the Dillon Hinge Stay Fence. if t'i'iieill0 have our stock of hats tin both Men's and 3 Ladies opened and ready for your inspection. iiSis . ttll Ladies' liats and Caps X With all the newest shapes 'and colorings. iii Shoes an 8 """'"Wi, hav'e: just put into stock the lalgest ship as ment we have evar had-the quality is il e Ui 3 that money can buy. E Our English and Franc hKip cannot be beat fo a durability. Satisfaction guaranteed in all our shoe The Millinery Quest. We {lave the ver} newee't weaves and latest shades in new Spring Dress Goods and Ladies’ Snitings. If you call we will consider it a pleasure to Show them. I: The most extensive millinery assortment is here is here for your pleasure. You will find we have the very newest designs in Trimmed Hats and Ready to Wears. No thought or fancy has been overlooked ; no worthy style has been neglected and no matter how extreme or modest your taste our show rooms will gratify it. {Spring Millinerx? Spring liats ff/re-rho).' -- In all the newest shapes and Shades. Stylish Spring Dress foHls: g ohn Glark. ua:iusassert.. games.“ ee That hat problem will be easily solved if you visit our Mil- linery Show Rooms. We can give g'tt more list of our goods. but m quality and 3dr ability to t 0 needs of South Grv-y we are not excelled: peering narrows. Wilkinson Ploughs, Honey’s Har- ness, Palmornton Buggies. Renowned ulticlPs, fair pt ices Also Wilholn'u wrintrert0iriiafcVWtiiknVAF The but. in their line no we handle only the best. H Cash and One Price. 1907 tfon (easily Solved A few doom South of the Middaugh Home. Idva The Aget Canadlnn National Born Show will be held in Monte. on NI! Lat, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. This is the successor of the famous Canadlen Horse Show, which ls new divided In- to two parts. consisting ot the Spring Bullion Exhibition in March. and the Canadian Notional Horse Show in May. As it was also 'ho thirteenth vearoi the Show, the unlucky num- ber was avoided by a new organize- tlon representative of the whole Prov- ince. " well " of the City at Toronto. The Show prcmieee to be greater and better than ever, end the St. Lem-once Arena, the new building erected by the City, is admirably suited for the purpose. There are no less than seventy-two classes devoted to the Harness. Saddle. Hunter horses and ponies, and the sum 0187.000 is distributed. The principal Gainers of the new Association us Mr. George W. Beard- more, M. P. E. President . W. J Stark, Secretary; Stewart fianston' Manager. Reduced rates equivalent to n single fare for the round trip Ire offered on :11 rsuwsys. Ploughing is the order of the day on the avenue now. Messrs John Ind Otto Banks. irom Laurel, nephews of the late anez 1333b. vilited friends around Edge I . Miss Annie Staples. who II drew making " Markdale attended her grtrndfather'ts tuqeral lust Sabbath. Mn Jan Staples who has been at- tending to her tuber this last month returned home this week. Miss Ada Stag!“ and her brother Clarence, visitc their aunt Mrs Jan Whitmore on the south line last week. gain. We are pleased to see that Mr Dan Gruenwood isableto be out a- Mrs Fulton Sn. has been quite in daring the past week. We hope she may speedily recover her usual strength. Mr Henderson and family have got settled in their new home here. We welcome them to our neighborhood. Mr Snider Sn. left for Berlin on Monday oflturt week to attend the funeral of his father who died the Saturday before. Mr Wellingtoh Bank: from North Bay, and his sister Mrs Thom" cf the same place, attended their fathers funeral Sunday last. Min Gladys Thompson returned on Wednesday from Listowel where she had been visiting her aunt. Mrs Thou Young and children re- turned Wednesday after a fortnight: visitwith relatives at Owen Bound and Chesley. l Mr Walter Clark ham to Gk i on manual. Sunday school rte-opened on April 14th with several ot last year's teach- ers missing. We arersorry to lose Miss Grace Gilmour from our midst but the Queen city has its amactipns. v Mrs Henderson is spending a few geeks with her daughter. Mrs Cor- tt. The Guild had an unusually good meeting last week, led by Miss Jessie Derby. The tolplo taken tor consideration was ' he Conversion ot Paul" and it was well dimmed by the leader and other members. Quite a number from our burn at- tended the sale ot the late William Lnnney’e estate on Monday last week. Mr Duncan McLean ptmslms1sd a fine horse from Dr Gunn ot Durham recently. The concern " the frog pond hue been postponed on account of tht cold weather, they will be continued when the weather becomes worms. In Neil Clark spent Friday mgr. new with Mb, Annie Clark. Mr Sun Putborbongh is buy haul. ing nwdlm from the uwmlll at pre sent. Rags, bottles and bones Ian-ed through the burn on 8.an Int, highest prieea were paid. Miss Cassie Smith and Miss Term McCormick left for Toronto Monday lean Miss Rebena Fletcher spent Sunday at her home here, Mr Dan McLean purchaled a flue homfmm Mr John Brown at Han. over. Mr J. L. McDonald of Durham high school spent Sunday with his cousin Mr Hugh McDonald. was Annie Smith of Banach upont Sunday at her home here. Mrs Wm Hones: returned home after a months visit with Manda. Mia. Bella Griemn ot Varney wns home tor s few days last week. Quite a number from here attended the funeral ot the late Jacob Krona on Thnmdav of last week. Quite a number from the burg " tended Mr Angus MeKinnon’o ule It the Rocky on Friday last. Plougbing inhe order of the day when it is not snowing. Canadian Horse Show. H5 ARCHIVES TORONTO liampden Aberdeen Edge till. 7411.31 2t1 What might have been a very serious accident occured at the home of Mr Thos Atchison one day last week. Some white clothes hanging on the wallet an tip-stair bedtoom caught fire from a lamp, Mrs Atchi- son pulled the burning clothes of the walland in endeavoring to extin- guisbthe flames, her hands were severely burned. but we are pleased to say they are healing quite nicely. Mr and Mrs Dixon visited their daughter Mrs Robt Renwick one day last week. We are pleased to welcome another young lady to our midst, Miss Maggie Wilson. Bouthville, Miss Jennet Hay accompanied by, her brother Charles and Miss Agnes Renwick returned to Toronto last Sum”; . - . .. . . milieu "Phemie Eccles visited her sister Mrs Dave Gilles last week. "rea'tettt.-otar, Mrand Mrs Robt Renwick spent Sunday " the latter's old home, the Dixon residence. _ H -..- .-......... wcnc lulu “with" PHI. ntttt Dre-Olm- to rest in Pleaherton cemetery. De- ---- med mu widely end ("on My known m ttetti bunke- use tr-tltd" in "m and the tuneml mu 1: large one. On e tte0Tr, “3"" the bier was a beautiful arch of tlowers m oiieioth 1 " 04 ends with. I“! " presented by " lodge. and a lovely ttttgm" nun ”100.0%: 1'Lty'/g',ireit.ijji, 'illfllUor,a'ey qt-l-B-IBM". “no 0v e.meo ea. - ttl f,tLet. ','i'tl'e'ii,'i',e)),' Tue i'.eii'ri'il,'il, hill-WI“ 1" "gtt'M/ftl a , w e w wen a In her " o- ', iiGil, and two dnuahten to m'oum the men-uh- MtsetertrV loan “an?! and loving'fuhher. lunch! BEAN um I ex or t e w ow “an. rm. W H. " triii,f.ljlF'el' tn a... w . Frank Rennie, of Victoria Corners. pasted “my on Thursday Inst after a short illness of pneumonia, at the age " years Mr. Renn‘e was 1:?th esteemed and had been employ by Mr. Jame. Best, of that place, for the past twenty yam. He wuan Orange- mnn and master of the Proton Station lodge. which turned out on Saturday in all force todo hcnor to n deceased Eeyft., w'nen_tho remain. wen laid Mrs Walter Hume was seriously ill In: week but we are pleased to hear she is some better. T,T'tm Foreign missionary society met atthe home or Mrs John Ren. totyJturt, Thaw”. - _ Mrs John Sneli called on Dromore frignds one_ day last week, - . Mr and Mrs John Snell are moving mDurhnm this week. Mina Hume Watt spent last week in Dromore The roads are pretty bad around Dromore, but We think they are better oo , north as John keeps them worn smooth. Mr: Joe Benton was under the, weather for a couple at days this week with In Grippo. To estimate the covering capacity of the Canada PAINT COMPANY'S PAINTS-why one gallon of this paint will cover 375 sq ft-two coats to the gallon. This Paint is com sed only of lead, zinc, linseed oil, and turpentine dyer which are the best kncwn ingredients for paints. It is guaranteed " solutely pure and sold subject to chemical analysis, and in point of covering capacity and durability is passed by any painting material made. Al l, . 'We have got in a large stock of a astlne this permanent wall coating-- . all the finest shades for ceilings, ..walls, and in terior work of any kind. We may say the public- demand is for a pure sanitary wall coating that will not rot off and is ready for use with cold water We wish to impress upon your minds that we have everything that is required in the painting business: varnigh stains, Wagon Paints, House Paints, Foor Paints, Buggy Paints, Enamel Paint Aluminum Paints. White Lead, Oils of all kinds, with one Brice only and that the $391,197, low, that the painting season is near at hand it will pay you to call in and see us and let us exploit. to you how we can :.ave you money on Painting your house. A, S. HUNTER. r, kiiiiiiiiitiitittul ailiittlii1"i,iiitlllb,h'ii'i'.i . ALABAS'I'INE Wyfifi mmuww: k m “at!!! hula Dromore. See our Paint Window THE DURHAM ‘BEVIEW W J LAWRENCE Agent for the Patent Fire Escape and Folding Ladder. No house or public building of more than one storey shouldbe witltoutiit. Price most reasonable. I have purchased the HOUSE THE BIG Idler black - Dada-m .1.” m " while [an Under-um new! ig i5 au" ii a iiié hue Linen u in whit an " " B in wide he . td, Bleached hue “nan, M In with Us I " i 'taria' Tiiriifdil.clctiiG '"' P,Wt2l'",'lj'l'8lfcy.y.y.y.y.y.y.'i1t'tJf. 8 ,titag8_6HtorNe.................uiN. _'d'/lshtm1f'i)lllh'lll.:c:.'.::c:.afa1,Tr: 310110“! 'fArtiAer--....--Eetre Mm blanks. lane n-u- In In“. -r"IS"gr. m 011(3th trd I“ tBydlmulq " min 01¢)..nch: Horse Shoelng a Specialty you wait. Opposite the Registry Office. W. J. LAWRENCE new: udhvhne eetttami-tretrts 'ltttf,S,'h%ltl"iU11t'lWltG'l Come in and see it and give ' it a chance. Tires get while ONE? PRICE LACE CURTAINS COLD BLA CK SMt TH aim TIRE Culder‘s Block SE'1TER CHEAP HARDWARE 1 iParker’s Drug Store 1ihiFsiF6siFiFsbiMhsilrser+ty 100.000 dozens of up wanted in ex'clnnge for home clem- ing tutorial. More you and house dealing, think for I mom- ent about material you intend to There is no paint manufactured to emu] stterwirr-Wiiiinss" I to ua' Sherwin-william' and we keep it Jor ell pnrpones. Every nun end women their own painter by using these points. We also keep n fall enpply of Alebutine, Aitiestine, Whiting, Glue. Gille‘l Lye. Paint brneben. Wine brushes Well MCI, Floor brushes. Banister brushes, Scrub brushes. Feather Dusters. Step leaders. Well Set-pen. Mops, Brooms. etc. Keep your tloom clean " buying . n foot urnoer end . door BY can on iigglilfll ' Aifol,t "seidt-ter nn'd' n 'doo'x mat, 1 large monument in stock " prueut. Every person driving there dark nights shank! hue one of our dash lanterns. Nothing like them manufactured. ' moon And Easton ' NERVE BUILDER Innoc- eon-Ill. It will a, i/reirlv'iedet the name a. -r1i" it will do. It is a tonic what may“ the mach. including 'shetivity oft: Jigestivy and diminutive or- " I A- LI...J W“" - "W m. helm the blood “a build- up the man. KI Begins to Select t W. Black Ffiii: ; 1"” ? F”: WHEN A YOUNG The Largest Selection ot Wall papers In this Section." We have the papers you want. Don't neglert this opportunity of obtaining the prettiest papers at the least cost, A The 1lltatrfltrris Co. We no cola Agents in Duaham tor the “In" well known Implements-. Blodm lowers. Drilla‘ Burrows out, Cultivaton. Manure SIpreuden any Baal. Buy Loaders. lay Ted don [lacy-Hurri- Cream Separator m Stool Trucks. “an! Sam luklnes. Valletta! Ml. Works, In. loll m & NICO Co., Charm and Waning Imhtnes. mam 'mttthqiile,6rqty Curiae: Them ii BO better way in which can d a small amount of as, 22,f,lll2l more compl “We” than by damn“: you wk with beautiful paper. our [907 mt contains an abuts. he: of new distinctive artistic tee that aye out: to give com- irieU mutation. - We tnhe n delight in showing an. out elegant line of papers and me you to all. “can point of interest io in in; pmhuerl is that we ”in; tiiurusere in that we tell our bade:- It Mme price per toll nth: all. McQueen & Morice MacFarlane E? Co. Dregrutn & Booksellers. We Are now ready to do bus- iness with you We meet to our mutual advantage. :Our stock is new and at- tnctive and our pric- es are low. Come and judge for your- selves. We are al- ways pleased to show t',,",',t', whether you " or not. If you do not buy now you will again. We're also Agents for BORDERS mm 18. HUSBAND Ui " E: _lii. i :3 Rel Th

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