West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 18 Apr 1907, p. 5

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High! in about litte of ”my contains n a... istinctive ttrtktie r sure to give an. DERS M ks. chines. 0 Works. , Piano Co., ing lacuna“. ville.Groy Care%tt" '.er way in vii I 'ann" an... in more comp]. a by deco-nu: beautiful no. enta in Dubai! M my implant- SAINTLY of interest io it lets is that - at same price p. ige tor your- We are al- msed to show whether you not. If you buy now ya ’AVIES’ M. Bauer waned. his opportunity the prettiest e least cost. I ered Ammonia. Arte Gillet’l In," he " vant. ll papers Soap - to M t tarnish from It. vthing for do.“ on. polishing. Lr Stoves. Boor, 1"- fiture, Whig". when. Harris (h, l mus" Baum Manure Sgrudm Loaders. " Td ‘isCreamSepItIlot new and at- and our pne- )w. Come din curtains, all In tor renovuing - nelrCo. sort-Iv tried dud-l contusion p! threhyt o1vuyrBB--Mg. shelves. rant's Booksellers. & Morice ; to racnim'om on the period d bance we havoil e essentitll not I for Local: Agents " you we " mutual .Our to RTHU HUSBAND 18. do bus- WE HA Remember thy tl DARLIN' 1 We are In or the Bret. 'P. 2556:1551 "I!!! to 'th; SPRING FEVER DARLING’S DRUG STORE. 'd,2rpa,)re it ? "Sure" you say. "why cv- s, City a, but they do not always have it cured. Is a 3mm feeling to a It dunno: t makes a nu ity and Trunk Bubbe light , We ha F,'ir?ii, m Thle 1e remarkehle cold weether. Snowing, freezing and thawing were experlenoed during the a: week, bun-there " macho t‘Thew tn the pepere lately we expect one noon. Oomplelnte ere hard of sou-city of cattle feed in general. but etlll it meme there hebnndnnne offeed in eome parts. Rondo ere shout as bed " can be.. No mutter whether they be beck lines. gravel mode or mud roads' they ere ml] the enme. k Some 1reayhtqtrhityr, but the majori- " EBRMIR MT"! " "a” - t g, y, . "HAEV.,' FV A T ',', - ' ' V _etiu't. W? i, Q 's.>,rti'ti'v, -‘ _ t 'e., who}; Priceville ilhilM',lt""ll'iT'llt')2l'dffl'1'lP)2 2i2tt/rtpttr.tr, “mam. ',lt,'te,g,'l 'ty/JS',' . - o 0 ml C II I t Ieaqt sonai dislike toSir 'a'l'lt no scarce- rti'it,t,tth'ltlii, ','lldltN2l"tt' teat; he thorougt ly conceded. and yet the Prime Min. by men ponon "own; with the atttee or per Jen-on I inter rarely pay: any attention to him ttiother. A "mm unless the circumstances warrant u s'ies,l?)iiiitli,eitih?td, T,"ttg"Un'tr,'l'. 1's IT.', , ine. n m. mam mu want one gth1,eeh"tu2g"g2u'tt mgdfiogm‘ieméwmdwm -oetution. and his iroqnent appearances in the a: mouthg'uotltae in writing shouldbo gm Buch 'P" Aime light "mm m tb true index 'ale. S'li"ttrstrt'i, fu"lllt' for fad.' " t'l'd't,e,tt ot " iieneial who ttp.-Mihr. . w. w. aria riculture tl ----_-----. . Deputyoi the llama ot themtertor have been __ _ . A . . N...B.--oret.t.t.oNtd, paw“ ot this M. telry such} Has be anything to any against the policy ot the Government? Nothing. Does he ever attend a caucus? No. What does he do? Re hibernates in a comfortable private room in the House ot Commons, supplied him by a Liberal govern- ment, and there he eogitutes upon matters in respect of which a sensa- tion may develop, and forthwith launches himself into the public gaze. He initiates little or nothing. appar- ently takes no interest in the business of the country. rarely is tound in his sent. and occasionally addressee pub lie meetings or club. in various parts of Canada. Does be ever discuss with ministers how money has been spent during the past tiasal year. when the estimates are before the Home? Never. This is an unbineeed statement of not. Hie readiness tulnngc into a debate which is direc more " Sir Wiltrid Laurier than the Liberal party is obvhne. Hie antagonism and per- sonal dislike to Sir ilfrid ere scarce- ly conceded. and yet the Prime Min. ister rarely pay: any attention to him unless the isirtsttmtenem warrant n Is he found shoulder to shoulder with other members carefully exam- ining and improving bills for the bet ter government of this country of ours? Never. Does he ever introduce legialat'on into the House having tor its object the betterment ot somebody or some thing? Never. Does he assist the Public Accounts Committee in examinwg into the pay- meme made in the government acr- vuso? Never. axon In is an overdose of old rye. Love, toothache and tight boots are eaeh mighty hud_thinxs to conceal. Does he ever appear in the Railway Committee and assist in drafting bills upon which the trans nation system of Canada is founded , Never. Does he ever add his Judgment to the judgment and experience ofthe members In training legislation: own which our industrial concerns are based? Never. A conscientious member of parlia- ment, who tills the dutv required of him as the representative of a constit- uency. flrais his time fully occupied during the seas on with the various standing committees of the Home. To these committees all important matters are referred before they come up in the House. The nenmt approach to a brain "FitaaariiTfrurfa ERIE. Supplement to DURHAM REVIEW DURHAM, ’APRIL 18, 1907 r Ill "The New Hardware and Furniture Store." his week we open up our new line of High firadtLr11tgit1ttt... 924.39-- WV!“ "r"ii"i"ii""'," tttah? arid il, Lot t//i'iiiiliitti0iiiiii I ed by any person who u the head ot Manny, on We our Is - ot m; to the “alum ot one-quarter section of 160 lacs. mm or can. En mun bemnde noun.“ " the Local J'tu'll' hr the tll'glrt in hu the Ind h The ttottt-deritreqttirsd to pqrform the condition- connected therewith under one of he following plan; 1. At lees: six month. residence upon end cultivuio of the land in each you for three exec] The paper has already been great- ly enlarged and improved and still greater things may be looked for. At the end of the present year the subscription price will be raised to 81.00per annum. In the"meantime we can 1al,,r the REVIEW and the FARM! G' WORLD for one year " 81.35 for both papers. The Home Department 's edited by Mia Lnura Rose of Guelph, who for manv years has been asswiated with the Women's Institute movement in Ontario. . In - l ""i' [Fain-{MW will he made to any Mllllt ll _ I es a?» or more human who unfiu- to form . a ruitgrowere' association orthepur- "0-331 EAD REGULATIONS fer: an: operulionhof a power splat;- - us oat t during t e 591150“ of I . Alum"? sng,"gtru,Se,'Lo,Q,',o'g,i,'fT,,1t.e? Thue unocintions need not he incor- Mia t Globe-1.30 A new company capitalized at M0,000, nearly all ut which is put p, has purchased The Farming orld. PIN, large majority ofshare- holders are practical farmers. a- mong them being several of the leading breeders and tsttritsttitariats in Canada. Among those closely identified With the management oi the company are the Hon. Jno Dry- den, ex-Miniater ot' Agriculture for Ontario. Mr W. Smith. President Ontario Horse§Breeders' Association and Mr P. W. Hodson late Live Stock Commissioner for Canada. Mr J. W. Wheaton will continue to act " Managing Editor. assisted by a strong tstaff oi editorial writers, n- tnong whom are the [ion Mr Dry-- den, Mr C. W. Nash. an old and or perienced Farmer's Institute worker, has been secured as a permanent member of the Editorial staff, ' 'rr _ ..y a.“ ' " J 'w. "twrt', 'w _ _ an __ " rr-. M , ”a... 1'ih"as2 s,' ti."..s "t Ait .1 Fr s.btl, rv, “Ra." . 5: W, Fey, W k3iii'li,:t: "H iiiNI I "As' (f tt.i 92?. Warin‘»‘ "MP__ _ t. “a,“ h, “A: k' £5." = ' = “Afr-W - lil al.tg . ONTARIO ARCHIVES I TORONTO The Provmciitl Fruit. Growen' Asso- ciation has within the put three years asst-ted in organizing 1: large number of fruit growmg nusocmtions. One of the "ittts of these associations has been the co-operative spraying of orchards of their members. and it is now pro- poued to mist these and kindled or- wniutiouu in such spraying work. nth thin aim in View. the Minister of Agriculture bu ttteked the Legislature fora - of Wm be devoted to the assistance of fruit amulet-u in the purchase and operational power apruy- lug outfits. Muny “mentions already own and are operating such machines nod the“ will teceive the Mine an] " those orwsttizimtdtprintt 1907. The con- ditions under which the grants are nvuuluhle have been made as simple as possible with the hope that» decided stimulus wtlt be given to the proper spraying of orchards during this and commit muons. Erollowitik are the regulations covering the payment of the grantee A“ -- For many yea.“ the Department. of Agriculturv has been advocating more and better spraying. Detttotwteattons in the use of hunt! and po Wet outfits. and the pregnant ion nod application of the mast, etreetive mixtures, have been given throughout the Province with satisfactory results. " is now felt that such tttformation has been tutr1citm.tly diffused and another step foxward Is pr.epoed. A _ - 7 Thue unocintions need not he incor- porated to qualify for this grant. though g'tf,','irg,1f1': or ct>opetative m.cin.tions a ould Y obtained m the fttil benefit. of co-operM ion we desired, Oompem'ive fruit growing max-in- uonl owning and opening two or more power meaty". will he eligible to dgnw A grunt. . each machine operat- ceiving nuisance during the pleiéut year s all not exceed 1m A teanottahle. portion of such up“ - in must he done on the (on ma aroma- 'm,'))t't',ll'l of the parties forming the Bach ttttht:", betel: lit-och any portion o 0 ts u nu in inspector of the Ktlllt1'l'l'h of d riculture that the above eonditi, At lent. 5 new of fruit trees must he thoroughly waved during the pro- per sen-on with each otstltt. have been complied with au ara make such reports u M utiefy the lining-I; a! Ahtieattttue. _ 7 in this ttrapt mum»: rhythm“. Re/tt not later tbnn 'dl Int duly?! the The number of Inch “mentions pp. 'sith A'ih' ' ', " "r n "' _xv r' ' ' L at" ~43" “I "t sf:)'.. “wk." ". T "Razhl. " c'; 31.... .4"... _ «(a " 3r ' , td " , Xt “a, FAS WB _ " " . " N}; ' . . M " n _* l ..-~.m "ianetkig LOOK HERE, PARKER I had no new " Good Lend above Durham, well improved. with very tine buildings. advertised in the Run" for moo. I can now tell " fora Rood deal Renaud IT‘S A BAR- “AI“. Then t In" 5 100 ACRE well lul- proved farm um Durham that I will sen VERY QHEAP or “if? for qaher property. It's 1 map. For 'oe"M"'.r" nbly under .3000 I will sell 100 scro- In Bentinck. with good soil. brick veneer- ed the! frame house, [We frame bank barn. frame stable! and pig “this. ttood orchard. This is really a nutmeg I have nloo a great lot of other pro. pertgsfor sale and a MILLION DOL. LA of MONEY to lend at very low um. I COLLECT DEBTS, are-full? urennre all kinds of vviuTrNtit"utyAl “if y"tl J. G. HUTTON. I. D., C. “0‘1.de 0M n-eeemt,mee,,etette2'.t" - “unwell“. OHM“- m- am. OM00 mo J.‘H.HW’O F-tt o. a H p. I. '-' . Tough-o Goa-m Mo. " ARTHUR GUN. I D., MEDICAL OIIIOI IOU" 3W5???" no 10‘... .7. FORD Supreme Cour nlunoner a. Iowslny More. 3.96325- or tor Go. Urey M lor all: u a me new" or We: Mun-ed " be munit- \RK/ lk-ilon to" Ceylon P. 0 INS. Durban.- - clot. 1 AGENCY tand Rona-t - of Non yer Town) icy of Grey. Ite' tttlute .WIWH my. Wuhan. may to Loan. mm. A gen- I trans-cud. 9| tor the Bttrltttt mt Leader Seed. Cultivate“ and XE80N nluioner. "" ween t ver the Bull INN! 31m UM anon Ott " L. B. S. Post once in I!" -

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