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Durham Review (1897), 18 Apr 1907, p. 7

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er way in u "mall "Mtqtat in more co. hy heautihti m. contains an uh". stinctive mm ARTHUR DE RS {cuts in Dub-In h nown Impl-t.-. a, Drills' Ham's Manure Sgrendm Loaders. " Ted 'TIS Cream Scum " ens. lemnes. Io Works. , i Piano Co., ling lacuna. Vilma", carMntt" "i'yAINTLY irant's of interest io in Lets is that we at same price pa oIunAyrteB-ne i shelves. h is opportunity the prettiest e least cost. . he papers vant. light in aha-in, iue of paper... sure to give can. ll papers Harris lh AV”)? TEA. Batter waned. mixing for clam tot, polishing. " Stowe. floor, In- itare, Whiz." ashes. t Selection lin curtains. and." for rertosmtitttt purp- med Ammonia. me omen Ln! Soap to m t. tarnish from It. neSCo. new add at- nd our pric- w. Come {e for your- We are al- sed to show hether you ot. If you ay now you & Morice Booksellers ". to tacuim'uho en the period d hance we havoh e essentials such I for Locals Section. A, l, 18. to do bus- you We " mutual .Our zenu for v tried dttrirttt V usinn .o.f. 1pfttt ' H USBAND tt -illtB8EmttglErglErglrNilall, er 'P'"'"" Wall-Pap é Spring cmaiaastiiaaiigaiiMBtri'afiiauim2aiiaii9iaael' WE HAVE OPENED Re member the plate---. G ,Lawrence's old Stand This year the border is sold at the sums price per roll as the wall paper instead of being sold by the yard. The wall is s, per roll, border is .. 63c .. " Did You ever have it ? "Sure" you any. "why ev- erybody gets rt." So ihey do but they do not always have it cured. Carter 3 Sarsapartlla Is a guaranteedzcure for that tired. nervous. run down feeling so common in the Spring time. It elegance the blood, tones up the nervous system and main a new man of you. DARLINGS, The People's Druggist Illllss, N.,G. & J, McKechnie Has a full line of Curtain Poles, Window Shad”. Picture Frame- Frames to order of all kinda. , We Are Inning In upholster- or the am wool in - month. Anyone wishing old good- reno- vntod to look good u now should ndvi-o - will be pie-d to attend to it at - SPRING FEVER Ont This will make it possible to do all your Spring papering at a very small expense. We have inst opened up a large quantity of new wall paper ---all the latest and best - designs and colors ings. DARLING’S DRUG STORE. We have opened up a. large stock of Boots and Rubbers, etc, for Spring 1907, for both hangar; light ,redr-r.suites for all classes. We invite you to call and Impact our goods " we feel sure we can interest you whether you buy or not. See the qua]. ity and prices. Trunks, Valiscs, Telescopes, and c'ub bags at mod- erate prices. Custom work and repairing as usual at the down town shoe More. mm sleep tu'h% a. This is when 7% 10c Wie 15c 17,yie , Undertaker Come in and see them. (The popular Cash Store.) EGGS TAKEN AS CASH $1.00 per bottle at ' S. McfLRhll'lm Oren Yer. mantle-Enter in: time tinfoil“ 5nd "on“ All mu- m ot _ All MEI- nn , In. but. student: - - and ”non- uunnon And no and!“ o pollonl may “Iota. qt III. I!" awn-an. BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE i. M. WATSON. Hind?- " I”... Ymo & - ll. TORONTO Is, 17t c 'lit, Wie We Ilk 25c c per 6yie mu. school' has. _ “Udell“ This I. remarkable cold weather. Snowing, Menus and thewlnz were experienced during the Itll', week, hm as there is so much I t. Thaw in the pupal-s lately we expect one Compleinu are bend of sou-oily of cattle feed in general, but still it Items there lubnndnnee otfeed in some pane. Roads no then: as bad " can be. No matter whether they be back lines. gravel roads or mud roads'they are all the same. Some are ploughing but the majori- ty are not. . Every house available in our town is taken up by railroeders in general. Several gangs ere at work east end weak of new " grading and other wot . The townllne bridge being swept l sway try the late floods causes incon- venience to people coming from the north " they have to go down to Me- Lschlin’s siderosd on Glenelg side or to David Hinek's sideroad on Arte- mesis side. Old people don 't mind it so much as younger ones. as they are deburred to a great extentof being privileged to fulfil their ob igutions in attending to matters that require ser- ions trotvideratiom Our town police force demands the {tiresome of Glenelz and Artemesia coves and Assessors on Friday next, the 19th inst, mil in the afternoon, for the purpose ot equalizing portions nit Priceville from the two municipali- t e8. Our town is quite busy and a good business is anticipated during the coming summer and tall. Mr. P. F. McArthnr. merchant. took a. business trip to Toronto this week, combining business with pleas- are. Mrs. Butters got her large barn to its place some time ago. It will muse her more convenience to have it on the same side of the street " the hotel. Mr. McLean is hard to beat at moving buildings. We hope to see some good building pat up on the spot vacated by the removal of this old barn and enables in the near lu- Lute. Councillor John A. McMillan, of Gleueig. jug; not home in time on Saturday last to attend council meet- ing. He was driven to the town ball by his good friend, A. B. MeArthar, as both came on the stage to Mr. Me. Arthar'tr. John says the house will be through in a week or so, and its not worth his while to go back to his dnues any more. Old Mrs James McDonald, who was staying with her nephew, James McDonald. at the mwnline Artemesia. all winter, moved to her own house a couple ot weeks ago. As there is no one in particular to look after her oomloris she must be in destitute cir- cumsmnees at times, as this cold weather goes hard on her. However she was ssorntortably kept where she was as she has some means at her disposal yet for her maintenance tor a couple ot years. She is now over 88 years. but may outlive younger per- sons by a. number of years yet. The Gaelic Communion held in the Presbyterian church on Sunday. the 7th inst., was not well patronized. The venerable John Campbell. of Swinton Park, was in attendance in spite of bin 89 years. Bad roads, cold day and all summed up as untavox- able tor being out, he pressed his way and was amongst the tirat at the church alter coming seven miles ot bad roads. How many of our young men will put themselves about as this old gentleman does? It they did our churches in general would not be so empty as they are on several occu- tons. Some complaints are made as to the unsatisfactory position the organ and choir are placed in the Presbyterian church in this town. As thev are in a corner of the church the sound does not extend through the whole building properly, causing a discord between the choir and the audience. How- ever, as this manner is only for con- venience for a time, we hope to have our goon chan- placed in a better pod- tion after a while. We saw the good Tp. Clerk ofGlen- elg, J. S. Black, Eeq.. in town one day lately. As the bridge is gone he took the cow’s pathway through bush and tieldtt until he landed it Price- ville. His conveyance was his walk- ing stick. Mr. Donald Molten and {ennui moved into Prloeville Irom the com line. Mr. Mellen bought the late Donald McArnhnr'l residence north at Mr. Areh'd McMnllen. of Ceylon, and tamilv moved to Hector McKin- non ’s house a few daysago. Mr. Me- Kinnon isliviug with his daughter, Mrs. McEachern, south line. The all gentleman was under Dr. Dixon's are tor a few days bat is better agein. Donuld McLeod and family, who lived one mile north " sidemd 40, Glenelg. moved to Toronto n week ago, where they intend to any for tome tune. _ A - We are pleased to bear that Wm. Bmellie. Jr., who underwent a very critical aviation, In getting better again. A lo Mu. Colin McLean who has been in Tuwnto hospital tor some time is getting better ind will soon be home agnin. We miced . slight error in our no- eonm cube lil autumn and McIntyre marriage when e we sold that we - the bride tram latency. consequently we would want: for be: no one who Priceville THE DURHAM REVIEW i "The New Hardware and Furniture Store" Lenahan 8' McIntosh. would prove faithful in “prosperity and adversity." The "adversity" was left out and made it a one sided affair. which appeared inappropriate on an occasion of an expected happy lite, tor there are universities to con- tend with as well as prosperities. Died " his tson's residmce (Mr. Alex. White), old Durham road, Ar- temesia. on April 4th, 1907, Mr. John White at the age at some eighty-four years. Mr. White was well known in Durham some 45 or 50 years ago. as he was a_m_i|ler:__ Henserved 3cm: This week we open up onr new line of High Grade Furniture and we invite you to call and see our goods whether you wish to buy or not. We have the goods and our prices are right. an no "no a “an"... _- V” time in Kelly’s mills. Durham. and later in Prieéville " the time McDon- ald's owned the mills. We are told that he Was precentor in the old Pres- byterian church. Durham, in the early history of the church. Mr. W byte was considered a good singer in his day. In later years Mr. Whyte joined the Baptist church, of which he was a consistent member 'll', to his death, He was buried in . riEeLvllle ggave nu "an on”..- ... --"" .- yard on Saturday. the 6th inst.. Rev. Mr. Kipp oftieieting " the funeral, which Was largely attended. Since writing you considerable changes have taken place here. D. K. McArthur and family Lets for the N. W. some time ago. With them went Samuel McLean-n. We but report? that they Were stuck in some snow blockade near Winnipeg. Angus Ferguson. blacksmith, was kicked by a horse on the leg and laid off work tor some time, but is able to resume work now. Proton Council held a meeting in Dundalk on the 6th inst. The chic! business was a Court ot Revision on the Proton Station dreine. These drains have been before the Council of Proton and Arternesin tor yeere. All the work fell through. until new the present council has succeeded well. The people there needed the drain badly. The time at high water some time ago the village people could not get to their stables without using rafts. on the shortest notice and it would be well for you to see our assortment of Mouldings. fPt Cleaning time'is on and we are prepared to give you.tl1e very best choice in Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Alabartine, Monaco. etc. See our assortment of these and you will be convinced. Mr. James 1i'allerton, formerly ot Thmdtulr, but now ot Horeville. in making good time " mail carrier, altho the road: ate very bad, Mr. Joseph McArdle. reeve. Mr. John Aleorn and Mr. Wm. Henry, eouneillogB, spent Friday, the 12th, examining the wreck of the bridge and mad " the Samoan River noun ot Swinton Park. They hue not come to my decision yet, "it " (“menu nutter. There is talk of B owe! bridge being Milt " the cheap- Our Hardware Line is complete and consists of everything re- quired for Builders and others. We handle (he National Portland Cement, (he Brantford Rea- dy Roofing and also the very best in Metal Shingles. Ceilings and Sidings. She had a dainty figure, A fair ind tlower like face; She nude 3 lpgN1lfli't So trim and full grace; And if lug had [not NAtt “$3335; (Band n flaw, But when mono use: lips puma She an. " I hnvou't luv." ‘e are also prepared to do all king? of $19122 Jiiripflyf, tiopeville F,i'rllFB, A few doors south of Middaugh House. GIVE' US ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 'trarpe.p'ty. Ttra Option By-Law in H be W176: you to see our Petition to Guns": By-st Dismissed -.-trr. Havemn Confesses in Open Court. Taray local option, by-law, aged Jan. 8, 1906, came More Mr. mace Mubee " Osgoode Hall on Wednes- day, J. Haverson. K, C., and C. S Cumqun [or the applicant. A. G. My} Kay, K. C. for thre corporation. The grounds alleged weae that the by-law had not been signed by the reeve. and that persons Voted who were not en- titled. The judge held that owing to the great delay, which was not ttata- taotorily explained. and that the per- sons whose Votes were challenged had all made ttftidevita for the applicant that they had not the legal right to vote, thus shifting the inference that might otherwise have been made, the motion failed. It was therefore dis- missed with costs. " Oh! I have no morals, I parted With them long ago, " said Mr. James HaVerson. K ll, in the course of the argument before Mr. Justice Mabee. The propriety ot persons voting when they know they Were not entitled to do so had been referred to by Mr. Haverson, who took the view that it was a matter of little importance. as no penalty was imposed by the law, so long as such persons names appear- ed on the voters' list. His Lordship asked counsel if he was also vrepared to defend such voting on moral grounds. when Mr. Haverson dir Tlaimed betas swayed by such scrup- es. A large number of aMdavits Were filed by petitioners trom persons who admitted having voted improperly. Counsel argued that this would war- rant quashing the by-law. Mr. Jus- tice Mabee remarked that if improper voting were accepted as a ground for quashing. then no by-law could be pamd. In the present instance it was also reasonable to infer that tne people who had made affidavits had voted against the by-law. from the fact that they tarnished the petitioner with the information. The contention lthat the by-law should have been signed "after" it was passed was also dismissed, the court ruling that the ‘law merely stipulated that it should be signed by the person presiding " lthe meeting when it was passed. John Rudolphefs 't.totl?tt to (unfair Evelz little while we read in the papert at uomeone has runn. rusty hail in his foot or other portion of his hcdr and lock jaw resulted therefrom and the patient. died. If every per- son was nwnre of a perfect remedy for such wounds nod would Apply it, then such report. would cease. The remed l! simple. ulweyu " hand, can be applied hr "You. what in better, it is infolllh e. t in simply to smoke the wound or l'7 wound that is bruised or 1rsthun with A woollen cloth. Twenty minute: in the smoke will “he the pun out of the worst one of 1ntumntrtittt? Arising from ouch a wound. People may sneer " this remedt‘u much as they Elem. bat when " we mama wit such wounds, let them trr It. CALL read in the Stands -iijift HERE, mm I hnd 250 am of Good and shove Durham, well improved. with very ttne building; udvertioed in the RIvmw for 37500. I can now cell " for I Rood deal lea- And IT’S A BAR. GAIN. an“... I haw-A mo ACRE well lun- """r'iien I lave n 100 ACRE well im- proved farm near Durham that I will sell VERY CHEAP or trade {or caller PI‘IIVru "In" uvnu v... --__ -- sell VERY CHEAP or trade for other pmperty. It's a map. For consider- ably under 331100 I will sell 100 acres In Bentinck. with good soil, brick veneer- ed and frame house, large frame bunk barn. frame rubles and pug stable. good orchard. This in really a “entice I have also a great lot. of other pro. portlzsfor sale and a MILLION DOL. LA of MONEY to lend at very low um. I COLLECT bgp'rysyetefu0r, prepare all kinds of WRITINGS. "ll C. P. R. Tickets to all points \VEST and nell OCEAN TICKETS. Every kind of legitimate husine-s attended to. Everything private. Our Motto: “Alw ya p ompt, Never Negligent. , The school In thoroughly equl in (“chm nutty. In (menial Ind 'gght'rhtlfitt ma itttinda, &e., for full J unior Lavina and laude- uMon work. The (ollowinc component “O. as m churn t TROB. ALLAN, "t elm Certit1eBte, Prim-uni KISS LOLA MCLEOD, B. A., Bottor (:rnduntp ot Queen's University. chutes, Modern: Mid mum. tG"ii'iriiiWiGTiiiGiiiur. -iiar-d an [fob tuned a ”Quotable um. Durhnm In I healthy md min town. making it I most desirable place tor residence. FEES: " per month In advnnoe. WmJonnuton. Sr., C. 'uee, Durham School use M. a. HOLLAND mm Clu- Fertile-u and third you undervalue: of Queen'. 2e,g,"e'.'illii Science. may 3nd Geomphy. {nu-gum; Study)“ "39914 quer ht Pt PA': er, E STINSON, The Baker lf u,,ai2iil.L.da.-e-rwt" Is good Bread, well made and properly baked-the bread that is made by Stinson. This is the perfect brud--made of the beat flour, leavened and seasoned just right; thoroughly kneaded and "ra to perfection, it is easily _ digested and it builds health and ‘ strength for those who eat it. i Give it a trial. In connection with our great Glotw otter, soon to expire. we will. for SUN send the Review to new subscriber to Jan I, "KB. and the Weekly Giolw and Canada Farmer with illtttstrat supplement for one your. I1llllllll, fllll lllallllllli (Nhllf The strongest ',','h',l',? no“... I .._ ...,_._, - Co. In (Mario. A taco without tt,t'ie,il and “an news!!! tor honest efforts. L unwed 5nd infested by the Government I Insure. residues In hm pope“: upon the has: known pl.” 8 or O you blanket ponde- tuned on the unnu- lmllnent or one 1a'l'flll "can: under he - fumble coed “on to we insured. loam In the but tf your Innnnee expire-um you. all on, stamp-cud to FARMERS’ CENTRAL Ogilvle's “Royal Household " Keewatln " Five Roses "-The very best Keewutin make. A carload just, received. XII tot $1.00. don't delay; FLOUR Clove: and Timothy and all var- ieties of Garden tseeds in R- bundtnce for Spring gr owing SEEDS Head one. t Walkerton, Ont. The Best Cure For Dyspepsia AGreat Dollar‘s Worth H. H. MILLER, iaasatnuru Aunt. nus-bun Sn" and Equipment. The IWEWEEL MATTHEWS a. LATIMER WELD AND GARDEN. The Hmover Conveynucr Highest grades only. Gian-min Mutual Fire 1:395qu Bu “My J. G. HUTTON. M. D., C. mmwmm; 0M0 ta-tee-metres,,',','.,,'.'.', - os.osooosotrM11. 014M001... has mount-to MooeBetd'. gfudon. in.) a! to XII-ppm (new York) Ila-pink. annulment“. - - - - 0mm lulu-nun 'ser,,? louse. Dun-MI. mmWodn-odnyo “hummin- 10B. I. ttttep. I. W. C, PICKERING o. D S., L. o. S. onto: not!” .-tt..t. F-dp... '-' P-l foul”. Cum No. " HONOR GRADUATE or Toronto University. guidance of Royd Cullen of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Boom- Over J t J HUNTERS New Show otttee-49atder'. Block, over Post one. 3010! GIADUAT E Toronto Unwed» UM In: Dom coll-n Banal *Meeou 0n Dentistry in till m hunches. lax-rim. Solicitors. Convoywceu. Att, Honey to Loan. once. McIntyre Block, over the Bank A. G. Hulk-1 n.c.: W. F Donn ARTHUR GUN. M. "he one 4.59.0“..."0 It... not“... loan:{ "a n... He "at. -mlmmumumd 'mmacwdna. ME DICAL Bye! Barrister. Sollcm Rotary Public, J. F. GRANT D. D.tr, L. D. B. JOHN CLARK) Licensed a the County of Grey. u-eoseuov/irtlr, the CM, other. we: - attended to. um mu- “In It be left " MI Implant-n Wage. tat: "l'Jhllloll'l animal. admiral. Everything in readiness for the Spring season. Call and see our Lender Seed- er, Plough, Han-own, Cultivnwn and The New, Rugby}! WW0“ Insurance Agent. Money to Loan, Inner of Marriage Licenses. A gen eral ttmuteial busittetm transacted DUIHLl. ONT. (Lower Tuwm Peter Hamilton AGENCY JiGiTLTt we swank ammo Incum- The Improved Iguana! Can-I m (an. Prices and mm- to mu't patch-u. l, B. chELLAI, Agent at " Ohm-nu, WM". Wuhan. Assru1rtpm,'1?r9nU. Baku. Maven. Bud-u mum B. JACKSON Licenued Auctioneer tor Do. Urey term moderate. Arrangement. tor am a to trates, Ac., must be made " the new" or tor. Durham. 0" Cor-upondenoe adds-Id time. or to Canon P.O., will be pump“;- nmdod to, Term. on uppllcsuon to sum to, DEE: = MACKAY d; DUNN, not. over a ml n tU len slay Auctioneers- Notary Public. Commissioner. mam. Ear, Nose a Throat Babe; Baguio -"-" Biuell tool Land Roller. Disc Burrow. of men DB. BURT CONVEYANCER. ii. 'tePNlUL, Ceylon P. o C. BAIAGE. Durban . P. TELFORD Solicitor in Supreme Cour Public. cotttmisstoner u Ceylon In“ . telePhON ttaitte Money to Loan. FHA/L- r-A tor Co. (in: ;, Wuhan. " {19151

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