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Durham Review (1897), 18 Apr 1907, p. 8

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" l .1 2E (AI - iWritten to: the 1'1...) Rejected by His can um- and - by one at the chm twain. Lroqrtnq that very soon tho omen would “on Him. that Intuit». like mun-I. mount-3. Mu and oructnxiem ”and am. our Lexi made prayer to In. "ttor-leon “It. 1-1. Hb request. Ire ttmt, for annual. "no 1-5; would. tor Hits disclaim at that tune. - 9-19; third, for a." Menu tor on time, verses 20-23. With this object {or H!- xoul. the winning over of tho wot“. "That they may be one, that tho world In] new tl) that Thou did“ lend It. "ll IN luv- edst the!» even " Thou loved-t It." He does not despair at the world. you. 25-3: “New in the 1M at all went. - un” the prince of this world (sun) In cut out, and I. if I be lifted ap-Witt arm: 53:33:33; GrLeti."-gotm mi. 11 Win 1 the Son of God behold. Pierced by the Run:- all]: and our, Isett the Lov- that from at old. “as will!" to draw (no wand mm In”. l on the musing Son at God In cotttli" with our am too: on. Love. how high. how deep. how brand. To drain tur In that cup ot woo. For tho ungode. mm in Ila. He died; let this 0011'. Love mom! For In that victory Ho an; vin._ _ _ , Oh. holy Lord. 1191th high. With outstretched m above etch too. That suitor»; Love a.» yet bring nigh The sinful world that ll.- below. 1 see our too o'orcolno by The.. ' The run-om ot each soul oomph“; A world-wide mm “In. IN] te, Yea, all must how u Thy placed met, hunt-1N. !n Ham Thou tor the human no. has stood; God's chapels: love Thou did". - la covenant sealed um: 1m. own Mood. To The who didrt renal 0011': (not As bound) u tho ntr, a 1m. Each member of our human lice Shall loyalty swear, and bow the Inn Castles in the Air. (By a Banker.) Probably the whole of the human not from time to time indulge in the pn- time of building "castles in the air”; the private soldier, for instance. pictures to himself the time when he will wield the field-marshal', batort---whieh every private soldier is supposed to carry. in "nugiuation, in his knapsack; the clerk, “in dreams that he will be the head of the great business wherein he is employ, ed; " the young deacon, who conjures up n vision in his enthronement " Archbishop, in the midst of magnitieent surroundings, and habited in 30er mitre and cope. 60;; aiuiriia. -ituum"ri' friend Amt thesc rlrapsodies of the imagina- tion vary aeeordiug to the idiosyncrasies ot' the individual. One, the head, for in. astarice, of an important and eminent bushing house, who has no "hobbies" whatever. who in the midst of the grandest natural scenery sees nothin which particularly intereVhim, an: whorc whole soul and life are concen- trated in his business-the greatest joy which this one can picture to himself is to ge on from success to success. andl than to die, ii die he must, in harness.‘ Another. similarly situated, but who ap- preciates the beautiful, who is thrilled through and through with rapt emotion] when surrounded with the glories of In- ture, whether midst the icy glaciers and snowelad peaks and plateau of the higher Alps; or on the roekbound shore who.'. the mighty ocean rollers thunder in the fissures and ravines cleft in the locks by their continuous onslaught. throughout the ages; or midst the thou- sand other adomments with which the lavish hand of bounteous nature has so richly beautiiied this "srth---this one’l ideal is, having attained an ample. com- petenee, to leave the cares of business to his successors, to shake the dust from "if his feet and quit. the smoky grime of the city. and to use his' talents in other ways. But perhaps the castle building which gives rise to the most sanguine flights of the imagination is when two, having' plighted their truth. look forward with glml anticipation to the time when hand in hand they will go down the urn-um of lite together, sharing its joys, and mutually “stinging its sorrows; and as they look forward down the long, narrowing vista of time they each in. dulge in reveries and antleipations of at.- ieetion. of joy, and of abotmding happr tit as which shall endure and continually augment until their open of life be w if 4:55:76 (gii'it)i,ili,i iiitEl.if, Love ended But there are other castles in the air; dreams which full far short of the real- ity: Vishnu of the future which however glowing and torrid. how‘ver stately and sublime, yet must be utterly yriiling and ity; visions of the "lune wmcn lwwcvux glowing and tervid, hovaer stately and sublime, yet must be utterly trifling and ni,urrifieant compared with the Peet reality. For in the Great. Hummer, Tor those who have served their God and who by the aid of the Holy Spirit have pleaded the Saviour‘s atonement, " complete satisfaction for their sins, are reserved joys and pleasures which the infinite mind of man is altogether un- arte to conceive. But alas! there are those who. continually putting it off un- til it more convenient time. which never comes, will hear the Rounders utter. ance, "The httrvetrt is post. the summer " “and. and they are not saved!” When Gabriel New? his last trump,' of course, the "some fiend will be pres- out. til " more convenient comes, will hear the ance, "The harvest is u untied. and they a "oly and most mercttttl hm}, HIII' tit'"' venly Father, who hat-1 made mm for Thy-elf. have mercy “pm! Name who have dexlpinetl their birthright and dr- buwd the divine image in which they weregereated. We pray for thaw “In. have been endured by drink, that they may not. be contented in their lmmlugv, hut may look to Time with harm-4 "trit. ing in: delivernut-t. Vidit tlwm. " God. with Thy saving power. and m-t them free. And we pray that Thou would" turn the henrts ol those who am: willing to make gain from the weakness anal folly of their brethren. And many an who hear Uhrint's name be tum-heal with "is 'eeting of romyasvtion and he iendy to deny themselves for the good M others. Help than who rule to put away the stumbling blocks and to make straight path: for the people’s it». Let Thy Kingdom be 1'9!th among us. Amen. Aett--8rhr don't you and pe reehurtt'",?. Earn]. Free and new J,ui"ti/er,reas Hereaitair, for r have served their God and m aid of the Holy Spirit. hare WW most merciful Economics. New York Sun ir. chow turt own your home ht ur tlea not to The kind of St. Helen! new: doomed to we to a bed end: £0,101. " B piece ot new mu have on.“ lt to the point an the mm: has altered s penny tor ."rr. an all when to headquarters. But that iern't an wont thing. The ter- mite In- attached Junction: innit. Woe to tho town that become. infested with an. insect. Once the bounu haw been invaded millions upon million- ot the little mum mature- at to work to pertorate _ Minx. paneling and furniture with an latittite number of interior .tunnele. of the existence of which the occupunu have not the ought»: suspicion until everything col- hue- like 3 house ot ends. The termite is u worker in the dark and respects only the exterior ot the objects tt attacks The most solid-looking table may . . . u. _. _AAJ mhlah " “II. also In". W... _-'"'--.. - m ”an.” be but a thin shell ot wood which will mm. beneath your {hum the mo- lnent you in." touched R. The very perch “not: which your parrot " sundlng may he H the umhlnnoe ot B solid amen. and will - - was...” -. - -___ --eV one any or other give “my heneeth the astonished bird. At 'ronrsay-Charente, where may houses were completely undermined. the dinlnx room Noor or (xllf' or them suddenly love way one evening whlle the master ot the house was giving e dinner party and vacuumed both himself and his meets to the caller. At Rochelle the termite: took noose-lion at the prefecture and arsenal and their presence we: not discovered until they had devastated the government otneea, tho omelet apart- t, lib, um courtyard and even the - The archives were unmet destroyed. the termites having tunneied the woodwork, pierced boxes nod portfolio. end eaten moot ot the administrative documents. Only Ye ' lrr mr snewm ot these nimble men had been left intact in mrdmoe with the usual custom ot thin most inure-uh; insect. Like been Ind "up and mu the vulouc emu-a m termite. tom a. fascinating ob- 'e, ot study. - _ * The members ot the colony consist ot I queen. a mate Insect. soldiers and workers. The soldiers. which are in the minority, ue charged with the defame of yur hang. Ityt; K 1iiii.rViiiGUr d? ara - no: at their body. Their crossed mandibles are very novella]. _ »_ _.. _ _,,. A“) Like the workm. they are blind But they are well Ibis to attend to their role ot de- tender. as the natives ot termite Infested countries well know. As soon as in attack " made on the nest the while:- termhos rush forth and throw themselves um the us- m. who (Imus without number have Medal with Needing up and feet. Even Eurooeuu do not always wymujurgd. It the Mack " repulsed the ao1diers strike I succmlon ar sharp News on the ground. At chm signal the workers assemble and under a stron; gnu-d repair rut over dam- on has been done to the nan. Their prim. cipal duty. however, is to amend on the queen tad to bring up the incredible number of younx. Thts queen in the object ot the most ex- traordlnlry oollcltude an the part of every member of the colony. Yet she ls I. prisoner. . cloudy waded captive from the moment tho but “ken up her burden untll the day ot her death. Her cell la the largest single "hitatiott ln (be whttte nest. It la several Inche- ln length, but a few inmates in height. and contalno just enough room tor her um bur fellow prisoner, the male termite, to mvonhoutk _ __‘_ _ __ . The soldier is double tho length of a worker Bttd - a: much u (11'an workers. The Ink new). obout as much As thirty work- ”. The queen. who oomedmeu measures In much an eleven Inches. is can] In weight to 330.000 workers. - M..- I-q ken: pretty busy. Paying sixty egg: I mud-that. is to any, about 80,000 can u by. It is inane (my that the worken seize " noon a laid and carry off to the nurser- h. when they are hatched much In the name wny u the eggs ot the queen bee. And thus tn um. a fresh swarm of termites have: the an: Ind forms a new colony for itself under the leader-Mo ot a new king sud I luv yuan, Pt 'tr, no removed from the cum ttall by 0 01113311010. with which P. is abroad And It I: through [has small awnings. too, mm the food of no captive. In Ina-ahead. A tormlw' nee: motlmea no" to quor- mouc proportions. In Africa and on the hhlmd of St. Helena mn- homea no uveml be: but no In some place- tn the former country no no numerous that mullet-n mu qt.liqd {In We yt1tae. At a dist-nee they look like so may mm- - has. Tho man- from which they no counts-noted comm: ot decayed wood and “It. which the Insect m the power to Halo I. had on ”on: T BETTER THAN SPANKING. Spanking Gnu not euro childnn of bed? tout-x. There in 1 constitution! - tor an. trouble. Mrs. M. Summon, Box W. 8, “labor. OM., will and tree to My mother her Inca-uni homo Went, with full intruding. Send no money but writ. he: to-day it your children trouble m in this v”. Don't bums the child, the chances as it Itart't help it. This transient “no cures mum and Ind - ambled with urine difl'icultlea by day or night. Neighborly Amenities. (Cleveland Plain Donor.) The steamer W. E. Cour made I. wonderful record last season. The big freighter, which was in commission M0 dam. covered 44,i53t mne- and carried 8tr2,647 tons of iron ore. She delivered thirty cargoes. which means that the Home cud-go was a mu. over you) gong. {lo-gag the gorey'p trips Jrtre tram tho bad of Lake Superior to we Iris aorta. The Corey carried more freight but lam than was ever moved by one "at! In tho sum tune in the world. Iinard': Linimont for sale everywhere. In Tacoma it is difficult to get anyone to admit that Seattle has a harbor at ell. During the few hours that we spent there as aBnquetees I happened casullly to mention the matter of harbors. The income. mun smiled-sadly, toleuntly, a he might at u foolish child. "My dear sir," he said, gently, "I pre. Mime you are uware that a ship is obout " ate in the harbor of Seattle " she would be in Hell Gate. Do you ever read the papers t" He regarded me with that same sad smile. "or courle ttot) everything gets into the papers. There is hardly a dar-hardly a dny, sir-that Dome ship doesnt sink in Seattle harbor while she’s tied up to the dock. Harbor! Harbor!" lie threw up his hands. "My God!” Then, in a few swift, passionate phrases he blocked out the superlative- ness of the harbor of Tacoma, and as we parted lw grabbed the lapel: of my coat and whispered hoarsely: "And you can mail a letter in Tacoma to-any-- phure--iu---tho---world-atut you will get on unswer to it one-whole-day quick- er then you would if you sent it trom tuattler'- From "In the Banquet Belt," by Arthur Itult', iu the Outing Magazine for April. . A TALE or TWO LOVING CITIES. Needs of a Society Man. (Wnoka. Ok., Demoerat.) A Holdenvme sonny youth ot about " you. " an an: up to Wedoh luv. sunr- by and. emails; one or the clothing “or". at“! to look at some mm. The obllglu clerk naked him whether ho desired I am in colhr attached or not. The youth " he sue-ted he'd at» on. wtth the collar - attached. as they were cum " new In. “V V L--------- . . "t laden. major." and the mum-tun In“. Insurance and Other may. "that you glvayl an your whllky strum, (Washlngton "an”, mag. hcntuckim ever put water m your "rtte exiled Bgurbou forgot not)!“ and “Some game“... 40. "tr.' '1'.le I”. w “an": 31“,”... “It was not so with the lawn-co up. "Indeed!" They form cvcrythln: and learned A halo." 'Yes. reh'. but they all tt." it'ii lj, ty, 'li l A'itit TRAPPERS In Paris a subject which is agitating all fashionable women at the present moment. is that of the coiffure. Tho prices asked for some oi the most costly gowns which have almost reduced their owners to bankruptcy appear moderate beside the sums paid for the brilliant locks which crown the heads of Parisian elegontes. A well known opera singer who recently altered the. style of her eoiffure to meet the exigent demands of fashion has been heard-to deplore the fact that her head had cost her quite a. fortune, and her one can hardly be term- MUSKRATS ed a unique one. No pains are spared in matching the exact shade of the wearer’s own hair and both the ‘real and the sup- plementary locks are subjected side by side to the most careful treatment at the hands of an expert, so as to give them exactly a corresponding brightness and glossiness. One great change which has almost re- volutionized the sterotyped style of hair- dressing is the introduction of the thick plait which is arranged in a coronal round the crown of the Mad, few faah. ionable French women being seen with. out it. Removes all hard, soft or canon-ed lumps and blemishes from horse, blood spnvin, curbs, splints, ringbone, aweeney, stifles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughl, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. War- ranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by druggistr. seientuts still study the. cause and meaning of earthquakes, but, according to an exchange, uiwivilized peoples long ago settled the questions involved to their own complete satisfaction. 1n Mongolia it is the breathing' and skip-, pings of a. huge frog that cause the mig. chief; in China, a gigantic dragon; in India. a world bearing elephant; in Cele- bes, a hog. and in other countries the idea is varied by the introduction of a. bull and a tortoise. Earthquakes in Si- beria are believed to be due to the fro. lies of mammoths which live in the cen- tre of the earth, while in Vancouver is. land it is the spirit of evil, with his mar- shaled hosts of all me wicked people Avho have over lived. . LARGE OR SMALL LOTS Writc for price list. ' V N. C. GOITATT Minud's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Phenomenal Returns Sometimes Are ' Earned by Growers in Wisconsin. The year just closed will pass info history as the moat prosperous one ever experienced by the growers of tobuco in Wisconsin. Whatever there is in store in the future for the dealers who 'ty) practically own the 1906 "op-whether it earns them a profit or a so,,',)"--.'.,';' not concern the farmer. for his position' j, secure. He is already counting his profit and it amounts to something phenomenal when viewed in the light of recent autistic! regarding the acreage, yield and price paid the producer. Aaanming that the statistics of the ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT LU It‘ll-ul-u Deducting the cost of raising, which, under the most conservative estimates cannot exceed $40 per aere. and it in generally believed that most of the tobacco of this state is grown at a cost of less than $30 per note. We have at least a profit of $l32 on every acre pro- duced in the state. Thin would mean an enormous total of $280,000 of clean, cold profits to be paid the tobacco grow' era of this state. No sueh profits were ever before paid to so small a number of producers in the west. The figures an unprecedented. and almost challenge the Minard's Liniment Cures Bums, etc. crejlulit S of tie general Rub“ When bridge enters the aunt house an. on the atmosphere ot a public umbling place and the hostess. in the flush of the excite- ment, this turn-nhom-faca ot tho law of hospitality, loses sight ot the fact that those mount are her guests. she nukes no eta tort to keep the poor one: from being neqeed ‘ nor does she protect the amateur from stusrtrers-tuid "eharpers" there are in the most atrium drawing room. They may a clothed u the lilies of the field and their nds Show that they toil not. neither do they win. yet they are there to make a liv- ing. The hostels who has become an avar- ivious "rrstrier--who is often. in hot. an 'trr- rant cheat-has lost all regard for the wei- tnre of her sue-u, nor does aha discriminate as to their mm. The imvecunious youth, maid and matron are forced to play uvay beyond their slender pocketbooks. in nanny .. . ___-- a_.i_-_...;,.,. a“. nth“.- Superstitions " to Earthquakes. LARGE PROFITS IN TOBACCO. wyvuu um.- um..." ,,,,, _ _ one. to their utter desperation and come- ouent ruin. Stubborn to a Degree. "Haven't you and Jcutr friend got through that argument you" asked " parent of his youngest son. "It isn't any armament." answered the hoy. “I am merely telling Jimmie the tarts in the case, and he is so Mostly stubborn that he won't understand." - Chums. TRI, ARCHIVES TORONTO GRILLA COSTLY COIFFEURS‘ Keep the Straight Goods " Home. 95R" What's This? (Broadway Magazine.) IVAN! bile tid, manage price paid 'ett at 13% cents by the Tort. In other words, the of each acre would amount fPMtMetphin PM.) the 5mm house - ONT. r :k'8ma. 0-0 of lami- Poe-lint m During Invest Scum. One of the most peculiar harvest scenes in the world is Lftre witnessed in some part: of Norway. Those are dis- tricts in which the rainfall is excessive, a common boast of the country folk there being: "We are sure to have one dr.y_!lar in (nfyearf? - ' When fhd tdr is eat, to leave it upon the Tum! to dry would, instead, men: that woull rot and be rendered value- Its, 'saysisell's Saturday Journal. Therefore, lo fences ire built in rm" reaching mt'aeroas wide fields, and to these the grass is brought in certs. In the daytime the hay is tossed about on the ground, but toward even- ing it is all carefully hung upon the fence: to dry. In very damp weather it remains all day on the fences. The peasants say, "Our women and men do the same work, only while the women hang out clothes, the men hang out hey to dry." I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD'S LIXIMEXT. . Bay of Isla'nds. J. M. CAMPBELL. I was cured of Facial NeuralgU by MINARD'S LISIMENT. Springhill, N. 8. WM. DANIELS. l was-cured of Chronic Rheumatism. by MINARDS LIN] MENT. A curious incident at' Raleigh, N. C., the other day illustrates the absurdity of nonsense. In the Supreme Court in that city there are kept two BibleB--one on which to swear white witnesses ond the other to swear negrues. A scholarly gentleman, a professor of law in Shaw University, was on the witness stand, and the Sheriff gave him the Jim Crow Bible to kiss, whereupon the judge sharp- ly reprimanded the officer for giving it to a white man; so the other Bible was given him and he kissed'it. Now, is that Bible profaned, for it turns out that the professor is really a. negro. though to all visible appearances as white as any other mam-l "dependent, (Philadelphia Press.) Someone bu produced an engine which may do a great deal toward cheapening the price of steel. The United State. Steel Cor- poration is installing twelve monster en- gines at varioue plants, the unique feature about them being that they do not require oil. ale, coal, wood or ordinary cu for fuel. They are to be operated, .01er with the In which is generated in the wompeny'u blast furnaces during the protease ot steel mamttaetute. This gas has heretofore gone tat waste. but hereafter it will be made to turn all the when For a. steel plant to be able to save the cost or in fuel is akin: I very biz trtride iawnnd economy. To be able to abolish Imoke at the some time will add to in mummy in communities where the smoLs-ttehytittm much have smothered the air with blackaen. It you are fond ot fishing. “nosing, camp- ing or the study ot wild numb look up the Algonquin Nntionnl Park of ontario for your summer outing. A fish and pine prom. ot 2.000.000 some interspersed with 1.200 in” and rivere in awaiting you. ottering 0.11 the situation that Nature can bestow. “Il- niiieent moo tripe. Altitude 2.000 feet M. een level. Pure nnd exhllnrntins ntmoepheu, Just the piece for n young men to put in in. summer holidnye. An interesting “a pro- tusely illustrated descriptive Ttublietttiort all. in: you all about it sent free on agrplitsntiott to J. D. McDonald. Union Mation, Toronto. Albert Co., N. B. GEO. TINGLEY. Why the Stokes Plan Filled. (Sevennnh. or., News.) Mr. and Mn. J. G. Phelps Stokes hue abudonod settlement work for the reuon that they can not achieve the results they expected. The truth In problbly that the mar don't uppreclnte the efforts of the Stokeeel In their behalf. They don't want to be preached to and prayed tor. They went money md when Mr. Stokes felled to divide his weelth with them they had no further use for him. It la a minute for Mr. Stone of embody elle to think he an abolish por- etty. If lt could he done it would have been Militia" Liniment Relieve: Neanlgh. eUtF. " ft oould be abolished Ions ISO MST EXCURbION T0 WASHINGTON 810.00 round trip from Suspension bridge, via Lehigh Valley It. R.. Wed- nesda.v,Aprfl 24t2y Tickets goyi. 10 days. ... a--." -'r-" _--" ' - Visit the Jamestown Exposition from Washington. For tickets and further particulars call on or write Robert S. Lewis, Passenger Agent, LN.N., 54 King sum east, Toronto. true'. tme-a Inc! It Is. dear, ttut mink how ow nah it is! ' Ethel-His Dolly's fiance very old Editr-Awfully'. Why, folks are be- ginning to tell him that he doesn't look o1d.--rudge. 7 _ HAY me 001‘ IO DRY. (Damn Free Pun) I Ho-That Easter hat. ot your: la a regular --ot Stine -ot mmtrn --ot Whiriebone --of Knee .0: Fetlock --of Codin Joint YOUR SUMMER OUIING Steel Trust Saving on Fuel, For Strains Stylish Though I Freak. Kissed the Book. In the Sete and Yellow, ..-of Shoulder -of Rough IgEtfiiiiiKjiaBl. Adopt this method and increase you in- come. Sou-factory bank references qiortt as to your safety la remitting money to us. For full particular' write to-dar. ELIIE mammals Jii8Mh. Teache- Dn- cu- m; m mum in all au bunches Ity mail (I 1m)- The but ”sum over In- troduced In Canada. Coat of full cogng ly now only as. Includ- ing on. of (he wont perfect “will sntelnl In - given free. . " English Spinners Likely tit Invest Heu- ily in' American Land. Some months ago a number of lead. ing cotton manufacturers of Lancashire, England, got together and appointed a private commission to visit the United States and make observations on the area where cotton is grown and to take notes upon the methods sud processes of marketing, the staple. The commission visited this country and this city, the fact having been re- corded in the papers at the ume. The members of the commission, having duly returned home, made a report of their mission end with it offered a number cf recommendations. The members of the commission say that the Americans hope to form . gl. gantic trust to control the cotton pro- duce market through the control of the production of cotton. They declare the people of England do not recline to what an extent the American are attracted by the trust principle. P. o. sex St DUNOAs. 9N7- 'The members of the commission say that, they were often pressed to throw in their lot with the planters and be- come cotton growers themselves, thus imitating the example of some planters who are investing money in cotton mills and declaring their intention to build sufficient mills to use all the cotton grown if an ungrateful world should hesitate to pay for it at the rate of 11 to 15 cents a pound. The commission suggests that the English spinners be. come interested" in the production of cotton, which they can say can not be regarded as hazardous provided a com- petent manager and suitable land at 1 reasonable price with sufficient labor, icsn be obtained. A _ human They recommended that a committee be appointed immediately to consider the advisability of buying land. It is stat- ed that another commission is to be in- vested with greater powers and will witness the methods of cotton picking, .whieh the members of the former com- 'tnitaion' did not see. Before deciding where to but. in the West, let us tell you about than lamb. The beat wheat fields --the richest grazing Und-am in this Province. ' In view of the impraetieabilit.' of secur- ing a sufficient supply of cotton from guy. of the British colonies it is more than likely that Englishmen will pur- chase large bodies of land in the south- ern states ting raise their own cotton. There is land enmlgh in these states for the prmlnetion of 20,000.000 bales. while intensive cultivation will double the amount. Let the. Britishers come. We will still make rotten for the whole world, no matter how much is consumed. --New Orleans Picayune. Write us for full information ubout crops, climate and opecinl nilroad rates, ete. Local represéntative wanted in eaeh county. MAKING COTTON FOR WORLD. IELFER &OSGOOD “New. James." says the old phyllchn to MI you. who his returned Irma mauled when and u about to at up for himself. "more " Net one were of advloo I will in you. sad it you {allow it you enact an to be popular ud successful." ' "What is It. has " "Doll every woman lb! needs a. change ot :2qude tell can m he I: work“; too Time Wasted Between ruin. (Mlmmhffu- mutter.) . Hush-ml (ya-mu with " wife 1 the Mon SM II the train m outy-qharst tt you but“ am and: I tum! an. but we domain ht” but that can. iiiicuiiaeroutet? hurridmlodl .0 m m 'tethht't,P_te not I as a}. iirwatt for Intern selling Agents 800 OORIITINE BUILDING MONTREAL a-rsFiUrGi iooking for mama. Ion-Welt, I gauche can me it with d n, ”We. Utopia a Long Way Off. N IL'EEZHL'B' initiator ELITE Advice to I You" Doctor. (Life) -- _ . W “manual“ m1“ Jack”. What's my ID" t. believed that tttin “ l "bloc: in am am: or ' the United 3m. Ind tl “will, In Hair his lulu that is but. and -trietet In adorn good "4 - l ddohll. Rancid. will“. J flu-d blood (linen-Emil. Salt Rh”. Sons. Piles. Cttetatiatatit IH- anaoae-rbot input Hood. They“ the cum and destroy the an o,uiritm. Mira 0"!!qu no!“ ”(bull “disused ski. Mra Blood Tom" and Mira Tablets (but I’ll“ and dual-nu ale-uh. It... 'idity' on! M A poor working girl noted for her pru- dence and practicality has lately been pondering, the problem of whether to buy in umbrella, which she needs very much, now the'rainy season it coming on, but doesn’t It all want, or an Anson kit. ten which she doesen't exactly sued, but wait. to much that it keeps her awake nights. The other day she settled it to her own utisfnction by deciding on the kitten, which she thinks is ever no much more practical than In umbrella, Muse you can only use an umbrella what it t2'21.""di. -i, Haw”? bm TU 3| i'iur'd,,iiciiG.uiaH-ilt-- Toto-lo. ."'" Cllll VIII: u“ “v. -.---- is raining. but . kitty: you have with you always. Besides, you can borrow an umbrella. but nobody would lend an Att. gom.-»~Topékn Sum-Journal. Power From Long Diode". Among the applications of power It long distance from its source in the lighting of the interior pal-use. And chambers of the Great Pyramids by elec- trie currents generoted yt the cannot of Assouan, several hundred miles away. The same power is intended to operate pumping etaiionn and cotton mills dong we Nile. In San Francisco it is proposed to obtain l0,000 horsepower. for use in that city, from the water now running to wnste on the slopes of the Siern Ne- vada Mountains. 110 miles distant. In”. P111110 sm- ul - at. at contagious led: on human or “in“ and in so about. by WolfoM'u Sum.” but... It Ion: um. Sold by drug” Intended in the Wedding.- (Louisvme oturger-Jourrt.t.) “Are you rem to the bride or m e/s','.'"""""'"' {to buy usher. "men what “but have you in the core- moprt" - - - 74”- -- “A e " run you! Séttled a Serious Question. l as L.” titiniMah.T8lt MUM 6... [HM]. illittlmil, MIAMI). ---= n»: max In the: at “Moot talk, in Medial for slim at am pu- _ in“. watti of Intuit bun. xefxigcntor plants. etc. _ ' _ in on "ten. ',-u-,..2,au..', T het?. B. EDDY CO. Limited sehess and Priscilla Human” Rock Rib “a Hercules School a... She-gum “of” Princess man-uh momma Fine Dre" Little Darling to! Little Pet For Infant umhr'Weataa"ttkttr. “'00! mugmmmuWh-anm ASK YOUR DEALER FOR HULL _" WWII-MI! d“ IMPERVIOUS SHEATHING I'I'cH 'Giriit%iiraate rTstVsrrcitco toenail. 2m.- Alssgtiswtl ‘W‘luu. = trert: y tor s'sllort nae-cry ss to sll um and”. Anxiety - yet successfully bridge over my chum. . Genius Ins a twin brother whose m m is patience. "If you have but s word of cheer i;'di"itTiiRrigte!eur"gi'. Soneoue asked Thomas A, Edi-w "Dott't you believe that genius is imp; scion?" "tar," be replie , “geniusispv -tiors." .s _:__ -n-nnls'n the anilv tar . Br sparing Ol we a the - ties, as. _ V , . "Tho' won-I Inhe- it! leftist shaft to the III. who “blim- the goofs, " .Trtte merit in like . river. Thr deeper it in the less noise it Met. You willmot find poetry Inywhore un. "4 ---_. can..." [no you WIS LIMC. I _ ISSUE NO. In Gamay." .1. rum-cur mu- m...» not. of new. "i as" w, a. may ot a. Wm M. This nun hm no ad. nluc- of only mm“. no nave-11y od- ucuhu. ad “and and Ms known-4n 01 Install" through In "I landed - tom. Ho wind at the "no. at A When- wrttht in in. W can. but on- “My. mun It . living I. v.- I clou Hu an. unwind: of warm Mum and compo-J My. HU “on are ob. ----" ._-n-.n_ A: kl- l-:.n- luu ."r""'"'"'. -_----. 90110. to I [You Moray of km (n.0- monk” of the Belch-m. And yet who.» "GTr"ilTri-to-tttfeeittr, choc-t unmo- ol tho We". Among MI followu- le h Holland. and any any M- u tummy a tt he wan thou an "iirsruTiuot_roItmeurb'tr tro"arttttoetqvmtthemrtalMrvluos oi - w ,raeft'lfe.: "Ne may The Beet - in Germany. (William Haul) a not an.“ and Mn my my." D" W185": 'ee: - of II“- J.“ a hundred - in , a. d r n'uhort memory u to all W ' I. - m .uoceufully bridged T) CANADA ourselves the "ily n of our - PoI Lili; . win} “as-4‘1”- 10, 1907. "rwhtre un- ,oti--t1utes Lily tark ”nihili- um “Ml WI OVER 5 Tha w White a)" .-.‘ _ A XPE.N The I been u .uch t know: - tc M n -0r., st iel ”new. yen to “an tts “Wm Mm (or Cl!» Clam, espreto thar, 31 let out Thaw under t n ye 0150.000 and It"! Jdi Th m: " F " "

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