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Durham Review (1897), 16 May 1907, p. 1

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ave _ of ar= arâ€" all vill in GS, oPp osition TY your Mmoâ€" SPECIAL OFFERING, these waists were bought at a bargaia, buttoned up back, short sleeves and an embroidered panel fronts, perfect fitters, worth $1.50; secure one for $1. $1.00 _ LAWN WAISTS _ $1.00 Navy and Black Muslias These elegant musâ€" ling, navy and black grounds with dainty white designs and heaâ€" vy stripe in the weave, would find ready buyâ€" ers at 20¢, This week per yd 12%¢ Hoisery & Underwear aAaaX SAX esn mssn t . mockur â€" The House of Quality _ pipy *True Quality ! materials absolutely good, flawless This the key note of our business methods, has won us the patrorage of people of judgement & discrimination. We could fill a whole page listing all the lines of fine hoisery which we carry but must leave it ustil another time. Our stock is very comâ€" plete indeed in Black, Tan, White, Blue, Pink, Grely. Embroidered and open work as well as fancy colored spots etc. . This is to be a season of fancy hoisery. Lot us show you, Special Grocery Bargain this weekâ€"4 tins marrow fat peas for 25¢ subs. expire this month or who are in Arrears, kindly take notice and reâ€" new during May, so as to lose no papers, Obl!ging _ VOL. To U. 8. Supsor:Bens.â€"By a new Postal Law we are compelled to charge $1,50 ror annum in advance for the Review to subscribers in the United States. Will those whose _ IMPORTANT Three Great Bargains in WASH GO0DS H. H MOCKLER Lovely Laces & Embroideries New Muslins & Ginghams New Sun Pleated Skirts Fashion decrees sun pleated skirts so we have them here ready for youâ€"â€"black, navy, brownsâ€"beautiful quality of goods and they hang perfectly. of exquisite qualityâ€"three quarter sleevesâ€"button backsâ€" pleats and baby tucksâ€"lace and embroidery trimmed. $150 to $3.50. 2 specially fine lines of Lingerie Waistsâ€"beautiful Egyptian Lawnâ€"one with front of Irish Laceâ€"the other with baby tncks and Val. lace, $2.50 and $3.50. DAINTY NET WAISTS trimmed with Satin baby ribbon, the very newest silk linedâ€"would be cheap at $6 but we‘re selling them at $4.75. Dainty Shirt Waists | Daintiness is the keynote this season in all lines of Ladies‘ Wear and daintiness is the word that fits the ladies‘ wear in our departments this season more than ever. n ied en in nsB m anl sn ond enc o ioa use w e Dainty Wear for You know there have been great advances in the prices of fine embroideries and laces ; spite of that we are able to keep up the values, bought early. Laces in lovely Valenciennes and Torchons Embroideries and Insertions in new Swiss and the popular shadow effects,. May is THE month for you to get your muslin dress, while assortments are good, _ Our Muslins, Ginghams, Prints, etc. are frash and beautiful, and the prices are lower than you exâ€" pect this season,. Highest prices paid for butter and eggs Highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs James Ireland These are ideal musâ€" lins for summer wear. The spots are red, green, blue and pink and are embroidered on a cream ground. Very special per yd 15e Embroidered NMovelty Muslin , NO. 20 THE HOUSE OF QUALITY. iorkmwhip, attractively low prices." Dainty Women In latest New York styles, in dainty sheer sheer lawns Our strong point. This fine Dresse L inen 38 inches wide and of a very uniform fixture, worth at least 40¢ per yard. This week per yd 29c. White Dress Linens Formalin (40 per cent) kills th; PDUrNC; Hap A Goop Trir.â€"Mr Angus Mcâ€" Kinnon who a few weeks ago went west on his wedding trip writes us an interesting letter from Calgary under date of sixth of May.. They had a good trip resting four days with his brother at Port Arthur, He says: ‘‘We arraaged for 2 he;th on a tourist, but got a Pullman Sleeper instead, the tourist being held for a defect. I bad to tip the porter for a lower bertb,. Rentand board is yery high. [ have taken rooms here and go north to my homestead in a few days leayâ€" ing the others here in the meantime. We met a lot of people from Durham and neighbophoad making it Ilgok home like, Weleft North Bay at 12 midnight on Thursday and at daylight | had a dismal view of rocks, snow and ‘ ice all the way to near Medicine Hat.| East of Medicine Hat and west as long as we had daylight it was a pitifal sight to see bupches of degd cattle, | from IQ to 20, lying as if gleeping, 50| or 100 yds apart. I was told that| ver 10000 cattle had perished this| winter. To day it is snowing but fine, | A person with a homestead near a |: milwuy is here considered lucky. { This city is going ahead very fast, the number olggublic and other buildâ€"|‘ ings going up this year beats all 1 ever || heard tefi of; Toronto must take a | i back seat" 4 Deposits may be made or withdrawn by cither of the two members of a household. This form of account is specially suitable for those living in the country, as Ihw cgan attend tot.heb-nkix?whmi.ntown. In case of death, the money may be wa by the survivor without delay or cost. Write or call for farther particulars, Interest added four times a year Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. THE STANDARD BANK PRroSsPERING.â€"A recent issug of the Sault Ste Marie, Mich., News. contains a notice of a chnnge in the business og George Lamb & Sogs. Mr Lamb was one of the best known men in (Glenelg some years ago and has since been conducting what the News calls a *Model Grocery Establishment," He is retiring and the business is to be taken over by his son Herbert who iis described as "an energetic young business man giving eyery promise of making a success of his venture," We congratulate our old Glenelg friends and wish Mr Lamb, Sr., many happy leisure days, somp of which we suggest should be spent in a visit here, In the Methodist thurch on Mon evening, May 20, the Mmembers oi the Juniop league will itertain their friends by song and gtofy, commeneâ€" ing at 8.p, imn, Silver coll&ctfon at the door, The work of the Jduior League is interdenominational, an@wmerits the alttention and support of ev yone in terested in the welfare of 11 yourg people. DURHAM BRANCH John KHelly, Manager BRANCHES A1n80® AÂ¥r HARrRISTORNR AND PRICIKVILLE. FaAIR WARSING,â€"The new rate for the Review to subscribers in the U. istates is now $1.50 per annum in ad vance, and at that we have less than formerly. Subscribers paid in adâ€" vance will receive the full time paid for at the old rate, This issue and one more will go to all as usual, after that the knife must be appplied, $245.00. ANOTHER VALUABLE HORSE §OLD.â€" Mr John Watt is a good judge of a thin horse, for he recently purchased one in low condition, and after feadâ€" ing it on international stock food, sold it last week to Mr Geo Francis of Hanover, for the bhandsome sum of If you want a good goâ€"cart or carâ€" riage remember they are sold at right prices at Lenahan and McIntosb. *Last WARNING.â€"This week‘s paper goes to all United States subscribers as usual. To future we can send it only to those paid in adyance. We hope all will consider it worth the postâ€" age extra, $1.50 per year to U. 8. Sub-l scribers. PA A | ?aoww PE oPice OF CANADA Head Office e s s e Toronto JOINT DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS DURHAM, THURSDAY ESTABLISHED 1eTa Mt Saul Putman of Tara, spent some ,oflaat week in town on a business enâ€" terprise. Mr Putman is quite a horseâ€" man and it will be remembered that he purchased the team of drivers dis. posed of by Mr J. C. Nichol last sumâ€" mer, he then conducted a livyery busiâ€" ness in Tara, but which he has dis» posed of, ‘ Amongst the interesting articles on our inside pages this week in addition to Current Comment, Market Reports Sunday at Home, Sr, 8. Lesson, the Story, &c., are important articles on "Field Crops Competiqon ln Agrigulâ€" tural Societfes," §tary of the royal Spanish bipth, the threatened rising in India and a story of a resgue at gea, 4 oD COLLECTIONâ€"An item has reached us from Dr omore, too late for the budget on page 4, telling, proudly â€"and justiflablyâ€"of the ine collection for the Mory{json Oentennial, At Amos church the offering amounted to $61.30 and at Knox, Normanby to $42.00, This was doing wel!, A Goop Corprorrox reached us from Drom« the budget on page 4, â€" â€"and justiflablyâ€"of th for the Morrison Oants. According to results pUblished Ma 10th, Lyal G, Ireland of Durham pass ed with honors the third year examin ations in Mechanical and EKlectrica Engineeriog, of the faculty of Applied Scieuce in connection with the Univer sity of Toronto, Honors mind you, Congratulations, The Chosen Friends ciety of this town is 4 members are beiug re beginning to work up. safe Canadian Society the cheapest and best, Ki APriton nb 1 hi dcaihs d Fergus is celebrating Vistorta Day with a great day‘s sport and Concert in the evening. Prizes are offered for * 3 mile, 5 mile and 10 mile road race among many other events, SPORTING ITEM.â€"Tha long drawn out fight bet ween Winter and Spring saw its final round this week when the youngster won, coming up smiling, though so late as the 10th inst. he was mowed under, 1 n O __ This is the kind of weather that will make you think of the Little Wonder that keeps your house cool. See it at The Big Store, The Durham Furniture Co, will have tor sale a quantity of slabs and mixed wood at $3.50 for a large double load, delivered. Orders left at the Review office, Taking Trmms pyr THE ForELOCK.â€" Flesherton nuounces that they intend to celebrate Dominion Day 1908, ana wants sister towns not to, forget it, m Review. Friends Insurance Soâ€" town is floarishing, new beiug received and it is Smut germ. ts pUblished May 1 of Durham pass® hird year examinâ€" al and Electrica faculty of Applied rniture Co, will have _of slabs and mixed a large double load, left at the Review This is a good and is among , MAY 16, 1907 in Washington, BHe is to be buried in Detroit, where his wife lies, but as the telegram was not definite as to the day Mr Cochrane did not go. Deceased was about 68 years old, and was well known to mauy in Durham where part of bis early days was spenot, OQur readers will rememberthe interesting letter we published from him some months ago recalling early Durbam. The Globe, in referring to his death says he was the man who sent the first plough to Manitob* MrCochrane has still two sisters in and near 8t Thomas, Review & Globeâ€"1.30 Roprrrck CocHRaxgE Drap.â€"Mr Robt Cochrane, Monday, received a telegram from his nephew Allister, in Washington, containing the sad news that his fatber bad died that morning. ‘This was our My Occhrane‘s only remaining brother, His home was in Worcester, Mass, but for the past two manths he was with his son ’ There was to be 16 guns fired it a ‘girl was born, 21 if a hoy. One can imagine the tense excitement that would preyail among the waiting popâ€" ulace before the 17th gun and the hysâ€" terical jubilation that followed it. Long live the "Prince of the Asturias" a title chosen in imitation of "Prince of Wales." _ Congratulations have been pouring in from crownedand uncrowned heads, We haven‘t sent ours yot, but come to think of it, we‘re ghad its a boy too, since so many are made happier, The 'English mother has thrilled all British hearts, at least by insisting, contrary to Spanish custom, on nursing the child herself. This streak of good sense tempers the almost grotesque proceedings in old Madrid made in anticipation of the event, ‘ _ These simple words in â€" Spanish tnug uage no doubt, . whirlwind of joy throughot last Friday. for the youngster to was the first born of King and his wife, who was Princ daughter of Princesg Reagrice, ter of Qnecn Victaoria, and o the boy is heir to the Spanish ’ Strange to say all the when wound, went off regt parently n one the worse of month‘s wandering. It is satisfaction to have these re some of then: are valued as | more than for cash value. 1900 CeGurtcArantingatalidinct $ Th 1 6 â€" haye recorded, _ ~~_*~****~~~ He at once brought the bag and swag to Durham to Mr Webster, Conâ€" stable Clark went out to size up the situation, but no clue was found to trace the thief, Both Afr Webster and the authorities aye satisfied the culprit is now ont of the eountry and too late to do anything in the interests of justice, Posea 10 gaye been left at lhmsbing time, dater two boxes were found, empty, and on Friday motning the lad came upon the bag, and ran for Mr_(x‘mz. who magde the disrnvary «.. About a month ago a ne Gray‘s who works for bWhim, a pail in the stpaw, but i posed to kagye been left at time, dater two boxes w empty, and on Fridavy m ht vand Auics <1 off, evidently to conceal the some distmguishing mark, bag must have been swept th and it is recallod that some « found round the show cases from this source, In the were cards from which i chains had been taken, but t yvaluable things are all gOne, _ The find consisted of 16 cu watches that Mr Webster had i; pairing. The tickets were stri from them but left in the bag the watches. The bag was a piec the bottom of an ordinary grain more than halt of it having been Re y ce P w â€"**~~*CRt INn the serious robbery from ’the Jewelry store of P. G. Webster in October last was revived on Friday by a peculiar find, and where of all places but in the extreme south east corner of a mow in the barn cf John Gray, Bunessan! and within a few feet of the: bottom! At the time of the robbery EiT ORANHEIRD Sars ce o) db l w uts in ock Some Light on Webster Robbery 16 Custom Watches Found "It‘s a Boy * to say all the watches ind, went off regularly, ap. mne the worse of their six vandering. It is a small i to have these returned as em are valued as keepsakes, for cash value, **~~~â€"â€"+# #â€"â€"_ny 8p1 Darling‘s, Druggst. joy throughout Spain ‘ the youngster referred stpaw, but it w ONTARIO Hingon a a atrice, daughâ€" and of course King Alfonso Princess Ena, cases evidently 1 the bag also hich rings and , but the really aAl the name or rark. Into this vept tbe booty, some oats were blan, camejupon were stripped the bag with phaw of Mr the soft caused a a piece of throne,. 16 custom AS te with articles n reâ€" supâ€" bag, cut Toronto. 30tl:. March [%7. The Sovereign Bank of Canada The happy event was brought to a close by the guests extending congratâ€" ulations and wishing the young couple a bon voyage through life. Mr and Mrs Richardson will reside at Swinton Park where the groom is a prosperous farmer, _ Com, Forest, Holstein, Chesley and other points, After the ceremony was perâ€" formed the guests sat down to a sumpâ€" tuous wedding supper to which ample justice was done. The gifts to the bride were both numerous and usefual, and testify to thehigh regard in which the bride is held by her many friends. &A very pretty wedding took place on Wednesday, May the 8th, at 8 p. m at the residence of Mr and Mrs John Ray, Dornoch, when Miss Mary Campâ€" bell was united in marriage to Mr Alexander Richardson of Swinton Park, the ceremony being performed by the Rey N. A. McDonald of Dorâ€" noch. The bride looked charming in a gown of cream viola and wore » dainty gold locket and chain, the gift of the groom. She was assisted by Miss Plora J, Ray of Toronto, who was gowned in white muslin. while Mr John Ray, Jr., of Dornoch supâ€" ported the groom. The groom‘s gift to the bridesmaid wis a gold bracelet and to the best man, an opal scarf pin. Guests, to the number of about fifty, were present from Toronto, Mtz TOWN DF DURHANM Take notize, tife first sitting of the Court of Reyisign for the Town of Durbham will b held in the Town Mall, in the townl|of Durham on Tues day May 28th at 8 o‘clock p. m. Wx B. VouL®t, Clerk. Dated May 14th A| D. 1907 Notice is hereby given that a dividend of one aad one half per cent . (l per eent) for the current quarter, being at the rate of six per cent (6 per cent) per annum on the capical stock of this bank, has been declared, and that the same will be payâ€" able at the Head Office and at the branches on and after Thursâ€" clay. the 16th of May next. Tbe transfer books will be closed from the 1st to the 15th May both days inclusive. By order of the Baard iu his possession a sum of about 827 was found, yery likely all his esâ€" tate, The funeral took place on Tuesâ€" day at 10 a, m, and for some months back was ly approaching life‘s limit. Ther be many sighs of regret for the ; soul, who for many years has knownas tree prunerand formerly tree agent. As far as known he h. relatives in this country, but many friends. and we are safe in Ing not a single enemy, He w: enthusiastic curler, and used to « fshing and hunting. When in and in health his place in the Pr terian church was seldom empt least once a day, For a long time he has been dent of Durham and neigh} and it was with regret we lear ter the event that he had been in Mt Forest cemetery, His 1 should have lain here, Deceased Wan uhk m cill.~ _ The town was surprised on Monday when word reached it that Andrew Hamilton had been found dead in bed in a Mt Forest hotel that morning having died dming the night. Thus suddenly was "Andy" taken off, dyâ€" ing perhaps as he would have wished without being a trouble or care t,o‘ anyone, , Durham will play Junior Lacrosse this year and is matched with Arthur on the datesgiven betow. Mt. Forest and Grand Valley were at first schedâ€" uled with them,f but backed out. Shold the two teams tie there wourd of course be a dth, game. The dates Arthur at Durham Durbam at Arthur Arthur at Durham Durham at Authur nave lain here, ised was about 68 years of was with regret we learned afâ€" event that he had been buried "orest cemetery, His remains Court, of Revision HYMENEAL J. & TELFORD, e prunerand formerly fruit As far as known he has no » this country, but had Junior Lacrosse was seldom empty at Obituary . urham June 18, Arthur June 28. )urham _ July 9. Authur July 23, , and used to enjoy are safe in sayâ€" neigh borhood ars ol age, was plainâ€" There will in town Presbyâ€" losed from the 1st to the 15th May By order of the Board, D, M. STEWART, General Manager genial s been AS * Pesiâ€" ___100 acres being the east half of Lots 27 & 28, con, 2 E. G. Road Glenelg, opyosite Glenroaden mills, Convenâ€" ient to school and churches, fair buildings, gooa orchard, well watered by springs, about 80 acres good hay crops and pasture lands, 20 acres , eda and other hardwood, Or _ the wholr of lots 27 & 28 containing 200 acres a bout _ 80 mcres heay hard wood busb. Will be lol({ reasonable as the owners are going west. imâ€" mediate possession giyen. l We now have on display the largest stock of Canadian and American wall vpapers ever shown in Durham. Our stock for this Spring is all as we had a very large wall papei trade last year which cleared up our stock and for this season we are showing everything brand new in WALL PAPERS. We guarntee to sell you the brand new goods cheaper than you will pay elsewhere for old stock, We show you the verylatest Patterns mavuufactured by the Menzie Co, of Torontoâ€"called the Menzie Line _ We show you the very latest patterns manufactured by the Watson Foster Co, of Monâ€" treal also; these are the very best M‘f‘g‘s in Canada and again we show you eyerything that is new and upâ€"toâ€"date manufactured by Janeway and Carpender, the largest manufacturers of Wall Paper in America. Come ane see tne new gor It will pay you well. Big Stock of Silverware Just opened up,. Handing these three lines we have the strongest line of Papers ever shown in this part of the country, 1} miles south east of town One Thot months old Eli){imu fo One of the best farms in ship of Bentinck, 208 brick house, two large b land first class, all clearede Enap to quick purchaser, Inlance at 41 na cant An _ Situated in Upper town, Durham, one block north uFRev;ew office, corâ€" ner of Hanter 8t and Garafraxa road, consisting of $ acre good bearing orchard and garden, stable, granary, woodshed, hard and softt water, 11 roomed residence and two large stone sellars, Apply to J. CanErRrox 28 Homewnod aye, Toronto, Ont, WWeitanneaa es ns . RESIDENCE FOR SALE : Those who wish the ba view and W. Globe for £1.30 must apply during great offer closes 1 June be repeated. To old « scribers, FARM,POR gALH The price smashers Dorham and Wellan® Publishers of the Woekl( Globe and Canada Farmer we are able to make a wonderfal clubbing offer. We will send the Review and Weexly Globe to Jan. 1, 1908 for $1 Cash in a adâ€" vance. This offer will hold good for a liguted time. Samples at Review . Keeler & Sons Extraordinary Offer CHAS RAMAGE, Pramter axo Posuisuce. w Wall Paper at Keeler’s. Tho)rom-m_i Shorthorn Buill A Few Weeks More 18, color, r1ed for registrtion Bull For Sale Farm for Sale 4} pe cehrt;.ixp;l.;; Mackay & Dunxnx The Review & two large bank barns, , all cleuredexggpt 20 ac, ‘a_ishorthorn Bull 14 lor, _ red, price right, gristrtion. Apply to WM. SMITH, Sr. tne new goodsâ€" McCormick Bros Rocky Saugeen ilobe for one year at ly during May, This Ve 1 d or 8 C ind Garafraxa road, acre good bearing ‘?, stable, granary, and softt water, I1 C, Ramaor,. Durham bargain of Reâ€" Pub, & Prop, $1500 down ‘ and caunot or new subâ€" acres, new the Townâ€" Durham, licitors Â¥allth

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