West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 May 1907, p. 4

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Eé uo DOSC WHICN 185 io, JW. 1P, fp aG s # Tavlor & Co., Dromore? Snaxnnexnnnnnsxnmennmmenmere "* F 1 _ casily afl:lied and leaves i2 _ makes old frames new. o4 n s o e e Te is n » Imperial Gold Enamel M_ At 5 ob a*4 i AA 66 (xg CC w s + â€" Paint a .k.; remem x"% Sherwi x@ _ bought 1 sohone seeeaenmeneienenenfnnfe snn â€" Sherwm-WlHlams ;';: Raymond Sewing Machines Agent for the SsoOMETHING NEW IN WaASHERS: AJeering J{arvesters The S. W. stove pipe varnish Has no eqâ€" ualâ€"leaves a glossy ftinish and has no odor when fire is lighted. Paint now is the best advice and be sure to secure the best which is 8. IFW. P. Varnish Stam For doors, windows, and wainâ€" scotting in any color or shade can be used alone ovâ€" er other paint, or better still over S. W. P. ground. "COVER THE EARTH* + Is the password of thi Paint and Wallpaper is (he ressword of this ami]y Paint 1 one half pint and pint tins a very usefal article for small pieces of furni ture or odd jobs when a large can would be too much. E T Pmd e TV UUVC Â¥FAAL remember it for at least a mounth. J\‘Ve Jcarry Sherwin Williams Brand and none better can be bought, Give it a trial and see, ask, write or telâ€" ephone for color cards of various lines. Gohn Glark. Thisâ€"is a departimnent that we have always paid special attention to, but our Stock this Spring is by far the widest range we have ever shown in boys two and three piece szits and childrens fancy Nortolk and Buster Brown styles, Men‘s and youths‘ Tweed and Worsted Pants and boys‘ knee pants in great varietios. PROGRESS _ BRAND CLOTHING We can give only a mere list of our goods, but in quality and ads tability to the needs of South Grey we are not excelled: Deering Harrows, Wilkinson Ploughs, Henrey‘s Harâ€" ness, Palmerston Buggies. Renowned articles, fair prices Boy‘s and Children‘s Suits We have almost any kind of a suit you want in fine tweed and fine English worsteds of the very newest patterns which are ‘well tailored in the very latest cut at prices all the way from $7.50 to $15. ._F. MORLOCK f you will inspect our stock and note the STYLE, FASHION, MATERIAL, Linings and workmanâ€" ship and price of our clothing you will see that it is almost impossible tor us to improve on them. We never had such a large ase sortment of Men‘s and Boy‘s and Children‘s Suits as we have this Spring. en S Also Wilhelm‘s Wringers, all mads The best in their line ing Machines. McClary Stoves _ r Agent for the Dillon Hinge Stay Fence. FOR MEN AND BOYS Aagent ts for Progress Branothing. oung Men‘s Suits. Pnd Tierm ]ffathinery. The P(-rfm-atgd Drum, only in the Tde we bandle only the best For Picture Frames, very glossy effectâ€" A few doors South of the Middaugh House by Watson of Ayr TORONTO hsd es q ioi P 400kt 0 â€"dite as..... dn .‘ 1 being delivered this week i / mCoeth has received his secâ€" ond consignment of seed corn from Essex Co., a reliable variety which ge dfistribntes to the farmers around. io Famik su Lo o. % L0 Miss Hattie Waitâ€" 'was under the weather for a few days last week but her buoyant spirit refuses to be long hamhpersdnwich any thing. Tnha aB.sxk ol ' Mrs, LeRoy Telt of Hanover, visitâ€" ed at ber father‘s, Mr John Eckbhardt, 8. Glenelg, a week ago. Many of her uld friends and acquaintances were pleased to meet with her. Miss Mary Brown arrived home from Toronto on Saturday evening last where she bas been for the last 4 mouths. _ She was the recipient of many hearty hand skakes. Miss Ada Brown was up on a yisit to her parents Sunday last. She fills acceptably a position in a provigion store in Holstein and has quite re-l gained robust health, stable, the 7re'§fiiimct,>ei;)'é'wt?1at twin colts and mare all died. The loss will be about $200 at the least. Mr David Allen is now selling buggies Mr James Fallerton is moving inâ€" to Mr Wiilliam Dezells new house. Seeding is going to be late on a lot of the low flat lands in Proton this year. did good work in the West. _ _ Mr _ Donald S McDonald, here, lost a fine brood mare by accident in foaling, she getting wrong in the C bas ECE‘ s tu t L/ ABL4 & M Mr Jobn McWilliams the elder of the Presbyterian church here, who was chosen by the congregation of Cedarville and Esplin to go as an asâ€" sistant missionary to the North West, has returned home again. â€" He strainâ€" ed his toot and leg, which left him a little crippled up. We believe he did g Eva Renton was sick with the Grippe last week. We are sorry to say that Mr Thos Garson is under the weather with an attack of the Grippe. Mr John Renton and Mr Colin Mcâ€" Millan called on Priceville friends last Monday night. Miss Mary Ramage spent a few days under the parental roof last week and attended Amos church Sunday morning. Mrs Robt Renwick and Mrs Kinnell attended the funceral of their aunt in Galt last week, Mr John Laughton leaves Thursâ€" day for Port Arthur, where he has taken a position in a store. John will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends, he always bad a joily word for everyone. ‘We wish him success in his new home. Mr Colin McMillan moved his house last week and he now intends to start at the foundation of the new one. Well Mr Editor.â€"â€"News is ra §carce this week, people are all busy to be sick or go visiting. Mr. David Allan and his son Charâ€" lie, from Hopeville visited friends aâ€" round the Avenue last week. _ The fall wheat around the avenue is looking splendid considering the bad weather it had gone through. The beefâ€"ring at Edge Hill will be starting about the I8th of June. We are pleased to see that Joseph Staples is keeping better. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Williams, from 0. Sound, visited friends around this burg last week. Mrs. Leignie from Toronto, and ber sister Mrs. Scott visited at the old homestead last week, at Mrs. C. Willâ€" iams. Seeding is getting pretty well on around Edge Hill. On Wednesday last Mr. Alex Richâ€" ardson was joined in wedlock to Miss Mary Campbell of Bentinck township. We hear of a young gentleman who is getting his buggy repaired and reâ€" painted. We believe the Doctor will receive;the benefit of it. Mr. Less Watson when out hunting for a lost sheep, caught a loon alive wbic? be intends to make his fortune out of. unto the bridge oyer the Saugeen which is not safe. Mr. George Haw and John McMurâ€" do when out for a walk saw two fine loons and shot them. George sold his and John is getting his stuffed. We hear it will cost John over five dollars. While Mr. John Chislett was putâ€" ting some bags on the waggan, the team which he was driving for Mr. Geoge Parslow took fright and ran aâ€" way but as luck happened Mr. James Knox Lcaugpf them before they got Well Mr, Editor Seeding is the ordâ€" er of the day but the snow and frost is keeping the ground so wet that it is a kind of slow process. f Born.â€"To Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McFayden a son. Mr. John McMurdo took a fiying vis_ifi to Dundalk one day last week. North Egremont. â€"â€"â€"Â¥ # 4 Hopeville Dromore Swinton Park. Edge HIIl. rom istone and on hand and â€"â€"=News is rather THE DURHAM REVIEW â€"The Volcanoes Etna and Strom â€" boli in the Mediterranean district are a ctive at present to the point of alarm. Inbabitants are fleeing from the isâ€" lands in boats. New craters have opened in both mountains. too Those interested may obtain a copy of the Act and application forms for certificates by addressing the Secreâ€" :ary, Department of Agriculture, Otâ€" aWwa. _ 1908, no engineer will be allowed to operate or have charge of a stationâ€" ary stecam plant of 50 horsepower or upwards who does not hold a governâ€" ment certificate, There are three classes of engineers to whom ceriifiâ€" cates will be granted without the apâ€" plicant having to undergo an examâ€" ination, first, those who on the 20th of April. 1907, the date on which the Act was passed) held certificates from an association of stationary engineers in Ontario, or a marine or locomotive engineers‘ certificate ; second, enginâ€" eers who on the above date were in oharge of a plant of 25 horse power or over in Ontario: third, engineers who had at any time previous tothe | pass.ng of this act, not less than two years experience in the operation of such a plunt in the province. _ Those who cannot qualify as above willl have to pass the examinations which will hereafter he prescribed by the , Beard of examiners. The Legislature of Ontario at its recent session passed an act respecting stationary engineers in which enginâ€" eers and employers are alike interâ€" ested. Briefly stated, its provisions are that after the first day of July, Stationary Engineers Certificates Weare not blaming the Governâ€" ment in this matterâ€"yet. _ We are inclined to give it all due credit for its nction in refusing to grant licenses in those districts in Northern Ontario where local option byâ€"laws were carried and where they haye been quashed by the Courts on mere legai technicalities. _ But the Government should also make the East Wellingâ€" ton Commissioners sit up and attend to their duties How can they exâ€" pect the hotelâ€"keepers to keep within tue law it they break it in letter and spirit themseives. â€"Confederate betinbias Auintaint rdiscindi Brils s draluchcta a license to each of the tour hotels in Fergus although the law will only allow three. _ This is a pretty piece of business for the Board ‘to put through. _ Where is the boast of the Whitneyites that the license laws would be enforced up to the hilt? _What have the Commissioners to say for themselyes, and how could Inâ€" spector Hampton do such a thing ? The plea, insufficient accommodation is a transparent subterfuge. â€" What haye the Commissioners to do with accommodation? _ The Act says so many of a population, so many hotels and that is all there is about it. _ No wouder Arthur is objecting, having been deprived of one of its licenses though the accomodation is no more ample there. _ We rather think the Board bas got itself into pretty hot water. | The switch at Mr McLean‘s mill has been lifted. He having disposed of all bis lumber posts, ties. _ About one week more will finish the fireâ€" wood. _ He bas done a rushing busiâ€" ness and has proved very satisfactory to his neighbors who have patronized him and we hope equally satisfying to himself, The beef rings promised start has been postponed for a couple of weeks, the 26th inst, owing to lack of quality of animals. Mr. Peter Daly of Hillman, Mich., is home assisting his father through the seeding operations. _ It appears that the East Wellington sicense Commissioners haye granted Without Fear or Favor. A Full Stock of Seeds of the most reliable varieties at . HUNTER. a postâ€"card: we will ormation. Orders or EVIEW Office will re rntion. In reference to the above, I beg to announce that I will be pleased at anv time to meet with parties wishing to buy, sell, or exchange, but will for conâ€" venience be in Durham every Saturday afternoon. If we don‘t see you, send us a postâ€"card: we will gladly give all inâ€" ormation. Orders or enquiries at the nimtw Office will receive prompt atâ€" ntion. I T8 Dundas St, London, Ovll'tm““ If you wish to sell or exchange your property quickly or profitably or if you wisEQt,o buy, don‘t fail to see or write our Gen Agent for the Co of Grey, Wo W Ramage, Thistle P. O, who has lateâ€" ly been apgointed to this position. We make no charge unless the property is sold, _ For further particulars, apply, personally or by letter, to either of the above addresses. The THE WESTERN | REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Floor Oilcloth 1 yd 114 &2 yds wide, Emyrma Rugs 30 x 60, §3 each; Flanellette blankets large 11 Ladies Table Linen 54 in wide * 68 in wide Bleached Table Linen, 54 in wide Pute Canadian Honey ’; Snlada Ceylon Te.â€"Blfi:_k and mixed 2 yds long, 2 in wide. 254 J’ds long 30 in wide 3 yds long _ 30 in wide 814 yds long 36 in wide. 84 yds long 50 in wide, 3%4 yds long 51 sn wide. See our Ladies‘ fancy col Jars at 25¢ â€"bargains See our new Prints and Dress Ginghams 1 HE B/IG tern Real Estate Exchan wes Ltd., London, Ontarie, se HOUSE WJ LAWRENCR Come in and see it and give it a chance. Tires set while you wait. Opposite the Registry Office Horse Shocing a Specialty No house or publig buildi;g of more than one storey should be without it. Price most reasonable. I have purchased the black Sateen Undersktrts $1.00 each white Lawn Underskirts 75¢ to $1 Sach Agent for the Patent Fire ‘E;scape and Folding Ladder, M. W. RAMAGE, District Agent, Thistle, Ont & J. LAWRENCE LACE CUuRTAiNS or grey, $1 20 a pr COLD k inss CC a0 30e & 40c a 1b, ey in 2¢ jars. . _ BEAN BLACKSMIT»H 07 or if you to see or write o of Grey, Wu , who has lateâ€" TIRE â€"11 size in white HE Calder‘s Block SELLS , The sq yd SETTER . 70¢ & ]:r. ..90¢ & pr, $1.00 a pr. $1.40a pr. â€"25CaA pr. _‘}9(:. pr 50¢ & yd. 85¢ a yd CHEAP at 25¢ ya Ks & )| M**%****@*** ! p 2 H. BURNETT Z%.' Vests : * Shirts : £ Men‘s Furnishings t cheobe ols ob ofecfie afe ts ofe ogecte P Turnip. Carrot, Mangel and all kinds of Garden and Flower seeds in abundance. | Our stock is complete im Alabasâ€" ( tine, Asbestine, Whiting, Glue, Gillet‘s Lye, White Wash Brushes, Serub Brashes, Paint Brushes, Mops, Curtain Stretchers and Step Ladders ln washing articles we lsad the market, such as: Washing Maâ€" chines, Clothes Wringers, Wash Boards, Tubs, Clothes Baskets, Clothâ€" es baskets, Clothes lines, Clothes Pins, Ironing Boards and Copper, Tin and Galvanized Iron Boilers. ‘ It is a pleasure to be able to deal in a store where you can get everyâ€" thing from ‘"A Needle toan Anchor" Owing to the backward weather some people are behind with their housecleaning and we are pleased to be able to intorm such people that we haye everything for that purpose. Do not forget for one moment that we sell the best paint manuâ€" facturedâ€"The Sherwin Williams. HARDWARE Agents for National Portland Ceâ€" ment Company. Hats : at q . ®,, "" ~ §900 * fitting lasts"â€"blucher and &# laced shapes. All prices & WC have some most artistically line of w“hiugtg you ever saw, at A sPecial lot of the seas» on‘s best styles in neat white stripes and fiGures Some with aftached cuffs andh some separatd. "FERRYS" "Yellow Leviathan" Mangel "RENNIES" "Mammoth Red" Mange! "Giant Sugar‘ Mengel Our hats our especially suitable for spring wear. They are the new deliâ€" cate shades of Fawn and Brown. STEEL BRIGG" "Half Sugar," Mange! ‘"Saw L og" SEED CORN NOW IN AT arker‘s Drug Store en s 6 6 "Garden Seeds The Denton label in a hat is a guarantee of satisfaction. Ours has it at $2.25, rom en 3 BULK & PACKAGE The kind that grow feld Seeds 393G€C6E and calf boot stylish; goor e some of the > stica"y ‘Clected * 'afllll!lgto!l vests > Toc to $1.50 . Black "Uml.sl)e[ , at $2.25‘ ‘% atent wooOL for BLaNKjpmsa RC 30U we m,‘d?“‘m or yarn lollPer:?. right for both buyer and 98 your WOOL in June th Proven Steel Tracks, Singer Sewing Machines. Walkerton Marble Works, The Bell Organ & Piano Co., Churns and Washing Machines, srantford, Brockville,Grey Carriages the above well known Implementsâ€" Binders, Mowers, Drills‘ Harrows Diss Cultivators, Manure Spreaders Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders, fi’:'; Ted ders, Masseyâ€"Harris Cream Separator â€"McARTHUR The Masseyâ€"Barris Co. Try us for Ready Mixed Paints, Alabastine, anâ€" other housecleaning neâ€" cessities. McQueen & Morice Some fine wallpapers uitable for becf- A big cut in Wall papers We are sole Agents in Dasham tor We Are MacFar]ane & CO. Druzgists & Booksellers )ur selection of window shades is the finest in the district. An extra large selection, also extra large reduction in price. _ We give you two packets for the usual price of one. Garden Seeds now ready to do busâ€" iness with you We meet to our mutual advantage. Our stock is new and atâ€" tractive and our pricâ€" es are low. _ Come and judge for yourâ€" selves. _ We are alâ€" ways pleased to show goods whether you bay or mot. _ If you do not buy now you will again, We‘re also Agents for MAY 16, 1097 -only 30 [» be y E F #s F f4 Remen er L Auy vat advi atter H Wis The )CI t] t W d

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