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Durham Review (1897), 16 May 1907, p. 5

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II h t cut in {OTTO USINES$ lo busâ€" t â€" We t‘s t pricâ€" ive be apers I] Morice e your r varn ‘alk" lane er and UR 16, 1097 cals armers WOoOL e been three we inâ€" vou vVOUu Our 1 atâ€" Mrâ€" 10W me any as & and iger meâ€" We and Priages xed anâ€" tion you sual ds * 10. N n for ntgâ€" ‘rows idere Ted rator Co. n le Remember the placeâ€"â€" (G. Lawrence‘s old St and T We are having an upholsterâ€" er the first week in every month. Aunyone wishing old goods renoâ€" vyated to look good as new should advise usâ€"we will be pleased to attend to it at once. N 1 U l;btpgayl s l:l; Mn‘l: door south Post Office m. m WE HAVE OPENED Has a full lime of Curtain Poles, Window Shades, Picture Frames Frames to order of all kinds, KRESS, We have opened up a lsrge stock of Boots and Shoes Rubbers, etc, for Spring 1907, for both heavy and light wearâ€"suitable for all classes. _ We invite you to call and inspoact our goods as we feel sure we can interest you whether you buy or not. _ See the qualâ€" ity and prices. Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, and c‘ub bags at modâ€" erate prices, _ Custom work and repairing as usual at the down town shoe store. DARLINGS, gjbz‘lo;::ul.“"“ it? _ "Sure" you say, "wh So they do but they do not always have it cured Carter‘s Sarsaparilla SPRING FEVER MAY 16, 1907 DARLING‘S DRUG STORE is guaranteed cure for that tired, nervons, run down feeling so common in the Spring time. It cleanses the blood, tones up the nervous system and makes a new man of you. Undertaker EGGS TAKEN AS CASH $1.00 per bottle at & 8. McILRAITH The oldest and strongest business school: All facilities are of the best. Students receive expert instruction and persona attention and are assisted to positions Write for eatalogue of this live upâ€"toâ€"dat Open year roundâ€"â€"Enter any time Y. M. C. A. Bldg,, Yonge & McGill Sts., TORONTO T. M. WATSON, Principa BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE 'eople's Druggist you say, "‘why evâ€" "To my mind, the persons who ever permitted you to work 19 and 20 hours a dayâ€"day after dayâ€"â€" for Hive days in the week, were guilty of a grosr wrong and I shall recommend to the crown authorities that the persons responsiâ€" ble, no matter what their position may be, be proceeded against so far as crimâ€" mallaw permits. It were wrong t~ punish an employe and allow the emâ€" ployer to go scot free where both are at fault. «You knew you had, under the rules arest of efght hours, once you had worked 16 hours, and there can be no doubt that you continued on the route because of its remunerative character. You stoutly asserted that you had plenty of sleep. **I am unable to see the slighted sign of repentance on your part, Instead of repentance for your own crime, you seek to cast all blame upon others, For your own sake, then, I must cause some substantial punishment to be inâ€" flicted. Here is part of the charge; s This is the sentence imposad on Josâ€" eph Thompson conductor of the G. T. R. freight train which caused a wreck near Gourack last September killing three men. He admitted having slept on duty but claimed justification for having been at work for 20 hours. Here is part of the Judge‘s strong The theory that husband and wife should be separated occasionally so that may appreciate each other the more is a dangerous doctrine. â€" Vacaâ€" tions with each other may be new miniature honeymoons, bringing reâ€" newed loye to both, but long vacations from each othar are what the insurâ€" ance companies term "extraâ€"hazardâ€" ous risks,"â€"William George Jordan in the June Delineator. When one member of the home firm takes a long solitaire vacation and the otner stays at home in loneliness, Cupid, though blind sees trouble ahead With two wholove each other the temporary separation may be the thin end of the wedge of apermanent growâ€" ing apart. These solo vacations force each into a new environment in which the other has no part : they lessen the sweetness of mutual dependence ; they break tne continuity of loving conferâ€" ence and constant contidence ; they make it easier for each to face iife‘s problems alone instead of handâ€"inâ€"hand The reguiar annual exodus of the wife, because she has a restless desire to get away somewhere, because she has friends who insist on her accomâ€" panying them, or because she feels the neighbors will think she cannot afâ€" ford to go awayâ€"these are the forms of voluntary separation for weeks and months that are dangerous and someâ€" times even prove a short cut from matâ€" rimony to alimony. iftrnmiiith mtc ath dsc 0 MBR . 4 c a ic tor ; Long summer separations between busband and wife are unwise temporâ€" ary diyorces that often leave a losg trail of sorrow, grief and misunderâ€" standing, They do not actually wreck home and happiness, but they are an unnecessary risk, like "rocking a boat" a foolish experiment that may oyerâ€" turn and swamp it. The followingis an extract only from a sensible article in the June Delineaâ€" 4 2w2 * T99 Sm bereficial to the dairyman down prices of bran and she reasouable basis. Anything that will help to divert some of the money now turned into western channels ought to be welcomed by the farming community, The use of the Ontâ€" ario blended flours will increaro the marâ€" ket for the furmer and prove extremely hnsenft nE BE u4e 1 T W There scems, however. to be no reason for regarding this state of affairs as inâ€" evitable. The Ontario wheat is concedâ€" ed to have a flavor that is utterly lackâ€" ing in the western flour, and were it not for the larger percentage of gluten in its western rival, it would bave held its own in the open market for bread makâ€" iug as it still does for pastry, biscuits otc. Those millers and bakers who have adopâ€" ted the use of a blended flour, made from a proper mixture of Ontario wheat and the stronger western wheat to bring up the percentage of gluten, report a great demand for their product a.l oyver the Maritime Provinces. Down East the people do not care where the flour comes from or where the grain is grown, proâ€" vided good flour is supplied them, ‘The ‘ fact that they prefer the blended flours ought to be an argument for their use by the people of Ontario, to whom the inâ€" crease in wheat growing is ra matter of vital interest. 3 years in Penitentiary _ The Ontario farmer has not only lost a readv market for his wheat, but bas suffered from the high prices of feed. When the business of wheat growing in Ontario was still flourishing the price of bran and shorte had not soared to the present figure of twenty to twentyâ€"two dollars a ton. Iu view of the increasad cost of living, and the difficulty of obtainâ€" ing cheap labor, such prices for feed are discourging to farmers all over Ontario. Giving up wheat and going into stock raising and dairying does not help the farmer, if the cost of an ersential part of the feed becomes almost prohibltive. __ The fact of the steady decline in the demand for Ontario wheat must be & matter of concern not only to the inâ€" diyvidual wheat grower, but to the public generally. Ontario people have adopted the use of western flour to a considerable extent, and the builaing up of western industry to the detriment of the Ontario farmer and miller has been a serious economic loss to the province. SUPPORT HOME GROWN WHEAT : Summer Separations 48 er has not only lost r his wheat, but bas high prices of feed. of wheat growing in an by bringing shorts to a more 8S..8s, NO 3, BENTINCK 4thâ€"Wilfrid Livingston, â€" Nathan Grierson, â€" Edward Barran, Stanley Liyingston, _ James Park, James Coutts. Sr 3rdâ€"Douglass Donnelly, Allan Wise, â€" Blanche Wise, Ruby Alexander. _ Jr Srdâ€"George â€" Reay, Lina â€" Torry Evyelyn Coutts, Agnes McLean, Aunie Lawrence, 8t 2nd4â€" Lily Torry, John Derby, Amberzine Bailey, Mary Adlam. Joy Hopkins, Norman McRonald, Evelyn McLean, Harry Falkingham. _ Jr_ 2ndâ€"Ethel Derby, EBlla Park, Fready Corbett, Brigham Livingston, Mary Mather. George Adlam, Jaroes Miller, Cecil: Reay, Pt2ndâ€"Marietta Park, Belia; Park, Aunie Reay, Maggie Hopkimx.l| Eddie Lindsay, Jean Miller, Rex Lawrence, Ruth Miller, Maggie Mcâ€" Ronald, â€" George Turnbul!, Annie' Turnkull, _ Sr 1stâ€"Willie Mather, Edna Reay, John Hopkins. Ist b.â€" Margaret Lindsav, Millie Adlam., Effie Milligan, Nellie Murdick, Marâ€" garet Adlam, Ist c.â€"George Torrg, Freddy Reay, Robbie Mighton, John Barran. Jr Istâ€"Susie Adlam, Mary Turnbull, Eisie _ McLean, Gorman Johnston, Mary Bailey, James Milliâ€" : gan. ‘ 3 G. McLERop, Teacher. Average attendance 49. are the best mixed paints on the market. Made in 60 different tints. Always ready for use. ISLAND CITY FLOOR PAINTS s dry hard in 8 hours Always reliable, economical and durable. For Saur Bx # Jr 4th â€"Bea _ Simpson, _ Jorrison Smith, Alex Turnbull, Belia Ray, Sr 3rdâ€"John Ledingham, George Ledingham, Addie Twamley, Mamie Mortley, Lizzie Smith, Donald Ray, Ivy Dargayel, Isabel Turnbull, John Smith, Norma Black, Bernard Coffield Arthur _ Simpson,. _ Jr 3rdâ€"Lavina Mortley, Katie Smith, John â€" Mecâ€" Gillivray. â€"Jr2ndâ€"Harold Ledingham A Turnbull, 0 Twamley, C Mortley & Willhe Smith eq., Stewart McGillivray,. Sr 1stâ€"Donald Smith, Mary McClemâ€" ent, Nellie Smith, Bobbie Mortley, Wilfid Black, Mary Coffield. Jrist â€"Martin _ Coffieid, John Locheed, Willie Vaughan, Redford Locheed, George Vaughan. KaTEk MAacDoxarDo, Teacher. Average attendance 32. When You Paint Use The Best Paint Brushes, etc EC Gpraie ui trat n ABawis rinadtbi? 1A 4 us for such as coal oil (both Amâ€" erican and Canadian), linseed oil, (raw and oiled), Machine Oil, Cyâ€" linder Oil, Separator Oil, Sewing Machine oil, Harness oil, carriage oil, Axle and cup greases, turpenâ€" tine, Benzine, Gasoline, etc. We always have a full line of stoves, ranges, Tinware, Granâ€" ware, shelf and heavy hasdware Glass, etc, We also have all other lines for painters and decorator‘s use, such as Alabastine, Paints, Oils, ao / o4 1 THE DURHAM‘ REVIEW FOR SALE BY N.,G. & J. McKECHNIE, DURHAM. Jf you require oils of any kind try he Anuuatin is e ud calt seSual en o See Goâ€"Carts 3 Baby Carâ€" rlages Remember we have a fullline of the very latest style of Goâ€"Carts and carriages and we SELL them but at the right prices. where am Furniture j our assortment of pictures ee and our stock of mouldings We can guarantee satisfaction in picture framing. upâ€"toâ€"date and we invite you to call and examine our goods and prices, whether you wish to purchase or not. "The New Hardware and Furniture Store." s the fishing season is now on the _asking ourselves is, "Do I need a;i . 8. 8. No 3. B. & a A few doors south of Middaugh House Our Furniture 1e stock is new and and we invite you to I going to g,et ‘1-t"; Kb Island City Paiats Btudents admitted at any time, Spring Term now on. _ Fuil particulars sent to any address free, Addressâ€"C, A. FLEMING, Prineipal. Owen Sound, Ont. Will thoroughly prepare you to accept a better position and place your services In 8reawr deâ€" mand. Three coursesâ€"BUSIN83, SHORTHA ND and TYPEWRITING and PREPARATORY, /2 IYIHET Get Ready for a Better Positio Six months‘ notice in writing should be given to the Commissioner of Dominion lanas at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent. w. w. CORY. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N. B.â€"Unauthorized publication of this adâ€" vertisement will not be paid for. Success depends upon your fitness to accept promoâ€" tion when it presents itself. A FEW MONTHS SPENT AT THE /7/\/»/?/.’57’._'\‘/_;'."','f.",?”r?;'f"‘ * 3. Ifthe settler has his permanent residence &pon farming land owned by him in the viâ€" nity of his homestead, the requirements as to re::&dlencg may be satisfied by residence upon the said land . 2. If the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of the homesteader resides upon at farm in the vicinity ofthe land entered for, the requirements as to residence may be satisfied by sgch person residing with the father or mother, _ 1. At least six months residence upon and cultiva tion of the land in each year_for three years Any even numbered section or »ominion lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 26, not reserved, mui‘ be homeâ€" steaded by any person who is the sole head of a family, or a male over 18 years of Age; to the extlent of oneâ€"quarter section ~f 160 acres, more or less, The homesteader is required to perform the eonditions connected therewith under one of the following plans; Entry must be made personally at the Lo:al liand é)dflke for the district in which the land is situated. Pure Prepared Synopsis of Conadion Horthâ€" Wes on the question we are all need any fishing tackle and Muresco Baskets,Hooks, Leaders, etc., Reels & Linesâ€"" Fishing Poleâ€" and Decorator‘s use. It dries dead flat with a soft velvety efâ€" fect, restsul and pleasing to the eye, producing a more artistic finish than can be obtained by any other material. Try Murâ€" esco and you will use no other wall finish, m ETY '\;ly best selection in reels, both brass and nickel plaited. In lines we have anything required ranging from the twisted and braided lines to the best silk ones. ment including the common bamboo, Jointed bamboo, Split bamboo, Greetheart, and the very best British Steel Rods. Owen Sound, Ont. In these also we supply and a.e a the wants of all TORONTO P The best wall finâ€" ish for Painter‘s e have a full able to supply Aak P We carry a full assortâ€" the very Casts, have Retiew & Globeâ€"1.30 Wm.Jonaston, Sr.T C. Ramage, Chairman. Secretary Intending Students should enter at the beginâ€" ning of the term if possible. _ Board can be ob tuined at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and attractive town, making it a most desirable place for residence. The school is thoroughly equ:rped in teaching ability, in cheinical and electrical supplies and fittings, &c., for full Junior Leaving and Matricâ€" ulation work. The following competent staff are in charge : THOS, ALLAN, 1st Class Certificate. Principal MISS LLA MCLEOD, B. A., Honor Graduate of Queen‘s University, Classics, Moderns and English, The strongest pumréy Mutual Fire Insuranc Co. in Ontario., â€" A record without n{um“el and a just reward for honest efforts. Licensed and lnl‘fected by the Government ; insures residence and farm property upon the latest known plans 3 or 4 year blanket policies issued ou the annua instalment or one Payment system under the most favorable conditions to the insured. Insure in the best. If your insurance expires this year, call on, or drop a card to NEILMeCANNEL, Agent, Durham MISS M. 8. MOLLAND First Class Certificate and third year undergraduate of Queen‘s Univeulg‘. Science, History and Geography. MUTOAL FIRE INSURAKCE CoMPAXY FARMERS‘ CENTRAL Durham School Â¥e I have also a great lot of other pro. perty for sale and a MILLION DOLâ€" LARS of MONEY to lend at very low rates, T1OOLLECT DEBTS, cn.refullf' prepare all kinds of WRITINGS, sell C. P. R. Tickets to all points WEST and sell OCEAN TICKETS. Evary !:ind“of legitimate business attended to. Every ?flih};fi vate. Our Motto : "Alw ys p. ompt, Never Negligent, > Then I have a 100 ACRE well imâ€" proved farm near Durham that I will sell VERY CHEAP or trade for other property, It‘s a saap. For considerâ€" ably under $3000 I will sell 100 acres in Bentinck, with good soil, brick veneerâ€" ed and frame house, large frame bank barn, frame stables and pig stables good orchard. This isreally a sacrifice ____ STINSON, The Bake %bifi %fim%fi-&fififi%fi(fi&# for a good deal less and ITS A BARâ€" GAIN, Cl FEES: $1 per month in advance I had 250 acres of Good Land aboye Durham, well improved, with very fine buildings, advertised in the REvirw for $7500. I can now sell it Head Office : Walkerton, Ont, S E E D $ Ogilvie‘s "Royal Household" Keewatin * Five Roses"â€"The LOOK HERE, FARMER Is good Bread, well made and properly bakedâ€"the bread that is made by Stinson. This is the periect breadâ€"made of the best flour, leavened and seasoned just right, thoroughly kneaded and ‘baked to perfection, it is easily digested and it builds health and strength for those who eat it, Give it a trial. FLO UR ver and Timothy and all varâ€" ieties of Garden Seeds in aâ€" bundance for Spring gt owing MATTHEWS & LATIMER FIELD AND GARDEXN very best Keewatin make A carload just rece‘ved. Staff and Equipment The Best Cure For Dyspepsia Highest grades only, The Hanover Conveyanc'r & MILLER, A.B. McLELLAN, Agent Prices and terms to suit purchasers, Maple Leaf and S!NGER SEWING MACHINES The Improved National Cream Separators, 4 styles aisy Churns, Wringers, Washers, Hayloaders, ‘Tracks, Rukes, Mowers, Binder The New Hamburg Waggons Barber Bugiel Bissell bteel Land Rollers Disc Harrows of Elora Everything in readiness for the Sprin season. Call and see our Leader See!- er, Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators and Peter Hamilton AGENCY Licensed C the County of Grey, Licensed Auctioneer for the Co. of Grey, Sales ptly attended to. _ rates reassonable 53:. may be left at his Implement Wareâ€" rooms, McKinnon‘s old stand, orat the R®y1Ew JOHN CLARK Barrister, Solicitor in Supreme Cou Notary Public Commissioner &c (} suicensed Auctioneer tor Co. Grey Terms moderate. Arrangements for sales as to aates, &c., mast be made at the Review Ofâ€" flee, Durham. sss* Correspondence addressed there, or to Ceylon P. O., will be promptly {g atitended to, Terms on application to OAlceâ€"Calder‘s B! I ues s 9t * s e S Honor GrapuvarE of University, graduate of Roya of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Over J & J HUNTERS New DURKHAM, ONT. (Lower _ "" , date Royal ( llenl:lury in all it Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, d&c. Money to Loan, Oflice, 13 Frost St ARTAUR H. JACKSON W. C, PICKERING D. D s f{ONOR GRApt Late Assistant to oorfield> m' ) and to knapp‘s (Noy 1oRS {London, Eng flce and Residence Cor. Garafraxa! and Geo Q St., wt root of Hill, _ Old Moodiec Comer, € Insurance . Issuer of M eral financ J. G. HUTTON, M. D., C. M katrictionscers. â€" MePHMHAIL_ » Prverctan & wm, & Office over J. &QJ. Munter‘s Store Mice, over OFFICE HOURS _ 9â€"11 a. m 2â€"4 p. m. 7â€"9 p, m Telephone Connection No. 10 flice, Mclntyre BJ G. MacKay K.C Eye, Ear, N qsé & Throat #@~ ABpecial attention given to Discases Of Women and Children, :> & ARTHUR GUN, M. â€"F. GRANT lmborcolhgol’ll\:m and Surgeonas Aotary Public, Commissioner MAC «h Ves ced dn ahe & ind TDA m Aut . D. MePHAIL, « HOURS . MePHAIL, Ceylon P. 0 C. RAMAGE, Durhan Ceylon has a telephone office. mammmneune umss RADUATE Toronto yal College Dental all its vranches, CONvYEYANCER ce Agent, Money to Loan f Marriage Licenses, A gen ancial business transacted â€" P. TELFORD CKAY & DUNN, Money to Loan DR. BURT ock Block, ove 8 to 10 a. i. Ontario va‘s Jewelry Atore ~â€" â€"â€" â€" _ Owen Sound , over P ito University rad tal Surgeon GOn Town) Royal College r the Bank ost Office Toronto Rooms v.’

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