West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 16 May 1907, p. 8

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‘ROBERT BURNETT M All WATCHES and JEWELLRY: for THE PEOPLES STORE § | z. osk House Cleaning Time Is $15 your price for §_ The house cleaning season is here aga) & is up to us, to help you make some ments in your} home. We can do this by selling you your lace carpets, linoleum Land oil cloth. DIAMOND HALL Clocks, Then we should like to burn into your brain the fact that for $15 you can get ali the style and as perfect a fit as can be put into a suitâ€"as much as if you paid $28. Of course the cloth is not so fine, nor the trimmings so luxurious, but every other way the $15 suit is identical | with the highest cost clothing. f I 6 6 Watchmaker, Oilcloth in all widths, 1yd, 1% yd, 2 yds. All new and beautifully designed. Tapestry and Chenille curtains in all shades and : designs. I We always have on hand a fall E line of GENTS FURNISHING»S Our Stock of RINGS and BROOCHES of all kinds could never be better than at the present time. _ We take great pleasure in showing you through our high class stock and consider it a favor rather than a trouble to do so. JUST ARRIVEDâ€" ace curtains in all varities and patterns. russels and ‘Tapestry carpets and beautifu _ rugs. inoleum in floral and block designâ€"2 & 4 yds _ wide. Repairs has persona aftention. or â€"th Our stock. is now complete " llin all lines connected with the Jewelry trade such as " _ the following : Watches, Rings, Brooches & Silverware. iing season is here again and it to help you make some improveâ€" . WEBSTER Some Choice Reacdy Made Suits . Flarity Jeweller f 7 Adabs agaicae 3B a Spring Suit : es filaSS, Manager & Cutter Â¥2 curtains, Optician TORONTO K Miss J. A. Fraservis assisting Mr Chapman in Mt Forest for a time. ‘ Mrs. Lehigh and Mrs. John Scott, Toronto, were guests of Mrs J W Scott and Mr John Williams last Wedunesday. Rev. Mr. Farquharson is attending the Synod Meeting in Toronto this week. Mr, Cecil Gun of Chicago, is visiting( his mother and other friends in town | Mr, Fred McCUlocklin left Tuesday morning for Sudbury in view of buyâ€" ing some butcher business, Mr, John Sutberland and daughter Miss Gertie, Fort William, are visiting with his sister Mrs, W, B. Vollet. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Williams, Owen Sound, visited bis mother, Edge Rill‘ and had a pleasant family reâ€"union with the rest of the family. Miss Evya Mockler left on Monday for a visit to western points. She went with her uncle Mr. 8, Hunter wno is returning to his home there, Mrs Vair Sr., formerly of Galt but in future of Detroit is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Gun at present. Mr and Mrs. Bolger from Australia, who are visiting Edge Hill relatives, visited at:Mrs,. J. W. Scott‘s, Upper Town last week. Mr. & Mrs. A. Ray and daughter were in Durbam last Wednesday on route to a wedding at Mr, Ray‘s brothâ€" er at Dornoch,. Mrs. Ray was a caller at the Review Office, Mr and Mrs John Snell, Dromore, moved into town last week and after a few days in a rented house caw an opportunmity of buying Wim Legate‘s house on Countess St., bought it and moyed in on Monday ot this week. We welcome Mr and Mrs Snell to our citizenship. The Rev. J. O‘Neil pastor of the Bapâ€" tist Church in Paisley, and wellâ€"known in Bentinck, bas resigned bis charge and will preach his farewell sermon the Ist Sunday in June, He has not yet decided as to the future, LIED A8 TO AGE.â€"Joseph Harrison, of Mount Albert, recently sold a horse to Henry Jones for $75. He said it was eleven yeas old, After the deal the purchaser had his doubt about the animal‘s age, and on enquiry had them confirmed. â€" He laid an informatiom aâ€" gainst Harrison, and he was tried beâ€" foro Magistrate Hamilton. Jones had present as a witness the man who raisâ€" ed the horse and be said it was sixteen years old. The evidence showed too, that Harrison knew its age. The Magâ€" istrate committed him for trial, but granted bail. The MHorse Situation in Ontario ‘The commissioners appointed some time ago for the purpose of making «1 enquiry into the horse industry of Ontario have presented their reports to the Department of Agricultare. Commissioners trom even the best horsebreeding districts report the preâ€" sence in numbers of unsound, unpediâ€" greed horsesof all kinds and denominâ€" ations, while in less favored districts other commissioners _ have almost failed tofind one good sound. pure bred stallion of good ty pe and characâ€" ter standing for service. A regretâ€" aole feature is the iarge number of inferior. cheap, trotting bredâ€"stallions owned by hotel and tavern keepers in many of the small villages and towns. The owner of an inferior stallion, in nine cases out of ten, will not allow his horse to stand in the stable and call the money he in yested ’iu him dead Jloss. Rather than this he will send him jut to do service at a reduced fee; and he will keep on reducing it until it is quite impossible for anyone to bring in a good kind of stallion to compete against bim. The sâ€"otch preimnium system of hiring a good stallion for the season to a comâ€" pany which guarantees a certain number of mares has the happiest reâ€" sults in that country, Its introduc tion here has more than once been commended, the greatest difficuity to overcome, seemingly being the opposition of private stallion owners themselves. The plan of licensing stallions, though presenting difficalâ€" ties, seems to be the better remedy. At meetings held by the commissionâ€" ers in each district the plan for granting licenses met with unnmversal approval. Just when to draw the line in the granting or withholding of a license seems to be the stumbâ€" ling block in this licensing plan. Mr W. F. Kidd of Simeoe, Ont, one of the commiss.oners, suggests that the] borse which bas first class conforâ€" mation and action a pedigree of some distinct breed, of size and character typical of his breeding, sound in every particular, should reâ€" leeiveafirst class license. Then the sound, pedigreed horse© with fair I'.wpforma:ion and action, should reâ€" ‘ ceive a second class license. In the ‘third class should be recorded all |sound horses of good conformation land action and typical in size and character, of sound distinct breed. This grading will throw out all nonâ€" descripts, ineligibie for registration, horses mrebredor otherwise, which show reditary unsoundness or which show distinct inferiority phyâ€" sically. f | _ There is still room for a few desirable ‘recmiu for the Coy, here, Those desitous of attending camp Niagara for the last time should apply at once. Members of Coy must r:foct to. Ca%t. O,.M. Snider, or Dr A. McLaurin |\or E. M. Wolfe, Lieut‘s, Durham. | Drill Saturday evening at 7. This well known mar, st one time leader of the Conservative party, J:ed last Friday in Toronto in his 68th, year. The Toronto Star makes a fine and deserved comment on his principles we quote: "George Frederick Marter,. who died last night, was a politician whose principles neyer yielded to mere expediency. Right was right with him, and wrong was wrong, and his consciâ€" ence brooked no middle way. In bis time be sacrificed place and power for his convictions, but he neyer regretted it, for he had the approval of his own heart. He passes away at a time when the world is swinging around to some of his most cherished idealsâ€"notably temperance and a saner, stricter regâ€" | ulation of the liquor traffic " THE DURHAM REVIEW Notice is hereby, given, that the first sitting of the tourt of Revision for the township of| Glenelg, for the year 1907, will be helli at the township Hall on SATURDA Y\the 25th of MAY 1907, at the hour of IQ o‘clock in the forencon. And notice is hereby} further given that a business meetinglof the council will be held at the samAplace at 1.30 o‘clock in the afternoonfof the same day. Dated May I0th 1907. Of yvaluable farm property in the Township of Ben;t%ck in the County ot Grey. Under and by yirtue ‘of the powers contained in a certrin mortgage, which will be pmduce:{1 at time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, at the Central Hotel, in the town of Durham; in the county of Grey, by John Clark. Auctioneer, on Friday the 19 day of July A. D. 1907 at the hour of 1 o‘cldck ‘p. m. the following property; (1 Lot number 30 in the 7th concession, and lot number 80 in the @th concession both in the township of Bentnck in the county of Grev, and cbntaining by admeasurement 200 actes, more or less. There is a good dwélling house, barn and other farm buildings on the sard lands. And the farng is under a good state of cultivation ahd in a very desirable locality. Terms 10 per cent of the purchase monev to be paid dowh at Ithe time of sale, balance to be paid within 30 days, For further particular§ and conâ€" ditions of sale, apply to . JouN® CLARK, ArTtuUur 1 Jacksoxn Auctioneer. ortgagee. Dated at Durham this lllh day of May A. 1. 1907. Ai, «1: Bundles of old papers to put Ainder old carpets, Just tfle thing. 5e and 10 cts. At the Reyview office. For SaALE®.â€"Good team of heavy working horses, Apply to J. W. Grawrorp, Durham A. H, Jackson has a number of houses and yacant lots in Durbam or sale. Ramsay Pargt.â€"The right paint to paint right. See pictureadvt, on inâ€" side page, For sale by F. Seigner. 14â€"12 Bucaigs !_Bugairs ! !â€"â€"Armstrong, Barber and Tudhope makes. Full lines, Rubber and Steel tires. ITwo classes, Standard and Specials, ‘The shop at the bridge. A. é) McLellan. Buy a Progress Brand Suit at 8. F. Morlock‘s. A. H. Jackson is an Issuer of Marâ€" riage Licenses, Durham, Ont, Learn the truth about your eves at the Hahn House, Thursday, May 16. Canada‘s High Grade Commercial and Shorthand School. For a good assortment of fishing tackle call at Lenaban & McIntosh, BORN. McDoxaLp.â€"In Durkham, on Friday May 10th. to Mr and Mrs J, McDonâ€" ald, a daughter. Township off Glenelg 1907 Geo. F. Marter. ATUCTION SALE TORONTO, ONT. BUSINESS LOCALS, Court of Revision J. 8. BuacKk, Tp Clerk. Recruiting W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, Yonge and Alexander Sts, A GRAND Excursion | 45'.\?erim' ntal Parm ¢ 0ntar’p J{y. College will be held under the auspices of the South Grey and East Wellington Farmers® Institutes, on Satur ‘The Ex trains from Stations an following will run a time table : DURHA 7.10 a m $1.15 VARNE T 1G. ) * 1.15 HOLSTEIKN 729 " 1,.15 MT FOREBT 7,45 * 1.05 PALMESRTON8.05 * ELMWOOD 7,10 " 1,20 HANOVER 727 * 1.15 NEUSTADT 7.32 1.15 AYTON 7.40 * 1,10 ALSFELDT\ 755 " 1,10 PALMERSTON8.20 Arrive at Guelph 9.35 a m. Returnâ€" ing leave Guelph 5.30 p m, Tickets good to return $n any train on the 10, A‘l are invited} and all should take ts opportunitylof visiting the farm which, in all its different depart ments, 18 worthY of inspection, The experiâ€" mental plots of all varieties of grains, grasses, roots and forage crop; the different breeds | of live stock; the farm diary; the creamery: the cheese factory, the museum and the flower department; the rural consolidated school buildings, where the children from five school sections are taught in a good graded school; and the Mcâ€" Donald Institute, a school for farmers‘ daughters. _ The immense buildings were erecced by Sir Wm McDonald of Montreal, Ample train accomdation will be provided and everything will be comfortable. Make your arrangeâ€" ments early and take in this excurâ€" sion. ROBT. MORICE, Pres., Durham P.O. GEO. BINNIE, Seey , Bunessan P.O. soOUTH GREY INSTITUTE, A. HUTCHISON, Pres , Mt Forest P.O C. NICHOLSON, Seey., _ " P.O. Aitemesia townshbip council mes on Saturday last, The members were all present. anrd the reeve in the chair. Minâ€" utes of last session were read and coufirmâ€" ed. Communications as follows were presented: From Neil MeKinnon and 49 others, asking that the statute Iabor in the police village of Priceville be comâ€" Muted at 75¢ per day; report of assessors on asseasment of the police village of Priceville; report of reeye re road at lot 24, con. 12; report of committee re Priceâ€" ville statute labor aund agreement beâ€" tween the conncil and police trustees report of Coutt Revison on dramage Byâ€" law No. 1; tenders for eoncrete arch bridge from varions parties,. â€" Byâ€"law 6838 to commute statute labor in the village of Priceville was introduced and read a first, second and third time, al«o Bpâ€"law 679. appoimting municipal officers for Lunch Provyided on Farm GUELPH, 1907, MceKenzieâ€"Meadsâ€"That Johu Wright be paid his :mccount of $4 for taking of mdewalk byâ€"law «and the same be charged to the aecount of the village of Fleskerâ€" ton.â€"Carried. Meadsâ€"Carsonâ€"That the Reeve‘s acâ€" count for telephone mcssages, 60c, be paid,â€"Carried MMcKenzieâ€"MecLoughryâ€"That the acâ€" conut of the Contract Record for adver. tising for brilge tenders, $4:60, be paid. â€"Carried. Meadsâ€"McKenpzicâ€"That the accounnt of W H Thurston for advertising for bridge tenders, $2.60 be paid, Meaisâ€"Carsooâ€"That Mr Thu ston‘s nccount of $55 for advertising drainage Byâ€"law No 1, Proton Station, be paid and the same be charged to the drainâ€" age accountâ€"Carried. xcKenzie â€" xeclLougbhry â€" That the Clerk advertise the closing of those parts of Simpson «treet in the town plot of Eugenia lying between reserves Nos 1 and 3. and 2 and 4, and a Byâ€"Law be passed at the proper time for such purposeâ€"Carried, ucKenzieâ€"ncLoughryâ€"Tuat the reâ€" port of committee appointed to confer with the police trustees of Priceville be paid and the commnittee be paid $2 each for their serviceeâ€"â€"Carried. xcKonzieâ€"xcLoughryâ€"Tnat xr Carâ€" son and xr Meads be authorized to conâ€" fer with all parties haying fences or othâ€" er obstructions on certain streets in Pricevilie as complained of by xr meCabe and to take such action as they may deem wise with the object of hbaving the obstructions removed â€"Carriod. xcLougbryâ€"Carsonâ€" That the reeye and treasurer propare a statement of all moneys received from Leslie Elliott on bebalf of the 1iate Robert bmith, and after dedacting all e?enlu incurred the balance be forwarded to xr Harness, m._nuz.or‘o! thke county house of refuge Per Grand Truok Ry. E. WELLINGTON INSTITUTE Artemesia Council. tes toOr rount rding to Leave 7.10 a n ".XG. _ * tK /4,29 * EBT 7,45 * RTDN8.05 * op 7,10 " E T21 * DP 732 * 7.40 64 DT 755 * day, June 8 rsion will start by Special the followiog Grand Tr k tickets can be bad at the tes for round trip. Trains cording to the following Leave AdultsChild‘n 1.15 1.15 1,10 1.10 BIG STORE WE SELL WHAT 150 yds of AMâ€"Iâ€"SILK, worth D ry GOOdS Chambrays and Ginghams 1 White Waists worth trom 60c to $1.25, Baturday & Special prices on ZSaturday for any of the newest Sprlng J aCketS styles o(P Jackets and we have the latest. Wall Paper Lawn Mowers Air. RUSSELL mcKenzieâ€"Carson â€" That a apecial grant of one hundred doliars be made avd expended in and near Eugema. the amount $o be expended under the snperâ€" vision of Commissioner of Div. 4â€" Carned , xeadsâ€"Carson â€" That one hundred doliars be granted and erpended on 80 slderoad north from Durham road te Ceylon, the commissioner of ward 1 to meet the eaid amount with $50 of bis ward appropmation and expend the whole.â€"Carrie d. xcLoughryâ€" mcKenzie â€" That #,1065 be granted to be expended by the reeve on valley roamd south frem Andrew Graham‘sâ€"Oarried, Bargains mM croceries for Saturday, MAY 18 McKenzie â€"xeloughry â€" That the draft agreement presented between the council and the police trustees of the village of Pricemile be adlopted and exâ€" ecuted by the reeve and clerk, and the corporate seal attached theretoâ€"COarr‘d. ncKenzieâ€"nxeadsâ€"That this council accept the tender of wessrs Walker Bres to build Boyne bridge according to plan and specifications, for the sum of $1400 the work to be completed an or before July 1st, 1907â€"Carried. xecloughryâ€"Carsonâ€"That the reeve is hereby appointed to meet C, P. railâ€" way official re ditch at Ceylonâ€"Carri d, xcKensie â€" »meLoughry â€" ‘Tnat â€" the first witting of the court of Revision on »esessment roll of 1907 be held in the township hall on Satarday, the first day of June, 1907â€"Carried, We are advertising bargains for next Saturday and if you are qiuck enough to get here in time you‘ll get them, "In some lines these bargains are limited @â€" 10 BUOMC 44" ""&/ asgot here in time A full line of Fashionable Furnishings for men and boys All the very latest in Collars and Ties Gloves and Hose We beg toannouuce to the people of Durham and vicinâ€" ity that we haye opened up in J. C. NICHOL‘S STOR Hats, Caps, Shoes. and much more we can‘t tell you of this week. New! New! New! get 1EeM, 18 .Bumc MV CR e C 2 e ® in quantity so its up to you to get here in timeâ€" All our experience at your service. Call and see us. Granulated Sugar 23 ]bs for $1,00 McLaren‘s Jelly Powders, 4 pkgs 10c size for 25¢. Morses Best Soap, 8 bars for 25¢. Olive Oil and Cuenmber Soap, 3 cakes for 10c. Extracts regular 10c size, 4 bottles for 25¢. Large bottles Cateup, worth 25¢ for 20¢c. Armour‘s Mince Meat, 3 pkgs 12% sige for 25¢. Canned Meats 15¢ size of Ham, Beef, Vea) or Chicken Loaf for 10c Chicken Tomato Soup, 15¢ cans for 10e. Canes Improved Globe Washboard for 15¢. Conneil adjourned. Gents‘ Furnishings John H. Rose Miscellaneous Our offer of $1.00 worth ot Wall Paper for T5¢ stil holds good as we are bound to clear them out. WE ADVERTISE See the complete range of styles and sizes in the window from $3.25 up. HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTER AND EGGS â€"Iâ€"SILK, worth 20¢ yd to clear at 15¢ yd. d Ginghams 15c a yd to clear at 12 yd THE NEW MHARXESs sHOP GALL CUREâ€"all the different kinds Our New Spring â€" Foot wear. Now arriving, tor Price and quality we defy comâ€" petition. Measures ana Repairing promptly attended to. Peel, Its Bright, Cheerful and Tony Cl“ nnd see how Jl.ck can suit Nonâ€"such Buggy Dusters Blackâ€" deâ€"black dressing for your llmvh’.ln‘ sweat pads are not forâ€" AXEL GREASE BUGCGY TOP DRESSING HARNESS OIL POLISH METAL POTLISH Better known as " Jack LIFE! LIFE! uhy G â€"P. LINNES CASH SYSTEM 49¢ each. The Shoe Man 39 & y *Â¥ p; Hosie bargain panel 11 $1.0 lins, nav1 grounds | white d Â¥y stripe would f ers at 2 This wee! Nav» e elce carry plete open fancy This the : We Speci T rue Th SpP

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