West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 May 1907, p. 8

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t m in the p rather s term eter until th abolishs from th mands death t Spirit ¢ wait fo ment, i soul th spérit s the s1 might s for the the vie to the of lov, Love‘s the joj itself. Tomug reveal right tion o Will ¢ How : Alone The 1 Just Just [ Just ) In lit Pain, There Wher From Love, Upor A lit A lit A lit Muel Of lo For Give Skill Of b And Here Suns But The Of i Ah, The Wit 99 Ju¢ der: nes min of Chr kin in shi tur Sn of fw th ki sh« liv lia the All WATCHES and JEWELLRY Is $15 your price for P. G. A. WEBSTER 1202 eb oy en dn * ra t /»“"o“ e e t s \ ol At s . »s Patt saok e MRMo N it - â€" o & ol d ie #e C M ksb nb y > se $ !!% ae rafk 2 1248 Neyb! 4* 1_-\,\5‘\ We or i in s OPT i) y y 35 4 "‘t‘{}g? io »_,,'e...-g CV ."; 4 C -."’r} s NWrie 3 ne e "n,. ~<â€" KR Then we should like to burn into your brain the fact that for $15 you can get ali the style and as perfect a fit as can be put into a suitâ€"as much as if you paid $28. | Of course the cloth is not so fine, nor the trimmings so luxurious, but every other way the $15 suit is identica.l{ with the highest cost clothing. J DIAMOND HALL JUST ARRIVEDâ€"Some Choice Reacdy Made Suits oo Our stock is now complete ,i;?{“ in all lines connected with ';\:fx 6‘5,;‘5- 3"” the Jewelry trade such as w Bf L?"f" the fol]owing F Watches, Clocks, Rings, Brooches & Silverware. ROBERT â€"BURNETT . papmegepmeemmiomiememmammeteramcag . Watchmaker. ‘THE PEOPLE‘S STORE The house cleaning season is here again and it &T isfup to us, to help you make some improveâ€" m_e:t;ts in your; home. We can do this by selling youlyour lace curtains, carpets, linoleum and oil cloth. House Cleaning Time 6 6 Our Stock of RINGS and BROOCHES of all kinds could never be better than at the present time. _ We take great pleasure in showing you through our high class stock and consider it a favor rather than a trouble to do so. <mprmmiremiow oo ... esmeanmen â€"mr Repairs has persona aftention. ace curtains in all varieties and ‘patterns. ilcloth in all widths, 1yd, 114 yd, 2 yds. All new and beautifully designed. apestry and Chenille curtains in all shades and designs. We always have on hand a full line of GENTS FURNISHING» inoleum in floral and block designâ€"23 & 4 yds _ wide. russels and ‘Tapestry carpets and beautiful OT J. L. Flarity Jewe“er edding Season. a Spring Suit filass, Manager & Cutter Optician TORONTO fOl’ There are many ways of making money in this world. Some believe in making it honestly but there are others who are not so particular and will try to increase their wealth by doubtful and dishonest methods. We have a list of some parties, who have tried to make a few extra shillinge, out of a load of hiuy, during the past winter. It might be interesting news to some one to tell how it was done. A man drives onto the weigh scales | with a load of hay, While the weif‘h- | master is busy adjusting his weights ) the enterprising genius has his ?ork lagainst the beamm of the building aâ€" bove his head and is pushing with all | his strength to make the load weigh |\an extra 500 pounds or more, They {don’t always succeed in their little schemes of muking money.â€"Ez, _ Mr Jas Vasey, Ayt. is at present : visiting relatives and old friends in Egremont and Durham. He drove all | the way, still haying his own horse in which he takes a pride, being always m horseman. He spent a great part ‘of his youth in Ayr neighborhood, and only two men remain who associatâ€" ed with him in his youth, and he is | the eldest of the three being in his $4th |th year, He has kept in close touch with Globe and Review for many years and we were pleased to haye a chat with him though he gave us a raking over for a mistake in his label, VEssiE®.â€"1In fond memory of beloyed Andrew, died May 23rd, 1906. * Oh for the touch of a vanished hand, And the sound of a voice that is still." Mr. Alex Smith. Sr., Normanby, was the guest of his old friend and chum Mr. Geo. Turnbull in town, from Satâ€" urday till Monday. Mr, Smith left on the staga tor the east to visit friends in Proton and what else? Why anyâ€" one who knows him can tell that, to fish of course, and we may expect to see the waters of the Saugeen fall owâ€" ing to the number of fish withâ€"drawn. «Sandy," since his bad accident, has not recovered the full use of his leg, but his good staff helps him out in that» and the accident never fizzed on his enthusiasm as a checker player Or as a disciple of Izaak Walton, Mtr. Brooker left on Monday mornâ€" ing for Owen Sound. _ Mrs,. Brooker and Winnie are staying with Mrs, Ge0, Wilson at present. We will be sorry tolose this intelligent family from our town, and hope Mr. Brooker may find scope here for his abilities. Misses Susan and Agnes Nichol. daughters of Mr Walter Nichol,fGlenâ€" elg, intend returning soon to Toronto after an eight months‘ rest and visit with their sister Mrs George Penny of Pasadena, California, Congratulations to Miss Susie Gadd and Mr Robt Ray, who toâ€"day are enâ€" tering the state of matrimony, Mr Ray is a Torontolad, while the mother of the bride is well known in Durham. Mrs C, Ramage visited her sister. Mrs Legate, in Ceyion, last Friday and Saturday, â€" Robert Legate, Jr,, we regret to say is not gettling better, and is now confined to bed. Rev. Mr. Bice officiates next Sunday at Waiter‘s Falls, the Annual Missionâ€" ary Sunday of that parish, while Rey. Mr. Connor, formerly of Durham, offiâ€" ciates here. Sympathy goes out to Mr Alex Mcâ€" Donald of this town over the sad news of the daath of his son Allister out west, We have no particulars at this writing,. MrJohn McArthur of the Electric power plant, went to Berlin, Tuesday, to receiye treatment for a face trouble. We hope it will be effectual. Miss Straith of the law office of Mcâ€" Kay and Dunnu here. entertainad her brothers and cousin Miss Martin of Mt. Forest over the week end. Mr Peter Ramage came home from 0. Sound Business College on Wedâ€" nesday, having taken a Diploma of the highest grade. Mr C. McKinnon, Port Arthur, is visiting his home this week. Mrs Calder, whom we reported last week as being sick is not making the progress towards recoyery, her friends would like to see. Mr W. D. Mills, Ottawa, made a fAying yvisit to his kome this week. Mrs Bradly, mother of Mrs Towner, left Monday to visitfriendsin Wiarton Mr, Hugh MacKay left last week for the far north part of the Province where he is again employed as a fire Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gillies and family moved to Durham on Monday.â€"Holâ€" stein Leader. Mrs Hartwell, in company with Master (George visited the McIntyre family and other friends in town last week, Rev Mr Farquharson attended the Presbytery meeting in Harriston this Mr C. Ramage and daughter Agnes, visited Egremontrelatives at the beâ€" ginning of the week. Mrs, J. E. Mantell of Tilsonburg is visiting her mother Mrs. Thos, Anderâ€" son of Pomona for a few days this week. In Memoriam When you have bought a new horse and are leading him home behind your buggy, watch out that you don‘t have an experience similar to that of Willâ€" iaim Scott, Seaforth, while driving in Stratford. He had purchased a horse there, and was leading it home hbehind his buggy. A rig was backed into Mr. Scott‘s buggy, frightening the animal â€"The poor Czar! Would you change places with him ? Another plot to assassinate him came near beâ€" ng suce=sstal. seott‘s buggy. tri;ihtening the animal he was leading. It jerked flerce‘liy on the halterstrap, which was around Mr. Scott‘s thumb, The thumb was pulled clean off at the knuckle, and hung only :l{: couple of pieces of filesh. Amputaâ€" was of course neceesary.â€"Ex. â€"The Spanish beir to the throne has been duly christened with a long string of names but will go by the title "Prince of the Astaurias." â€"Britain, to show her vpacific inâ€" tentions, some time ago intimated that if the nations, joining in the Hague Peace Conference agreed to discuss disarmament, she would build only one war vessel instead of two or more. Germany juast lately intimated that she would not disâ€" cuss the matter and Britain has given orders for two ‘‘Dreadâ€"voughts‘‘ inâ€" stead of one. Preparations for a bloody game some day, thus goes on. The imports consisted of dutiable goods, $200,901,500; free goods, $129,â€" 868,781; c.in snd bullion, $9,604,464, making a total of $340,874.745. The duty eollected during the year amounted to $53,006,548, as agrinst $45.129,00f, an increase of §7.877.537. SussTaxtrIatm CommEro:ar Proc®rss. In one year the trade of the country has increased by $92.128,995. In other words it means that the total trade of Canada has nearly{doubled in five years. When the Liberal party pledged itself to promote the interests of the people at the last general election it would have been almost too much to promise that the trade of the country would increase nearly $200,000,000 in two years, yet such has been the case. The trade and commerce department has issued a statement showing that the total exports (domestic and foreign), werse for th» twelve months ending March 31st last, $272,206,606. The total imports were $340,374,745, muking toâ€" gether a total apggregate trade for the year ending March 81st last, $612,281,8351 as against $520,452.356, for the correâ€" spouding period of 19056 an increase of $92,128,995. a R Itsaw the settlement of the most distressing of the industrial disputes between employer and employed, and a dispositlon to obey the law with respect to the lesser differences which baye arisen in some localities. It saw general contentment, honest administration of public affairs. a conâ€" dition of prosperity which makes of Canada the most desirable field tor immigration, and immigrants arrivâ€" ing by the thousand. It found Hon. Mr Brodeur, Minister of Marine and Fisheries, explaining to the committee of Lloyds at London the splendid harbor faciiities which the government was providing throughout Canada. Mr _ Brodeur fully described what had been done to ensure safe navigation, and alludâ€" ed to the extensive works carried on by the government t»wards perfectâ€" ing the St Lawrence route, by lightâ€" houses, gas buoys, fog alarm stations, wireless telegraphy, telephone and signal services, wreckiug plants and submarine signals He referred alâ€" so to the regular inspection and anâ€" nual sweeping of the shannel. 3 1t saw O:tawa flooded with Railâ€" way men, contractors and others. inâ€" terested in the building of the Grand Trunk Pacific, submitting for the apâ€" proval of the government, various routes for this and kindred enterprises all of which tends to the upbuilding of Canada. It welcomed the announcement by the premier that the bhome governâ€" ment should seriously consider the inâ€" justice to Canadian interests by reasâ€" on of the cattle embargo which obâ€" tained in England against Canadian cattle, and the response by Mr Asâ€" quith, Chanceller of the Exchequer, that the question should be seriously considered by the Board oft Agriculâ€" ture. The week last past will prove a memorable one for Canada. It saw tne conmclusion of the Colonial Conâ€" ference in London, at which Canada‘s gifted premier, Sir Wilfrid Lanrier, was honored upon every occasion, and who so ably represented Great Britain‘s greatest colony and upheld the best of Canada‘s traditions. Itsaw the first step accomplished towards the establishment of a new fast mail service between England, Australia and New Zealand, via Canada. It permitted the finance def)art» ment to announce that the fiscal reâ€" turns for the year last past would show a surplus of fil_S,_Q(_%,gQO after paging off nearly $10,000,000 of the public debt. It &gave to the country the latest information with respect to the cost and route of that great national anâ€" dertaking, the Georgian Bav canal, of which Sir Wiltrid Laurier is on record as saying, "It shall be built." It saw publication of figures which prove that the trade of Canada has increased :by the enormouns sum of $92,128,995 during the past year. Growth of Canada‘s Trade. THE DURHAM REVIEW DOINGS OF A WEEK. wl ce a ie e e Canada to the Front V 49 Students admitted at any time. Spring Term now on. dwucnluzmt to an w‘ddnn free, Ad: , A. FLEMING, ?rinef’p.l. Owen Sound, Ont. Will thoroughly prepare you to accept a better position and place your services In 8um deâ€" mand. Three coursesâ€"BUSIN 88, SHORTHAN D and TYPEWRITING and PREPARATORY, Get Ready for a Better Positio Graduates ulwgl successful. No vacation Bmmence now. agnifieent catalogue free. Success depends upon your fitness to accept promoâ€" tion when it presents itself. Canada‘s High Grade Commercial and Shorthand School. Buooirs ! Bucoarrs ! !â€" â€"Armstroug, Barber and Tudhope makes. Full lines, Rubber and Steel tires, Two classes, Standard and Specials, ‘The shop at the bridge, A, é] McLellan. A. H. Jackson is an Issuer of Marâ€" riage Licenses, Durham, Ont, Rarxsay ParaT.â€"The right paint to paint rtight. See picture advt, on inâ€" side page, For sale by F. Seigner, 14â€"12 Buy a Progress Brand Suit at 8. F. Morlock‘s. Bundles of old papers to put under old carpets, Just the thing. 5¢ and 10 cts. At the Reyiew office, For SALE.â€"Good team of heayy working horses, Apply to J. W. GRAwrorp, Durham A. H, Jackson bas a number of houses and yacant lots in Durham or sale. For 2 good assortment of fishing tackle call at Lenaban & Mcintosh. you study in The Central Telegraphy School, 3 Gern.n( 8t. E., Toronto. The fi& m in Canada. ‘Write for particulars, W. H. SHAW, Pres. T.J.JOHNSTON, Prin to $150,000 per annum in railway service. You can become n_rgood opefutor in 6 montbs if you study in The Central Telegraphy School, Telegraphy i roinds @dpoon ied . ariaihaiiainiartes sniniinitvedutiaani=? Saca J For further particulars and conâ€" ditions of sale, apply to Joux CLARK, ArRTHUR H Jacksox Auctioneer, Mortgagee, Dated at Durham this lith day of May A. D. 1907, Terms 10 peri('enl: of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale, balance to be paid within 30 days, There is a good dwelling house, barn and other farm buildings on the sarid lands. And the farm is under a good state of cultivation and in a very desirable locality. Lot number 30 in the 7th concession, and lot number 30 in the 6th concession both in the township of Bentnck in the county of Grev, and containing by admeasurement 200 acres, more or less. Under and by yvirtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, at the Central Hotel, in the town of Durham; in the county of Grey, by John Clauk. Auctioneer, on Friday the 19 day of July A. D. 1907 at the hour ofâ€"1 o‘clock p. m. the following property; And notice is hereby further given that a business meeting of the council will be held at the same place at 1.30 o‘clock in the afternoon of the same day. Dated May I0th 1907. There is still room for a few desirable recruits for the Coy, here. Those desitous of attendinf camp Niagara for the last time should apply at once. Members# of Coy must r?ort to. C»\Et. O, M. Snider, or Dr A. McLaurin or E. M. Wolfe, Lieut‘s, Durhsm. Drill Saturday evening at 7. Notice is hereby given, that the first sitting of the court of Revision for the township of Glenelg, for the year 1907, will be held at the township Hall on SATURDA Y the 25th of MA Y 1907, at the hour of I0 o‘clock in the forencon. Of valuable farm property in the Township of Bentirck in the County ot Grey. A FEW MONTHS SPENT AT THE AN~MWORTHFRAL L _ TORONTO, ONT. Township of Glenelg 1907 BUSINESS LOCALS ATUCTION SALE Owen Sound, Ont. Court of Revision J. 8. Brack, Tp Clerk. **â€"â€"â€"Â¥ ¢ #â€"_._ ELLIOTT APELL( 1 W, J. ELLIOTT, Principal, Yonge and Alexander Sts, Recruiting ++ m o+ towards positions paying from $5000 Is the first and much more â€" tell you of this week All our experience at your service. Call and see uUs, » _ BUGGY Top DRESSING Jâ€" Cf II:;CHO?: SJ‘ORS GALL CUREâ€"all the different kinds A fol, me of Fashionable, mapypge OIL POLISH Furnishings for men and boys All the vergy latest in y l METAL POLISH Collars and Ties G-IOVO! w::;l. Shoes. NMonâ€"such Basos nol _ â€" B1 . John H. R We beg to annouuce to the people of Durham ard vicinâ€" ity that we haye opened up in New! New! New! HOUSE WJ LAWRENCE LaWfl MOWCI’S ielt; ;2; °?£'.,‘,"§§‘,’ g:;e of styles and sizes in the Wall Paper i Special prices on Siturday for any of the newest Sp"ng J aCketS styles otP Jackets and we have the lates:. Dr GOOdS 150 yds of AMâ€"Iâ€"SILK, worth 20e yd to clear at 15¢ yd. y Chambrays and Ginghams 15¢ a yd to clear at 12% ya White Waists worth trom 60c to $1.25, Saturday 498 each. Horse Shocing a Specialty Come in and see it and give it a chance. Tires set while you wait. Opposite the Registry Office. WE SELL WHAT Gents‘ F urnishings Agent for the Patent Fire Escape and Folding Ladder. No house or public building of more than one storey should be without it. Price most reasonable. I have purchased the Bargains in Sroceries for Saturday, MAY 25 We are advertising bargains for next Saturday and if you are qiuck enough to get here in time you‘ll get them, In some lines these bargains are limited in quantity so its up to you to get here in time. . J. LA WRENCE Granulated Sugar 23 J bs for $1.00 McLaren‘s Jelly Powders, 4 pkgs 10c size for 25¢. Morses Best Soap, 8 bars for 25¢c. Olive Oil and Cuenmber Soap, 3 cakes for 10c. Extracts regular 10¢ size, 4 bottles for 25¢c. Large bottles Cateup, worth 25¢ for 20c. Armour‘s Minte Meat, 3 pkgs 12% size for 25¢. Canned Meats 15¢ size of Ham, Beef, Vea) or Chicken Loaf for 10c Chicken Tomato Soup, 15¢ cans for 10e. Canes Improved Globe Washboard for 15¢. BICG â€"STORE COLD BLACKSMITH Miscellaneous TIRE Our offer of $1.00 worth ot Wall Paper for 75e still holds good as we are bound to clear them out. we can‘t SETTER WE ADVERTISE HIGHEST PRICES FOR BUTTEK AND EGGS $4 THE NEW HARNESS SHOP ty PrpiAr uy s wo Lt 0. ¢ / Nonâ€"such Buggy Dusters Black Its Bright, Cheerful and Tony. Call .lnd see how Jack can suit 4 you in mkmuuj‘&n AXEL GREASE Measures and Repairing promptly attended to. P eel’ The Shoe Man. CASH SYSTEM Our N Spring Now arriving, tor Price and quality we defy comâ€" petition. deâ€"black dressing for 'y'::: harness whips and sweat pads are not for. LIFE! â€" LIFE! P. KINNEE Weatr. yÂ¥ |ete fls e« pa for thi so 3 er b p 11

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