West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 30 May 1907, p. 4

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§3 term Spi for of Tev Ho Ale Th Jus Jus Wi In Pa WI Fre My Of Up Sk Fo Gin Su Th Va W Th Ju der Ch of ah. tu it of kin lis lia th th ki |*s® 3 sogd sa 2 â€" Tavlior & Co., Dromore%l wip o i rpmmersaren on emmnnmemneenmnnamome nnmemmenrenenan , ns %EEEEEEWESEERMEEHEEEEEME A)oering Jfarvesters SOMETHING NEW IN WASHERS:; The Perforated Drum:, only in t Also Wilheim‘s Wringers, all made by Watson of Ayr. Kaymond Sewing Machines. _ McClary Stoves â€"r Agent for the Dilion Hinge Stay Fence. Long Gloves, in both white and black,............ «++ + «+++..+...â€"506, 75¢, and $1.00 prepaid Ladies‘ White Oxford Shoes at....... In Ladies‘, we have it rang. ing in price from 10¢ to $1.00 Also a large stock of men‘s fine Underwear for summer. We are again after the wool and are thorâ€" oughly prepared for the situation with a full range of yarns and woollens at prices that will astonish you. _ In Readyâ€"Made Clothing we can supply your need and guarantee satisfaction. We will pay Highest Price, Cash or Trade. Men‘s & Young Men‘s Suits. |3 We have almost any kind of a suit you want in fine tweed and fine English worsteds of the very newest patterns which are well tailored in the very latest cut at prices all the way from $7.50 to $15. Wool Wanted : PROGRESS _ BRAND CLOTHING This is a department that we have always paid special attention to, but our Stock this Spring is by far the widest range we have ever shown in boys two and three piece suits and childrens fancy Nortolk and Buster Brown styles, Men‘s and youths‘ Tweed and Worsted Pants and boys‘ knee pants in great varieties. Gohn Glark. Underwear f you will inspect our stock and note the STYLE, FASHION, MATERIAL, Linings and workmanâ€" ship and price of our clothing you will see that it is almost impossible tor us to improve on them. We never had such a largs asâ€" sortment of Men‘s and Boy‘s and Children‘s Suits as we have this Spring. Boy‘s and Children‘s Suits We can give only a mere list of our goods, but in quality and ad> tability to the needs of South Grey we are not excelled: Deering Harrows, Wilkirson Ploughs, Herey‘s Harâ€" ness, Palmerston Buggies. Renowned articles, fair prices . _F. MORLOCK The best in their line as we handle only the best FOR MEN AND BOYS Agents for Progress Brand Clothing. ~ O JZnd Giarm ))ffachinery. 5oc, with the suspenders any sizeâ€"the famous D. & A. which canzot be excelled for fit and comfort. We have a special to sell for A few doors South of the Middaugh House‘ Corsets TORONTO he Ide Pss Proton council met as a Court of Revision at the Bilton house, Hopeâ€" ville, on Saturday the 25th, and had a very busy day. About 30 z}ppeals had to go through and some of them took up a lot of time, being lengthy, The valuating the farm building in a& separate column and separately causes more work. The meeting adâ€" jJourned till the 6th of Jnne, about 9 o‘clock at night. Among those from a distance were Dr McFaydeu of Mt Forest and alot from Cedarville, Eg erton, Keldon and Riverview. The bonus of 30 cts per rod for wire fences on the west and north side of high road bas proved a paying affair and a number of farmers are putting up some this saummer. Our ne: mail man, James Fnllier- ton is making good time and giv ng good satistaction . The Revy Mr Gibson has taken a trip to Toronto. As I write, I hear of the death of Mrs Geo. Sterrick, an old pioneer of Proton. More next week. A bad accident happened last week to Mr H. H. Calp a young man, that lives between here and Cedarville, while teaming lumber from Dezell‘s Mill to Mt Forest. He had a spring board on topof the load that he sat upon. It had slipped going over some rough place and hefell off the waggon, the load running over him, breaking his jaw in several places. He was soon found by a trayeller who acted the good Samaritan and had him conveyed to a near by bouse, he has been since removed to his fathet‘s home on the town line and as we write, we believe he is in a very bad state, only a chance if he gets over it. Much sympathy goes out for poor Herbert as he was often called, and for his people. Sudden deatbh. The twin boys of Mr Peter McArthur, having been ailing for some few days‘ but not thought to be dangerous, took sudâ€" denly ill on Monday night, the 20th and died within a few minutes of each other. They were about nine months old and were buried at Priceâ€" ville on Wednesday the 22nd, Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved ones. Miss Maggie Lindsay visited at Mrs Hastie‘s, Traverston, last week. She leaves about June 1st for Edmonton. Alberta. Mr Wm. Ritchie lost x valuable mare last week worth over $200, and left a young colt behind her. A Messrs Jno. and Chas. Moffat sold nine head of cattle last week to Mr Jas. Wilson, their weight being 9400 Mr and Mrs Jos. Firth, Mr and Mrs Chas. Moffat and Mr John Moffat atâ€" tended Mr Arch McArthur‘s, of the Glen, barnâ€"raising last week. 1bs. Mrs D. Allan, of Hopeville, was the guetfi of friends on the Avenue last week. ¢ Rev. Mr Farr, of Gourock, is visitâ€" ing at his father‘s here. Mr and Mrs Chas. Jasper, of Mildâ€" may visited at Mr D. Greenwood‘s last week. Seeding is over around Edge Hill at present and farmers are preparing tor the root crops. Mr Downing, of Swan Lake, Maniâ€" toba. was visiting his brotherâ€"inâ€"law. Mr D. Greenwood last week. The W. F. M.S. of the Saugeen Presbytery held their annual convenâ€" tion here in the Presbyterian church on Tuesday, A large number of delegates attended and the three sessions were of a very profitatle and interesting nature. Miss Goodfellow a returned missionary from lIndia gyave several addresses. Misses Maggie and Mira Smith, of Toronto, have been spending wheir holidays at home. The 24th passed off quietly, a good game of baseball being played in the afternoon on the Ball grounds with }nito & large crowd in attendance. n the evening Carey Bros gave their moving picture entertainment under the auspices of the Public Library. 1t was an exceediugly interesting concert and the Jarge audience was well pleased. Almost $40 will go into the Library treasury as a result, the gross proseeds being $70. Early last Fnday morning the wife of Richard Irwin passed away after a lingering illness. She leaves a husband and four small children who have the sincere sympathy of the entire community in their yery sad bereavement. The funeral which was largely attended was hbeld on Sunday afternoon to Reid‘s cemetery . Revs Cassmere and Little conducted the service which was a very im pressive one. The Methodist church is underâ€" going a very thorough renovation at the bands of artist Vanderfeen of Toronto, who has the job of decoratâ€" ing the interior. The reopening will will be June 9th and services of a specially interesting character will be held. Mr Vanderfeen also receiyed the contract for decorating the Presby. terian church work which will comâ€" mence as soon as the Methodist church is completed. Several hundâ€" red dollars are being spent and the result will no doubt be handsome. Hopeville Holstein. Edge HIll. 4 â€"<@â€" + THE DURHAM REVIEW esn An impromrtn program was carried out successfally with Mr Samue! Ritâ€" chie in the chair. Violin music was Mr McL:an replied appropriately to the warm address read by Mr Jas. Mack, expressing his appreciation of their kindly gifts and the pleasure be had had in their neighborship tor the past 3% years. of neighorhood. In your new field of labour where ever it may be we wish you every sueâ€" cess and prosperity and trust you may long be spared to wield the same good influence in other parts that you have done in this and when parting is no more may you rest from your labours in that Heavenly land where the good and the true shall receive their full measure of reward. â€" Signed on bebalf In order that your few years‘ stay amcngst may not be forgotten we present you with this bake dish and spoon, watch chain and Masonic leckâ€" et, Cash box and shaving set, by which you will give us a place in your memâ€" ories. The interest you have always taken and the liberal assistance giyen to thingsfpert.aimng to the future welâ€" fare of our neighborhood has maniâ€" fested the true public spirit and unâ€" selfish natures you possess, while your many kind acts and good social qualiâ€" ties has contributed much to the hapâ€" piness of us all, Your business transactions since cuming to this part have beenfsuch as to merit for you, the highest esteem of all who came in contact with you, while your gensrosity and inltegrity has caused us all to value you for your sterling worth, We take this opportunity of meeting together with you to shaw some mark of our appreciation of your good citiâ€" zenship. Egremont, May 23, 1907 To Mr Duncan and Miss J McLean : DEar Friexnps : It is with feelings of deep regret that we your friends and n#eighbors realize that the time is close at nand when you will depart from our midst after a short sojourn amongst us which we trust has beén as pleasant to yourselves, as it has been both pleasant and protitable to the people of the surrounding country, A gathering of warm hearted neighâ€" bors met at the home of Mr D. Mcâ€" Lean, of the sawmill, Thursday, 23rd inst.. to bid him and his sister a goodâ€"oye and give them tangible tesâ€" timony of their regard. Mr McLean was presented with a gold watchâ€" chain and locket, & cash box and shaving outfit. Miss McLean‘s presâ€" ent was a silver bake dish ard spoon. The following address was preâ€" sented : Saturday night last sparks trom some buruing brush set fire to the old house on Mr R. Baxter‘s farm and beâ€" fore anything could be done it was burned. There were no contents of consequence, it heing unoceupied, but some yaluable lumber, siding, Ctc. u;gs destroyed. It was over 30 years old. CeLap" UWill not Crack, Peel nor Chalk if properly applied. Theyare made in 60 different tints, and are absolutely the best mixed paints on the market. Island City Pure Prepared Paints 3 are best forevery purpose. Island City Floor Paints d.ry in 8 hours. For SALr BÂ¥ Goopn Barcaimm~se T is Weer. FOR SALE BY N.,G. & J. McKECHNIE, DURHAM. On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of this week we will give free to every person buying twentyâ€"five cents worth of goods two packages of Sffis of your own choice. _ Take advantage of this offer and come Steel Rakes 14 tooth Manure Forks, 4 gronz Manure Fork handles 15¢, 20c Round Mouth Shovels Heavy Steel Spades Wagon Whippletrees Irons for Whippletrees Malleable Rakos 12â€"troth Ba 64 see our New, New Store. We don‘t keep Martin Senor Paintâ€"We sell it. North Egremont. Ag »nts For Blue Ribbon Binder Twine A. S HUNTER CARLOAD OF FENCE WIRE samUuEt RitcHi®E Wax. Davis W. Jas. Mack REee For 3 Dars 14â€"tooth 14 tooth . 8. HUNTER Island City Paints 4 250- 65¢ bbe TOc 25¢ 12¢ General satisfaction is expressed at the result of the suit ot Crabbe v, Jas. Coleridge. The promise of " the raise‘‘ given by buyers on stock, and provyed to have been giyen in this case, receives importance by this deâ€" cision. We congratulate Mr Coleâ€" ridge, the defendant. Mr Jonty Long‘s baby narrowly esâ€" caped being killed the other dry, as it was it had several teeth knocked or kicked out with a horse. He is proâ€" gressing very favorably. We extend our warmest congratulaâ€" tions to Mr Stewart Bothwell, well known in this part, over his matriâ€" monia) venture near Vermillion or Isâ€" land Lake, Alberta. Mr D. McKelvey razed his old barn one day last week, the work beâ€" ing done yvery eatisfactorily, Mr Robt. Mathews is framing tha new enlarged structure assisted by Mr Matt Hooper. Mrs Bothwell left ten days ago on a visit to her daughter Mrs Mair at Corâ€" betton and will probably thereafter jo.n her sons in the west. Mr John Hooper, Inglewood, is visâ€" iting his brother Jaines here, Mrs Norton, (nee Fanny Axton,) is up from Toronto on a visit to her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs A. Hann. contributed by Messrs David and Geo. Hooper and Jas. Hargrave. Recitaâ€" tions by Miss Clara Ritchie and Mr S. Bcott and a fine duett by Mr and Mrs Chas, Gray were notable features. Your correspondent can bear testiâ€" mony to the high estimation in which Mr McLean is held in this community and the satistaction he has given to the public at large. We regret our information of the eyvent did not reach us in time to enable us to be present. We certainly should have adged our quou:.] in appreciation of the recipients‘ worth. W. H. BEAN Ladies‘ black Sateen Undersktrts $1.00 each "_ white Lawn Underskirts _ 75¢ to 81 bSach Flanellette blankets large 11â€"11 size in w .e or grey, $1 20 a pr. Floor Oilcloth 1 yd 114 &2 yds wide, 2e sq yd Emyrma Rugs 30 x 60, $3 each; Table Linen 54 in wide 25c a yd i 68 in wide boc a yd. Bleached Table Linen, 54 in wide 85¢ a yd 3 yds long _ 30 in wide 314 yds long 36 in wide. 34, yds long 50 in wlide. 3%2 yas long 54 sn wide. 2 yds long, 26 in wide. 24 yds long 30 in wide THE L3lCZ Salada Ceylon Teaâ€"Black and mixed at 25¢ 30c & 40¢ a 1b. Pute Canadian Honey in 25¢ jars. See our Ladies‘ fancy colfars at 25¢ â€"bargains See our new Prints and Dress Ginghams 8 1bs Wire Nails 14 in Spring Seeds, 7 pkgs Three Tins Axe grease Double Trees Strong fence plyers Hard Horse Clippers _ $1.25, $1.50 Buggy Whips lfi 25¢, 326. 50c, 75 Step Ladders 6 ft 85¢ Varnish Brushes 8, 10, 15, 18, 23¢ Flat Paint Brushes 25, 30, 35 40c. No I1 A and A black wire _ $3.00 No 12 plain Galv. wire $3,45 LACE CURTAINS HE Calder‘s Block SELLS $1.00 a pr. .$1.40 a pr. â€"25ca pr. CHEAP 70¢ & pr. 25¢ eb aBpppqpppd, §_ H. BURNETT +# Shirts : oo obe obe ofe ofe ohe ofe stt ts of: egaofe s# 2 Men‘s Furnishings One car of COAL was unloaded last week and several more are on the way. Judges of Coal know where to buy the quality. â€" Place your order early. We were sold out of BICYCLES and Bicycle Accessories last Saturday but now have another fresh stock of each. Buy a Coaster wheel, and you will be delighted. We have what you want for the garden, in Transplanting Trowels, Hanging Baskets, Flower Pots, Seeds Ladies‘ Gloves, Ladies‘ Sett of Tools. Just to hand a large shipment of new styleof STEP LADDERS, which are cheap and durable. No woman should herself ironing over a hot fire, when she can buy a CHARCOAL IRON at our low price, Who would be without a GASOâ€" LINE STOVE, when you can buy one as cheap as we are selling them ? If you want something nice and comfortable, secure one of our LA WN SWINGS, and enjoy life. Now is the time to buy SHEEP SHEARS. We have the quality, varâ€" iely and price, Anything and everything in the Hardware line to be found at The Hardware Store, Every day is Bargain Day at our establishment, HARDWARE Hats : Elephunt Banghoim Sutton‘s Champion & Kangaro0 THE KIND THAT GROW .Ferry‘s "Jumbo" Steele Briggs "Kangaroo‘‘ ‘Onâ€" tario‘‘ and ‘‘Good Luck®" Rennic‘s Mangel Seeds of all kinds AT i arker‘s Drug Store} ROOT SEEDS at it ds 41%. . id made on stylish, good # fitting lastsâ€"â€"blucher and & laced shapes. All prices @# k most artistically select:(i ’i’ line of Wuhington vests # you ever saw, at $2.25. 2 Men‘s _ black Patent #{> Leather and calf boot, & 5 A special lot of the seas» # on‘s best styles in neat white stripes and figures &# Some with aftached culfs &# and some separatd. +# Our hats our espec suitable for spring v They are the new cate shades of Fawn Brown. urnip Seed in bulk ’e hflVC some has it at $225 The Denton label in a hat is a guarantee of satisfaction. UOhire 393CE . Black Toc to $1.50 Packages ur especially #> ° spring wear. # the new deliâ€" #> vraisher of the Ol.ll'! leliâ€" #p> and #> 5 , l in * 1| c eofg 5 'uf' * =l °1 .. * 1| .. *# as= |§> eat > is & d Fal * 1| . the & || i) C. McARTHUR ,, _\ i _oI *BarKReL, 80 we take pleas tll::t in announcing to the farmers we are red to buy WOOL BUTTER, m LARD, TALâ€" LOW, DRIED APPLES, or any ;Other article of trade that has a :;!"5:. value, except grain and '. m '“d’-.â€"â€"flnnlc OL ):u Li Prices right for both buyer and seller. Bring us your WOOL in June Potatoes, 2O ETUEEE HeUU tell us that they bad where else with their have tacilities for hand A ru‘dy market, so we Proven Steel Tracks, & Singer Sewing Machines. s Walkerton Marble Works, & The Bell Organ & Piano Co., i Churns and Washing Machines, p .8 srantford, Brockville,Grey Carriages The Masseyâ€"Harris Co We are sole Agents in Dusham tor the abjve well known Implememsâ€" Binders, Mowers, Drills‘ Harrows Dise Cultivators, Manure Spreaders Hay Rakes, HnybLo-den. Ha Ted Cr#4.:1 n3sâ€"+B.IrD > % <.> fio:att ‘Creep before Walk into the Wool Business McQueen & Moric will prevent the development of the other symptoms. | They cure so quickly that your cold is gone almost before you realâ€" ize it â€" Our Cold Tablets also cure fully developed colds quick â€" er than anything you can take, WE WARRANT THIS COLD CURE,. Price 258¢. VacFartane & Cs. LoOk out for Locals A little soreness in the throat a sense tightening in the mucâ€" ous membnnef of the nose, then a stage of profuse secretion and we have the wellâ€"developed life threatening cold. When the first symptomsâ€" the sneeze or irritated throatâ€" appears, a few doses of Wacfaflano ‘s MLaxative ' Cotd CGablets And ths what we hu;'t; i)(:(’l) practising for the last three years, but this season we inâ€" We Are Colds Wenace Aifo ou wish to exchange L fq-‘ _BLANKETS or Druggists and Booksellers at: Grant‘s now ready to do busâ€" iness with you We meet to our mutual advantage. «Our stock is new and atâ€" tractive and our pricâ€" es are low. _ Come and judge for yourâ€" selves, _ We are alâ€" ways pleased to show goods whether you bay or not. _ If you donot buy now you will again. We‘re also Agents for 9 you Walk" IS A GOOD MoTro mers need no longer tx..?.’h‘d to go some: MAY 30, 1907 their wool. _ We handling it, and exchange your yarn q p i 1 JX

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