West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 6 Jun 1907, p. 4

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§ 4 2 â€" Tavior & Co., Dromore%; sppmpsommmmmnnemmmmmnnn i x*@ L.adies‘ White Oxford Shoos at.... TÂ¥ s Alcs g Long Gloves, in both white and black,. .. C o «x.xkkre.s....50c, 75¢, and $1. m a * ;:;HEEEEEEEMESEEX@WEEEHEEERE'cu" Remember the placeâ€" & Lawrence‘s old Stand Why Not Consult & 4 Custem work In Ladies‘, we have it rang. ing in price from 10c to $1.00 Also a large stock of men‘s fine Underwear for summer, By calling and examining our goo« ing your next pair of Boots, Shoes Call and ask to see 2 If our goods and prices don‘t suit won‘t urge you to buy what you d Our aim has always been to keep go selves to the buyer, Trunks, Suit Cases, Telescopes, V some Hosiery at interesting prices Highest Price, Cash We are again after the wool and oughly prepared for the situation with a 1 of yarns and woollens at prices that will you. _ In Readyâ€"Made Clothing we ca your need and guarantee satisfaction. W Wool Wanted Underwear thrk4,,. ~ ~ . ~â€". «<cs c Aor0}} UL OUF SLI0OFG Rave we had such a great variety of L adies® and Children‘s Fancy Parasols and Umbrellas. Mado in the newest adeâ€" signs with a great variety of handles to choose from We are showing a great variety of Ladies‘ Readyâ€"toâ€"wear Waists, made up in the latest styles’ prettily trimmed with lace and insertion and embroidery fronts 1.25 to 5.00 It will pay you to see the larze stock of Stylish Summer Millinery we are showing for summer wear, We have all the newest styles and shapes, trimmed in most artistic fashions. _ Also all the new Ready. wears and Children‘s Headwear that it is possible to procure. ._F. MORLOCK Never in the history of our store have | Stylish White Waists ummer Millinery and repairing as usual at The Down Town Shoe Store C Ltb hralns 238. Th ho c c . to buy what you don‘s want es, Telescopes, Valises interesting prices. CASH AND ONE PRiCE ancy Parasols & our goods and getting our ts, Shoes and Slippers, to see anything you 1 to keep goods at prices that We have a special to sell for 5oc, with the suspenders any Sizeâ€"â€"the famous D, & A, which canzot be excelled for fit and comfort. your taste Shoe Store YOUR OWN INTERESTS , and $1.00 prep'a.'ivd ?Q Corsets s aA.) with a full ran Club Bags in or > Trade. 8. MclHraith ONTARIO ARCHIVE TORONTO ou want, or purse don‘t fearâ€"â€" \ reasonab‘© price astonish n supply c will pay are thorâ€" recommend them prices before buy Stockâ€"also ve se fsd Died at her nephew‘s residence, Alex McDonald, Proton, on Saturday the 25th May, 1907, Catharine Mcâ€" Arthuar, relict of the late James Mceâ€" Donald, elder, at the age of 89 vears Ssd s es ies mt m oieg. Seo the age of 56 years. Mr Mclnnis left an estate estimated to be worth some Sixty or Seventy thousand dollars. I{e was unmarried. the Lk on o on nodn e preach in the Presbyterian church, Priceville, morning and evening next Sunday, O9th June. The Revy Mr Matheson will be at Flesherton at communion in the Presbyterian church there. Died at Calgary, Alberta, on the 14th May 1907, suddenly, Mr Hugh Mclunnes, brother of Mrs Duncan McDonald.cD‘urham road, Glenelg, at thaiseors" w e xc dnz 1. L The Rev Walter Nichol son of Mr John Nichol, D. Road, Glenelg will shae e t t i in c J . We uoD a io aaie m o eemmntal. remained t.ll next spring, giving up the idea chat his lost sheep would ever be found. To his astonishment be found it in the spring snugly caved Inside a monster turaip, where she nibhled all winter with a pair of iwin lambs, and so she had. If ‘‘tin feet of snow in the latter Part of June be correct" the story of the lost sheep is also, but we can youch for measuring 5 feet on Tuesday morning the 28th May 1907 in our lane, a drift otf course, and it took four days tor the work of nature t.o‘ have it removed. The snows of 1852 so Jate in the season according to Mr _Sceott‘s recol. lections beats 1907. We ~remember the story told by Mr Sceott, per haps the same year it occured. ‘That hay. ing lost one of his sheep in the beâ€" ginning of winter, and as Mr Beott bhad a patch of turnips that he did not get in before the snow cate they in dn w o9 ho wRB e ul w e c P i 05 +002 Foosht = | Bix months‘ noti i s mE d mt UV 111 1 1ce in writing should ure yf":lrs' * sarlg ix |to the Commissioner of Dofninloouu tl):ng:w:!: s arney. | Ottawa of intention to apply for patent. It seems the Flesherton Advance | Depuiyofihe Ainise® wy. cory, correspondent hits hard on the manâ€" ((‘x % C Minister of the Interior % & 5 # N. B o ; a agers of the grave yard in Priceville. , Miss Mabel Dunn left fer Toronto | verksem oo hoforized, piigration of this ad. It he is interesteg he should make a | Friday morning last, where she inâ€"} move for its improvement, â€" if not, | tends taking a situation for a time. 1 Coe es irombenertes Wc se on noe n nmont some neninorrciieiinintiemee let him mind his own business, for its | _ Mr C. T. Leeson spent Friday and | T Calder‘s Block always easier to find fxult than to Saturday with Mt Forest friends. | wonreimmmmimmmemmamms lend a helping hand. . Sunday being Conference time the . HESELLS Mr _ Arch McCuaig, our genial | Sabbath School was held in the morâ€"| l G CHEAP Post moster is beautifying the grounds ning, there being no service. ( around his fine dwelling during part | . Miss Margaret Leeson entertained iniljice e of last week ‘and it will be a pleagure a ftew of her little girl friends at a x+« ml('llwse couln)mg t_(; tlbe office to sit a birthday party on the 31st. [ 5 tap LACE CUuRTANS hile f ti ini i f | 2 Â¥ds long, 26 in wid trh 4 wie s $ in +4 90 09M :"HJ!');‘I';;?*dth:agracu‘nzu[:il? ef.-fifi’f}?,’;; Miss Gladys Dann retarned from | 22 yas lote 30 in wide. ... oco.o / ..... . @ru e o vel 4B . * i Top 8 yds long _ ; rawidie. . . 20 07 hm o C022 Cliff‘s heights. her duties in Toronto to assist her| 3Â¥ds Jo: ; We notice that a young auditor arrived in the township of Glenelg without calling a special meeting of conncil tor his appointment. If he wili prove to be as good at figures as his dad, he will be an honor to any municipality to fill the position in fuiâ€" ure years. Mr Patrick Sallivan of Erin village paid a fiying yvisit up on the 24th locking sfter his property near this place, Mr Sullivan is in the hotel business and reports a good share of patronage. Jubiiee of the Presbyterian church at Priceville to be held on Bunday 23rd June and last Sunday in June. Rev Buchannan of Dundalk will preach on June 23rd and Rev Alex McGillvray of Toronto, on Jaly 1st and on the following Monday evenâ€" ing a grand entertainment is to take place when other notable speakers will be in attendance. The Rev Mr Roach has just more Sundays to preach in Price it is four years since Mr Roach to this cireuit and during that he made many warm friends wh gret his departure. The smiling face of Dr James Atâ€" kinson is to be seen at his mother‘stin Priceville at the time of writing,. Jamie, as he is always called, is a special fayorite with the public in general and all are pleased to see him back for awhile again to the old town of Priceyille. es William Smellie, Jr, who went an operation a conple of 8§0, 1s improving but slowly. We are sorry to hear that Mr Samâ€" uel McDermid is not improving much. BORNâ€"to Mr and Mrs Wm Meâ€" Leod a daughter. All doing well. Our teacher Miss McCosh spent a couple or more days at her home at Owen Sound over the 24th and reâ€" turned the following Monday. Miss Belle McKinnon is home from Toronto where she spent the lass tew months. Angus McEachern of Cleveland left last week afterspending a while at home when attending his grandâ€" father‘s funeral, the late Hector Mcâ€" Kinnon, who died a couple ot weeks ago at the age of 81 years. Mrs Matthews (Aunie McMillan) of Texas is spending a while at the old home with her ftather, Mr Alex McMillan, south line, Artemesia, Mrs McCannel, Sr., of Darham, spent a couple of weeks at Mr . Wm McLeod‘s of this place on important business. ‘The work on the railroad is proâ€" gressing good#as} there are quite a gang of men and teams at work east and west of Priceville, with the big steam shovel at work north of the yillage. MECoo t uk *J warm yet. East wind and indicaâ€" tions of cold rain. Crops are doing fairly well although | so eold, hay fields have not made much of a start yet around Top Cliff, A large numâ€" ber of the farmers hustled jin their crops to get to the railroad as soon as Qgssible.L & 4 & This is *‘June 1st]} 1907, not Potato planting and preparing for roots is the general order around here. a% t hE Cexes at the age of 89 years. y warm friends who reâ€" tm on C Wt V 9 Vb VC Fast wind and indicaâ€" so late in the r_Seott‘s recolâ€" We "remember Scott, perhaps /3 PEm P doing, well. , who underâ€" just two iceville, h came at time months of I Under and by yirtue of the powers | contained in a certain mortgage, | which will be produced at time of| sale, there will be offered for sale I»y! Parinbin‘ & asqmitidee e lc angh en o mt L Ceee d Of valuable farm property in the Township of Bentirck in the â€" County ot Grey. Mr T. Grasby is making notable improvements in the property he lately purchased. are the best mixed paints on the market. Made in 60 different tints. Always ready for use. ISLAND CITY FLOOR PA4INTS g dry hard in 8 hours. Always reliable, economical and durable. . For Sanr By Mr Robt Petty is the happy p»â€" ssessor of another son which arrived just in time for the 24th, thereby reâ€" ceiving the goâ€"cart promised by Mr Kress. Miss Gladys Dunn retarned from her duties in Toronto to assist her mother during the semmer months. F T P00 iiaWad esns ks lt i0 i ./ A ublic Auction, at the Gentral Hotel When You Paint Use FOR SALE BY N.,G. & J. McKECHNIE We are getting spring weather in Proton. Evening services commenced in the Presbyterian church, Esplin, last Sunday and will be continued all this week, and communion services will be held on Sunday June 9th. ,, / 0 anod some in the North West. | The funeral was on Tuesday thei 28th to the Esplin <Presbyterian| church, where she, her hasband and / family were faithfal members. The | Rev Mr Mclounes officiated. | fo ib oc c clln C ue B ou s OAE 2 eT gay E* bor and a kind and faithtul wife and mother. Her children are all married and well settled, some of them in Proton and some in the North West. The funeral was on Tuesday the 28“] to theâ€" Feniin Drachutsels s Died on Sunday night 26th May | at the old Sterick homestead. Mrs | George Sterick, relict of the late| George Sterick, her age being 83[ years. Mrs Stecrick came to Canada over 50 years ago with her hnsbandi and young family trom Seotland, afâ€" ; ter living a year in Ontario, r,heyf with other friends, came into Proton, | with the first settlers, years beftore| the Proton land sale, and they settled on the land that they alwavs lived! and died upon, now owned by their‘ son, George Sterick. Her husband' died over thirty years ago. The| family beingindastrious and caretul | made it a comfortable homestead and | a vailuable property. l} The deceased was a good neiwhâ€"| c S. D, R,, Glenelg. She was a good old Presbyterian and felt assured that to depart was translating her berlife of misery here to one of everâ€" lasting happiness hereafter. She was buried in Priceville cemetery, Rev Mr Matheson officiating. The old lady was always longing for rest as she was the most of her time living alone on the farm where she spent the last 54 years, Lot 46 con 2 DURHAM AUCTION SaALE "*You J urle goods a poor at As a conseqnence you will need to buy a 1 and don‘t forget that we have everything in lery suitable for wedding presents such as C Carvers in pairs, Knives, Forks, Spoons, M ry Snoons, Pickle Forks, Butter Kanives, â€" for the housewite in granitewear : Stoves, inum ware, Nickel plated ware and we may will stand good fot anything sold in che ab lines. e wi get the Hopeville i!l indeed consider it a pleasure to show you theae and guarantee the prices to suit anyone either rich or . 8. HUNTER‘S in Ontario, they | came into Proton, [ ‘t‘s3, years before| , and they settled ev alwavs ]ivedf L4 a good neighâ€" Bird and we wluim e you will need to buy a wedding present that we have everything in the line of cutâ€" wedding presents such as Carvers in Case, Island City onth for Weddings or grey, $1 20 a pr. . l Floor Oileloth 1 ya 1}4 & 2 yds wide Emyrma Rugs 30 x 6053 e&ch Flanellette blaukets large 11 Ladies‘ black Sateen Undersktris "_ white Lawn Underskirts Table Linen 54 in wide ja 68 in wide Bleached Table Linen, 54 2 yds long, 2 in wide. 21, yds long 30 in wide 8 yds long °30 in wide 314 yds long 36 in wide, 314 yds long 50 in wide, 32 yds long M sn wide . Salada Ceylon Teaâ€"Black and mixed at 30c & 40caib. _ _ ~~ Pute Canadian Honey in 25¢ jars. W. H. BEAN # + See our Ladies‘ fancy colfars at 235¢ â€"b; See our new Prints and Dress Ginghams . laeg . <o . " 7009 Ceebenn . BP or less, l Entry must be made personall | Land Office for the district in whi situated, The homesteader is required to eonditions connected therewith i the following plans; ‘ 1. At least six months ‘residen | cultivation of the land in each y "“““'" Pure Prepared ‘orks, Spoons, Meat Forks, Berâ€" Butter KPives. and everything cinity of his foy.. _ GWnC6 Py him in the viâ€" cinity of his iomestead. the requirements as to res(l;ileuog may be satistfied by residence upon the sald land . + 3. If the settler has his upon tarminilnnd owned cinity of his homestead. t mother, | A 2. If the father (or m dc:«;:fl\scdzl of the homes farm in the vicinity of the requiremenats as to reside by such person residin« Syoopsls of Conadio n No rthâ€" Wes 2 T 8 i omm en bniend d ’ditium of sale, apply to Jouxn Ctarx, ArTHI | Auctioneer, | _ Dated at Durham this ! May A. D. 1907, An,\' even numbered section or Dog‘nion lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, d Alberta, (-xcePtIngS and 26, not reserved may be homeâ€" steaded by any person who is the s0le head of & family.‘ or a male over 18 vears of nen . .200 extent of one There is a good dwelling house barn and other farm buildings on the said lands. And the farm is under a goud s«tate of cultivation and in a very esirable locality. Terms 10 per cent of the purchase monev to be paid down at the time of sale, balance to be paid within 30 days, For farther particulars and conâ€" Wikiineus onl in saucl ons # P CV 6. d W tutP dsisine Th sc ts s 1907 at the hour of 1 o‘clock p. m. the following propert Â¥; Lot number 30 in the 7th concession, and lot number 30 in the 6th concession both in the township of Bentnck in the county of Grev, and containing by ildmeasurement 200 acres, more or ess, in the town of Durham; in the county of Grey, by John Clark. Auctioneer, on Friday the 19 day of July A. D. 19?I7 at the hour of 1 o‘clock p. m. the 6 200 o PECVT POOMOChenidendire a in ts oo eemmett 22 MBC Oy . C V Cinity of the land entered fO.l,“.' the emeats as to residence may be satisfied h person residing with the father or r, ROMESTEAD REGUL ATIONS Wz n t EMVE land owned by him quarter section of Best Paint , DURHAM. ther farm buildings on the And the farm is under a of cultivation and in a very nali+ x made personally at the Lo>al district in which the land is months ‘residence upon and land in each year for three ud oaP 2 nny homesteader resides *E NCsTCadh r apply to | 0000 ArTHUR n Jacksox r. Mortgugee. rham this 11th day of 7 54 in wide y say our word above mentioned , tinware, alumâ€" Cquired to perform the therewith under one of mother, if 1 perm anent residence L_ a L a â€"11 size in wa $1.00 each 75¢ to $1 Sach ONTARIO the father is aesq yad . 70c a pr. .. 90¢ & pr, $1.00 a pr. $1.10a pr. bargains 50c a yd. 35¢ a yd upon at yd «2 Th apppqqqt, 3 *# % H. BURNETT # & Vests : %’: The Denton label i'n § a hat is a guarantee of 4 satisfaction. Ours * bas l't at $2.25- * Shirts : * Hats : g*****vfiv*é&% **fi £ Hen‘s Furnishings 5 Why wear out your carpet old broom when you can get PET SWEEP ER so cheap. & we have to offer you. Our assortment of Silver Polish will keep you guessing if you have no particular choice. Putz Cream, Pu‘z Puloo Liquid, Hando Powder, Huosâ€" on ‘s liquid and Oakey‘s Powder. Weare well stocked with Furniâ€" ture polish of different qualitios. _ A nice article is our LIQU(}D VENEER, Try a sample bottle for scratched furniture. We are receiving weekly shipâ€" ments o1 that far famed ready Mixed Paintâ€"THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS. Good judges of paint know the qualiâ€" ty of it which is second to none for all purposes. Ask your neighbor aboat it. _ We also sell the Canada Paint Co and Ramsay‘s Ready Mixed Paints. One farmer remarked yesterdayâ€" as a great many others doâ€" it is a pleasure to do business with you as we can get evâ€" erything we want from ).ou.,, Our second shipment of Hammocks bave just u.rrivecr and they are danâ€" dies. Secure yours before the best are gone, ravging in price from 9ve to $3.00. We have a Bicycle for every per iR HARDWAR E at *Â¥ Jlen s . black Patent * Leather and calf boot, &# made on stylish, good & fitting I““"Hucber sud & laced shapes. A1} prices you ever we baVe some most artistically line Oof W ashing. and some From ‘ A sPecial lot of the seas= on‘s best styles in neat white stripes and {iGures Some with aftached cuffs p en‘ .0 Our hats our ¢ suitable for spri They are the r cate shades of F Brown. Steele Briggs "Kangaroo‘‘ ‘Onâ€" AT arker‘s Drug Stor Elephant Bangboim Sutton‘s Champion & Kangaro0 Swedes Rennie‘s _ tario‘" and ‘‘Good Luck®" Mangel Seeds of all kinds THE KIND ROOT SEEDS en s urnip Seed in bulk In Packages Ferry‘s "Jumbo"‘ e some of the #> stically selected ashington vests # saw;, at $2,25. <33%3G6¢€ _separatd.© _ Toe to $1.50 . Black & >ur especially #> " spring wear. #§> tl1_ernew deliâ€" #> “Ul’niSlley can get a CARâ€" ‘awn and ’%5 with an GROW what _ _ eV and ‘l s Cashmere Hose at . Double Fold Dress m:&"-_-r. Mill ends aof Pusal .e "2:" cwaige 'Et.;:‘.i‘:‘fl‘.-':.",:‘_.":;'.fi lad nweresting prico, BOOTS & SHORSâ€"a Bpecialty s gremtinidi ienss o ~ Ladieg‘ Fllan&llethtf Bhirts at 5 ess than t cost of the ths [A WNâ€"at 12%¢ and 19. o,2 LA way 2)>f; }5a0d 15¢ per Proven Steel Tracks, Singer Sewing Machines. Walkerton Marble Works, The Bell Organ & Piano Co., Churns and Washing Machines, srantford, Brockville,Grey Ca Priages We are sole Agents in Dusham ] the above well known Implements Binders, Mowers. Drills‘ Harrow Disec Cultivators, Manure Spreader Hay Ruk‘el. Hay Loaders, Ha Te: The Masseyâ€"Harris (o McQueen & Morice # We Are C+]¢ will prevent the developmeo;n of the other symptoms. â€"Tj)~ cure oo:}nickly that your col4 is gone almost before you real ize it â€" OurCold Tablets :s cure fully developed colds quickâ€" er than anything you can takc, WE WARRAXT THIS copp» RE. Price COSES 25&c¢. VWlaeFartane & C:, 2 CCCC THALCrin â€"â€"AU 12 l.d'lbc per Â¥d, APR‘};8>-A‘m&'Z')(' each whuirek waists _" at $1.00 ana $1.25 each "), Enend time and 'hen you can 'lu" q y JUNE 6, 1907 now ready to do hbusâ€" iness with you We meet to our mutual advantage. ‘Our stock is new and atâ€" tractive and our pricâ€" es are low. . Come and judge for yourâ€" selves. _ We are alâ€" ways pleased to show goods whether you buy or not. _ If you do not buy now you will again, When the first symptoms the sneeze or irritated throat appears, a few doses of VWJaeFartano‘s Maxative Cold CGablets A little soreness in the throat a sense tightening in the myo ous membrane of the nose, th»; a stage of profuse secretion an we have the wellâ€"developed 1:{, threatening cold. % Drl‘gists and Bookselle We‘re also Agents for anda energy !l.' excellen t Fi w\ ur regular M" Wuol hold which materi eA« ) Cw [ J HC ()

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