West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 6 Jun 1907, p. 8

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Ha 4Â¥ B 3B > ROBERT BURNETT s ns OME omesmpercem esnt ocmz it on on ce dn irome ombroint csin concescont on All WATCHES Is $15 your price for on 4 A® d 4 .@q,;»" * 6 5ol /s‘ 0. o gell 4 g $ .-'rc‘: es D aZ Nâ€" % L4 2 C\ Cantiioug »a besbr® v 25 8 ol M A-e.:?\\s\ es -,((Q \6. fi‘.‘%- PE l “\:;-&'\.3)5-, P. G. A. WEBSTER DIAMOND HALL Then we should like to bar a into your brain the fact that for $15 you can get all the style and as perfect a fit as can be put into a suitâ€"as nmcich as if you paid $28. Of course the cloth is not so fime, nor the trimmings so luxurious, but every other way the $15 suit is identical with the highest cost clothing. Is now on display. Cheviots, Lustres and Delaines in all styles of stripes. Muslins in new designs, dots and fancy stripes. ”‘ Our stock is now complete ( D4 in all lines connected with * oMenr 1 'r_i-;\ei 4 the Jew:-zlry trade such as \i: s the follovving : _ Watches, Clocks, Rings, Broockhes & Silverware. Get in line and wear the best Clothing,â€"the Regent and Picâ€" cadilly Brands and here is where they are sold. Fhey are the bes in quality, the best style, best fitting and best tailored and finished JUST ARRIVEDâ€" Watcbmaker. ‘"For the Wedding Season Our Stock of RINGS and BROOC HES of all kinds could never be better than at the present time. _ We take great pleasure in showing you through our high class stock and consider it a favor rather than a tro uble to do so. THE PEOPLE‘S STORE Our Assortment of Dress Fabrics The Ideal Shoe === The "Imperial" VATCHES and JEW ELLR Repairs has personal aftention. pat Readyâ€"toâ€"Wear Clothing Regent and Piccadilly Brands average person knows Imperial Shoes to be better than others for different reasonsâ€"for fit and comfort, style and wear. In Patent, Kid and Dongola in the blucher style. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. J. L. F larity SERT BURNETT .. gegenormom argeacopregemimacrmumncen to We always have on hand a full line of Shirts, Underwear, Ties, Sweaters, &c. Everything in the Gents line. Some Choice Reacy Made Suits ks A. GlaSS, Manager & Cutter Jewe“er a Spring Suit : JEWELLRY © for TORONTO hel Optician 99 \ TheDurham Junior and Intermedâ€" \ iate lacrosse teams haye the unique { distinetion at this early date of capturâ€" |ing both their districts,. In the Junior iSeries. Mt. Forest and Grand Valley | dropped out, leaving Durham and Arâ€" | thur to battle for supremacy. Owing probably to their decisive defeat in | Drayton on Victoria Day, Arthur inâ€" :timated last week that they are also out for the season. â€" Our Juniors there. fore are without a series at present. ; They have proven themselves «a fast, i winning bunuch, and will keep in conâ€" fldnt,inn in the meantime while awaiting | furthur deyvelopments. As Wiarton has dropped out of the Intermediate disrict west of us, leaving only Chesley and Hanover, our Interâ€" mediates are planning to fill Wiarton‘s place, apd a meeting has been called in Hanover for Wednesday night to avrrange the schedule. In this event, Matheson and Cowan will again throw in their lot with the Durhams. 1t is to be hoped satisfactory groupings can be atranged for both clubs, and with two C. L, A. teams, and strong ones at that Canada‘s National game will cerâ€" tainly boom in Durham this summer. Mrs. John McKelvey left Monday for a trip to New Liskeard to yvisit her son Angus the Mayor of the town and his brother Dan. Sheis accompanied by her niece Miss Maggie Hooper ot Egremont. Messrs Geo. Hughes and Geo, Sincâ€" lair Jeft last week to spend holidiys with the former‘s parents in Owen Sound. Mr. Hughes has left town for good and intends seeking his fortune elsewhere. Rev. Mr. Kendall, of Dromore, will preach in the Presbyterain Church here next Sunday evening in the abâ€" sence of the pastor at the Assembly. Mr. Kendall is winning golden opinâ€" ions in his new charges, The Sonse of Scotland committee have this year secured as their main attraction the far famed band of the 48th Highlanders, not the pipers alone, but the big brass band, including a great variety of instrumentals, singers dancers, &c. f Miss Edith Murdick, Allan Park was in town on Saturday bidding good bye to her many friends before leavâ€" ing on Tuesday with her parents for Morden, Man. Miss Murdick was an employee in the Review office for a time and we learned to appreciate her skill and kindly dispoeition, owâ€"â€" &# #â€"â€"~â€"â€"_â€"â€"~â€" We congratulate wir. Brad Jamieson on bhaving successfully passed his first years Medical Examination in Toronto University,. Mr. Chas, Moffat left last Friday to visit his son in Toronto and will then go to Owen Sound :o yisit cther relaâ€" tives there. Miss Winnie Brooker is dangeronsly Il with a heart affection and much sympathy is felt for the parents in their anxicty. Master George James Turnbull and his sister Miss Annie, of Bentinck, visited their grandparents Mr and NMrs Geo Turnbull, last Saturday. &./_;.‘ Won Two Districts, Dominion Day ‘THE DURHAM REVIEW Durham, May 30th.â€"The Grey Rural deanery meeting convened at Durham on Tuesday and Wednesday. The opening meeting was held in Trinity Church on Tuesday evening at which Rey. W. J. Connor a former recâ€" tor preached an excellent sermon an Matt. 1020â€"end. ‘The clergy of .the deanery take part in the service. On Wednesday morn Holy Communâ€" ion was administered by Rural Dean Ardill assisted by Rev, A. A. Bice. There wasa good attendance of deleâ€" gates and members present. Rey. W, G. Reilly then conducted a Sacred Study of John 15 in the crigiâ€" nal. Considerable discussion folloswed. The meeting then adjourned . for dinner at the Rectory. The afternoon session opened at 2.80 o‘clock with Rural Dean Ardill m the chair. | Much discussion arose and much benefit was derived from treating with suck subjects as the Church, Census, Mission Collections, Immigrants, Y. P. A‘s, Jubilee Fund, W, A. M, A., 8. 8. Conventions, &c. The Rev. J. McQ. Baldwin,, as misâ€" sionary at present on furlough from Japan then addressed the meeting at some length on the life and customs of the people of Japan _ He also illustratâ€" ed from a mapthe different missionary Jurisdictions of the country and exâ€" plained the work of the church in each Rey. J. Ardill, R. D. then following with an address on the position of the clergyman with society. Much discusâ€" sion followed and the afternoon session full of help and encouragement, was brought to a closes. Rev, A. A. Bice, Rector of Durham, was elected Secy. of the Deanery. In the evening an illustraced lecture on Japan was delivered by Rev. J. Mcâ€" Queen Baldwia of Japan, in the Town Hall, to a very appreciative audience and this brought one of the most sucâ€" ceseful meetings of the chapter to a close. This satisfactory condition of affairs can only be accounted for by intelliâ€" gent and honest mauvagement of the country‘s business. It supplies in adâ€" dition the beâ€"t possible evidence of the prosperous comdition of the commerâ€" gial affairs of the Dominion. Now and accept a Yositlon in the fall, Grad uates always successtul, . Catalogue free, Canada‘s best { W. J, ELLIOTT, Business School Cor. Youge & Aiexander Sts The Liberals during their first year of office succeeded to a Conservative deficit of $519,981, but by next year all this had changed, and from 1896 to date the Liberal administration of public afâ€" fairs has resulted in the following subâ€" stantial surpluses :â€" T80}â€"5., ... 1. ..111rkrip s 2s« sW ITagrie 1808â€"0........... :.+.« %. ::« A/801,740 1809â€"1900.................. . . . ,006, 714 TOPO :. ... .3, ... :+ «‘v« |sascr+14 040/000 1001 2,.., :1« :115 s rax*s «1+ Ineunyoue T0023 ...... ../««, .1 «+«+*sr1, +Mhoi0,/I00 1009â€"4.,:. ... .:.« +1 .+« «+. ,:Am0dodid74 10045..%;;, 14. .o<@1.:<ircsdabom 000 19006.... .;1+:1;«;>>: ++ s.. . Imooo/ri0 10600:7...,. :.4 ... /.. + +s +¢.Â¥is 10,000,000 SUMMER SEASON ,during July and August 4 § :38 sAgy ; Tur Newsst In BEutsâ€"A large stock jnst, arrived from the Julian Sale Co., Toronto, at the House of Quality. H. H, MockuER NEw TyPFE.â€"Several new fonts of type have recently been added to the already large assortment at the Reâ€" view office, We have choices of three or four styles all suitable for wedding invitations. Prospective June brides or their friends should call and see samples, The next meeting will be held D, V., in O wen Sound. Big Surpluses Each Year. TPotal hk A. A. Bick, Secy, 4@ + .. .. .$ 1L72X, 718 1 +.: ++ 4,807,740 .++ + : £004, 714 ++*++s+« 9,048,908 1...+... 7,201,308 & .. ... 14,345,166 ... . . .15,050,974 ... .. . . 7,803,0390 . + . .+ » :12,808, 710 , .. .. . & 15,500,000 . , . $903,218,864 , Durham Honor Roll for May. JOHN CLARK The qualities Farmers want. Washers, Sewing Machines, Churns, &o Result of test examinations for follâ€" owing examinations, in order to pASS 40 per cent on each subject and 60 per c;nt t:lll the total, honors 75 per cent of total, HARVESTER S Passâ€"Lizzie Aldcorn, Ethel Greenâ€" wJod, Minnie Halpenny, Pearl Hopâ€" kins, Elsie PettgénEthel Morrison, Fanny Moran, Ro Laidiaw, Sarab McLean, Mary Morton, Edith Dingâ€" will, Hattie Lawrence. P. 8. DEPT. 8r 4thâ€"Jamie Farqubarson, Agnes Ramage, Garfield Colling, Ruby Kaniseâ€" y, May McGowan. Jrithâ€"John Mceliraith, Willie Petâ€" ty, Edna McCrie, Eric Kelly, Willie 8". Ekdna Mcurie, Lric Relly, VYUNHC ark. 8Sr Srdâ€"Dedens Warm mgton. _ Morâ€" ley Colling, Herbert _ Murdock, Bessie Saunders, Florence Bryon _ _ ; | Honors without Latin.â€"Thos Allan, Lizzie Binnie, Sadie Fletcher, Mary Edge. Wm Farquharson. _ Ir 2nd a.â€"Islay Quinn, ‘Thos Wright Janet Marshall, â€" John Harbottle, Alice McGowah, & _ Jt 3rdâ€"Ruby Catton, Nettie Daniel, Robert Dopglass, Charles Harbottle, Joseph Warmington, _ WeA __8r 2naâ€"Ray _ Farquharson, AleX Hilderbrandt, ‘Lance McGirr. Edwin Bearch, Earl McDonald, _ ___ _ ; _ There is still room for a few desirable recruits for the Coy here, Those desitous of attending camp Niagara for the last time should apply at once. Members of Coy must report to, Capt, 0, M. Snider, or Dr A. h{)coLn.nrin or E. M. Wolfe, Lieut‘s, Durham, Drill Saturday evening at 7, _Sr 2bâ€"Annie Russell, Sadie M cDonâ€" ald Ella Carson, Marion â€" Calder Cecil MeNalliy. DEERING _Jr Pt 2nd b.â€"Nellie McKechnie, John Duncan, Gladys Search, Gladys Vollet, Irene McPhese. _ __ _ _ _______ 8r Pt 2ndâ€"Leona Fagan, OCharlie Hayens, Wilbert Knisley, George Douglas, Myrtle Daniels. __ _ / ; Jr Pt_ 2nd a.â€"Martha McDonald, Pearl Wright, Marion Marsnall, Sadie McKechnie, Alice McOrie and Mary Mcliraith eq. ______ _S8r Pt_ 1lstâ€"Inez Redford, _ Allie Payne, Melvin Greig, Roy Vollet, Hilliard Campbell. Jr Ilstâ€"Arthur Ramage, _ Robin Farquharson, Nellie Lenahan, Charlie McDougall, Perey McKechnieâ€" Jr b.â€"Mildred Vollet, Hazel Huttâ€" on, Muriel Soeil, Lorne Smith, Jennie Davis, _ _ % KA . Jrc.â€"Willie Lawson, Aunnie Grahâ€" am, Edie McKenzie, Maggie Kelsey. Bryson Mortock and Lorne Livingâ€" ston One of the best farms in the Townâ€" ship of Bentinck, 208 _ acres, new brick house, two large bank barns, land first class, all clearedexcept 20 ar, Snap to quick purchaser, 8l5(§) down balance at 4$ pe cent. Apply to Jr a.â€"Lottie Wilson, Elmor Hutton Rosie Hillis, John McPhee, Octoyia Marshall. Jr dâ€"Raymond _ Search, â€" Harold Ramage, Vernon Watt, Bryan Saunâ€" ders, Gladys Vouglass, Miss Goodfellow expressed pleasure at the appropriate music before entâ€" ering on her address on India, _ They were the same people as curselves in the early ages but had drifted into deâ€" grading ways, The present unrest and rebeilious freling was partly due to past misconduct of British Soldiers, and the feeling was more against the authorities than the missionary. Drink was the curse of the country and to the credit of the native press it took a firm stand against the traffic. Very graphically she outlined the cruel customs, the degrading of womâ€" en, the curse of caste, polygamy, &c. There were over one million Chrisâ€" tians in India, but what were they among its teeming millions, _ Many other striking facts gave opportunity for a strong plea for more Eberal giyâ€" 21st May, 1907, _ The evening mesting at Holstein was a great success. Rev, Mr Mclones was in the chair, and quoted incidents to show that money spent for missions was like bread cast upon the waters, it returued manifold. Rev Mr Kendall presented the reâ€" port of the Pres. Union and conveyed the thanks of the Presbytery for noble work done, Contributions by the wholehtiuciety amounted to $105.25 per month, for a strong pli ing. Forplumbing basement, closets, &c. for Durham Public School. Tenders will be received up to 2nd Friday in June, Plans and specifications can be seen at J P Telford‘s office, Durham Wa Jonxsrox C n h Chairman, Pub. school Bd. Miss Calyert, Dr, Brown and the choir contributed ably to the musical part. Presbyterial W. F. M. S. and Farm Machinery, Tenders Wanted Farm for Sale ~~â€"â€"â€"â€"# $ #â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€". Recruiting Mackay & Doxx Vendor‘s solicitors All our experience at your service. Call and see us. Hats, Caps, Shoes. and much more we can‘t tell you of this week. A full line of Fashionable Furnishings for men and boys All the very latest in Collars and Ties WOOL WOOL WoOL WANTED We beg to annouuce to the people of Durham and vicinâ€" ity that we haye opened up in Will thoroughly prepare you to accept a better position and place your services In Smwr deâ€" mand. Three coursesâ€"BUSIN £88, SHORTHAND and TYPEWRITING and PREPARATORY. Students admitted at any time, Spring Term now on, _ Fu!l particulars sent to any address free, Addressâ€"=C, A. FLEMING, Prineipal. Owen Sound, Ont. New! New! New! In the matter of the estate of Donald Campbell. late of the Town of Durâ€" ham, in the County of Grey, Impleâ€" ment agent, m The undersigned will receive tenders for the unsold assets of the above esâ€" tate, including the promissory notes and book accounts, up to the 14th day of June A. D, 1907, at 3 o‘clock p, m. Get Ready for a Better Position Particulars can be seen at the Office of Arthur H Jackson, Durham, Ontario. No tender necessarily accepted. Axxi® Sonutz CaxnPBEri. Administratrix yae D16 SEO . Success depends upon your fitness to accept promoâ€" tion when it presents itself. Dated 25th day of May, A D, 1907 J. C. NICHOL‘S STORE John H. Rose Gents‘ Furnishings A FEW MONTHS SPENT AT THE Gloves and Hose This is the most important question of the day. We are paying the See us before you sell. We want your Wool at Highest Prices, Cash or Trade #*4, Tenders Wanted Owen Sound. Ont. " What are you Paying for Wool ?" / L4 ol * We are having an uphoisterâ€" er the first week in every month. Anyone wishing old goods renoâ€" vated to look good as new should advise usâ€"we will be pleased to attend to it at once. bi Calls ndertakin I&' ‘?‘&ldtd uf The oldest and strongest business scho: All facilities are of the best. Studeni receive expert instruction and persona attention and are assisted to positions Write for catalogue of this live upâ€"toâ€"iat Has a full line of Curtain Poles, Window Shages, Picture Frames Frames to order of all kinds. Y, M. C. A. Bldg,, Yonge & Mc( TORONXTO Open year roundâ€"â€"Enter any time KRESS, Orders and repairing quick!y attended to. ren‘s Chocolate and black kid footwear. See our latest in Women‘s Misses and Boy‘s Dongola Kid Oxfords, strap slippers and bluchers. Peel, THE CASH SYSTEM a«loor south PostOffice T. M. WATSON, Prine BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE JUNE 6, 1907 Undertaker The Shoe E. have now the very fin est in Childâ€" ED KRESS || m\ $1.00 Hosier W VO Postal for ut the Ur subs. «¢ arrear new d papers Thre i0 10

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