H Ice Hag /sh sCo 1907 ers a large " nd w. J. LAWRENCE 1 HOUSE Come in and see it and give it a chance. Tires set while you wait. Opposite the Registry Office COLD is something pabIe powder' l and is also a f This is Just In TIRE JULY ' SETTER 'y?t like the - ._...ouJ mcult hing altogether superior. rder' which" is sure death to 'O a fertilizer for the plant. , 1907 AXLE GREASE BUGGY TOP DRESSING CALL CORE-ag the different kinds HARNESS OIL POLISH METAL POLISH " Better known " Jack " on-such Buggy Dusters Black- Jc-Hack dressing for your human whip. nod sweat "do m not for- ll P. KINNEE ordinary Ipedicategl Blaster but A -iine imijii.' the potato bug To 8r. 4th.-wime Wallace. Arthur Budd. To Jr. 4th.-Mary Backus. Minnie Keller. Lizzie Burns. To an 8 rrMrrtle Caldwell, Berna Moraee. Thus Walker. Jai Marshall, Dinati RESULT! OF PROXOTION HON! I. S. NO 1 NORMANBY‘ Alix Edge} mu Luge. tir 2ud--F1io Williams. Jr Shsd--3frrue Eater. Nona Williams. Vincent Paylor, Cumi- Ritchie. “Aggie McKenzie, Maggie Ritchie. Joe Kenny. Bertha Fnlkmgbam, Jamel Vuuahan. Carrie Mom-11,, Belle McCormick. Edith Edge. Sr Ist-Al" Vaughan. PaulFAlkin bAm,Muy Parlor, Willie Ritchie 'g7lll'lefWf. Pullinghnm KnteMaNm. p-..L-_ r- . -- - . _..-v.culrun. Hobbit Monk-y. Mary Comeld, Wilfrid Black Je B--. Willis Vaughan. Martin Cot field. Willie Mountain. John Locheed. Jr A-Morris Smith. Annie Mountain, Geo Vaughan. Redford Locheed. " die McClemenb. Dugald Smith. Ar erage attendance 43. KATE MCDONALD, Teacher N. S. No10 Benimck. Br 3rd to Jr4 --Thot, Johnston. Pearl Wilson. Ross McDonald.' Jr 3rd to Sr 1trd--itfita Smith, Rout Putbvxbouzh. May Grier. son, Marjorie Clark. Br 2nd to Jr 3rd --Ulara lioness. Edwin 'g,y'a, Glad. l", McDonald. Jr to tir ad-, oward chougall. John Clark, Roy Lamb. Donald McAthur. John Smith. Pt. 2nd toJr 2nd--gotiri Grielson. Bertha Honess, Cora Lunney. Jessie Clark, Wesley Cnswell. Sr. [st to Pt. 2nd-- Celm Honess. Carrie Grierson. thus lyle McDonald. Willie McDonald. Jr. let to Sr s1.ar--yNrrvitik Lamb, Adrigu Noble. Bells McQuarrie, Jean McAr. thur. AvertunorTii,TC.U?Wl - “nun-nun] or. Ist to Jr Pr, 2~Dnnuld Smith. Nellie Smith. Marv McClement. Bobbie MogleyLMary Cottieid. ann m“!- Honor Roll and Report of tion Examinations. U S S No 3, Jr 4th to Sr 4th--Ben Simpson "i,ittet'.1r,t,sit.t/.jii1ai; Mortlpv. [ h“ .w..-...,. or. am to tsr, 3rd.--ha. hells Hay, Oscar Copemun, Richard Hannam. Maggie Aldcnrn, Roy Cope. man. Grace Knox. Willie Aldcorn. Sr. 2nd to Jr, 3rd.-Jal Mnher. Ethel Lawrence, Marion Knox, Herbert Han- nam. Bert Knox. Recommended El. mer Richardson, Wm John McLeod. Emma M BELL, Teacher. Honor Roll and Report of Promo- r.inn Hum-r“ -- -, l ,, _. -.... .u ar ana-E; Morrison, W. Eden. L. Pettigruw. A. Lauder, M. Larson. Jr Pt 2nd to Hr Pt 2ndU G. Grant. Sr! to Jr Pt 3nd--P. Bar. ber, C. I'ettismsid, J. Kerr, C, Blyth, Jr 1 (b) to Br 1--J. Lawn". E. Mo. llvride. Jr 1(n) to Jr 1 (lr)--A Pet- tigraw. R. Clark. G, Petty. ANNIB c. MACKENZIE. Teacher. RESULTS OF PROMOTION EXAMINA- TIONS IN s. tr. NO 6 BRN'rntcir. Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd--Frankie Twamley Wt, James Brown 322, Arthur Lunnpy 279, Gum hell Clark 245, Recommended Archie Me‘Dnugnll. Sr. 2nd to Jr. 3rd .--IGtie Phillphs 366 (honors) Pearl .fdopkir" 301, Irene Britmn 288, Recon]. Freddie Torry. Jr, 2nd to Sr. 2nd-- Dinnthn Redford. Hughie Hendry. Maggie Clark. Maggie Lunan. Willie Briton. Christiana Porter. Pr. 2nd to Jr. 2ty.i--Htyrry tlox, Nine Noble, Willle Hopkins. Pt,' Int to Pt. 2nd--Jennid Britton, Nellie McDougull. Rogularity of "tt.tpdttncp..--thun bell Clark. Best in t'pelline---Dinn/G glad- r...a . -- PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS ty, BWllTON PAIR. --i_ -....uuunlu. ir lat-Sterling Lamb, Ad] Bella McQuarrie. Jean Mt Average attendance 29. M, MORTON, Teacher REPORT or PROMOTION EXAMINATIONS Iron U. a. a. No 2 BENT. AND GLENELG. Jr. 4th to Sr. 1tlt---thrttie Morton. Jr. 3rd to Sr. 3rd-Harold McKechnie. Willie Edge, Annie Ewen. Jr. 2nd to Sr. 2.ndr-FtiGri McArthur, Mae Me. Kechnie. Lewis Newell. Pt. 2nd to Jr. l Ilttd--Eaii Veosie. Thomas q.ratbr. Pt. hi: to Pt, 2rel--AA/iiti; McKechnie. I RITA L. MCCOMB, Teacher. pet t, B " Edge Namibia} '--Masriiu Eaton (honors) G. A. WEIR, Tucker. N0 8 GLENELG Ector, lily Spine" John mm. Ritchie. Clara rb Edge. Sr 8rd-Ere Fulfingbam. C’Areuce xe Edge. Annie Ewen. '4--4rte%iri MetVthur, nie, Lewis Newell. Pt. Il.yrLVeGii, Thomas, a. ry Comeld, Wilfrid Black. a Vaughan. Martin Cof- Mountain. John Locheed. iSmith. Annie Mountain, n, Redford Locheed. tu. nt. Dugald Sumth. Ay. mm 13 Tam, Addie Twamley. Mamie Manley. Annie eAmith, Isabel Turnbull Geo LedirehalCiiiaiiii 'Aimpson, Bernard Cot, ith. Jr to Sr 3rd---La. Peter Mountain, 'atie Q20 Jr ite-yards, Led- . HARROW. Teacher. EMMA. - vuuu. umu Simpson. Mop. MOMPY. Alex. th,, 3rgl_to Jr 4th Promo. t B & G :, a. NO 7 combine the rich nutriment, and delicate flavor of Ontarh qualities of Manitoba wheat. For all home baking-no flour, wheat, can compare with a BLENDED FLOUR. Look for this trademark on every bag or barrel 2 of flour you buy. Take no other. C Then we should like to burn into your brain the fact that for $15 you can get alt the style and as perfect atit as can be put into a tu1it--as much as if you paid $28. Of course the cloth is not so fine, nor the trimmings so luxurious, but every other way the $15 suit is identical with the highest cost clothing. 1 Lenahan s $15 your price for JUST ARRIVED “Madein Ontario†--i_. - d Lawrence. S; -."6T or B. 8. No8 Bmmmat IV-Nathan Grier-on, Wilford. Liv. ingston, Sunley Livingston, June- Purk. James Coutls. Br I_lr:zpiiiirTii Donnell 345. Blanche Wise SIN, Ruby 'iigll'17ef," 287. Allan Wham Jr m Lina Tore 296, Geo.Ra ae, Evelyn ream: 'ili6, Attpes, Rich“. Arminl Blended F lours m panammgmw _-.......cr. nary McAhster. Elmer Fee. George Webb». Annie Dean. To Br. 1hM.2Uddn' Marlee. Harry Oddwell. Melville Iyprise, Leslie Marlee. Lillian McCrie. To Pt. 2etd--giftG Bur. Ar. thur Mountain. -r-""" an.ou rrihiee Mountain Mamba", Henri" McAlister. Mary M 2ttsrstt Webbok A Ttemtpeon flavour or On all lines, of Furniture. advantage of these bargains. 10 'ardware & F GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE OF FURNITURE A few doors south of Middaugh House "1‘33“." Korma WiGTiiti' "i'r'G {I}??? “CNN". nutriment, the whi F of Ontario wheat Outing the month I -iiirl per' Some Choice Ready Made Suits IrjrfE,Tw'iitTr' . Flarity . Glass, ' milled only from spring And there', for it; too. Cake. To Jr. cent. Discount Bread and Biscuits-- LIGHTER Pastry--- MORE DELICIOUS ',stti; a Bread Just try a blended flour once and see for yourself that it does make WHITER and tastier L968; ONTARIO AiR5i'it TORONTO whiteness, lightness .v.., w e", a"er as. r Evelyn McLean. Amhem'ne Bniley. I M Adina), Harry Fnlkinghnn. I J h'hd Park. Freddy Corbett, Brie. ham Livingston, In? Mather. Jame. Miller. Cecil Red . In Ii-ttarid-tid Put. ling-gin dunking. Annie Rev. Benn Park. George Turnlmu. Km 6 McRonnld. Rex Lawrence Annie Turnbull. Jean Miller, Ruth Minor. Sr 1~Willie Mather: Eda: Bony. I O Rttte Milli a. John Ho him, Nellie Max-dick, Eh, Adi-m. 'll'5l'lt, J Ad. lnm. I B- ~Rob. lighten. Fred Ray. Geo. H Torry. Susie Adhm. Eluie Ire. Lean. I 4e9ufi' Turnhull, Germ-n Johnson. Bella Glienon, Mary Bentley. Velvie Roar, Vera Reny. I Average " G. McLeod. Teacher. with thGtrong pring Suit ? a: trtit)sit"htt 1'ltnstlt, o n r ' Evelyn McLean.y Tae,'.',..,': n-n-_ Sibel Delhi of June. Come and take good reason cIntosh. Manager & Cutter "__. - um I)" t,njriiiiiiirRGll'll to Ei ririGriltl'lle1rll'llur m ' t mama": m ing . 'tttttt " nu: .1 per month In advance. W-.Johnun.8r.. e. H.599. [Mending madam should enter st the bean- nlng ot the mu possible. Bond on be ob- Nged as lesson-bl: uses. Durhnn ll . hunk- “ ..._...__ . - _ _.v- ""N""..lq"81 The school is thoroughly equ! pea in Ibimy. in chemlcul and cigarlégl In!) an... A... a..- L... . MUTUAL “RE illillllllllili “My Durham School FARMERS’ ennui tarurecatnna,, Agent. Head Odice: Wukerton, Ont. 3,tt.,etr,yoyt puret 5 Is good Bread, well made and I ' properly baked-Lthe bread that a ‘j is made by Stinson. This is the I perfect bread-made of the best . flour, leavened and seasoned just ' ’right, thoroughly kneaded and baked to perfection, it is easily t il digested and it builds health and a . strength for those who eat it. . . Give it a trial. " St." and Equipment. fr' Then I he" a 100 ACRE well im. proved farm neu- Durham that I wlll Bell VERY CHEAP or made for other Pmperty. Ith, e “up. For t1eide.r- nbly _under cacao I will sell 100 acne In Bentlnck. with good eoll. brick veneer- ed end frame home. Inge fume bent barn, frame stables and pig unble- good orchard. Thi- ie really I -ttire I have also It great lot of other pro. Eerasfor sale and a. MILLION DOL- A of _M0NttY to lend st very low rates. I COLLECT DEBTS. 'atet prepare all kinds of WRITINGS, eel L'. P. R, Tickets to all points WEST and sell OCEAN TICKETS. Every kind of legitimate business attended ff). Everything private. Our Motto I [ Al" W P. ompt, Never Negligent. ' 4 zlLoox HERE, mm I Ijiiii"i"iiiiii'i'ii'::C's'iC:'st' --- m '0." VI m "MME above Durham, well improved. with very tine buildin navel-tiled in the mew for 'h'l'& I can now-ell It for A good deal Ion 3nd IT'S A BAR. GAIN. Then I In" a 100 ACRE well im. i P1331; 'tte, 'pgar_Durhung that I will The Best Cure For DYSpepsia “In Catalan Lh,e.aPfertrroroooqund I. --.qt. Wu w on- 'i,,Pe9ei.itr amen: The Hmover Convey-.11;- I one; l r, MILLER, Durham IN NEW QUARTERS _ __-_-.. .uu omen who hevelevored me with their trede end heve Klee-are in ce'tme'ngt that I w I In the future heve he" ole-lore in meeting in more oommodlone Tureen, ell my old friends end mtat not: new one. Promptneee end & deal. ing will continue to be my motto. You: for bushe- 0E0. u. K. women mlnv fungi-1"}! L- -- 1 - - _-...u, v1 “W’o; moan-ca Auctioneer tor the Co. ot Grey. Inle- gammy Headed to. Rate. mouth]. en ma be left n M. Implement Ware. all','.': k'lllLt'fo,ht old land. oru the Ira-v ce. '19HN CLARK, STUDIO Individ ual u tuition to CARD OF THANKS ARTHUR R. JACKSON '.ot!r-tuattta, gnaw? 'llllt'ht two OMee, Insurance Issuer of a eral tinan --i_- . In 9.5-. L. o. B. E.1'e1htttet,iar, T1220“? Univeun , r m v. Cat um. autumn 4K boundary in 'Ill In (Imus. HONOR G .YP.yersitr, gm of Dental 8mg. Over J h J W. C, PICKERING o. o s., L, "nxvnh . IcLellan. notary Public, Uomnuumioner, CONVEYANCER. he. J. F. GRANT D. 0.3-, L ' A» --- -"."%- VUI ' Public Commissioner to Money to Low. over Gordon‘s Jetrtsiru, Adm... "milder": Block, 'nnce Agent. Money to bum r of Mun-inge Licenm. A gen financial business [unnamed " A..- - Teacher of en's“, D~UPPER TOWN teaehintr. Bpeciat at. o tone production. INOR GRADUATE of Toro nity. minute of Ro al Coll iiiiit'iA're,'e, of iu'll.e. Roe J & J'EUNTER'H New Store . P. TELFORD Solicitor in Supreme Con Pnhlln "---a, Licensed o the County of Grey; tejirfr"'"" ll Jewelry Store I over P of Toronto I al College 'tfill?,',,': 'ost 0111c. ' L. B.S. "mi H