West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 18 Jul 1907, p. 4

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{A Xl Ladies' White Oxford Shoes at. . . . . . ill Long Gloves, in both white and black y,", CC h", 'i;iimia%"uaeiarngsaraiiaemamairxxy RL-membu the ptaee-... G. Lawrence's old Stand i,', Tavlor & Co., Dromoreg 'iriillaimmmssignagmxgmtgrgsrrrrngjlll Why Not Consult Justcm work and repairing as usual The Down Town Shoe S In Ladies ', we have it rang- ing in price from we to $1.00 Also a large neck ot men's fine Underwear for summer. W1 Highest Price, Cash We are again after the .wool a oughly prepared for the situation "wit of:yarns and woollens at prices that you. In Ready-Made Clothing w your need and guarantee satisfaction Wool Wanted Underwear If you look at the label of a Ready-to-wear Skirt and find it is a MILIDA BRAND, you can be assured that it is both a fitter and a. wearer. We have a very large stock of this Brand:of Skirts and invite your inspection. We are showing a very large range of Ging- hams, Muslins, Chambras, Vestings and Duck Suitings. Just what you want for this hot weather. To clear the balance of our stock of Summer Millinery and do it quickly, we have reduced all our stylish Trimmed and Untrimmed Millinery to Half Price. . F. MORLOCK Stylish Millinery l Ginghams and Muslins at Half Pri CASH AND ONE PRICE Milida Skirts YOUR OWN INTERESTS usual at reasonable prices Shoe Store J. S. Mcllraith '1' lee Mr Rose end his daughter are away visiting other members of the family some other part of the country It present. Mr. Colin MoFeyden, “tended the jubilee service! in Prioeville [do], The Ber Mr Buckingham of Max. well will preach in the Presbyterian church here next Sunday and 5 Rev. Mr Gilchrist of Toronto the next two Sundays and 3 Rev Mr Thomas also 01f1 Toronto two Sundnys after Mr " c not. The Rev Mr Matheson and family leaves this Monday for their summer residence up the lekee. We all wish them e happy and pleeeent summer end safe reeurn. Mr Ned McCannel of Durham pass- ed through here on his way no see friends at Snyner and Collingwood. Our years ard imaging by And soon 'twall be December Then it is time to die. The youth may hope to liye and see In future years ahead To 1elehratettbe 2"lttl'ir, When we are gone and and. Mrs Walker and some member of her family from Toronto visited friends in Priceyille for a week and returned this week. Also Mr Walker, Mrs Walker‘s brother.in law. Some faces we did know That worshipped there when we were Wee Just fifty years ago. But none were there to greet us. who In life's prime worshipped there They've left this world of sin and woe To jom the Heavenly choir. But We are here and they are there But still their memory’s green We'll ne'er forget no matter where The days of Auld Leng Syne. But soon, ah, soon the call to Join Those loved ones gone before To us sba'l be extended And we shall be no more. l But let us all remember l The following lines may be sung to the music of twenty years ago t “is looked around if we could 995 The old Methodist church whose foundation is yet to be seen on the late squire Ferguson’s place, now his son‘Tom’s served for a time to accomo- date l’resbyterisns when they had no church of their own. The old school houses east and west of Priceville Mr. ved the same purpose for years. The old log barns of more than fifty years ago on Mr McCanncl’s (now Smelles _ and Stonehonse) also served their time. The preachers’ pulpits as the case might be were often standing on a block of timbers of some kind, on? less a vary tall man. beside the l, worshippers when in barns. There were hens and other7owl to contend with who sometimes struck in a key- note of their own as if disgusted listen. mg to theimperfect sound of the lead. " of the psalms while endeavoring to sing the good old tune of Martyrdom. Those who could afford to drive a team of horses and an old lmmber waggon were consndered amongst the aristocracy and we remember some (who by the way are citizens of our town, driying their good old saintly mothers who Were unable to walk to church, with oxen and old lumber waggons; these were the days of where there was a will there was a way. Those of us who attended service in barns and log school houses, probably wearing out the soles of our birthday boots and attired in homespun suits in meetings long ago are to-day fast going on the down grade of life, and we almost strained our eyes to see if there Were any in that vast assem- bly that fifty-years ago attended church when in life’s prime, not one could be found of those brave fathers and mothers whose activity is worthy of reminding for they did not depend on any other conveyance to carry them to the place of worship but their feet and many there were that walked four, six and even eight miles on a Sunday morning in summer time and be there in good time. The Editor requests as to say some- thing more about our jubilee; u a matter ot {set there " nothing left to be aid unless we make a repetition of whet has been ebly penned by the ed- itor in last week's Review. However by the we] we may say the editor did justice to all the speelrers but to Mr. Chas Remnge who made In excellent speech touching on matters relating to his own personsl experience of Priceville just forty Years ago being as sprinter's devil when the Price. ville Courier was in existence in 1868. Mr. Remsge told a story of himself and his father starting off in a north. easterly direction from their residence nenr Dromore, one Sunday 40 yam ago in search of a place to worship and struck for Priceville. Whether they were attracted by the beautiful tones of the bell in St. Andrew Church we cannot say but both went to the “ old kirk” to hear the late Rev Donald Fraser preach an eloquent sermon. The old church is removed and the place where it stood is now filled with the remains of those than in the prime of life. The old bell has the some old tone " forty years ago. Those of on whose voices were melod- ious than hare changed but tho old ball has the some old ring. Priceville w; A run mam 3mm All peiaons intereste , or whose lands may or might be rejudicially affected by such proposed By-law are required to attend at sad meeting, when they will be heard it person or by counsel or solicitor wit reference thereto upon petition to hem heard. Dated the 6th day '; of August, 1907. i J. & BLACK, (ark, l Township or, Glenelg.‘ Bald strip of land costanisiias acres more or less. s. 760 20" E. a distance ofioo lee! ;thence easter- ly on a straight line whose co , . is N. 8M.50" k. ndiswnm of78 feet; thence tel-ls on Mil-night line whose course is N. 78°09" . I Name ot 110 feet; thence easterly on a st ight line whose course is N. 86oth)" E. a dist ptroh1766teet; thence southeaateriy on a. at ight line whose course is B. 62o 39" k. a dista ce of 1511 feet to the southerly limit of sold lot t con. 2, S. It. It., which is the point ot beginning mum; CITY noon PAINTS ' by hard in 8 hours. Always reliable, economical and durable. Iron SALE BY A strip of land 66 feet wide in Lots l, 2, 3, 1 and 5, Con. 2, S. D. it. annqhilp of (ilenelg. County of Grey, being more portion uly described as fol- lows'.-- I Beginning at a point on the southerly limit of I Lot 5, con. 2, H. D. R., wh ch point is 78 feet ens- terly from the lot line bet n lots! and 5: thence westerly along the southe y limits of said lots , and 5 a distance of li3 feet thence tsortit-wester. ly on a straight line whose nurse is N. 021410" W. a distance of 18 feet: t enee westerly on a 1 straight line whose course I 8. 8689" “I. n dis. ( tance of 1744 ft i thence Wes rly on “might line I whose course is H. 7,tlo 09" W adismnce of 110 it; I thence Westerly on a strong t line whose course is 8. mo 50" W, a distance of l feet; thence wer teriy on a straight line who. course is NJWAO" W.adistsuveot lloiieet; th nee Northwesterly on a straight line u hose con '0 is N. 62°00" w. a distance of 07.3 tvet, to the w steriy limit of said lot 1, Concession 2, s. D. RK, thence northerly along the westerly limit of said lot i, a. distance of M feet; thence mutheaster y one: straight line I whose coursels 8. 62°00" E. n ismnee 01710 feet: tc,htett!tsttrlyfyt, it straight l e whose course is l are the best mixed paints on the market. Made in 60 different tints. Always ready for use. And for calablishing a highway in lieu thereof, the following, namely: _ _ 7 7. _.. a --'_.H.iV v. .1: 1.1 Acct u: HIV WUHI‘ er] limits otrttad allow-nee. which is the point of gunning. _ Mid tract of land copmlnlug 2.25am; more or less. When You Paint Use ---. _.._.. v. "an. -..hA_r9 , “mutt westerly nlonf the and southerly limit of road allowtuicead stance f 1893 feet ', thence weat- erly on a straight limiwhose coursels S. 86°09" W. adismnw Ohio fe t to a point on asptrBl curve; thence 1ei,tr21t.op a spiral curve to the right It distunwe of 2t .1 feet) thence westerly on a curved llue to tt right whose radius 15 1960 feet, a. distance o 286 feet to the northerly limits of road allowance between Con, 28nd Con. 3, S D R; thence easterly nlonglthe raid northerly limlts of road allowance a mum: of 911 tact: {hence ensthrIyIin a sunlight line whose course is . klh-NIII M _ ' _-..,_, - <--- . . . ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Beginning at a min: on the southerly limit of road allowance between con. 2 and con. 3, H. I). R, which rein: is 72 feet ,eastorly from the easterly limit 0 lot 4 S. con. 'l,', when measured along the said 1y.thtrlr. “In” of_road pllqmgnce ; thence FOR SALE BY N., G. & J. McKECHNIE. DURHAM, tottoio, ..' A tract of land of irregular sham. being part of road allowance between Con.2nnd tron. :x. s. D. R., Township 0 (Hem-1%, County of Grey, 'tQ tract being mar pumcu uly described as o IMO'.-.. ' For the purp e of stopping up, 'rell. 'ing and t'trot't' ing a portion of the hiqh'u‘ay bclwce L cmwcsaimw two and IT/l) S. I). It. Glmwlg. described as NOTIU IS HEREBY GIVEN that the h nnicipal Council of the towuship of ‘lenelg will, at a meeting to beheld a the Township Hall in said townshi on Saturday. the tenth day of August 1007, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the orenoon. consider a by. law --OF THE-- Towmw tIF GLENELG Also Mrs McKechnie and son of Glen. roaden, Mr and Mrs Ramage and daughter Alice. of the Lieview from Durham. Mr and Mrs Nell McCannel Durham. v“ vv-w-“I-II Au UUJLUK Wu)!" on retail many lines less than' they can Selling right can only follow buying right Why the business of A B, Han ' . . ter a is warming l0 n idly . in not. ttT,ter'd'eij,' reasons but among them stands out r"fr'tllll'n"ll't/', the fact noun d like: tr I? you Hardware " rem-rkably low prices. That [my the bene fit l? :11 Phage, but It's ? true one. We are giving our customer! can retail man: 19:33 @3939“!!! before 'ht bhtpdvamiists andnow fre If Uneeda Lawn UN EPDA Screen Door or Window If you ask us _ V, “WV __. "W "mm. Luqu " ye e'.'. 1-th; 1iety/ee Friiii.i.'eiit' to the south- CORPORATION nlw wage summers, sheep shears, garden tttami-airs/iii/e", nozzles, rakes and in fact everything pertaining to garden or lawn. to make yourself at home " our More. Our want you customers are our friends and we are always glad to meet them whether they are buying goods or not. we are the people you want to see. Also hedge trimmers, sheep shears; nozzles, rakes and in fact evervt.hin that everybody is talking abt it but the purest of load, zinc1 LU secret how iz’s made and r We have dozens of tttem-rain from 81 up complete. windowsf THERES A REASON . HUNTER, Durham, Ont " " y' is talking about, we can tell you there 'g nothing in sc of load, zinc, linseed all and coloring matter. It’s la’s made and dont forget that it’s 100 per cent pure. about Martin-Senour Paint thti.,fiisrriiiif tr, idbr iiiTri'Uiirhi; TGi ttem-plot, fancy. all rice: and sizes. Doom l, windows from 200 to R". Istytfl City Floor ouclom 1 yd E43 2 Bmynna Rugs 30 x 60, m Fltu1ellette blankets Ladies' black Sateen Underrktrta tl .00 e " white Lawn Undemkiru 75c to " .5 See our Ladies' fancy callus " Me. ‘buga Bee our new Prints and Dress Ginghams Table Linen M in with .. 68 in wide Embed Table Linen, 5 ower , . V ._..., W ... .uuc M yds Ion Min wide 3;: yds long 54 in wide 2 yds long, 26in wide. 234ml: long 30 In wide a y tr long so in wide git/5 yd_s gong :_;6_1n wide. - "'---e- - w DIV! W l by such person residing with {he lathe;"0r mother. 3. It the settler hu " permanent residence upon farming lend owned by him in the vi- cinity of his homestead. the requirements as to residence may be gatistUtt by residence upon the raid lend . six months' otice in writing should be given to the 't'/G'Lt,'fdil'd of Dominion lands " Ottawa of intention to apply for meat. W. W. CORY. Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N_..B--b'musthoriaed publication of this ad. vertisemeut will not be poidior. smug Ceylon Tes-Buck and mixed " 25t 30c a 40c I lb. Pate Canadian Honey in 2505-11. W. H. BEAN THE BIG debt The homesteadcr is require homestead conditions under ing puns ; Entry must be made wrsonally Land (Mike for the district in whic situate. Entry by proxy any. have on certain condttidns by the father, daughter, brother or sister of an in new". Any even numbered section of Dominion lands in Manitoba. Sukazchewnn, and Alberta, excerunzsaud 26, not reserved muy be horned stea: ed by any person who is the sole head of a family, or my male over 18 yrs. of Me ', to the extlem of one quarter section of 160 acres more or ess. Pure Prepared Miss Christina McDonald, sister of Jim McDonald and Alex McDonald is visiting " present around Prieeville, It is nearly 80 years since she was here before] Mr Hector McLean at the coma: town line, somh of hue. lost a valu- able mare last week by getting mired in a soft place. Railroad matters are progressing favorably ; foreman Bartly says he will soon be done excavating Colin McLean’s hill but may see July out before he moves from there. The steam shovel is tearing away on Tom Nxchol'a place [late old Neil McLeoda] other gangs are at work on John Mc. Innes', west of here and the lug dump at Smellie’s graveyard is nearly fin. islsed. Piper Hector McDonald of Price- ville presented himself with a costly suit of kllts lately. Review to Jan. lst==35c Egg Fig' iiijiii iii? tmt OI (ligt'g IM-tt aints 1Utttt, six months residence mm“. " .c, '__, . . _ HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS .u./hrE..cutirams WeAhuve Mangers hy.rn 83 up- eta large Il--" size in or grey, 81 no. pr. Best Paint wv~>>$<+om wide Rte, Jee,rtotus.1l.y.tst fhe, Ina! is rqulled fo ttertorpt, the M in wide it in whih "tiaiir1'ifi"i 1139-1. Ywerer, _be nude 1e father, Incline}: GU," of an intending home: Tig Wide, tie " yd HE Calder's Block one ot thi/tata' SELLS Screens t1.N each .--'2.5ctb pr. ”50(- I pr . . 70e . pr. ..90e 1 pr. 11.00 . pr. .8140: pr. o " Inch ,blrgnlm 230 u yd 500 I yd. 35c I " CHEAP '1)siNiraraasiirseasirsoiNriru'a's',l ii' 'trsbieilrurieieiesiest, t gl, t H. BURNETT. , th" you can 't be comfortable . ' in hot weather without a 6 ily Straw Hat and these but: 6 ' give you the most comfort 'er cg. because they are fashionable 6 ' Is well as light and airy-a 6 CE, shape graceful and Iatttintr--.. a, ib a shade that is durable. .u fl STORE if , wwwww t t t ib ASeasonable a!» ' 6 , Hat 6 t THE MEN'S ii/i,' FURNISHING JOHN CLARK fesieseeeeiytrssso The quulltios Farmer: want. Washers, Sewing Machines, Churn: It you have any animal out of con- dition buy a package of Interrmtiorml Stock Food. . H ARVESTERS DEERIN G It you want to own the best calves on you; line by a not of calf equivalent. If your calf take 800 package of Calves Cordial. It your calf has a cured a; or so? teats procure a tin of Cow's Re- lie . If you have a sore footed horse do not waste any time in purchuing a tin ot our Honey Tar Hoof Remedy 1t vour horse has a bad cold or the hesves secure a bottle of our Have Drops. If you bnve a: horse with . cm. bruise. swelling. tr rain or hard lump ttorir a bottle of our gilver Pine Ruling i . If your horse has a sore shoulder try a tin of our Gall Cure. We always come, to the reacne of people in trouble. There is no ne- cessity tor any more law suits over lump jaw animals for We have a sure cure. Have a look through our Vet- erinary Department. If you have animal or a whole herd "eeted with lamp jaw try: baffle ot our lump jaw cure. Our Veterinary Department HARDWARE and Farm Machinery. Jas.R,(iun&Co EPARKER’S Potato Bug Killer l? ertilized and Insecticide You can't be Easily put on, no wat- er to carry and gives you abetter yield than you get by using any other preparation. Reliable & Durable We sell strictly pure Paris Green - no compound. A',, Furniuhu Put up only by 333EE'E .- Black tdike _ fe.ouN buy . A m PM“ " BARGAIN BOOTS Intum will. " to ttgiir ir. " I C Blu nous par pr p " Oxfords support, House SUPP": rm}; prices from Ladle: ht, " " 88.tttt " Bo to I' " 33513.95 - HARVEST 31.06am which mu Protect 'ou than than: & st ttblrle Mott), dong Mu " pat. bu" ) All It prion " ozfrtmte (in: .m “In...“ Make MM MIMI!!! Will! (l MIKE "MIME Illl al SIMS Proven Sm! Inch. Singer Sewing lachxnes. Waltterton Marble Works, The Bell Organ a Plano Co., Chums and Washing lachines. Mumford. Brock ville.Grey Cur-lures S. We we sole Agents in Duanm tor the above well known 1//PltPtnta- Binders, Mowera, Drills Harrow Disc Cultivators. Manure S renders Hay Rakea, Hay Lo era, in Ted- ders. Haney-Ennis Cream fKp'rators L.)hchlt'rtityt u 'toiirtGi'iiiii The llftstrflttris Go. McQueen & Morice Look out for Locals We Are dose. Price; " cu. a box. It's a purely vegetable prepar- ation that acts directly on these organs, renewing and strength- easing them to healthy action. You'll feel better after the first Wacjarlano u $43120] d athber When you have dull head. qchu, backache and feel Kener- ally good tor nothing, it 's time to take the boddy " they are the organs that ri the body of all impuri, ties. Without their aid the blood would soon become so inr pure that the heart's action would become impaired. #50911." Sher its miéorgans The Kidneys nnd Liver are (any the we §ystem of Gaetttt"t,t,itsetr and Ahseys at Orant's now ready to do bus- iness with you We meet to our mutual advantage. (Our stock is new and at- tractive and our pric- es are low. Come and judge for your- selves. We are al- ways pleased to show goods whether you buy or not. If you do not buy now you will again. Druggists and Booksellers ”MuanOJR 'acjar/ane ef Co. We're also Agents " “of?” from Pair of our JULY It), 1907 All It prices hat willpleuse you 'ge, per pr. 32.50 p ik -- a {a h Q i,.),':":: (r ft :3 Spri LIST . t ...\ if! GENERAL HOUSE "one Shocin Come in and it a chance. you wait. Opposite the Agent Iforlt'j fucare and F of more th should be wit most reason: pet th DARLI The l have purch N.,G 1lilil Lil Toilet Talcum o This w all l 'or am: MM We h quan JULY rat DA “ECO COLI n as li

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