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Durham Review (1897), 18 Jul 1907, p. 6

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if; / W " - _ - -Me" --‘ “m: isn’t by": too much at a time. - www-n‘ “IGCBIIW dis-onion. Hasty eating-the quick luncL~is the curse of the age. Many are dyspeptic; before they are capsble of knowing how to eat. Uni-inc mothers often fred nursing innate every kind of food in which adults indulge, and the eonsequence is not hard to guess. Over. eating And overehevdq min the mt digestion, and no pills or quack potion: an make up for the outage counted. Moral: in: only when you are hungry; chew your food “070me Ind long, and H n..__4 n,, _ " - -- Porhnpn the most "balm such experiment. is to rennin: too-tttmth-ttet-tea duty of chewing and inalintiol of Bad teeth account- for main account for died I. health, strength and vnder natunl eating craved; and that exec: coniume which th " that Following instinct. Never to eat when not hungry, even if a meal (or more than one. for that matter) is skipped. And when n meal is taken. not to be guided by the quantity of food offered. or by past habit. or by any theorieq as to the amount of food needed. The natural taste or appetite is alone emtsulted.and the subject selects. from the food avail. able. only those kinds and amounts which are actually craved by the appe- tite. After practice. the appetite grad. ually becomes more definite amrau. criminating in its indications. The endurance tent hated chant to- woeku. A great variety of food was provided, and each student was guided solely by his taste and inclination in re- gard to what food and what "-rom. s. effort distracts one from the natural enjoyment of food. Pawlow has shown that without such attention and anjoy- ment of the taste of food, the accretion of gastric juice u lessened. The point of involuntary swallowing is thus n vari- able point. gradually coming later and later as the practice of thorough masti. cation proceeds, until the result is reach- ed that the food remains in the mouth without effort and becomes practically tasteless. Thus the food. so to speak, swallows itself. and the person eatswith- out thought either of swallowing or of not swallowing it; "wallowing is put into the same category of physiolo,airttt functional as breathing] which ordinarily is involuntary. Motivation. thorough mutilation of all food up to the point of involuntary swallowing. with the nttmtion directed, however, not on the mechanical act ot' chewing, but on the tasting and enjoy- ment of the food; liquid foods to be site ped and tasted. not drunk down like water. There should be no artificial hold. ing of food in the mouth beyond the time of natural swallowing, even if, as i.- to be expected nt the start, that swallowing is premature. It is not in- tended to "count the chews." or hold the food forcibly in tho front of the mouth, or allow the tome nudes to beeome, fatigued by any unnatural effort or pos- ition. or in any other way to make eat.. ing a bore. On the contrary, every such where th w ith a vim ing can the align the “all work for water small {amen and others who have crossed the sea: in search of wealth and of new homes, and it is expected that aha will take steps to check the overnow of no considerable a percentage of the but working people of that country. Italy is somewhat like Ireland, we are told, in the matter of absentee landlordism. The landlords lease to small tenants, exact the highest rentals they can get, and there is nothing but), meagre liv- ing left for the mall farmer. There should be plenty of work for all Italians at home. Many million; of acres are still unproductive, largely IVIIIlllp lands which drainage would reclaim, to the improvement of the public health and the augmentation of crops. Meantime the Italians are busy doing the hard that "natural It ibsaid by the “yellow" press that the United State: will and " “unip- to the Pacific to I strategies no", ,rtth the object of giving ann o hint. It h to be hoped the story in untrue. Such a challenge to ill-feeling would be little abort. of a national aim. A Undone hygienic! any. etnwbeny neids tsffeet some people’s temper, may becoming eulky and irritahle that eating them. Perhps that may be the eqlaw ation of some of the grumbling done by people It reaching the bottom of the boxes so quickly. New York sum collect. in god.) m this. can. . very hm mm. This in: the uses-melt in 'M6,092,992, an in- emu of $125,543,333 over but you”. amount. Of this increase $105,375,711) in in New York City. It CURRENT COMMENT aly is said to be feeling the loo ot hundreds of thousands of laborers, ms taste and inclination in re- m food and what quantity be The result of the tests to students: were subjected chow- mtlmnl eating" contribute! to 'r the people on this side of the and that they are able and wilt. be seen any day on our streets, hey work in the heat of the sun rim and energy that is surprising. "fatigue toxins; most VII!!! No result endurance; that less flesh food is " of poteitU my "mg-the quick the age. Many they are capsule Carin mothers s and amounts Wed by the up”. he appetite grad. detiriitu, and dis. Itttmttto result of remind us of the ty of thorough II of the food. I"!!! digestive and their ”can. of can and Assiut Historic _ heavier. I Prof. Hinder: Petrie delivered a lee. 'l tan yuterdny to the subscribers of u, the British School of Archaeology in _ Egypt on the tint month's work hat season " Cinch and the subsequent four t month. in the region of Asaiut. He said the results represented the first and to some extent the second and third dynas- ties as well as a period from the ninth b.. .L_ h. I.-. tn the finst month forty-nine graves were found in the royal tombs of Aby- doa. The ohjects disclosed showed that the civilization of Ahydos was of the samv character a that of Memphis. There were» stone vases. bracelets, blue glaze pottery and a long necklet, indi- eating that the people of the household Wrb."c ornaments similar to those of the royal house. but of a cheaper kind. Tlu-n- was a slate- palette for painting. Wands were discovered with elaborate ivory carving and knives of the first old nomad dynasties. The work had been mostly destroyed by the twetnty-siorth dynasty. but in these comparatively modern tranhn there had been unearthed: I. use: of the earlier Me. Ho Moi also found objects of quarts and I lo slab 2 by pg inches and. of M Viz: to the twelfth. In my can (noel-lance I had seen man ,ranet.d o9etqent and (all from we Mann-rd to he drowned. from aloft to the dock to their death, bat the three bare mm were "Md and In mu. m. and yet their lives were shed with: hm to channel's ht the n- ail-hue MW narrated. u... w slur any the We. Tho 'tbttomn. with n angled mug of rigging tad cub. an under th. 100 how with office:- amt crew were trying to clot: it when by A sudden lurch and plush of the Chip tho "at m was ton-ad overboard. I “a an: at hdnd with 1 part ot the fore- manna clowning In my cup, which wu thrown to him: he caught it and van hauled in on deck Ind his Me was caved. The - was My cold and it was snow- lns u the tint; he had on heavy clothing an in nu may he would have been drowns] had not the rape head in my hand has ”a to him. no was much frightened but not other. wheJI’Ind. nod at Liverpool be left the “In And lock we Mme by steamer. no tel D heaved, tn my opinion, ano- '-. ' " _ his ME: bio"; tn I!!! on on by,“ we} It to eirG-GG", 7iit .u--- _.-. mm. m- we we bout me upon venue. and we were able to “the on; way directly to the New when he was. We round up to the .901. pulled him into our than. out) in but: condition. and atm- ed but for the chip. Ott the w” I Joh- “'5 odd to htm, "You young lubber. what - you overboard hero for?" He ann- vered mostly end mimly, to though he bed command a crime mine: the discipline of the ship. "t eouidn't help it, air?" I did pot that thot he mull. although he had CI! w the, amt tho VIII4 to the Peanut IND had hem Indkmuml when» and '0 were able as place you We mod u our but, gun " but for I hobo-Mm} m M on Upon the ahb's main hatch a "ttt boat no stowed, bottom up, which In I few mum w lifted over the side and low. an! to the water. into which two ullon mM tho In!" dent-ended Ind putled ”my to no renew. The boy hid mu that the Mtto had hove ma, 1-: tt good swimmer bod um up his com”. We could see him when he 'e the Boat me upon van; and “mum. swimming ind noatiuriroiir'Gi' the wuar. I. could be "on with tho spyghss ban n. .'%f%r'NN A anon- In! “a can: aloft to rule down the fora-on; any in a nonmaln chair and Or the "ar, land when he had newly com- pleted No job he moved from the chair overboard. The on of " man overboard" VII ruined. the wheel was put down. the chip can. to the I'M and stuck without "it. tk Pe totryouf quiet. "e "___- - mn- tunes. By that am the be; - 'dptrte Emu; and um The ship In. m tho aoutheut trades. running down to the equator, with mum - dudding sul- not - and itch and making (in or all km. Atl hand: was My "than: chip and tn curing down the Mtttrhst; weather ttne and any steady. Lincoln for a gradual rolling from side to wounnrux. nuns m EGYPT, - ,7, v“ v- - m - toe res! (I " m. tt m u close cull and tu.. “ I miraculous m. Ne second oocumneo took place in tho mtumn of the line your " the ffrot, In the Pttetne. on the maze from New York to San Fund-co upon artottter ship of V!” I was 01116! Mntor. The not. and but). on deck brought up the up“ and the ”mason from tho edit: ‘to anemia what It meant. and they wore -tmgtattqd when told that a nil- or had [than overhead from the jib-boom Ind had been reocuod in the manner here mm. The tailor was mums but uninjured: the mu: (“a bin a 51.. ot brandy; ho wont lot-ward and changed M. clothing 1'11e'1' buck SP dock up nooq the res: and. Duh; -iia-tiiG the Gt;" it; let-non he was with no one at the M cal - throw it over tho mun but! and slow- 1n n the strip WM Duo- hflo and tt v” both hands. and with him-Indontorhulm. mum Intimate mound together tho hon-mu: and I rattled the [INN out d an m. The up! at the “at was noon on hand, t bowl“ no .ltpped undor the man'. “I; ho“. page In on deck and was Phetrgahevrrruoetheutttrrt7safrC Mt. all!” ban: the boom. “lime-l qdhtmfrmntt"rtoot- new“!!! In him tau. heard the md“lu omrt-ot'."aadranasrorift- tr-r-ttru-goeth-taim-ti. Upon Call on“: were tap: who] ra- Icvhg “In, and my thought Wu that trtemxMrmtettonoeit those ankle fan- kfeot.htatytp-traatttsounGTrnriiti tterrittotopaoditertuoa-dtitar." Mmmum odq to Minoan-(wrench teput'tt,rdt "Aeet_erorsM-etdttterrtailriia the '_ae_tt.rssttnattaowtsoeI.Tritti the same Pee, my, @uon._took up the tackle “new.“ baa-cu: mu pie, Eehtrtqtitt_rdttottt.-r-tioiatu. muwnrougt. we ship nailed hear. 'tr.it-ottttiFotttterueetharar 'emteeted-dtlt.Jutotretmmodamt..t ”Mkmm. 1-rtogsoesetat.s.itora4mttoIoosusthe dllld‘oodjlmmubo brethot the Munch-chin. Hoes-toting. .eee1et_trttt.?et,otrriapitiVii' -etomdromttttqat-tsarqrtottut- '-etesFtttrortoetrr-tt=bqtt2" Menu-Mum - M- _ V ~v--. .v ver frilly“! tn the Atlantic In the month of a the - from Mobile to - tho In: voyage I made It wen Woo lathe Grand Banks Clear who a furious Merl! “mm-n ‘14. ‘_7L . muy.__ may he' $25 , mile to the "Shim-me! I hear him singing in his room I "-Meggendorier Blaetter, Hotel Proprietor-Has not the man in number fifteen received his bill yett Head Waiter-Certainly! Fifteen min- utes ago. Hair Cut Without Orders. A native paper states that the Magis. trate at An-Hyun has arrested a. great number of people belonging to the ll Chin Hoi society, and having charged [them with cutting their hair without any order from the Government, had them severely tlogged. The sympathiz- 11's of the society and its members have held crowded meetings and violent speeches have been made denouncing the unwarranted action of the oftieial.- From the Corean Daily News. "Well, dear. I wish you could mske the dough that father used to make."-- Watchword (Dayton, 0.) The bride smiled and answered in a voice that did not tremble: "My dean'I wish you could make bread such as mother used to make." Minard’s Liniment Cure: Diphtheria. She "Raised" Him. A young man who had not been mar- ried long, remarked at the dinner table the other day: Minard’s Liniment Cures Distemper. I The triangles are an unpleasant fen.- ture outside every criminal court in In. dia. Mr Henry says: "I have known of {leggings so severe that the victims have died on the triangles to which they were tied." And this horrible torture is ittmeted for the slightest offtrnees.-Humanitar. ian in ReynoldU Newspaper. 4% Compoundeil Quarterly ( In 1902, the last year for which figures are available, no fewer than 25,186 judi- cial floggings were inflicted upon adult male and female offenders for petty theft and the like. According to Sir Henry Cotton, M. P., K. C. S. I., who has pub- lished a pamphlet on this subject these degrading floggings are administered publicly over the bare body. Let me draw the attention of the pub- lie to a shocking Mate of affairs which exists under tho criminal law of India. He had found also two complete models of boats and a black granite fig- ure, seated, some fifteen inches high, which showed much anatomical knowl- edge, though the proportion hole rot always correct. Such figures were rare in twelfth dynasty tombs. _ TEMPLE BUILDING. 10mm Capital and loom. $3.900.” The USf2!,Pygit 3 One wooden tomb of the twelfth dyw asty was one of the finest that he had ever seen. It was at the mouth of the rock tomb of a chief and contained five statuettes and other objects. He had often wondered at the size of the rock tombs, but concluded from what he had seen of the unfinished ones that they were used as quarries by the chiefs to build houses they would inhabit in life. Then a space was quarried out to be used for the maker’s last long sleep of death. Our. ttht, “3 fl,ht,'gt “(not We! yrytiiy4sreremte.i-t. Writ: tie it loin-y. simple. safe mi FjuGiler" __ On all Sui“ Dim-'- we allow four pee an. inland. compounded quarterly. - i.hrol.teh 3m kiwi .ie’uEbga' h In. been in mew-5M amnion for fix years. The out-chow- a . b Mama». - Mtt't2hedl. m - r""" um...» um, "I: yunucu, wnlcu in the earliest stage eomstituted the house being copied from the temple, which, of course, was regarded as the gods' house. between bub of “can! cities, “in. to nine“ of dollars only day, ue handled my through the mails. JAFETY of the Mall: The best ptool of the safety of sending. thr the mails . the fact that L cation: 'id'lllu' a sharp pow edge, the as d Vii he waging: to ,ttret It was . hi . He no: nothing Prat. Pets-is said the lesson ua been particularly interesting, as objects of the first three dynasties had been found, whereas the origin of Giuh had hitherto e been ascribed to the fourth. He had also worked a way to a crowded ceme- tery and brought home 1,600 skulls, which Prof. Karl Pearson was now ex- amining at Assiut. Hundreds of tombs from the sixth to the twelfth dynasty ' h ul been discovered. The most interest. ing findrwere trays used for food offer. ', ings, which had gradually developed till they became models of dwellings. with staircases and portieoss, some of them two feet high. Be was thus able to as- .certain what an old Egyptian dwelling _ was like. Very few of these objects were known before now. He had found 150 in more or less perfect condition. Sections of some of these were shown on a screen. ' In some cases the house was two storeys . I high, one of an elaborate character with i a stairway and chambers behind. Ai couch was placed below for the sake of ! I coolness. The first essential of an 1‘ Egyptian house was the portico, which p Talks om. Banking by Mail Judicial Flogging in India. Inexplicable. WE have. jawed it The Afriean possessions of the French Government amount to 8mm square miles, and thou of Great Brink: 2,114,- 000, including Egypt. "Tooth, nothing."' said the excited alley, beginning rapidly to remove his coat. and not. “I wat you to ttttli I porous plaster off my ttaak."--htmiu "You could break his jaw or black his eye and he wouldn’t feel it'." "He would know nothing about it." "How long does he sleep!” "The physical insemsibiiity produced by inhaling the fa bets 3. minute, or probably a. little em." “I expect that’s long enough. Got tt ll ready for a fellow to take." “Yes. like a seat in thin chair And 4119: me your? tooth." up At the Death“. "Do you give gas hereto asked a wild. icolring man, who rushed into a. den. titt'a. "We do," replied the dentist. 19ota it Put a fellow to sleep!” And then his mistake an to tho room was solved! V "Dauble up your kneee," commanded the surgeon. "and touch the noor with your hands." Again he tried and failed. "Now run around the room ten times." The young man rebelled. "That PII not. Pd rather remain single.” 'Single'." said the doctor. "Yes, single. Pd like to know what an this has to do with getting my marriage lieemse." He tried the leap, but fell to the gtund: - Next the surgeon said, "Jump over this horizontal bar." 7 He did so, and his chest measurement was taken. young fellow. - V - "Get your clothes off," replied the - geon. * on The moment he entered the room the surgeon said, "Strip!" "What', tint?" said the utoniahed Candidate for Marriage Got Into the Wrong Place. An athletic young man, who was on the way to get his marriage license, found himaelf at last in a room where, as a matter of Met, candidates for the police force were being examined. l The world famous Susquehanna boom [at Williamsport is soon to become a lth' of the past. It is stated that "t'lnd'/s,,'. companies now putting logs into the West Branch will close out their stock in two more annual drives, after which the boom company will erect a sawmill themselves and manufacture the lumber contained in the boomsticka, rafting platforms and crib timbers. A stone crusher will be employed to make marketable the stone: with which the cribs are filled, and the boom will be entirely trbandoned.--Irtom the Philadel- phim Record. "found asleep, so you ean't wake him "lt does." “we, Pram Scratch. and any km " mutations In on human or animu- and In so unnat- by Wolford'l Sunny loan. It new: full. Sold by drum '" ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO l William Edgard Gail, described as In (explorer and lecturer, told a church full '; of people in Detroit that there was a “something to be said for bersrisn can- ?nibslism in comparison with the canni- ‘belism of Wall street." "There," maid he, "menhs souls are sswtaowed at a sin- gle gulp." We hold no brief for Wall street, but it never seems to occur to many of those engaged in denouncing it that there is no '.""Re'it', upon people who trade there. hey are at perfect liberty to stay away. If they join the game, however, why should not they be bound by the outcome of itt Those who take risk must certainly expect to pay for it if they lose, as they receive the rewards when they Wim-Boston Herald. WOULD RATHER STAY SINGLE. Last of Famous Lumber Boom. Mm mm mailman-u ""-eottotsora-srotoJGi, Mill-unwind.“ F LY PADS Abuses of Watt Street ITGH ”no. at“ «an. m German scientists have discovered in r tbttt1 the cooling of cast iron thnt the mung:- . new flows from the guy iron, mad the Med “ooh-(dungeon be definitely settled Nt " st I. point in the refrigeration of the Itll . iron. The eryattulixat4on "he. to such 'u 0. Intent that'szlahed surf-cu of the -6ieuiar tri of the no my ranch from the vertical side. By pom the qua-e outing from one side the softest port :,714,- I' the outing on be regulated, no on the landed. The male paradise fish is not only the larger but the more strikingly marked. It has a golden pellow band with narrow pale blue bands. At the point of each gill cow-r is a bright green spot with an orange line around the outer edge. Its fine are long and delicate and feathery and marked with the same colors as the body, while some of their spines project beyond the fins in slender filaments of en or blue. A beautiful little fish is {be paradise fish. The Aquarium has reeentlv received from R. E. Van Keuren, of {kneading Pa., 3 pair of adult paradise fishes, the male of which, considerably the larger of the two. is about three and a half inches long. The female of this pair has de. posited eggs since it was received here, and the male is now, after the mumer of its kind, guarding the neat. Nine at the Aquarium Prom the Other Side of the World. Capt. Perry Watson, of the steamship Muneaster Catrtle, he. presented to the Aquarium nine little paradise fishes, each about an inch and a half in length, which he brought with him on his last voyage from China and Japan to this port. They had been four months in the jar in which they were thus brought, over many scan, from half way around the world, but with proper care they were landed here in good condition. Gmu,--r cured a vulunhie dog of mm: with MTNARD’S LINIM‘EN'T " ter several veterinaries had tuned him without doing him my permanent good. Yours, eta. WILFRID GAGNE, Prop, of Grand Cantu] Hotel, Drum. mondville, Aug. 3, 'Ot. Miyrd’s Ijinimont (20., Limited. Siam and me. the 3.060 magma? ed onetr.---Karrqaa (‘vity Journal. 1 Her majesty Plum Paramindr Maha aulaionsriiorri, king of Siam. see-mg who somewhat human even if he is weighted gown hwith chi/We whidr, like Dido’s ull’a ide, is ng eno to onconnpaag hie empire. For a. magi:l has discarded most of the mm of the universe and is leading the simple life, travelling with the most meagre retinue. He has only about forty wives with him. It mt have been a. delicate tank to pick the forty out of 4,000 better halves. It the king who is above all emperors. mon- nrohs and potmtes were only a. mere mu, we shudder to think of the recep- tion he would get when he returns to Minud’s Linirnent' bile-, Coldir, provement which was shown in the two years 1905 and 1906 has not, unfortu- nately, been maintained. Prom the first appearance of the dis. ease up to the year 1901 the mortdity was greatest in the Bombay Presidency, but from 1002 onward, with one excep- tion, the worst area has been the Pun- {5b, and in 1905 the deaths in the latter rovince alone numbered 364.625. _ There was a small deem the deaths falling to 9i5l,000, decrease in 1906, when ther 332,000. The total deaths ft ten years numbered 4,411.21 movement which was shown years 1005 and 1906 has n nately, been maintained, The plague records for the ten year! October, 1890, to December, 1906, show that there was a large annual increuo from 1901 to 1904, the deaths numbering 274,000 in 1901, 577.000 in 1902, 557,000 in 1903 and 1,022,000 in 1906, the worst year in ton years. In Ten Years There Have Been 4,411,212 Deatu-hrortaiit, Increasing . .During the first three and a half months of 1907 the deaths from the plague in India mulled 494,000, the heaviest monthly mortality yet reported during the epidemic. According to the Indian World this would appear to show that the. present year will exhibit a. re- coil number of deaths. 'tht-e That In“! I“ It“. I in Ten Jan. I lit e little village on the Hunger-lea l frontier, not hr from Wars, . pell- ent woman recently received 400 kronen (EW) from her husband in Americe. l She promptly deposited it in the local [bunch of the Post Office Savings Bank, end then the next day went to withdraw . the whole amount. The bank offieinl 'wu somewhat surprieed, Ind naked for en explanation, when she said that Death had appeared to her during the night and threatened to take her away with him unless she had the 400 crowns ready for him the next night. The gendarmerie were communicnted with, and when “Death" nude his prom- I iced upper-nee he was found to be very i much alive in the person of the local Judge. The woman’- money, adds our Vienna cortelpondent who send. the story, is still in the bank, and the Judge is in "il.--Prom the Pall Mall Gazette. --enfest remnant for hwy. Piment- colic and PRitintr-1ryes healthful mt -ctTres dilution Without the harmful effects of medicines containing opium or other injurious drugs. '" Cures ,3; Diarrhoea Chuiaiong1rortt Having a Regulating the Cutting. PARADISE FISHES. 7 Nurses' and Mothers' Treasure PLAGUE SWEPT INDIA, nun II A m cm, mumg to 9i51,000, and I large 1 1906, when there were only he total deaths for the whole numbered 4,411,212. The im, 're.-et drug-doves. ”WEE-I3. Ch“! small decrease in 1906, aiddh7Gi iii' Time. 1, eta If some men wireiot mooning to their worth their pay day: would be few and - between. l The recall of De Irujo, though, was marked by an unusual circumstance. At [the request of the Spath Govt-mt, I actuated by a desire to avoid scandal, the IState Department had arranged that Irujo should depart quietly. as though his recall had not been demanded; but ‘being a surly specimen of his race, he lingered on and on, bet-crabsI more and more a thorn in the side of t e adminis- tration. To hints he was dumb, and when ordered away defiantly replied that he would suit his own pleasure in going; a course of action which resulted in the enactment of a statute empower- ing the President to arrest and oonvey‘ out of the United States any envoy who1 remained after his recall and rsasonahle} notice to leave.-rrom "The Diplomat at l Washington." by Aubrey Lanston in the] July Bohemian. Our diplomacy has Ilvnya been mark- ed by a refreshing "public“: simplicity of speech. The fifth we is, of comic. the "all of Senator Dupuy de Lorne, Just prior to the war with Spain, for having unwisoly rriticised the adrninhr tntion in a letter to A friend. When the Prelident Hay Make " Arrest It, was weighed and tipped the beam at 441/2 pounds. Many have been visiting the farm of Mr. Fanning. where the dead hedgehog has been on exhibition to-day. --Brattleboro correspondence Sprimfield Union. _ William Forming shot yum-y am- noon the lot-gent hedgehog ever heard of in this vicinity. Mr. Fanning was tented on the veranda of his firm house shortly before dark when he saw an Inimal that he took to be I mull bear come out of the woods and nmhle to. ward the house. Securing his shotgun 3fr. Manning waited for the animal to approach. When it was near enough he fired and broke the nnimal's foreleg. but it did not Mop. Two more charges were necessary to despatch the unimd. Xinud’a Liniment Cum Carat in Con "r"""'""""-------. BHPIAI-IIOLTUI mm CI. MEI. “mm mm l No movement shculd ever be required lot the saddle-horse until he has been [previously warned, and, in however ' crude . fashion, collected for the effort. It in not fair to him to neglect this, nor is it to haul him backward by main strength, or to ask advance by suddenly kicking him in the ribs with the heels, or jerking " mouth with the bite, an. tomry u are these performances; nor should he be turned only by hauling upon one min until his body must fol. low " head and neck, or he must fell down.--Ftom "Directing the Saddle- Houe,” by F. M. Ware, in the Outing Magazine for July. "vu, " . CANADA "o-‘uh-In-un.~' The E. B. EDDY CO '"Ttt"'t'"t"i--e--. a. “’0 ""h""""'"""--om--dL ; ”mm l,.a.aauaauic4, "_- I realise on the “one." a lk. If. J. mu p, Em Mtg. "I”. MA V Fan Gloom. v Out., May 3 'd. “I have med Kendall's Splvin Curt with great were“. and think it an crane-t remedy for Spavint. I ' Minn, etc. war. Lunar. Aca- t no substitute. " I ttttttge-_ for " Kim. for free copy of out grant book-"Treutise on the Home." I. schess sad Priscilla “Mum Rock Rib an Hkmulessa.ass,,. h-cucnnu “an... Pn'ncesssr-taoa.aaa,arue,s, ASK YOUR DEALER FOR A-rGi, I. I i tr lin.. tSt iron iseusien. look tter, last longer if the tttttttnet 'ljiiiif,, 9% co an no starch thnt zeal} [MPERVIOUS SHEATHING ,3 T TbTC"te' (6icft'atr, Give the Horse Warning. The Blunt Honcho; Little Did? a Little Pet rum... W"-‘ 11- “Val @WVI-Mvm... ins, bubt Eleanor Boy (impuientls)--vp,t Up! Up'. Up! “Doll Old Indy (Mfg-nu )-You talk tome, bub, u if on 'i,?ittiiie. I trained Jllrtf-'ll'J'lht"t't - Shingles L"lhTL'"l'ldurgt The PEDLAR People” 06"- !“ on“ In.» In... In“ 03de Gnlvnnllod r Andv McGee. who mm the ml from ilngnotic to Baker-ville, in g non- ltroolty. He on at live cock of fire with impunity, ad with c spoon. If you doubt this just hing htm a tire coal Id I nickel and he will mac-09 a. and nadpoekettUnkeat. Halibut“, for be told In for one dollar he would pour a spoonful of molten lend in his mouth and let it cool and than take it 'll'e"tutt,'ue,fgtt, Was the dew do with and: I mant--Prom the Bdrm-ville Ouerver. and tit the an. mum lam-Mar L,uaiiic. [gunman-thou)!“ (Inna-cl, ttteel :hmmv can.“ the Wminner “the. tia/pct.""'):';:',.'?)]:'."',',',',"','?"'- .325; 1'chttgPeke'y"ci! C I L' . I T a Jan. Mar, ttarroqrty etc-pd arming In In mum to era: the Irish Channel; " balloon deotqed Into a. war can. all. oft Liverpool Ind In w. an the noun or succumbing than new Mgrte in the form 0(- not“ host. bun the Dull-h can. “mail: IN6. an!!! lost bunch: the- Mt rub-1h. Elevator Bor-aus- going up. Deaf nld Ladr---W'aiatt wuy 'I it Ctr-, In n similar attempt . Mr. Mo was and when choc! In enmi- lnuu In]. “a. ttreels pet. “my“! "It. lore than I can?! ‘30.. when Matur Money and. u: ascent from Norwich. ho was com-Hod (alumna tn the not. - ho ruched foe - hours until his plight mr-aodhorer-mribrtttots-af T and . dbh' det,g ',iil?tttea: . “in“. “dumb-y 1th m;tnuwm.w Icon- of mucous buc N- drlna out to no... can“ In which an. nus-cum." h- endad “any are In. ”at. all had. no“ at "ttttq-d lump.- ud blemish" from horses, Mood mvin, curb, cplinu, riygbotr, "pen meg, quid-[Ion ind Bianca throat}, Ne: arte. lute W by We Pf W120“! - "- rusted the and wonderful Bio-mt Our. ever known. Sold by was. tsootintheair. qheaauttailittmfrmrs sooty diimneyl “one Inn has Ilr'gt up st 0105“”. Th Fabian dio- cguing with this gust unison: ha in struggled with for o you any year. and in all pmhobihty the (not. London fog will be conquered in the near future. The Intent when! in thin direction in a ml Iubotituu M a being introduced with com menu the English Ttttti It in not. strict- ly speaking . In titute, for it is t psrparstiort of mail its?” which is M- ed in such 3 manner that the i it“. 'g,'U"e'tig2 removed so that 00%: n e furgmoeoratove in nem1tarsfidtsd without giving off not or smoke. 9,eel!rui<astiti-aeuttu-i. The annual cost of “and! all; qrtr'trA ambus- london h- a... - 'iiiGiitotseWp00mo,tutdthilid, to be entirely chin) the PP.""", of Magenta Soot 34.3mm, "h.“ ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMBNT Red. Robin; stun ISSUE N0. North Carolina Fire Eater. "thuNo POR - Ber latch Voice. Ann-um in the Sea. ' Limited or MINI P00. “MM-‘0‘ “Sud Shingles. Guitar-Wm Indians in. he“. Tr now-lauds“. Lou Inch. "Minna. ll d If qt ll pl th Ti tir PARTIES TO THE DISH TRYING TO GET TOGI etttra nee. u landing pat Hell. would tre The " far u tn Immune!“ “mohair in." or be [mu that in into tl: um. and my: torpedo (lc,','),'.',' u trolling tlu. n b at' ac, Hostile 'tcd Appca JAP Chi) fORI Had Over Two Et ,“tnn J!" lajor Ge " h )lull prints , sinuou- ie that 'om At it, ttn at we igttrudvr or eketchi at COBAlI SIRI ten-inch pun, mung all po Ill“. beside view the Goverttttter in detail the rein! a to Point hum and the way: “The. trom Mil- minor 1 fort Ni aria M mum inn the e gun at Ba I of plun- k noun-It and th the {Int ll th N

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