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Durham Review (1897), 25 Jul 1907, p. 1

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hr ytstter- routh. reno- .kor l) 'oleo. dill” hme ouhd an Ipl " Afi)', stir; To 11.8. &mtmrttrmns.--B, s new Postal haw we are compelled to charge U,60 per ennum in advance for the Renew to snhecribere in the United Sum Will those when subs expire this month oryrho are in arrears. kindly take who nod re- new during July. so a to lose no papa". OWE”! VOL. XXVIII, N0. 30 'ii,ptxraiesiasaexztansiarrilrrrimlrraeiirrM iii, Another Shipment of Corsets 'iti Dress Muslins and Ginghams R', :-:2 =33 xamxsansnaaeatsaaaaaaslii'i Interesting items for Annual Mid-sum’r Sale Odd lines of la- dies' vests, rg 12% and I 5c--only a few of these---roc each Odd lines and sizes of Ladies' Bwiatt Liste vests worth up to 450 each. On sale " 25c. IMPORTANT l l mm The House of Quality [mam "iiiirkisd Mule. mr. pm. 51,75. "suintttor 51.25 per guit. 10 van ' Unbhuuncv-u --- - - . ends, a few short lengths thrown m, worth up to 25c per yd on sale 10e per " m CENT BARGAINS IN MUSLINS _A, - :..... am" lmaths thrown in, w Bargains in Underwear Ladies' e_orltttyta do! Women's, Oirls', Children's Fancy Hose Miles ot loyely Laces and Embroideries Ladies' Fancy Parasols White Shoes Be sure and be early this week as the goods listed are genuine bargains, nothing is advertised as special which is not strict y so. The goods are marked in plain fig- ures for all to see. They are no eomtortattle--thtr lines are perlect fitting and so chenp too. Men‘s $1.50 to $1.75 Lndieo' $1.10 & $1.25 Children 3111) They no easily kept ole-n with "White Beauty" dren- ing-only 10e a bottle. Filling the gaps of the laat month‘s selling. You know the B. & I ? They are the cornea that don't break at the I'.".'.' .li.u.'.". Us??? , .ti.t. I". tr'.'.".? L00 to IS) Lots of other lines too Including not and batiste corsets for summer warm. . . . . 50C to $1 There's lots of time vet for light weer. We have here Iota ot lovely patterns at prices I0 low " to make you won- der. See our M53153! impinge: muslin: .5199“; 15 Literally miles ot theart-there are dainty vttleneiennes durable torchuns. embroidered neta---eambriG lawn and swlsa muslin embroiderios and hosts of other kinda-90am- thing suitable for trimming my kind of goods. A fancy Parasol u I necessity this season. Top off your costume with one of thee-either white or colored. We have very dressy patterns at $L35 to $200 Tm? Panamanian. blnek Belts, cut prices in Ntetlt. $1.00 $1.00 Lawn Waists great offering A certain manufact- urer offered us a big bargain in white waists provided we took all he had of the lot. After a euniuieratrleeoneeaaion on his part, We took all he had. tnvellers sam- ple_s__and all. , The lot comprises a great variety ot designs in titttt lawn Whine. ey- let and thedow em- broidery and [we trim- med different length sleeves. most of them buttoned g' but. Sale price $1. MOCKLE R the first week of wr , 1-1- 1 , - 1 John sour. um» THE HOUSE OF QUALITY- I Aatgataote a.“ " Much mm lrgt2qtFa= and white with double ttbo Children" Hauler! for " This isn line which m our crowded store was overlooked and never put on gate. We have it intact all sizes so here goes; Childrens black nbbed cotton. bozo sizes. 5 to Th, reg. 15c value-M? cents On sale per pr, just the thingtorboys large sizes 8 to IO, worth 200 for IN per pr. 25c stockings tor 190 Boys' or Womens' ribbed hose. doub. le knee. sizes 8 to 10, smaller sizes 5 to " tor 20ts value Championship Lacrosse-==Durham vs. ltianover-Exhibition Grounds, Durham, Tuesday, July 30 -ilfe. Aisle of short ll) Hosiery our great itirittliiigi, I A. B, Jackson is an Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses. During). Ont. Found tn Presbyteri Church shedr, bu my duster This 0 e. F on "Ia.--A capita itchen Cahi. net new. Apply at this ttlee. Flour, that's still as oai as ever. LUtowel-Manitoba. It Mrs. Beggs'. A. H, Jackson has a number of houses and vacant lots n Durham or sale. Owing to a. change in th business all accounts due me must paid in hy18th August. Muss chx Goon HEIFER CALFFO rturar.--Ap- ply to Wm Moffat, Updtr own. Lacrosse-Durham - Dur am " Hanover, Exhibition ground ' Tues. day. July 30, Admission 25a 15 eta. A partial eclipse of the moon was clearly visible Wednesday evening, 1- lgout three-Nrths of the .disc being obscured. FOR BALE.--A number of town lots on Queen and Countess Sts., good locntion. prices reasonable. Apply to Thomas Smith or at. the PostofBce. A happilv conceived picnic is that of the l. O. F. Society here planned fox 1st August next In McGirr's grove. See hills and other announcementa. Mr Wm Lawrence, Sn, has pnrchas. edthe residence of Mr John Legall- and will shortly become a cuizen in the town which has kn wn him so long. We welcome Mr axg Mrs Law- rence to Durham. Potn'poNRD.-The Rock Saugeen Garden Party has been ostpnned from With to 30th Julv, Tues " even- ing next. At Alex Fleteher's. -rd Con. Bentinck. Don't forget, U ual od" mission, usual good tune. The Woman's Institute, will hold their next meeting at the home of Mrs. I. Allen, Varnoy, on Wednesday the 7th August. Subjects to he discussed: .. Why in Autumn so beautiful in nature? Compare it with the Autumn of om lives. Friendships, salads. and cunning fruits." All ladies are invited to attend and help make our meeting interesting and henefiicial. iii-Iii-iii/BIKINI! 7 GIVE THEM A GRANT.--The rural school trustees of North Wellington hive formed an association and the tirst meeting was held at Dmvton re- cently. This is a commendable mcve- ment and should be carried out every- where. The assocmtions will have delegate privileges at the) Trustee Section of the 0. E. A., and should tvwetsgovvrrtment grant and recog- nition. same as teachers' associations. Mr Arthur Adlnm. the popular brick-l tender, employed at the Cheboygan Paper Co. plant, has been promoted to the position of machine tender, and assumed his new position on Monday morning. Arthur is an I example of what a. young man 1 man can make of himself by being at- I tentive and steady at. an occupation. having steadily shcwed to his ;'t';lltlr") era that he possessed the qualities of 1 the higher art, and has been rewarded ( for his efforts and endurance-Che. l boy-nan Tribune. 1 BOUGHT AN ARAB HomrE.--Mr. P. H. Miller. M. P., has indulged his fond- ness for horse flesh by purchasing 't thoroughbred Arab colt at Newburgh, New York. It is a one year old L; driver and has quite an imerestingi pedigree. The dam of the colt was one of. number of Arabian horses sent from the Arabian desert on exhibition at the world's fair Chicago. The sire isoson of the famous Keamet, per- haps the fastest Arabian that ever left the desert. The colt was bred by Rev, F. Vidal, of England, A great admirer of the Arab horae.--Post. The Standard Bank pays interest four times a year on all Savings Bank deposits. . Savings Bank Dena-talent in Cttmeahtnsitttali B-dey. THE STANDARD BANK DURHAM, THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1907 OFCANADA HeadOHiee, " " " " DURHAM BRANCH IOTAILISHID "" I STORES WILL cLutgtt.-Next, Tuesday _aft.ernoon between 8.80 and 6 p. m., ,allstoxos and places of business will lclose to enable all to see the great i Hanorer--Durhtun lacrosse match. i AT ROCKY SAU ttttte-A Garden 5 Party in connection ithBurns church ‘will he held at the home of Alex. .Fletcher, 3rd com, Be tinck, on Tues- {day evening, 30Jul A good pro- }grum will be furnishe . Admissio n-- Wie and 15e. This pa. 3 for supper; ':otherrerreshments ext . Everybody l welcome. WaNTED.-.100t) do of Tan Bark Applyat Harness S op. Thou Smith Ten apprentices w ted to learn the millinery beginning pt. 5. Apply at Mb. DiekU. Flesbeiton baseball team came over last Thursday evening and engaged in a friendly exhibition with the Dur. hams. Durham won out, 12 to 0. A change is being and. in the pro- pnetorship of the waterworks Mr. Crawford having bought out Mr Kel. ly’s interest we believe, Mr Cutton heinqassocit.ted with him. I. O. F.--Those letters for the next two weeks will suggest the great Picnic lwimr held in McGirrs grove. Watch for bills and other announce- ments. All free, games. sports. music. speeches, swings. A happy afternoon. The Band also. "dt &rnAYRD.--From the premises of the undersigned, Lot 46. con 1, S.D.R.. Glenelg. about middle of April last. one year old steer. mostly red In. fornmtion that will lead to his recov- ery. suitably rewarded. DONA D MCLACHLAF TRINITY CHUR I GARDEN PARTY.--. The annual Gard n Party of Trmity Church will be h 1d on the Rectory grounds on Thnrsd y evening 25 July, A good program is eiug provided and cveryllnng else wh h goes to make up a good garden ty will not he found wanting. Adm' siontogrouno 10c. . BINDER "NE.--A highly respect- ed farmer c led today in search of Deering Bin rTwine. Several deal. ers had tried: persuade him to try other makes tn he had satisfaction every time he us veering twine hence no other brand was (Just as good.) Deering Twine is liable. For sale at The Big Store. Mom: JvmLme.--Now it is Dornoch, Latona Congregation. which is cele- brating their Jubilee on August 4th and 5th. Sabbath Seryices will he conducted in the morning by Rev. J. Fraser Smith. agraduate of the con- gregation and returned missiouarv, and in the evening by a former much loved pastor, Rey. Jno Little. The usual admission fee Monday evening with social features followed by a fine intellectual programme. pastor Mc- Donald presiding. HOLSTEIN IN DrrsrAsD.--Thursday last Trinity church Sunday school and friends went to Holstein by train rnd on Tuesdav the Presbyterian Sunday school here and friends also went to the pretty village, both groups being on picnic bent. That they enjoyed themselves need not he said. The beautiful grove, its level stretches, the swingsJ and especiallv the boating' form great attractions, wtule to the youngsters the railway ride itself is failylsnd. Both occasions had beauti- ful weather and no accident marred. On Tuesday coaches. For Unix? B, B. No. 2. Bent-maneu- Duties to egin August 19th. Apply, stating qu 'iMatiorw and experience. up to Motkay. Aug. 6, to " A.HEUGHAN, Secy. Rocky Bauge ling-3y”: J'eacher Wanted. ‘n S. B. No. 2, Bent-Glenelg‘ we crows) filled three Itgittth The meeting last Friday Ins hiriy well attended and exhibited s perfect- ly unanimous attitude on the troubles arising from the volumes of smoke and coal duet being emitted from our cement works. It appears that visit- ors to other parts where cement mills are in operation tind no such disagree- able experiences as we have here, and this. together with the tsilure of the management to implement thelprom- ises of last year. have irritated the town to no small degree. . The law ot last session of parliament prohibiting smoke nuisances but ex- empting from its operation smelters and cement works came in for much discuss-ion. Dr. Jamieson, M. P. P., said the exemption was not on the flret draft of the bill but was changed in committee and slipped through the house unobserved. It was even hint. ed that one of our directors was in. 'itiuentitu in having the obnoxious clause slipped in. Be that as it may it presents a barrier to anvlegal re- dress in the meantime. A motion by U. Brown and Ju. Webber urged the council to secure the best legal talent at once to secure redress l an amendment by C. Ramage and G McKechnie would ask the Dir- ectors to meet with council and citi- zens to consider relief, an amPndment totheamendment hr D. Kinnee 5nd -"'"--'"-, asked the council to not. ify the management. to stop the uni. sauce in lil days or an action would be entered utmost them and this bust carried by a majority. SeVeral ladies were present and Mrs Benton made an able champion. It is claimed that health is being affected vegetation impaired and property de. stroyed as well as much discomfort ex- perienced by the smoke and dust. There is no questioning the value of the cement work, to the town, but it is certainly thought a. way out of the trouble can he found without injuring the works. Not so the score-the green and whites always kept ahead and Were tsatisfied with holdmg a three or tour goalieud. throughout, ending H-ti. There was nothing especially intet. etstintr,sxcsting, or an, fast play at any time, barring one pretty piece of combination. when the Durham’s home made a. slight effort, Cowan 5e. cured the rubber In centre tleld, pae- sed to McIntyre, to McOutee. mun to Cowan, to Lavelle. to Wolfe. who made a. nice low shot and scored. the hall huvtng traversed the entire home in the thick of the Chesley defence. Directly at variance with the match in Hanover the beginning of the week, was the lacrosse came here Ft idny. this time against Cbesley. In the for. mer game. both teams fought every inch of the Way, while here it was a take it easy exhibition, and the Dun hams took the lighter end at that. Dr Grant refereed but as the match was clean, he practically had nothing I to do. The score; lst quarter Durham 2, Chesley 1 2nd quarter Durham 6, Chesley 2. 3rd quarter Durham 8, Chesley 5. 4th quarter Durham ll, Chesley 6. Next Tuesday lovers of our Nation- al Game will have the privnlege of see- j ing probably the fastest match ever pulled " in Durham when the Hano- ver dozen will cross sticks with the iDurhams in their tirat match here. l Both teams are playing as fast lacrosse as any in the intermediate 0 L A.--the Durhams have struck their winning snide and intend to stick with it, while Hanover is coming over deter- mined to put up another close tight, and win if at all possible. up they rec- ognise in this their last opportunity for a glimpse of the seau-iitta% ”twill be a great game-run: game at the season. Don't miss it. mtrrtacr STANDING Won Lost To play p c Durham Hanover Chesley Court Durham, No. III. I. o. P., have arrangement: made for th Mon' star Picnic on ht. August next in T. IcGin-‘s stays net" town. H. H. Miller. M. P. and Dr. Jpmieson, M. P. P., will deliver address“. and bunch-Al heron-e. swings. rm. jumping. sud other sports. with the Regiment-.1 Band, mil enliven the Afternoon. Ad. mission free. Ladle! raw to bNtttrettmhrnottt' The Smoke Nuisance An Easy Win. Foresters' Picnic. .I- .. .-. Emmont Tp. S. S. Association The 9th Annual Convention of this body wu held st Foil-hum Plea church on Wedneodny. 17 22 inn... and A titte nttendnnco no no bupoke the interest in the good work. The no- nocintion in non enominntionnl and in a tlm, example of the unity more tals. ed About glam new! upon. . After devotions. reports and up- nointments there wss sn sddress of welcome by Ree Mr Little, the petor, and ssolo " The Beautiful Lend.” , Mr Wm Bernese. Miss Nsismit gave some good prscticel views of in- tant class teaching. while dies Kerr, on the responsibility of pnrents to the Sebhsth school as" some wholesome reminders. Childhood wee the battle- ground ot the kingdom, Children the assets of the church and I realisation of these truths should lend parents to attend B. S. themselves. Mr Little valued the white-haired pearls in his clues and Me Dodds made re erence to the cost of our convention. n trifle compared with a. court of justice. sit- ting for the same time. showing what value there was in s little effort. Mr Renwick on "Anecdote and il. lustntion in Teaching." said I story to Ineffective. must be pointed and well told. Bible stories are. unexcelled and 311 can he need to linger“. truth. It should ever be remem red. how. ever. that were story-telling will not lead to Christ, but perfect teaching will The paper was An excellent one and was discussed by Helen Sinchlr. Little, King and others, name holding that many stories been!” Bible one! could be lirofitattlr used. Misses Little and Nniamitb [aye "lwill not.tortret thee," Min Slurp accompanying. Mr Wm Allan took on hie Iub‘iectl “Sunday school unchar- Irene“ ly" and took his hearers back 40 you. to the old log house in Normnnby. and his expenence during that Lime would lead him to any that these convention. were steps towards a. larger Christan.“ brotherhood. Using figures he come gored the meagre post to the more ountiful present arid looked for Itlll greater things. The mother Wu the areas power behind the Q. School. ., Raise the Banner and press onward" was his motto and he quoted no apt Crimean story. Dr Blown spoke effectively on the claims of the Children. who must be directed by human imruurnentatity. Some chlld is going to God or the devil owing t I our uimtenee, and it vu- M important now as when Jesuu spoke it, the children are neceusry to the kingdom of God. This truth over- Ihudows everything else because of the worth of a. humun life. " The Gates of Paradise " was sung by Mr manage and adjournment Wu: made for the evening session. Mr Geo A. King soid 2 true teach- ing in the S. 8 the foun stiou of true manhood was laid. The clone- should bo a. greet menufactory of pious voung men and women, using another fhsuri, they were the nursery of God to cover earth with the righteousness of hear. en. Youth, the impressionable time. should be stamped with the mark and agirit of Christ. Teachers should be a on reproach as to punctuality. thoroughness and character generally. They can thus make Canada a guiding star to other nations leading them too to higher things. The papers and addrenes were all on a high plane and stimulating to every one, ind the same can be. said of the magic. appropriately selected and well-rendered: Rev Mr Randall is the President, W. J. Sharpe, Beer. A vote of thunk: u was tendered to the refining Becy Mrl Sinclair. l We regret that; few of our mails this week will reach their destination one mall late. While putting in new batteries for our engine. an unnoticed displacemeb occurred and the finding of It out caused the regrettable delay. " Happy Though " Hinge and Gur- ney Double Heater, arlor Cook Cal Stove. both in good ndition. I Bed. room Set. con-mung ot 1 high hack bedtrtead, Dresser a. d wall “and. 1 Kitchen Cupbosrd. able and I few sundries. Mrs. Brook will be at Mr M. Kreu's_gug§ry f m2 to tron Thundny. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO The Sovereign Bank Iri Cam]: Emmy: Jam. 3.1.. . - - "eg6aAg' Rumour! humus. an" First Vine-W A. A. ALLAN. Seq" . . . . Second Vice-presided Box. D. MchLux. Hon. Pun: Henna. ARCH. mun-nu. 3.9. M.P. W. K. ucxwam‘. Bq.. M.P. A. It. than”. qu., ILP. Am Durex. Bum, Le. P. G. Inna-n. R. Cantu. CMd-Hwtr. ,i Asst. Canal-Um. Delayed Review For Sale. Interest " beit current rates paid quarterly. 13m MOE - HEAD 6Fmcitr-.TottaNro. Paid Up Capital.- a a 35.0 minimum Puhlluhm oi the Weekly Globe and Cumin Fume: can. m to auto 3 wonderful 2thtt odor. We will and the Review“ Wood motrefor one Fear for 31.!) 'lJr,.')Tt't'l; ul- Extraordinary iiiiaTG%rrtertetit Wood (Immu- ono yen- for IL!) only- (LII: In ul- nnco. kGutr7iiriui 300333! A vane. Thad limited time. Show 'were leaned :from this omen last week. Even fume!- within 10 miles ot Durban: should “tone and me it. The Director- we are Inn: are impreued with the neoe-Ity ot mak- in; thin veer'e exhibition . record bunker. but it must. be remembered they hue to heloynlly eupported by the clue it II intended to henMt. Be. gin right now to plan for the any. en- courage the boys aod the girls to make some peesentatiott mow the entries. 00 that, term and household will be thoroughly represented. Thenthc Director. we presume no atrium: in turn to procure come trt. auction. for the temtitutrtion of the night-wing purl of the crowd. Thu is nececnry. espocmlly since horse racing in elunincted. It mutt ho shown that the succu- ot the about I. not dependent on this feature. It is incumbent on everyone to nuke this fine Riding show, Always so rep- resenutwe in character, A greater Iucceu than ever. It an be done by using a little public spirit. muting the lists and talking it up in A friend. ly wny. ', We have everything that is new in Solid Gold Wedding Rings, Pearl Brooches, PesrlPins, Necklets, Sockets. Brace. Gt Gold Watches and chains, for I the June brides. '; Also the largest stock of choice ‘ Silverware that we have ever I shown consisting of Silver Tea I Sets, Berry Dishes, Butter Dish- l es, Pickle Csstors. Sslsd Bowls , and Servers. Bake Dishes, Card Receivers. Bread Trays, Cake Baskets. Bon Bott Dishes, Esp- kin Rings. Carving Sets, Pie 1 Sets, Nut Sets, Berry Spoons. ', Ment Forks, Pie Servers. Knives , and Forks in isncy cases, Spoons The prim "It. tor South Grey Full Midsummer Millinery SALE Crowds visit the showrooms daily since the beginning of the sale and we we confident we are giving good bugsins by the great number of ssles made. We are selling " many lists now as we did in the busiest of the season. We still have over 300 of nice hats made in correct style and of the finest of msterisls. We went to dispose of these hats and the price isvery low. Come sud nuke your choice while selections Ire st their CHAS annex. PM“ m an. R I B. I The June Weddings all sins. We have just opened up a huge assortment of Jap China which makes beautiful wedding pm- entts. of China Dinner and Tea Beta, everything thatis new in Toilet Sets, and the Ingest stock of odd piece china in Durham. 00m Wtttt the tttMit the 1"th!itii,f,tltti'fu"4tte u mama th as. , Q i. B. Keeler & Sons The price "ushers. Secure I Prue List 1thtce,tttlttgz, STILL BOOMING Miss Dick $5,000,000. ly (t d

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