West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Jul 1907, p. 5

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'il W p er),), all- ap l Spring , 5T..TCl. 13be L S?: TIt' v'j,1'e8%At!Erh' mu. tB1tl 'elhlre ELM” 51,3; London, Sept. 6 to 14, Sum] to the Secretary for Prize Lists, Programmes and information W. J. REID, President. A. M. HUNT, ikeretary Tho Exhibition the People all Like to Attend l:l".l)l'CED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS T he Down Town Shoe Store 1.50 line while heel rod 1.40 lino lather heel t 1.25 line " , Western Fair trom either town or We have only a limited WANTED DARLINGS, The People's Druggists Toilet Waters 'gi,2,t,id"lt For {hose White Shoes Talcum Powders JULY M, 1907 Exhibitors and visitors find it profitable to go. KNABENSHUES AIRSHIP daily and a (full list of Attractions. with plenty of Music. Fireworks after programme each evening. concluding with that grand display, "THE SIEGE OF GIBRALTAR." DARLING’S DRUG STORE . =» """ “‘"“ t""i, -. - Miuco' and Children's are ',, loathe: heel " i'. 13,3 also reduced in price. Be wise 1nd get I pair while your size is in stock. WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS er Darling's Cream of Witchazel for Sunburn Some Summer Specialties country to carry away the balance of our number in ladies' sizes 2; to Gg. Our 't A'il 1iee',tytd,c.hi1dtett's are .-.att absolute necessity in hot wea- 5 ther--- Coltrate'a, Taylor's Valley Violet, Menneu's, Sanitol. Violet, Race, Colgate's, Dactyls and Cashmere Bouquet. A Number of Ladies J. S. Mcllraith Blanca an d Pipe Clay MeMillatr--Weir-TUt Goo Patterson be raid to 62.75 being half coat budding culvert " lownhne G & A, Carried Weir-Haut-Tut accounts for re- pain of grader be paid " follows; Ham. Allan charpening blade, 02.50 James Hustle. repuirs, 50 Kelly a Bausley. repair: .66 The council met July 13. pursuant to adiottrntnent, all the members present, the new in the chair. Minutes afloat meeting read and eont'1rmed, Several eommuuitusttoms,grtwel and other ac- counts we: read. Messrs Doherty and Armstrong, the engineers of the Walker- ton and Lucknow railway company waited on the council and produced plans and profiles showing the route of the road along the second con south and the new med now being built in line thereof explaining " the some time that the presentlocstion of the new road was the only one now possible for them to give, _.Curied. Weir-Haut-That this ccnucil in. struct the clerk to inform the council of Holland that we are agreeable to settle with Mr John Bell providod he will set- do for n reuonalle sum and choc the council of Holland nppoint I time and pluce to meet and nrnnge n -ttltrmeett with Mr. Bell. Carried Hunt-Weir-That n cheque be Utmed in [not of I B Lucas for 025 to pay for deviation zeros. Herb Ewm’l tum. being half cost ot procuring clear titla to that donation. Cnrriod Weir-asian-...-') gravel ac- counts be paid as follows; Alexander McEachern 84.86 Thomas Long h 3.55 W H Patterson 285 Joseph Atkinson 6.70 James Lediughnm 8.75 James Wilson 2.40 Wan Weir _ 5,00 Thou Timmons 6,00 Malcolm Black 8.00 William Nelson 4.oo John Gray 3.20 Donald McArthur 4.9o 122,092, an increase of $.?.,064,"39i, over the corresponding pernod of last y efr. - It must be observed in this connec- tion that the average duties under the new tariff are less than under the old, and yet the receipts are the largest in the history ot the country. What argu- ment can be advanced to turn out of power a government which is so con- ducting the affairs of the country as to accomplish these desirable results? The people " Canada will seek a continuance ot tho prosperity which they now enjoy as a result oi Liberal policy. 1906. The total revenue for the month from this source wasit'5,32l,444. For the first three months of the cur. arty,t,,ti_ssal year, the revenue was $15,- The customs revenue of the Domin- ion for the month of Jane shows an ingrgasegf 8I,2:?.9,03.?. over June of tstatesmnnship ofa high order has brought, Canada. to her present enyi. able position as the brightest star in the constellation of the colonies. Sir Wilfred will call for the servmes of such men as will enable him to contin- ue the policy which has raised Canada. from the position of an obscure colony to the dignity of an embryo nation. --Bir Wilfred Laurier enjoys in a marked degree the confidence of the people of Canada. Since he asmmed power in 1896, he has surrounded him- self with colleagues selected from the tiower of the Liberal party. It is not unlikely that once more he may find it expedient to call to his assistance able men of the party. It will be found that his aelectinn will be wise and in the interest of the countrynt large. Canada demands the services of her best men and from the Liberal partr a selection can bu made to till accepta rly any oft1ce in the gift of Govevthneni. - .,.“_._.....v- .r.... runny ""'B"ert is a fiaiint and rspicuons public speaker, and last w, not least," is ot irreproachablc character and replica. tion. We beg leave to nominate Mr. 1ll1g without asking his permission.' - oat. -Ptemier Laurier is home from his trip to the old land and royalty itself could not have been welcomed more warmly than he has been " Quebec, Montreal and Ottawa. The welcome has been general, nothing partizsn about it, and is a tribute to the ability aud fairness he displayed in his duties at the Colonial Confer.. ence. His head sits level on his "shoulders or it would be turned by ‘the honors. We rise to second the following motion of the Mt Forest Confederate . The Toronto News has been busv " Cabinet Taking tor Sir Wilfrid. It has nominated Hon. G. P. Graham. William Lyon McKenzie King. dep- uty minister of labor and Mr. P. in ‘ Pardee for any nortiolios that may be vacant. The Confederate would in Vite consideration to Mr H H Miller, ot South Grey, as a potential minister. He has many qualities that tit him for a position of such responsibility. He isa first class business man, has a wide acquaintance with public affairs, is a fiaisnt and tstritnittnons, nnhlin must-Milan-That the Rowe be --Theiearm1 tragedv in London, Oct. caused by the collapse of a building. weakened by structural alterations, malted in seven deaths and twice as many injured. There will he a seerching investigation to " the blame. A thrilling sight was the heroic work done by rescuers to save imprisoned victims. Topics of the Week Bounding Revenues. Glenelg Council. Total Total 047.70 0365 84.85 8.56 2 85 6.70 2.76 2.40 5,00 lhoo 3.00 4.oo 3.20 4.90 A few years ago. before wheat-grow. ing in the Great West had reached anything like its present. proportions, Ontario farmers carted their own wheat to the nearest mill, and during the grinding talked politics with their nieghhors till the time lo return con- tentedly with feed or flour for home use. It at that time some soothsayer had predicted that in some sections of the province wheat growing would be abandoned on account of Wegtern competition. and that tarmers would refuse to accept flour made from their own wheat when Manitoba flour was available. they would haveirrniled pity ingly on the poor deluded pessimist. But this decline In the market is exactly what MS happened to the Ontario farmer. Millers are now able to run only eignt or ten hours a day. With the result that feed costs nearly double what it did in the days before the Western competition had cut into the market. It is safe to assert that during the last twenty years farmers of Ontario have lost mil ions through the decline in the demand for Ontario flour in this province. While here in Ontario, Western flour has trained an enviable ascendancy, enterprising Ontario millers have been able to compete successful" with Western flour In the Maritime Pto. vtnces. where Ontario blended tloam have captured the market. Enough Western wheat is added to the btely thwored, nourishing Ontario wheat to bring up the percentage of gluten to the proper strength, and now, eyen in Ontario the most tttg, loaf sold by theme-t Brat o bakers is made ot paid NI for committee work on Ewarl's devia'ion. Carried Weir-Mori-That this council agrees to have a. joint meeting with the council of Artomesia at Priceville at 4 p m on b‘uurday. the 20th of July, re the closing of a: portion of the townliue between Glenelg and Arteniesiu and that the clerk notify the clerk ot Arte- mesin to that ofieet. Carried Weir-. Hunt-Tbat this council up. proves of the Walkerton and Lucknow routes through the township of Glenelg, as shown to us on plans and prohltrs this 13th day of July, 1907 and that the Reeve and clerk are booby instructed to Sign their names on such plans in approval thereof. Carried Black-Hunt-That the Reeve, Mr, Weir and J A McMillan ho a committee to inspect the new road now being con- structed by the Walkerton and Lucknow Rhilway Co and report at next meeting of council. Curried of couticil. - Curried . Further cheques were issued as follows Tuna Davis. lumber and work on bridge, lot 6 con 3. $9; Wm Boyle filling wash- out. lot a. con 12. " Council adjourned to Angnet lo " lo a m. J. S. BLACK, Clerk Oar Furniture Sale is still on. We are offering bargains such es were un- known in Durham up to the present time. We carry a full line of goods and all marked in plain tigares. " 1 ME 11 , "Y. " . . 20 off th", l SbR tbs“! "if2g,gg, Cash Dlscount Lenahan gf McIni Binder Twine, This is another of our leaders. It barns either Coal or Wood and is made in sizes to suit the smallest home or largest building. Call and get particulars of this wonderful furnace. If you are interested in this labor-saving, T he PANDORA RANGE is acknowledged by users to be the best Cooking Range on the market and by the %eneral. puIino to be the most extensively, known Encourage Ontario Wheat THE DUBH AM REVIEW a We have a. quantlsy of 1 inch Black Plplrlg which we will sell " a. bargain-while it lasts. We also carry a fall supply of National Portland Cement, Pure Paris Green, Bai1ders'%isp1ies of all kinds, Oils, Paints, &e. Cheaper Bran and Shorts If you are interested in any of the following lines. Give us a eail : we have other lines you may need: Screen Doors, Window Screens, Wire Fence Wire, Rubber Hose, Pipe Fittings 'ardware ------- .i----- Range iii cGaii. . T . Come and examine our Twine and we can assure _ wme, you you will be gMiaiied. We are agents for the Canadian Cordage Co. and also for the McCormack Harvester Co. The " SUNSHINE FURNACE " THE PANDORA RANGE FURNITURE SALE 2 yds long, Min wide. 2'4st long 80 In wide 3 y I long so in wide 31 yds long M in wide. 8 yd: long Min wide. ' yds tout " In wide. The Right Hon. Earl Grey, Governor General of Canada, will open the Unna- dian National Exhibition " Toronto on Tuesday. August 27. He will prob. ably he supported by a company of Im. Perial notables. including Lord Milner, formerly High Commissioner for South Africa; the Right Rev. Wilmington- lngram. Lord Bishop of London. Mr Daniel Morris, Governor of Barbadoes. Table Linen M in wide .. 68 in wide Bleached Tuble Linen, M in wide Floor Ollcloth lyd 1 " d. Smyrna. Bun acacia-cl; The 29th annual exhibition will be held in Toronto from Monday, Aug. 20, Preparation Day, to Monday, Sept. 9, Get-Away Day. Nearly "5,000 will be spent in premiums ands. similar-amount in attractions, while "50,000 worth of new buildings will for the fltmt time be opened to the public. Udieg' buck anon-n Undenkml 01.00 each " white Lawn Undenklnl 75c to " Inch Bee our Inner (may callus " Me --heins Bee our new Print: 5nd Drum Gingham Funellene blunt: hm n-n sin in w ~A ,,, - _ org"r"la"pr. THE BIG What has won the qnprejudiced ap- proval of the Eastern Provinces ought. Lobe well worth the attention of the Ontario farmers, whose interests are best served by doing all in their power to encourage the sale of Ontario wheat As the new fiouvs flnd their way into general use throughout the homes of Ontario, the wheat. market will im. prove, and swckmen may expect to secure bran and shorts at a more reasonable figure. Increased demand have a great deal to do in evening up the difference in prices between On- tario and M-mimba. whom. Ontario blended flour, and the public bone been quick to respond wherever the new bread ls put upon the market. as it is now shipped dmlv to a number of towns throughout, Ontario. Its nickel trimmings and its bold, massive carvings and castings, give it an elegant appearance. Come and examine it. and. Ceylon 'u-Mace and mixed a 25c 80e d Ate u lb. Pate Canadian Honey in me Jul. fuel-saving and money-saving range, call and examine it for yourself. In appearance as well as in usefulness it is un- surpassed. Canadian National Exhibition. LACE CURTAINS cIntosh. Wire Netting. Pipe Fittings, &c. M. urnlture . BEAN HE Calder". Block wide, Me " " SELLS .. 70e . pin ..00e . pr, 31.00: pr. .01.“)- pt. 25cnyd wetyd. 86e.rd manhunt or 'l'l2g?g,ffi',t ”new under the “tumble can no!" to the Insured. [mum in the but. If your immune “mm this nu, all on. or drop a end to The strongest punk Mutual Fire hum-we Co. in Ontario. A row without I Fur-Mel and Bitut retard for bone" etroru. L con-ed Ind infected by the Government; insures residence in term property upon the 15m known plum. ?. or l ttttP9y9ft policlee {and} on thepunun lllllillli, Bll “SWINE (lllllll© FARMERS’ CENTRAL f?'. ManlgN a MARIJMI. - manual. '/ri,if,h'd', " mm a. ”when Meantime! at. Indian unasham- Ionmuuun‘m badm- “may kd "ua "_-" ,","thuri 'it --' tibio io' tin-ii?“ P319291 mull- 190.19.0- Fos Imam- ably under 8i3000 I will sell 100 acres in Bentlnck. with good soil. brick veneer- ed and frame house, large frame bank barn, frame stables and pig stables good orchard. This is really a tsncrnce 1 have also a great lot of other pro'. bugger sale. and a MILLION DOL. LA ‘of MONEY to lend at very low rates. I COLLECT DEBTS. careful]? prepare all kinds of WRITINGS, tte l C. P. R. Tickets to all points WEST and sell OCEAN TICKETS. Every kindhof legitimate business amended Then I have a 100 ACRE well im. proved farm near Durham that! will sell VERY CHEAP or trade for other RITettt. If/t a gasp, For: consider- to. Every 'i'iriiiFirsviriirriiii "iiiiri"ii".. “Alw- ya p ompt, Never Negligent. ' I hnd 250 acres of Good Land above Durham. well improved, with very fine buildin s. advertised in the REVIEW for 3755). I can now sell at gzinlgood deal lean and IT’S A BAR. LOOK HERE, FARHER ; STINSON, The Baker 'i.s,-mr.,trmrea.t:s:e,ar...e.e.eie. Proven Stool Tracks Singer Sewing Inchlnes. Wilkerson Marble Works. The Bell Organ a Piano Co., Churn, and Washing lacuna. drantford, ttt'otskville,ilrsy Gnu-Inge; We are sole Agents in Duh-m tor the above well known 1,,epetty1r Binders, Mowers, Drills Harrow: Disc Cultivators, Mennre fEyteit Hey Rakes, Hey Lo are. e. Ted- dare, Massey-Hams Cram Sep'retors The llliatrfltrrg Go. Ogilvle’s “Royal Household” Keewatln " Five 'ttttttg"-.-" very best Keewatin make. A carload just, received. Clove: and Timothy and all var- ieties of Garden Seeds in n- bundance for Spring growing ls good Bread, well made and 't properly baked-the bread that .0. is made by Stinson. This is the t perfect bread-made of the best a flour, leavened and seasoned just a; right; thoroughly kneaded and g baked to perfection, it is easily i digested and it builds health and g strength for those who eat it. B. Give it a trial. E SEEDS FLOUR NEILlcCANIIL. Agent. Durhun McQueen & Morice Aty1tEo_rtrytpureiy gym! the [mung MATTHEWS & LATiMER WELD AND GARDEN. The Best Cure For Dyspepsia Highest grades only. ONT ARft5h ANCHNES TORONTO We're also Agents for The Hanover Conveyancr . MILLER, ' g 7' l as Q " and ' I hat q the a rest ust i 0 y,elit' lee sily Q 19d g l It, ti - Ker if D ‘: ' . ---' Rt IN NEW (llWllrllilll “canted Auctioneer tor the Co. of Grey. lulu mum.” attended to. um Womble en mi be left It his Implement Ware. 'alt': Me lunon‘s old land. or Al the Iran! cc. GEO. ti. K. MIDFORD JOHN CLARK D. JMcPHAIL 0tt1ee-AJaideru Block, Burl-mar. Solicitor In Supreme Cou Notary Public Commissioner to Money to Loon. ntru, over Gordon's Jewelry snore HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto University. graduate of Royal College of DenmISnr eons of Ontario. Room- Over J t J EUNTER‘S New Store Burlsten. Solicitors. Conveyance“ Money‘t: Loan. omce. McIntyre Block, over the Bank A. a. Much: K.c.l w. F D...- ARTHUR B. JACKSON HONOR GRADUATE Tommi l‘nivcmt all. lbw-l n..n..... 't_-. _. -. ks%TirGiG; "ii'G'aulll2ifl == mRo-luo use an neon Deanna-y in in In bunches. DURHAI. ONT. (Lower Tuwm W. C, PICKERING D. D s., L. th S Ute “Imam to Mttttetteid', (Imam. um Inc: to Kin-ppm (New York) Eu Rupiah. Tenn: modem. Arrangement; tot “la. n to antes. &c., man be made an the Review or tttse, Durham. It Uonupondenceuddnued there, or to Ceylon P. o., will be Hump“;- "tended to, Tel-u on application to After two you: in business tin Durham I thank been“ y the manv farmers and other: who have ("cred me with their trade end hue It't','"tt in ennouneing that I w I tn the have be" hevaplenure in meeting in more commodiou Tuners. ell my old friends end mm meal: new ones. Pmpcneu end tn dad. ing will continue to be my mom. Your- tor Maine-e Teacher of Singing BTUDi0-UPPEtt TOWN Individual (culling. Special-t- tentlon to tone production, 'uatttor0ou-Pieat" will” one: and was”: Oct. cm- and Geog - as, “not“ mu. Old Mttttae Oahu. OHIO: HOUR. F-li.. In 2-n p. I. t-e p. I TOIOIMIIO Com-Mioc- No. " Atom 18 host " J. G. BUTTON. M.D., C. M Insurance Agent. Money to Loan Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A non emu tin-acid business lrnnmcted Plum“ t and”. Omoo ”or J. m. Huston-'0 -......- t , to " A... lamina Bipg--uantston a, M " and Bella old Mm Auctioneers. or to C. BAIAGE, Du n- Ccylon bu Itclephoue olice. l to " 'N1t2Ptratgti M a Eye. thr, Ngue & Throat Altman GUN. H. D., Licensed Auctioneer tor 00. Urey .r. GRANT D. 0.5 notary Public, Commissioner. CON VEYANCER. "e. MACKAY d; DUNN, ME DICAL CARD OF THANKS TD=ttTus,au. IOU” ' J. P. TELFORD D. lcPHAlL. Ceylon P. 0 C. BAIAGE, Durham . IcLellan. DR. BURT Licensed the County of Gun: ttis SHE? over Post 061cc Owen Sound . F Dunn 00H I] il E1

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