West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Jul 1907, p. 8

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i b . Why-u"- _ NOTICE is hereby given :thet the Municipal Council of the township of Gleuelg will at e meeting to he held on S uni-day. the tenth day of August. 1907, at the hour of ten o'clock in the iorenoon at the Township Hall in the said town. :hip consider three several hymns for Um purposes following, namely : for Closing, stopping up. selling end eon- u-ying the (allowing portions of high- Sh eye respectively. namely ; FIRSTLY. A portion of Harvey St. IV, the village of Priceville. more per- i.unlerlv described es follows; Begin- ning at the interaction ot the northerly havts oeHarvey Street end the westerly limits of the towoehip line between the townships of Glenelg end Artemeeie l thence westerly slang the northerly lim. its ot Harvey Street e dietence of seven hundred end eighty-eight (488) feet to the " euterly limits ot the Village at Prieeville ; thence southerly elong the westerly lim- its of the when of Priceulle, n distence of thirty-five (35) feet ; thenee northeest- rrly on e streight line whose course is north seventy nine degrees thirty three minutes eest (N W' " E) e distence of three hundred end twelve (812) feet; thence southerly end " right englee to the lest described line. e distenee ot " tean (15) feet ; thence northeeiterly on e stritght line, whose course is north sev- enty nine degrees thirty three minutes that tN. 79" 88' E.) e distance of four hundred end seventyeix (476)1eet; to the weeterly limits of the town line be- tween Gleuele end t,ftttttttd pantherly; thence northerly the westerly limits of the town 500ng wetting e dietenee ct twenty ree (23) ieet to e point 01 hearing l seid treet of ' eonteining y are heno dredthe (o.55) eeree. more orless. iii Clothing ty Furnishings SECONDLY. A portion of Glen-lg Street in the village of Priceville, more partieularly described " hriloms; IU. giuninu It too interaction of tho eut- erly limits of Glonelg Siren Ind the ncrtherly limits of Envoy Stun l thence nonhorly along the 'reatarlr limit. oi Glenda S: I ill-nee of on. hundred and eighty nine (189) foot ; than. loath- wootetly on a “night hno who“ can". in and: - mu m nun,- - with was. (8. w. 'r W.) I dis- 'ift " THE REGENT AND PICADILLY BRAND" 'itiiiiar tll Lawns, Muslins g] iii Boots and Shoes inlt' "Imam-hi Shun" in Ill a? Corporation of the TOWNSHIP OF GLENELG. OVERALLS Here is where they are trom-ttse styles are correct The fit perfect and the materials ot tin best value. pleasure in showing you through our high class stock and consider it a favor rather than a trouble to do so. All Watches and Jewellry for Repairs has personal attention. . G. A WEBSTER Watch maker, THE PEOPLE'S STORE Our Stock of RINGS and BROOCHBS of all kinds could never be better than at the present tirpe, - We takg greet ROBERT BURNETT gr; IAMOND HALL 'or h, Wedding Season.' Fall in line and use the Best Clothing. This depenmenc is duty: I buy place in our stores We carry everything in the Gem’s line. Here is the place to buy overalls. unlocks. working shirts, Pam... and shoes tor the working man. Our muslin department is tllled with the newest in Whites and colored muslin. Also a lull stock of lawns, linens and musline. "Imperial Shoe." is what you ought to wear if you want ease comfort. style 3nd wear. A tall line always on hand in Patent, Kid. Dongola and Canvas. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. READY Til WEAR wn Our Stock is now complete in all lines connected with the Jewellery trade such as the following: Watches, Clocks, Rings, Brooches, Silverware. Jeweller All persom'iutererstesd or who-e lands any or might be prejudicinlly stteeted by such proposed lay-lure or any of them no required to "tend " the said meeting, when they will be bend In pemn or by counsel or solicitor with reference thereto upon petitioning to be Io heard. Dated this 18th dar at Jane A. D. 1907. l . B. Due: Clerk, Tomhip Glenda THIRDLY. (Subject to a similar by-luw being passed by the municipal council of the Township of Artemesia and subject to the provisions of the Municipal Act.) A portion of the town line between the township: ot Glenelg and Artemesm. more particularly ne- ecribed an follows: Beginning at the in. tersection of the easterly limits of the townehip line between Glenelg and Arte. mania and the northerly limits of ILsr. vey street in the yilllge of Priceville; thence northerly along the easterly limits of the township line between Glenelg and Artemeeia a distance of two hundred and three (203) feet; thence south westerly on n atrnigbt hue whose course in eouth seventy-nine degrees thirty-three minutes West (S. 79° M W.) a diet-nee of eixty-six (66) feet to the wetsterrlylimita of the township line between Glenelg and Artemesie , thenee southerly along the weeterl lim. its at the town line between Glenda and Artemeeie e distance of two hun. dred and tWenty five (225) feet ; thence north easterly on n atlnight line whose course in north Seven ty-nine degreee thirty-three min- utes out (N. 79' " E.) a distance of eixty-eix (66) 1trett to the utterly lunita of the town line between the township: ot Glenelx end Artemeein; thence northerly along the euterly hunt- of theuid town hue e dietenee ot twenty two(22) teeth the point of beginning. aid tract of lend eontuning thirty-tour hrTilredtU (0,84) eeree. more or lees. tence oleixty JTr) feet to the Westerly limits of Glenelg Street l thence souther- ly along the westerly limits of Glenelg Streets distance of one hundred and 'rightreight(i88) leet to the northerly limits of Harvey Street ; thence easterly along the northerly limits of Harvey Street produced easterly a distance of sixty six (66) feet to the point of begin- ning; eaid tract of land coutnining twen- tvoeinht hundredtbe (0.28) Acres. more or less. Optician REL"! . "1&9'. "tRi, 1r1qrllilrre EM: and Mrs Morioek are holidaying in Wiarton forafew weeks. Mrs Jake Kress returned Saturday from a two week‘s visit to Buffalo, St. Untherines and Toronto ft iends. Mina Olive Welsh. Cleveland. in a guest ot Miss Rona Brooker tor a few weeks. Mrs. Fisher of Vancouver B. C. is a guest of her mother. Mrs Meredith at present. MARRIED comsauDmr.-rtsAAc--1n Mt Forest. 24 July, 1907, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. Jae H. Coleridge Dromore, to Miss Mary A., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas Isaac. DIED. WILSON -In Glenelg. Lambton St... on 17th J uly, 1907, Rachael Wilson, he- loved wife of John Wilson, aged 87 years, 11 mos. [Intermenttook place Friday 19th inst to Maplewood cent. eteryJ Miss Llowyn Moran leaves this Thursday morning for Winnipeg to till n lucrative position, MCARTHUR,--At Bunessan on 28th of June to Mr. and Mrs. Dan McArthur a son. McAwrHUm-.At Bunesun on 13th of Julv to Mr. and Mrs. A. B, McArthur The trustees of anlewood cemetery Barbers Cornel's. Noemanh ' wish to intimate to all concerned the necess- ity ot a step being taken to improve the look of the cemetery. This can be done by having leaning end pros- trate stones placed upright, and plots leveled up and improved. Parties at a distance wishing to get this work done should ',"aetg','t",t, once with the undersigned, t ose near by are requested to attend to this matter at once themselves or trustees will be compelled to remove many of the stones. Mr and Miss Sinclair and Kiss Dixon of Dromore, Visited Mr. and Mrs John Snell Saturday. Staff Captain Me0illivray of Lon- don. spent the week's end with his friends here, also his two children. Mrs. E. T. McUlocklin and daughter Miss May. are visiting relatives in Detroit. Mrs and lies Parker of Toronto are guests at present of the farmer‘s niece Mrs Arthur Gun. Miss Matthews of Upper' Town vis- ited old friends and neighbors on the 2nd com, Glen. last week, Miss Lauretta Peel left \thnesday morning to visit her aunts at Des- omnto and other parts for n m mth. Miss Margaret Milan, Rochester, N.Y. i4 visiting her grandmother, Mrs J. W. Scott. Upper Town, for a few weeks. Review to Jan. lSt--356 Mrs Picken tir., Mrs Pettigrew Sn, and daughter Mrs Con Kreller return- ed Tuesday from a two weekU visit. with relatives in Pt Huron and Bad Axe, Mich. Mr. Chas McKinnon sale on Satur- day last mm fairly successful. Mr. McKinnon and family intend leaving Monday next for their new home in Port Arthur. Mr and Mrs H Johns have after some years residence here engaged in the Cream Separator returned to Guelph. Miss Maude Patterson, Wiarton, is on A two week's visit to her relatives, the Kinnee's and other town friends Mrs Peter Nichol and daughter Agnes left Wed. morning to spend some weeks with Owen Sound friends. July l, 1907. 8t Mr. T. A. Harris. Customs' kJffieer, paid a brief visit to his home last week. His duties now take him to Buffalo. Mr T. B Scott. has purchased the farm of Mr Wm Young near Roh Rrb. and the la'ter will shortly take up residence in Durham. Mr Wm Laidlaw xetumed tram ou. ifornia last week where he was en- gaged in working up the new cement plant about about to be established there. a" tltegl','tMit'e was? iit 6 9:22:01" you I u e n e - , a Germ!“ E. Toronto. The ttriedt Schooii in Canada. Writ. tor Menu". ( I r te Telegraphy te,eri,tt,tut,gi, ring from iiiriii to 8150.000 per Innum in runny service. You flu? mus-.5001! enema! in 6 Pomwl W. B. SHAW, Pia. T.J.JOKNSTON, Pun II tion. may Notice BORN, Wu GRANT, fan Varney P. . THE DURHAM REVIEW {Clerk of the unanimity of All materials Ga as timber, brick, stun“, &c in cases thr the buildings cannot he moved, are a so offered for sale. Dated June 4, 1907. Apgly to Notice is hereby giv that 1 have transmitted or delivere to the persons mentioned in sections and 9 of the Ontario Voters' Lists ct the copies required by said sections o be so trans. mitted or delivered ot th list, made pursuant to said Act, of a 1 persons ap- pearing by the last reuse assessment roll of the said munusip " of Dar. hem. to be entitled to trot in the said municipality at election for mem- bers of the Legislative As mhir and at municipal elections as that the said list was first posted p at my omce on the 22nd air of " . 1907 and remains there tor inspectio ' The bride wns beautifully attired in cream-colored eolienne voile. trimmed with all-over lace and satin. She carried A boquet of bridal roses and worn a solid gold mind. a gift of the groom. Her going away suit was made of shaded silt. tnunne with applique, with hat to match. Congratulations over. a bountiful wedding dinner was partaken of, the piece de resistance being a handsome 4storey bride's cake, mode by the bride and her Sister. Mr Hanna at the close otrerettatoaat to the btado, expressive of he high appreciation of her and wishing both prosperity and a happy life, to which the groom ap- r','pe,,",ii"t,t replied. A toast was also offeredto oat and hostess for there welcome and their good cheer. Guests from a distance were Miss S. A Uoleridge, Rainham Centre; Dr. & Mrs. Dixon. Chicago; Mr. and Mrs, H. Baird. Markdale; Miss Viola Fergus- on. Attwood ., Mr, Wm. Isaac. Owen Sound l Mr and Mrs. U. Ramage, Dur- ham and otherrelnlives hom Dromore A number of inprovements have been made in the grounds and build. ings thie year for the comfort and conveni-nce of exhibitors and visitmr. The Plize Let has leen carefully revised and added to. Knahenehne‘a Airship will make ascensions daily. The Ihu1kmsuuSchiller troupe and the Ernesto Sisters will thrill those who see them with their daring acts. White & Lenin-t and the Les Arihoa will in. struct and amuse. and with music by the best available bands and the grand uisplav cf Fireworks each evening followed by that Pyrotechnicnl display "The Siege of Gibraltar," Will make one of the best omgmumes ever pre- sented to the public at any prevwns Western Fair. Remember the dues, Sept. 6th to 14 th. Reduced rate on all railroads. Write the Secretary. Western Fair Offtce, London, for all particulars " to space, prize lists. progmnmes, eta, and make your entries early. Lot 27, 28, Con IS. D, It. Glenelg. 86 nerve cleared, acres hush. Well watered. Good B " House. Frame, Bank Barn (47mm. inlile from pro- posed station vn ne u. P. It. Line. Covenio-nt m-School nd P. o, Fur. ther particulate apply n the premises. The undersigned fters for sales number of houses nd outbuildings along the line of rig t of way of the Walkerton and Luck ow Railway, in the Town of Durham. A _ These buildings mum at an enzlg date, in o: lintpf rig tyf way: Electors are called upon I examine the and list 3nd If any a i unions or now other errors are found rein to take immediate proceeding have the said errors corrected M. ing to m. train for various points south, a- mid good wishes and showers of rice and confetti. The presents were of a costly and useful character which be. tokened the high estimation in which the bride is held. A much appreciated remembrance was that from the pup- pils of No. 13, Egremont, where the groom has taught for over 7 yearel: a handsome marble plum-ed clock. with triumphant figure aurmounting. The Review extends hearty good wishes to the ywung couple on their union. . the Western Fair, London. Ont., promises this year to eclipse all pre~ vious records. As this year is the tthh Exhibition without a break the mun- agement are anxious that it should be a. great success. Entries are already coming in quite fast and considerable space htls been allotted in the different buildings. PROPERTIE Dated this 22nd day of J my. W. B. Wy, ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Clerk’s Notice M Posting. Western Fair, London. Farm for bale. urlml ippiy n the premises JOHN Mo “THUR. Prop. iRTlE FOR SALE lemigned Rem for sales f houses nd puthcildJtttrs HYMENEAL. FOR SALE be removed at er to clear the Min Esther Wilkinson is brighten- ing the old home spin. Mn T. Allen end Min Edith 1eit Thuredey morning tor e visit with the former', mother " the Son. Mr Rich. Allen spent a couple of days in Owen Sound the letter end ot the week. Menu C). T. Lesson and Alb. Me. Clinton Are busy putting up buy track: for the Massey-Harris Co. done (no. - vi. i. two-n. and“. Mr. John Kerr’s barn ndditlon was raised Inst Saturday afternoon._ Mr. Kerr has now ample accomodmon for his lugs stock. Mr Walter Dunn has purcbued the house and lot from Mr: Fox of your town and will move there m u couple of weeks. Mr D, is having a sale of farm implements. stock :10 today. Tuesday. Miss Margaret Lesson is spending , few weeks with Grand Valley cous- ms. Mr Robt Ledingham had a piece erected to his barn recently. Charles Shewell and Robt McCaslin being captuins, Charlie being the winner. Try it again Charlie. A school nun-mu "a than the ordinary “Hawaiian. It psynyogetm In“. on- Mum Mnudie Burnet is visiting the Wilkinson mi Blythe children. Miss Maggie McAnully is assisting Mrs McClinton for a time. Our mill has been shut down this last while owing to a break but they expect to have it going soon again. Mr Alex Campbell had a bee one day last week cutting wood with the sawing machine. Mr George Harvey erected a large barn lam; week, D. McDonald and J. McDonnell were the captains. The tormer being the winner, We wish at; Harvey success with his new rn. Mr C. Shewell took a trip to Bay- vnrd's Falls lately. Was there an excursion Charlie? Mr Albert Mink, of Kineharst, visited his sister Mrs Tom Shewell for the last of the week. I think he has more attraction than his sister there. Cellagain Ab. Miss Lizzie Allen arrived at the old home Wednesday. Mrs Wm, Fame]! returned to her home in Toronto Saturday. Mr Editor-lt is a long tune since you got any news from our burg so 1 thoughtI would write you a little of what is going on in our vicinity. Collars and Ties Gloves and Hose Bats, Caps, Shoes. and much more we can't tell you of this week. All our experience at your service. Call and see us. With . full "att ulcllown : J. H. Ban-noun. B. A. Spechlm In Chutes. Subjects. --utin, French sud English. T. B. Stem. B, A. 8peqinlist in Mancunian. Bubleets,-3atheniatlos sud drawing. G. A. Cum. m Prat. all ' Geogn h ' Science sud Commerclnl. wry p y Candlduel pxepued for tll grade: at member's ttertitieat" 3nd to: pun Ind hono: mateittttlatiom Tttli itgtortnBtitttt given on ammo-non to the underlined. Miss Kennv, of Glenelg. has been visiting the Shewell family tor the In: couple of weeks. liar! New! New! We beg to announce to the people of Durham and vicin- ity that we haye opened up in A full line of Fashionable Furnishings for men and boys All the very latest in Tues., Sept. 3rd, '07 Fall term opens Sept. 3 Immou a M Mt. Forest High School R.1.. Count. Gents' Furnishings . C. NICHOL'S STORE John H. Rose TORONTO. 0111'. Cor. Yonce a Meander an WILL Bit-OPEN ON Vamey. Welbeck. qi.---- M. O. Incas-non. Secret"! Intending student: would enter a the begin- ning of the term If poulble. Bond on be otr tained " fawn-Me tubes. Durham 1: a balmy 3nd banal" town, muting it I no" dumb]. plwe tor residence. FEES: 01 per month in Minna. 1tj,kd,tgit,tg; cormsiemia1 1N; -urTtirGai?i.' mac-pen ence. Penmuuhip. ete. shonhtnd tnd.tyi?.ewrltimt tnd mrmwrgyprk: Worthy and typewnun Ind menu-wry work. Worthy undenu milk?! to pos§yiops.__ ffrlte tor .11qu Steer and Equlpmont. The school is thoroughly equgxped in teaching ability. In chemlcol ond elect cal supplies on tittittV, ae., tor full Junior Leaving ond 'atrir, umlon work. The (allowing competent and no In clause t Wm. "totAon,Br., G. Rama... Churn-n. Sech Commence' on September 2nd, 1907. Three thorough and pnctiml courses ot study First elm equ pment. Vp to date methods of instruction. Students tieen sgecinl nuisance yet. We tench busirteys. try jean {Handing announcement. TWM. ALLAN, m Clu- Cenineue, Principal MISS LOLA MCLEOD, B. A. Honor Grimace of Queen'l University. Chum. Modern: Ind English. X188 M. B. HOLLAND 'tgst Clan Cemncue and third you undergraduate of Queen's Univenla'. Science, Mary And Geography. Durham School T'HE BIG STORE OUR July Clearance Sale Has proved worthy of the name to all con- cerned. It has helped us to dispose of our Bum-- mer goods and has also helped our customers to a very neat saving. In many things we hare made a further out so tt proves we are unmerciful as price cutters. We are bound to make a regular clean-up on all our summer goods. Come and look through the goods that are displayed on tables and counters. See the prices and we'll trust to your own good judgment. FALL TERM at the "rsttttRTttEtttM/)p The best grade of MACHINE OIL and the best FINDER TWINE we could get-the "DEERING" Twine in three grades. The name is quite reliable. Binder Whips in right quality and lengths. Highest prices for Farm Produce. Harvest time has arrived and harvest supplies will be required. No doubt you will need something in the list such as hay forks, hay rakes, scythes, snaths, pullies, whet stones, harvest glories - all these articles at reduced prices. It will pay you to come to see how reasonable we' are on harvest supplies The Triumph of the Time! "ales-it-ati-ia-air-ada-rua-. nealitakeatatu.nga,. w.K.GEatt, L 0. can $400,000 In New Bulldlnds $400,000 In Premiums 343.000 In Prenumns $40,000 In Special Attractions $40,000 htetnu..Astiytr N.eitxtalemitneieal “mugs. 'gtGMtgtat Am, N,titxtGdHietoeieal AIM'oBe-tin Exemlifud Pom-i Cobain Adah” and hAn FINEST OF THE WORLD'S BANDS “GNIFICENT BATTLE SPmACLE UNRIVALLED ENTERTAINMENT mTURES Olin; Country's 1907 ALEX. RUSSELL Owen Sound, Ont. Now for a Final Effort For Five Days CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION TORONTO Ambrat 26th to September ttth e. -k.lLEifftiii Hardware Principal The olden 3nd mount! business school' All {genius on of the hen. mum-mu receive expert tmstmctiott and [muon- sttentlon and the -istod to mutton! R'" tor analogue ot this live upm-dnt. o a. T. M. WATSON. Principe Open year 1tewl.z)in_ttr, any tirtte T We Bre having an upholm-r- er the first week in every month. Anyone: wishing old goods rum. valet! to look good anew should advise tttF-WP will be pleased bo attend to it at. once. KRESS, Has a. full lme of Curtain Poles, Window Shades. Picture Fnuues Frames to order of all kinds. ‘door Bottt h Post oft1ce 1.0. ORR. “and!“ ' mum BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE C.A. Bldg,, You: a [will cu 1080870 “kin Calls {or Underarm; my]: amended to. JULY M, 1907 thy Com-v3 Undertaker 1907 Illl KBBSS 'nnclpl a; / Ill . lit Odd lines and I d Lilies' Swias I van worth upw Ouch. On sale It dies' vests, and 150-0: of these--: Udies' Ct mu. ribbed price $1,75, $1.25 per sui Special long sil “In "NF ends, a per yd on s Bargains in Annu l0 cgNT BAR» Interestin it White s I. ll. ll()(llilfll mm. To U. B. Sense PM [Aw we chute £1.50 per for the Review the United Sum ab. expire this a swan. kindly u now during July VOL. Underwea Be sure and l) genuine bargu' u not strictly? are: for all to Odd line 339635-51 Anoth IMPO Ladies' Miles ot l Dress Women [motel bathed Filling d the B. & waist lia Liter dun thit The Ion der. The: able my tt Oblh A fun IVE ng 58

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