West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Aug 1907, p. 4

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F I E bd ggxgmmmmmzmxmmmxég Then we should like to burn into your brain the fact that for $15 you can get all the style and as perfect afit ascan be pat into a tmit-as much as if you paid $28. Of course the cloth is not so fine, nor the trimmings so luxurious, but every other way the $15 suit is identical with the highest cost clothing. JUST AmtrvED--some Choice Read y Made Suits Wool Wanted These Coats are just the thing for the cool evenings for early Fall wear. They are the most useful coat a man can buy. They serve you " Spring or Fall Overcoat and a Waterproof as well. We are showing a large assort- ment olthem from...].. ...... ...... 7.50 to 12.00 Is $15 pi "S. F. MORLOCK M0RL0CK'S pattems If you do not wear Progress Brand Clothing, examine our large Mock of Men's Boys' and Children', Suits and you will find that they have a snap and ater about them that are superior to most of ready-made Cloth. ing. They are made from all wool tweed: and Wor- steds of the verv latest Progress Brand Cloihing is sold where the very latGt Sole Agents for Progress Brand your price for a Suit? en s Raincoats J. A. Glass, ‘en’s Suits . Flarity , PROGRESS BRAND CLOTHING ' Manager Ef Cutte A young crow entered our village on Snnduy and two of our smart young men undertook to catch it after chain: it through the people’s garden- andjumping on wiretenoes toget out. They append not to ine aunday School picnic here wuss. success, the children, parents and teachers turning out well and eVerybod y enjoyed themselves. The Rev Mr Mclnnee. the pastor. was the busiest one sttere. The da was tine and all were well pleasedy with the day's outing. In the evening: foot.. ball match was pl?” mean Swinton Perk and entry teams. Yentry not having much practice end most of their member: being new men Swinton Park team won by three goals. nus Town me vote stood we under- stand a tie and the chairman gave the casting vote in favor ot closing that part south at the railroad track to the old Durham Road. Whither this action is going to be a benefit to he public in general time will tell. A meeting of those interested in the closing of the bowulincl between Glenelg and Artemea‘s was held Fri- day nightlast in Union Hall. In this town the vote mood we under- Mrs. Smart (nee Annie It McKech- nie) and family are visiting at Mrs. Smart's mother, Mrs McKechnie ot this town tor some time back. A Rev Mr - preached in the Presbyterian church last Sunday. His discourse was very earnest. He was substitute for Rev Gilchrist that was appointed to till the pulpitfor two Sundays. Mr and Mrs John A. Graham and family of Durham visited at Mr. Graham’s father over Saturday and part ot'Sundav and attended the dif- terent churches in town on Sunday. Miss Bertha McIntyre is home again after spending a few weeks enjoying herself in Toronto. Bertha is quite a singer and good organist. Mr. Neil McPhee ot'Collingwood is spending the summer with his neph- ew, Mr. John Mekeehnie, D Road, Glenelg. Mr McPhee was one ofthe old residenters of Glenelz. Mr Berry, the new paazor of Meth. odist church takes well being an elderly man his long experience at the work enabling him to preach good sermons. Some we.re predicting frost on Thursday night ot this week bat did not note any harm if there was any. A Dr Brown preached in the BAP. tist church Sunday before last. He is missionary agent for the church. Angus McKechnie got his barn moved and nearly finished. The rallroaders did the job. Misses Minnie and Maggie Simp- son are visiting at the old home In this place at present. The Sunday School Some of the Walker lamily, Torm- to are up yet visiting friends at Price- ville and Ceylon. _ The Presbyterian church here hes a fine appearance since the improve- ments made lately by putting new platform, steps and painting ete, to the amount ot 3100. A boyish young man, Mr Buckingham preached 'Sun- day before last: however he hand- led his texts all right. Pastures are getting very dry and fat cattle don't improve mach at present. Everything in getting dry in Price- ville-the Saugeen is very low bat the town is favored by having good supply of spring water. Malcolm Melanie is always on the lookout tor hogs, lambs ete, for which he pays good prices. We admire Mr. Coehramm letters and as he has lots oftime at his dir posal he will keep at giving us some- thing about "ye olden times , as often as he can. Hector McDonald writes from Pine Grove. Montana, stating that heavy floods were there some three Weeks ago. One sheep owner had 2000 sheep drowned and another 1500. Mrs MOGill of Hamilton (nee Mary McPhail) and children are visiting at Mrs Gillies' sister. Mrs Donald Me. Dougall of Top Cliffe. Mrs McDoug- all was one of Top Cliife's old school teachers years ago. The bridge on the railroad in this town is up and will be completed shortly. The track from the east is getting in good shajpe and some an- tieipaiions are ms e that the train will be in running order toPrieevilhs at least toaeeomodate visitors to the World's Fair to be held in Prioeville on the 3rd and 4th October next. Foreman Bartly is now numbered amongst the wise ot the East as he has moved his gang up in that dir- ection further than heretofore. Cars are still at work on Colin McLean's h/ll-r-filling is getting more towards the level at bottom of hill. Head foreman M urchie and Davies are busy men attending to their duties be- tween Durham and Proton Station. _ Haying has fairly commenced. crop better than was expected some weeks ago. oats seem to be kind of a tail- nre as the most of the leaves in gen- eral are affected with some kind of a disease or other but may yet be bet- ter than expected. Phrly barley and gas are all right; also spring wheat. in is needed attain Boo-tttIle like to see it raining on the grain fields and sunshine on the mown grass. ----i.---.-..-,.. Hopeville. Priceville THE DURHAM REVIE‘ Island City. Part Prepared Paint: 3 are best for every purpose. Island City Floor Paints der ins hours. F03 SALE BY v will not Crack, Peel nor Chalk if properly applied. They an made in 60 different tints, and are absolutely the best mixed paints on the market. FOR SALE BY N.,G. & J. McKECHNIE Oar farmers are busy him; now, The crop is lighter than usual. Dr Jamieson, M, P. P, was through this part of the township lately and called on wine ot his friends. regard the damages they were doing to the gardens and lences. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Call in and let us explain to you the fine merits of this machine, whether you buy or not. . . S. HUNTER, Durham, 20 per cent below RegularPrice l Our . " rtr,iri,l,,jr, trt4" "i"'")'"""""""" ’f mt ' iiF:j?c" AM m,,,,,,ei) w”: " _ /'/n A W we!!! eat Choppers North Window for Island City P a i n t s SEE 3. lithe settler he: his permnnent reddence upon tarmin land owned by him in the vi. cinity of 1lGl.ttlgdgt the requirements In to residence may be satisfied by residence upon the said had. Six months' notice in writing should be given to the Cy.trttttissfdtier' at Dominion Inna. " Ottawa of intention to apply tor Intent. w. W, CORY. Deputy of the Minister ot tin Interior N, 1hzveyuttroruen publication of thin ad. vertisement will not be [lid for. ! Any even numbered section ot Dominion lands l in Monitohn. Saskatchewan. Bad Alberta, _b't'eg.t//ti.e,,ny 26, not reserved may be horned I stem ed by any person who in the sole ' of T a iumiiy. or any mule over is ym of NN ', to the extent of one quot-w: section of 160 Acres more i or less. [ Entry must be made personnllynt the bowl Land mike for the district in which the land is situate. Entrr hvnmvv m-.. :.A._w - 2 Iithchcher (or mother, if the {“309de of the homesteadir resides (um in t e vicinity oithe lend entered .requirlsmentiG to residence any be by 'll,",',) person residing with the in mot er. ......,. m...“ m: "nae personnliynt the bowl Land mike for the district in which the land is situate. Entry by proxy may. however. be nude on certain conditions by the fat her, mother. son, daughter, brother or sister of In intending home." steuder. The ttomesteader is required to {trial-m the {101“in conditions under one o the follow. ng p an: ; 1. At less: six months residence oultivatiott of the had In each yen yenrr Lot 27, 28, Con. 1 B. D. It. Glenelg. 85 Heres cleared, 7 acres bush. Well ] watered. Good Brick House. Frame, Bank Barn (45:00.) inlile from pro- 'p0sed station on new U. P. It. Line. 1(70venient to School and P. o. Fur. ( ther pm ticulars apply on the ptemisn. 1, JOHN McAu'nwn. Prop. The trustees are equipging the school with new blackboar ' library cabinet, cloak rooms. new windows, 1&0, and deserve credit for their enter- 1prise. Miss Alice Priel was visiting at Mr R. Durgavel's for a few days, The jubilee of Latons congregation on Sunday and Monday next over- shadows in importance all other news this week. Rev Dr Smith and Rev Jno Little will conduct Sunday ser- vices and a fine social re-anion is manned for Moods y evening. Every- d y come. Miss Skene. of File Hill, Sask, is Visiting her aunt, Miss May 8kene. Mrs Walter Dent of Toronto is via. igil‘ilg her parents, Mr and Mrs Thos e ' , Mr and Mrs Picard and son Harold of Barton, are visiting Mrs P's parents fur and Mrs R. Dargavel. Miss Kate McDonald. teacher, visi- ted B number of families in the neigh- borhood last week and was a guest of Mrs Jag Ledingbam. Mrs. Pinder, Arthur, and two child- ren, are visiting her brother Dr Smith. Mina Annie Livingstone, near Mark. dale. visited at Mr and Mrs Jas Led- ingham's. . Mrs Wilson is at present entertain. mg a lady cousin from Scotland. SYHOBSIS tf (hglg Itit-lftt Mr and Mrs J. B. Monkey. and two children Isbpeming, Mich. no visit- ing with lormer's cousin Mr Chu Mottley. l Mr Cameron McIntosh, Principal Perth Model Sch, is visiting relatives. HOMESTEAD REGU LATIONS Durham, Ont. Farm for Dale. Domoch. the latest 'r DURHAM. rennet upon . meted foi the by be “than: the father or 9pon :nd for three father in HARRY BURNETT Mkrt'a Faminher. - Darin: 1mm our stock of furnishings and Be- cure the beat and newest. New Shitts..75c up New Ties. . . ak up New Hats..l.50 up New Hosiery.25 up well suited for the “We! eluwhere. MENS FURNISHINGS JOHN CLARK The qualities Farmer: want. Wuhan Sewing Machines, Charm. to H ARVESTERS P heno-Chloro prevents Hog Cholera kills mange on hogs, kills lice. ticks mines and fleas; diairiieeta, clauses and purities. DEERING Order your can! early. We are receiving carioads nearly every week The majority of our customers know the quality ot Sherwin Williams randy mixed Puma for ailpnrposes bat we would like their neighborsw gen enlightened, Just toihtutd-ottr third shipment of hammocks wnich We area ering from 90 cents to $6 each. Who would be wtthout screen doom and window screens at the re- markably low prices we are offering them. Now is the time to buy a Lawn mower " the reduced pr ice: and n- tuch a. grass catcher to it. We have abundance of the sure she: Bag Killer and Paris Green. There is no binder twine manu- ttustured to equal the Plymouth, We also sell the lowest priced twine in the market. Examine our stock and beeonvineed. HARDWARE and Farm Machinery. JasR0olkco Easily put on, no wat- er to carry and gives you a better yield than you get by using any other preparation. PARKER' Potato Bug Killer Fertilized and Insecticide We sell utrictly pure Putin Green - no compound. Put up only by 333EIG'GI o"" Black Durham A "W PAIRS " BARGAIN BOOTS Infant: " oxtoiifi support may: uf)" 'tt 1utAtttro any: Tf pair of our HARVEST BEUCHEIS which will protect yuu from that" & stubble My"' t'ph,tlt I All at prices “f ouornt. t that 'ill nlnnn- “like WISE" (atrttt If"! ll st- um unkungngut sun 3mm i. Mchlt'ITitJIt, WV --- ‘Iv w~w WT Hr. bq Dong Bus 82 to 82.50 pr, 3 M, 2li.2t 34.1510:- pr__ PEEL, the Shoeman Look out for Locals slippers. ___-__ “fir ---Men't, canvas Outing Shoes leather soles. ---A lot of Men's Gaiters, shy weight, size 6. ---Womett 's Milking Oxfords. --r.chihhen's chocolate strap -..-Some Misses Ind Women's Dongola buttoned boots and Oxfords. dong Gong We Are For $1.00 It's a purely vegetable prepar- ation that acts directly on these organs, renewing and strength- ening them to healthy action. You‘ll feel better after the first Wacjar/ano 's M31203! ef Jbioer When you have dull head. achea, backache and feel gener- ally good tor nothing, it's time to take The Kidneys and Liver ere rally the sewerage system of the body no they are the organs that rid the body of nll impuri- ties. Without their aid the blood would soon become so inr pure that the heart's action would become impaired. 4Guuttutet4bittrtr and Ahseso at firant's now ready to do bus- iness with you We meet to our mutual advantage. (Our stock is new and at- tractive and our pric- es are low. Come and judge for your- selves. We are " ways pleased to show goods whether you bay or not. If you do not buy now you will again. Druggisu and Booksellers E? EGGS WANTED glam dGii,-Tiriiiriii, befarlane d Co. m n u 1 25:3ng Price; " cu. a box AUGUST I, 1907 Pitts All at [WINS that will please you II'I.' House men from $- k. _;);'.] Sp AUG/US Lo li' The E RED! from Wt WAN or LI

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